Love Story

By Ricco Strutster

Published on Aug 12, 2009


The following story is pure fantasy. It is written for the enjoyment of adults of legal age and should not be read by minors.

This is my first story and is bisexual in nature. If you like it, I have much more to follow our hero Ricky Johnson from high school to college and beyond.

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Love Story By Strutster Chapter 1

Let me just start by saying that I've got a really big dick. I've always had a really big dick. In fact, I would have to say I was born with a really big dick. For most of my life, I never thought much about it; I just thought it was normal. It's only been in the last several months that I have started to appreciate my `gift'. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start at the beginning, or a least where my story starts to get interesting.

I was born in a medium sized city in the western US. My parents were average middle class folks, and I can only describe my childhood as normal. Well, normal except for one thing, my dick.

By the sixth grade, my dick was about 6" flaccid and six inches in circumference. At this age, I didn't think anything of it. The only other dick that I had seen was my dad's once when he was getting out of the shower. His thing' looked to be about the same size as mine, so I just thought that all guys things' were that size.

Life didn't start to get weird for me until I turned 15 and entered junior high By now I was over 7" long (soft) and it was getting thicker and thicker. I guess you could say that in some ways, I was a late bloomer. I hadn't really started thinking about girls or sex and had never had a real hard on. I'd had `boners' but they're not really the same thing. I had never jacked off and didn't see the point. As far as I was concerned, my wiener was just something to pee out of.

Like I say, things started to change for me in the eighth grade. I was about to start at a new junior high about a mile from the grade school I had attended. About half the kids in my class were also transferring to this junior high; the other half would be attending a different school across town. I was pretty excited about the new school. I didn't have a whole lot of friends, and no really close friends. All the boys in my class wanted to talk about was girls', which I really didn't care about. They also talked about fucking girls'. I knew what `fucking' was I but just had no interest in doing it.

At my new junior high school there would be a lot of new kids. I was hoping that I could make some new friends; maybe ones that weren't obsessed with girls' or fucking' or `pussies'. Maybe some friends that liked to go hiking or swimming or camping. Maybe some friends that I could have sleep over and stay up all night talking about cool stuff. It was weird, physically, I had blossomed very early. I was bigger and stronger than any of the boys in my class. Plus, I had a dick bigger than most grown men. But emotionally, I was still just a little kid.

So the first day of school finally came and, man, things here were sure a lot different.

First off, there were the girls! I had never really paid much attention to girls before. Sure I had friends that where girls, but that's all they where, friends. These girls were different. Even though had gone to school with a lot of them for most of my life, they where different. All of a sudden, they had boobs! And not only that, they had nice tight bodies to go with those boobs. Last year these had been little girls, but over the summer, they had turned into hot chicks.

They also dressed different and acted different. junior high only consisted of eighth and ninth grade so these girls where at most just a year or two older than I was, and as I was one of the oldest kids in my class, a lot of them where even younger than me. But they seemed much older. They talked more like adults than kids, and there was this air of sexual innuendo that you could cut with a knife.

The guys were different too. I though my friends where obsessed with girls before, but now, it was ridiculous. Last year a guy would get teased if he hung out or flirted with a girl, but now, guys where showing off and flirting with the girls left and right and I could tell but the looks on the girls faces; they liked it.

The guys dressed different too. Last year it was old tee shirts and jeans, but now they where all in designer' tee shirts and jeans. And the girls where constantly checking the guys out in they're new threads. I even noticed a few of them checking ME' out. It was kinda cool, but mostly, I was just embarrassed.

Morning classes went pretty well. First day of school you don't really do much but get your books and go over class rules and junk. After lunch we filed in the gym for gym class. There were about 15 boys and 15 girls in my gym class. I figured it would be just like PE in grade school but boy was I wrong! The gym instructor (Coach, we where to call him) sat us all down on the bleachers and starting going over how gym class worked.

First of all, he told us, we where to bring gym clothes that we would change into at the start of class. This was pretty standard stuff, gym shorts, tee shirts, tennis shoes, etc. But the real kicker was what came next. He said that 15 minutes before the end of class, not only did we have to change back into our school clothes, but we were required to take a shower! And not just a 'stick your toe in' kind of shower; but a real shower, with soap and shampoo and the whole nine yards. Coach said he didn't want us `stinkin' when we went back to class.

He then took the girls to show them the girls' locker room, then the boys to see the boys' locker room. It was nothing like I had pictured. I had pictured a bunch of shower stalls with curtains on them like I had a home. But this was just one big tile room with several pillars' that had shower heads going in every direction. There was absolutely no privacy. You would be standing right next to another guy (another naked' guy) while you showered. Plus there would be two or three other `naked' guys right across from you. To this point, I had never seen an naked guy, let alone showered with one. This was just too much.

As we filed out of the locker room, the girls were just coming out of their locker room. Then it hit me, not only would I be showering with 15 naked guys, but right next door, there would be 15 naked girls in the showers. I had never really given much though to a naked girl (or guy, for that matter), but as I stood there thinking about it, it was have quite an effect on me. And the effect was that I was developing a huge lump in my jeans.

I was mortified, afraid that someone would notice this big boner in my pants. To make matters worse the only thing I had brought to class was a small notebook. I was in trouble; huge boner and just a notebook to cover it up with.

I couldn't wait for the bell to ring, and as it did, Coach reminded us to bring our stuff tomorrow; it was going to be our first real class. I wasn't really listening; I was making a beeline for the bathroom. As I did, one of the other guys shouted, "Hey look, looks like Ricky has a schnauzer in his pants".

I could have died right there, on the spot, as everybody started to laugh, but I had bigger things to attend to. I burst into the bathroom stall and ripped open my fly to let my `schnauzer' out. It was so hard that it hurt. I didn't know what I was doing to do, it wouldn't go down, and there was no way that I was going to be able to stuff it back in my drawers.

Out of desperation, I reached my hand into the toilet and got a handful of cold water and rubbed it on my aching penis. The cold water seemed to help so I began dipping out more cold water and rubbing it on it. I was starting to panic cause there was only five minutes until the next class and my big hard on was still pretty hard.

Finally, it began to go down and after a few minutes it deflated enough that I could get it stuffed in my underwear and get my jeans zipped back up. I dried the gross toilet water off my hands and tried to walk nonchalantly to my next class.

There were a couple of girls from gym class in my next class, and I could hear them giggling as I walked in. I sat down and as I turned, one of them caught my eye. She gave me a little grin and a wink. I snapped around to face the front of the class room; my face flushed red with embarrassment.

As I sat there, I began to feel a low throbbing ache deep down in my balls. As time went by, this dull ache began to turn into an intense throbbing ache. I had heard of guys talking about blue balls' but this felt like kicked in the balls' and it just kept getting worse. I tried to keep a straight face and sit perfectly still cause the slightest movement was sheer agony. But even with out moving, the pain was so bad I though I was going to die.

Before I knew it class was over. I had been dreading this cause now I was going to have to stand up. I let every one file out of the classroom and acted like I was taking notes, but eventually, I had to do it. As I stood, I thought I was going to cry. In fact, a small tear did run down my cheek. I have never felt any pain that compared to this.

It was then that I noticed that the teacher was still in the room. And not just any teacher, but possibly the hottest teacher on the planet; Ms Sway. She looked to be all of 23 of 24 and could have just stepped out of the pages of Playboy. All day, every guy in school had been talking about how hot she was. I heard one guy say he had heard that she was a stripper in college. Another had said he heard she was in a porn flick. I didn't believe it, but with the body on her, it was definitely possible.

Even though I wasn't really into all that stuff like girls and sex, I have to admit that the sight of her in her tight blouse and short skirt made my heart do a flip flop. But, I hadn't paid a whole lot of attention to her during class due to the unfortunate situation my pants.

As I stood, it was obvious that I was in tremendous pain. She came over and gently grabbed my arm and asked if I was OK. I didn't know she was still in the class room so it startled the hell out of me.

"I'm sorry," she said, "I didn't mean to scare you. Are you all right?"

As I looked into her eyes, it was like looking into the eyes of angle. I had to look away; it was as if she could see into the depth of my soul.

"I'm fine," I croaked, trying to fake a smile.

"You don't look like you're fine. Why don't you just sit down, sweety."

"It's just a stomach ache," I said, "that's all."

My head was reeling. Sweety', had she just called me Sweety'.

"Do you want to see the nurse, sweety?" She said with genuine concern in her angelic voice.

"No I'll be fine; it's already starting to go away." I said trying to act like everything was OK.

There it was again, she HAD called me `Sweety'. It was at that moment I realized she was staring straight at the big bulge in my pants. Between the swollen balls and the hard on that had never completely gone down, it looked like I had a cantaloupe stuffed down there. I was so embarrassed that I just wanted to crawl in a hole, but there was no way that I was going to let on that my poor balls felt like they had been slammed in a sliding glass door.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" I said, trying to sound happy, while I quickly hobbled out of the class room.

I wanted to go to the bathroom to check on my poor boys, but I didn't think I could walk that far. Luckily my next (and last) class was right across the hall. Try as I might, I couldn't stand completely upright. I don't think anyone noticed me shuffle across the hall, slightly bent over with a look of agony on my face. As I set down, I did so a little too quickly and the impact of my swollen balls hitting the hard wooden chair nearly made me throw up. Seriously, I felt the bile rising in my throat and it took every ounce of energy I had to swallow it back down and not blow chunks all over the classroom.

The rest of the class, I tried to keep mind off my predicament, but every time I did, the thought of showering naked with 15 other guys kept popping into my mind. I tried to clear that from my mind but then the thought of 15 naked girls showering right next door popped in there. Then the thought of showering naked with Ms Sway. To tell the truth, I didn't no weather it was the naked guys or the naked girls or the naked Ms Sway that was getting me more excited. The thoughts of naked guys really bothered me, I wasn't gay. All I knew was that I didn't want any of these thoughts in my head. These thoughts were what got me here with two swollen nuts that felt like they were going to burst at any moment.

What was happening to me? Nothing like this had ever happened to me. I'd never had lustful thoughts about naked girls, or naked teachers, and certainly gay thoughts about naked guys. I'd never got a hard on like this, that after an hour still wouldn't go down all the way. And I'd certainly never got a case of the mother fucking blue balls. I was starting to think this was the worst day of my life.

Finally, the swelling and pain started to subside and I was starting to think that I might live after all. Three o'clock rolled around and the bell rang. I was done with my first day of junior high. Thank GOD! I wanted to run home, but instead I settled on walking rather slowly and gingerly.

As I got to the house my mom was just pulling in the driveway. She had taken off work early to see how my first day had gone. I lied and told her, "fine". And after some nervousness, I told that I was going to need to buy some gym clothes for gym class.

"Well," she said," we better go right now."

"Right now?" I said, "Can't we wait till later?" I really wanted to go in and ice down my nuts.

"No," she said "I've got to pick your sister up from cheerleading practice at 5 o'clock, so if were going to go, we have to go now."

"Shit!" I thought, but I had no choice. Luckily, my balls where feeling a little better so I slid into the car and we headed off to the sporting goods store at the mall.

Once we got there, I picked out 4 or 5 pairs of gym shorts and tee shirts that I wanted to buy, but my mom insisted that I try them on first. I hated trying on clothes, especially with my mom, but reluctantly I headed to the dressing room.

I had never worn shorts like these before. The tag said they were a nylon/lycra mix. They felt slick or `silky' against me skin. Strangely, they felt good, but they made me feel funny. I can't explain it, but it was the same feeling I had had earlier that day during gym class. And after what had happened with that, I wasn't sure if I liked this feeling or not.

"Shit!" I thought as I felt my dick begin to swell again. "Not Again!" I reached down in my new shorts to see what was wrong. As soon as I touched it, it felt like a lightning bolt went though my body. I doubled over and dropped to my knees. The intensity scared the shit out of me. Hesitantly, I reached down to touch it again; very slowly, scared that another lightning bolt would shoot out of it, but it didn't happen this time, but an intense feeling of pleasure coursed though my body as I wrapped my hand around its throbbing girth.

It felt weird. It felt alive. I was used to my dick growing, it had grown about an inch a year for as long as I could remember. Sometimes it seemed that it would grow overnight. I would wake up in the morning and go to take a piss and it would be a half inch longer than it was the day before. But this was different. I was getting another hard on. As I squeezed it with my hand, it was pulsating, and felt extremely hot.

Suddenly, I heard my mom shout from outside the dressing room.

"Come on Ricky, we haven't got all day. Lets see how those shorts fit."

At the sound of my mom's voice, my dick shriveled. All of a sudden, I felt like I was doing something wrong, something dirty. I dropped my dick and as I looked in the mirror, I saw I was sweating. I wiped the sweat from my face and straightened my shorts and nervously stepped out of the dressing room.

My mom was standing there. "Do they fit? Let me see."

She reached out and pulled my shirt up to see if they fit. "Mom!" I said "Stop it! I'm not five years old." I was terrified that she might see my still sizable bulge down there.

"Sorry" She said "Didn't know you were so touchy. I just wanted to make sure they fit ok."

"They fit just fine!" I snapped.

I was so embarrassed; I know my face was beet red. "Well, they certainly look nice on you. Do you like them? "Yea, I they're cool." I said quickly, "Lets get them." "OK" She said, "Why don't you go try on the others."

"Mom! They're all the same; I don't want to try ALL of them on!"

Reluctantly she said "OK". I think that she could sense that I'd had enough.

"Good." I said as I darted back into the dressing room.

I quickly pulled off the shorts, and as I did I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. As I stood there in just my tee shirt and underwear, I admired myself in the mirror. I had never given much though to my body and how it looked, but standing there, I though to my self "I'm a pretty good looking guy" followed by "Dang, my body looks kinda hot."

Before I realized what I was doing, I peeled my tee shirt off and threw it on the floor. I stood there in just my underwear, staring into the mirror at my 15 year old body.

I was tall, about 6'0" with dark brown eyes and almost black hair that I usually keep cut short; in kind of a crew cut. I had always been kinda trim, but now I looked more filled out; less like a kid; more like a. well, not like a man, because I picture men as being old. I don't know what I looked like, but I guess I looked like a `Dude'. That sounds dumb, but at the time, that's all that came to my mind.

This whole summer, I had worked for a landscape crew; my job consisted mainly of pushing wheelbarrows of dirt and gravel around and dumping them, then digging up the dirt that was there and hauling back where I'd just come from; either that or carrying big heavy rocks from sunup till sundown. I thought the job sucked, but I had made quite a bit of money, and now, looking at myself in this full length mirror, I could see that all that physical labor had paid off.

For one thing, I had a killer tan; I worked out in the hot blazing sun all day wearing cargo shorts and no shirt. I have kind of a dark olive skin tone anyway, so I've never had to worry about getting a sunburn. Now my chest and stomach, which were completely hairless, were a deep bronze color. My arms and legs, which just had light peach fuzz on them, were also deeply tanned. Where my shorts where, there was a very definite and precise tan line. Coming up from the tan line at my lower abdomen was the only trace of hair on my upper body. Just small patch of dark hair that came up from my pubes and formed a fine line of hair that ended at my belly button. "God!" I though "I look sexy; really sexy. I wonder if Ms Sway would go for a guy like me?"

My chest, arms and stomach were fuller, and toned, as were my legs and ass. I flexed my bicep in the mirror and was surprised that there was actually a good sized muscle there. I turned and looked at my ass. It was nicely rounded and as I flexed my butt cheek, it became tight and made a nice muscle. But, the hottest, was my abdomen. You could just start to see the beginnings of a six-pack, and as I mentioned before, that light trickle of hair made me just want to pet it. I would never be confused for a body builder, but I was no longer a thin 14 year old kid. I was a hot 15 year old dude. I guess the other kids in school weren't the only ones that changed over the summer.

As I continued to admire myself in the mirror, that weird feeling was back; I was horny! My eyes where drawn to the big bulge in my underwear. Absentmindedly, I reached down and slid my underwear down and stepped out of them. I was now buck ass naked, flexing and staring at my self in the dressing room mirror at a busy sporting goods store at the mall. That made it just all the more intense. I could hear other people in the dressing rooms beside me and I knew there where lots of people just a few feet away in the store; some of them were probably girls, which for the first time, interested me. The lock on the door wasn't much; just a cheap bolt that only had a few screws left. It looked like a good shove and it would fly right off.

What if Ms Sway came in to try on a bathing suit and, not knowing I was in here, pushed the door open and caught me there naked, with my dick flopping in the wind. Then another thought struck me. What if some cute girl from my gym class or even some guy from my gym class came barging in! I quickly put this last thought out of my head, but strangely, it turned me on even more.

As these thoughts went through my mind, I stared at my dick; it seemed huge. I reached down a wrapped my hand around it. It continued to get harder and thicker. It felt so good! I began to stroke it. Slowly at first; then quicker. I had no idea what had come over me, but I couldn't stop. My cock was so hard that it almost hurt. I wrapped my other hand around it and started jacking with both hands. It was so long and hard that even with both hands gripping it, there was still plenty sticking out past my hands. I dreamed that it was Ms Sway's pretty little hands that where wrapped around my throbbing member and began to thrust my hips in rhythm with my stroking, the whole time staring with lust at the spectacle in the mirror.

It couldn't have been more than 30 seconds, and I started to tense up. My balls, which now had fully recovered, began to tighten up again, and I had this feeling that something was about to happen. Suddenly my balls really tightened; to the point that it hurt. I knew I should quit, but I couldn't.

Then it happened, it felt as though my balls were being sucked out the end of my cock. The suddenness of the feeling scared me so bad that I let go of my cock, and threw my hands in the air. But it was too late. My cock felt like it was going to explode, and then suddenly, it did.

As watched in the mirror with my hands above my head, my cock began to bounce and convulse and as I thought I was going to die from the pain, a huge jet of jizz shot out of the end of it splattering all over the mirror. I can't explain how it felt, but it was the most intense feeling I had ever had. Something deep inside me was pumping the jizz out of my balls but my cock felt like it was trying to pump it back in. "Oh my god!" I thought, "I've broke something! Fuck! I've broke my dick". Instinctively, I grabbed my big piece of meat and began to jack it for all it was worth.

I let out a loud moan as jet after jet of thick goopy jizz sprayed out, completely covering the dressing room mirror; and the wall; and the floor. I just kept cumming and cumming. I thought it was never going to stop, but after what seemed like forever, my orgasm started to subside.

As I opened my eyes, cum was running down the mirror and walls in huge globs. There was a big puddle on the floor. My still hard cock was so sensitive that I could hardly touch it.

But I kept stroking it until the pumping sensation in my balls completely stopped.

For a moment, I had to grab the wall to steady myself. I felt like I was going to pass out. My knees turned to jello and I had to crouch down to keep from falling down. As I crouched, my face was right next to the cum covered mirror. I caught a good whiff of jizz and it smelled good in some weird way. The air was saturated with the smell of boy jizz. The thought popped in my head, "I wonder what it tastes like?" Without thinking, I leaned forward and licked a huge glob of cum off the mirror. I don't know why I did it, but it tasted good; kinda salty, but kind of sweet. Before I came to my senses, I took another big lick of my jizz off the mirror. The second lick tasted even better. As I stood; still lightheaded, I looked at my hands, they where also covered with cum. I quickly licked my fingers and palms clean, making sure to get every drop.

As my head began to clear, I realized the gravity of my situation. I had just spoonged all over the dressing room and there was no way I could clean up this big of a mess. The only thought I had was that I could lick it all up. I liked the thought of that; it actually made my deflating dick twitch, but I knew my mom was waiting and I had no idea how long I had already been in here.

I started to panic and my fight or flight instinct took over. I had just won the fight, now was the time for flight. I grabbed my clothes and got dressed as quickly as I could. I took one last look in the mirror but it was so drenched with cum that I couldn't see a damm thing in it, so I grabbed up my stuff and charged out of that dressing room like it was on fire. As I raced out, my dick was still throbbing and I could feel cum as it leaked out the head of my cock and soaked into my underwear.

I could also feel the monster starting to get hard again.

Next: Chapter 2

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