Love of My Life

By Lindsey S.

Published on Oct 26, 2017


Chapter 3: Not a secret anymore

This chapter picks up after chapter 2, it is the second installment of Paul and Rebecca's origin.

"Paul told me."

Susan's voice stopped Bobby in his tracks in the middle of the hallway. He hadn't seen her standing there otherwise he would have said hi. Turning around his face flushed. A wave of panic washed over him.

"Told you what?" Bobby asked.

Moving closer to whisper in his ear, "that you wish you were a girl." Stepping away she smiles, "we are going to have so much fun with this."

And with that Susan hopped in her cute little way to turn around and walked down the hallway. Just like that Bobby's world had changed. He has no idea what else she or anybody else knew.

That day Bobby avoided the lunchroom and for the first five periods it felt like the entire school knew. He was certain everybody that was talking was talking about him. Any minute an administrator would come and drag him into the office for giving blow jobs in the Locke room or to talk to him about his deepest darkest secret, neither of which were good.

It wasn't until he was debating skipping practice that he noticed things were the same. Nobody looked at him funny on his way down the hall, coach didn't say anything, and when he finally had the nerve to go into the locker room, Paul avoided eye contact. Practice went the same as always, and as he was clearing out the wrestling room he couldn't help but notice that Paul was the only one left again. Before Bobby could leave for the Lockeroom, he looked back at Paul, who was staring right at him. Getting off the mat Paul commanded, "wait there."

Bobby stood still and waited the five minutes until Paul was done. Leaning against the wall he watched, trying hard not to be too obvious about how much he enjoyed watching Paul move through his routine. As Paul walked over Bobby stiffened his body. Getting about halfway to him, Paul summoned Bobby to come over.

"I thought you weren't going to tell..."

"I didn't, Susan brought it up, and I confirmed what she already knew. It wasn't a rumor anymore."

"What else did you tell her?"

"I will answer if you answer my questions. If you do everything I want, I have something you will like. Are you ready?"

Bobby's mind was in a haze. If he did not, Paul still had so much on him. Unconciously, Bobby found himself staring at Paul's bulge in his singlet. He needed to know what people knew. "Ok."

"All right Rebecca, get down into bottom position." The name held in the air, and being called Rebecca immediately made Bobby aroused. Every sense was crystal clear. SHE felt every touch, taste, everything as she has wanted to for a long time now.

Rebecca got down on all fours as she was told and looked up at Paul. Paul asked, "how often do you wear your panties?"

"Whenever I can. Why did you tell Susan?" A small crack in her voice.

"No questions till the end." nudging Rebecca on her shoulder. "Did you tell anybody?"

"No, why would I?" Rebecca's clothes feel wrong, she is still dressed as Bobby.

Getting down on top of her, Paul smirks "That's right, why would you tell anybody you love my cock." Then he drives Rebecca into the manly face first, all his weight on Her back. "Is this how you get off? Humping the ground?"

Rebecca's face is smeared into the mat. She let's out a grunt as she goes down. Her erection is ground against the mat as she squirms.

"Answer me, does that feel good?"

Squirming a bit more She can feel that Paul is using his knee to grind against her asshole. He is pressing so Rebecca grinds the mat and then releases it so her hips tilt back. This continues for two minutes, Rebecca does not answer, she just breathes heavily.

Coach walks in and looks at the boys. "What are you doing?"

Paul quickly responds, "working on getting somebody to their back from here."

"OK, Bobby just lock up again."

Coach walks out and Rebecca can't see it but she can tell Paul is smiling.

"Just tell me you like to hump the ground and I will get off."

"I do, I like to." Rebbecca says quietly, a longing in her voice.

Holding her down for a couple more seconds, Paul gets up. "Stay down. I want to see you cum like that."

"No, please, I can't."

"Why not, you need to watch me dress? Just fucking do it. Cum while you grind on that mat. I will give you a pair of panties if you do."

Closing her eyes Rebecca starts grinding against the mat.

"You want to watch me shower again don't you?"


"Maybe you slide on a pair of silk panties, and get all made up like a naughty cock sucking girl."

This is enough to push Rebecca over the edge. She can't control it, as she cums inside her pants, her hips spasm, "ohhhhhhhh, God, Yes. Yes." Laying there for a couple seconds, she opens her eyes to see Paul sitting right in front of her with his cock bulging ever so slightly in his singlet.

"Good girl." Paul says with a smile. "You really do like dirty talk don't you?"

Rebecca starts to get up and notices how wet her underwear is. "Mmmmhmmm" she admits. It feels wrong to be wearing boys briefs, and there is a growing wet spot on the front of her pants. Embarrassed she puts her hands over it. Paul glances at it, then gets to his feet, offering Rebecca a hand up.

"You want your reward?"

Rebecca nods her head yes, and looks Paul in the eye. The embarrassment spreads, she feels it wash over her like a flood and she knows her face is showing it. She lowers her eyes gain. Here she is dressed as a boy, who is she kidding? Who did she think she was fooling this whole time? Of course he knows she wants it, and now Susan knows too. Her mind was racing with things that went wrong. "Why did you tell Susan?"

"I told you, I just confirmed what she already knew. Besides, it's good she knows. She is the one that is giving you the panties." Rebecca lifts her gaze, not sure what to feel. "Susan and I have one other thing too if you continue to do what I tell you to. Well, actually, a couple things."

"What things?"

"Some things you already do, some things girls do because they like to, and one promise to keep to me"

"What promise?"

"That you never tell anybody what happened or what ends up happening between us. Not even Susan."

Rebecca's heart skips a beat. "She doesn't already know."

"Another question is going to cost you."

"I didn't tell anybody, and I told you I wouldn't." Rebecca's frustration is coming through in her voice.

"That is why I have this deal for you."

"What else is in the deal?" The wrestling room is starting to feel small and warm. Rebecca with her wits back is starting to hold her ground.

"First, you have to come down to the lockeroom, put on your panties, and suck me off again." It is clear that Paul has every intention of seeing this through. Taking a step closer, "you would like that wouldn't you? Putting on a nice sweet pair of panties and sucking me till I cum." Looking down at Rebecca's pants, "you already came thinking about it."

"What else would I have to do?"

"That's it for today, just one more slutty BJ. Just like you have been dreaming about."

Rebecca's mouth starts to salivate thinking about yesterday. About how badly she wanted it again and for longer. Glancing down at Paul's now mostly erect cock, she can see some of its details through the singlet.


"OK what? Tell me what you want to do, you love to listen to me talk dirty and I want to hear you say something dirty. What do you want to do?"

"I want to suck your cock."

"That's my girl." Paul smiles and starts walking toward the door.

"Yesterday you said this was a mistake."

Paul turns around with obvious frustration. "What did you say?"

"You said you made a huge mistake. What changed? Why do you want to do it again."

"It was a mistake, and I'm going to make the best of it. Do you want to keep this going? You can say you want it to stop, at any time you can just tell me you don't want to. But you reached up to me, you grabbed me and watched me, you want this."

"I do..."

"Then earn your reward." Paul is smiling, and Rebecca's body language shows some of her relief.

Once in the lockeroom, they make sure everybody is gone. Paul pulls out a red pair of cotton panties. At first Rebecca thinks they are too small, but then she realizes it's a thong. "These are from Susan. She really wants to help you feel like a girl. Go in the stall and change, come out only wearing these."

Rebecca takes them and walks to the stall. Sliding off the sticky pair of briefs down her shaved legs she feels the cool lockeroom air on her thighs. Standing naked in the stall, she slides her new underwear up her legs, this is the first time anybody will see her like this. Dressed as a girl, or barely dressed as a girl anyway, and that thought warms her skin. Thinking that Paul set this up because she wanted it makes her panties tighten a little as blood fills her cock.

"I'm ready."

"Then get out here. I'm not going to wait forever." Paul's voice is playful but a little impatient.

The first thing that Rebecca notices as she walks out is Paul's shoulders and arms. He is sitting on the bench leaning forward with his hands between his knees. As she moves she can feel the thong running up and over her hips, she likes it so much she starts to sway them a little as she walks. She is a little self conscious about her bulge so she moves her hands over it to cover up. Paul leans back, putting his hands and arms behind him and sticking his chest out. This movement brings his half hard cock to bare. Sliding his hips to the edge of the bench, he commands Rebecca to get on her knees. "Stick your ass out, I want to see that girly little ass of yours."

Kneeling in front of him Rebecca can smell Paul and it is different than before. Her face is so close to his cock, he doesn't smell like soap, he smells like musk. She pops her ass out and watches Paul's eyes run down her back to the red T that splits her ass.

"That ass is the only thing that makes me think you are a girl. You better make a believer out of me or this is done."

"How do I do that?"

"With your mouth." Paul's voice losing even more patience.

"Can I use my hands too?"

"Yes." Paul's muscles tensing.

Rebecca can sense Paul's frustration, and reaches her hands up to rub up his thighs. They have small dark hair that becomes thinner and lighter the closer they get to his hips. Firmly her hands make their way up to his hips, his public hair is thick, dark, and coarse. It is obvious he has never trimmed or groomed it. As soon as Rebecca grasps his cock and leans in the, smell becomes stronger, and like a bolt of lighting she is now focused on how much she wants this and how much she wants to make Paul to want her.

"Oh God it is so heavy." She whispers loud enough for Paul to hear. Instantly she notices him get harder. Sliding her tongue out to lick the tip she teases it by kissing it softly. "Last night I came so hard thinking about your cock." She is rewarded again, but this time with him raising his hips so his cock slides inside her mouth, "mmmmmmmmm." In this moment she realizes she wants to make this last as long as she can, for her and for him.

Reaching up with one hand she presses against his abs and the other reaches down to massage ha balls. Sliding his cock in and out of her mouth slowly by tilting his hips and rocking back and forth, Paul's breathing becomes heavier. Swirling her tongue around the tip Rebecca can taste his pre-cum and it makes everything in her mouth slick. Paul is almost fully erect, making Rebecca open her mouth wider. As she plays with his balls she slides a finger underneath to his taint and teases it. Letting out a gasp, Paul sit up straight abruptly and grabs her wrist pulling it away. Rebecca looks up because of the sudden movement, pulling her mouth off.

"You look like a fucking guy like that. Get your head down and don't go near there again." Obediently Rebecca puts her head down, closes her eyes, and moves her hands, jerking him off. Wringing it slowly and smoothly around and up and down with each stroke. "Stick your ass out again." As she does what she's told Paul gazes down her back again. He reaches down to her hair and runs his fingers through it and grabs two hands full. "That's better."

Picking up the pace a little, Rebecca starts to work her head up and down with Paul's guidance. She can sense his urgency as he gets close. Opening her eyes Rebecca can see his abs flexing with each breathe. She can feel his thighs pushing with more lust against her arms. The lockeroom is filled with a slurping sound from Rebecca trying to keep his cock in her mouth. Her nose is filled with his smell, and her whole world is right in front of her.

"Right there, right like that." Paul is working hard to hold back.

Rebecca does as she's told, keeping everything the same. Same pace, pressure, and pattern with her tongue and hands. She dares to look up, and Paul is staring at her ass, so focused he doesn't see her looking. She reaches behind her with one hand to separate her ass cheeks, and this is enough to send Paul over the edge. She feels her mouth fill with cum, so she moves her hand back to his cock, feeding herself, closing her eyes, putting her head down and savoring each last second.

Cleaning up after a couple swallows, she takes her time licking around in circles. Making sure not to look up. She can feel Paul's eyes on the back of her head as she does this. Her panties are so wet that they are sticking to her.

"Want your other reward?"

Looking up, Rebecca suddenly realizes how naked she is. A little embarrassment sets in as she lets the question linger.

"What is it?"

"A make over with Susan. She really wants to help you." Paul's voice is calm and sincere. He hands her a folded up note.

"But you said not to tell her..."

"About us. She already knew about you. Here she even wrote you a note." Reaching into his bag he hands Rebecca a sheet of paper. "And this is from me, if you want to keep this up, you need to follow that list."

Rebecca opens Paul's first. Looking through it, she sees it's a list of things to do, including work out, wax everything, always wear panties... it was a list of things to do to be more like a girl. "I don't understand."

"You want to be a girl, I want to keep getting these blowjobs, I don't do guys, if Susan finds out she will flip. It's that easy. If you want to keep doing this, do those things. If not, this is done."

"So Susan doesn't know about us?"

"And if you tell her we are done, and I will tell everybody how you beg for cock."

Rebecca opens up Susan's note. Her cute bubbly handwriting invites her to a slumber party. It is obvious from the way it is written that this will be just the two of them. The last sentence reads, "I want you to feel like you have somebody to talk to, and I would love to help you be who you are."

Rebecca starts to tear up. "Thank you." Is all she can get out. Looking up from the letter Paul is already half dressed. She stares at him, still in just her thong, watching him. He glances at her and looks away quickly. "You better get dressed in case somebody comes in." Putting his shirt back on he picks up his bag and leaves.

Next: Chapter 4

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