Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name

By David Lee

Published on Feb 11, 2023


Love that Dare Not Speak its Name, Chapter 5

In the morning, Paul and Kyle woke up beaming at each other. They agreed to save their morning kiss until they'd brushed their teeth; however, they spent a few minutes comparing their morning erections. Neither was ashamed nor disappointed.

"Do you remember when we showed off our little wieners in the boys' room at preschool?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, we both got stiff because we knew we were doing something naughty. I'll bet you started it."

"I probably did. I had a little thing for you back then."

"And now?"

"Now we have a big thing for each other!" Kyle snickered as he put his hands on Paul's buns, pulling their crotches together.

After the guys put on yesterday's underwear to temporarily cover their nakedness, they sprinted to the bathroom. Sharing a shower led to more fooling around and another awesome climax for each. They brushed their teeth while their erections softened. Then, they wrapped themselves in bath towels to hurry back to Paul's room where they dressed in fresh clothes for the day.

A bit later, they headed for the kitchen to see what was for breakfast. Marcia had bacon cooking in the oven and had batter ready to make waffles the minute the guys came in.

Marcia and Mark couldn't miss the look of happiness on their son's face. Kyle had a glow about him as well. They wondered if the guys would share anything about the source of their wonderful attitude. They didn't have to wait long.

"Mom and Dad," Paul began, "Kyle and I have an announcement to make. We, um, came out to each other and we've decided to be boyfriends. We have a lot in common besides being in preschool together a long time ago."

"Congratulations, Guys," Mark smiled.

"Do you think it might mess you up emotionally if you're dating your roommate? What if you have a falling out?" Marcia wondered. "It could be traumatic,"

"If we fall out, it will probably be from trying to sleep together in a twin bed," Paul joked.

Then he blushed realizing how his comment might be taken.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make our relationship sound like it's just about body contact. I need to learn to think before I speak."

"I'm not offended," his mother assured him. "No doubt people who are attracted to each other will want to cuddle. Perhaps you should build just one loft and put a futon where the other bed would have been. That way you'd have a flexible arrangement so you could hold one another when you want, or you could sleep apart if one of you got sick or something."

Because of Marcia's casual attitude, Paul relaxed again. It was obvious that she had no qualms about the physical nature of their budding relationship. What she had said made sense. Kyle and he would need to be considerate and proactive in their partnership to keep it on an even keel.

Her thoughts about sleeping arrangements was smart too. Futons weren't as comfortable as real beds, but the advantage of being able to snuggle could be a desirable tradeoff. Perhaps they could find some kind of sofa that would be nicer. Paul was already envisioning creating bedding which could be rolled up easily and stashed in the closet to keep their room looking neat without making another chore of it.

Paul's younger siblings straggled in when the guys were nearly finished eating. They were still in their sleeping attire. Marcia got up to make more waffles.

"Oops, I forget we had company!" Danielle exclaimed as she hurried out of the kitchen to find a robe to cover her nightgown. At 13, she was becoming more aware of her body and her nicely developing breasts and was more modest than she'd been because of that.

Aiden, who was 15, wasn't self-conscious about being seen half-naked in the boxers he'd slept in. He might have reacted differently had their guest been a female. Or maybe not. He was a bit of a nudist by nature.

Paul and Kyle remained at the table while the younger teens ate. They took the opportunity to reveal their new status to the kids as well. Paul's siblings showed no shock or negative reaction. Kyle was amazed at how ordinary it all seemed. He hoped his family would do the same.

The college boys wished to spend another night together, but Kyle didn't want to overstay his welcome, so he invited Paul to his house. He also needed to have his boyfriend with him in case things went south when he came out. He sensed that Paul's family would let him stay with them till the situation cooled down if it became necessary.

The scene at the McNutt household was quite similar to what had taken place at Paul's home. Mike and Carol had guessed, by their demeanor when they were together, that the boys had bonded more than most males their age. It could be a crush or a bromance, but they suspected it was deeper. So, the boys' announcement was more of a validation than a revelation.

Kyle's siblings, Caroline and Landon, went with the flow as well. While Kyle hadn't lost a lot of sleep stressing over it, he kicked himself mentally for worrying about it at all.

The guys spent their second night as boyfriends in the luxury of Kyle's queen-size bed. They made out with no worries about slipping into a crack between two beds. Paul hoped his parents would either let him move into the guest bedroom or get a larger bed for his room. Being in the arms of someone you cared for was awesome!

Despite their new status, Kyle and Paul were expected to spend quality time with members of their immediate family. It wasn't a hardship because both sets of parents had no problem about sharing their offspring with his new love interest. They all took a hands-off approach, realizing that interfering often leads to resentment in the long run.

Because of this laissez-faire approach, Paul and Kyle spent most of their break sleeping together at one home or the other. The situation was almost as good as the one Beau and Cy had.

Cy and Beau spent most of their waking hours with their families and each other. Mid-winter tended to be a slow time for construction as well as farming. The Stepanek and Stephen families shared a number of meals together around the holidays. It was becoming a tradition.

Sometimes, Len did the lion's share of the cooking and Jen brought some sides, and other times, it was the reverse. The arrangement meant less work for everyone. Molly was especially pleased because she was working on her thesis and didn't have a lot of leisure to devote to anything else. Though classes weren't in session, she had to keep pushing if she wanted to get her masters by spring.

In Illinois, the other two freshmen friends had a great Christmas too. They found envelopes stuffed with money in their stockings, as well as receiving new clothes and gift certificates. Best of all Chet got a late model pickup. It looked brand new and had a topper over the bed so the boys could bring all of their things home in the spring.

Chet and Derek had worked up the nerve to come out and tell their families about their relationship over Christmas break, but they decided to wait until the 28th of December to make the announcement, so that the holiday wouldn't be spoiled by the fallout they feared. Waiting was tough because it gave them extra days to stress over it. Derek was the most affected. He felt a kind of relief when the day finally arrived.

For them, coming out was anything but smooth. Their mothers railed about the grievous sin of two men lying together and their fathers worried about the families' reputations. The guys were given the option of splitting up or being cast out. Each was expected to choose a new roommate for next term, and, if possible, live in different dorms. They were to have no contact outside of the classes which they might already be registered for.

Spring term was already paid for, so they couldn't make them leave Iowa State without losing a lot of money. However, there would be no more tuition money after that, and they would suffer other financial hardships, if they failed to comply after they got back to campus.

Chet's vehicle had already been registered in his name, so his father couldn't take that away. However, Chet wouldn't be allowed to take Derek back to the university with him. The guys were given 24 hours to agree to their parents' demands or face the consequences.

That night, Chet emailed Beau to ask for help. Beau quickly replied that the two should pack up all their belongings and come to stay with his family until classes resumed. There was plenty of space on the property to store the stuff they wanted to keep but didn't have room for at school. They could all see the new year in together.

Chet felt much better after receiving Beau's response. Having a place to crash for the time being helped the guys make their difficult decision.

Very early the following morning, Derek and Chet loaded up everything they could and began their drive westward. Despite not getting on the road as soon as they'd intended, they made it to Beau's house in the late afternoon. When they arrived, they were surprised to see Paul and Kyle there to welcome them as well.

Everyone hugged the two Illinois friends who felt so relieved that they were on the verge of losing control of their emotions.

"So, did Beau tell you two about our misfortune?" Chet asked of Kyle and Paul.

"Nope, he just said you were coming back earlier to work on our lofts and celebrate New Year's Eve."

"So, you don't know that our parents kicked us to the curb when we came out to them?"

"No, we had no idea. Wow! I guess we were really lucky," Paul said. "Both sets of `rents are fine with us being boyfriends."

"You're gay too?" Derek gasped. "I never would have guessed. I knew you weren't like your first roommate, but I thought you were totally straight."

"And if it hadn't been for Kevin's attack on Derek, we probably wouldn't have guessed about you two either," Kyle said. "I think none of us dared to let anyone know. I wonder how many other guys there are in our classes at the university who are in the same predicament. Perhaps if we all took a chance to be more open, we might find a lot more. Maybe we should join that gay and lesbian group on campus next term, or at least go see what it's all about.

Derek and Chet were surprised that the families had planned a celebratory dinner in their honor. Len cooked his specialty of prime rib and Yorkshire pudding. Jen provided salads and desserts. It was served at the Stepanek home because it would be difficult to transport the main course and keep it warm.

After they'd eaten their fill and retired to the family room, Len made his big announcement.

"Guys, I know you've had a long drive and you'll probably want to go to bed earlier than usual. However, if you'll indulge me, I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse," he said in a rasping voice, trying to sound like Marlon Brando in The Godfather.

"First, let me say that I always wanted a big family. It's not that I don't love Molly and Cy enough to be satisfied, but I'm about to add to it. I've already cleared it with them. No one's gonna be jealous.

"Chet and Derek, I want you to consider this house as your home and my children as your siblings. I know you're too old to want a foster father or guardian, but I'd like to be that for you if you ever feel the need. I'll have one of the bedrooms redecorated to your specifications and I want you to reside here whenever you aren't in school.

"If you use this address as your permanent one, you'll be eligible for in-state tuition in the future. That will make school more affordable. If you're agreeable to it, I'd like to hire you to help with the farming operation. You've proved to be capable and industrious workers. I'll pay you a decent wage as well as proving your food and lodging. I think this might be a good deal for all of us. You don't have to give your answer immediately."

Chet and Derek both jumped up from their seats and ran to Len's chair kneeling on each side of it. Chet spoke for both of them.

"Do you believe God answers prayer? This is way more than I asked for!"

Len put his arms around the shoulders of his new surrogate sons and drew them closer. There probably wasn't a completely dry eye in the house.

About an hour later, all the young guys left for Beau's house. They would be staying there and working on building lofts the following day. Chet and Derek were too wound up to settle down. Despite the stress of packing and driving many hours, Len's offer gave them renewed energy.

"Cy, I can't believe your dad would do this for guys he doesn't know very well," Derek exclaimed.

"Well, you worked for him on more than one occasion last fall. Your presence eased his stress when he was going through a lot of crap with my mother. He hasn't forgotten that. He knows how she treated me, and he can imagine how your mothers reacted.

"Now that the divorce is moving along rapidly, he wants to go on with his life. She's in a hurry to get it settled because her new man's parents don't know he's shacking up with a married woman. She was supposedly a widow. Most of us might not care what our parents thought if we were middle-aged, but his are old-school and very rich, and he's afraid he might be cut out of the will."

"I'm glad your dad isn't going to be taken to the cleaners, but he should spend his good fortune on your sister and you."

"He has enough money to do that as well. Some people donate bunches of it to charitable causes. He'd rather give it to people he can see enjoying it."

When it was bedtime, the rest of the guys moved the twin beds together in Beau's old room so Paul and Kyle could cuddle.

Derek and Chet got their usual queen-size bed in one of the guest rooms. Cy and Beau slept in Beau's, of course.

Chet found a way to relieve Derek's tension after they shared a shower and were settled in their room. He didn't massage his boyfriend's back for very long before they massaged each other's crotch instead. That led to a round of oral stimulation which left them both happy and relaxed. Life looked a lot better than it had 24 hours ago. They slept well.

Since the three couples all liked the idea Paul's mother had suggested for sleeping arrangements at school, there would be only one loft to build. Cy would give his bed for Chet and Derek to use in their room and he would continue to sleep with Beau on the futon as they normally did already.

However, their plans changed slightly when a local furniture store had a big after-Christmas sale and each couple purchased a fold-down sofa with storage beneath in seat. It was much more like a full-size bed. Beau was certain he could sell the futon for what he'd paid for it. He knew two other guys in their dorm who wanted one.

Paul told them about his plan to use plastic snaps to keep the full-size mattress pad and fitted sheet together and also anchor the foot of the top sheet in place. That way, everything could be rolled up quickly and stuffed in the storage compartment along with a couple of pillows and blankets.

"Washing the sheets will be a snap!" he joked. "Or maybe an `unsnap.'"

The other guys groaned to let him know they appreciated his play on words.

Hauling all three of their new sofas to school would require an extra vehicle. Larry offered to take one of them in his large work van before the new semester started. Jen said she'd go along too, and they could all share another meal at Golden Corral before coming back home.

Author's notes: Thanks to these kind people who emailed since last posting, Chandra B, Ash, Andy R, John H, John L, Geoff (2), Mark McK, Tommy G, Geoff S, Gordon, Ott H, Bill T, Peter S, Joe W (2), NBrad, Mendy D, Bernt A, Jim W, Paul R, and Frank K.

Thanks for reading this story. If you enjoyed it, please feel free to contact me a and let me know. Your emails are the only reward I receive for writing. Please put the story title in the subject line in case your email goes into the spam folder.

Thanks to David S for editing. He finds the typos and missing words! He also makes valuable suggestions.

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P.S. I have a chronological list of all my posted stories which I can email to you if you have an interest.

Next: Chapter 7

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