Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Jan 11, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 45 by Sam

When I woke up I was cuddled up to Ty. He pulled me tighter to him when he woke up. After a while he rolled over on top of me and made love to me. When we both came we got up and went to the master bath for our shower then back to Ty's room. We got dressed and went to breakfast. After we ate I made sure Todd was up and went to work.

When I got home from work I gave Todd a kiss and hug and went to Ty's room. He got up when I got in the room.

"Hey baby, how was work?"

"Rough, how was school?"

"It was ok. I'm sorry you had a bad day at work. But I got that schedule made up."

I looked it over. It seemed good. The store opens at 8:30 and he scheduled the first one on one for 9, giving us 30 minutes to set up. Then he started the wall at 10:15 giving me 15 minutes to clean up before it. He ended the wall at 12:15 and has the next one on one at 12:30, then at 1:45, 3, 4:15, and 5:30. Then we have 30 minutes to clean up and put stuff away before the store closes at 7. If we fill all the slots that gives us $3,000 for the day plus what the wall time makes. I told him I liked it and to make up a sign with the wall times on it. He then cleaned off his bed while I undressed and made love to me. After our cuddle I got up and went out to Todd. I sat in his lap.

"How was work babe?"

"Rough. I really hate Wednesdays and Fridays. How was school?"

"It was ok. I'm sorry you have to work so hard for us, but we will get you out of it."

"You better. I will be so pissed if both my guys get rich and dump me."

"I would never do that babe, and I don't think Ty would either."

I left him to work until dinner when we all sat down to eat. After dinner we watched a movie then turned in. Todd made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

I woke up cuddled up to Todd. When he woke up he made love to me then we took a shower. After breakfast I made sure Ty was up then went to work. When I got home the boys were both at the desk on the computer. I went over to see what they were doing.

"Hey babe, we are working on the sign, what do you think?"

I looked at it. It had both the Saturday and Sunday times on it. Saturday just listed the store's open hours but started and ended 15 minutes after the store opened and before it closed so we had time to get set up and clean up. The Sunday times were what Ty scheduled for the wall. It stated at the top that it started the Sunday after this weekend.

"What is that logo?"

"Oh it is our logo babe. I had a guy on fiverr make it for us. I wanted us to look like a real business. I even registered a business name for us. Ty set up a twitter and facebook for it."

"Facebook? You didn't put my picture on it did you?"

"No baby, it is just the logo."

"Is that the name there at the top of the sign?"

"Yep. STT Escorts."

"How did you come up with that?"

"It is the first letter of all our names."

"Ok, well I like it so go ahead and print it so we can put it up Saturday."

"Do you want to change the price before we do?"

"No. I think most of my customers are college kids and even $20 is a lot to them so I don't want to raise it."

"Ok babe I'll get some printed up while you are with Ty."

"Ok, love you daddy."

Me and Ty went to his room and undressed and he made love to me. When we were done I cuddled up to him. After a while I went out to Todd. He was working on his homework. I straddled his lap and sat facing him. I pulled his head down and started kissing him. After a few minutes I broke the kiss.

"Babe, you just had sex with Ty and you are still horny?"

"No daddy, I just want to be close to you."

"Well come here babe, I need to be close to you too."

He took me into the bedroom and made love to me. After I came 3 times he pumped his load inside me. I cuddled up to him for a few minutes then cleaned up and we went back out. After dinner we watched a movie then I gave Todd a kiss and went to bed with Ty. After Ty made love to me I cleaned up and cuddled up to him and fell asleep.

When I woke up I was cuddled up to Ty. I removed the sheet and he was hard. I lubed him up and sat on it. I started to bounce up and down on it. After a few minutes he woke up and held onto my hips as I continued to work myself up and down on him. After 10 minutes I came on him and he held my hips as he thrust a few more times then grunted and fired his load into me. When we came down I took him to take a shower then we returned to his room to get dressed. After breakfast I made sure Todd was up and went to work.

After work I was beat. I got home and Todd was working on his homework. I gave him a hug and kiss then went to Ty's room. I found Ty putting his new desk together.

"Did you drag this in here all by yourself?"

"No baby, Todd helped me get it to my door but said that was as far as he could take it because he wasn't allowed in my room. So I took it the rest of the way."

"You could have waited and I would have helped."

"No baby, I know you are wiped out on Fridays from work. I can take care of this."

"Well I'm here now. I'll help you put it together."

"No baby, you are tired, just lay on the bed and let me do it."

"But this is your time with me. Don't you want to have sex?"

"Do you need that? I'm fine just having you here but if you need me to I can."

"No, I'm beat. I'll just sit and watch."

Ty put his desk together. When he finished he went to another box and opened it. It was the dresser. He put it together too. He was just finishing up when Laura knocked on the door and said dinner was ready. We went out and had dinner. After we ate we watched a movie. I then gave Ty a kiss and went with Todd to our room. After Todd made love to me I cuddled up to him and fell asleep.

When I woke up I was cuddled up to Todd. I got up and went to Ty's room and got in bed. He woke up and got on top of me and made love to me. After we came we got up and got Todd up and all went to take a shower. After breakfast we headed to the store. When we got there Ty put the signs up, replacing both Martin's and my old signs with the single sign. He then helped me into the sling as I had undressed while he was dealing with the signs. He got it locked to the wall and went to watch TV with Todd. A few minutes later the first customer entered me. At the end of the day Ty got me down and cleaned me up then cleaned the room as I got dressed. Todd went to get the money. When we got home Todd went to the desk to count the money and Ty took me to his room. We made love then took a shower. When we got back out Todd told me how much we made and I paid Ty then we had dinner. After dinner I took Ty to the mall so I could get more clothes to put in his room. After our shopping trip I put my new clothes in to wash. After I put them in the dryer all three of us went to bed in my room.

When I woke up I nudged Ty and he moved back so I could get up then made love to me and we got Todd and went to shower. After breakfast I put my clothes away in Ty's room then we went to the store. I got undressed and put on the robe then put the platform under the hole so I was ready for the first customer. I then sat down with Todd and Ty and watched TV.

At the end of the day there were more customers. Most during the hours on the sign so some might have come back from Saturday. After we cleaned up we went home. Todd went to count the money and Ty took me to his room to make love. After that we took a shower. Todd told us what we made. It was still less than one hour of a one on one. We sat down to eat then watched a movie before turning in. I gave Todd a kiss and went to sleep with Ty.

On Wednesday at lunch I was thinking about something. Ty will need to talk to customers to schedule appointments and tell them the rules. But he shouldn't use his personal phone for that. He shouldn't have to pay for those calls and maybe he doesn't want his number out there associated with this. I called up my cell phone company and ordered a new phone with a new number.

When I got home there was a very large box in my living room. I went over to Todd who was at the desk working on his homework.

"I think the bed came babe."

"I hope so. Not sure what else could be in that unless you ordered something else huge."

"Not me babe."

"Ok, before I forget I ordered a company cell phone for Ty to use to talk to the customers. Expense it and the part of the bill for its service to the company."

"Will do babe."

"And don't tell Ty. I want it to be a surprise."

"Ok babe."

I went into Ty's room. He was at his desk doing his homework.

"Hey baby, how was work?"

"Not great, but I survived."

"Well I think the bed came in. It took a lot of work for me and Todd to get that box in the house."

"Well I'm glad you did. Is my big strong man going to make love to me?"

Ty smiled and got up and I undressed and he got on top of me and made love to me. After we cuddled for a while I went back to the living room while he went back to his homework. After dinner we opened the box. It came preassembled. After we got all the packing material off of it we moved it around and Ty showed us how to put it down then put it up again. After a few times we got the hang of it. I also had him put it down and got on it. It wasn't as comfortable as a real bed but was better than the fold out couch I had several years ago. I asked what size it was so we could get sheets. After that Ty put it up and rolled it over next to the wall so it was out of the way. We then turned in. I gave Ty a kiss and went to bed with Todd.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 46

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