Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Nov 20, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 14 by Sam

When I woke up my head hurt. I definitely wasn't in my living room anymore. There was a weight on my chest. I looked down and it was Todd's head. I put my hand on it and he shot up.

"Oh babe, you're awake. I'm so relieved. I was so worried you would never wake up."

"What happened?"

"I was watching from the bedroom door. You were talking to that cop then my dad came at you and knocked you down. You hit your head on the coffee table and he was strangling you. The cop got him off you and cuffed him. I checked on you and there was so much blood. You weren't moving. I thought you were dead. The cop called an ambulance and they brought you here. When I asked about you and gave them my name they gave me all this information, even though I'm not family. They said you had a skull fracture and might even have brain damage or be in a coma, they wouldn't know until you woke up. After the surgery you were brought in here and I've been waiting for you to wake up."

"Yeah, after the crap I had to go through when you were here for your leg I filled out a form that made you basically my next of kin, so they had to let you in."

"I'll fill one of those out too when you go to sleep."

"What happened to your dad?"

"They arrested him."

Just then a nurse came in the room.

"Well sugar, looks like you're awake. Let me get the doctor."

She went out and came back in with another gentleman. He came over and shined a light in my eyes and asked me mundane questions like what is 1+1 and who is the President. Then he asked if I had a headache (yes), nausea or dizziness (no). He then told me I had a compound fracture of my skull and they got it sewed up, but I would need to be careful while it healed. They were going to keep me for a few days to check for swelling and give me some antibiotics to prevent an infection.

When they left it was just Todd and me again.

"Todd, do you have my phone?"

"Yeah babe."

I texted my supervisor to tell him what was happening so he would know why I wasn't at work.

"Todd, I love you."

"I love you too babe."

"But I hate your dad."

"I don't like him much myself right now."

"We shouldn't invite him to our wedding."

"Definitely. Wait, are you asking me to marry you?"

"Yeah, I am. I know it is sudden. I've only known you since February. But I know the love I feel for you is stronger than I have ever felt for anyone. So I don't want to wait. I want to get married now."


"It's ok if you don't want to, or if you want to wait until you know it is right. I'll understand."

"No babe, let's do it. Let's get married."

"I wish you were 21. I've always wanted to get married in Vegas by an Elvis impersonator."

"We can still do that babe. I can go to Vegas, I just can't drink or gamble."

"But that is why you go to Vegas as there are no casinos around here. Why go to Vegas and not gamble?"

"Well I figured after the wedding, we wouldn't want to gamble."

"Gonna lock me in the hotel room?"

"Not lock, but you will be too tired to ever leave it."

Todd bent down and kissed me.

"Hey sugar, just here to check your vitals. Y'all can continue planning y'alls wedding in a bit."

After the nurse checked the machines and my IV she left. Me and Todd continued to chat about the upcoming wedding and who we wanted to invite.

Todd stayed with me the entire time I was in the hospital. We had to get a cab home as he rode up in the ambulance. After my shower, I just couldn't get my head wet where the stitches were, I finally got to eat a good meal. Todd then took me to the bedroom. We have to be careful of my head while the bones heal so after he made love to me gently he put me on all fours and kept my head away from the headboard as he held my hips and pounded me hard. I came so much, after we cleaned up, I passed out almost immediately after cuddling up to Todd.

When we woke up on Sunday, Todd made sure my head was far from the headboard and put a pillow under it then got on top of me and made love to me. We then took a shower and Todd changed the bandages on my head. I made us breakfast. When we sat down to eat I asked if he'd spoken to his mom or dad since we've been home. He says he texted his mom, but his dad is still in jail. He's being held without bail for attempted murder. They have a pretty strong case as the witness to the attempted murder was a cop with his body camera turned on.

After I cleaned up breakfast I called the county jail to see if he was being held there and if I could talk with him. He was and they made an appointment for this afternoon for me to see him. After lunch I left Todd at home and drove over to the county jail. After signing in and being checked for contraband I was escorted to a room with a large steel grate along one wall and chairs in front of it. I was directed to one of the chairs where I sat. A few minutes later and a group was brought in on the other side of the grate. Derek was one of them. He was seated in front of me on the other side of the grate.

"Hi Derek."

"Sam. Is Todd not with you?"

"Todd is going to be with me for the rest of my life. But if you are asking if he is here, then no, he's at home."

"Well, what do you want?"

"Just some information. I want to know what your problem with me is. You've said it is my age, but that doesn't explain what you keep doing. So what is it really?"

"You are too old for him."

"I'm only 6 years older than he is. That doesn't make sense. You've been actively trying to break us up and almost killed me. 6 years doesn't equate to what you are doing."

"Look. I don't want some old guy fucking my son ok?"

"What? I'm not fucking Todd."

"Oh please. You are telling me you guys are not having sex. I'm not going to believe that."

"Of course we are, but I'm not fucking Todd. I'm a bottom. I get fucked, I don't do the fucking."

"So you mean Todd fucks you?"

"Yes, and he is very good at it."

"But you are older than him, so that should mean you are the one doing the fucking."

"That is not how it works. Age doesn't denote position. I'm a bottom, so no matter the age of my partner, I will not be giving. I only receive. Look at me. Do you seriously see me on top?"

"But I thought that is how it worked. Older dominated the younger."

"You were so wrong. Todd is the dominant one. Though I have put my foot down on some stuff, for the most part he is in charge in the bedroom."

"I didn't know."

"Well, sex isn't a topic I usually like to discuss with my in-laws."


"Yes, me and Todd are getting married. You are the first person I've told."

"That's great to hear."

"Really? You've been trying to break us up and you are happy we are getting married?"

"I was wrong to do that. I thought you were just using my boy. Now I know better and you two are really in love. I just wish I saw it sooner. Can you forgive me for what I've done Sam?"

"I guess. But it is Todd you should be asking forgiveness from. He wanted the great 'coming out is wonderful' tale. He wanted to tell you and Laura that he was gay and had a boyfriend and have you two embrace him and say it is wonderful and welcome me to the family. He had that dream, and you shit all over it. It hurt him."

"You're right. I don't know if I'll ever see him again, but if I do, I'll try my best to make it up to him."

"I hope you will."

The guard came over and tapped my shoulder letting me know my time was up. I said goodbye to Derek and left and went home. When I got home Todd took me to the bedroom and made love to me. I missed this in the hospital. After we cleaned up I cuddled up to Todd and told him about my visit with his dad. He wasn't convinced but said he would think about going to see him. He also told me he did the grocery shopping while I was at the prison. He does stuff that needs to be done without being told. Why did it take so long for us to find each other?

The next morning I was having a wonderful dream. Todd was making love to me. I could feel his huge, heavy cock as he thrust in and out of me. He was on top of me looking down at me with his amazing green eyes. It was such a good dream. When I woke up, Todd was on top of me making love to me. It wasn't a dream. When he saw me open my eyes he stopped thrusting.

"I'm sorry babe. I woke up and you were sleeping. And you looked so beautiful lying there, I just had to be inside you."


"Yeah babe?"

"I didn't tell you to stop."

"Oh, sorry babe."

Todd started thrusting in me again. I was so close I wondered how long he had been fucking me before I woke up. It wasn't long before I was blowing my load on us. Todd smiled and kept going. After another 15 minutes I shot another load on us and Todd thrust deep inside me to deposit his load. After we had come down he pulled out of me.

"I'm really sorry babe, I should have asked first."

"You should have woken me up. Not to ask though. I always want you inside me. But so I can enjoy it."

"I promise babe, next time I will wake you up."

We got up and took a shower. Todd changed out my bandages on my head. I then made breakfast for us and made up some lunch and packed mine and put his in the fridge. We then ate and I cleaned up then headed to work. Todd said he would do housework as it was Monday.

At work, everyone asked about my head. I just told them I had a fracture but didn't tell them how I got it.

On my lunch break I called the DA to see if I could have the charges against Derek dropped. I felt kind of responsible as I made him believe I killed Todd, but not fully responsible as he chose how to act. After all, if the cop wasn't there I would probably be dead. The DA said they had a slam dunk case as it was all caught on video and were not going to drop the charges. Oh well, I tried.

When I got home everything was clean. I went in and made dinner. We sat down to dinner and then I cleaned up. After I did the dishes Todd sat at the table and asked me to sit down. He seemed really shy. This was odd as the past few months he has really shown how confident he can be. I hope he isn't thinking about doing something crazy in the bedroom.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 15

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