Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Jan 29, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 55 by Sam

"Hi Danny."

"Sam! Wh... What are you doing here?"

I motioned for the boys to watch the door and I walked into the booth and pulled out a $50 bill from my pocket.

"I'm your 9 o'clock."

I handed him the money.

"Oh, um, how do you want me?"

"On your knees looking up at me."

Danny got on his knees in front of me and I removed my pants and underwear. I pushed my cock into his mouth and he started sucking on it. He wasn't that good but he eventually got me off and I came in his mouth.

"Swallow it."

He did then he stood up.

"Get on the bed."

Danny got on the bed on all fours with his butt facing me. I removed the rest of my clothes.

"No Danny, I don't top. Sit with your back against the wall."

He moved to the new position. I lubed up his cock and sat on it. I put my arms around his neck and started to move up and down on his cock. He put his arms around me and held onto my back. I looked into his hazel eyes as I moved up and down on him. After a few minutes I placed a kiss on his lips. It felt nice so I did it again. While I have rules against kissing, Ty showed me Danny's and he didn't. Danny started kissing me back and he was being very passionate. I was feeling so good. It took about 15 minutes and I was shooting my load onto Danny and he thrust up into me as he pumped his load inside me. I sat down on his cock all the way as I calmed down. I moved my legs out from under me and wrapped them around him so I was sitting on him more comfortably. Danny put his arms around me and placed his hands on my lower back just above my butt and held me.


"Yes Sam?"

"Why are you trying to ruin my business?"

"What!? I'm not trying to ruin your business."

"I lost all my one on one customers yesterday."

"Oh my gosh Sam, I didn't know that would happen. You always have so many I just thought I could get some of them too."

"Why do you want any of them?"

"I'm sorry Sam, but I need the money. You see, my parents kicked me out and I'm broke and have nowhere to live. So I figured, Sam makes money by just having sex, and I like sex so I thought I could do it too."

"Why did your parents kick you out?"

"Well, I told them I was gay. They said they didn't want a pervert in the house and kicked me out."

"But your dad bought you a male prostitute, twice."

"Yeah, he didn't know you were a guy."

"But it is in Ty's rule email he sends."

"He didn't read that. After he made the appointment and got the email, he saw it was the rules for the appointment and just handed it to me to read. After I read it, and saw you were a guy I deleted the email so he wouldn't see. You see, I've known I was gay for a few years, but could never tell them. But I've been feeling better about myself for the past month and wanted to just be myself, so I told them. I guess I shouldn't have."

"No Danny, you should always be yourself. They shouldn't have judged you. But this is not the way to make money."

"Why not? You do it. And people pay you just to have sex. It is a great way to make money."

"I do it safely. You have no security. If I wanted to do you harm you have nobody to stop me. Do you even have a prostitution license?"

"Um, no. But if I make enough, I can get one. But I used all of my money just renting the booth for this hour."

"Do you know what would happen if a cop caught you selling without a license? You would go to jail."

"Yeah. But I had to do something. I had to save the money for the booth rental, so I didn't even eat yesterday."

"I'm sorry to hear that Danny. Where have you been staying?"

"There is an alley a block over and I stay there."

"Shit Danny, that is dangerous too."

"I know. I'm sorry Sam. You don't care about my troubles. This is supposed to be your time."

"Danny, don't ever tell me what I am to care about. And this is my time to use as I want. Even if it is sitting on your cock talking to you."

"Yes, your right. I'm sorry."

Just then the door opened and a cop came in. Ty came in too.

"I'm sorry baby, he pushed past us."

"I have a report here of possible illegal prostitution going on."

I've never seen this cop before.

"Ty, show him my license."

Ty got my license from my wallet and showed the cop. The cop handed it back to Ty.

"Ok, sorry to bother you."

"No problem. I think you boys in blue do a great job and cracking down on illegal prostitution helps me. If you have any other questions about my legality, my guys at the door can tell you. But I'm with a customer right now."

"Of course, thank you."

Both the cop and Ty left. I looked back at Danny and he looked terrified.

"Calm down Danny, they are gone."

"Oh my god Sam, if you weren't here I'd be going to jail right now."

"I don't think prostitution is for you Danny."

"But I need money Sam. I'll do whatever I can."

"What were you going to do before your parents kicked you out?"

"I was going to go to the university in the fall."

"What were you going to study?"

"Art. I like to draw and want to learn how to do more."

"Danny, I can't let you mess with my business. But if you want to be a prostitute I will take you on and show you how. But after you figure out it isn't for you, I will make sure you have something better to make money."

"I understand Sam. And thank you. What do I do?"

"You're going to do what I say."... "TY!"

The door opened and Ty came in.

"You called baby?"

"Remove that sign." I looked at Danny while Ty went to pull down his sign. "Do you have a customer list of your appointments?"

"Yeah, they are on a piece of paper in my pants pocket."

"Ty, check Danny's pants pocket for a piece of paper."

Ty went to Danny's pants and took out a piece of paper and unfolded it. It had a list of names and numbers and times.

"Is that it?"

"Yeah, that's it."

"Ty, cancel all his appointments and send in Todd."

"Ok baby."

Ty left and Todd came in.

"Yeah babe?"

I looked up at him. "Daddy, can I get a pet?"

Todd looked at Danny and smiled. "Is he housebroken?"

My eyes went wide. "I don't know." I looked at Danny. "Are you housebroken?"

Danny looked confused. "What?"

"When you poop, do you go to the bathroom or do you do it on the floor?"

"What? I go to the bathroom."

"Oh goodie." I looked back up at Todd. "He's housebroken Daddy."

"Well ok then. But you will be responsible for feeding and cleaning up after him."

"Ok Daddy, I promise." I looked back at Danny. "Daddy says I get to keep you."

"What's going on?"

I gave Danny a hug and said in his ear. "You belong to me now Danny." I looked back at Todd. "Tell Ty to extend the appointment with Danny for another hour, pay for another hour of rental on this booth then go home and bring back 3 towels, my robe, body wash and my checkbook."

"Ok babe." Todd left the room.

"Danny, make love to me."

"What Sam?"

"Make love to me."

"I don't know what that means."

"Fuck me on my back gently looking into my eyes."

"Oh, ok."

Danny leaned forward and I held on as he got me on my back. He then positioned himself and started rocking his hips in and out of me. I looked up into his eyes as he looked into mine. After a few minutes I pulled him down to me and started kissing him. He broke the kiss and I saw him say something. I just pulled him down and kissed him again. We were at it for a long time before I came on us and he thrust all the way in and pumped his load inside me. After we came down I had him pull out and lay down. I cuddled up to him to enjoy some affection. He wrapped his arm around me and held me tight to him.

After 20 minutes there was a knock on the door. Todd opened it. "I'm back with that stuff you asked for."

"Leave a towel and my robe, put the other towels and body wash in the bathroom."

"Ok babe." He did as I told him.

"Come on Danny, time to clean up."

We got up and I put on my robe and had Danny wrap the towel around him. We grabbed our clothes and as we exited the room I told Ty to put the bed away and make sure the room was clean then return the key to Dave. Me and Danny then headed to the shower. In the shower I washed Danny and he washed me. When he got hard I turned and leaned up against the wall and told him to fuck me. He entered me and I felt his chest against my back as he thrust in and out of me. We were at it for a while until he came inside me. I cleaned off the wall and finished cleaning us then we got out. After we dried off we got dressed and headed out. I gave the towels and body wash to Ty and we went to Todd's truck. I had Danny get in the back with me.

"Where to babe?"

"Licensing office."

We headed there. When we got there I had Ty fill out the forms with Danny's name and I handed him a check for $1,000. Once it was all processed they gave him a license and Ty gave it to me. I handed it to Danny. He looked at it.

"You're giving me a prostitution license?"

"Yeah. You're now a prostitute. Congrats."

"But I thought you said you didn't want me to be one."

"I don't Danny and while I show you why you also don't want to be one I need you to be legal."

"Ok, but I have to get money somehow."

"You are Danny. You are now Ty's assistant."

"My assistant baby?"

"Yeah Ty, you have been overworked lately and need some help, so Danny here will work with you to take some of the load off your shoulders."

"Can I have him do anything?"

"For the most part. But no sex. His body belongs to me until I say otherwise."

"Ok baby."

Todd drove us home. When we got there I showed Danny his room. I asked if he had any clothes or belongings. He said he didn't as he was thrown out with nothing. God, some parents. I told him to stay out of Ty's room as he likes to be alone and nobody is allowed in there but me and Ty. I remembered he said he hadn't eaten. I took him to the kitchen and made him some food. As he was eating I took Todd to the bedroom.

"You know what I want Todd."

"Feeling and speech?"

"Yeah, but make sure the lockout on programming is strong."

"It will be babe."

After Todd made love to me I went back out to see how Danny was doing. He had finished eating and was cleaning the dishes.

"You don't have to do that Danny."

"It's no problem Sam. I always did the dishes at home."

"Ok, well that will be a big help. What else do you know how to do?"

"I can cook simple stuff like spaghetti and soup or make sandwiches and grilled cheese."

"Well, I hired an assistant for Ty and a cook at the same time while his cock was inside me."

"I like having my cock inside you... Oh, Fuck! I finally get a job and I tell the boss I want to fuck him on the first day. What is wrong with me? I'm sorry Sam, please don't kick me out."

"Calm down Danny. All my employees put their cocks inside me. It is one of the perks of working here."

"That is some perk. How often do we get to do it?"

"As often as I want. I control when I sleep with you."

"Ok, that makes sense. Do you need me to do anything else?"

"Yeah, get ready to go. We have to take you shopping for clothes."

"You don't have to do that."

"Yes Danny I do, so get ready."

Todd took us to the mall and I got Danny many outfits and a robe. I also got him a razor. We then went home and I told him to wash his stuff and put it away as I went in to make dinner. After dinner we watched TV then I gave Todd and Ty a kiss as I went to sleep with Danny. Danny made love to me and when we came down he pulled out and I cleaned us up and cuddled up to him to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 56

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