Loves Last Kiss

By moc.loa@61teoPhsilgnE

Published on Sep 18, 2001


Author's Note: Here it is! Chapter 4! I know it's been a little while....inspiration just hasn't been with me lately. I have had a lot of things to deal with so please bear with me. I hope this chapter is good and as always let me know!

Love's Last Kiss Chapter 4 ************************ I guess Lucas' mom still thought of him as her little baby because she still made him brownies. Oh well, I guess we should humor her because she has no one else. It was hard to keep from giving away the way we felt for each other downstairs. We sat at the kitchen table and ate the brownies while his mom did the dishes. Before I knew what was happening Lucas was rubbing my thigh with his foot. I choked on a walnut for a second and he smacked me on the back to make it go down. He was giving me the most adorable look of affection. I was sure we would get caught so I didn't participate in the game. Then, while his mom was bending over to put a pan away, he kissed me on the lips. It was a quick kiss but nevertheless still in the precense of another. His eyes laughed at me. He was clearly enjoying my discomfort. I had to smile, for he looked so smug sitting across from me. I finished up my brownie and had to leave because I had promised my mom I'd be home for dinner. Lucas walked me out.

"You're pretty slick you know that?" I asked him teasingly.

"Yup, I know." He said. We laughed.

"What if she had seen us? I mean I know she knows about you but that's still kind of weird. "

"Don't worry about it. I don't really care what she thinks, I love you." He said honestly. Tears welled up in my eyes and threatened to spill.

"I love you too Lucas." I said. We embraced and I walked home. I had a lot of thinking to do. Now that we both knew we loved one another, it was going to be hard to keep secret. But was I so sure I wanted us to be a secret? I didn't know yet. I walked in as my own mom was putting dinner on the table.

"Just in time." She announced with a smile. I smiled back at her. She was a spectacular woman my mom was. Not many people will say that.

"What are we having?" I asked as my stomach grumbled loudly.

"Lasagna and green beans with a slice of french bread." It smelled heavenly. Lasagna was one of my favorites. I loved pasta.

"Will you go tell your sister dinner's ready?" I went upstairs and knocked softly on her door. She was sitting at her desk doing her homework.

"Ah, the model student." I said.

"Yeah, I wish." She smiled.

"Dinner's ready."

"Okay, I'll be right down."

"Okay." I said and started to walk away.


"Yeah Heather?"

"Nevermind." She said. I shrugged and went downstairs to fix everyone a drink. Dinner wasn't the most eventful I had ever seen in but it wasn't quiet either. Mostly Heather talked about all the applications she had put in and how she hadn't heard from anyone yet. She was a good student. I felt sure she would hear from someone soon. I had other things on my mind however. After dinner I went up to my room to study but it was hard to concentrate. A lot of things had happened to me lately to turn my life in a new direction. I feel asleep and had no dreams.

I met Lucas on my way to school as usual. We walked side by side in silence for a while, both of us still half asleep.

As we walked into class that morning, I noticed something different. For one, Jeff was in our class. Two, he was sitting in Lucas' seat. Not that he knew it was Lucas' seat however, but he was sitting there anyway. He wasn't a new student so I guessed that he got transferred out of his other class into ours. He saw me and smiled. I smiled back slightly not knowing what to do. Lucas was looking baffled.

"Hey Brad! I didn't know you had this class! Here, sit next to me." Jeff said, waving me over.

"You know him?" Lucas asked me.

"He's on the basketball team." I explained.

"Oh." I didn't know what to do. It didn't help any that Jeff kept looking at me with a big smile on his face. I mean the guy was hott, what can I say? It's not like I was dating him or flirting with him. What am I saying? Lucas didn't appear to like Brad very much and from the looks of it, I better do something quick.

*************************** Well that's it. I cannot possibly think of anymore to write on it at the moment and I know everyone's waiting so I'll turn it in...Anyways, I'm at a loss at where to take the chapter next...If anybody has any suggestions about it feel free to e-mail me at! Until next time.....much love to my readers! : )

Next: Chapter 5

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