Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on May 2, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 107 by Sam

When security officers started to arrive Officer Willie told them to search every car on level 3 and 4 for Scott. He told them that he may be unconscious or hurt and they needed to hurry but be thorough. He got a radio call that Larry had got out. The police were called to track down Larry. Officer Willie then started toward the casino door.

"Where are we going? We have to find Scott."

"We will Sam, but I have a greater responsibility, and that is to keep you safe. So we are going to your apartment. Everyone else is already headed there."

"Everyone else?"

"Yes. You pressed that button. Our response is to get all of you to safety."

When we got to the elevator, Officer Willie put me in it then stood guard outside it. I went up. Danny was already in the living room.

"Sam, what's going on? All these sirens are going off and a security guy grabbed me and brought me here."

"Scott's been kidnapped."

"What? Oh my God. Who would want to do that?"

"It was Larry, the guy I fired."

"What are we going to do?"

"The police are looking for him. Officer Willie has security searching the garage just in case."

"I'm sorry Sam. But don't worry, they will find him."

"Thanks Danny. I wish I could think the same."

Todd and Ty got off the elevator together.

"Baby, are you ok? The panic alarm is going off."

"Larry kidnapped Scott."

"Are you sure baby?"

"Well, I didn't see him but Larry almost ran us over in the garage. Security is searching the garage and the police are looking for Larry."

"Don't worry baby, we will get Scott back."

After 15 minutes Ty got a phone call.

"Yeah... Ok, take him to St. Mary's, I'll pay for it... Oh, have you found it?... Get everyone looking. Check under and inside everything. If we don't find it Sam is going to fire everyone."

"Baby, they found Scott. He is alive but unconscious. They are taking him to the hospital."

"That's good. Why am I firing everyone for that?"

"Ok well... try to stay calm... it appears that Larry cut off Scott's dick and they can't find it."

I was in shock. I love Scott. Not for his dick, for who he is. But I love that dick too. The problem now is we are against a clock. You can reattach a dick, but you have to get it done before the tissue starts to die from lack of blood. I heard Ty give the order to search for it here, but I was worried that it may have been taken by Larry. If that was the case, we needed to find Larry fast. The cops are good, but they aren't really fast at what they do. I knew of only one group that could find Larry and Scott's cock in time. The problem was I would have to make a very unpleasant phone call.

"Ty, can you get your Dad's jet to Wisconsin?"

"Sure baby, but why?"

"To pick up my mom and bring her and some of my dad's friends here."

"Ok baby, I'll give him a call."

I picked up my phone.


"Hi Mom."

"Hi Sam. Took longer than normal this time."

"Mom, can we not do this right now? I need help. I need Dad's friends."

"Oh my God baby, what's going on?"

"My boyfriend was attacked and they cut off his dick and I think they took it with them. We have to find them so we can get it reattached before it is too late."

"Shit. I can get them baby, not sure how fast we can get there though."

"I have a plane heading your way that can bring you here... hang on."

Ty interrupted me. "Dad was in New York. I told him what was happening and he is heading to the airport right now to take the plane to Wisconsin. If you give me the address he will pick up your mom and take them to the airport to get them here."

"Ok mom, I have the plane on the way. Someone will come pick you up and take you to the airport when it lands. Maybe two hours from now."

"Ok baby, I'll have them here and we will be ready. Don't worry Sammy, Mommy is going to make it all better."

"Thanks Mom."

I gave my mom's address to Ty to give to his dad.

"So who are these friends of your dad's baby?"

"FBI. They are expert trackers. When they would come over to check on me and my mom they would brag that they could find a needle in a haystack the size of Texas in under an hour. If Larry has Scott's dick, they can get him. Um... when you talk to my mom, don't let on you are my second husband. I don't want her to know I couldn't make my first marriage work."

"Ok baby, well we have a bit of a wait for them to get here. What do you want to do in the meantime?"

"Watch TV. Can you get updates on Scott's condition?"

"Ok baby, I'll see if I can get them to call me when anything changes."

It was 8pm before Ty's phone rang. We've been watching TV, but I've been having difficulty getting into it. I keep thinking about Scott. I wonder what our relationship would be like if we didn't get his cock back. Could I still be with him? I want to say yes. Sure, there wouldn't be any sex as he wouldn't have the equipment anymore, but it would still be him. I would like to think I'm not so superficial that I need to have sex with someone to love them. After all, I can get sex anytime I want. Thing is, I love having sex with Scott. He feels good inside me. I would be very unhappy to lose that. Not at Scott, this isn't his fault, but Larry was going to pay. I really was praying that we got to it in time for it to be reattached.

The phone call was his dad telling him they landed and were on the way to the casino. Ty told him to meet us in the restaurant. We headed down and went to the restaurant to wait for them.

"Ok Sammy, mommy is here. I brought your dad's friends."

"Well Sammy, I haven't seen you since you were a little boy. I see you haven't changed much."

"Hi mom, hi Mr. Sanders."

"Ok Sammy, give us the details on this guy so we can get started. We are up against a clock before your boyfriend's dick can't be saved."

"Ok, let's go to security. They have all the footage."

We went to security and I gave them the name and they took the video of the car he was driving. They then headed out. Mom and I went back over to the restaurant.

"Have you eaten mom?"

"No Sammy, have you?"

"No. You haven't called me Sammy in years."

"Sorry. It has been years since you needed your mom. I missed my little boy depending on me. This brought back all the memories of you needing me after your first boyfriend dumped you."

"I'm not a little boy anymore mom."

"Sam. You will always be my little boy. And I will always be here to make things better."

"I know. Come on and let me introduce you to everyone then we can eat."

We got to the restaurant and got a table.

"Ok mom, this is my husband Ty. He is the casino manager. You already met his dad Rick. He owns the casino. These are our friends Todd and Danny. Todd is the hotel manager and Danny is the head chef. And the guy that has been following me around all this time is Officer Willie, my bodyguard."

"So your husband's dad owns this casino? Sam when you told me you got married you didn't tell me it was to a rich guy."

"Ty's not rich mom. His dad is but he makes Ty work for what he gets. I think it is about hard work building character. Well, it has worked and made him a very successful casino manager. But we aren't rich. But I love him and we are happy together. Plus with him being the boss here we get a lot of stuff for free so it is all good."

"Well still. His family is rich. And he is very good looking. Why do you need a boyfriend when you have him as your husband?"

"I don't know. I fell in love with Scott. Ty is ok with it though."

"Ok, well let's eat while they look for your boyfriend's dick."

We ordered but I barely touched my food. When we were done Ty signed the slip.

"Todd, can you get my mom a hotel room?"

"Sure Sam, please come with me Mrs. Richards."

Todd and my mom left to get her a room. Todd came back after getting my mom to her room.

"How are you holding up baby?"

"I'll be ok. They are here and looking. I just hope we find it in time."

"We will baby, don't worry. You'll be riding Scott again in no time."

It was an hour and a half later when my mom came back downstairs.

"Sam, they just called me. They found the guy and he had the dick. They are heading to the hospital with it now."

"Oh thank God. Ok Ty, let's go."

"Sam, it is going to be hours before you will be able to see him. Maybe you should get some sleep so you can spend all day with him when he is awake."

"I guess you are right mom. Ty call the hospital and make sure they are ready to get Scott into surgery as soon as the dick gets there. I don't want any delays."

"Don't worry baby, I'll take care of it."

Ty made a phone call. When he was done he said they were preparing an operating room now. We then headed for our elevator. Mom said she was also going to bed and would see us in the morning and we would all go to the hospital together. We said goodnight and headed up. I got into bed with Ty but I didn't feel like having sex. I was still worried about Scott. I just cuddled up to him. He held me tight to him. Sleep did not come easy though.

"Baby, it will be ok. The doctors at St. Mary's are the best."

"I know you are right. I'm sorry Ty. Here I am with you but I'm worried about my boyfriend."

"It's ok to worry about Scott baby. You care for him."

"I was going to ask you something at lunch but all this made me forget about it."

"What was it baby?"

"Well, Scott said he spent all his food money for the month getting his car fixed. So I told him to just eat all his meals with us as it wouldn't cost anything. But I was going to ask you if he could move in with us. I wanted to ask you before mentioning it to him in case you were against it. I just thought it would make things better. He would be closer to work and wouldn't have to drive as much and wouldn't have to worry about meals."

"I didn't know he was having such issues. Of course he can move in with us if that is what you want. As long as you are happy, that is all that matters to me."

"I want you to be happy too Ty. If it would make you unhappy for him to be here then we can think of something else."

"No baby, that wouldn't make me unhappy. I like Scott and we have the spare room. As long as I get you all night every night then everything else is ok."

"Thanks Ty. It will make me feel better knowing he will be safe up here with us and won't go hungry."

I managed to drift off to sleep in Ty's arms.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 108

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