Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Feb 17, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 66 by Sam

Saturday morning Todd made love to me. After we calmed down I went to wake the other two before going to shower. I walked into Danny's room and he was on top of Ty thrusting in and out of him. I went over to them and told Danny we didn't have a lot of time. He said ok as he continued to pound Ty's ass. I went back over to our room and Todd and I went to shower. After we got dressed we went to sit at the table and wait for Danny and Ty. When they came out of the shower, Ty headed for his room and Danny to his. Danny then made a quick breakfast for us and we headed to the store afterwards.

After he got me strapped in Danny headed out to work the line. At the end of the day we headed home and Todd went to count the money as Danny went to the kitchen. I took Ty to his room so he could make love to me. After we came down we took a shower and he fucked me against the shower wall after he cleaned out my ass. After he pumped another load inside me we finished cleaning off and got dressed and went to talk to Todd. Todd gave us the figures and I paid Ty as Todd took Danny's off of his debt. We then sat down to eat. After dinner we turned in. I had Ty make love to me then after we came he laid down next to me. Todd got on top of him and Danny got on top of me. Todd pushed his huge cock into Ty and Danny entered me. After they were both all the way inside us they looked at each other as they started to thrust in and out of us in order to stay in sync. I turned my head and kissed Ty as he moaned in my mouth from the pleasure Todd's cock was giving him. I was moaning too from Danny's thick cock hitting my prostate. I'm not sure if Todd and Danny planned it earlier or not but they both lasted for an hour before thrusting all the way into us and pumping their loads inside us. After we all came down Todd and Danny pulled out of us and helped us get up so we could all shower. Once we were clean, me and Ty cuddled up on either side of Todd then Danny spooned up behind me.

In the morning I looked across Todd's chest at Ty sleeping. I ran my finger over his cheek until he opened his eyes. When he saw me looking at him he smiled. I smiled back then whispered to him.

"Morning honey."

"Morning baby."

"I'm riding Todd this morning."

"Ok, I'll take Danny then."

I slowly pushed back and Danny rolled onto his back. Ty got up from Todd and went around the bed and got in next to Danny. I lubed up Todd's cock and straddled his waist as I sat down on it. Once I was all the way down I watched Ty as he was getting sat down on Danny's cock. Once he was all the way down I took his hand and we looked at each other as we started to move up and down on the cocks in our asses. Danny was the first to wake up and he put his hands on Ty's hips. Todd woke up a couple of minutes later and did the same to me. Me and Ty kept up our bouncing trying to stay in sync. Ty was the first to cum on Danny. I wasn't far behind as I blew my load onto Todd. Our partners hadn't cum so we continued to bounce on their cocks. When Ty came for the third time Danny thrust hard into him with a loud grunt. Ty stopped moving as the cock inside him unloaded. When I came again Todd did the same to me and I stopped to feel his cock pump his load inside me. When we all came down Ty got off of Danny's cock then helped me get off of Todd, then we all headed for the shower. When we were clean me and Todd got dressed as the others headed for their rooms. After we had breakfast we headed for the store.

Danny got undressed and put on his robe as Ty set up the other room. Me and him sat together as he waited for Ty's signal. When it was time he headed over for his first customer. It was a nice day. There was a long line during the wall time. I'm not sure why we have been so busy, especially as school is out and the college is empty. But as long as they all pay I'm not complaining. But we can only take so many a day. It was nearing the end of Danny's last appointment. I was glad the day was almost over as all I could do is sit around. I'm not used to being this inactive. There is usually some cock inside me when I'm here but none today since Danny is taking all the customers.

"Baby, we may have a problem."

I walked over to Ty and looked through the hole. Danny was on his back and the customer was fucking him but the customer's hands where on Danny's neck.

"How long has his hands been there?"

"A couple of minutes."

"Any signals from Danny?"


I continued to watch. Danny wasn't struggling but he also wasn't moving at all. I didn't like it.

"I'm going in."

I went out and over to the other room. Todd was at the door and watched me as I opened the door. He followed me in. I went over to the bed.

"Remove your hands please."

The customer was startled but did as I said. I checked Danny. He wasn't responding to the fact I was there. I checked to see if he was breathing but couldn't tell.

"Get off him. Ty get in here."

The customer got off of Danny and he tried to get Danny to respond too but we got nothing. Ty came in and checked out Danny and said to get him on the ground. Todd and the customer picked up Danny and set him down on the ground. Ty got down beside him and put his ear to Danny's mouth. He said Danny wasn't breathing. I told Todd to call an ambulance and Ty lifted Danny's chin and gave him mouth to mouth. He then moved over and started chest compressions. The customer was freaking out. I told him to get dressed but wait in case anyone wanted a statement. Ty continued to give Danny CPR. When the ambulance arrived they took over and put Danny on the defibrillator. After it gave him a shock they continued to do CPR. They wheeled him out and I told Ty I was going in the ambulance with him. The cops arrived just as we were leaving.

The ride to the hospital was quick. They continued to do CPR on Danny. When we got there they took Danny in and had me fill out some forms. After I had those done I handed them to the desk person and asked to see him. They asked what relation I was and I told them I was his wife and showed my wedding ring. (Hey this isn't lying. He wanted to program me to be his wife, so it counts.) They took me in to see him. He was awake but couldn't talk as they had a tube running down his throat connected to a breathing machine. I told him I was here and he would be ok. That was half true. I was there, but I had no idea if he would be ok. A nurse came in and said they were taking him to be x-rayed and would bring him right back. When he got back they put the x-rays on the lighted board on the wall and showed me his neck. They said nothing was broken but wanted to keep him overnight to make sure he was stable. (And to get more money) They took him and me to a room. They removed his breathing tube and he was breathing on his own. I stayed in the room with him.

I got a text at 8 from Todd asking if Danny was ok. I texted back that he was awake and breathing but they were keeping him overnight and gave the room number. Ten minutes later Ty and Todd come into the room. When visiting hours are over we say goodnight to Danny and tell him we will be back in the morning to get him. We then head home.

When we get home Todd goes to the computer so he can give me the number for today. I then paid Ty and had Todd deduct Danny's pay from his debt, then Todd tells me we owe Danny money. His debt is paid off. I get the amount that we owe to Danny and put it on his nightstand in his room then I make dinner. After we eat I give Todd a kiss and go to bed with Ty. Ty makes love to me then I cuddle up to him.

"How did it go after we left?"

"Well the cops came and questioned everyone. We didn't press charges on the customer as it was an accident but we got his name and a police report in case Danny wants to later."

"Ok, make sure to report this to John Watch just in case."

"Yeah, I already did. I've been on it almost every day."

"Lots of research on customers?"

"No, discussion board. Prostitutes and pimps, I mean managers, can talk about what is going on around them."

"Are you my pimp Ty?"

"Of course baby, and you are my best ho." I punched him in the arm for that. "But I've been talking about how much busier we have been getting lately. I have a huge waiting list every week for the one on ones. They have been telling me that most prostitutes are leaving town to go over to the casino as they can charge more to the tourists there."

"Wow, that casino is taking everything. It is why we have problems filling vacancies at the call center too. Everyone wants to work there as they can pay more."

"Do you want to move over to there?"

"No. I'm about to have all three of you in college here. Besides, I don't need the extra money just to have boozed up casino customers all over me."

"Ok baby. Let's get some sleep as you still work tomorrow."

"No I don't. I'm going to the hospital to pick up Danny tomorrow. I already told Dan."

"So does that mean we have more time tonight?"

"Yeah. Let's fill the time with fun."

Ty got on top of me again and started to kiss me and I felt him enter me. He started to thrust in and out of me. It always feels super good with Ty like we are one. After we came he pulled out of me and I got us cleaned off and cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When we woke up Ty made love to me then we took a shower and got dressed. I then went to wake up Todd and made breakfast. After breakfast we went to the hospital. We talked to Danny for a bit then they came to release him. Me and Todd went to the front to pay Danny's bill while Ty stayed with him. After they processed our insurance they told me how much we still owed. I wrote a check for it and had them print an invoice. I gave it to Todd and told him to have Ty bill the customer and expense it to the business as it was work related.

After we were done Ty and Danny came out with Danny in a wheelchair. Ty said they required him to be in one. Todd went and pulled the truck around and me and Danny got in the back.

"Um Sam."

"Yeah Danny?"

"I know I owe a lot of money, but I don't want to be a prostitute anymore. Can I just pay you back being Ty's assistant?"

"You don't have to be a prostitute anymore. And you don't owe any money anymore. You are paid off. I put the rest of your pay for yesterday on your nightstand."

"Oh thank god. I can stay Ty's assistant though right? I don't have to move out since I'm not going to be a prostitute do I?"

"Of course Tiger. You are never moving out. We are together forever now. But I have something to tell you when we get home."

Danny leaned over to kiss me. I met him halfway and gave him a kiss. When we got home I had Ty go get the pamphlet while Danny sat in the living room. I took the pamphlet from Ty and handed it to Danny.

"A culinary school?"

"Yeah. You are going to go to a cooking school to learn to be a chef."


"Danny. You love to cook and are very good at it. So when Ty and Todd go back to college next week you are going with them to this school. It is on the same campus."

"I don't think I can afford this."

"It is already paid for."

"Oh. Can I pay you back working as Ty's assistant?"

"You don't have to pay me back. It was a present from me to my boyfriend. All you have to do is study hard and become a great chef."

"I will Sam. I won't let you down."

"Ok guys. I want you all to head up to the campus today and get your books. Ty do you know what Danny needs?"

"Yeah. They supply all the cooking stuff in the classroom but he needs a few books."

"Ok, all of you go and get those. Todd can pay for his and Danny's. Are you ok on yours Ty?"

"Yeah. My parents already prepaid for mine. I just have to pick them up."

"Ok I'll have lunch ready when you all get back."

"No Sam, I can make that when I get back. You just sit and relax."

"Tiger, you are going to spoil me."

"That is the plan. Now go have a seat and we will be back later and I'll fix a great lunch."

They left and I sat on the couch and watched TV. When they got back they took their books to their rooms then Danny went to the kitchen. They were gone longer than I thought would be necessary but Todd told me he and Ty took Danny on a tour to show him around so he wouldn't be lost next week. He also showed him a meeting point where they would meet up to come back home together after school. After lunch they all challenged Todd on the Switch. After dinner we turned in. I gave Ty and Todd a kiss as they headed for our room together. I went with Danny to his room. After Danny made love to me we cleaned up and I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 67

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