Love Me

By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Feb 27, 2000


Disclaimer: I dont know them! yes this is fiction. read dont read, send me feedback!

Thanks to all who have sent feedback! it means to so much that yall take the time to write to me, so keep it up! lol.

Chapter 3

Eric woke up the next morning groggy and disoriented. He remembered falling asleep on the floor, but as he looked around, he saw that he was in his bed. Eric got out of bed and stretched. He threw on some clothes and quickly packed. He walked out of his room and into a hard object, a body. He looked up and into a pair of crystal blue eyes.

" Hey, sorry, excuse me."

" No, I am. Are you alright? We all heard you crying last night."

" I'm a little better. Rubes and I got into a fight. Then I was crying and I think I fell asleep on the floor but I woke up in bed."

" Hmmm, I think I saw Curly near your door last night. We can ask him later."

" Okay."

" So, will you be at the show tonight?"

" I guess. I don't really like the kind of music y'all sing, but I can deal for a few hours."

" Haha. Well you could always spend your time finding cute girls."

" Trust me. I would rather listen to your music than find a girl."

" Why?"

" I'm gay."

" You are?"

" Yes, is that going to be a problem?"

" With us? Hell no!"

" No need to get worked up." Eric laughed at him.

" Trust me, out groups has worked through and past the gay issue 2 times."

" Two?"

" Yeah, Lance and myself."

" Wow."

" Yeah, now come on, I'm starved and would love to eat sumpin!"

" Sumpin? Who are you? Justin?"

" Ooo, ouch! Nice one!"

" Thanks."

Justin and Lance walked into the conference room just as Eric walked in, hand in hand with one of his best friends.

" Well isn't this a nice new development." Justin sneered.

" What?"

" Them, across the room."

Lance looked at where Justin was pointing. In the corner of the room was the man he had given his love to, and his virginity, holding hands with another. Lance couldn't bare to watch and ran from the room. Justin felt sick to his stomach that he was witnessing this. He too walked out of the room.

On his way back to his room to check on Lance, he bumped into Ruby.

" Justin? Where you off to?"

" To check on Lance."

" Why? Is he sick?"

" Heartsick maybe."

" Why?"

" Go check out what your friend Eric is doing at this moment."

Ruby ran from Justin to the conference room. She scanned the room before stopping at two figures that stood very close to each other. One was Eric, the other...

" He was my life, my heart. I didn't even want to go on this trip. But Ruby would let me sulk for the rest of my life. I never really gave her a chance to mourn; she was always comforting me. She has all this emotion building inside her, she has to get it out, and I fucked up. I always make the situation about me. I think I really did it this time. Wow. It feels nice to talk about this, about Jase. Thank you JC."

" Anytime. Jason sounded like an amazing person."

" He was. Maybe the reason I knew he was such a great person was because his sister is like an angel."

" How did you and Ruby meet?"

" When I was a freshman in high school, she was a senior. She was also a peer tutor. I went to her for math, which until this day I still suck at. But, in the long run, I would just talk to her about everything. When I came out to her, I was afraid she would turn her back on me, and I would lose my best friend. But she smiled and said she was proud of me for feeling comfortable enough with her to tell me that. I asked why she was so understanding. She told me she had a brother, who was a sophomore, Jason, and he was gay as well. She introduced us a week later and the rest as they say, is history."

" Wow. Thank you for telling me all of that. It must have taken a lot of courage." JC took Eric's hand in his and held it tight.

" Not so much. I just feel comfy talking to you." He smiled back him.

Ruby, who stood only feet from the two friends, felt the tears roll down her face. She didn't know he thought all those things of her. Or that he felt like he was taking her time away from her own mourning time. She never thought twice about helping Eric with his sadness. He was the one who held Jason's heart. But he was right, she never got the chance to mourn her brother's death, and it took a toll on her life.

Ruby shook her head and walked over to Eric and JC.

" Hey boys."

" Hey Ruby."

" Hello."

" Eric, I need to speak to you and JC you need to find Justin."

" Why?"

" Because he is finding Lance."

" I don't understand."

" Lance ran out of here, I think he might be sick-."

" Sick? I'm sorry, but I have to go." JC flew out of his chair and out of the room.

" I'm so sorry for hurting you last night. Emotionally and physically. Please forgive me."

" I do."

" Okay, good."

" But I do need you to find Chris and Joey and get them in here."

" Be back soon."

JC ran up and down the halls trying to find his friends. He spotted Justin near the bathroom and ran to him.

" J, what's up with Lance?"

" Like you care."

" Excuse me?"

" Why don't you go back to your new lover, Eric." Justin spat out the words to his best friend.

" What? Do you think? You do don't you? Does Lance?"

" We saw you holding hands."

" Okay, one, I dragged him by the hand into the room. Second, he was upset so I took his hand in mine. Jeez what crawled up your ass?"

" Nothing."

" Than why do you care?"

" Because it hurt Lance to see you like that, and that hurt me."

" Why would it hurt Lance?"

" Are you joking? Are you the only who insists on denying it? We all know about the two of you."

" Me and Lance? We had a thing a few years back, but I broke things off, we weren't meant to be, so if he's getting upset, its just plain stupid, as for you I don't understand your anger."

" Well, fine, whatever. But if you were going to go with someone, did you have to make it such an asshole?"

" You think so low of him?"

" Yes, he's a pussy. And I for one, don't want him here."

" Watch what you say about him near me."

" Why?"

" Because I care about him."

" You want him?"

" Justin please."

" No, tell me, I wanna know if I'm gonna be hearing some good fucking tonight."

" I want to hit you so badly now, but we have a show tonight, but mark my words, you have it coming."

" Oooo, I'm so scared. Shove it JC."

" What is your problem?"

" He is, I don't like him."

" Why?"

" I just don't."

" Hey, Chris, Joey, Ruby needs you in the Con room now."

" Sure thing Eric, thanks."

Eric walked back to the room when he heard the Justin yell at JC, about him.

He was shocked he was hated so much. For the first time since Jason, he felt that giddy feeling when he heard someone's voice. He smiled and walked back to the room.

JC saw Eric walk back to the Con room, his hands in his pockets and his mouth in a smile. J C smiled at the sight of this. Justin was right, he did want him. JC wanted to hold and love Eric, but he didn't know if he could ever make a move.

Lance stood in his room, the bottle of Absolute almost empty. He wobbled a bit, then fell. As he hit the floor the bottle shattered, the shards hitting everything in sight. His head hit the tiles with a bang.

Justin sat with his head on his knees. He would never admit it to himself of how he felt for Eric. It was wrong in his mind. He didn't condemn what JC and Lance did with their love lives, he just never thought that he would be another one to succumb to the urge to love another man. He fought the tears as the edged their way out of his eyes. He lifted his hand to wipe them away when he heard a crash coming from the adjoining room. He ran to the door and fought to get it open.

" LANCE! Scoop, wake up!" Justin yelled frantically.

" Please, Help! Please someone help!" Justin yelled into the empty hallway.

" Hey you!"

" Hey yourself, where are Justin and Lance?"

" Back at the room."

" Are they alright?"

" Yeah I think so."

" Good."

" Okay, down to work, wait where are the other two, they should be back."

" I'll go check on them." Joey walked out of the room to find his friends.

" HELP, please Help us!"

Justin's voice could be heard from the elevator as Joey stepped off. He ran in the direction of the voice. He took his phone out of his pocket and dialed 911. As he came to Lance's room, the phone fell from his hand and the operator began to talk to the air. Joey felt his breath stop as he saw his friends, on the floor, covered in blood.

yea! I wrote a clifhanger! so please let me know what u think. some exciting twists r up ahead, but please tell what u think, or what u think should happen, k? thanks!

Next: Chapter 4: Love Me 4 5

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