Loving Bryan

By moc.loa@seirotSynoTD

Published on Jul 5, 2007



He was moaning softly as my cock disappeared between his lips. My hands were on the back of his head gently pushing him onto my swollen member as I pushed my hips up to meet his downward travel. Faster and faster as he moaned with each thrust. "That's it baby." "All the way down" someone whispered... someone? It wasn't me? What...? I looked down at the stud who was servicing me. He pulled off my dick and started to laugh as he faded away into mist. I didn't understand what was happening until the fog of unconsciousness started to fade. As I slowly opened my eyes and the darkened room began to take shape, I realized it was just another dream. I was awake now, and the familiar shapes of my dorm room started to register. Out of the darkness I heard a whisper "Oh yeah...baby, that's it...aahh!" I smiled to myself and carefully looked over at my roommate's bed. Even in the darkness, I could see him on his back, head resting on his arms, with someone' s head ceremoniously bobbing up and down on his lap. Her long hair covering her face. " Take it all baby!" my roommate whispered as he moved his hand to the back of her head. She stopped and looked up "I caaannn't, it's too bi-ig"

she whined and whispered at the same time. I laughed quietly to myself as I had seen that thing and knew what she was talking about. I rolled over on my side facing them so I could watch this show. They both froze and looked over in my direction. "Brad?" my roommate called out in a hushed tone. I laid there quietly not moving as I'll be dammed if I was going to ruin this floorshow. "He's still asleep" Bryan whispered, "Don't worry about it" he added. "Well I don't like this with your roommate eight feet away Bryan" she whispered with a bitchy edge to her statement. "I think I should go" she stated flatly. "Aaww baby, you wouldn't leave me in this condition would you?" Bryan whispered back with a mixture of panic and pleading. "Come on baby, he'll never wake up " he pleaded. Bryan rolled over on top of her and began kissing her neck. He moved down to her breasts as he stroked them and flicked a nipple with his tongue. Her tone instantly changed and whispered "Oh Bryan" as she caressed his back. Bryan leaned back resting on his knees and I heard the all too familiar sound of a condom pack ripping open. In the eerie blue light of his clock radio, I could clearly see him. As always, he was an absolute Adonis. Those massive arms, and fantastic granite pecs. Even in the dim light I could see the outlines of his six-pack. I watched as he rolled the condom onto his steel rod of a dick. She was certainly right about it being big. He leaned back over and settled in for the ride. I knew he'd gotten there when she started to whimper rather loudly. "Shhh baby" Bryan whispered, "You'll wake him up". The girl buried her head into Bryan's shoulder as he picked up the pace. I was hard as hell now, and started to very carefully stroke my own dick. I watched as Bryan's ass moved up and down while he fucked her. Every once and a while he would stop on his "down stroke" and press into her trying to bury his cock as deep as he could get it. This would result in an "Oh fuck yeah" from him and a tiny little quiet scream from her. I began to have a little empathy for her as she was trying to stay quiet while being impaled with a 2 x 4! My empathy quickly turned to a little jealousy though as I thought to myself "Lucky Bitch!" Bryan was really picking up speed now as the bed started making more and more noise. They both were increasing the noise level as well; her making an escalating amount of incoherent syllables and Bryan uttering "Oh yeah" and Oh Fuucck!" on every other stroke. My hand was going faster and faster trying to match my strokes with his. I looked at his alarm clock and noticed 16 minutes had clicked by since he'd entered her. Suddenly he pulled out and while on his knees he started to flip her over. She started to object "You're not going to put that thing in my..." she whispered with some definite finality. It was all I could do not to laugh hysterically out loud. "No baby" Bryan said. "I

just want to try a different position" he stated while he grabbed a pillow and placed it under her hips. Bryan straddled himself over her legs and entered her again. He placed his hands on her back and started to piston her from behind. It was an awesome sight watching Bryan's hip action as the top half of him remained still and his hips continued to pound away. He banged away at her for another 10 minutes increasing his pace as each minute clicked by. Each stroke brought a muffled "Oh ...oh...oh" from her that was barely audible with her face planted in the other pillow. Watching Bryan's muscles flexing and ass pumping became too much for me. I could feel the rapid approach in my own cock and before I could even try to keep it in check, I spewed one...two...three lighting bolts of jizz from my

pulsing cock. A soft guttural soft moan escaped my lips before I could do anything about it. I saw Bryan look my direction and was certain I saw a faint smirk on his face. Finally Bryan's paced changed and he started taking very fast deliberate strokes. He looked up to the ceiling and firmly planted his dick in her uttering "Oh God", "Oh Fuck". Each expression brought a half second up stroke followed by a giant thrust forward. He stopped for a moment and finally fell on top of her as his dick softened and eventually plopped out. He lay beside her heaving his massive chest in post-orgasm bliss. I on the other-hand was pissed at myself for making such a damn mess on my sheets. I couldn't figure out what to do as I really couldn't just get up and wipe myself off. I laid there trying to figure out my next move until I heard "Bryan I've got to go" from the other bed. "K" was the response from Bryan as he laid there with his forearm over his eyes. She was off the bed gathering her things and putting them on. By the time she had reached the door, I could hear the familiar light snore emitting from Bryan. He was obviously unconscious so I quietly got up, went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up. "Dude!" "You're gonna be late for your class!" I heard off in the distance. "DUDE!" I heard again and suddenly my bed shook violently. My eyes slammed opened and I immediately saw a shirtless Bryan standing near my bed. I sat up and looked at the clock. 8:35 and my first class was at 9:05. "Fuck" I exclaimed as I jumped out of bed. I ran toward the bathroom and jumped in the shower. After speeding through it, I toweled off, threw the towel around my waist and ran back to get dressed. Just as I pulled my pants on Bryan came back in through the door with two large Starbucks in his hands. "Here I got one for you in the Quad", "I know how you are without your coffee" he smirked. Just

then he got a serious look on his face. He came over within inches from me. I heard a couple of deep sniffs emanating from Bryan. "Brad?" he questioned. "How come you smell like jizz?" he stated flatly then broke into a chuckle. "Fuck off Bryan" remembering the evening show and confirming he had seen me. "Perve!" he said laughing at me. I was mortified. I'd been busted! Thankfully he's a good guy and didn't wind up beating me to a pulp. "You like that huh!" he said with a grin. "So did you from what I heard" I returned with a smile. "Actually it was kind of hot knowing you were watching me" he said surprisingly. I really wanted to counter that statement but I was already late so I let it go. "Who was she anyway?" I asked. "Oh umm I met her at Rocco's last night." "Her name is...umm...it's...fuck I can't remember!" he said grinning. "Yeah right and I'm the perve" I laughed. "Not a perve!" he said with impecuniousness "just horny!" "Well thanks for the coffee" I said as I snatched it from his grip. I grabbed my pack back and headed for the door. "See you later Gay boy!" he said with his scrumptious grin as I closed the door. Bryan Pitman was my closest friend in the world. Bryan Pitman was also the only one in the world that could get away with calling me "Gay boy" without having his heart ripped out through his chest. We've been friends since the ninth-grade when his family moved into my neighborhood. We graduated high school together, then tried and eventually won entry to the same college. Bryan was majoring in Communication, while I majored in Psychology. Bryan was also an Athlete. His greatest dream was to eventually work for ESPN. Bryan was the first person I came out to when I eventually resigned myself to that fact that I liked guys over girls. I agonized over it for weeks prior to telling him as even then he was my closest friend. Plus, I was still at that point where I didn't want anyone to know. The night it all came out, we were sitting in his car at the beach putting back a few beers. He knew something had been bothering me for awhile so he finally asked me "So dude, are you gonna tell me what's been up your ass for the last two weeks?" My heart simply stopped. I knew I had to tell him, but I didn't know how to start. "Uh...I... uh...don't..." I stammered. "Fuck Brad...just tell me you like guys and get it over with!" "Jeezuuz!" "Huh...? Fuck...! How'd you...?" I stammered some more. I looked out the passenger window of the car because I didn't want him to see the tears in my eyes. " So I'm right then" he said flatly. "Yes" I returned trying to show as little emotion as possible. "But how'd you know?" I asked so very puzzled. "Easy...I've never actually seen you with a girl" he stated so matter of fact. "Bryan that doesn't make me GAY!" I returned. "Yeah but that and the fact you pull a woody when you see me with my shirt off kinda gives it away" he added with a grin. "Oh" I said quietly wanting to crawl under the seat and die because I knew he was right. I got out of the car and walked down to the waterline. "Brad...BRAD...Fuck!" Bryan called after me as I walked away. After a few minutes he joined me. We stood there quietly for awhile until he stood behind me with his hands on my shoulders. After a few more moments, he finally broke the silence. "It's cool dude". "I don't understand it but I' m cool with it" he stated quietly to the water. "Whatever floats your boat I guess?" he added. The weights began to lift off my shoulders little by little. I was SO relieved he didn't run away. I leaned back against him as he stood behind me. He actually let me which surprised me. "Thank you Bryan" I said quietly. "You're a good friend" I added while holding back tears. He stood there awhile more and said "It's cool dude!" "And ohh...sorry for the crack about what was up your ass...I guess now I know...it was a dick!" he tried to get out with a straight face and broke up somewhere in the middle. I elbowed him hard in the chest which doubled him over and made him laugh even louder. "FUCKER" I screamed as I swept his legs and tossed him to the sand. I pounced on top of him and immediately went for his weakest spot...his armpits. "Say UNCLE!" I cursed while I attacked his pits. "SAY UNCLE!" as I cursed again. Bryan was flailing wildly but I had the leverage on him to keep in down. He couldn't get any leverage in the sand so I continued to assault him. " OKAY...UNCLE!...U-N-C-L-E !!" he pleaded. I released him and we both lay back on the sand. He continued to laugh for a bit until silence rolled over both of us and we just looked up at the stars. "Don't go telling everybody I'm Gay Bryan K?" I said flatly as I stared into the heavens. "I won't Brad, that will be up to you". He said quietly. I stared at the stars quietly for a bit, then broke the silence again "Hell Bry- all I know is I like guys". "I don' t know why really" "I've never even done anything with one." Bryan rolled back over on his stomach. "Whatever dude, I told you I'm cool with it." "Just keep one thing in mind though. You might be gay, but I'm not! " "I like pussy!" "Hell, I LOVE pussy!" he rambled. "Don't go getting in your mind about you and me ever...you know...doing it or something." "That ain' t gonna happen!" He said with all the finality he could muster. "AS IF!!" I said looking at him while he sat there. "Don't go flattering yourself dickwad!" I added. He looked at me and said "Well you do get a woody when you see me with my shirt off" he stated AGAIN. He pulled his collar open to expose his nipple and grinned at me "Don't ya wanna lick it...just a little?" he said in his pouty voice. "Yeah fucker" I said quietly, then quickly grabbed it and

twisted it as hard as I could. "YEOWWW! He screamed "Oh you're dead now Gay

boy!" he muttered through clenched teeth as I high-tailed it to the car. "I need more beer" I said running away. I ran to the car and got two more beers. I returned back to Bryan, staying out of arms length, tossed him his beer and sat down on a log about 10 feet from him. I watched him throwing rocks in the water and began to think. I wondered if I'd put up a good enough smoke screen. I wondered if I'd ever be able to tell him the truth. Tell him how hopelessly in love I was with him. That was our Senior year in High School. Over the next few days I began to feel like my old self again. Bryan hadn't run for the hills and our friendship hadn't seemed to suffer any. He didn't treat me any different so as the days went by, I felt better and better. The following Friday night I was lying on my bed in my room when I heard the familiar tap, tap, tap on my bedroom window. I got up and ran over to flip open the shades and saw Bryans silly grinning face on the other side. I opened the window and said "What the hell are you doing?" "I thought you were on a date?" "Aww dude!" he said with obvious irritation. "I was making my move to get in her pants and she suddenly had to

get home" "It's only 10:30, come on, let's go" he pleaded. "Where?" I asked. "I dunno--the beach?" "Yeah OK- gimme a minute" I said while searching for a shirt. I grabbed it, shoved my pillows under the sheets of my bed, so it looked like I was in there, turned out the lights in my room, and jumped out the window. A minute later we were on the highway rolling toward the water. Bryan parked the car near the old boat launch that everyone always seemed to avoid. He turned the car off and reached behind him pulling two bears from behind the seat. He handed one to me, and practically emptied his in a single swallow. He reached back and grabbed another one before I'd even had a taste of mine. " Easy tiger-don't get too shitfaced to drive!" I cautioned. He smirked at me but said nothing. We sat there awhile and Bryan finally started nagging about his date. He was pissed he lost out on any kind of sex and I guess he decided to get drunk instead. He was 4 beers ahead of me before I even finished my first. "Hey I got somethin" he said suddenly and jumped out of his side of the car. He went back to the trunk and grabbed a brown bag. Upon returning he pulled some kind of porn magazine out with a girl in a nurse's uniform and huge tits on the front. "I got one for you too" he stated with a grin and pulled out a second rag with a really cute nude guy on the front with a State Troopers hat covering his privates. "Are you kidding me?" I laughed. "You bought me gay porn?" I started to laugh uncontrollably as he handed me the magazine. "What?" he asked while grinning at me. "Don't you want it" he added. "I went all the way to Portland to get them!" he said as his grin started to fade. "No-No...thank you for thinking of me!" I said quickly. "I've just never had anyone get me porn before" I said as his smile returned. "Plus the picture in my mind of you at the counter buying gay porn is just too much!" I said as I started to laugh again. " Yeah" he returned. "I think I coulda got a date with this big biker dude named Bubba...but he wasn't my type." This brought another round of hysterical laughter from me. Bryan was on his sixth beer when he started thumbing through his porn. I was still nursing my first one and leafing through my first porn rag. I had never seen such pictures before. The first one was of a State Trooper with his night-stick under the chin of a young good looking driver through his window. The next the Trooper had his cock out and was pulling the young drivers mouth toward it. I was totally absorbed in the pictures when I heard Bryan mutter " Jeezuz!". I looked over and saw Bryan staring at a picture of the ass of the nurse with a guy sporting the biggest dick I'd ever seen in his hand behind her. I noticed Bryan was unconsciously rubbing his crotch and shifting the obviously growing package in there. I figured all that beer was causing him to loose his inhibitions and he didn't realize he was doing that in front of me. "That's a big dick!" I said breaking the silence. "Yeah but that's a beautiful ass" he returned. "It makes me so godamn horny, I can't stand it!" He added. I smiled for a minute and then said "Oh just jerk off and get it over with then!" Bryan stared at me for a long time with an evil grin for awhile and then said "You don't think I'd do it do you!" I was quiet. Bryan continued to look at me and reached back to lean his seat back as far as it would go.

While still looking at me, he started to unbuckle his belt. "Bry...I was only

kidding." I said as he went even further and popped the buttons on his Levi' s. After some maneuvering, he got his pants off his ass, and down to his thighs. There weren't any shorts under there and his already hard dick merely flopped out of his pants. I just sat there staring. I mean, I've seen Bryan's dick before, but never hard, and never under circumstances like this. My dick instantly went to concrete. Bryan pulled his black tee off, and underneath was a gray wife-beater. He pulled the front of it over his head while looking at me "So I don't get jizz all over it" he remarked as if to explain his actions. I was in awe. I watched as he grabbed his huge cock and gave it a few strokes. I studied him as this was the first time I'd ever one; had some much time to do so, and two; was able to without any objections. Bryan obviously saw me staring at him yet said nothing. His chest was magnificent. Hard full pecs and six-pack abs that moved taught as he settled in for his task. Right down the middle was a small black treasure trail which disappeared into his bush. His dick was big! Bigger than mine by far, I'd say maybe nine inches as near as I could tell from my non-existent experience. "Well come on!" "I'm not doing this alone!" Bryan said as he shocked me out of my trance. He started to jack his hand on his dick now in slow deliberate strokes. His eyes were switching between me, and the pictures in his porn rag. "Man what I wouldn't give for a piece of that!" he whispered referring to the pussy being plugged in his mag. I watched him as I slowly began to repeat the steps he'd just performed. I slid my pants down off my ass and my shorts as I actually had some on. My dick sprang free as it was harder than stone and I grabbed it from its base. I watched Bryan who was in his own world now. His head was leaned back and his eyes were closed. He was pumping the full length of his shaft now, strokes increasing as he worked toward his goal. I stroked my own cock as I watched him, this magnificent man jerking three feet from me. Bryan began to utter small syllables "Uh" , "Ahh" every few seconds. This just fueled my need for release. Without really thinking about it, I reached over and gently pressed Bryan' s nipple between my thumb and forefinger. His eyes snapped open and almost immediately gobs of jizz shot from the head of his cock while he clenched his ass muscles as if to milk out every last drop. Every time he did so his abs pulled taught and became even more pronounced. "Oohh Fuuucck" he breathed through clenched teeth as 5, 6 volley's of cum blew from his dick. One hit him under the chin but he kept going, his fist pumping like mad. My own balls began to pull up and I felt the familiar pressure of my impending explosion. I leaned back into my seat and almost immediately began to shoot ropes of cum from my dick. The first volley went right over my head and landed in the back seat. The second just as powerful landed right under my chin as well and the third and forth in rapid succession flew onto the front of my shirt. We both grunted and churned as our orgasms subsided. I finally looked at Bryan who sat back in his seat panting with his eyes closed. "Wow!" he finally stated as reality returned to the moment. "That was hot!" he added. " But I told you I'm straight!" He stated very flatly as he turned to me and looked directly in my eye's "Don't touch me like that again!" His eyes were as cold as I'd ever seen them. "Bry...I'm sorry...I just..." I rambled on looking for the right words. He just raised his hand up in a halting position but said nothing. I was totally confused at this point. Had I crossed some line I wasn't even aware of? I guess I had. He looked around and finally found some Taco Bell napkins on the back seat. He grabbed one handing it to me and used another to wipe the cum of his chest, chin, and everywhere else. "Man dude!" "You even christened the back seat!" he said chuckling. It was like his bone

chilling warning hadn't even been said and he was his normal self. I looked at my watch and realized it was now 1:30am. "Man I gotta get home" I said quietly still not understanding what had just happened. "Yup" was his response. He had by now gotten himself put back together. He grabbed yet another beer and downed it quickly I'd lost count how many that was."I gotta piss!" he declared as he opened the door to the car. He got out and I realized that he wasn't in very good shape. The beers were catching up. He got back in and grabbed yet another beer. This time he took two short swallows. Reaching over to the glove box, he pulled out two small airplane type bottle of Jack. He quickly downed one, then poured the other in his beer and down that one as well. As he reached out and tried to start his car, I realized his shaky movements and inability to even grab the ignition keys. "Wait a fuckin minute Bryan" I said in an exasperated tone. "You're not driving" I stated with no room for arguing as I got out of the car. I went over to the drivers door and opened it. "Get out or move over" I said waiting for his next move. "Oh baby I love it when you take charge!" he said as he climbed over into the passenger seat. "Fuck off dickwad, just move!" I said as I got in the car. Bryan was almost asleep when I got to the highway. I decided he better stay at my house to sleep it off before going home. I didn't want his folks to worry so when I got to our street, I turned the headlights off and creped in front of Bryans house. I grabbed another Taco Bell Napkin and jotted down a quick note to his parents. I jumped out of the car with his keys, leaving Bryan snoring away. Going round back, I headed for the back door into the kitchen. As I rounded the corner the stupid dog lunged at me barking furiously. "Willy!"

" Shut up man!" I yelled in a whisper. As soon as he figured out who it was, he wanted to play. "Shut up man!" I repeated and headed for the door. It took me awhile for figure out what key fit the back door, but finally I found it. I opened the door carefully and shoved my note next to the coffee pot. I was in and out in 10 seconds. Willy still wanted to play but I just vaulted over him and ran for the car. Bryan snoozed through the whole thing. I got the car going again and rolled in on to my house. The next hurdle was getting Bryan in my bedroom without waking the entire neighborhood. "Hey fuckwad...can you walk?" I asked as I lightly smacked his shoulder. "What the fuck?" as he was jolted from his sleep. " Where are we?" he asked as he looked around. "My house...you're staying here tonight" I said as I tried to pull him from the car. Once I got him up I realized what a mess he actually was. All the beer had finally kicked in and he was all over the place. "My mom's gonna be pissed", he said as he tried to walk back to his car. "Relax...I left them a note letting them know you were here " I said trying to hold him up. "Awww Braddy, you're a good guy" he slurred

all over me. "Yeah, Yeah" I said trying to get him to the back door. " Speakin of piss...I need to" he stated. He walked over behind his car and just let her fly right out in front of my parent's house. I stood there shaking my head but understood he had a few gallons beer in there so it had to happen sometime. After he was through he had trouble getting he pants buttoned again. I was really getting fed up with him now so I just buttoned his pants for him and led him toward the house. "Thanks Buudeee" he blurted out. "No problem" I said "Now shut the fuck up or you'll wake up my dad" I added. "Right....Shhhhh" Bryan sputtered as he put his finger against his lips. I walked him in an almost straight line to the back of my house to the garage door. I was leaning Bryan against the wall trying to get my keys out when the garage door opened. "Well fancy meeting you here" came from inside. The porch light flipped on and illuminated my dad standing there in his bathrobe and slippers. "Now what the hell are you doing out here at two in the morning!" came the demand in his "now I'm pissed" tone. "Hi Mister Calloway!" was the inebriated response from Bryan. I wanted to die at that point. "Is that Bryan...? " my dad questioned. "Is he...? "Bradley Theodore Calloway WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" my dad now demanded. "Yeah Brad...what the hell is going on" Bryan added with a grin. "Dad I...uh" I started. "Brad?" Bryan interrupted. "Shut UP Bryan!" I stated flatly as I pushed him back up the wall he was creeping down and held him there. "Dad...we went to the beach and Bryan's had a little too much to drink" I explained. "Hah...ya think?" was my dad's response. "Have you been drinking TOO?" he asked with venomous irritation behind it. "Yeah I did dad...but I only had one" I said sheepishly. "Yeah I drank the rest" was Bryan's retort. "Boy I guess!" my dad responded. "Well get him in here and we'll call his parents." my dad added as he grabbed Bryan by the shoulder to help me get him inside. "Please don't dad!" I pleaded. "You know how Mister Pitman can get!"

I explained as I looked in my dad's eyes with the best puppy dog face I could muster at the moment. My dad thought for a moment knowing he had to agree with me as he knew Bryan's father could be excessively abusive at times. "Okay" he said in a much calmer voice. "Get him in your room then, and don' t you dare wake your mother up!" he said with no room for error. "Brad?" Bryan questioned again. "Bryan...SHUT...UP" I said trying to keep my dad's calmer moment in tact. "Yeah but Brad?" Bryan asked again. "WHAT!" I said really irritated now. "I think I'm gonna hurle!" was his response. "Oh for the love

of...get him in the back bathroom QUCIK!" my dad demanded. I literally threw Bryan through the door into the laundry room and into the small bathroom. I barely got the lid to the commode open when Bryan let loose with about six gallons of old beer. I held his head up while he continued to puke his guts out. My dad stood there shaking his head. "If I have to explain all this to your mother...you'll be grounded and doing chores until you're 30 Bradley" he released through tightly pursed lips."You won't see the light of day until you' re to old to care" he added. "I know dad, and thanks for being cool about it " "I love ya!" I added trying to get a smile from him. "Yeah, yeah...just get him cleaned up before you're mother see's him" and he was gone. "And this isn't over" he whispered from the other end of the hall. "Well now I feel better" Bryan suddenly remarked as he tried to regain what little amount of composure he had. "Jeezuuz Bry...you're gonna get me killed!"

I stated flatly as I cleaned up after him. "Come on!" I demanded. I quietly led him to my bedroom seeing that my dad had already returned to his. Once inside I finally flopped him on the bed and sat down breathing a sigh of relief. I thought for a moment trying to figure out what to do with him when I got a whiff. "Oh man Bry...you stink!" Once again I grabbed him and pulled him upright. I marched him into my bathroom and when I finally took a good look in the light, I realized what a mess he truly was. He had beer spew on his shirt and on his face. "Christ what a mess!" I exclaimed shaking my head. Without any ceremony, I grabbed his shirt and pulled it off. I grabbed the wife-beater and pulled that off as well. I grabbed some mouthwash and handed it to Bryan. "Here wash your stinking mouth out...and DON"T DRINK IT!" I added. Next were the shoes as he rinsed his mouth and actually got that accomplished without help. He just leaned against the sink quietly while I got the rest of his clothes off. There he was, naked in my bathroom. "You gonna rape me now?" he asked with his silly grin. I just shook my head and said "Oh yeah...you' re so sexy at the moment." I grabbed a wash cloth and cleaned the chunks off his face. "Stay right here!" I demanded as I went into my room to grab him some shorts. I came back and handed him the shorts while it was all he could do to remain upright. "Fuck!" I exclaimed as I realized I'd have to put them on for him. One foot, then the other and I pulled them up. I smiled with a shit eating grin as I stuffed his big ole floppy dick down the front. He laughed "Oh baby" he said and laughed again. "Come on dumbass!" as I led the cleaner, less stinky Bryan back to bed. I flopped him back down on the bed and threw a blanket over him. It took him about five seconds to start snoring between even breaths. Now I had to figure out where I was going to sleep? I thought for a moment, then figured "what the hell". Neither one of my parents open my door without permission and Bryan won't even know the difference until morning. I'll be damned if I'm going to sleep on the floor, or in my chair. "Fuck it" I said to myself, and got ready for bed. I usually slept nude but fore the sake of Bryan not freaking out on me, I put some shorts on. I pushed an unconscious Bryan over to one side which I'm sure he wasn't even aware of, and crawled into the other side. I laid there for awhile going over the last hour. I'm glad my dad was cool but I'm sure there was some sort of reprisal in my future. I also started to think about how hot it had actually been jerking off with Bryan. That was actually as close as I'd come to having sex with another guy and it wasn't really even like that. It was hot though just the same. I'd never cum that hard before either. I couldn't figure out what was happening with Bryan though. He was so cool about me being gay, got me porn, and actually jerked off right in front of me. But then he got angry when I touched him. I guess I shouldn't have done that, but still... It's like he`ll go so far then stop at some line he' s drawn for himself. Then I looked at him for a bit, watching his chest rise and fall while he slept. The person I love the most is in my bed at this moment. And I knew anything else could never be. I could never tell him how much I cared for him. Just as I began to drift off, Bryan flipped over. He moved toward me, and spooned up right behind me. His arm went over me and he pulled me tight to his chest. "Love ya Brad" he muttered quietly. I was wide awake at that moment. What the hell does that mean? Now I was really confused!

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