Love Me When Im Gone

By Mandy Moorey

Published on Apr 22, 2003


Arg! It took so much longer than I planned. And for the long wait, I apologize! Profusely, even. But here it is, and I hope you enjoy. I could give you all excuses for the delay, but you don't wanna hear that( I was sick, nyeh :P ), so I'll just apologize, and get on with the show.

Thanks to everyone who's written thus far, I appriciate it, if I haven't yet responded, I will. Promise. ;)

As always, if you shouldn't be reading relations between two women, you probably shouldn't be here.

~So hold me when I'm here..~

It was a couple days after the accident. As promised, Darlene had taken them from the hospital the day before. Jen refused to go home. Whether it was because she wanted to be near Nicole, to make sure she was alright for herself, or because her parents had finally just done her in, Darlene didn't know. And she didn't care to ask.

The fact of it was, that shy, meek woman made her daughter happy. So why the hell should she protest? She wouldn't. The night they got home, tuesday night, Jen had called her mother and father. She told them she wasn't coming home for a couple days. Darlene had been standing nearby when the call took place, it was quite obvious that her parents weren't pleased with this decision. Jen held her ground, though. She didn't take no for an answer. Hell, she was almost nineteen, they didn't have much sway over her anymore.

Almost directly after they came back from the hospital, Nicole settled into bed. She was still really tired. Neither Darlene or Jen wanted to keep her from that. So the two of them sat in the kitchen, idly chatting for a while. Nothing serious was talked about, just idle shit. Darlene wanted to ask the girl about her parents. Talk to her about it. But she wasn't sure how to approach the subject. It was obviously a tender spot for Jen.

I'll leave it for now, Darlene decided. She'd just get closer to the girl, be a friend for her. She figured, if it was needed, Jen would come to her eventually, if need be. Darlene went to bed early that night. She had to work the next morning. Jen was soon to follow. They were all exhausted.

Wednesday morning. Jen was curled up beside Nicole, carefully. She didn't want to cause her more pain, not that there was a lot left to cause.. Just some bruises, but Jen was a worrier. Nicole was still sleeping, a peaceful look on her face.. So Jen quietly got out of the bed - their bed? Shaking her head, she yawned, wandering downstairs quietly. Darlene had left a note on the table.

'Hi girls. I'm not sure when I'll be home. Long shift today. Call here if you need anything, the number is on the fridge. And the fridge is stocked. You should be fine. Just don't eat me out of house and home.'

Jen smiled a bit, and set the note down on the table again, raking her fingers through her hair, absently working the small tangles out of it. She went to the sink, and started the water.. Retrieved a glass, and filled it with the cool liquid. Leaning against the counter, she took a long drink from the glass.

Nicole sighed, and rolled over. This was horrible. She was getting to the point that she couldn't sleep unless Jen was beside her. It never took her long to sense that Jen had left the bed.. and this is based on the few nights the other girl had stayed over. Stop it, Nicole. She snorted softly, and sat up. This cast was already annoying.

Standing, she stretched, and yawned. Atleast her head didn't ache anymore. She went downstairs, to find Jen still leaned against the counter, sipping on that glass of water. Jen smiled at her.. Nicole's breath almost caught for a second.. Another small shake of her head, Nicole offered a smile back.

Jen gestured to the table, and the piece of paper on top of it. "Your mom left us a note. We aren't allowed to eat all of her food." She snickered a bit.

Nicole dropped down onto a chair at the table, reaching with her good hand to pick the note up. She grinned lightly, and set it back down after reading it, shaking her head.

"That's my mom for ya."

Jen nodded, and set her glass down, wandering over to stand behind Nic, arms slipping around her shoulders. The smaller girl rested comfortably against Nic for a second, then wrinkled her nose.

"I hate to be the one to tell you this, Nicole.. but you smell. Really bad." A soft giggle.

Nicole arched a brow, and looked back at her.. Stuck her tongue out, and stood. "Thhhpt. You don't smell like a batch of roses either, you know."

Jen just laughed, and shook her head, "Then I'm going to go and have a shower."

Nicole tilted her head, seeming to ponder this.. very carefully.. Then a slow grin from the taller girl.. She slipped up nearer Jen, her good arm going around Jen's waist.

"Well, you know.. we -should- conserve water.. and.." She held up her casted arm, looking as innocent as possible. "I think I'll need help.. So. Let's go have a shower." She grinned.

Jen smirked a little bit. It was more than obvious she was comfortable around Nicole. Normally, she'd be turning four different shades of red. But now, progress had been made. Now she was only blushing one shade of red.

"Oh, likely excuse.."

Nicole smiled, wiggling her brows a little, remaining silent. Jen rolled her eyes, and turned to head back towards the washroom.. What Nicole -couldn't- see was the slow grin lifting the corners of Jen's mouth.

"Fine," she called back over her shoulder, "You can come with.. but no touching."

Nic blinked, stalking after the smaller girl. She could play this game, she decided.

"That's fine. I didn't want to touch. there."

Jen smirked, slipping into the washroom. She leaned down, starting the water, making sure it was a good temperature. Not too hot. Not too cold. Nicole wandered in after her, and paused near the door, watching her.. She was quiet for a moment. When Jen straightened, pulling the shower curtain across and turning the shower itself on, Nic had a thoughtful look on her face.

"You know.. I can't get this cast wet." A slow grin quirked her lips upwards.

"So?" She kept her back to Nicole, to hide the grin that was spreading across her own face. She feigned an interest in the shower curtain.

"So.. So stop being difficult." She eyed her slightly.

Jen chuckled, and turned around, putting a playful pout on her face. "I'm not being difficult.."

Nicole almost melted again, nose wrinkling up slightly. "...are too."

Jen now grinned again, brows lifting slowly. "Fine.."

A small shrug of her shoulders, she turned around, hands dropping to the hem of her shirt. Slowly, she pulled it over her head, letting it fall to the floor. Nic tilted her head slightly. The little vixen wasn't even wearing a bra.

Jen leaned in for one final test of the water, apparently prolonging the actual getting into the shower. Nic scoffed lightly, and shook her head. What a tease, and she had no doubt Jen knew just what she was doing. Finally, Nic turned a little, and began working out of her clothing, albeit a bit awkwardly. No doubt right then Jen would of caved and gone to help her, but her back was to the other.

Once she was out of her clothing, Nic faced the next task. She needed to cover the cast. Wrinkling her nose, she retrieved a bag from under the sink, and pulled it up over the cast. A brief search, and she found an elastic that would suffice, snapping that over top of the bag to keep it in place, and hopefully keep the water out of it.

Jen glanced over her shoulder. She smiled softly. She couldn't help it, if the truth had to be told. She also couldn't help the fact that her gaze drifted over Nicole's form. Wetting her lips, she wiggled out of her pants, and slipped into the shower.

Nic grinned slightly, and took the few steps, closing the distance between herself and the shower, and she soon joined the smaller girl within the warm confines.

Jen was under the water. It was to be expected, she'd gotten in there first. Her head was tilted back slightly, letting the water cascade down the length of her hair, down her back. Some of course spilled over her shoulders, and ran down her front.

Tilting her head, Nicole watched the water trail down Jen's smooth skin. No touching. Right. Carefully stepping forward, she all but wrapped herself around the smaller form. This worked out perfectly. She was in the water, and she was near the other girl. Jen ran a hand back through her own hair, then lowered her head slightly, gaze lifted, peering at Nic. Then a slow smile curled across her lips.

"You're touching.." Softly spoken, quite playful despite that.

Nic nodded, nuzzling her face into the neck that was too near to resist, something akin to a purr rolling from her lips.

"I am.. and you love it." She grinned slowly.

The smaller girl furrowed her brows briefly, as if pondering this. She wasn't. She did love it. She briefly pondered keeping it up.. Moving away from Nicole, making her stick to the not-touching rule she'd attempted to enforce.. But that would probably of been harder on her, than the other.. Besides, what was the point? She didn't want to be away from her. They may as well enjoy the time they had together. Enjoy the privacy, free of restrictions, of prying glances, of nosey and disapproving parents. She'd have to go home soon, she was pretty sure her parents would insist upon it. Quite loudly. And they had to go back to school tomorrow.

"You're right.. I do."

She offered a heart warming smile. Nic all but melted, and nestled herself against the wet body, dropping a light kiss upon the slender neck she'd just been nuzzling.

All too soon Jen moved away, slipping behind the taller girl. Being short had it's advantages. Most of the water still hit Nicole. Reaching, she picked up the shampoo, and squeezed some of the bottles contents into her palm. Hands lifting, soon to come into contact with Nic's scalp. She worked the soap in, then shifted aside to let the water rinse it. Conditioner was next, and when she was finished with Nic, despite the complaints because Nic didn't have massaging fingers on her scalp, Jen made short work of washing her own hair.

That out of the way, Jen eased back around Nic, to stand infront of her. She smiled up at the taller girl, and picked up the bar of soap. She began to lather up her hands, and when they met her soapy standards, she set the bar aside, and put those hands to work.

She slid them around Nicole's hips, and up her back briefly, then back down, and around, across the smooth stomach. Nic tensed up for only a second, before she relaxed beneath the gentle hands. Gentle hands that soon inched their way up her stomach, over her ribs, to her breasts. Though she didn't yet touch them, she just slid a hand up between them, and across her shoulder. Second hand soon joined the first, both gently massaging her shoulders, then up along her neck. Lifting onto her tip-toes, a brief kiss was brushed against the taller womans lips.

Dropping back to the balls of her feet, Nic barely had time to return the kiss. She'd get her later, though. She didn't have much time to plot any sort of revenge, though, because Jen slid her hands back down her neck and shoulders, and down to her breasts. This time she didn't avoid them. She gently cupped them, feeling their weight, a small smile curling on her lips. With a soft nudge, she turned Nic to the side, so the water flowed over her, washing the soap away, while Jen continued to caress and knead the breasts in her hands, thumbs slowly circling already hard nipples.

Nicole had to rest a hand against the shower wall, a sorry attempt at keeping her balance, soon she just leaned her back against it. It was almost disgusting, the effect the girl infront of her had on her. Almost. Her eyes closed, in part because of the water flowing over her, but mostly because of what was being done to her. Jen had leaned in once the soap had washed away, closing her lips around a nipple. She swirled her tongue around the hard nub briefly, then bit down on it gently, gaze turned up to watch the expression on Nicole's face.

A soft gasp came from Nic when she felt the teeth on her nipple. She arched her back slightly towards the other, the gasp cutting off into a quiet moan. Jen smiled a little more, and released the nipple, letting her hands run down Nicole's stomach, out around her hips and down the outsides of her legs. Slowly, with feather like touches, she drew them back up. One hand settled on a hip, the other paused at her stomach, index finger extended, tracing around her navel slowly.

The smaller woman crouched down, slowly trailing a line of soft kisses down the smooth torso before her. Between her breasts, and down along Nic's stomach. She paused at her navel again, perhaps she had some sort of belly button fetish. She lingered there more than anywhere else, atleast. A couple warm kisses were rained on Nic's navel, then she drifted lower still.

Nic inched her legs apart slightly, it wasn't really a concious effort, it just happened. Jen all but purred her approval though, so there was no complaints from either side. Jen rested on her knees, and brushed light kisses against Nicole's thighs, making her tremble.

She could be a horrible tease, Nicole decided then. But she loved it, saying otherwise would be a lie. An all out lie. Several more kisses were pressed against her thighs, before Jen had her fill of teasing, she wanted more. To taste her. Tilting her head up, she drew her tongue along the length of Nic's moist, warm center. Nicole gasped softly, and brought a foot up, resting it on the side of the tub. Who was she to deny the smaller woman before her all the access she wanted? She also steadied herself as best as she could within the shower.

Jen mm'd softly, and then went to work. Pressing her face in against her, she licked, nibbled, gently sucked on the prize before her. She wasn't all that experienced, but she knew what she liked, and went from there. From the soft moans and whimpers from Nicole, she assumed she was doing just fine. And she was. Nicole had almost thought she may need to play it up a little, make more noise than was necessary the first time. But she didn't. The sounds made were made in earnest.

Nicole's skin was flushed, both because of the warm water still washing over them, and the little vixen making her feel so good. A soft yelp was issued when Jen focused her attention on her clit, tongue swirling around it. Nic shuddered, her body tightening. She wasn't going to be much longer. Jen sensed this, and after she nipped the little bundled of nerves, she eased back just a little, drawing her tongue along her again, slipping it into her, wiggling it.

Nicole closed her eyes and expelled a long, low moan, gently grinding her hips down towards the girl beneath her. She couldn't fight it off anymore, and with a soft cry of pleasure, she reached her peak, and orgasmed. Jen seemed quite delighted, and didn't draw back from her entirely until she'd taken all that Nic offered.

Finally, she sat back..then stood, with a small grin on her face. Licking her lips, she leaned in, nuzzling her face against Nic's neck. Nicole could only mm softly, and slip an arm around Jen, her other kept braced against the shower wall. Jen brushed a kiss against the flesh presented to her, then giggled, and pulled away, slipping entirely under the spray of water. Dipping her head back, she let the water flow over her, all but purring.

Nicole eyed her. She wanted to take her then and there. She had every intention of doing so, until the other woman yelped, and scampered out of the water flow quickly. Nicole soon learned why, getting splashed a little. The water was fast becoming rather cold. That was enough for Jen, with a quick movement, she had darted out of the shower, leaving Nicole to brave the cold torrent of water, to get to the taps and shut it off.

When she stepped out of the shower, still feeling warm, despite the cold droplets of water on her, Jen was already wrapped up in a towel, shivering slightly. Nicole couldn't help but snicker, reaching for her own towel, drawing it around herself. Jen wrinkled her nose at the snicker.

"That was cold.."

"Mmhm.. It sure was."

Jen rolled her eyes, and turned, sauntering to the door, opening it, and stepping out into the hall. To run smack dab into Darlene. Jen stumbled back a little, then blinked, and glanced up. Oh god. A deep blush worked up her neck into her cheeks, unconciously drawing the towel tighter around herself.

"Er... Hi, Darlene.." It took a minute, but she managed to squeak that out.

Darlene had to surpress the grin. Silly kids. Managing to keep a rather neutral expression on her face, she nodded.

"Morning, Jen. Nice shower?"

Jen's eyes widened a little bit. How long had she been home! The blush deepened still. Darlene didn't think it was possible, but right there, before her eyes, the girls cheeks got redder.

"Ah.. yes.." Maybe she hadn't seen Nicole in there yet. Yeah, maybe she still thought her daughter was asleep.. She sort of hoped Nicole wouldn't come wandering out yet.

But of course, she did. Nicole had heard the 'conversation', if you wanted to call it that. She was stiffling a giggle-fit in the washroom. Once she had herself under control, she moved into the doorway, and grinned, brow wiggling at her mother.

Darlene's eyes shifted to Nicole, and she snort-snickered a little, shaking her head. She could deal with all this, Nicole was happy.

Jen glanced back to Nicole. She could of died right where she stood. Instead, she quickly made her way past Darlene, to Nicole's room, closing the door as quickly as she could.

Darlene burst into another fit of snickers, and shook a finger at her daughter.

"You're a horrible, horrible person. She could of fainted, you know."

"I know." She grinned, and shrugged. "You're home early. Really early."

"I know. I forgot some things. I'm almost sorry I did." She smirked slightly, and then continued on, into her own bedroom. Nicole chuckled, and moved to her room, peering in at Jen, who was seated on the bed, apparently trying to compose herself.

Slipping into the room, Nicole broke out into another fit of laughter. Jen glared at her.

"It's not funny!"

"Oh, it is." The fact that she said that around the laughter, made Jen narrow her eyes. She picked up a pillow, and hurled it at Nic, hitting her squarely in the stomach. It was only a pillow, and it only served to make her laugh harder. Jen scowled, and crossed her arms over her towel covered chest.

~Love me when I'm gone..~ Darlene eased back out of her room, and past Nicole's room. She could still hear Nic laughing. With a chuckle, she shook her head, and moved downstairs. Resting her bag on a chair, she slipped into the kitchen to grab a small bite to eat. She settled on eating an orange. She could pick something else up on her way back to work. Leaning against the counter, she began to peel the orange. She didn't figure the girls would be down any time soon. Jen would probably avoid seeing her for a little while. She snickered at the thought, and popped a slice of orange into her mouth. The doorbell rang. Odd, they didn't get many visitors just showing up at the door. Setting down her orange, she wiped her hands off, and moved through the kitchen, and to answer the door. Opening it up, a brow lofted, surprise evident on her face. The officer stood with a neutral expression on his face, a clipboard in hand. Glancing down to it briefly, and then back up, he spoke. "Are you Miss Wilson?" She tilted her head, and nodded. "Yes. Is there a problem?" "There seems to be. We got a call, a missing persons report of sorts. I need you to bring the girl down here, and then I need to ask you some questions." ~~~~~~~ ~Part of me is fighting this..but part of me is gone..~ After it all was said and done, Jen had to go home. There wasn't much Darlene or Nicole could do about it. The police officer told them, too, that Jen's parents may be taking further action to see to it that the girl wasn't allowed near them, or their home again. Maybe it was just a heat of the moment thing. Jen had refused to return, and that upset them. Never before had their daughter acted like this. They were struggling to understand, while at the same time, keep a firm hold on the girl. They didn't want to lose her. They didn't understand yet, though, that to keep her nearer themselves, they may need to let her loose. It seemed, though, that mistakes had to be made, before they'd realize this. They'd already made a couple, but this one took the cake. Jen couldn't comprehend why they were so dead set against her and Nicole. It didn't make sense to her. They told her, after the police had brought her home, and left, that they loved her. That it was all for her own good. They'd had such a horrible arguement afterwards. Her parents trying to wrap their minds around the relationship. Jen trying to make them see there was nothing wrong with it. Trying to show them she was happy, that she'd always be there, she was always going to be their daughter. But it didn't hit home, not yet. Nicole went to school the rest of the week, while Jen hadn't. So Nicole hadn't seen, or spoken to the other girl for days. It was having an effect on her, one she didn't enjoy. But she trudged on through the days, doing what she could to seem the normal Nicole she always was. For the most part, it worked. Atleast amoung teachers and friends. Jen hadn't stayed home because her parents insisted it. Infact, they told her to go to school. She stayed home because she couldn't handle the thought of seeing Nicole for a few hours, and then having to leave. To come home to her parents, of all people. Perhaps her logic could stand to be altered a little bit, but that's how she saw it. So, for the rest of the week, the two seperate families lived in a very similar silence and misery. Jen stayed in her room, rarely eating, coming out only when she needed to, to shower, and other such functions she could complete without much thought. Nicole went to school, came home, and emersed herself in homework. Anything to keep her mind off of what was going on. Either set of parents watched their daughters go on like this. And both decided that something needed to be done. Darlene knew what it was. But they all, herself, Nicole, and Jen, had to wait for the other two to realize what it was. The damage that was being done while they made up their minds, though, was damage Darlene hoped could be fixed. She knew that the girls would be together, eventually, and that they'd be fine like that. She wasn't worried about that. She was worried about the rift that no doubt had to be growing between Jen and her parents. Something like that could, and would be hard to fix, no matter what they did. It was true. Jen wasn't just going to up and forgive her parents. What they had done, had been doing all along, was completely unnecessary and unacceptable. This was something her parents were coming to realize. Her mother long ago had come to this conclusion, but thought it proper to stick by her husband and his choice, however stubborn it was. But she knew that the longer they waited, the harder it was going to be to have Jen bring them near again. ~So hold me when here.. Love me when I'm wrong, hold me when I'm scared, you won't always be there.. So love me when I'm gone.~

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