Love on a Mountain

By Peyton Jones

Published on Nov 24, 2020


Love On a Mountain

This story is the property of the co-authors and cannot be reproduced or distributed without specific consent of the authors. This work is Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. It is written for your enjoyment only. This story about the love between two women and is fiction. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental.

Chapter Five

By Chrissy and Peyton

The next day Harper and Rachel went with Harper's mom shopping. They ran into friends of Harper's mom plus a few of Harper's. They stopped into a local diner for lunch where it so happened, Bailey and her mom were eating. Sylvia and Diane now knowing each other acknowledge each other from across the room.

As Bailey and Diane were leaving they walked past Harper, her mom and Rachel. "How are you doing Sylvia?" Diane asked.

"Good to see you Diane, how are you doing? And how are you Bailey? How is the leg doing?" Sylvia asked pretending not to know about Harper's and Bailey's relationship.

I'm doing fine, thank you, Mrs. Roland," Bailey said trying not to pay attention to Harper but sneaking glances at Rachel.

"How much longer do you have to wear the cast?" Harper feeling she needed to say something to break the awkwardness of the silence between her and Bailey.

"A few more weeks then I move to a walking cast and can get rid of the crutches," Bailey said looking as much at Rachel as Harper.

"I'm Rachel, Harper's friend," Rachel stood sticking out her hand introducing herself making sure Bailey knew who she was though she already knew Bailey had been checking her out.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just thought everyone knew each other," Sylvia said. "Rachel, Bailey is the other girl Harper was stuck up on that mountain with for a week."

"Yes, Harper has told me all about their time together," Rachel said emphasizing all when she said it so Bailey would know she knew more than she should know.

"Bailey, Rachel here is going to Cornell on scholarship next year majoring in physics. Harper and I are very proud of her," Sylvia told Bailey and Diane.

"Mom, shouldn't we be going? I still want to get to Jackson's yet today to shop for skirts for next year?" Bailey asked her mom.

"Sure honey, though I don't know what you need more skirts for. Next year you'll just be wearing shorts or gym shorts I see all the girls wear to school. I swear they want nice clothes then they hang in their closet and gather dust as they live in gym shorts until it gets cold then they just wear leggings" Diane said.

"I know the feeling, Diane. Maybe we'll see you later. It was good seeing you again. Tell George I said hi," Sylvia said as Diane and left.

After Bailey left Harper and Rachel looked at each other. "I'm sorry Rachel. I forgot you don't go to school over here and wouldn't know who Bailey is," Sylvia apologized using a sarcastic tone.

"It's okay Mrs. Roland," Rachel said.

Harper looked at her mom funny as she said that, "you know don't you?" Harper said to her mom.

Know what, honey?" Sylvia asked but it really was a statement.

"About this weekend? Have you been talking to Mrs. McCarthy?" Harper wasn't going to let it go because she knew her mom, and she knew her mom was up to something.

"No I haven't been talking to Rachel's mom," Sylvia said and it was the way she said it made Harper even more suspicious what her mom knew.

Harper leaned over and grabbed her mom's hand, "thank you mom. I love you."

"Someone want to tell me what you two are talking about because I have no clue?" Rachel asked.

"Mom has figured out why you are over here this weekend and she set us up, how I don't know, so we would run into Bailey. That way she could gloat on you to both Mrs. Powell and Bailey. Isn't that right mom?"

Harper and Rachel were now both staring at Harper's mom. "Okay, busted. Two can play this show off your girlfriend to your other girlfriend game," Sylvia said before she continued. "I knew something was up because of all the trouble you were having at school. At first I thought you were having Rachel over because of your relationship with her but that wasn't the full story. Then when I saw Bailey's response when we came into the restaurant and how she kept sizing Rachel up, I knew then you were trying to make her jealous. Am I on the right track?" Sylvia asked.

"Yeah, you are on the right track. Good guess, Mrs. Roland," Rachel told her.

"Last week when I was over with Rachel, her mom figured it out too and told Rach and me we needed to be seen over here and show our feelings for each other out and about if we expected Bailey to notice. Up until then I was a persona non gratis and may be after this but as least she will see me out with someone I love and not home doing nothing," Harper explained.

"And what about you Rachel? Don't you feel used knowing Harper is just putting you up for show?" Sylvia explained to Rachel.

"Not in the least. I'm always proud to be seen as Harper's friend. I don't mind being showcased at all. I know where I stand and whether it's as her girlfriend or a stand-in I will be there for her."

"And what are you two going to do about your relationship when Rachel goes to Cornell and you to State? Have you two thought about that?" Sylvia asked. "Isn't one of you going to get hurt?"

"We both love each other very much but we know our hearts are meant for someone else. Yes, it will be hard but we know we will always love each other and want what's best for the other," Harper told her mother.

"Well it sounds like you two have it all figured out. I hope you both have thought this through so no one gets hurt feelings somewhere down the road. Because inevitably something will go wrong and you should plan for exigencies," Sylvia said.

"We know we are too young to know we can't plan for everything, but we have planned for what we know today and that is we love each other. As long we look after the other's best interest, that love won't bend or break," Harper said taking Rachel hand in hers.

"It doesn't hurt that we each have two mothers that love us and show their love for each of their daughters," Rachel added.

"You know I don't approve of this lifestyle, Harper and I expected you would bring home someone with short black hair and black makeup and black clothes with facial piercings but I must say with the two girls you have chosen you have picked the prettiest ones. On top of which you have chosen two very smart girls," Sylvia told Harper.

"Thank you, mom. I didn't believe I would ever hear that coming from you. And they are both smart because they chose you're daughter as they're girlfriend," Harper stated smiling as she now was kidding at Rachel's expense.

"I know, I know Rachel is majoring in physics and has a scholarship to an Ivy League school and Bailey is going to State and majoring in medicine. Smart move Harper. You can't go wrong with either of them."

"You two do know I am sitting right here listening to you don't you?" Rachel laughed.

"Yes, we do babe and we are proud of you." Harper said and leaned over to give a quick kiss to Rachel.

Later that week on Thursday Harper was walking to class when two boys walked up forcing her into the lockers against the wall. One of them Harper recognized as Bailey's boyfriend.

"Where's your other dyke bitch? You don't have her around for protection," one of the boys said.

"I don't know what you are talking about. Get out of my way, I have to get to class," Harper angrily said.

"I heard you and that other bitch tried to make small talk with my girlfriend this weekend infecting her with your dyke ways? Stay away from her if you know what's good for you," Bailey's boyfriend said as he pointed a finger not more than an inch from her face.

"Fuck you! Now move!" Harper said standing her ground. A crowd had begun to gather from the noise and in the distance Harper could see Bailey standing there with some of her friends. The boys reluctantly moved enough that Harper could get by walking off by Bailey. She looked at Bailey with a combination of tears and anger in her eyes and muttered to Bailey, "Thanks for the help. I should have figured as much," and kept on walking.

The incident was terrifying for Harper because she thought the boys were going to hurt her but also because she was disappointed in Bailey for not stepping in and helping her out. It was the turning point for her and Bailey. She was done thinking Bailey would ever be anything more than the lying stuck up snob who she allowed to take advantage of her on the mountain.

After school she went home and her mom's intuition told her something was wrong.

"Did something happen at school today I should know about?" her mom asked.

"No let it drop or it will make it worse," Harper replied. "I think I'll call Rachel and see if I can go over to her house this weekend instead of her coming over here."

"Running away from your problems won't make them go away. Figure out how you can solve them without avoiding them usually will get better results," Sylvia added. "Why don't we sit down and you tell me what happened and between the two of us we will come up with a solution."

"Okay but don't tell Dad because I know what he will do."

"I won't. He does tend to act first then think about it later after he has made a bigger mess of it," Her mom laughed.

Harper began to tell her mom what happened at school. "Today at school I was walking from my locker to class when two boys cornered me against the wall." Harper then told her mom everything the boys said. "Mom, I was so scared and I thought they were going to physically do something to me. And what was worse was Bailey was there and did nothing." Harper then started to cry.

Her mom was shocked that this could go on in school and no one would do anything. She told Harper it sounded like a one-time occurrence and to avoid those boys if she could. She didn't tell Harper she intended to go in tomorrow to school and have a discussion with the principal.

The next morning after school had started Sylvia was there asking for a meeting with the principal, Mrs. Johnson. She was not confrontational as she knew that wouldn't solve anything. Starting off trying to understand from an administrator's point of view was the best way to go about solving the problem.

"Mrs. Johnson thanks for taking the time to talk to me," she started. "My daughter, a senior, has been experiencing some issues with bullying and I was wondering if we could come up with a plan today to resolve it."

"Certainly, but before we start isn't your daughter the Harper Roland that was one of the girls that went missing for a week a couple of months ago?" Mrs. Johnson asked.

"Yes, she was. She and another senior Bailey Powell, after they went on an orientation trip to State."

"If the accounts are accurate it was her action that saved the life of the Powell girl," Mrs. Johnson questioned.

"Well I wouldn't say she saved her life but it was her training in emergency medical help and wilderness survival that made the difference," Sylvia replied.

"Well I'm glad either way that they were safe and were able to find their way home. Now what is it I can do about this bullying situation? We have a no tolerance policy towards bullying," Mrs. Johnson replied.

"It would seem that several students seem determined to make Harper's life miserable and have resorted to cornering her and threatening her because of her relationship with another person. Yesterday she came home saying she was threatened over talking with a female student. She felt threatened because she was cornered, wasn't allowed to leave to go to class. She feared for her safety and was visibly shaken even after school let out," she continued.

"Do you know the boys names?" Mrs. Johnson asked.

"No, I don't and I asked my daughter to specifically not tell me. My purpose is to not get anyone in trouble, but to see if there is a way to monitor the halls a little more closely to prevent this from occurring again?" she asked.

"As you know Mrs. Roland monitoring the halls is a major undertaking as teachers have little time to prepare between classes and if they have students asking questions after class then they are further hampered," Mrs. Johnson continued as if she were defending her teachers.

"What if I narrow it down for you? It seems to happen between these classes?" Sylvia said as she explained what classes Harper was going to each time she had been accosted.

"If you could do that, we will make an effort to be there and see," Mrs. Johnson said.

"If you can do that, it would be appreciated. My only goal is the protection of my daughter and others to get an education free from harassment or assault. We put our children in your care for eight hours a day and only hope they come back safely to us. That isn't too much to ask is it?" Sylvia asked.

"No it isn't. We appreciate your patience and understanding," Mrs. Johnson stated.

After the conversation either the principle or one of the other administrators seemed to be somewhere roaming the halls between the hours and classes mentioned to the principal by Sylvia. By the end of the week they had caught two boys deliberately opening Harper's book bag and kicking her books down the hall. Both boys were expelled for three days which pretty much ended the harassment though it didn't end the looks Harper received.

That Friday night Rachel insisted on coming over against Harper's objection. Rachel had a plan and Friday she told Harper to call her friends asking if they were going to the basketball game as it was the last game of the season. She also told Harper to ask her friends to go after the game to the same place they had gone the week before.

They went to the game and Rachel noticed as they drove there, Harper had a sour look on her face. "You are not going inside with that look are you?" Rachel asked.

"What look?" Harper asked.

"You have a look as though you are being dragged to a funeral? When we get inside, that look better have changed. I want to see you hold your head up high, smile a big proud smile and look like you are having fun. We want to show these people you are not bothered by everything they can throw at you and you are tough as nails, so bring it on. You get what I'm saying?" Rachel explained to Harper.

"Yes, though I never figured you to be so tough on me."

"I'm not tough on you. I'm making it easier on you in the long run. If you let them get to you, you will have constant problems from now until you graduate in a little over a month from now. And if they are smart enough to go to college for some time after that. This way we may be able to show them you can't be intimidated and there is no reason to try. You remember I have been through this a few years before you. My mom told me I needed to have grit and determination because nobody was going to come to my aid. I created this situation and if I was going to survive it, I needed to put the fire out one fire at a time because more were going to come my way. And I wasn't going to be able to handle more than one possibly two at a time," Rachel explained.

"I understand. I should show them they can't break me regardless of what they throw my way. I am strong and can handle it," Harper said basically repeating what Rachel had told her.

"Exactly, besides you're too fucking cute and nothing I despise more than to make love to a sad face who just lays there and takes it," Rachel added with a smile.

That brought a smile to Harper's face as only Rachel could do and in the parking lot before they went in she leaned over giving Rachel a kiss. "So this is self serving then isn't it?" Harper said with a smile.

"Isn't everything I do?" Rachel laughed as she got out of the car.

They went inside the gym Harper holding her head high and smiling looking up for her friends. Once she saw them she smiled even bigger waving at them then taking Rachel's hand in hers. She walked up to where they were sitting which was right past Bailey sitting on the front row with her cheer friends. Bailey looked as if she was going to say something but both Harper and Rachel walked right past her not looking at her or acknowledging her. At the end of the first quarter, Rachel and a couple of girls stayed behind to save their seats while Harper and the rest went to get drinks.

Bailey looked over her shoulder to see Harper give a quick kiss to Rachel before she got up. Harper walked down the steps as she was talking and laughing with her friends and walked past Bailey not saying a word. This was eating at Bailey as she wanted to say something to Harper about not coming to her rescue but she couldn't get up the nerve.

The game ended and the group moved locations to the popular hangout. Harper and her friends walked in and looked for a table. There were only two available, one next to Bailey's group and one on the other side of the room. At first they were going to sit on the other side but Rachel convinced them to sit at the table next to Bailey's. Rachel convinced them to face their fears as none of them was any less welcome there or less of a person than those sitting at Bailey's table. At first they were tense but soon Rachel had them laughing and carrying on and they forgot who was sitting at the next table. In the beginning a few comments were made but Bailey was able to make them forget them when she reminded them that Harper, who was sitting at that table, was the one who had saved and taken care of her when she broke her ankle. This was the first she had come to Harper's aid, even though in doing so, Harper didn't know Bailey had done it.

By the end of the night Rachel unknowingly had manage to give courage and confidence to all those sitting at their table including Harper. As they left, Bailey's table was also leaving. Bailey went to grab her crutches and they fell to the floor. Rachel and Harper were behind where Bailey had been sitting as she reached for them. Both Rachel and Harper each picked one up and handed Bailey the crutches. "Thank you," Bailey said. Harper smiled and walked away to catch up with her friends not acknowledging Bailey otherwise. Rachel smiled and softly said so no one else could hear, "No problem. Hope you don't have to disinfect them."

The shocked look on Bailey was priceless as Bailey knew Harper had told Rachel about what she had said before her and Harper had gone on orientation. What else had Harper told her about their time together? Was it because she was mad with Bailey? Bailey knew she hadn't been nice to Harper and had basically ignored her and for this she felt bad. It was her damn social status she had been concerned about. Was it worth hurting and giving up the person who she loved so much? She would have to rethink the rest of her high school career. Was it worth losing Harper forever to this Rachel girl or was her popularity that important?

For Harper it seemed Bailey no longer existed. After she handed Bailey back her crutches she had left to catch up with her friends not thinking twice of Bailey.

The following weekend Harper went over to Rachel's. As she arrived Mrs. McCarthy asked how the last two weekends had gone. Rachel and Harper told her about their experiences from their prospective how it went.

"You should have seen Rachel after the game the first night," Harper excitedly stated. "Some guys came up and made smart ass remarks about not serving us because we were dykes. Rachel said it was us who were improving the looks and intellect of the place and before they could respond these two guys who were friends of Rachel's brother came up and scared them off. Her brother's friend had to be six-foot-five and weigh two-hundred-fifty or more. They were very intimidating. Needless to say we had no trouble the rest of the night."

"But it was what Mrs. Roland said I thought was so cute and subtle. It seems she had already figured out why I had gone over there and she took us to a place to eat lunch where she saw or knew Bailey and her mom were eating lunch too. She knew Bailey's mom couldn't resist saying hi and when she came over to our table, Mrs. Roland introduced me to Bailey and made a point of saying I was going to Cornell on scholarship for physics. It was right after that Bailey was asking her mom to leave," Rachel told her mom acting just as excited as Harper.

"This last week I had a bad experience at school but Rachel came over and told me I had to stand up to them and not show them any weakness or they would never relent and keep after me. She said you told her that and it worked. By the end of the game I had already forgotten about the incident. We even sat at a table next to Bailey and her friends after the game which is something none of us would have done before," Harper continued to say with excitement.

"At the end of the night when we all left, Bailey's crutches fell on the floor and Harper and I picked them up for her. Only after Harper walked off I said something to Bailey that Harper doesn't know and may not appreciate," Rachel stated looking over to Harper.

"What did you say to her?" Harper now asked.

"I kind of told her as I was handing the crutch to her, "I hope they don't need to be sterilized," Rachel said shyly hoping Harper wouldn't be too mad at her.

Harper said with a shocked look, "You didn't?"

Rachel nodded yes. Then Harper thought about it and burst out laughing. "Good for you. She deserves it for all she has put me through," Harper added.

"Whew, I thought you would be mad for me for telling her that. Mom, when Bailey and Harper went to orientation, Harper overheard Bailey tell a friend she was going to have her car disinfected when she got back," Rachel said.

"Well you and Harper are very pretty, honey. Any girl would be glad to have either of you as their girlfriend."

"What about you, mom? Would you chose either of us?" Rachel asked her mom baiting her.

"You two are much too young for me," Mrs. McCarthy said avoiding the question.

"But if you were our age would you?" Rachel persisted.

"I'm not your age," Rachel's mom said.

"Pretend you are and you're not related in any way. Would you choose either of us?"

"Why do you want to know? Why is it so important to know if I would choose either of you?" Mrs. McCarthy asked.

"Because I've chosen a lifestyle that you and dad have said little about. But you do unconditionally support me and I want to know if you ever have these feelings and wish you were me," Rachel pleaded with her mom.

Mrs. McCarthy sighed looking at both Rachel and Harper, "Yes I do. When I see both of you I want to be young again and experience the freedom of loving who I want to without consequences."

"Then why don't you? You are not old." Rachel said.

"Because twenty-four years ago I made a vow to your father and I intend to keep that vow until the day I die. Besides that vow produced both you and your brother and I wouldn't give either of you up because of some fantasies of mine," Mrs. McCarthy explained.

"I'm sure there is someone you know who you could experience the pleasures of being with a woman with and yet not get a divorce from dad," Rachel told her.

"Oh there is and I have come very close but I made your dad a vow and I don't want to break that vow so all thoughts of me are simply fantasies," Mrs. McCarthy told Rachel and Harper.

"If the next question is too personal you don't have to answer it. At night with the walls as thin as they are, does it bother you what Harper and I are doing?" Rachel prodded.

"If you are asking if we can hear you, yes we can. Does it bother us? We have no choice but to hear. It is either that or ban all of us from having sex in the house including your dad and me. That is why once you and your brother became a certain age we made an agreement with you. Hearing you is impossible to avoid just like you hearing us. I believe there is some enjoyment to gain by all of us," Mrs. McCarthy said with a smile.

"If you ever change your mind, mom, I believe Harper and I would be glad to help you out," Rachel said much to Harper's surprise.

Graduation time was upon them and soon it would be off to college. At practice for the graduation ceremony Harper experienced yet another form of harassment. Bailey and Harper were seated in the same row not five seats apart because of their last name. Since parents weren't at practice only students were, someone chose to make a farting noise when Harper's name was called causing several students to laugh.

Bailey turned around to glance at Harper who acted indifferent to the noise and laughter. Harper didn't even look up to see Bailey looking at her as they returned to their seats. In fact Bailey tried to get Harper's attention but Harper completely ignored her and the others around her instead choosing to look down at her hands thinking the next few days would not go by fast enough.

Graduation went off without a problem mainly because of all the parents attending to watch their children walk the aisle in their robes. That meant more for Harper than probably anyone as other than a short summer break she was out of the clicks and away from the social status that went with high school life. For her it meant freedom from the fear and harassment she received in high school.

At the same time it brought a new fear. She wasn't so much afraid of her college classes as she was being around a whole new set of people and how would they react to her. For her and Rachel it very likely would mean the end as Rachel would be going to Cornell and because of the distance, would not be home on weekends.

Harper and Bailey didn't see each other over the summer. Harper was disappointed that Bailey had never come to her defense in high school or at least acknowledged her and Bailey was ashamed at not having the courage to come out instead continuing to hide behind her popularity.

So they went their separate ways as they prepared to go away to State.

Rachel and Harper promised to see each other as much as they could over the summer and after school started each knowing that was an empty promise as their schedules and the distant itself would be too much a hindrance with Rachel's plan with Aunt Mary.

"Well girls, tonight is going to be your last night together for some time, make the most of it," Mrs. McCarthy told them.

"Mom, I can't believe you are saying that to us," Rachel exclaimed.

"I didn't mean it like that. Sex isn't the only way to say goodbye and have fun," Rachel's mom added.

"Well we've done about everything else, so wear your earplugs tonight," Rachel laughed.

"Now who is thinking dirty?" Mrs. McCarthy commented.

"Don't say you weren't forewarned," Rachel said as she and Harper went to her room.

Once they were in her room Rachel turned to Harper, "I really am going to miss you, you know?"

"I know and I'll miss you too. I know this sounds perverted but you are my best friend, lover, girlfriend, and sister to me all wrapped in one," Harper told her best friend.

Rachel moved closer wrapping her arms around Harper as they stood there looking at each other swaying as if there were music playing. "I don't think I could love someone more than I do you," Rachel softly said.

"What about Mary?" Harper questioned.

"I thought I loved her and I do but you have grown on me this year. This year has been the best of my life all because of you. I would look forward to you coming over here on the weekends or me over there. Then as soon as Sunday got here, I couldn't wait until the next weekend and I could see you again," Rachel sincerely told Harper with tears in her eyes. "Harper Roland, I love you so much."

"I don't understand. At the end of this summer, you were going to Cornell and as time went on, move in with Mary and I was going to State. We even made plans I would come up and visit you and Mary. At the time it was with Bailey but now with whoever I bring or I'll come by myself," Harper questioned totally confused.

"I know and I'm just as confused as you are. I've talked with Mary and she understands. This is why she wanted me to find girls my age to hang around with because she knew the age gap with her and I was a problem," Rachel explained.

"Why are you waiting this long to tell me? Why wait until the night before we were to say our goodbyes?" Harper questioned.

"Because I thought I could say goodbye and leave. Because I thought you would go to State and hook up with Bailey? And mainly because I was a fool thinking I could leave you without telling you what you mean to me and how much I love you," Rachel said pleading with Harper.

"Rachel you have meant so much to me over this past year. I had resigned myself over this past year that you were going to Cornell and Mary was moving next year to be with you. I would be going to State and since Bailey and I are now obviously not going to be together, in time there would be someone else," Harper explained.

"Does that mean you don't want me?" Rachel said heartbroken.

Harper stood there looking at Rachel studying her eyes for a sign of doubt. Not seeing anything but love and heartbreak she placed her hands to Rachel's cheeks caressing them. She pulled Rachel to her kissing her, "Yes I want you. I've wanted you since summer camp last summer. I'm in shock. I never thought this would happen!" Harper said ecstatic.

Harper and Rachel hugged each other then laughed and began to jump up and down as girls do. When they bounced on the bed Rachel looked at Harper and kissed her all over her face. "I love you so much, Harper. I'm so happy you didn't tell me to fuck off," Rachel said.

"I could never tell you that. Not only do I love you too, I didn't know how I was going to get by with you up in New York with Mary and me down here. I was going to be so jealous of you and her. I love you too Rachel McCarthy."

They kissed and rolled back and forth neither interested in getting the advantage over the other. Rachel ended up on top of Harper between her legs. This allowed Harper to reach up and squeeze one of Rachel's breasts over Rachel's tank-top she wore to bed. Harper moved her hand to slip around the straps of the tank and Rachel leaned up and pulled it off. She leaned back down taking both of Harper's hands placing them on both of her breasts continuing to kiss Harper.

Rachel moaned as Harper toyed with Rachel's nipples. She moved her one leg between Harper's leg so her pussy was straddling Harper's thigh and started humping Harper's leg. Harper lowered her hand from Rachel's breast and placed it on Rachel's panty covered ass pushing it down as Rachel undulated her hips. As Rachel got into a steady rhythm Harper took her hand and slid it under Rachel's panties onto her bare ass. Harper ran her finger through Rachel's crack over her rosebud causing Rachel to moan even louder.

"Oh fuck, Harper. You have me so turned on. I'm going to cum if you keep doing that," Rachel moaned.

Harper knowing Rachel's body waited until Rachel was close to her peak and with her middle finger inserted it in her rosebud up to the first knuckle sending Rachel over the edge.

Rachel arched her back as her muscles in her butt tightened then her abdominal muscles. Rachel collapsed burying her face into Harper's neck as she moaned and twitched as her orgasm flowed through her body.

"This is why I love when we make love. You know where all the sensual spots are located on me and when to push them to get the full effect from them. I never make love with you and feel wanting more. In fact you leave me completely satisfied yet yearning for the next time," Rachel whispered into Harper's ear.

"And like last time completely soaked. I have your cum dripping across my leg," Harper giggled.

"That's what you do to me. Months ago I began to think how you make me feel and what you mean to me. Only I knew you were in love with Bailey and you were thinking I was in love with Mary so I resigned myself to think we would love each other until I left for college. I didn't intend to fall in love with the most perfect girl I could find."

Rachel kissed Harper who was lying underneath Rachel. Rachel moved her hand between Harper's legs eliciting a moan from Harper. Rachel kissed Harper on the cheek then raised her head up so she could see Harper's face and her finger moved into Harper's slit. Rachel felt Harper's hand grab her wrist and move Rachel's hand under Harper's waistband of her panties. Rachel felt Harper not quite as wet as she was but then Harper had yet to climax. She easily was able to slip two fingers inside of Harper and move them in and out, getting her fingers soaked in the process.

Rachel watched Harper's face as she finger fucked Harper who had her eyes fixated on Rachel. She watched as Harper's face made expressions without words and her lips formed and O. Rachel looked at Harper as Harper's mouth formed an O and she whispered to Harper, "I love you baby. Cum on my fingers."

This was all it took as Harper jerked and she grabbed Rachel's shoulder with her hands, "Oh fuck, oh, oh, yes, oh god I'm cumming, awwkkkk!!"

As they lay there while Harper recovered from her orgasm, Rachel looked at her fingers and licked them, "Now whose soaked?"

'Must be you. According to you, I'm perfect" Harper giggled.

"Yes you are," Rachel said as she slid down between Harper's legs pulling Harper's panties aside exposing her pussy lips to Rachel. "Mmmm, what do we have here?" she said as she took a lick. "Very juicy and delicious. I might have to spend a half hour tasting this delectable dish," Rachel smiled then took another lick.

"Oh gawd, you can have all of that you want if you keep doing that," Harper moaned. "I want to do you too. Come up here."

"Nope, wait your turn," Rachel scolded Harper as she swatted Harper's hand away.

Harper laid her head back on the pillow moaning but opened her legs up as far as she could get them letting Rachel get her way as she was too excited to argue.

Harper caressed Rachel's head as she ran her fingers through Rachel's hair letting Rachel know just how good she was making Harper feel. Harper could tell Rachel had no intention of making her cum anytime soon as she would lick and flick her tongue for awhile bringing Harper to a high, then back off and use her fingers to rub and play with Harper's pussy lips.

"Oh fuck, you're driving me crazy. Let me cum already," Harper moaned.

"Only when I feel you are ready," Rachel said.

"I'm ready, I've been ready," Harper pleaded.

"No, you just think you are. You want instant gratification. I want you to ache you want it so much. I want you to experience an orgasm that you will remember over all others," Rachel softly said as she blew on Harper's pussy.

Rachel licked Harper from her bottom to her clit and twirled her tongue over her mons teasing Harper. It worked as Harper moaned a really low and throaty moan practically begging Rachel to let her cum. Rachel feeling sorry as her lover was suffering placed two fingers in Harper's pussy and sucked hard on her clit sending her over the edge.

As Harper moaned and her body tightened and twitched from the throes of her orgasm. Rachel licked up the juices that were leaking out of Harper's pussy that had run down over her ass, sending more shudders through Harper's body and eliciting whimpers from her.

"Don't ever do that again," Harper scolded Rachel when she had finished licking Harper.

"Why, you didn't like it? From your reaction I thought you rather enjoyed it?" Rachel smiled at Harper.

"Oh fuck, did I. I almost passed out from how strong it was. It was almost too much. I was on the edge and aching from it so many times before you would let me cum," Harper gasped as she kissed Rachel. "I'm not sure I can do anything for you. I need to wait and rest.

"You already did enough to me. Your reaction was enough to give me a mini orgasm when you came. All I want to do now is cuddle and go to sleep. Besides, knowing I am not losing you to someone else is all I need. I love you babe," Rachel said as she rested her head on Harper's shoulder and placed her arm over Harper's chest caressing her breast.

Harper kissed the top of Rachel's head putting her arm around Rachel's shoulders, "I'm still going to do you when we wake up tomorrow. It will be our last time before we go away and no telling how long it will be before we see each other again."

"I would like that," Rachel softly said as her fingers were tweaking Harper's nipples in a slow sensual way.

The next morning Rachel and Harper woke up each with their arm around each other. This was going to be a sorrowful day as by the end of the week Rachel would be in New York adjusting to her college life. Harper didn't have to be at college for another two weeks but she had a lot to do before she left.

"Good morning sweetie," Harper said as she kissed Rachel.

"Morning," Rachel smiled back. "Let me go pee first before you give me your reward."

"What makes you think I am giving you a reward?" Harper jokingly asked Rachel.

"But last night you said this morning you would pay me back for last night?" Rachel asked confused.

"That was last night. This morning I'm going to give the girl who I love something from the bottom of my heart, something much more than a reward and more than paying her back for last night. I'm going to give her the love she has shown me over this past year," Harper sweetly said as she was hugging and kissing Rachel.

Harper kissed Rachel's neck lightly biting her intentionally leaving a mark that Rachel would now have to take with her to college.

She kissed Rachel's left nipple then the right, sucking them into her mouth before she bit down on the nipple. Rachel moaned from the combination of pain and pleasure. Harper then moved her mouth over right next to Rachel's areola and sucked and bit down again leaving another mark on Rachel.

Rachel moaned and flinched as this time Harper hurt a little more sucking and biting such a sensitive area. "Are you going to do that all the way down?" Rachel gasped as it was turning her on at the same time it hurt.

"I'm marking my territory. Don't want anyone claiming it while we are apart," Harper reasoned.

Harper moved lower kissing Rachel's abdomen as she went. As she reached her goal she looked up to see Rachel propped up on her elbows watching her. "I know it's going to hurt but I want to watch. It's fucking erotic watching you."

Harper peppered Rachel with small kisses around her mons, labia and just outside between and just above her legs where they joined her hips. It was this sensitive area just outside Rachel's leg in her hair line if she had any that Harper chose to place her next hickey. She kissed Rachel there and looked up at her then sucked hard using her teeth to bite the skin she pulled into her mouth. Rachel moaned, tensed and gasped as the pain Harper created with the pleasure it was causing was immense.

"Oh fuck, that hurts and is so sensual at the same time," Rachel squealed. "Fuck me with your tongue," she moaned.

Harper gladly did pulling apart Rachel's lips and licking her insides, flicking her tongue in a rapid motion. Harper sucked Rachel's juices sticking her tongue and nose in as far as she could get them in. She pulled her tongue out just enough to stick her two fingers inside of Rachel sucking Rachel's clit into her mouth. She lightly bit down on it and twirled her tongue around bringing Rachel to a massive explosion.

Rachel's hips bounced up and down as her chest sucked in air and she moaned turning her head from side to side. Harper kept her tongue on Rachel's clit until Rachel's body slowed down and she was able to stop jerking and twitching from her orgasm. Harper released her grip on Rachel's legs and clit. She kissed Rachel's clit a few times then crawled up to cuddle with Rachel.

"I'm going to miss you while you're gone. I wish we were going to the same colleges. Then we could room together," Harper said.

"Like we would get a lot of studying done. We would spend all of our time in bed fucking each other's brains out," Rachel replied.

"We wouldn't spend all of our time in bed. Studying would have to come first," Harper stated with a smirk on her face.

"I'm going to miss you too, but in a few days I'm going to have a reminder of you to wear around," Rachel chuckled.

"You're welcome. Wear them proud but no one better see the other two," Harper said running her finger over Rachel's already discoloring neck.

They lay there then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Rachel said.

"Rachel!" Harper exclaimed as she looked around for the covers to pull up.

"What, it's just my mom? Dad's already at work," she laughed at Harper.

Her mom opened the door to see Rachel on her back naked with her arm around Harper who was on her stomach and had pulled the covers half up before the door opened. "Oh sorry, I thought as late as it was you would be up and dressed. I'm going out for lunch. Would you two like to join me as this is Rachel last day here?"

"Sure mom. Give us a few to clean up and wash the sex off," Rachel toyed with her mom.

"Rachel! What has gotten into you?" her mom asked but Rachel noticed her mom looking at her boobs and pussy which glistened with moisture from the sex she and Harper had just had.

Mrs. McCarthy backed out of the room but was obviously flustered.

"You are so bad!" Harper said to Rachel after her mom left.

"What? I'm going to be gone until Christmas. I thought I would give her something to remember us by until then," Rachel giggled.

Both girls got up and showered getting dressed to go out to lunch with Rachel's mom.

After lunch it was obvious neither Rachel nor Harper wanted to say goodbye. They held hands whenever they could and as Harper got into her car to drive home, the tears began to flow.

"Text me so I know you got home safely," Rachel told Harper drying Harper's eyes with her fingers and lips.

"Call me when you get in your dorm and get unpacked. I know you will be busy with flying tomorrow. Tuesday you will be busy getting there and in your dorm but I better here from you the next day," Harper sobbed.

"I love you," Rachel said.

"I love you too," Harper said. As she backed the car out of the driveway, Rachel blew her a kiss touching her heart.

The drive home was the longest drive of Harper's life she thought. Tears flowed most of the way. After last summer she had met Rachel who at the time had stolen her heart. Then she found out that Rachel was in love with her aunt and when Rachel went off to college intended to move in with her aunt becoming lovers. January came and Harper went to orientation falling head over heels with Bailey who was straight or so she thought and made plans with her only to have Bailey crush her, afraid to come out and lose her popularity. As time got closer for both Rachel and Harper to go away to college, Rachel told Harper she was in love with her and not Rachel's aunt. Her life had come full circle and only time would tell if their love was strong enough to stand the distance that was going to separate them.

Harper prepared for college over the next several days. She had her dorm room assignment, her class schedule and her mom had taken her shopping not only for the clothes her mom insisted she have but after talking on the phone and by email with her roommate the essentials they would need.

Move in day arrived. She had talked with Rachel a few times and Rachel liked her dorm and roommate though she was straight which didn't pose a problem for Rachel and certainly not for Harper. Rachel had already begun classes and found them challenging but nothing she couldn't handle.

"Hey babe, how's it going? Are you ready for your first day of classes?" Rachel asked.

"I'm all set. My first one is at eight in the morning. You know, luck of the draw as a freshman. How are your classes going?" Harper asked.

"I have my first exam tomorrow. Yuk! But I'm ready for it," Rachel stated.

'Do you miss me?" Harper questioned.

"More than you can imagine. All but the hickey on my neck has faded out and it's almost gone. So you need to redo them," Rachel giggled as she told Harper.

Harper giggled hearing Rachel, "Now you're wearing them as a badge of honor."

"Of course, they are from you. The ones that were on my boobs and right next to my pussy, I would masturbate and think of you but they are gone."

They talked for an hour before they said their goodbyes vowing to talk again in a few days.

Harper's alarm went off much too soon and early for her. She was not ready to get up at six- thirty in the morning having slept in later over the summer. She got up and showered then got dressed.

Her roommate, Annika got up right after she did as her first class began at nine-fifteen. Annika wished Harper well on her first day and told her she would be back early afternoon after her last class was over. Annika was from the other side of the state. She didn't know but three from her high school class. Most were going to the smaller university near her hometown. Annika had another reason to go to school away from home, one so she would meet new people, two to experience living on campus away from home and three which was the real reason she was so far away from home.

She was studying marketing and hoped to land a job with a large advertising firm once she graduated. Annika was an above average student having graduated with a three point four grade point average. She was popular but not so that she was in all the clubs and organization. She looked forward to going to the football games at college but wasn't necessarily a party person. Annika was of Swedish decent and had very natural blonde hair that hung between her shoulder blades. She was the same height as Harper and wore the same sizes including shoes which both thought would come in handy as the year went on.

Harper's first class as early as it was and being the first class of the semester, wasted no time getting started. Harper knew she was in college when the professor announced next week was their first test to see where they stood with the material and it counted for grade. It was in English, Harper's worst subject in high school and was really a refresher to bring the students up to speed before the professor moved on to more advanced material.

Her second class was right after this one and was better than her first though it was a core class like English had been. Both of her classes Harper knew no one as they were from every part of the state. Her town was a relatively small town only a third of her graduating class had opted to go to State.

After classes were over for both Annika and Harper, they decided to go to dinner together. They walked to the cafeteria that serviced four dorms and were built around it the cafeteria being in the center.

"What was your major again Harper?" Annika asked.

"Forestry, with natural resource management and conservation as collaterals," Harper replied.

"Okay, forestry I understand but the rest you will have to explain to me," Annika questioned.

Harper chuckled as not many understood what her major was. "It's basically preserving our natural resources for current and future generations to come. It involves land management, identifying plants and trees and protecting them from disease, over development, floods, or erosion. I do a lot of camping and love the outdoors especially the mountains and forest and I want to work to protect them for future generations."

"Wow that sounds interesting. You must love the outdoors to choose a major like that and this is the area with us surrounded by the mountains and forest areas," Annika said.

"I do. I love it when I'm outside and up in the mountains. The fresh air is exhilarating and it is so quiet up there. You'll have to go with me sometime when I go camping with my dad. We go on trails few have been on and camp some places far from anyone," Harper said sounding excited as she told Annika.

"No thanks, I'm more of a city girl. If it doesn't have a Hilton and a five star restaurant, it's too country for me," Annika laughed.

"You don't seem the type to be that girlie. I figured you for the type that could dress up with the best of them yet get down and dirty when you had too," Harper said smiling.

"Well between you and me, I would rather go out with the swank and rich, but yes I can get down when I have too. You know I have horses and ride them not equestrian style but cowgirl so I will have to have you over sometime to ride with me," Annika told Harper.

"I never took you for the cowgirl type. I would like that, thanks," Harper replied. "So tell me about majoring in marketing? What made you go into that?"

"A friend that I knew, her father owns an advertising agency and she would to tell me about all the things he did and all the places he traveled. And he took no risk as companies hiring him took all the risks and it just sounded interesting. Plus I could dress casual most of the time yet dress up when meeting a new client or going out to eat with them. It just seemed to fit what I was looking for instead of accounting, my first choice, which seemed boring," Annika explained.

"Yeah, you don't seem like the green shaded hat type with your sleeves rolled up," Harper laughed.

"You've been watching too many old time movies. I sort of figured I was the Ben Affleck type without all the killing," Annika laughed.

Harper and Annika finished eating and while they were putting their trays up Harper felt someone watching her. She quickly glanced in the direction she could feel the stare coming from and saw Bailey looking at her. Harper's heart skipped a beat as Bailey was her Achilles heel. While Rachel was her girlfriend now and she would never do anything to mess that up, she knew and couldn't help but wonder about what could've been. She had crushed on Bailey her entire life since they were kids and that time on the mountain left a lasting impression one she could never erase.

"See someone you know?" Annika asked Harper who seemed zoned into someone or something.

"No it was nobody, sorry," Harper said as she put her tray up then turned to walk back to her dorm with Annika.

"Well if you're like me I have a little bit of homework to do then I'm going to take a shower. Walking around campus made me sticky in this heat. I'll be glad when it cools off in a couple of months," Annika said.

Both Harper and Annika took a shower when they got back to the dorm. Annika came out wearing cute little pajama bottoms with hearts on them and a matching top that was sleeveless and not wearing a bra. She sat on her bed crosslegged pulling out her books and began to study.

Harper went in and took her shower coming out putting on an oversized t-shirt with gym shorts. She pulled out the desk chair the school provided to each student, her books and studied. Neither spent more than an hour or two on their homework.

"Well that wasn't bad as long as it doesn't take any longer," Annika commented. She looked at Harper who hadn't commented but seemed to be thinking or her mind was distracted because of something.

They spent the rest of the night getting to know each other before they went to bed. The next morning roles were reversed as it was Annika who had the early class and Harper who had the later class. They told each other have a good day at class and they would see each other after class for dinner. Harper had lab after class and was a little late coming in. Annika had already started on her homework when Harper walked in.

"Hey," Annika said looking up just enough to know it was Harper walking through the door. Then she kept her head down as she finished her homework.

Harper came in and putting her backpack down and let out a big sigh as she placed her feet on the floor and laid back on the bed with her hands on her head.

"Headache?" Annika asked Harper once she had finished her homework.

"This calculus is going to be tough and it doesn't help it's that time. It started right after I got to my first class this morning so I didn't have time to take anything for another hour and by then the headaches had already started," Harper told Annika. "Usually when I feel it coming on I can take something before the headaches start. If I wait until they set in, they get worse and I get nauseated like I am now."

"Anything I can do?"

"No, thanks. I took something but then having to concentrate and going outside in the bright sunlight didn't do me any good," Harper explained to Annika. "Let me take a nap, if you don't mind, and wake me before you go to dinner."

Annika looked at her phone for the time and then back over at Harper who had already climbed completely on the bed and pulled her pillow over her head as she curled up in a fetal position.

After Annika finished her homework, she went down to the common area where students gather to socialize so she wouldn't bother Harper. She saw a few she recognized and joined in their conversation.

A few hours later Annika came back in finding Harper still asleep with the pillow over her head. She debated whether to wake her but that is what Harper asked her to do so she gently sat on Harper's bed gently shaking Harper calling her name.

Harper woke up looking like hell warmed over, her eyes dark and recessed and disoriented. "What time is it?" she mumbled.

"It's six. You've been asleep two hours. Do you want to sleep some more or do you want to go to dinner? I could get us sandwiches and bring them back to eat if you like?" Annika said keeping her hand on Harper's upper arm gently rubbing it.

"No, I'll get up, I've homework to do. Thanks for caring for me. That was sweet of you to do," Harper told Annika.

"Well you are lucky. Mine started two days ago only it wasn't as bad as yours. Are yours always this bad?"

"No, that's unusual. I think the stress from moving in and waiting too long to take anything was a factor," Harper apologized.

Harper got up and washed her face before she brushed out her hair. She didn't wear much makeup one of those who could get by with little to none, so after applying some lip moisturizer she was ready to go. Her eyes still looking sunken and dark but she could deal with that.

They went to dinner with Harper and Annika being joined by some girls from their floor that Annika had met while Harper slept. They chatted about where they were from and their majors and other girl items. As they sat there after dinner, Annika turned away from Harper who was engaged in a conversation with the girl next to her. Annika noticed the girl she thought she had recognized from the previous night walk by taking her tray to put it up. The girl stared at Harper as she had the night before. Annika knew there was a connection between the girl and Harper. What, she didn't know, but there was a definite connection and the story that was behind it intrigued her.

Harper, Annika and the other few from their floor stayed out in the common area to chat after they got back from dinner. Harper had homework to finish so she went back first with Annika coming in about an hour later. "Did you have a good time?" Harper asked Annika after she came in.

"Yeah, in high school there are always clicks and friends to hang out with. Here it is like no one knows each other enough to form clicks or they don't care," Annika said.

"What could you possibly know about clicks? You're about as friendly and likable as anyone I have met," Harper exclaimed.

"Back in high school it took a while for me to get to know people. By then the clicks had already formed so I was liked but not considered a part of any clicks," Annika explained.

"Well at least you were liked," Harper stated.

"Were you not liked or a part of any group, Harper?"

"Nope and that's a part of my life I don't want to talk about and just as soon forget," Harper stated and turned back to her books.

Annika wanted to know more because she really liked Harper, but she knew if Harper wasn't ready to talk she wasn't talking. She had picked that up already and she knew there was a secret down there from the mysterious girl at dinner. Her relationship with Harper wasn't that close yet and in time she would have to work to gain Harper's trust and confidence.

Bailey having graduated from high school was excited as she prepared for college. At her high school graduation she had walked the aisle not far from Harper but paid no attention to her other, than glances her way, still not willing to reveal her secret what really happened on that mountain last winter. The other reason was she now thought Harper disliked her for the way she had treated Harper and she knew the exact time it happened.

They had been in the hallway at school and her boyfriend and another boy had been harassing Harper. Bailey hadn't done anything and remained quiet throughout the incident although it was her boyfriend who was one of the boys that had accosted Harper. Harper had witnessed Bailey watching this unfold and do nothing to help Harper. It was at time and for that reason their relationship had ended. After that Harper treated her as if she didn't exist. Harper now had a girlfriend who she had brought to several basketball games and every time she saw them together they were holding hands. She had been introduced to her once in a restaurant. Bailey knew the girl was very smart. When they were introduced Harper's mother had made a point of telling Bailey the girl was going to Cornell on scholarship majoring in physics. Bailey also knew Harper most likely hated her as once they had run into each other in a restaurant. While picking up Bailey's crutches that had fallen to the floor, the girl had mentioned sterilizing them which Bailey knew that she had told a friend of hers and Harper had overheard it.

Ever since then Harper had paid little to no attention to her. She knew Harper lived in one of the four freshman dorms as she had seen her the first two nights sitting with several girls that Harper apparently met here at college. She wondered if Harper and her could ever be friends again or even more. Whenever she saw Harper she longed to be next to her. Bailey knew in high school she had screwed up. She would never make that same mistake again if she ever got the chance. She just didn't know if she would.

Rachel had moved to New York to become a freshman in college. For years it had been a dream of hers to go to a well known college and major in physics. When she was accepted to Cornell she thought all her dreams had come through. She would move there and her aunt Mary would move there her sophomore year and the two would share a home and bed making the most of the situation getting an excellent education and making love most every night with a beautiful woman whom she loved.

What she didn't anticipate was her aunt insisting she sow her own oats while she was in high school and by the end of her senior year she had fallen in love with a girl her age that was going to go to State college. Her aunt and she had by this time moved on. While Rachel still loved her aunt and her aunt loved her, they decided it was best if they didn't move in together but pursued love interest their own age.

Thus Rachel devoted herself to Harper. The only problem was the two were separated by almost a thousand miles. The big question being could their relationship survive that distance for the time they would need to pursue a degree in their respective fields.

Rachel felt they could. She had never met anyone like Harper who made her laugh, made her happy and satisfied her in every way. Plus she was just tomboy enough to not be afraid to get dirty and when she would clean up, gorgeous enough to turn every head where ever they went. Her striking blue eyes contrast with her mid back chestnut hair was definitely a plus. Harper also was adventurous in bed, willing to try anything within reason to keep things exciting which Rachel's body craved.

Rachel missed Harper and every three or four days she would call her just to hear her voice telling her how much she missed her.

Day three arrived and because Harper's college had started on a Wednesday it was Friday. Football season hadn't started and wouldn't for two more weeks thus this weekend was for the girls to finish shopping for those unexpected items they would need or wanted to have to finish out their dorm room. They slept in then because breakfast was served an extra hour and a half later on weekends. They walked over to the cafeteria to eat. Harper had worn a tank top and cutoffs shorts and Annika wore a long t-shirt with gym shorts typical for college wear. They drove in Annika's car as both had cars on campus as they both lived too far away to commute. They walked the few blocks to the parking lot then drove to the discount store that was right off campus. They picked out items they needed first. Then they spent their time on those items they wanted before they left to go over to the grocery side and get some items they wanted or needed. As they did they walked by an aisle that displayed clothes with the schools insignia items. Annika found a tank that had the school logo and colors she wanted.

She asked Harper to go into the change room with her to see if it fit right. Harper walked in while Annika took her shirt off leaving her in her bra.

"How's it look?" Annika asked.

"It looks great on you," Harper replied.

"Are you sure? You're not just saying that."

"No, it looks great," Harper said. "It would be better with a sports bra unless you like your lace bra showing through under your arms. Also when you bend over with a sports bra your boobs won't show so much. Unless that is the look you are going for?"

"No I'm bold but not that bold. Besides I don't have that much to be putting them out there for everyone to see," Annika explained.

"You and me both, I prefer to tease not display," Harper giggled.

"Ah, you would look good with your boobs showing," Annika giggled.

"Yeah, right," Harper said and she wondered if she had misread Annika or was she just teasing her.

Harper's phone rang and interrupted their talking. Seeing it was Rachel calling she stepped out of the changing room to answer her phone. "I was thinking of you and was wondering what you were doing this afternoon."

"I must have telepathic thoughts because I was thinking of you. So what are you doing?" Rachel asked.

"Annika and I are out shopping for all the things we forgot or realized we would need. What are you doing?" Harper said.

"Annika is your roommate?"

"Yeah," Harper replied.

"I didn't remember her name. We did all of that last week. Right now I'm bored. My roommate's parents took her out for the day so I've nothing to do and I don't really know anyone yet or know my way around to go out without anyone," Rachel told Harper.

"Oh babe, I'm sorry. If I were there I would take care of you," Harper suggested to Rachel.

"I've already done that twice. Once after she left and then before I called you. I was missing you," Rachel sorrowfully said.

"I know, this distance thing is getting to me too. Except I haven't been here but three days," Harper apologized.

"It's alright. It's not your fault. Wait yes it is. If you were not so sexy and gorgeous, I wouldn't be constantly thinking about you and in this mood. You see it's all your fault!" Rachel giggled.

"Okay, blame it on me. But would you rather I be ugly and just so-so in the sex department?" Harper joked with Rachel.

"No I like you the way you are. I wish you were a lot closer like where we lived before," Rachel said.

Harper could tell Rachel was sad and she wished she was closer to her but for now there was nothing she could do about the distance.

Rachel then told her, "I'll let you go. I know you are out and not able to talk. Call me tonight If you aren't going out. I miss you so much," Rachel said.

Harper felt bad. She could tell Rachel missed her and probably was experiencing homesickness but there was nothing she could do at the time. "I will, I promise. I love you, babe."

"I love you too," Rachel said.

Harper was surprised as she turned around to find Annika standing behind her. She had no idea how long she had been listening or what she heard. She didn't need in the first few days for her roommate whom she liked and got along with to find out she was a lesbian and request a transfer.

End of Chapter Five

To be continued.....

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