Love Story

By Ricco Strutster

Published on Aug 19, 2009


The following story is pure fantasy. It is written for the enjoyment of adults of legal age and should not be read by minors.

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Love Story



Chapter 2

I was never so glad to get home in my life. After the day I'd just had, I was ready for some peace and solitude. I raced up to my room and headed to the bathroom to splash some water on my face and to take a piss (which I hadn't done all day).

I live in a pretty nice house and, luckily, both my sister and I have rooms with attached private bathrooms. I was all the more thankful for this today cause after what had happened at the sporting goods store, I didn't want to be disturbed.

As I stood there taking a good long piss, my mind drifted back to the events of the last hour. I couldn't believe what had happened; what I'd just done! Jacking off in the dressing room like some crazed horn dog, then shooting cum all over the mirror and walls... it was disgusting. What if I'd been caught? I would have just had to kill myself right there on the spot.

I had been lucky; lucky that no one was waiting to use the dressing room, and, lucky we where able to get out of the store quickly, before someone discovered that I had 'defiled' the dressing room. The whole time we where checking out I was in a panic that some store clerk or manger was going to come up to my mom and say:


Oh God! The Horror!

But we made it out of the store and home without getting arrested. Actually, I'm not really sure if they can arrest you for spoonging in a dressing room, but jail would have been a welcome relief compared to what would have happened if kids at school found out. Just the thought of it make me want to hurl.

The ride home was pretty quiet. My mom tried to make idle chit chat, but I was having none of it. I couldn't speak. Plus, I just knew that somehow she knew what I had I'd done, kinda like some super mom intuition. I knew that was crazy, but none the less, it scared the shit out of me.

But now I was home and I could feel the worry start to drain out of me, just like the piss was now draining out of me. I can't remember ever having to piss this bad or this long. But, after all that my penis had been through today, it was no wonder. As I finished up and went to shake he last few drops out, I noticed that my dick was pretty tender. And it was still kinda swollen.

"Oh Fuck!" I thought, "Now I have gone and done it; my dick will never be the same!"

I could just picture going to the doctor and having to explain this.

"What seems to be the problem, young man?"

"Oh no big deal, I was just down at Sports World jacking off in the dressing room and seem to have injured myself; here, take a look."

Oh God! I'd let my dick fall off before I'd do that.

As I walked out into my room, I just fell on the bed and lay there. My head was still spinning. What was happening to me? I'd never had these feelings before, not like this. Was it all the girls at school; running around in they're low rider jeans and skin tight tee shirts? Or was it the thought of showering with 15 naked guys that was getting me so horny.

I quickly dismissed this last thought. I wasn't GAY! Thinking about naked men had to be gay. I had to put this thought out of my head. But I couldn't! I had to think of something else, something not gay, something like... Ms Sway!

OH GOD, Ms Sway! She had to be the most beautiful, sexy woman that I'd ever seen, hell that had ever existed. I think I was in love! I was in Love with Ms Sway. She was perfect. Her long dark shiny hair; her big brown doe eyes; her full pouty lips; GOD! Not to mention her body. My God, her body!

Her skin was a perfect, deep bronze tone that I doubt exists anywhere else in the universe. Her Breasts! They defied explanation. They weren't huge, but just right; a healthy c-cup I guess. But it was the way they just stuck out, they seem to defy gravity. And, I'm sure I could make out a trace of a nipple showing through her tight blouse. At least in my mind I could.

But the kicker was her ass. God! I could stare at her ass for days. I had never seen anything that beautiful. So full; so round; so... FUCK! I realized I had a full blown hard on thinking about her.

I was just in my underwear and my dick was sticking out of my fly, at full mast, I might add. God, it looked beautiful. Suddenly, I just had to look at it in the mirror like I had done at the sporting goods store.

I jumped off the bed and went into the bathroom. "Shit!" The mirror in my bathroom was too high; all I could see was my upper body. I needed a full length mirror like the one in the dressing room. But I didn't have one. "Shit!" I had to think. Maybe I could climb up on the vanity; no, that would never work. What was I going to do? I was possessed. Fuck! Fuck!! Fuck!!!

Then it hit me; My Sister! She had a full length mirror in her bedroom! But, she would kill me if I went in her room. She would kill me dead. Especially if she caught me 'naked' in here room, admiring my cock in her mirror. It was too risky.

But... She was at cheerleading practice; my mom had just gone to get her, and that was way across town. So... I had a good 30 minutes till they got back. That would be plenty of time. I had to risk it, I was possessed.

I quickly striped off the rest of my underwear and slipped out of my room. My sister's room was right across the hall from mime. I slipped quickly across the hall and into her room.

The feeling I had, being naked in my sister's room, was such a rush! I was doing something wrong; something bad! I was somewhere I wasn't supposed to be; I was 'NAKED' somewhere where I wasn't supposed to be! What if she caught me? What if she caught me, naked, in her room, holding my big hard cock in my hand? Holy Shit! I couldn't believe I could be this turned on.

My sister's room was a lot different from mine; it 'Smelled' different. It was the smell of perfume, and fancy soap, and sugar and spice and everything nice. It just added to the 'badness' of what I was doing. I was a 'Dirty Boy'; a 'Bad, Bad, Dirty Boy'.

Her mirror was in the corner. I walked over to it and looked at myself. I couldn't believe how good I looked; how different I looked; how sexy I looked. Nothing had changed since yesterday while, at the same time, everything had changed.

I began to check out my hard body. I mean really check it out. I had never really done this before, and it was such a turn on. I checked it out from every angle. I turned this way, then that way. I wanted to see it from every angle; every bit of it. I lifted my cock up against my stomach and checked out my big, low hanging balls.

I had checked out my balls before, but never in quite this detail. My nut sack was about the size of a tennis ball I guess, and it kinda felt like a tennis ball; a deformed tennis ball. It had a light coating of peach fuzz all over it and the skin was very soft and kinda... I don't know; kinda 'stretchy'. My actual nuts were almost the size of golf balls. As I stroked them and played with them, they felt 'Hard'; they felt... 'Full'.

After I'd thoroughly inspected my nuts, I turned my attention to the real star of this show; my big, thick cock. It was impressive, not that I'd really seem any other cocks; it was still impressive. I turned to the side to see its profile. It looked kinda like the tube from a roll of paper towels. Although it was not quite that long, it was that thick and it was perfectly symmetrical. It was the same diameter at the base as it was at the head. And, it was perfectly straight; it stuck straight out perpendicular from my body. The head was just slightly thicker than the shaft and there was a small indention where the head met the shaft, but other that that it was perfectly straight; perfectly smooth.

I began to run my fingers through my pubic hair. It was not very thick and there wasn't a whole lot of it. In fact, up until a little over a year ago, I didn't have any pubes at all! I know; I'm a freak of nature: Huge cock, big muscled up body, but hardly any body hair, facial hair or pubic hair, and, until yesterday, no sex drive. But, Boy! What a difference a day makes.

I was so horny; I was starting to feel dizzy. Plus my cock had been rock hard for a good 45 minutes (not to mention that it been in some stage of hardness all day).

I now turned so I could look at my ass. It looked pretty good, as asses go. It was full and hard, smooth and completely hairless, just like the rest of my teenaged body. Compared to the rest of me, it looked white, really white. The rest of my body was dark from working outside all summer but my ass was whiter that white.

I began to massage my ass and DAMM, did it feel good. I spread my cheeks so I could check out my asshole and even it looked sexy. I had a sexy ass.

With that thought, I immediately stopped. How gay am I? Standing here in the mirror checking out my ass, AND, playing with my ass! What was wrong with me?

I didn't have to ponder this thought very long cause suddenly I heard the garage door opening.

"MOTHER FUCKER!!!" I shouted as I bolted to the door. I could already hear my mom and my sister coming in the house.

"I'm going up to take a shower, Mom" I heard my sister shout.

"Okay dear" my mother shouted back.

'Fuck me runnin' I thought as I heard my sister start up the stairs. It was now or never.

I bolted across the hall in a flash (a 'naked' flash) and with a split second to spare, I made into my room and got the door shut, AND LOCKED.

I was breathing so heavy, I felt like I'd run a marathon instead of just across the hall. I went into my bathroom and put my hands atop the vanity, leaned forward, and hung my head; panting like an old hound dog.

"Fuck that was close" I thought.

But my thoughts were quickly interrupted by loud banging on my bedroom door.

"Open up, asshole!

"Shit, it was my sister!"

She banged on the door again.

"What do you want?" I shouted

"Just open the damm door!"

"Hell NO, I'm just getting in the shower!" I shouted back.

"I don't give a fuck what you're doing. Open the fucking door"

"Shit" I thought, she wasn't going away.

Now I was panicked. 'What to do? What to do? What to do?'

Luckily, during all this, my erection had gone down. Well, half down, which was as soft as it seemed to get today. I quickly grabbed a towel and threw it around my waist. I looked in the mirror and took a deep breath. This was going to be ugly, but I had a lot of experience fighting with my sister. The only way to not get eaten alive was to get as mean and nasty as she was. I steeled myself for battle and threw open the door.

"What the fuck is your problem!" I shouted "You having some kind of a bitch fit!?"

"You know what my problem is, you sneaky little fucker!!" She fumed back at me.

"I don't know what you're taking about!"

"You were in my room, you little pervert!"

"I know your confusing me with one the countless other men you've been servicing in there, but I wouldn't go near your room. Hard telling what diseases I could catch in there!"

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck yourself; I'm sure you're pretty good at that."

"Tell me 'Baby Brother', if you weren't in there, then why is the light on? Huh dumbass? It was off when I left and you're the only one that's been here!"

Damm, she had me. The only chance I had was to go on the offensive.

"Uh, I don't know, maybe your so busy lusting over one of your 'Boyfriends'; you forgot to turn it off!"

It was then that she reached out grabbed my nipple and twisted, twisted HARD!

"OUCH, FUCK, Let go you CRAZY BITCH" I screamed.

She intensified here assault on my nipple and leaned in really close to whisper in my ear.

"The next time I catch you in my room, it won't be your little titty; it'll be your balls! And I'll twist them right off"

I was in agony, but managed to croak back,

"If you wanted to get your hands on my balls so bad, all you had to do was ask!"

"Fuck you!" she shouted as she let go of my nipple and gave me a hard shove.

As she shoved me, I stumbled and fell; right on my ass. But, that wasn't the worst part. As I fell, my towel flew off, and I lay there on the floor, spread eagle, buckass naked, with my sister standing right over me. But that still wasn't worst part. The worst part was that I had a hard on that put the earlier ones to shame. I swear, that over the last few minutes, my dick had grown longer, and, thicker! It just stood there like an angry totem pole.

I just lay there, I couldn't move, I couldn't think. Time seemed to stand still, and, until my dying day, I'll never forget the look on my sister's face.

She was staring in disbelief at my huge throbbing cock!

Her jaw had dropped open and she had stopped breathing. But, what I'll never forget was the look in her eyes. It was LUST, pure LUST. I could almost see the water running together in her mouth.

Now, it was probably only a few seconds, but at the time, it felt like days. I was the first to break the trance.

'FUCK BITCH!' I screamed.

At that, she broke off her lustfull gaze and slapped her hand over her mouth. She turned and ran to her room like she'd seen a monster. (Actually, she had seen a monster). I sprung to my feet and slammed the door closed, locking it as I did.


I couldn't believe what had just happened!

I ran to the bathroom and turned on the shower. As I looked in the mirror, my face was red and covered with sweat. I was visibly shaking, and I thought I was going to throw up; for real this time. I looked down at my cock. It was purple. The whole scene was just surreal.

I guess I should describe my sister so you can get the whole picture. She was seventeen and a senior in high school. Up till now, I had just seen her as a royal 'pain' in the ass. But now, I could see her as a hot 'piece' of ass.

She was pretty hot. She was the Barbie cheerleader type: blond hair, tight ass, big tits, and dumb as a rock. Plus, the word was that she was quite a slut. In fact, my parents had just caught her with a guy in her room a couple of weeks ago. From what I could hear from my room; It sounded like they were both naked on the bed, and from the sound of it, he musta been balls deep in her. That's why my mom was picking her up today; they had grounded her and taken her car away for two months!

I put those thoughts out of my mind and jumped in the shower. I had barely closed the shower door before I started jacking my cock. It only took about three strokes before I shot my load. And this one was even bigger that the last one.

As I finished, I started to get light headed. I quickly finished and toweled off. I walked to my room and flopped down on the bed.

"Fuck," I thought, "this has been the craziest day of my life."

"I wonder what tomorrow will bring!"

Stay tuned! The next chapter will follow our hero Ricky to school. Things will just get Wilder! And Hotter!

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