Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Nov 27, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 19 by Sam

When I woke up the next day I was cuddled up to Todd and his arm was holding me tight to him. It was noon. Todd was awake looking at me. I looked up at his beautiful green eyes then cuddled up to him more and closed my eyes again. I guess I fell asleep again as I woke up again around 4pm.

"Oh my gosh. I'm sorry, I fell asleep again. You must be starving."

"It's ok babe, Mom brought me a sandwich. How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok, I guess I was really tired."

"Well, you sleep as much as you want. I'll be right here next to you, where I belong."

"I'm a little hungry, can we get some dinner then come back to bed?"

"Of course babe."

We got up and got dressed and went out. Laura was there and started on dinner when Todd told her what we wanted. He took me to the couch and put me in his lap as we watched TV.

After dinner Todd took me back to the bedroom and we undressed and I cuddled up to him. I fell fast asleep.

I woke up the next morning to Todd shaking me.

"Morning babe, it is time to get up."

"Hmm... what time is it?"


"Ok... Todd... make love to me."

"Are you sure babe? Are you still tired?"

"I'm sure, and I'm still a little tired. But I want to go to work knowing my husband made love to me."

"Ok, anything for you babe."

Todd put me on my back and started kissing me all over. When he got down to my crotch he lifted my legs and rimmed me. When he was done he lubed up and got on top of me. I felt him enter me and he started thrusting in and out of me as he made love to me. It felt amazing. When he came I could feel him cumming inside me. My husband's cock was filling me with his husband seed. It felt right. He pulled out and we took a shower. Todd then changed my head bandages and we went out to breakfast. After we ate, Todd told me he was going to campus to get his books. I told him to use his Discover card, then I went to work.

At work I got some congratulations on getting married. Stuart, being who he is, asked if I took Todd's name. I was going to shrug it off and ask if he took the 11 year old's last name, but then I thought about it. I like being Sam Richards, even though it is the same last name as my mom. I'm not sure about being Sam Anderson. I guess I can talk it over with Todd and see what he thinks. It probably isn't hard to do and a lawyer can take care of it. I need a lawyer anyway to update my will so this can probably be taken care of at the same time.

When I got home, Laura already had dinner on the table.

"Sorry, am I late?"

"No Sam, you are right on time. I started too early, it's my fault."

"Oh, it's ok. Just glad I wasn't holding us up."

After we ate, me and Todd went to our room. I didn't undress and just got on the bed. I wanted to talk in private.

"Todd, sit down, I want to talk."

"Ok babe. Did the books cost too much? I got all used."

"No, it isn't about that. But tomorrow let me know how I add money to your dining hall account so you can eat lunch at school. I want to talk about something else now."

"Ok babe, what's up?"

"Well at work, Stuart asked if I was taking your name and I wanted to get your opinion on it."

"Is that possible with a gay marriage?"

"Yes, it is possible with any marriage. You just fill out a bunch of legal forms and submit them with a copy of the marriage license."

"Ok, well what do you think? Do you want to take my last name?"

"I'm not sure. We could then be called the Andersons, but I've been Sam Richards for so long I'm not sure I can change."

"Well, it is fine either way with me babe. I'll leave it up to you. But wouldn't it be expensive to do?"

"I'm not sure the cost, but I'm already going to a lawyer to update my will to make you the beneficiary so adding this shouldn't be too much more."

"Can I also get a will? I don't have anything now to leave you, but when I do, I want you protected."

"If we do them together it might not be too much more, so yeah."

"Ok, so are we going to have fun tonight?"

"Of course. Can't let my husband go without his loving."

We got undressed and I got in the bed. Todd lubed up then got on top of me. He looked into my eyes and I felt him enter me. He started thrusting in and out of me. He was hitting my prostate as always and I was moaning. We were going for 10 minutes when Todd started talking to me.

"UH... Babe?"

"Oh.. Yeah?"

"UH... I've been... UH... thinking about you... UH.. taking my name."

"Oh... and?"

"UH... you are going to do it."

"Yes Todd... Oh"


"Yes Todd."

I was pushed over the edge and came all over us. Todd smiled and continued to thrust in and out of me.

"So what's your... UH... name?"


"Your full name babe."

"Sam Kyle Anderson... Oh"

"Good. And who am I?"

"My husband."

"I love hearing you say that... UH"

"Why wouldn't I... Oh... say it, I love us being husbands."

"UH... you're my wife."

"Oh... but Todd, I'm a guy... Oh"

"You are still my wife... UH"

"Yes Todd."


"Yes Todd."

"And don't... UH... forget it."

"Yes Todd"

Todd continued to make love to me until he came inside me. I cleaned us up then cuddled up to him.



"Who are you?"

"I'm your wife silly. Why would you ask such a question?"

Todd raised up and turned on his side toward me.

"Sam, are you really my wife?"

"Yes Todd, I've been your wife for over a week now. Don't you remember our wedding?"

"Yeah. What is your name?"

"Sam. Are you feeling ok Todd? You're acting strange."

"I'm fine babe. What is your full name?"

"Sam Kyle Anderson. Well not yet anyway, I still need to see that lawyer, but it will be."

"Is that what you want? To take my name?"

"Of course it is. I told you when we got married I was going to take your name. Are you sure you are feeling ok?"

"But we just talked about you taking my name today."

"No we didn't, silly. I was always going to take it. After all, I'm your wife and it is tradition."

"Have you always called yourself my wife?"

"Well, I've wanted to for a while but couldn't until we got married."

"But you are a guy."

"Of course I am, you wouldn't have just made love to a girl would you?"

"Babe, can I look at your head where you got injured?"

"If you want." Todd sure was acting strange. I got up so he could remove the bandages and he examined the back of my head.

"Did you bump your head tonight?"

"No, I was far from the headboard." Todd reapplied my bandages.

"Sam, you are my husband."

"No I'm not. You are the husband. I'm your wife." I put my hand on his forehead but he wasn't warm. Not sure why he keeps talking like this.

Todd held onto my shoulders so I was facing him. "Sam, I want you to call yourself my husband."

"No Todd, because that wouldn't be true. I'm your wife. Why are you acting like this?"

"I'm sorry babe. Just been having some fun. Let's get some sleep, ok?"


Todd laid back down and I cuddled up to him. I hope he isn't going crazy on me. I fell asleep a little later.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 20

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