Love You Hate You Get Lost

By Rosey Kirkbasserlake

Published on Dec 15, 2000


Note: Hello agian!! You're reading chap six! Yeah, Sorry it took me so long to post this one, I was/am not having a good month. Can't stand Christmas. Well anyways, this one is a bit more risque then before, maybe, because this one is all, "Omg Chris is nuts!!" and "AHAHAH NICK IS DRESSED UP AS A GIRL" but you have to admit, Nick would make one cute girl!! Plus, guess what? We're going to see some people, other then Nick, Joey, Howie and Chris! Yay! Oh, and I'm sorry if it suddenly changes the POV.. I think it does, but y'kno, I sorta didnt mean to do it. Anyways...

Disclaimer: I do not know BSB/N SYNC's sexualitys. I am not bsb/nsync. But, if you are, let me know!

If it is illegal to read this story, then please dont. If you dont like the idea of cross dressing/gay maletomale sex, and really really bad humour, then follow da minors.

Shout outs: Piper, lol, whoaaa your story! Whoaaaaaa lol its cool read it y'all. (Who Do You Love)

Dezi: Soon baybay, soon!

And, to whom all of my stories will always be dedicated, who is mostly, (unknowingly) inspiring my stories, Carrie

P.S. We're going to start out where Nick is telling another story of his past. Read Chap five, and you'll see it lefted off when Nick was gonna tell a story. So we're starting out in the past. Don't like it?? Write the problem down on a piece of paper, pull down your pants and underpants, bend over, and insert the paper into your rectum. Push slightly, until the paper is fully inserted into your anus.

Thank you. And Have a nice read.


"Howie, Dude, don't take this the wrong way, but could we get someone to replace Nick? A uh, girl?" Chris said, a little nervously.

"What's wrong with Nick?" Howie asked, looking over at Chris.

"Nothin man, its just, there is nothing hotter then seeing some girl sucking you off, its just.. y'kno?"

Howie paused for a moment, then grinned. "I got an idea. Stay here with Nick. I need to go into town" Then, he got up and left.

"Thank God" Chris said, as he heard Howie drive away, "We're alone. C'mere Nick"

Warily, Nick crawled over to Chris, and stood up. Chris pulled him closer, to where he was sitting in one of the two recliners Howie had furnished the cabin with. Softly, almost gently, Chris took Nick's flaccid cock in his hand, and began stroking. Nick wached cautiously. Howie had done this to him before, and then at the moment of his orgasam, had suddenly bit him. He still had marks on his dick from that.

Chris was stroking gently, smiling. "God Nick, You don't know how much I've wanted to do this" he said, as Nick's arousal began to show. He then took the head in his mouth, sucking. Nick swallowed, and there was a dry click in his throat. Howie had once masturbated him, but never had either of the two given him head. He was worried, that Howie would come in and scare Chris or it was something they had planned. He knew, that if suddenly startled a person could piss himself, jump up, or suddenly bite down..

Chris began taking the length of his 10 inches in, slowly, but as if he had done it before. He then began bobbin his head back and forth, trying to take the rest in. Running his tounge along the underside of Nick's member, and then dragging his teeth, creating a friction which made Nick gasp in pleasure and run his hands through Chris' short hair. Suddenly aware of what he had done, his eyes widened and he immidently. Chris seemed to take no notice and continued to suck and lick on Nick. Chris's hands came up, and began jacking gently what he couldn't fit in his mouth at the time.

"Chris" It was almost a plea, "Don't hurt me please I won't be able to stop from cumming, please Chris, don't hurt me don't please" Suddenly he felt the familar tingling in his sack, and tears began rolling themselves down his face. He didn't make a sound, sure of his impending doom. He came violently, making Chris' cheeks bulge out slightly. To his complete surprise, Chris swallowed it all, and continued sucking, as if hungry for more.

Covering his eyes with his hands, Nick continued crying softly. He felt Chris draw away and stand up. He cringed, then heard the familar squeaking of the chair springs as Chris sat down. He peeked through his fingers, surprised.

"You're not gonna.. hurt me?" God, he sounded so small and scared. He hated the way Chris and Howie had this affect on him.

"Do you want me too?"

"No!! Please no!!"

"Then I won't." Chris placidly picked up a magazine and began reading. Nick uncovered his eyes, and watched, mouth gaping open.

"Chris..?" He was confused. Usually, Chris was the creuler of the two men. Chris looked up sharply.

"You tell Howie, and I'll kill you." It was a threat made before, but this time Nick was actually scared. He saw a crazy gleam in Chris' eyes, and knew he better not disagree. He nodded dumbly. But Chris had more to say, "But first Nick, I will torture you. You will beg me to kill you. I will cut your dick off, and make you eat it. I will make you beg to die. I will have you wishing I would just get it over with and kill you." Agian, Nick nodded, totally petrified.

"I'm glad we understand each other." Chris went back to his magazine. Nick swallowed, and went back to his corner, where he huddled and watched Chris, praying he didn't get the urge to torture him to death before Howie got back..

A few minutes later, the sound of Howie's car's tires crunching agianst the gravel, and Nick breathed a sigh of relief. Howie walked into the room, grinning broadly.

"Chris, I couldn't find a girl, but, I've got the next best thing" He said, puzzling both Chris and Nick, "Nick. Come with me"

Nick got up slowly, making his way over to Howie. Howie grabbed him by the hair, extracting a shout, which was followed by a sharp slapping sound as Howie smacked him.

"Shut up. C'mon" Howie dragged him to the bathroom by his hair. Biting his lip, Nick shambled quickly, trying to keep up.

In about fifteen minutes, Chris heard shouts from the bathroom.

"I REFUSE." Nick's voice, filled with hate and anger shouted.

"You will" Howie had managed to keep his cool, although inside he was seething.

"I POINT BLANK REFUSE TO DO IT NO WAY BUSTER." Smack. Howie had swung all the way from his heels, and the blow nearly knocked Nick backwards. he stood his ground, glaring down at Howie.

"You'll do it." Howie glared back at him, "Or I'll let Chris kill you."

This made Nick pause, and glare. Taking this oppertunity, Howie grabbed Nick's arm, and threw him out the bathroom door.

Nick stumbled, almost fell and righted himself agian. Chris stood up, laughing.

When Howie had left, he had gone directly to a clothing store. While there, he picked up a pair of high heeled shoes, a short grey skirt, a pair of knee high socks, a grey blazer, and a white blouse. Then, heading over to a Victoria Secret, he bought a lacy bra and underwear. After that, he stopped at a Rite Aid, buying make up, and a fifty cent candy bar. Then, he finally made his way to a sex shop, and bought a pair of fake breasts, and a wig.

Now, the results of Howie's trip, and Howie steady hand, stood in the way of the bathroom door way, looking about ready to cry.

Nick stood, in a makeshift Catholic School Uniform, and Covergirl make up, his fake blonde hair streaming past his shoulders. Howie had also bought some kind of glue, and the wig would not move until the glue wore off, in about three days.

"Damn" Chris said, walking up to Nick and looking him over professionally, "He looks good as a girl!"

"Thats right" Howie grinned, slapping Nick's ass, "Chris, meet Nicole, Nicole, Chris."

"I won't do it I refuse!!" Nick said, crossing his arms and glaring, "I albsolutely ref--" He was silenced by a pair of lips on his, and a tounge forcing its way into his mouth. He backed away, looking at Chris disgustedly. Howie pinched his ass hard, making him jump and yelp.

Chris grabbed him agian, and then kissed him roughly. With a whimper, Nick gave in, letting Chris do what he wanted.

Howie put his hands around Nick's waist, and pulled him away from Chris. "Don't mess up his make up now" He laughed, then pointed at the table, "Now, Strip for us baby" He then helped Nick up on the table, where he stood.

"He said, strip!" Chris echoed, watching with bright eyes.

"I--" Nick paused, choking back a sob, "I need music"

"No you don't, Just dance woman!" Howie said, slapping Nick on the ass agian. Nick began slowly unbuttoning the blazer, rotating his hips slowly, trying to do as they said.

Chris sat down agian, watching with an amused look. Howie sat closer, grinning.

Nick tossed the blazer down, and began unbuttoning his blouse.

"My God" Chris said, when his breasts came into veiw, "They look so real!"

Howie nodded, now sporting an erection. "Yeah, and I used the same kind of cement I used on the wig, they'll be there for a couple of days"

"Thats fucking hot."

By now, Nick was in just his panties, socks, and shoes. Suddenly, Chris got up, pulled him down, ripped off the underwear, and slammed into Nick in one thrust.

Nick gasped in pain. He had been fucked a lot, but whenever either of them entered him without anything, not even spit, on their cocks, it hurt so bad.

Chris began roughly fucking him, bringing little gasps of pain from him. Howie's light brown cock suddenly appeared in his face, and he took it into his mouth, and began sucking.

"Godamn!" Howie grunted, "Look at this little slut! She's just cock hungry!!"

He wipes his eyes agian, looking at me sadly. "I was so humilated.. it was like.. I wasn't a man anymore.. they robbed me of what little dignity I had."

I softly kiss his cheeks, tasting the salt from his tears.

"I-- It wasn't the fact that they hurt me so bad that made me snap" He whispers, as if explaining, "It was the fact that Howie was fuh-- doing Chris, and they still did all that to me"

Suddenly, he seems to snap out of whatever daz he had been held in, "Look at you!!" He exclaimed, holding me back at arms length, "Your standing, and walking! Do your legs hurt?" Soft concern shows on His face, and I pause, looking down at my legs

"No.. they don't.. is that a good thing?"

Nick frowns, looking down at my legs, "Yes and no.. it can mean yes because you can use your legs agian, it can mean no because they're going to be one helluva bitch kitty tonight." He paused, looking guilty, "I mean, it's going to--"

I smile, and lift his head up so we're looking into each other's eyes.

"You can cuss around me Nick, its okay" He blushes slightly.

"Um, well anyways... You want to try out your legs? I'll show you around my place, Its not much, but I happen to like it.

I kiss his forehead and smile at him. "You may have to help me a bit, I don't think I'm too steady on my feet right about now."

Nick nods, smiling as he takes my hand. Together we walk out the door.

"This is my..." He's interuppted by the door bell ringing, and I jump. 'Nerves of steel eh?' I berate myself, 'You're scared of a ding dong.' I wonder if there is something wrong with me as, yet agian, I bite back laughter.

"Oh.. Wow.. its the first already" Nick muses absently, heading toward the door. I wonder what happens on the first.

'Its that time of the month for Nick' that morbidly hilarious voice inside of me says, and I wonder why I, of all people have to make a joke out of everything that I see, hear, or say.

He pauses for a moemnt, then looks at me, surprised that I am there.

'Damn, I guess when Chris sliced him up, he sliced off some of his brains' Oh god, yet agian, my sarcasam happens in a bad situation. I cautiously wonder if I'm ready for the mental hospital yet.

"Oh, excuse me for a moment" he says, dropping my hand. He walks over to the door, and opens it, and two very familair, and snow covered men step in.

"Nick! How you been buddy??" Brian says, throwing his arms around Nick in a hug. Nick laughs and pushes him back.

"You're freezing cold!" He says, grinning.

"Ahh, your the one who chose to live up here! Your fault! Not mine!" Brian said chuckling as he threw off his heavy overcoat, and hung it up.

Kevin Richardson (Who, by God, was Brian's cousin, and damnit, he seemed to tell that on every damned talk show they went on. After all, I suppose he guessed, there may be one living soul who did NOT know that Kevin was Brian's cousin.) seemed a little more gloomy as he hung up his coat. Neither of the two had spied me, and I wondered what would happen when they did.

"Jeeeez man" Brian said, looking Nick over, "Is it just me, or have you gotten taller? Damnit boy, your thirty now! Time to stop growin!"

"What? And be as short as you for the rest of my life?" Nick smiled good naturedly, as the two of them bantered.

Kevin was glaring at Nick out of his small green eyes. I wondered if I should call attention to myself, or just let the three of them talk.

"Hi Kev" Nick said, smiling.

" 'lo." Kevin drawled. I was amazed at how Southern his voice had gotten.

"How you been?"

"Aw, just fine" Or, in Kevin-Speak "Ah, jahst fahn." He smiled forcibly, "Yourself?" 'Yawself?'

"Pretty good, listen guys I gotta tel--" Brian intruppted,

"Hey, we got your groceries in the truck, you gonna help us or sit around droolin all day?"

"Bri, wait I gotta.."

"Who the hell is he?" Kevin said, looking at me, "And what is he doin here?"

"Thats what I was trying to tell you" Nick sighed, exasperated.

"Joey? Joey Fatone?" Well, at least Brian recongized me. Damn. Ten years had done him good.


Kevin's jaw dropped. "We saw you on the news!!" He wheeled on Nick, "You kidnapped him, didn't you?? Godamnit, they should have NEVER let you out of the fucking mental hospital!"

Nick's face fell, "No! Thats not true, I didn't kidnapp him"

"You kidnapper, you sicko, you pervert, you murderer" Kevin hissed, looking ready to reach out and strangle him. I stepped forward, and behind Nick. I put my arms around his neck, and glared back at Kevin.

"Don't you call him that." 'Why not Joe? you did you called him that. why not let Kevin do it.'

Kevin's cold glare now centered on us both, he opened his mouth to say something, but Brian put his hand over his mouth before he could say anything.

"You'll have to excuse him, he's a bit of an asshole in the begining of the month." Brian said, trying to cover his cousin's tantrum with a smile, "Um, me and Kev, we'll go and get some of the stuff, Nick, go get another coat, Joey's gonna help us" Cheerful smile.

Nick nodded slowly and went to go get another coat. Brian let go of Kevin and glared.

"You keep your mouth shut. You hear me?"

"I will not keep my mouth shut when--"

"Do. Not. Say. Anything. What if he snaps agian?? Just shut up. Unless you wanna wake up dead tomarrow."

"He--" Brian's cold glare stoped him. He threw up his hands in defeat. "I will be outside!" He put on his coat and stormed out the door.

Brian turned to me, older then the last time I'd seen him. JC's, Howie's, and Chris' funeral, "Why are you here?"

"I wrecked, Nick pulled me out, he brought me here, and helped me get better" I said, explaining in as little words as I could.

Brian nodded, as if not taking my short, simple story for real. He shrugged on his coat, and threw one that was on the hooks to me. I caught as clumsily as I could, putting it on.

"Well, your gonna help, kay?" He said, brightly, "Because it goes one hell of a lot faster with four people, then just three!" He said, and stomped outside.

--So?? What you think? Look points more Bsb! Joey's walking! phew. No more for today lol

Peace, Love, and Chad Linus


Next: Chapter 7

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