Love on Campus

By The Haydster

Published on Jul 12, 2006



Ladies and Gentlemen,

I hope you like Love On CampuS (if you dont, why the hell have you read this far?) and I have enjoyed every email, thanks so much to everyone for writing. A special thanks goes to Alex from England and Jordan from New Zealand for their emails. The next chapter will end Love On Campus and I will pick up College Mates, which I have sorely neglected. I hope you will enjoy the remaining chapter, which is yet to be written. If you have any ideas or just want to chat, please email me at


THis is a work of fiction involving homesexuality. If this content is illegal to read, due to age, location or any other reason, do not proceed. If you find this content offensive, do not proceed

All chapters of Love On Campus are copyright. (c) TheHaydster, 2006. This content may be downloaded from for personal use alone. All other rights are reserved.

Chapter 16

Justice Kirsch took control of the court then, and adjourned it. After we stepped out of the courtroom James turned to Alex and I and told us that he had never seen anything like it in all his cases. "You two are very lucky that Justice Kirsch was in the courtroom, let alone in the jury. This will be interesting, as the suspension of a judge can not happen quietly."

The media were waiting for us as we left the courthouse; I swear that it looked like a crowd of rioters descending on us. James spoke for us and said that we had "no comment" for the press at this time. They still wouldn't let us pass and eventually a police officer had to order them to get out of the way.

As we drove back to our hotel, James told us that we would probably not have to testify, as the High Court would probably allow all the police recordings, which made an airtight case for the prosecution. After the taxi had dropped Alex and I off, we went back up to our room and lay down on our bed, stunned.

"Alex, is it just me, or can't you believe what has just happened either?" "Davey, it's not just you. I don't understand how this happened, but I'm glad that it did."

We chatted about what we thought would happen now, then decided to have a snooze. A knock on our door woke us up at around 3. When we opened the door a gentlemen delivered two letters into our hands, and we had to sign for them. They were both from the High Court and they said that we were no longer required as witnesses due to "previously disallowed evidence" (i.e. the tapes), and that we were not required to remain in Canberra. We booked our flights home for that evening and packed our bags in record time. We were packed by 4:30 and decided that we had better call Kate first, after the earful she had given us last time about not being told when big things happened to us.

"Kate here" "Kate, Dave here" "Davey! How did it go? What happened? Have they been convicted yet?" Kate fired off at me. "Kate, the case has been referred to the High Court" I replied "The High Court! You're kidding!" I recounted the story to her and said that we would be on the 6pm flight home.

After speaking to her we called Alex's parents, then my parents. They both were amazed at the story, and happy that we were not required to testify again. After that we arranged for a taxi to take us to the airport. As soon as we reached the lobby the concierge hailed us.

"Mr. Andrews, Mr. Scott!" "Yes?" Alex replied. "Sirs, there are a large number of reporters out there waiting for a statement from you. If you will just wait one moment hotel security will clear a path for you to your taxi." Both our jaws dropped at that revelation. We thought that the reporters would be over us by now. We agreed to stay inside though as two big security guards cleared a path for us.

Once we arrived at the airport we were given the same treatment, as the Rydges concierge had called ahead luckily. Once we were in the secure area it turned out we were safe as the Canberra airport staff refused the reporters entry.

Luckily the plane was on time so we touched down back home at about 7. Kate met us with bone-crushing hugs. After the usual pleasantries Kate broadsided us with: "Davey, Alex, there are about a thousand reporters outside the security area waiting for a statement from you. Mr. Johnsson has agreed to let you use the conference room at college if you want to make a statement sometime soon."

We called Mr. Johnsson and he agreed to a press conference around 8. The reporters didn't disperse, even after we said that we had no comment until then. One reporter stuck a mic in my face and said "Is it true that you were accused of `flaunting your sexuality'?" With that Alex pushed the microphone back and replied to the reporter "I believe you were told that we had no comment ma'am. What station do you represent?" "I represent City News" Alex raised his voice "Ladies and gentlemen of the press. As you have been told, a press conference will be held at 8pm tonight in the St. Mark's conference room. City News and any affiliates will no longer be admitted, as will anyone else that harasses us. I suggest you chase other stories until then." The reporters scattered quickly then.

Once we were back at college (it took half an hour) we both went into my room and kissed. After making out for a bit we worked out what we were going to say to the reporters. While we were working it out Mr. Johnsson knocked on my door after getting no response from Alex's room.

"Alex, David" "Sir" we replied in unison, standing up. "The press are already starting to assemble in the conference room. Some of the reporters seem to have a difference of opinion with City News and their group saying that you had told them not to be there. Do you know what's going on?" Alex replied with "Sir, they harassed us at the airport so we said that they would not be admitted to the press conference, and they should not be in there." "Very well, I will tell them that they are no longer welcome on college grounds" and he left with that.

After Alex and I had worked out what to say we showered (together) and got into suits. It was eight by the time we were ready (the showering took a while). We walked into the conference room where a lectern had been set up. Alex and I read statements we had prepared saying what happened. We also thanked "St. Mark's College" for the use of the conference room. I would have loved to see Mr. Gavens' face at that time. After that we opened the floor to questions. One reporter asked "Is it true that you tried to flirt with any of the defendants?" That reporter was promptly reprimanded by Mr. Johnsson, who helped stave off any other offensive questions.

After the reporters had left, Mr. Johnsson turned to Alex and I and said "Alex and David, I am concerned with the response of the College Council to all this. I understand that you have heard how I disobeyed direct orders from the council when I was asked to do so by the university. I am to go before the council for what they call `review of my contract', which pretty much means sacking. They will no doubt replace me with someone less tolerant of gays, and I have made arrangements for you to go to Burke College if you wish. Their college council has a strong anti-discrimination policy."

Both of our jaws dropped and we expressed our apologies for putting him in this place. He waved them off with "My first duty is to the residents of the college, such as yourselves. I don't regret what I did."

The `review' was scheduled for the next day at 12 noon. The council said that they would listen to all people who had something to say, but it was obvious they had made up their mind.

Next: Chapter 16

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