Love on Campus

By The Haydster

Published on Mar 15, 2006


Disclaimer: This story contains love between two teenage males. If it is illegal to read this in your community, or if you are below the legal age, leave now. No responsibility is accepted by the author for any effects of this story , directly or indirectly. By continuing to read this, you accept that you are accessing this of your own free will, and indemnify the author against all cases.

Love On Campus by theHaydster Copyright 2006, theHaydster. All rights reserved

Please email me at I need more ideas for the story. Note: This story will NOT include sex in the near future, and will not include graphic sex at any time. This story is a love story.

Chapter 8

The next day I received a letter with the address block printed on it. Once I read it I felt a chill go down my spine. It told me not to testify at Gordon's trial, or I would pay for it. It also said that Alex & I should die anyway as we were "fags". I called Alex immediately and he had received one too (he checked his mail when I told him). He came over immediately and we discussed what to do.

The first thing we did was informed the administration of both our colleges and they called the police. A police car arrived at St. Marks within 15 minutes, with two plain-clothes men in it. The headmaster of St. Marks (Mr. Johnsson) met them and introduced Alex & myself. They introduced themselves as Detectives Stans and Andrews. They took both the letters and bagged them for fingerprinting. They took our prints with a kit that they had with them so they could distinguish our prints from someone else's. Detective Stans told us that the fingerprints they got (if any) would only be of use to prove that they got the right people, as the offenders probably did not have a criminal record. They also would contact uni security and see what they could do about our safety.

The headmaster of St Marks asked Alex & I to come to his office. When we were all seated he told us that it looked like the situation would not be taken seriously by the police, as this thing has happened before with trials, but nothing has come of it. Mr. Johnsson also told us that he would try to get uni security to take it seriously, but he was not very hopeful. He urged us to be very careful and not to take any unnecessary risks. We should be safe on college grounds though, as extra security would be put on, and he was going to inform the college that we had no choice but to testify. He would also call the head of Burke College and see what could be done there.

That evening was a formal dinner at college and Mr Johnsson made an announcement about the threatening letters and urging everyone to keep strangers away from college, and told them that I had to testify by law. My friends told me afterwards that they would also keep a closer eye on me, and anyone would have to go through them to get to me. "Except Alex, I hope" I told them, which got a laugh. I told Alex about that, and he was pleased that my friends were looking out for me.

The next few days passed without incident and without any noticeable changes by campus security. Alex and I spent the weekend at each other's college, and slept together. I love holding him close to me. We got a few wolf whistles when we came into breakfast together, which we both blushed at. It took a lot of talking to convince my friends that we didn't actually do anything sexual (we didn't).

On the next Monday, there was another letter in my pigeonhole. I saw the same block printing, but it had no stamp. I took it to the headmaster immediately, and it was another threat, but delivered by hand. It told me to drop the charges, "or else". The police took a more serious view of this one. University security still regarded it as an idle threat. The police agreed that they had no authority on campus, but they can still protect us in their power as a citizen when they are on university grounds.

That evening we were walking back to college when some guy walked out of a dark alleyway nearby. He wasn't threatening or anything, but it scared Alex & me, knowing how easily people could sneak up on us if they decided to. We got a map of campus and worked out the safest ways for us to get there. In other words which ways were best lighted in the evening, and had the least alleyways.

Gordon's trial was on the next Tuesday, so we only had 7 days to go, and we couldn't wait for it to be over. Even though he would be locked up, we were certain that he wasn't the only one that would cause trouble for us on campus.

I persuaded Alex to take up Tae-Kwon-Do. He thought that it may not be necessary, but eventually he relented. Alex showed potential and was started one belt up from the bottom belt (white). The only problem with the classes was that they were rather late and on the far side of campus. This involved us walking across campus at about 10 at night.

Thursday evening, when we were walking home we were approached by a guy, while we were walking in a dim area. He was wearing all black, and was acting in a threatening manner. He called out "Hey, fags!" Alex approached him, while I kept my finger on the emergency dial of my mobile phone. "Are you talking to us?" he said in a voice like steel. "I'm passing on a message to you two. Tell everyone that you won't testify at Gordon's trial and you won't suffer. If you do, you won't live" "Is that a threat?" Alex replied. "Swear you won't testify, now!" the guy said. "I don't care about your threats, Gordon's going to jail!" Alex yelled. "You'll regret this" the guy snarled, and walked away.

We reported this to security, and they acknowledged that there was a threat to us, but also admitted that they couldn't do anything unless a crime was being committed. They didn't have the resources to provide us with 24 hour protection, and they wouldn't call in the state police. I presume they didn't want to admit that they needed help.

Friday night Alex & I went to see a movie at the cinema on campus. We saw Sorority Boys which is a movie about these guys that get kicked out of their college for theft, and have to dress up as girls to get into their college so they can get evidence that they are innocent. At the start they are real womanisers, but they totally change throughout the movie. It's a great comedy, but definitely not for kids due to all the sex references. Alex & I had a great time. We sat up the back and kissed once or twice when no one was looking. Everyone knew anyway, but we still didn't want to flaunt it.

When we were walking home we took a short cut through a dark pathway. When we were about halfway to the lighted area 6 guys jumped out of the shadows and formed a circle around us. We immediately stood back to back. "This is your last warning. Swear you won't testify" one of them said. I pulled out my phone to call uni security, but someone kicked it out of my hands. "Run for the emergency call point when I attack" I whispered to Alex. There was a security call point about 20m (60 ft) away. When he nodded I ran at one of the attackers and laid him out with a kick to his solar plexus. Alex ran for the call point when they all ran at me. When he hit the emergency button the call point started making a noise like a siren and lit up like a beacon.

While this happened the other attackers had pulled out knives. One of them ran at me and I flipped him over, hearing a horrible crack as his arm was broken in the process. The next guy caught me from behind. A kick to the back put me on the ground. I was being kicked by them and then Alex arrived and started fighting them. I was able to get up and start defending myself again. One of the guys hit us from our blind side though, and sent us both down. Alex was kicked in the chest while I was hit in the side. Alex rolled himself on top of me, trying to shield me as we heard a car arrive. I felt a stabbing pain in my side, and then everything went black. The last things I heard were gunshots.

Eventually I started to become aware again. My first sensation was of pain, then of light. I opened my eyes. Where was I? My head swam. "You're awake" I heard in a joyous voice. Then my mum gave me a kiss on the forehead, like when I was little My mum is 43 and has shoulder length black hair. I looked around and saw that I was in a hospital. "Where am I?" I asked. "You're in Mercy Hospital. We've been worried about you. You're lucky to be ok. It's 10 o'clock on Monday. You have been unconscious for 3 days." 3 days? Oh s**t, the fight, she knows I'm gay! "You know?" I managed to croak out. "All I know is that you were attacked by some guys who didn't want you to testify about assault on one of their mates. Is there anything else that I should know?"

I'll have to tell her, but I need to know about Alex."How's Alex?" "He's not doing to well. He's in bed 24 in the ICU, and is still unconscious.. He had severe damage from his knife wound. He was stabbed in the chest. They missed anything vital when they knifed you in the side. He has a fighting chance." Hearing that I burst into tears. My mum put her arms around me. "He can't die. My boyfriend can't die, I love him." Then I realised what I had just said. I started to panic, and tried to pull away. My mum held me close and kissed me on the forehead again. "So that's what you wondered if I knew. I've suspected for a long time. Don't worry Dave, I'm ok with it, and so is your dad"

They had been feeding me through IV, but now that I was awake they disconnected the drip. I didn't feel to healthy, but I could sit up in bed, and later on that day I tried to stand up. My dad came in soon after. I decided not to delay the inevitable and after we greeted Dad, I told him "Dad. I need to tell you something. Please don't be disappointed, but I'm gay" "Don't worry; I'm not angry or disappointed. Is Alex ..?" "Yes, he's my boyfriend." Dad told me that he was happy for me, and sure that Alex would be all right. Mum & Dad agreed not to tell Alex's parents. That was his decision for when he woke up. It was when, not if. He WAS going to wake up. I swore to that.

Eventually I was able to annoy the nurse enough for her to allow me to get up and to get me into ICU, as long as I was accompanied by a nurse. We were approaching the doors when we heard the hospital PA system. "Code Blue, ICU, Bed 24, Code Blue, ICU, Bed 24" I knew exactly what that meant. Alex was dying. A Code Blue means a medical emergency, and bed 24 was Alex's bed. I sprinted into ICU and to his bed, beating the nurse there. Alarms were going off at Alex's bed. An orderly was there, with a defibrillator. He placed the paddles on him and hit a button. Alex's body jolted, but no pulse showed up on the machine. The orderly turned a dial up, then hit the button again. Still nothing happened. The orderly began CPR.

I sat next to Alex and held his hand. "Babe, I love you. Live, fight to live" I whispered. Nearly immediately the alarms stopped. The monitor above his bed registered a pulse. The orderly placed two fingers against Alex's throat, and disbelief spread across his face. "His pulse is strong and regular" he said, just as the doctor burst through the doorway into his room. The doctor's mouth opened wide when he heard that, and saw the monitors. All our jaws hit the floor when we heard very weakly "I love you, too" come from Alex's bed, as his eyes opened.

The next 10 minutes were a blur while Alex was checked out by the doctor and the orderly, who were both stunned. Alex's vital signs reappearing so quickly paled in comparison to the fact that he was conscious and lucid. Alex seemed in about the same condition as me. 5 minutes later, the doctor still had no idea what had happened, but agreed for Alex to be moved out of ICU. I suddenly felt drained, and a nurse came with a wheelchair and took me back to my bed. I had just got back into bed when Alex's bed turned up and occupied the space next to mine.

We were both happy to be together, and I would have got out of bed again and given him a hell of a kiss if his parents hadn't chosen that minute to rush into the room.

I gave him some time alone with his parents. After they had left he told me that he said he had no idea why Gordon had attacked us, and the others had attacked us so we wouldn't testify. They hadn't been informed about it, neither had my parents, because we were both adults and we hadn't been hurt that time.

The doctor looked us both over in the afternoon, and said I could be discharged the next day. He was a bit iffy about Alex, but eventually agreed. The nurse came in just as the doctor left and told us there was a police officer waiting outside, wanting our statements.

Please email me with comments and ideas. Flames will be ignored. Davo and Alex have had a bit of a hard time, haven't they.

Next: Chapter 8

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