Love of My Life

By Lindsey S.

Published on Dec 20, 2017


Hey all, keep comments coming, I hope you have enjoyed reading! One more chapter- if you email me Incan send you a bonus sex scene... please donate to nifty, I love the stories here too... lindseycd4rpATgmail.

Chapter 8: Diamonds Forever

Sunday was Rebecca's favorite day of the week. She would go to the gym with Paul, and even though they didn't work out together, she loved that they were both there. Her favorite Pilates instructor taught the Sunday class, and there weren't too many people in it. But this Sunday morning she was excited because she was going to get her ring, Paul had promised her.

On their way to go workout, they chatted a little about the day before. Rebecca let Paul know about the big tippers and that she didn't actually pay for the beer, but she wanted Paul to bring up what happened at home. He was amused and mostly just listened intently. He made no mention of their game, and the only question he asked was about her plans for the rest of the day.

"Well, I was going to meet Susan to do some shopping. We made plans yesterday, but I can cancel if you want." Rebecca didn't want her plans to delay that ring getting on her finger. They actually hadn't talked at all about the engagement or the wedding, and she didn't want to jinx it, she wanted to wait till he actually proposed.

"No, you should meet her. I want to take you to dinner tonight. I got reservations for seven. Does that work?"

Rebecca smiled, "Yeah, how fancy is it, should I be dressed up?" Visions of him on one knee ran through her head. She pictured herself in a black dress and him in a shirt and tie with a black box big enough for a diamond ring. She didn't even listen to his answer.

He looked over at her as they pulled into their parking spot. He gauged her reaction and based on her look he could tell she was expecting something while her mind wandered. He smiled at himself, `sometimes she is so predictable' he thought.

Kissing each other before heading to their locker rooms, Rebecca made sure to place her left hand up on his shoulder. Soon it would have a nice shiny rock for her to show off. Catching her mind wandering again she realized she might miss the start of her class, so she quickly dropped her bag off and hurried to the Pilates room.

During her class she would sometimes see Paul between his sets, he was always so focused when he worked out. He had his headphones in but he made sure to smile at her anytime he remembered to look up.

After the class finished she went over to check on Paul. He pulled out his ear buds so he could hear her, "How much longer do you need?" She asked.

"I am just about done. Get dressed and meet me at the car. Half an hour enough time?" A grin crept onto his face. "Your diamond is waiting for you at the desk, you should get it before you head into the locker room."

Rebecca was stunned, this is not what she had expected. This was not a proposal, he hadn't asked anything, he wasn't even going to open the box for her. She started to turn red out of embarrassment and disappointment. She should have known better than to expect anything specific.

"You'll like it, I promise." He kissed her softly on the cheek. "Challenge number two, make sure you don't lose that rock."

"Don't you want to present it to me?" She asked, hoping to get a little of her day dream to come true.

"Sure, I guess I want to see the look on your face when you see it." He grabbed her hand and lead her to the managers station.

Mike who worked the desk, saw them coming, reached under the desk, grabbed a box, and handed it to Paul. It was way too big to be a ring case. Casually, Paul handed it to Rebecca and watched her look of confusion turn to shock as she peered inside.

It was butt plug with a fake gem encrusted on the end of it. Rebecca's eyes got very wide as she snapped the box shut hoping nobody else saw what was inside. Mike jumped a little at the sudden noise.

"What is it?" Mike asked. Paul couldn't help it anymore, he started chuckling.

"Go on show him." Paul teased. Rebecca looked over at him, the shock still plain on her face. "I know you want to show off our engagement, show him." Paul's tone was playful but Rebecca understood, he really wanted her to show Mike. Opening the box she turned it so Mike could see. He hesitated, but then blushed as soon as he realized what it was.

"Ok, shower up, and don't forget to wear your new jewelry. I think Mike will want to see you wearing it too, in the box does not do it justice. I know how you like to show off your bling." Paul's voice was a little more serious. This was not a request. She bit her lower lip, and did her best to play along.

"Would you like that Mike?" She almost convinced herself she was not embarrassed.

Keeping eye contact, Mike simply nodded.

Playing it cool, she sweetly smiled at him, and walked toward the locker room with Paul. "Second challenge?" She quietly asked Paul.

"Second challenge," he repeated back to her, "and it looks like you learned from the first." Before they went into their respective locker rooms, he paused to watch her walk away. "Those tights look great on you."

Turning back to him she flashed a smile. Swallowing her pride she turned around the corner out of sight and into the women's locker room. Just as she had for the last several years, she stripped out of her workout clothes and down to her panties and sports bra. Taking her bag and the box with her she headed to the shower and pulled the curtain closed. She ran the water as hot as it would go. Her white bikini briefs peeled right off, and the sweat from her breasts made her her nipples cool immediately after removing her sports bra. A small shiver ran through her body and her nipples hardened. The steam started to build as she stepped in and let the water run over her body.

A vision of Mike at the front desk crossed her mind, and she closed her eyes thinking about Paul watching her bend over to show Mike her diamond. Her hands found their way up to her nipples and she couldn't help but let out a small whimper as she froze the image in her head and pinched her nipples softly. In her head Mike had the same innocent but focused look on his face as he did when he nodded.

She did not have time for this. She had to get ready and go meet Paul. Leaning against the wall for another second, she got on with her shower.

Stepping out into the shower's private changing area just inside the curtain, she opened the box. The plastic `jewel' was a light purple and attached to a three inch plug that was a relatively modest width. Years of Paul's monster cock had prompted her, this was going to take a little work to get in but was no big deal. She felt a rush of blood between her legs when she grabbed it. Licking her fingers, she reached behind her and worked her own saliva around her asshole. She spit on the plug, then slid it between her lips. She instinctively closed her eyes and let out a soft moan. After a minute she found herself half erect and brought the toy to her hole. With one foot up on the bench she slowly let it stretch her. Only halfway in she felt herself straining, trying to relax while firmly pushing back against her hand, slowly penetrating herself. She bit her lower lip and let out a low "ahhhhh" as she felt it close to popping in.

A woman opened the curtain to the next shower and it startled her, making her clench up and push the plug halfway out again. "Ah, no." Rebecca's outburst startled the woman in the next stall.

"Are you OK?" The woman asked from the other side of the thin wall.

"Yes, sorry." Rebecca's eyes were closed as she pushed back harder, wanting to get it all the way in, trying not to sound strained. "Just surprised." With a slow release, she felt it settle all the way in. Pausing for a second she let out a small gasp, and then slowly got her balance back.

With each move she made she could feel it inside her. Wrapping herself in her towel she went to go and get dressed. Just as she always did, she slid her underwear on while wrapped in the towel. Once in her lace thong and matching bra she removed the towel and got ready to slide on her jeans. As she bent down to put them on, she was careful not to let anybody see her hidden secret. She put on a tight pink cotton shirt that accentuated her stomach and looked in the mirror. She quickly put on some make up, and put her wet hair up in a pony tail.

Walking out of the locker room, she formulated her plan. She would have to get Mike alone. Walking up to the desk, she found him waiting. She smiled as innocently as she could. "Do you have a lost and found?" She asked.

Mike lead her to a closet behind the desk. He opened the door and let Rebecca in first, and with every step she felt the plug. Her cock was straining inside her pants thinking about how Mike was probably staring at her body as she walked. She turned to face him and made eye contact. "Should I do this myself?" She asked putting her hands on the button of her jeans, and trying to sound flirty.

Mike stood silent, his eyes running up and down her body. She turned around and faced the wall, reaching after undoing her button she slid down the zipper. Guiding her jeans down to her mid thigh, she bent over, sticking her ass out. Reaching behind her she spread her cheeks, and felt the plug change it's angle inside of her. She heard him shuffle around, and turned her head to look. He had unzipped his pants and started jerking off. Her mind immediately remembered her first experience with Paul, who she caught doing the same thing. Mike's penis was smaller, and he was working much faster.

As soon as she made eye contact he focused his stare back down at her body. She reached back between her legs and played with the plug, pushing it gently. Before she knew it was going to be quick when she heard his breathing get faster and the buckle of his belt rattling rhythmically. He closed his eyes and came all over his hand, every exhale was accompanied by a grunt.

Rebecca slowed the hand that was playing with her toy, she hadn't realized how aroused she had become. Her urge to have sex was not urgent or uncontrollable, but every sensation around her reminded her of one fact, she was doing this for Paul and she wanted more.

Mike started to look around for something to clean his hand with, and Rebecca pulled up her pants, sealing herself back up. She reached for a towel from the clean pile and handed it to him. He quickly thanked her, cleaned up and left without ever making eye contact or looking at her directly.

Paul was waiting at the door, and smiled as soon as he saw her. "I take it he liked it." He joked. Grabbing her around the waist he kissed her cheek, and she couldn't help but wrap her hand around his. Each step she felt her new jewel and each step it reminded her that she was his. Her hormones were out of control, but nobody would have noticed. Every other thought she had was about sex and she did not want it to stop.

In the car she put her hand on his thigh and watched him. His shoulders and chest filled out his T-shirt, and his jeans were just tight enough around his strong thighs. She remembered watching his ass pumping in the video the night before and she wanted to squeeze it. She licked her lips subtly as her mind wandered, and she started thinking about pulling him closer to her by sliding her hands down the back of his jeans and how she wanted to make out with him while she felt those muscular globes flex and relax. She rocked back and forth in her seat teasing herself with her plug.

Before they got to the house, Susan texted her, asking to meet a little early. Rebecca did not want to leave Paul's side, but she reluctantly agreed to meet her at the mall. When she said goodbye to Paul, she lingered. She slid her tongue to meet his with a smile. She reached down as she swirled her tongue around and squeezed his ass. She felt his tongue slow down, a sign he was going to pull away, so she squeezed him tighter and let out a small purr. It worked, he squeezed her and he returned her grasp with his own, reaching down the back of her jeans and tugging gently on her thong.

"I love my present. Don't you want to see it?" She asked with hope in her voice.

"I will see it tonight, the thought of you in that all day and waiting to see has me thinking." He replied.

"Thinking what?" She was ready to share every situation and position that had run through her head since the locker room.

"That we might not make it to be restaurant."

Rebecca smiled, "Oh yeah? But I want you to take me out." She teased. "But I will do whatever you say."

"Then go meet Susan, and don't be late."

And with that she walked away. Once she was at her car she looked back and Paul was frozen where she had left him, his eyes working her up and down.

"Damn you have a great body."

With a little shake of her butt she opened the car door and drove off.

Pulling up right next to Susan's car she got out and Susan immediately gave her a hug. "You ready to do some wedding shopping?"

Rebecca could not hide the surprise on her face. "Ughhh, that's not what, I mean, I don't have a ring yet."

"Well, we had to be early because I booked a private fitting for us to have some dress up fun." Susan's excitement got her up on her toes and her eyes twinkled.

"I'm not sure I'm ready to...."

"You don't have a choice, because I want to go try on some lingerie. I am

Going whether you are or aren't."

And with that they walked in. The receptionist found their reservation and brought them to a back room. There was champagne and snacks, and Veronica, their sales girl introduced herself in front of a rack full of wedding dresses and lingerie.

"If you want to let me know what you like, I can pull things from the back for you to try on. Just let me take some measurements so I can find something close so we can get a decent idea of how things would fit."

Susan stood up immediately, letting Veronica measure her. Rebecca's hormones had quieted down a bit, but the plug was not relenting. She got a firm reminder every time she sat down, stood up, or made a sudden movement from her hidden jewel.

"And you are the bride?" Veronica asked. "I want to see the ring."

Rebecca's face flushed. She held up her empty finger. "It's, ahhh, getting re sized." She lied.

Veronica put on a sincere frown, but proceeded to do her job. "Well, you will have to come back and show me when you buy your dress from us. I need you to strip down to your underwear or less if you are comfortable."

The thought of stripping down brought her back to where she was with Paul, her entire body felt sexual. Even the way Veronica said it made it sound like a command. As she unbuttoned her pants reality sank in. Veronica did not know about her hidden bulge, and nobody knew about her little gem. She slid down her jeans, exposing her thong, just as Veronica turned to face her. Rebecca felt a twinge inside her as she caught Veronica's eyes fixate for a second on her bulge, and then make eye contact. She smiled at Rebecca and grabbed a measuring tape, "your fiancé must feel so lucky." Her hands ran the tape around Rebecca's hips and sent electricity straight through Rebecca.

Susan walked over and handed Rebecca some champagne. "So do I get first crack at maid of honor?" She asked.

Rebecca hadn't even thought about it. There was not a doubt in her mind that Susan was her best friend, or that she trusted her more than anybody else, but her history with Paul made her hesitate. Not because she didn't trust Paul, but because Susan still didn't know everything that Paul had cheated, and started this whole crazy thing. She smiled nervously, "I hadn't thought about it really..." her voice trailed off.

Susan's smile did not fade, she simply got up and started looking through the rack of dresses and lingerie, occasionally showing things she liked to Rebecca. The conversation flowed naturally from the clothes to gossip to wedding ideas. The entire time Rebecca's hormone level was elevated. Everything that was said or happened had a sexual undertone to it. Anytime Veronica touched her, or Susan talked about a memory, everything reminded Rebecca how horny she was, and there was no hiding it. She was in a constant swollen and semi hard state, and both Veronica and Susan kept looking at it a little longer than she thought they normally would.

She managed to hide her jewel while trying on all the dresses. When she had to bend over she made sure to turn and face Susan or do it quick while their backs were turned.

Her favorite dress was strapless, and accentuated her flat stomach. It came down and flowed out at the waist, making her hips look wider than they were, but did not make her chest look any smaller. As soon as she slipped it up her body, she could feel the lace against her breasts, and soft charmeuse lined the inside. It was tight against her skin and made her feel smooth and feminine. The chiffon that ran down over the silk, the lace that covered her breasts, and the crepe that added texture to the skirt made the dress elegant but not too fancy. She spun around, and they all agreed, with a little tailoring this was perfect. She wanted to stay in that dress for the rest of the day.

Rebecca knew her hiding game would be over once she started trying on panties. There was no way she could hide her jewel and neither woman would let her out go until she found something she showed interest in.

Veronica noticed right away. Her eyes widened in the mirror as she caught a glimpse of it's reflection. Veronica, having been caught looking, smiled up at her quickly. She must have read the mild panic on Rebecca's face, because she made sure to stand between Susan and Rebecca or Rebecca's reflection anytime the jewel was in plain view.

"Thank you." Rebecca made sure she made eye contact so Veronica would know her gratitude was for more than just going and getting another bustier. Veronica came up and put her hand on Rebecca's lower back, which sent shivers down her spine and set her thighs on fire. That little rush of blood made her cock swell a little more and it popped out of the thong she was wearing. Veronica raised her eye brows, slid her hand down between Rebecca's cheeks and gave the plug a little wiggle. Rebecca froze on the spot, trying to cool herself down, just as Veronica walked away. Susan looked up leaving her staring directly at Rebecca bent over. Susan had a plain view of the Jewel, erection, and all. Susan's smile started with her eyes, and the corners of her mouth turned up as she teased, "Well, you are having a nice time." Rebecca could here Veronica giggle as she walked away.

Despite the embarrassment, her erection didn't go down. The conversation moved on, but Rebecca could not get her thoughts away from sex. She had flash fantasies about Veronica teasing her while Paul watched. Images of Susan being forced to watch the video of Paul tieing Rebecca up. All four of them asking for Rebecca to go down on them, or serve them; there were endless combinations.

Finally their appointment time was up, and without realizing it Rebecca had agreed to buy a satin white Nighty, a lace pair of french cut panties and matching collar. She could not recall any details about how that happened because she could not keep her mind focused.

Veronica handed Rebecca her sales card with her personal number hand written on it. "I had a lot of fun, I hope you and your fiancé come back to buy that dress. I would love to see you two together." Her hand lingered on Rebecca's shoulder as she walked them out.

Rebecca could not get home quick enough, she had to see Paul. She gave Susan a half hearted excuse about having guests coming over, but she didn't buy it. "I know how Paul is, you want to go home and play. I understand, you are horny. Go home." Susan kept eye contact the whole time, and reached out to hold her hand. "Make sure he gives you that ring."

Rebecca drove home quickly, and the closer she got the dirtier her thoughts were. Pulling into the driveway, she hurried out of the car, and practically ran through the front door, calling for Paul.

"In here." He responded from the kitchen. "I wanted to fix this chair before...."

He was interrupted by Rebecca grabbing his shirt and yanking herself to his lips. "I don't fucking care." She said before standing up on her toes and assaulting his tongue with hers. She pressed all her weight into him as she slid her hands down the back of his pants.

Stunned, he felt himself lose his balance for a second, then he pushed back into her. He tried to catch up as she wrapped her leg around his and started grinding herself against him.

He grabbed her thigh and held it up, feeling her muscles under her jeans as she pumped up and down. Squeezing it, he pushed back with his hips and let her tongue run circles around his.

She wanted every inch of her body against him and wanted to feel his cock harden in her hand. She reached around to the front of his jeans and grabbed it, tugging on it with urgency. Her other hand reached up the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head. Both of their breathing was heavy as the removal of his shirt put space between them.

"Somebody is horny." He said trying to get his breathe.

She nodded and stepped in again to kiss him, her hand slower but still feeling his cock grow with each pump. He leaned his head away, letting her keep her grip. "What about dinner?" He teased.

She bit her lower lip, "You know what I want." She replied with lust in her eyes.

"First show me you didn't lose it." He pulled her shirt over her head, exposing her bra. Reaching to the waist of her jeans he unfastened them and slid them off her hips to just below her ass. In one motion he moved his hands up to touch the jewel, still in place. "Did you show anybody else?" He asked.

"Susan and Veronica saw it. Veronica gave me her number." Paul's rhythmic circles of pressure on the plug made her close her eyes making her words came out with a hiss.

With a self satisfying grin, Paul told her what she already knew, "and my little slutty fiancé liked showing it off."

She nodded, her hand still full. Her mind swimming. Unbuttoning his pants, she released his cock. His jeans fell to the floor while she yanked down his boxerbriefs. With one hand she pulled his cock up to the front of her panties, and with the other she pulled the lace open enough to let it inside next to hers.

At first it was subtle but she started to rotate her hips, so their cocks rubbed each other. Getting one leg out of her jeans she wrapped it around him, up over his waist and pushed harder. She lost her breathe as he grabbed her thigh again and held it there. His other hand reached down and played with her toy, pressing up and down with each tilt of her pelvis. The lace, the smoothness of his cock on hers, and how big he was made her close her eyes and search for his tongue.

Years ago this is all she wanted. This moment with Paul. First her abs got tight as she picked up the pace. The heat of both of them in her panties was making her so wet they started glide smoothly back and forth and up and down. The lace gave sharp little reminders of the dress she had picked out. Her body started to get hot. She felt Paul holding her weight with his strong hands and arms. His tongue on hers, matching each swirl, touch, and kiss. She felt it deep inside her, the orgasm that had taken all day to come was right there. She tried to hold it back, but it was coming like a storm. She let her body take over.

Her hips started bucking and her arms and legs seized up. She felt the plug pull up and stay there for what felt like forever before her panties filled with her own cum, all over Paul's cock. With each spasm she could feel the jewel beating, and she could picture it pulsing gently. Her tongue did not stop and neither did Paul's. Their kiss died down slowly as Rebecca regained her composure.

Paul let go of her leg, letting her slide down to her knees. Paul's cock was coated and smelled of Rebecca's juices.

He looked down, "God you are beautiful."

She smiled at the compliment and knew exactly what to do. Paul was so hard she could not help but let out a moan as she took it into her mouth. They watched each other as he pumped slowly in and out, her lips making a loud sucking sound with each upward stroke. Her own cum lubricated her lips, each inhale through her nose was inches from its string odor. Pulling it out, she used her tongue to lick all around the head before wrapping her lips back on it. Shiny strings stretched from her lips to Paul's rigid shaft as she pulled away, then drooped down to her chin when she brought her lips back to where she felt they belonged. "Mmmmmmmm" her moan was a low purr, and it stopped as Paul pushed deeper to he hit the back of her throat making her gag.

His hands were on the sides of her head and guided her. He closed his eyes for a second before muttering, "Fuck that feels good."

She could tell he was close by his grip. His fingers held tight onto her hair and she could feel his leg muscles tighten. She reached around to feel his ass as he tilted his hips back and forth.

He caught the reflection of her jewel in the glass of the back door and that was it. Watching her in her bra and panties, on her knees, sucking her own juices off of his cock, he grabbed her and let himself go. One hand pulled her hair taught, guiding her back and forth and the other rubbed her shoulder. Four hard pumps with no regard for the back of her throat or how hard he pulled her hair and his cock started jumping, filling her mouth. He held her tight, his cock hard in her mouth as each pulse ran from deep in his balls, all the way through his body. He could feel her squirming as she tried to get it a little further out of her throat so she could breathe, but the muscles in his arms were stuck and would not let her go.

With cum dripping from her mouth and her eyes watering he let the calm settle in and slowly his muscles quieted their grip. Opening his eyes he looked down at her and slowly slid out of her mouth. She stayed on her knees dutifully looking up at him as she cleaned up. She used her fingers around her mouth and gave soft little kisses to get anything that dripped out as he softened.

"I have been waiting all day for that." She couldn't keep the smile off her face as she said it.

Paul took a deep breathe, "So have I. How did I get so lucky to get such a girl." He ran his hands down the the back of her head, to her ears, and gently pulled her up to her feet by her pony tail.

He kissed her softly with just his lips, and then reached down in her panties, scooping up a small little bit of her cum and fed it to her. She closed her eyes and sucked his finger. He watched her entranced, and she could see the love in his eyes.

"What do I have to do next?" She asked with his finger on her lips.

He hesitated for a second, and looked like he had something on his mind, but all he said was, "Get dressed for dinner. We have somewhere we have to go first, but you should wear something nice."

"How nice?" Her question had some expectation in it. A hint of desire.

He grabbed her hand and kissed it softly. He pointed at their clothes on the ground, "You can pick this up and then meet me upstairs. I can help you pick something out." And with that he headed upstairs.

Rebecca's plug reminded her with every movement that she still had one more thing she had to do before she got her ring, and at this point she was willing to do anything to get it.

Next: Chapter 9

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