Love Me

By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Mar 9, 2000


Disclaimer: As with all my other ones, i dont them, The men of NSYNC are free to love who love.

Please send feedback, its what keeps me going!!!

Thanks to everyone who has sent me feedbakc for all of other stories as well!

Enjoy! ~ Elisheva ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Love Me Recap:

Lance sat in his chair and stared out of the window. His world just turned up side down. When he and JC were together, it was wonderful. They were each other's first loves. When JC broke things off, Lance began is blame himself. JC had said that he didn't want the group to fall apart in the case that they had a fight or broke up, so JC broke things off before things got heavy.

Everyday Lance asked God if he could make the pain go away. For three years, he worked side by side with a man that he still loved. Until that afternoon, they never openly admitted to it. Now everyone knew. Now JC knew how much he had hurt Lance. Now Lance realized that JC didn't care.

" Why can't I have someone to love me? WHY!" Lance screamed out in pain.

He yelled to the walls of his empty room. He pushed himself out of his chair and slumped to the floor.

" Hello?"

" Britney?"

" Yes?"

" Hey. It's Joey. I was wondering if, -"

" Yes?"

" If Curly was up?" Britney frowned at his request.

" No, he's sleeping. Do you want to give him a message?"

" No, it's alright."

" Anything else Joe?"

" Well, I'm just kinda bored and wanted to go out and do something."

" And?"

" And, well I thought that if you were bored too, than you might, well--"

" Are you trying to ask me out Mr. Fatone?"

" Uh, yeah."

" Pick me up in ten minutes."

" Really?"

" Really."

Jason kissed Eric lightly on the lips and walked away and into a fog, disappearing. Eric sprawled out over Jason's grave and cried. When he looked up, he saw the face of Justin Timberlake floating above him.

" Let me love you." The face whispered to him softly, before disappearing into the fog.

JC woke the next morning to Eric's smiling face. JC traced his face with his own finger. " I'm so lucky." Eric slowly woke up and smiled. " Hey J." Eric opened his eyes fully; his smile faded but quickly returned. This went unnoticed by JC. Eric was happy to wake up JC's arms, but he was expecting someone else. That someone else was not here, and he surely hated him. Eric kept smiling, trying to forget the day before. Britney opened her eyes and yawned. She looked around the room but did not recognize it. She turned over and came face to face with Joey. She jumped out of bed and tried to find her clothes as quickly as she could. She an out of the room and stood in the hall, half-naked, cold and crying. " What have I done?" Britney sank to the floor and continued her cries. Justin was already awake, and even he found that strange. He was always the last up, and the guys usually had to jump on him to wake him. Today though, he woke up with the sun. For some reason, he felt a sense of comfort and happiness. He didn't know what it meant but he liked the feeling. He sat back down on his bed to order coffee, when he noticed that Britney had not returned. He looked around for a note, not finding one he ran to the hall. He opened the door and found a barely clothed and crying Britney in a ball on the floor. " Britney! What happened? Brit? Please talk to me?" " I'm so cold." Justin scooped her up and brought her to the room. He put her in their bed and tucked her in. He got her a glass of water and some tissues as well. " Baby, please tell me what happened to you." " I don't know." Britney began to cry again. " Who did this to you?" " I woke up in bed with Joey, but he would-." Justin heard Joey's name and ran out of the room. " No! Justy don't." Britney tried to yell but her voice did not permit it. Justin barged into Joey's room. " Hey Curly. Knock next time." Joey turned to talk when Justin socked him in the eye. " What that fuck!?!" " What did you do to her?" " Her who?" " Britney!" " Why do you care, you're gay!" " What does that have to do with it?" " I do what I do with my women." " She's not yours." " And she's yours?" Justin stepped back and thought about it. He was very protective over Britney, they had known each other for years. He loved her, but not like that. More like a sister, so in a way, she was his. " Yes, Joe, she's my best friend. And I swear if you hurt her, I'll kill you." " Bring it on Justin, I'll kick you ass boy." " What did you do to her?" Justin's voice got louder by the second. " I made her mine!" " You little, I'll kill you!" " Hey she wanted me badly." " How can you say that? You know how Britney feels about sex." " Whatever man, she was into it." " I swear Joey, if you hurt her, I'll hurt you, badly." Justin walked out of the room and slammed the floor. Justin walked back to his room and heard the shower going. He peeked inside and saw that Britney has gotten into the shower, fully dressed. She sat on the bottom of the tub and just let the water cascade around her body. Justin walked to the shower and turned off the water. Britney didn't move a muscle, she just kept staring straight forward. She started to rock back and forth. Then she started to hum some song that was in her head. Justin started to cry for his friend. She was so much pain and he had no way of helping her. " Brit Brit? Baby? Please look at me." Britney turned her head to look at Justin. Justin looked into her eyes, he stumbled backwards when he saw that her eyes had nothing to offer. It was as if she was dead inside. " I'll help you through this Brit, I won't leave you." Eric watched from the spy hole in the door as Justin and Joey fought, and he saw Justin run down the hall. He desperately wanted to run out and help Justin in whatever was bothering him. Eric knew that Justin was not meant for him, JC was. As much as Eric lead his life with his mind, ultimately his heart won out, it always did. Would it this time? Justin walked into his and Britney's room and panicked when he did not see her in the bed. He walked to the balcony; she was not there either. He checked the bathroom and sighed. She was in the tub, the water steaming, bubbles surrounding her. She looked as if she had fallen asleep. Justin went and squatted close to the tub. He stroked her face gently. He loved her so much, with more love than he should sometimes. She was his everything. He always thought that his soul mate would be his lover. Nevertheless, it was obvious to him, now, that maybe he would not have a lover. He had Britney though. They had been together since the days of the MMC. She had been there when he first discovered he liked boys. He had been there when the rumors went around her body. When the rumors flew left and right about anything and everything about her. Justin snapped out of his trance and slowly lifted Britney's light body out of the tub. He wrapped her in a towel and tucked her into bed. He climbed into bed next to her. " I won't leave you Britney Jean. Oh g-d. I love you. I can't help my feelings, but I do. I'm not supposed to fall in love with my best friend, especially not since you are a girl. But I, maybe I'm not in love with you. Maybe we just have a connection that is stronger than anything in the world. Yeah that's it. I'm in love with someone else. Why doesn't he love me Brit? You saw him. He felt that kiss too. But he went with JC. I can't agree with that, I wont. I won't lose the one man who I know can make me happy. And I really won't lose him to my best friend, a friend who belongs with someone else. That someone else, who aches for him. I want to help him, and you, but not lose myself in the process." Lance sat in his room, staring out of the window. He had not spoken to anyone in the day since the hospital. He kept to himself, and no one questioned his silence. Justin looked at him with questions, but he always looked away. Lance had nothing anymore. He had not felt this desolate in years. He didn't think though, that he was getting depressed again. He reached for the nightstand and pulled open the drawer. He lifted out a small bottle of medicine. He looked at it, and in it. He opened the bottle and slipped the contents into this hands. Over a hundred tiny shiny blue pills. One for every time they made love. One for every time Josh said I love you. One for every time he told himself that he was strong. One, one that would make the tears go away. Lance reached for a glass of water and swallowed his daily regimen of pills. He spilled them back into the bottle and put it back in the drawer. So many time he dreamed of just talking them all and sleeping for the rest of his life. Then he thought about going a day with out seeing Josh. As much as Lance died seeing him with someone else, he would die if he couldn't see him at all. Lance walked out to the balcony. It overlooked a lake. He reached into his pocket and took out a penny. He kissed it and let it fall. He watched as it hit the water and make a tiny splash. He looked past the lake and past the horizon, he looked for something that could tell him he was making the right decision. " For you Josh. For you I will get strong. For you I will get better." ~~~~~~~ Kinda dramatic chapter, had to add something to spice up the story!! so please tell me what you think. thanks!

Next: Chapter 6

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