Love of My Life

By Lindsey S.

Published on Nov 4, 2017


An afternoon together.

After the sleep over, Rebecca felt like she was alive. There was a part of her that she knew she wanted to explore and develop, but had no direction. Susan's invitation had gotten her to a place where she could find herself. The clothes and the make up, even though neither were elaborate, made her feel like she could show this side of her. And to be able to be open and just say what she wanted, or ask Paul, or just do it without worrying about being judged made her feel free. And it was Susan who made that possible.

It wasn't just the make up and clothes either. A lot of it was Paul's list. Working out was making her feel confident. The commitment to sculpting her body, the way she felt when she moved, and even how empowered she felt, she never thought she had it in her. She also liked that it was getting harder and harder for Paul to focus during wrestling practice. Waxing, getting ready in the morning, planning what to wear, the pills she was taking, all of it was coming together.

That however did not mean that she was ready to share her growth with everybody. It was still her little secret with Paul and Susan, and even though she felt comfortable in her new clothes and make up, that feeling was not extended to the people that knew Bobby.

But Rebecca really wanted to go out.

Her first outing was going to be to her new gym. Her student ID allowed her to get into the local gym for cheap on the weekends, the only problem was that it was Bobby's ID. What she found out the first couple workouts dressed as Bobby, was that they didn't really check the name or the picture. Even better, after the third time Bobby went, they didn't even ask for it. He just handed them the money and walked in. This was going to be her Saturday and Sunday routine. A chance for Rebecca to get out.

Rebecca was excited to wear her new workout clothes. Picking out her underwear was the most difficult part, because she had ordered a couple more pairs online. Obviously she needed something with a little more support than a thong, which was becoming her go to. The lace `boy shorts' could work but she didn't want to ruin them, and wasn't sure if lace would be uncomfortable. She decided on wearing a pair of cotton briefs with another pair of thin tights under her leggings. As she turned around in the mirror she could make out her panty line, but not any sort of bulge, so that was going to have to do. Sliding her sports bra on, she liked how tight it was. By no means did she need the support, but she loved how it stuck out of her tank top and reminded her with each breathe that she was wearing it. With one last quick glance in the mirror, she threw on her school sweat suit over her leggings and tank top. This disguise would work in her parents when she ran out to the car.

In the parking lot of the health club she took her time on her make up and braided her hair. When she walked up to the front desk Rebecca was ready. Making sure to cover up the photo with her thumb, the attendant barely gave her ID a glance. He asked for her two dollars and let her go. As she waltzed into the gym with her bag on her shoulder, she felt like she was in the clouds. Walking past the men's locker room she stepped into the door labeled "women's" with a huge smile on her face. She was greeted by two women in their twenties walking out, who returned her smile. "Just one of the girls." Thought Rebecca as she walked in and put her bag away. There were about ten women iniside, some in towels, some still in their workout clothes, and a couple drying off after their showers. Walking past the bathroom area, she noticed how clean it was compared to the men's on the other side of the wall. There were no urinals, each shower had its own curtain, and their were different beauty products set out for people to use in the counter. Taking her phone and ear buds with her, she stopped for a second and let the moment sink in. After looking around first, she started to take off the sweat pants and sweat shirt. This was the first time a little nervous crept. Not doubt about who she was, but about getting caught having a penis and being in the women's locker room. That feeling was extinguished when a woman came up to the locker next to hers and paid her no mind. Just a "hello" and a smile. That small greeting gave Rebecca all the confidence she needed to go work out.

She felt so good, she stopped next to a sign on the way out. It read, "Looking good ladies" With a picture of a woman running on a treadmill. She couldn't help herself, she had to take a selfie next to it. She sent it to Paul with a text that asked, "What do you think?"

Stepping onto the treadmill, she felt different. Now that she was out of the locker room, she could feel guys watching her. This type of attention, the random glances, were something she did not expect. By no means was she he most fit woman at the gym, and she definitely was not the best dressed, have the biggest breasts, or the most toned ass, but she could still feel their eyes. She kept ironing her hands over her pantie lines trying to smooth them out, even though she knew it wouldn't work. Bending down to tighten her laces, she frowned at her nails. They were long, but she wished they matched her outfit. She knew they wouldn't notice, but in a way it made her feel like she didn't finish getting ready. Once her shoes were tight, she stood up, and made direct eye contact with a man who had to be in his 40's. "He must have been staring at me. How long was that for?" Her thoughts were coming quickly, until he smiled and turned his attention back to the TV. All those questions immediately disappeared, Rebecca felt flattered.

Setting the treadmill to her speed, she was on her way. She liked listening to her music while she ran, it made the rest of the world feel less heavy, like if she ran far enough or fast enough it couldn't catch up to her. Her 45 minutes went quickly, and by the end she had a nice sweat going. She could feel it cooling her skin as she moved over to the weight equipment.

As she approached the leg press machine, a trainer asked her. "Need some help?" He was tall, over six feet and had biceps the size of Rebecca's leg, and normally Rebecca might have been a little intimidated. He was so big his body looked disproportionate. She couldn't help but wonder how on earth this guy got dates.

"Ummmm, I think I'm OK." She responded with a smile.

"I can show you some of the machines that most of the women use."

This hadn't occurred to Rebecca before, that she should be lifting differently than the wrestlers. "You really don't have to."

"It's no problem."

Hesitantly, she agreed, and just like that they began. His enthusiasm was contagious, and she could tell he liked the idea of helping others. Deep down she wanted to believe that he enjoyed helping people turn into he person they knew they were. Just like Susan helped her with clothes, he was helping her with her body.

The circuit focused on glutes, legs, shoulders, abs and back. After the first round she was a little tired and realized how much she enjoyed the trainer telling her how to move, sometimes putting his hands in her to help her feel the the right position or timing. Going through the rest of the workout, she really liked when she would do it correctly and he would say, "yeah like that," or, "that-a-girl, right there." On the third circuit as she started to tire, he started saying things like, "you're better than that," and, "not good enough, two more and do it right."

After the last set, Rebecca's legs were burning so much she had to sit for a couple minutes. Sweaty and tired she thanked the trainer and checked her phone. She was so into the workout and doing everything right, she must have missed Paul's text. "Good workout? I have the house to myself for the afternoon, want to bring that hot ass over here?"

Rebecca's heart flipped and then she panicked. She hadn't brought anything else to wear, and she was so sweaty. Worried that she had already missed her opportunity, she texted back, "Now? I just got done working out."

Immediately she saw he was typing, "Right now."

Rebecca did not want to come off like she didn't want to go, and struggled to come up with a response. "I am pretty sweaty."

The first text came in, "You won't still be sweaty by the time you get here." It was quickly followed by another, "Come over and be prepared to do whatever I say." The picture she had sent last weekend, of her bent over playing with Susans dildo was attached to it.

"I will be there in 10 minutes." And with that she quickly put on the sweatsuit, grabbed her bag from the locker room, and headed to Paul's. Parking down the street, she went through the back gate like Paul instructed. She knocked on the backdoor and Paul opened it almost immediately, wearing a pair basketball shorts and a smile. Judging by the front of his shorts, he was not wearing underwear. As soon as he laid eyes on Rebecca his smile faded. He quickly pulled her into the house. "What the fuck is this? Where is the outfit from the picture?" His tone was frustrated. "Why are you wearing this fucking sweatsuit."

"It's just on over my, I mean I was worried...". Rebecca tried to sound calm, but she was a bit panicked. She wanted this to start differently. She wanted his smile to come back.

Interrupting her, Paul insiisted, "take it off." His eyes glaring at her, his back to the door, Rebecca can see he is not pleased. "I told you that you are going to do what I say, and this is your only warning. If you do anything I don't like for the rest of the day, or do anything wrong, there will be a consequence."

Meeting his gaze, Rebecca took a deep breathe, "OK." She buried the fear he would send her away. She tried to stay focused. That switch of her attention must have taken too long, because as she was about to reach for the waistband of her shorts she hears Paul again.

"I told you to take it off, and you didn't, that is one consequence that you now have coming."

Slowly she slid down her sweat pants, looking at the ground. Then looking back up at Paul, she snuck a peek at his crotch, he was more aroused than when she first came in. She pulled the sweatshirt over her head, revealing her stomach and sports bra. As she stood up she looked him in the eye again. He was scanning up and down her body, not like the stolen stares at the gym, this was different. Paul was taking in every detail.

"Go upstairs to my room, I need to get something from the basement. Do not touch anything. Do you understand."

Rebecca nodded. Walking upstairs in her work out clothes, she looked into each room till she found his. Walking in the first thing that caught her eye was the posters. Some of athletes and some of rock bands, but all of them looked like they had been up for years, like he was growing too old for this room.

The computer on his desk had some pornography up on it. From the looks of it there was a paused video of a girl who had one cock in her mouth and another man behind her. With her eyes on the screen, she slowly lowered herself onto the bed. There she sat, waiting for Paul.

She heard him coming up the stairs, and once he came in the door, Rebecca could not keep her eyes off him. The way he moved and the way his muscles flexed, she was so captivated she did not realize what he was holding.

"You are not off to a good start. First you wear that sweatsuit, then you don't listen, and here you are now sitting on my bed when I told you not to touch anything." He pushed her down on her back and pinned her down by her shoulders with all his weight. "You owe me two now."

Rebecca felt his weight and squirmed. Her eyes locked on the jump rope that he had brought up from the basement. The two wooden handles dangling from his hand. Her eyes moved to his lips, and her heart raced as she thought about being able to kiss them. She tried to prop herself up on her elbows, but Paul only lets her get up halfway.

"You want something?" He asked.

"Those lips." She replied.

Smiling he pulled her up off the bed. "Not going to happen. You look hot all made up, but I didn't invite you over to kiss. Besides, you owe me two consequences." Spinning her around he grabbed her wrists behind her back and started wrapping it around her hands and forearms up with the jump rope. He left enough slack so the handles could dangle. "Not exactly what I had in mind for this but it should help you keep your hands off things."

Wrapping his arms around her shoulders, he slid a finger under her sports bra and down to her collarbone. His hands ran across her skin which felt taught and had little salty reminders of her sweaty morning workout.

"I like this." He said in a new tone that was more complimentary and less commanding. His hand moved down her stomach, to the waist band of her leggings. With two hands he slid them down off her hips to her knees. With her hands bound and her leggings down, she could barely hold her balance, let alone move.

"There." He said, sliding his hands over her ass to help steady her. Rebecca's thin tights still covering her, but her panty line stuck out her even more, and her own bulge was starting to grow. She wished she could cover it up, but Paul either didn't notice or didn't care.

"What did you have in mind with the jump rope if you weren't going to tie me up?" She asked quietly. She did not wanting him to stop running his hands around her body.

Pressing his chest against her back, she felt that Paul was getting hard as he ground against her. Running his hands to her stomach and up to her bra he grabbed her chest. She could feel his breathe on her ear as she let out a soft moan. "I don't have a dildo, and you seemed to like the other one. This is the closest thing I could find." She could feel from his touch and his tone if voice that this wasn't all about him. He was definitely enjoying himself though. He slid his other hand over her tights and separated her cheeks as best he could, firmly rubbing up and down.

"Oh... fuck." She let out as a purr. She tried to separate her legs but her tights were keeping her from being able to, and with her hands tied, Paul had to steady her.

"Bend over the bed."

Obediently Rebecca let Paul lean her over, and with his knee, he helped push her up on the bed, where she kneeled. Grinding his finger gently against her hole, he watched how her hands clasped each other. "The other day you wanted a cock in your mouth and your ass at the same time didn't you?"

"Yes." Her mind stayed focused as she tried to get comfortable. Her eyes were tied straight ahead on a poster of a pitcher in mid throw.

"That's a little slutty, don't you think?"

Rebecca did not answer. She just wiggled her hips and spreads her knees as far as she could, stretching her tights.

"I asked you a question and you didn't answer, that's not good." First he grabbed her by the arms and guided her down so her face went to the mattress. With more force he pulled down her tights and panties, exposing her ass.

"Yes." She answered with a sense of urgency in her voice. Because of his hands on her body, she is couldn't focus on anything other than her growing desire to feel more of him. Every time he said something dirty she got a flash of warmth that moved from the center of her body out to her fingers and toes. Her ass was sticking up and her forehead was down on the mattress. She could see he was standing at the edge of the bed, directly behind her. There was a small window between her thighs, the top of her leggings, and her stomach. She saw her own pre-cum leaking onto her panties as she tried to focus on Paul's thighs. Every once in awhile as he moved she could see his cock was semi hard under his shorts. That was easy for her to focus on, it was all she wanted to focus on.

As he ran his hand down her back, she could feel him grab the handle of the jump rope, and slide it between her cheeks. She jumped as he held it up against her, teasing her entry.

"Oh," She blurted out, and instinctively rocked her weight forward away from it. Paul responded by applying a little more pressure. "Get it wet first, and go slow."

Paul chuckled. "You want this thing up your ass?"

"Yes, please just go slow." Her breathe was shallow as she closed her eyes.

Paul walked to the nightstand, Rebecca could hear the drawer open. The sound of a bottle top snapping open was accompanied by a cool sensation. After a couple tight circles from Paul's finger she lifted her hips up, trying to get more pressure. "Good girl." Paul encouraged her as he teased.

After a couple more laps around her hole, he brought the handle to bare, sliding it slowly. The lube left a tingling sensation as the wood stretched her. Rebecca's legs were tired and tight from her workout, so she shifted herself, which made the handle slide out a little. `Mmmm, ahhh."

Opening her eyes she could see Paul's full erection hiding just under his shorts, he was directly behind her. The thought of being in that moment, and his to play with was too much. Her head was swimming with desires. The handle inched even deeper, it was much harder and less forgiving than Sudan's dildo. She felt every little movement by her or Paul. With one hand working the handle, Paul used the other to grab at her ass. Cupping it at first to get the handle a little deeper, he started to grope it, squeezing it, which sent a sharp shiver down her spine. She started moving with each thrust of the handle.

"That feels so good." She let out with a sharp exhale. Picturing his cock in her head, she couldn't keep her desire hidden. "Can I please suck you?" She pleaded.

Getting up on the bed Paul straddled her back, allowing her tied hands to touch him over his shorts. "Is this what you want in your mouth?" He asked.

"Yes, please." She started to contort her body so that her hands could reach up his shorts. Fumbling with her fingers the rope dug into her arms. To get her hands around his cock, she had to contort her body so the handle slipped out an inch, making her ass feel neglected. Sensing her desire, Paul teased her by angling his shorts so she could reach up them so she could only feel the heat from his blood filled member. He also rewarded her with a little deeper push on the handle. "Mmmmmmmm fuck." The struggle to get access to Paul had made it so the rope was cutting off circulation to her hands.

"If I untie you, are you going to listen?"

"Yes, I promose."

"No touching till I say so."

Rebecca's legs were feeling weak and she couldn't feel her hands. "Ok."

And with that, Paul got off her back, untied her wrists, and removed the handle. The flood of new blood sent pins and needles down to her hands and the vacancy left by the handle made her feel empty. Instinctively she rubbed her wrists, and sat up on her heels.

Sitting on the bed with his back against the wall, Paul gave his next instruction. "Crawl over here."

Doing as he instructed, Rebecca crawled over on all fours. She stopped with her chest over his fully erect cock, still encased in his shorts. There was a wet spot of precum smeared across the front of them. "Just your mouth, and take off my shorts."

Looking up sat him, for the first time in this position, basically in his lap, he met her eyes. "He has never looked at me in the eye this long before. It must be the make up." Thought Rebecca. But then her mind immediately shifted to the task at hand. Lowering her head to the waist band she could feel his eyes on the back of her head. She used her teeth to tug at the band and got the front pulled down so the head of his cock was peeking out. Pushing herself up on her hands she scooted down, pulling at the opening of the bottom of the leg with her teeth. Paul lifted his hips as she pulled, bringing the shorts down to his thighs. Totally free, she found herself staring at the new trim job he had given himself. It looked even bigger than the first time.

Looking back up at him, she heard him clarify, "all the way off." So she went back at it. Her leggings still only pulled halfway down, it was hard for her to move. She managed to get them all the way around his ankles, and with one last move pulled them all the way off. At his feet, she looked up at him, his naked body laid in front of her.

"You can use your mouth, but only your mouth." His gaze did not break from hers as he put his hands behind his head with a big smile on his face. It was like a king leisurely watching over his kingdom. Relaxed, proud, and in total control.

Smiling back, she bent down. Kissing her way up his calf, using her lips and tongue. She spread her hands out to the side and held onto the sheets. She wanted to make sure she did not lose her focus and grab at his thighs, or hips, or hands, or...

Once at his knees she made sure to rub her sports bra against his skin to test his boundaries. She knew she shouldn't use her hands, but she wanted to feel his skin against hers. Looking up at him as she rubbed her chest against his shins, she kissed the inside of his thigh softly at first. Watching him close his eyes, she let out a soft "mmmmmm" as she slid her tongue out to trace little circles. Judging by how he readjusted his position and moved his hands to the back of her head, she could tell he was enjoying it. She could start to smell him again, but this time, there was something different, a sharpness to it.

He guided her with his hands, and to her disappointment, he was tracing around where she wanted to focus her attention. She was not complaining, because tracing her tongue around his abs while rubbing her chest against his thighs was driving her wild. Before she knew it she was moving quickly up his chest, grinding her sports bra against his cock. She felt him push his hips up to grind into her. Knowing she was pleasing him, knowing he was losing a little control, made her feel confident, it made her feel sexy. And that confidence made her go for it, she worked up his neck, where he tilted his head to give her a better angle. "Can I please suck your cock now?" She whispered into his ear. Her hips hovering over his, and her hands pushed up against the wall.

"If you want it, first get your toy back inside you." Rebecca's skin flushed.

"Is that a command?" she asked, still kissing his neck.

"It's a promise, and I won't offer it again."

Rebecca turned around to find the handle. As she crawled down to the edge of the bed to get it, Paul grabbed the waist of her leggings, tights, and panties. As she struggled to crawl away using just her arms they slid down off her legs leaving her only in her sports bra, her bare ass exposed to Paul.

Grabbing the handle, she turned back around to face him. Sitting up on her knees with her hips hovering over her heels, she got to work slowly. Closing her eyes as she started to slide it back in, she felt totally exposed. Her cock was dripping spots of clear fluid all over the bed. Her breathe was so heavy, her shoulders moved every time she exhaled.

"You can touch yourself with your hands, and you can touch any part of me with your body, but your hands do not touch me, is that clear?" His voice was confident, but there was a hint of haste in it. Rebecca could tell he wanted something now. So she teased him, running one hand up her chest as she slowly worked the handle halfway in.

For thirty seconds he watched her, then he broke the silence, "you wanted something in your mouth didn't you?"

"I do." She responded. "Can I suck your cock?"

His smile lit up the room. "Yes, but no hands."

She bent over, opening her mouth wide. Taking just the tip she worked her tongue up and down across the head with all the force she could get the out of her tongue. His taste was familiar, but there was something different this time. There was something about both the smell and taste that felt like it wasn't there before. One hand on the handle she pumped short slow movements with her butt up in the air.

"I have been waiting all day for this." He muttered. She opened her eyes and looked up, so he took her hair and pulled it gently with both hands. Then he moved his other hand down her back sliding it under her sports bra. His words and hands brought a smile to her face, so she had to pull her mouth off.

"Me too." She replied. She was rewarded with a grunt, and his hips bringing his cock back up to her lips.

Rebecca's reaction was a little late, so she felt him slide himself into her mouth. She delayed her tongue for a second, and stopped on an up stroke, so Paul took control of her head. Pumping her up and down with his hand, and shifting his hips up and down. With each stroke he would breathe out, and his balls would pull up close to his body.

Deep down her inner competitiveness kicked in. If he was going to do this, she was going to win. She was going to leave him wanting a next time. "Mmmmmmmmmm" she moaned with her mouth full while popping her ass up higher in the air. She started using deeper slower strokes and making sure she tightened her lips every time the handle was deep inside her. After several strokes she started to match tempos so each pull into her mouth was at the same time that she slid the handle deeper. She could feel him shaking under her.

"If he likes me asking I have a question he will love." She thought. Waiting for the right moment she popped her mouth off and let out a sigh, grinding her chest against his cock. Popping the handle out, "have you thought about fucking my tight little ass?" She asked. She started kissing his stomach, hungrily crawling up to his neck. Grinding her hips against him, she felt her cock against his abs, and lightning shot through it. She looked down, and saw a stream of her pre-cum smear on his six pack.

"Get on all fours." He commanded. Turning around she found herself facing be computer screen. The image of the girl getting finger cuffed still frozen still. She felt him slide his cock against her cheeks and push her hips down. He kept his hands there as he took control.

"I wish you could be in my mouth and ass at the same time." She muttered as she closed her eyes. With one stroke, she felt him stretching her. "God you are so fucking big."

That was enough, she could feel him tighten up and speed up, even though he was only halfway in. His hands alternated from grabbing her with a strong grip, and roughly rubbing up and down her lower back. He started jumping inside her leaving a warm sensation filling up her cavern. With each push she could feel him slowing down and geting a little softer. His hands stopped rubbing up and down her lower back, and rested on her hips. Once he pulled out, she turned her focus to herself.

Reaching under her, she began rubbing her cock gently. She reached back up to her mouth, licked her hand, and returned to stroking herself. The other hand reached up and grabbed her own tit, pinching the nipple through the sports bra as his cum was starting to run down her leg.

Turning her head to the side, he could see him watching her, his hands sliding down her hips to separate her cheeks. "God I want to

cum so fucking bad." It did not sound like her voice or her words, she was so much more desperate than a minute ago. Moving his hands forward to her chest, he pulled her up, so she was kneeling and facing the same direction as him. She could feel his breathe on her neck.

"You are doing a good job getting this body right for me." His hand reached up her stomach and then to her chest. He put his hand over hers. She intertwined her fingers with his and held on tight. Her legs started to shake.

"Yes, for you." She let her body take over, feeling the heat from his chest against her back, she started trying to grind her ass against him. Letting go of his hand she started to hunch over at her shoulders. It was building so fast now. She couldn't stop it.

Her head was spinning and she physically couldn't hold herself up. Paul held her across her chest as she started to go limp, cum seeping out all over her hand. Her stretched out asshole spasming as she came. He grabbed her tight and gently laid her on her side, still his chest against her back. After several minutes, she could finally speak.

"That was exactly what I needed." She said sweetly.

"Hmmmph," his eyes closed. "You do have a very talented mouth and a tight little ass."

Turning onto her back, she realized she is laying with him, most of their bodies touching. "I think I made a mess." Looking at her hand, it was coated in cum.

"You should clean it up." Grabbing her wrist, he brought it to her mouth. She closed her eyes as she licked her fingers. He reached down to his stomach and got some that dropped on his stomach onto his fingers. "This too." She opened her eyes and watched him as she got fed. He met and held her stare, watching her intently.

They both knew in that moment this afternoon had changed everything between them. She felt a glow, this is where she wanted to be. But that glow started to slowly dim as she thought about Susan. This secret just got much harder to keep.

Next: Chapter 6

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