Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Mar 27, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 88 by Sam

In the morning Ty made love to me then we went to take a shower. After we were clean we went to eat breakfast. Danny served us something else from the menu. I tell you, eating like this all the time is going to spoil me. Todd wasn't at the table.

"Hey Danny, where is Todd? Is he still sleeping?"

"No, he headed out this morning after I gave him his breakfast."

"Yeah baby, I sent him to get something for the business."

"Oh, ok."

Todd got back just as we finished eating. He took a large box into the living room and me and Ty joined him as Danny started his clean up.

"So what is it?"

"Well baby. At the meeting Wednesday I noticed you were having problems looking at the plans and other stuff my dad was showing you as you kept bouncing up and down on our cocks. So I thought if we got a sling like at the store then you could be laying down in it and be able to look at stuff stationary while we fucked you. The way it is designed we can have the table right there and you can use your hands to move stuff around but still be getting pounded from behind."

"Wow, you are the best manager ever. I like it. You saw a problem and found a fix."

"Of course baby. You know I'm always thinking of ways to make things easier for you."

"Oh it is so wonderful having a husband and manager that is always thinking of me. So how long to get it put together?"

"I don't know but you can watch TV while we take care of it."

I sat and watched TV while Ty and Todd put the sling together. When Danny finished his clean up he joined me on the couch to watch TV. When they got the sling together they said they needed to get the height set so asked me to get in it. I got in it and Todd held me at the right height as Ty adjusted everything. When they had the height set Ty got me fully strapped in and got behind me and I felt him enter me. He grabbed my hips and started to pound my ass hard. It felt so good.

"Oh God, Danny."

"Yeah Sam?"

"Get a bucket to put under me. I'm gonna cum and don't want it on the floor."

Danny went to the laundry room and got the mop bucket. He put it under me just as Ty pushed me over the edge and I started shooting my load under me into the bucket. Ty pushed all the way into me and came inside me. When he pulled out I told Danny to go next to make sure the height was right for him as he is shorter than the other two. Danny got behind me and I was a little too high for him. Todd and Ty got it adjusted again and Danny tried again and it was at the perfect height for him. He pushed into me and started to fuck me hard. He held onto my hips as he pounded me. After 10 minutes he started to pound harder. When I came he pushed into me and gave me his load. When he pulled out I asked the other two to try to see if they could work with this height. Ty got behind me again and pushed into me. He said it was fine as he fucked me hard. When he gave me another load he pulled out and Todd got behind me. I felt his huge cock enter me and he started to pound me hard. After I pumped three loads into the bucket Todd finally pumped his load into me.

Ty got ready to get me out of the sling but I stopped him. I'm having fun so I told him to leave me in. It is comfortable and I wanted to see how long I could stay in it. I spend 10 hours in one on Saturdays and have no problems so why not do it here too. I told Ty I wanted to be pounded all day today. So as Danny went off to make lunch Ty got behind me and started pounding my ass. Lunch was ready when Ty gave me his next load. Danny brought in my lunch and put it on the table in front of me. He then got behind me and pushed into me. I ate lunch as Danny pounded my ass. He lasted an hour and when he finished Todd pushed into me as Danny took away the dishes. Todd took an hour and a half then Ty took his spot. When Ty was done Danny took another turn. His control is getting better and he lasted a little longer than an hour before giving me his load. He then went to make dinner as Todd took over. When dinner was ready Danny brought in my dinner and put it on the table in front of me. Todd was still going and Danny told him not to hurry as his dinner was being kept warm. I ate my dinner as Todd kept pounding my ass. I was finished long before Todd finished. When he did Ty pushed into me and he was fucking me gentle. He took his time and made it good. When we came he pulled out. Danny asked for one more go. Ty agreed but told him to hurry as we had the store tomorrow. Danny got behind me and fucked me hard and fast. He still hit my prostate so it was very good. He got a couple of loads out of me before giving up his. When he pulled out he helped Ty get me out of the sling. I felt good when they got me on my feet again. Danny went to empty the bucket and Ty took me to bed and I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning Ty made love to me then we got a shower. After breakfast we got dressed. It feels so weird to wear clothes. But once I got to the store I was able to remove them again. Danny got me into the sling and against the wall. He then went out to monitor the line. A few minutes later and the first customer entered me.

At the end of the day Danny got me out of the sling and cleaned me off then he and Ty cleaned the room as I got dressed. After Todd got the money we headed home. When we got home, Todd went to the desk to count the money as Danny headed for the kitchen. I took Ty to our room. He made love to me then when we came we got a shower.

"Baby, why do we make love after the store every time? We are married now and will do it at night, but you drag me to our room right after the store to make love."

"Because I love you Ty. I always want the last cock inside me to be someone I love, not a stranger that paid me. So after I'm done with them, I want you so that you are always the last cock I've had."

Ty started kissing me then he turned me around and pushed me against the shower wall as I felt him enter me. He fucked me hard against the wall. It didn't take long before I was shooting my load all over the wall as Ty thrust hard into me and pumped his seed inside me. When we came down he pulled out of me and I cleaned up the shower wall then we finished getting clean. We then headed out to get the numbers from Todd. We were at home so we didn't get dressed. When we got to the desk we noticed that Todd had also stripped. When he gave us the number I was confused.

"That sounds low."

"It is Sam. We haven't ever taken so little."

"But I don't understand. There was no gap in the cocks. It felt like I took the same number as usual."

"The line was the same too. So I don't understand it."

"Do you think we were getting stiffed?"

"This is $400 less than the last week we worked. That is a lot of people not paying."

"Do you think it was a thief?"

"Well the box is right there in the room with them."

"Well we will need to think about this. I'm not working for free and I am not having someone steal from me."

"We will figure it out baby."

I paid Ty and Danny then we ate dinner and turned in. Me and Ty got on our backs next to each other as Todd and Danny got on top of us. Todd pushed his monster into Ty as Danny entered me. They started thrusting in and out of us in unison. I was kissing Ty as we moaned into each other's mouths. I looked over and Todd and Danny were kissing as they thrust into us. After a lot of cum shooting out me and Ty's cocks, Danny and Todd finally planted their seed inside us. When we all came down they pulled out of us and helped us up and we all took a shower. We then cuddled up to our spouses and went to sleep.

In the morning Todd got on top of me and made love to me as Danny did the same to Ty. After a half hour we had all cum and went to take a shower. When we were clean we got dressed and went to breakfast before heading to the store. When we got to the store, Ty and Danny went to set up the other room as I got undressed and put on my robe. I then sat on the couch to wait for my signal.

When I got my signal from Ty I went over to the other booth. Todd was at the door and I went in. When I got in I hung up my robe and went to the bed. This guy was in his 40s but instead of my normal aversion, I wanted to have sex with him. I asked him how he wanted me. He said on the bed on my back. I got on my back and he got on top of me. I felt him enter me and start thrusting in and out of me. It felt so good. I was enjoying having him on top of me thrusting in and out of me. I was moaning as he fucked me. When his time was up I got up and put on my robe and went to take a shower. I then went to the booth so I could get put in the sling for the wall customers.


"Yeah baby?"

"You did it, didn't you?"

"Did what baby?"

"Programmed me to enjoy sex with the customers. That guy was not one of the ones I like but I wanted to have sex with him and I loved it having him all over me."

"Yeah baby, I did. Are you mad at me?"

"I guess not. You did it so I wouldn't be unhappy when I work. I just wish I could remember it when I'm programmed. Because I forget the program as soon as it happens, I never know why I start to feel stuff. It is just frustrating sometimes."

"I'm sorry baby. But I promise you that any programming I do will be for you and not against you."

"I know that. I wouldn't give you the power unless I trusted you with it. I'll be ok. This was a good program."

At the end of the day after I got my shower after my last customer, Ty and Danny were getting the bed put away. I got dressed. Todd came in.

"Sam, there is only a couple of hundred in the box from the wall customers."

"How much is there normally?"

"At least $400, usually $500."

"So either half of the wall customers stiffed us or someone is stealing it."


"We will discuss this tonight after I'm done with Ty."

When we got home Todd went to handle the money as Danny went to the kitchen and I took Ty to the bedroom. Ty got on top of me and made love to me. When we came we got cleaned up and went out to get with Todd. He gave us the number and I paid Ty and Danny then we sat down to eat. After we ate I called a company meeting.

"Ok, this is about someone stealing our money."

"Um... is this an STT meeting?"

"Yes, but this is a Sam is pissed off STT meeting."

"Oh... sorry." Danny looked down at the floor sadly.

"No Danny, I'm sorry. You are right. This is an STT meeting and that means something."

I lubed up Danny and sat down on him. I started bouncing up and down on his cock.

"Ok, so someone is stealing from us."

"I'm pretty sure we are not getting stiffed this much, it has to be someone taking what is there for themselves."

"I agree. I only expect a few to not pay, this is way more than that."

"Well the box is in the room with the customers and they are alone. Maybe we could move the box to outside the door and have them pay before they go in."

"Yeah, I like it. Also we can have Danny or Todd stay by the door to make sure everyone pays."

"Yeah, we could do that."

"Great so that is settled. So meeting over. Danny, take me to your room and make love to me."

I got up and Danny followed me to his room. I got on the bed and he got on top of me. He started to kiss me as I felt his thick cock enter me. He started thrusting in and out of me making me moan in his mouth. It felt so good being with Danny. After my second cum Danny thrust all the way into me as he pumped his load inside me. When we came down he pulled out. Todd was in the room getting ready for bed.


"Yeah Sam?"

I lifted my legs. Todd looked at me then came over and got on top of me. I felt him enter me and start thrusting in and out of me. His big heavy cock was making me moan so loud. After he gave me three cums he pumped his load inside me. When we came down he pulled out of me. I then cleaned off and got up and went to my room. Ty was laying in bed. I went over to him and cuddled up to him.

"I'm sorry honey. I know I'm supposed to be with you after dinner, but I wanted to be with them tonight too."

"No baby, it is ok. That rule was for them, not you. You can be with whoever you want as long as you always come back to me."

"Of course I will come back to you. I love you more than anyone in the world."

"That is all I ask. Anyway, I want to do some programming on you tonight."

"Oh, what do you want to have me do?"

"Remember your programs. You are right. Forgetting you were programmed is not right so I want to see if I can get you to remember them. Also I want to see if I can make it so you can stop a program you don't agree with."


Ty got on top of me and started to kiss me. I felt him enter me and start thrusting in and out of me gently as he made love to me. It was feeling so good.

"Sam, when you are programmed you will not forget the program. You will remember the program that was said to you even after you cum. Do you understand?"

"Yes Ty."

"Sam, when you are programmed you will remember it. And before you cum, if you do not agree with the program you can cancel it. But you will remember it after you cum too. Do you understand?"

"Yes Ty."

"Sam cum"

I came hard and pumped my load all over us. Ty thrust into me and I felt him cumming inside me. When we calmed down he pulled out.

"Sam, I just programmed you. Do you remember it?"


"Ok, it didn't take effect until you came so it is probably ok. What the program was is you will remember your programs even after you cum and before you cum, if you don't like a program you can cancel it."

"Oh, that sounds like a good idea. Does it work?"

"We will have to find out, but I can't cum again right now."

"Ok then let's go to sleep and check in the morning."

I cleaned us up and cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 89

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