Love of an Angel

By moc.loa@3110nneD

Published on Feb 23, 2000


Legal Disclaimer and Warning The following story contains adult material. The material is of consensual male on male sex. If the material would offend you, please do not read on further. If you are under 21, 18 or whatever the legal age is in your area. This preceding disclaimer is the protection for me. If you read further and are caught it's your own fault and not my problem This story is entirely fictional in nature. Much as I or any of you would wish that it were otherwise. This story is not meant to state or imply anything about the show Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, the character of Angel or the actor David Boreanaz. I repeat this work is entirely a work of fiction. It's a figment and much desired fantasy of mine and I am sure of others. I the author give you the following freedom to copy the material contained herein. With the following restrictions. 1. The material must remain unaltered in it's form. 2. The material retains acknowledged as a work of me the author personally. 3. You do not distribute the material to minors. I would love some feedback on where you my readers would love to see the story go to. As it is I left it off where it could go any number of ways. If you would like to post part or all of the series somewhere, please contact me, I retain all rights to the story as is, with secondary rights belonging to They are allowed to maintain the material at their discretion. As always feed back is greatly appreciated Please feel free to IM under Saphireflame or ICQ me at #61902044 anytime. I want folks to tell me what they would like to see or I may take a break and work on some other material. We humble and some not so humble writers thrive for feed back. Please write me even if your going to try and flame me. By the way flames don't bother me at all I find them more amusing than anything and will post them on my site. Once again, please visit my website at

When last we left off....

Chuckling softly, Jeff replied, "Well now do you see why I asked you if you could sneak his pups out for the night last night. I told you I had a perfect date to set him up with. I suspected that David was gay for a while now and I knew he was very interested in Dennis, as I had told him a lot about him, so it was a perfect opportunity. I knew that David had lost his friend, but not the details behind it. I know how much Dennis is alone and how much he cares for David, with out even knowing him. So I took a chance and threw them together."

Looking at Jeff, Nate just shook his head in amazement. "I can't believe you did this. If it hadn't worked out you know he would have killed you on the spot."

"I know" Jeff replied calmly, "But I knew it would work out."

"I'm so sorry, Dennis, I didn't mean to break down like that." David spoke softly his voice partially muffled by my shirt.

"David don't" I said, "your only human. You can't do everything and be perfect all the time. You had to let this go sometime or it would have eaten you alive" I replied gently stroking his back to relax him. To Be continued.....

Here we go folks ;-) (This is told from Dennis's perspective, unless stated otherwise. So bear with me.)

"Well, David," I spoke softly "Shall we go see what happened to the two pests or do you want to just spend sometime alone?"

"If you don't mind, I'd like to just be alone for a little." David replied. Not looking up at all still softly sobbing as the pain of the loss racked him over and over.

"Not a prob." I replied kissing the top of his head. "I am going to chase them out and will be upstairs in the den if you need me, call me." Softly I padded out of the kitchen.

Finding my two not so unexpected guests in the living room conspiring yet, I motioned for them to follow me upstairs.

As we all three went up to my den/study I closed the door gently and sat down. Looking at them I could tell that they knew what was about to come.... or so they thought.

"Well, you two" I said taking a deep breath "I am going to make this short and sweet so listen up and don't ask questions. I either can't or won't answer them at the moment and it's not really all that much of your concern."

Jeff started to object when my brother elbowed him and gave him a quick look. If the two of them haven't realized it yet, I wasn't about to tell them how transparent they were at times.

"First off, this will not discussed anywhere at anytime till he says otherwise. I mean it, if you do I will find out and that will be it. Second, he's in very delicate shape right now and upset. I am going to do what I can to help him. So don't come over without calling in advance. When he's ready and willing he will bring it all up with you two. It's eating him alive and he's not about to be able to handle it alone. I am suprised he hasn't tried something before now."

"Umm, Dennis," Jeff started to say as I looked over at him, I could tell what he was about to say.

"Fuck, you mean he already did try something??? Jeff, what the Hades did you think you were doing not telling me anything about all of this?!?! I swear by the Lady I am about to shoot you" I started yelling. "What freaking kind of thrice cursed idiot are you." By this point my face was turning crimson. He could tell I was about two seconds from killing him.

"I think we will leave and talk to you later Denn" my brother replied grabbing Jeff and high-tailing it out of there before I could kill him.

Next Chapter......

Meanwhile downstairs, David just sat there in the love seat curled up in a ball crying as the pain he had hidden for so long was coming out. Not only had he come out to Jeff and a total stranger he had to face the fact that he had told them about Nick's death as well. Why, oh why had he opened his big mouth. Damnit' he thought to himself my careers going to be over now, no one around me will still be friends with me. I am going to be all alone and I don't know if Dennis will even want me after breaking down like this.'

Upstairs, Dennis sat silently at his desk staring off into nothing wondering if he should go downstairs and try to talk to David further when his cell phone rang. Damn it,' he thought to himself, if it's either of those two morons I am going to kill them.'

Picking up the phone he answered it with a growled out `Hello' as the voice on the other end heard him he suddenly got a chill up his spine.

"Dennis? Is that you?" a gentle voice on the other end asked with a unsure tone.

"Maria, love is that you?" he responded in a more normal tone. "

"Yep got me on the first guess dearheart, how did you ever guess?"

"How could I not recognize that golden voice of yours, besides which you are one of the very few folks who know this number" I replied laughing. "So what brings this unexpected call? Is something wrong?"

"Well, taking a deep breath she began, there is a little something," she replied hesitantly. "I'm sorry to bother you with it but I could use some help."

"But first off talk to me. Something is wrong, I could tell that from the second I heard you answer the phone. What is it my sweet, talk to me I am always willing to listen as you know."

Chuckling Dennis debated how much he could safely tell her. "Well my dear, it all began the other night when I got roused out of a pleasant sleep by the phone... So you see, I am a bit occupied at the moment, but maybe we can help eachother out. Your a much more adept person at dealing with this then I am. Especially given how close I am to the problem." he finished off plaintively.

"Oh Dennis, you do have the luck don't you. Not that I think your rushing headlong in to a bad situation, but it's going to be very hard on both of you. OH dear, you are in for an interesting future I would have to say. So what are the chances I could get you to pop down by me for a visit?" Maria asked.

"Pretty good Maria," I replied. "I have vacation time that I am owed and this is the perfect time to take it with all that's going. Let me call work quick, arrange the time off after this week they owe me big time. I have to double-check with David first but it shouldn't be a problem at all. Speaking of which I should check up on him quick."

Meantime as this conversation is going on David is till crying away. He finally decides to hunt Dennis down as he mentioned he would be upstairs. Pausing by the door to the den, he heard Dennis say, `Let me call work quick, arrange the time off after this week they owe me big time. I have to double-check with David first but it shouldn't be a problem at all. Speaking of which I should check up on him quick'

He quickly and silently slipped away from the door and headed towards the bathroom, intent on putting an end to it quickly if he could find something to use. He didn't want to be a burden to anyone anymore.

"Now, before I go and check up on him, tell me what's up with you. After all we do need to keep in touch more, but you had a reason for calling me. Spill it love." I replied, prepared to out mule her. Then again, since she could usually out stubborn me I was up for the challenge.

"Well" Maria began. "It's nothing big, but there's just been small things here and there that don't' make any real sense to me. I keep picking up the edges of things here and there. I am probably just worrying over nothing, but..."

"I agree dear, better safe than sorry." I was saying when I had a sudden feeling of dread "Maria, hold on" I said quickly dropping the phone and racing to the bathroom where David had in the meantime managed to slit his wrists in.

"Oh Goddess David" I cried out, out grabbing for a clean towel. "What were you thinking about" he cried out as he found him collapsed on the floor of the bathroom.

Quickly wrapping the towels around his wrists and assessing the damage he realized it wasn't as bad as it could have been. "Oh David" I wept softly "I can't stand to loose you, I have already lost so much in my life already. Damn you why did you do this, I hadn't wanted you to learn about this yet and I don't have a choice now."

Going to the cabinet for some gauze and large bandages I slowly chanted under my breath the words of a very ancient prayer to the goddess. Kneeling by David, I slowly and gently peeled the towel away from first one wrist placing the bandages over the wrist and wrapping it with gauze and then the other one. I slowly spoke the words of an ancient call of healing asking the Lady for her strength to bring healing to this person he loved so dearly.

Feeling the energies stir and take form within I took his bandaged wrists in his hands I spoke the final words of the healing prayer and felt the energy pour out of him and into his lover and soul-mate. Time seemed to slow and then freeze. As if they existed outside of the normal flow of time.

Suddenly it was over and he knew that it was time to call the ambulance as it was going to be all right till they managed to get to the hospital....

To Be Continued..............

Will David survive and heal? What will happen at the hospital and what secret was Dennis concealing from David. Who is Maria, and how does she figure in this tangled web that is being woven. Feel free to keep an eye out for my upcoming story about the boy band `Boyzone', also check out my ER story Dreams and Wishes. More details and info can be found at my website with pics, misc. details and stories by me at

As always please feel free to IM me under my AIM of Saphireflame or Conundrum1977 For those folks who think to e-mail me there it's not an e-mail address. My e-mail is, I promise to respond to all e-mail and I will acknowledge any suggestions, ideas or comments in the start of each new chapter. Also if you want to flame me feel free, but I will be posting the best flames on my website, but I won't include your e-mail or name. Be careful of your spelling and punctuation :-)

Next: Chapter 6

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