Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Apr 26, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 104 by Sam

Sunday we woke up and Danny made love to me. Todd fucked Ty. When we all came we took a shower and headed to breakfast. After breakfast I made sure all the managers were ready on the ground floor. Danny was also there and he had a headset. I told Danny if any manager seemed to discourage his employees to come in to tell Ty over the headset. The rest of us went upstairs to get ready. Ty got in his camera room and Todd locked the gate behind us. I went into the room and took off my robe and got in bed. When I was ready I told Ty and he had the doors opened. Again, we had a slow start.

After 10 minutes I laid down on the bed. Maybe we just don't have very many male employees that want to have sex with a male prostitute. It could be they are straight or in a relationship. Also, unlike Saturday, this isn't anonymous. We know who these people are. Well, whatever the reason is, I waited an hour for the first customer.

"Hi sir."

"Hey, Scott isn't it?"

"Yes sir."

"Ok Scott, how do you want me?"

"Oh... whatever you want sir."

I had him doggystyle last week but I wanted it on my back today. So I laid on my back and lifted my legs. He took off his pants and lubed up his big cock. He then got on the bed and pushed it into me before positioning himself above me. He then started thrusting in and out of me slowly. It felt so good. He made me feel full and was hitting my prostate. I was moaning as he thrust in and out of me. It took him 15 minutes to cum but when he did I was also pushed over the edge and came on myself as he pumped his load inside me. When we came down he pulled out of me.

"I hope that was ok sir."

"That was really good Scott."

"Thank you sir."

He got up and cleaned himself then got dressed again before heading out. I laid back down for a long wait. Well, not too long a wait. 3 minutes to be exact before there was a knock on the door. That is odd because they usually just send them right in. I got up and there was nobody there but Todd and Officer Willie. Todd wanted to talk to me.

"I have to go down to deal with something. Will it be ok?"

"Why? What's going on?"

"Danny said that Larry said something to Scott as he was leaving. I have to see what it was."

"Oh, he better not have threatened his job. Ok, go but Officer Willie I want you to close the stairwell until Todd gets back. We are not open while Todd is gone."

Todd headed down the stairs and Officer Willie closed the door. I went and put on my robe then stood with Officer Willie outside the bedroom. A few minutes later and Todd came back up. Officer Willie opened the door for him.


"He won't tell me. I need Ty's help."

"Fuck this."

I went down the stairs. Officer Willie followed behind me. I went over to Larry.

"What did you say to Scott?"

"I don't have to tell you. Freedom of speech and all."

"Anybody hear what Larry said to Scott?"

"Um... I did." It was Sandy.

"Ok Sandy, what did Larry say? Did he threaten Scott's job?"

"No. He said he didn't know he was a fag."

"Well that is interesting. Do you have a problem with fags Larry?"

"Yeah I do, so what?"

"So, you are fired Larry."

"You can't fire me. You are just the wife of the casino manager. You have no power."

"Um... yes he can." It was Sandy again.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Sam has a position. It is unpaid but he is in our systems. His title is Director of Operations and technically Mr. Lennox answers to him. So he can fire everyone including Mr. Lennox if he wants to."

"And I want to, so goodbye Larry. Officer Willie have security tell me where Scott went."

Officer Willie radioed security to track Scott. While we waited Ty and Todd joined us. I told Ty I fired Larry. He told Sandy to make sure and process it before she left today. Security finally got back to Officer Willie and said Scott headed for the front desk. I told Danny to close up the stairwell as I headed for the front desk.

When we got there I asked the girl behind the counter where Scott went. She said he went in back to the lockers. I headed back there followed by Officer Willie, Ty and Todd. When we got there we saw Scott at his locker emptying it out.

"What's going on Scott?"

"Emptying my locker sir. My career is over here."

"What do you mean?"

"Larry is a big homophobe and now he knows I'm gay and is going to make my life impossible here."

"Don't worry Scott. Larry is gone. I just fired him."

"Really sir? Why?"

"Because he was a homophobe. I don't put up with that shit in my casino."

"Baby, really, it is my casino."

"Ok, fine, I don't put up with that shit in OUR casino. Happy now?"

"Well, it is better."

"So, come on Scott, don't leave. There is nothing to fear here. You have a gay manager, a bi casino manager and a gay whatever Sandy said I was."

"Ok sir, I won't leave."

"Good, now let's get all this stuff back into your locker. Then I'm going to need your help."

"My help sir? With what?"

"I'll tell you when we get you packed up again."

We got all his stuff back into his locker then I took him back over to the stairwell.

"Ok Scott. We don't have Larry anymore and we need a representative from the hotel side so you are going to stand with all these department heads and make any employees that come feel comfortable about coming in. Can you do that for me?"

"Yes sir."

"Great. I have to get back to work. Well maybe I do. There doesn't seem to be any customers."

"Sorry Sam, nobody has come by yet except Scott."

"Well Danny, we'll just keep at it anyway."

We headed back upstairs and got back in position and I laid down and waited for a customer. We had two more customers before lunch. For lunch, since we had all the department heads and Scott downstairs I decided we would all eat at the restaurant and we would pick up the tab. We closed everything up then headed down the stairs and took everyone to the restaurant. I sat next to Scott and chatted with him while we ate. He is 18 and lives in an apartment with two roommates. He works here during the day and goes to college at night. He seems like a really nice guy. After we ate we headed back to work. It was getting close to quitting time when Todd poked his head in.

"Sam, Danny says Scott wants to know if he can take another turn with the discount."

"Of course he can."

Two minutes later and Scott comes in.

"Thank you sir."

"It's your money. How do you want me?"

"Same way as last time if that is ok sir."

I laid on my back and lifted my legs. Scott got undressed and lubed up his big cock and pushed it into me then positioned himself over me and started to thrust in and out of me. I was moaning as he hit my prostate on every thrust. It took only 10 minutes and I was pushed over the edge as I came and he thrust all the way into me as he pumped his load inside me. When he came down he pulled out of me.

"Thank you sir, that was really good."

"Yes it was. Lay down for a bit Scott."

"Oh, ok sir."

Scott laid down and I cuddled up to him.

"You must not get much sleep with your work and class schedule."

"Yes I do sir. I work the morning shift here 7 to 3 then I go home to change and eat dinner then go to class 6 to 9."

"So you only go to class for 3 hours?"

"Yeah. I'm only going part time as it is so expensive. Most of what I make here goes to pay rent and the school."

"So you couldn't get a grant from the government?"

"No, I'm not eligible. My dad makes too much money but he spends it all on gambling and alcohol. That's why I live in an apartment with roommates. I don't want to be around him when he is drunk. And he is drunk almost all the time at home."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's ok. I'll still get my degree, it will just take longer."

"Ty is anyone waiting?"

Over the speaker: "No Sam."

I reached over and stroked Scott's cock until he got hard again. I then had him sit with his back against the headboard. I straddled his waist and sat down on him.

"Are you sure sir? I can pay on the way out."

"This is on me Scott. Just enjoy it."

I started moving up and down on him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my hips. His cock feels so good inside me. I was moaning as I fucked myself on him. I looked into his eyes and kissed him. It felt good so I kissed him again. He started kissing back and it was amazing. He was very passionate and it felt good having his cock moving in and out of me as we kissed. After 15 minutes I was pushed over the edge as I came on him. He held my hips and thrust up into me a few more times before he pumped his load inside me. When we came down I got off of him.

"Wow sir, that was amazing."

"It really was. I think we need a shower."

I took Scott by the hand and led him out the door. I told Todd to open the gate so we could shower. I took Scott to my changing room and we got in the shower. I cleaned him up and he got hard. God I love 18 year olds. I handed him the lube and turned around and braced myself on the wall and told Scott to fuck me. I felt him enter me and he started to thrust in and out of me hard. It felt so good and I was moaning loud as he fucked my hole. I soon came on the wall as he pushed into me and came inside me. When we came down he pulled out of me and I cleaned up the wall then finished cleaning us. When we got out Ty was there with some towels for us. I took them from him and we dried off. Ty gave Scott a robe and I put on mine. It was an hour before closing. I was tired of sitting in that room with nothing happening. Me and Scott laid in the bed in my changing room and turned on the TV. I cuddled up to Scott as I watched TV. He put his arm around me to hold me to him.

At closing time Ty told Todd and Danny to close up and send everyone home then came into my changing room.

"Ok baby we are closed. So what are we doing with Scott?"

"Ty, you know what I'm doing with Scott."

"Yeah, I was afraid of that. How deep are you?"

"Just surface. You can say no if you want."

"If I did you would make me sleep in the hotel from now on. Todd come in here."

Todd came into my changing room. "What's up?"

"How well do you know Scott?"

"Well enough. He is always on time and does the work. Why?"

"Sam's in love with him."

"Oh. Well he seems like a good guy."

"Um... sir... I swear I didn't do anything to your wife."

"Calm down Scott. He falls in love easily. It isn't your fault. I just like to know that the guys he falls in love with are good and will treat him right."

"Um... really? Well, um, of course I would treat your wife right sir."

"Good. That is all I ask. Other than he is here every night to be with me."

"Yes sir."

"When are your breaks Scott?"

"Um, at 11 sir."

"Is there anywhere in the front desk area for us to make love?"

"There is a couch in Larry's office Sam. You two could use it."

"Is it a comfortable couch?"

"Not really. But it is more comfortable than our desks and those don't bother you."

"I guess. How big is this office?"

"Not very. Just enough room for his desk and chairs and that couch. Why?"

"Can you take all that shit out and put in a rollaway bed?"

"Yeah. But what about when we hire Larry's replacement?"

"His office will be the front desk. Have someone clear out the office and put in a bed."

"Ok Sam, I'll give the order Monday."

"Um... sir I would like to have sex with you during my break but it is only a half hour."

"Oh ok. Todd, Scott's breaks are now however long I want them to be."

"No problem Sam."

"Great. I'll see you tomorrow Scott."

I got up and Todd led Scott to the gate so he could get his clothes. He then left through the stairwell. I took Ty in so we could make love. I told Ty I wanted to feel Scott and he programmed me to do so. I remembered the program. I didn't want sound yet as we would be alone and I was still getting to know him. After we came we got our numbers from Todd and I paid Ty and Danny then we ate dinner and turned in. Ty made love to me again then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 105

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