
By Jonathan

Published on Apr 6, 2000



Hi!! This is my first attempt to write a story. So if it's crappy or anything please forgive me. This story is totally fiction. Nothing is true. Just all from my head. Please email me and let me know what you think. Thanks...

Love Forever Part 1

"Johnathan David!!! Get your ass out of that bed or so help me God...."

"I'm up, I'm up," I yelled back. Jeeze I hate monday mornings, and my mother yelling at me. Well let me introduce myself. I don't want to be rude. My name is Johnathan. I am 18 years old, yesterday. I am 5'9", 155 lbs blonde hair and blue eyes. I work out a little so I have a little definition on me. I am a senior in high school. Mill Valley High to be exact. This is the first day of the last two weeks of school.

I (like every other teenager) start the day off with a shower, I hate the thought of being dirty. Gross! I get finished and get dressed. As I get ready I wonder what these last two weeks will bring me. Graduation crap, losing friends, and maybe a boyfriend? Yes I am gay. If you didn't know. I have known for about a year and a half now. Though I have never had a boyfriend, I know I am totally fully gay.

I gaze into my mirror. A plane ordinary face stares back. Who would want this face, this body? What person in there right mind would want me? Positive attitude hugh!

"Morning mom."

"Morning dear."

"Sorry but I don't have time to eat. I have to get to school early to work on my graduation solo."

"Alright. I don't know what I bother to make breakfast anymore. You never eat anything."

"Sorry, I'm not just a breakfast person. I'll see you later, gotta jet. Bye mom."

"Bye sweetheart."

Now on to school. For my birthday my mother got me a Jeep Wrangler. I have wanted one soooo bad. I was totally excited. Since it was alreadt spring I usually drive with the top down. You see, me and my mother live alone. My father died of cancer when I was 8. It was a terrible time for mom and me. It's still hard for mom to discuss it. We live in the Cedar Creek subdivision. The nice part of the city. My father's parents had a lot of money and after he died we inherited it. He was an only child like me. So we are taken care of for life. But my mother still likes to work. She says it gives her something to do. She owns her own real estate business and doing pretty well too. But enough of my family history.

As I pull into the parking lot I see my best friend ever. Rachelle. She knows about me. Some people do, and some don't. I'm not out, becuase no one in my school would except it, and it would ruin my rep! I am somewhat popular so I don't want to have a bad rep. Obviously.


"White Trash Princess!!!" Our nicknames for eachother. They go way back to 4th grade. I did a report on Cuba and messed up on it. So I was Cuban for life. Rachelle always considered herself a princess. So one day I went over to her house and she was digging in the trash. She said her crayon fell in it. So ever since then we called eachother this.

"How are you doing today?" she said as chipper as ever.

"Ok, can't wait untill graduation though."

"Same here babe."

As we entered the prison, I mean school, hehehe. We went to the senior sections. Well they were just benches and a couple of chairs. But it was the only thing in the school that was only for seniors. As we neared the group, I saw him. The guy that I have had a total crush on for the past year. Jason. That wonderful adonis Jason. He was everything I wanted. Hot, smart, funny, caring, hot, just a little taller than me (that's how I like them) the list could go one forever. We really weren't friends. We talk to eachother one in a while, and hang out with the same people. But just never became friends. I wish though. I was totally in love with him, or something like that.

We came up to the group and was greeted with a round of hi's and what's up's. Jason just smiled and nodded his head. As always. When he does that, that just makes me want him even more. I looked at my watch and saw that I had to be in the choir room to practice my solo. For graduation I am singing a solo. A first for our school. Usually it's just people sing at Bachlorette but not graduation. But I persuaded the principle. I am one of the school's best singer's, so they couldn't turn me down.

As I finished my solo the first bell rang for our first period class. Mine was choir, how convienent. I had to run to my locker to put away some books, so I went. Jason's locker was just two down from mine, how lucky I am. My last name is miller and his is moulin. Thank god for that. As I was putting my books in my locker I saw Jason, out of the corner of my eye. Looking at me. YEAH!!! I have always wondered and hoped that he was gay. And some of our friends have always thought that he was questionable. He never has had a girlfriend or talks about girls.

"Hey Johathan."

A heavenly voice." Yeah"

"Are you going to Mike's b-day party on Wednesday?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well my car is in the shop and I was wondering if you could give me a ride, since you live the closest to me."

What did he just say? He wants me to give him a ride? Me! I almost fainted. "Yeah...that..that would be.f.fine."

"Cool. Pick me up aroung 7."




Now I totally have something to look forward to this weeknd. I was giving the guy of my dreams a ride. I know it sounds like nothing, but it's a big deal to me.

The day was going by so fast. By the time I knew it, it was time to go home. I guess that happens when your head is stuck in the clouds, daydreaming. I wonder about who? =)

"Well cuban, it's been a great day. But now I gotta go to work."

"Have fun white trash. I gotta go to choir practice. (Did I mention that I'm not 3 choirs?) Then I gotta go pick up my tuxedo and order your corsage."

"Yeah, after work I'm going to pick up my dress. I can't belive that prom is this saturday. I am soo excited."

"Me too, our senior prom. And do you know what the best part is?"

"Us being royalty court?"

"No you ditz. That we are sharing a limo with Jason."

"Oh, how could I forget. But don't forget too, we are sharing it wil 4 other couples."

"I know, but still. Well I better let you go."

"Ok. Bye cuban."

"Bye princess."

And home I am off to. Every Monday I have choir practice at the communtiy college. It helps me learn to sing better when I sing with a wide variety of people.

After an exausting day of school and choir practice. I pick up my tuxedo. Rachelle's going to love it. I do. I head home and decide to call it a day. I'll do my homework during choir. The next day was Tuesday, then Wednesday. I can't wait.

Well there's my story. Please write me and tell me what you think.

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