Loving You

By Nan Valenzuela

Published on Aug 9, 2010


Disclaimer: Anything depicted in this story that resembles something from the real world is purely coincidental. By no way is this story true or should be taken as true. This is purely fictional and was made by my hands. Also I am happy that is took me a shorter time to write this chapter than it did before and I apologize for that.

Loving You Love....

"Please?" How could I refuse those eyes... smile.... and just him?

"But..." I was still unsure though.

"You have to meet them sometime also my sister is dying to meet you," He took my hands with his larger ones. They felt so warm. I looked at them and then at him. Very bad move.

"Fine..." I really wasn't in the mood to leave my house since yesterdays little phone call. Luckily I was able to go to sleep after it. I lied to my friends and Greg saying I was sick, it wasn't really a lie since I did felt sick. "But only for a little while okay?"

"Sure but as long as you meet my family..." Mike gave me a smile and leaned down to capture my lips.

"Who let you in here by the way?" We were currently both on my bed with Rex taking a nap on his bed. (We accidentally kicked him off the foot of my bed.)

"Your daddy," He gave me another quick kiss. "You are adorable when you sleep you know?"

I blushed.

"So cute holding your pillow tightly and your hair slightly over your face...." He looked at me dreamily. "Now I should probably leave you to change seeing as right now my mind is getting ideas."

My blushed deepened as I remembered what I did with him a few days ago.

"That is so unfair... that blush..." Mike chuckled and shook his head. "Well hurry up take a quick shower and we can go to my house."

I gave him a little smile and nodded. I was so not ready for this. I took some clothes from my new clothes section and carefully walked out my room. Rex gets extremely grumpy when he gets woken up from his nap.

I took a nice cold shower... My hormones started acting up when I got naked in the shower. Being with Mike so early in the morning especially in my bed... That was not a good combination.

The pants where slightly loose but not by much, they where light blue with white wings on my back pockets. The shirt was white with a small winged rabbit in the front. My pendant was around my neck as usual, I haven't taken it off yet.

After making sure my hair was dry I brushed my teeth and went back to my room. I but my shoes on and carried Rex downstairs, he was eating from his food bowl when I came back.

"Are you sure you wanna wear that?" Mike asked when I walked down the stairs.

"Yes why? Should I change?" I thought I looked nice. Rex started wiggling begging for attention so I scratched his ear.

"Why? Im just thinking how tempting you look..." Mike gave me a smile and walked over to me putting his arms around my waist. "If Rex wasn't in your arms I would kiss you."

"Well lucky for you its his time to go outside..." I reluctantly left Mike's embrace and let Rex out the kitchen door. For some reason Rex didn't like going through the doggy door yet.

As soon as Rex left my arms I was embraced. "So sexy...." Mike whispered into my ear before he turned me over and lifted my chin with his hand. "Are you ready?"

"Yes..." I leaned up to kiss him.

He kissed me quickly before taking my hand in his. "Okay time to meet my family..."

I was still in a daze. His very presence was starting to make me high as a kite. Not that I have been high before but still. I was on top of the world. When he asked 'are you ready' I thought about something else.

After I made sure that there was food and water for Rex I locked the door. There where a few things crossing my mind. Most was the fact that I was meeting his family.

Hell I haven't even been near his house. Thankfully as we were driving Mike left me alone with my thoughts and let me hold his hand. It gave me reassurance.

"My sisters name is Kerry and my moms name is Sarah just for a heads up. We have a dog name Rocko, pit bull, and he loves jumping on people. Luckily he is mostly in the back so you don't have to worry about him."

"You know I like dogs."

"Well he likes to put people in a position... if you catch my drift."

I did. "I see."

"Plus I don't want you in that position yet and only with me..."

I must have turned beat red. We slowly started talking about sex but it was mostly just talk. I was still nervous about it but Mike never said more about actually doing it. It was mostly used for joke or just to make me smile. I was thankful for that.

"Perv." I intertwined our fingers.

"Yeah right you im not a perv." He smiled at me as we started to slow down.

"Wow, your house is nice." It was like a old colonial house. Large front lawn, white in color and there was a pretty big garage next to the house.

"Wait till you get inside," Mike had a big smile on his face. "Its been in the family for a long time. It was my granddad's grandparents. It was given to my dad who left it in his will for me."

"You own a house?" Damn.

"Technically but till I reach twenty-one it will be my moms," He leaned in close. "So you ready?"

"No but lets go." I took a deep breath and opened the door. Mike locked the car and quickly made his way to me. He took my hand in his and gave it a squeeze.

When we reached the door we just stood there looking at it. I looked at him and waited for him to open the door but he just smiled at me. "Knock on the door."

"Why? Don't you have a key?"

"Yes but just knock," I gave him one more look before I tapped the door.

There was some noise and a little shout. I looked at Mike and he just smiled at me. There was some more noise and a little barking.

The door was opened slightly and I saw a blue eye pop out before it disappeared. Mike was still smiling as I looked up. He was definitely enjoying whatever madness was going on in his house. There was one more loud noise and the sound of someone running.

The door was open and a girl with blue eyes gave me a smile. She had long blond hair, same blue eyes as Mike and was slightly shorter than I was. Slightly being very slightly.

"Took you long enough Micheal! We didn't know when to put him outside," Her eyes moved away from Mike and looked at me. Something flashed in her eyes as her smile started to slowly expand.

"Sorry but I had to convince him...." She looked at Mike briefly before setting her eyes on me again.

"Hi Nate, it's nice to meet you, im Kerry," Kerry didn't even wait for me to respond as she pulled me into a hug. I turned slightly to look at Mike but he continued to smile. Somewhere between our hug she replaced Mike's hand with her own.

I hugged her even though I was surprised. She was just as friendly as her brother. Her hair was brown and she had the same eyes Mike had.

"Mike go take care of your dog while I go introduce Nate here to mom." Damn. I tried to beg with my eyes but Mike mouth sorry and left somewhere in the living room. Kerry pulled me passed the corridor with many pictures on the wall. We stopped in front of a door. Kerry knocked on the door twice and waited.

She gave me a little smile. Just then their was a loud noise from somewhere and I turned slightly expecting to see something jump out but nothing.

I turned to find Mrs. Thompson, the cause of my distress. She was about my height, she had brown eyes and had amazing red hair. "Nice to meet you, I'm Sarah." I reached out my hand and gave a little forward bow.

"Nice to meet you..." I stuttered a little bit but at least I didn't throw up like I felt like doing.

She took my hand and pulled me towards her. "Very polite." She lifted my chin with her delicate fingers. "You have amazing eyes."

"Thank you...." I blushed.

"You are just as cute as he describe you would be," I blushed darker. "And like he said you blush easily which makes you cuter." I was just like a tomato.

"You look lovely.." Again I managed to stutter out.

"Why thank you, breakfast will be ready in a little while so why don't you show Nate some of the pictures?" Mrs. Thompson gave me a little smile as she left.

"Will do mom," She looked at me and had a little glint in her eye. "This is our dads old study usually mom doesn't like coming in here but she wanted you to see the pictures."


"Since Mikey likes you so much and we haven't seen him this happy in a while." She pulled me inside. There was a desk in the middle with a old computer and there were shelves with many pictures on them.

"So this was your dad's study?" It was weird it never crossed my mind to ask about his dad. All I knew was that he died awhile back.

Her eyes darkened for a second but it was quickly gone. "He died a few years ago, five or something. But he is watching us somewhere." She smiled a little bit.

"Im sorry." I squeezed her hand and her smile got wider.

"Your just as sweet as he said you were. Don't worry about it I barely remember it anyway. Mike dealt with it harder than I did so I guess he didn't wanna mention him. Heres a picture of him." Kerry led me to the desk and handed me a photo.

Wow. Mike's dad was a pretty hot guy. Apparently Mike and Kerry got the blue eyes from their father. He was like a older version of Mike, same build and just slightly taller than his son.

Kerry took out another photo and handed it to me. "This is a picture of the family before the accident..." She whispered the last part.

"Wow..." Kerry was such a tiny toddler, their mom was still the same, dad was still a hunk and Mike. Wow. He was so cute. I could imagine playing with him when we were that age,

Kerry looked at her dads picture with a sad smile. "I barely remember him but mom says he is kinda like Mike."

Just by appearances he did look like his father, I would have said something but I didn't want to interrupt her.

"Around that time Mike met a guy, who was in the hospital for some kind of injury..." She looked around the room as she got closer to me. "Mike was looking for that guy for a year before he gave up. The day our father died supposedly he told dad he found the person he wanted to marry. Looking for the guy kept him from being depressed about dad. About two years he was like a zombie until..." She gave a smile and looked at me.

"Are you guys talking about me?" We both turned to see Mike at the doorway. He had a little frown on his face.

"A little bit..."

"I see..." He looked at her for a minute before looking at me. He gave me a smile after a few seconds. "Well mom said its time for us to get some breakfast before it gets cold."

Kerry walked passed and Mike moved his lips but nothing came out. Must have whispered something. He looked at me again and smiled. I walked over to him and leaned up and gave him a kiss. He was stiff for a moment and got into the kiss.

The kiss lasted for a minute, when we separated he took my hand and started leading me to the kitchen. Breakfast was kind of awkward as mostly the whole conversation was involved around me. Mike had something on his mind and barely talked only when his mom asked him somethings.

It turns out Mike was planning to ask me out way before senior year but couldn't find a right opportunity to do it. Mostly it was the fact that he never really got a chance to be close to me seeing as I was elusive. I was but it was how I survived a few years, survived as not being picked on as much.

When Kerry told me that Mike fell in love with me at first sight poor Mikey almost chocked on his eggs. Apparently Mary and sometimes Chris would tell him about me and it just fueled his love. I was starting to wonder what did he know, he could know more than I did which was possible.

However I wasn't going to ask seeing as he could not know and it would be opening a can of worms that not even I was sure about it. After breakfast we went into the living room for a little 'conversation' which was a lie. If you consider two hours short then it was little.

I did find interesting things though. Mike was following his dads footsteps in football also that Mike wants to study Architecture for college. I was embarrassed to tell them that I really wasn't sure what I wanted to be. There was so many things that I haven't even experienced.

Also I learned if Mike tells you its best not to meet someone or not to do something its best to listen to him. His dog tried to have his way with me and it had to take the combined efforts of the Thompson's to get the dog off me. After a few minutes he calmed down enough for him to sniff me before he shoved me on the floor and started licking.

Kerry was practically rapping my mind like Mary with her fascination in manga and yaoi. She was disappointed in the fact that I could not give her much information. She made sure that I did not give her information about Mike as it would give her nightmares and scare her for like. Mike being the older brother was saying how big he was and him making me remember blushed made her scream and start beating Mike with a pillow.

I however kept my distance as Mike was being defeated by Kerry. Mrs. Thompson was ignoring the conversation Kerry and I were having and when they started fighting she started talking about the the weather. I mean seriously? Weather?

"I DON'T NEED TO HEAR THAT FROM YOU MICHEAL!" There was a load crash and a few curse words.

Mrs. Thompson ignored her children by telling me that they where going to pay for the lamp with their allowance. She was just like a mom in a few ways. Nice, accepting and ignored her children's squabbles. Wait did I just say squabbles? Never mind.

Mike's room can only be described in one word. Wow. His bed was twice the size mine was not to mention the size of his television. His computer obliterated mine and his clothes where all over the floor.

"Don't you clean your room?" I picked up some old candy wrappers and some tissues.

"Like once a week and I wouldn't suggest you pick up anything from the floor..." Mike started blushing.

I smiled he never blushed. "What do you mean?" I started picking up some clothes and started noticing that some were strange. Strange as in stiff.

"You don't wanna know... you might wanna wash your hands later..." Mike still didn't look at me and his blush was getting slightly darker.

I stared at the shirt in my hands and the tissue paper. Both were kinda stiff and kinda crusty... "You mean...." I started blushing.


"I see..." I tossed the shirt into the hamper and the tissue paper in the trash. "Are some clothes...." I already knew the answer to the tissue paper around the floor.

"Um... Some..." Mike sat down on the bed and didn't even look at me.

"What if your mom comes in here and sees... the... uh..." I could feel my face burning.

"She doesn't come here for the reason that im a teenage boy..."

"I see..." It took me one hour to get the room cleaned up. From what I could see Mike had some stamina which he should have being part of the football team but damn.

"Oh my yaoi. You cleaned his room." Kerry walked into the room once I opened it, there was no way I was going to clean the room with the door open. It took me awhile to kick Mike out so I could, apparently he didn't want me to see some stuff. "I feel like I could actually touch stuff in here. But I won't."

Mike was just as surprised as her. I would have thought Mike would have been all perfect but I guess being a little messy was fine. Also someone had some magazines under his bed that where rather. Wow.

"You know you look really sexy in my room and a little messy...." I blushed when he said messy. Some things in his where really messy. He leaned down and captured my lips with his.

"Hey can you do that when I am not here?" Kerry growled but was ignored. "Fine I give you five minutes of time before I take him away from you..." She closed the door behind her.

"What can we do in five minutes babe?" Mike bit my lower lip as he lead me to his bed.

I blushed.

"Not that yet love, especially not in five minutes..." Mike's regular smile turned into his sexy smile. Who was I kidding all his smiles where sexy to me.

I laid down on the bed and he climbed on me. We started kissing and occasionally touched a few places but nothing more than that. Unfortunately.

After lunch I was forced into playing video games with the siblings. Usually I liked playing video games but this was seriously mean! I didn't even win once. Even Mrs. Thompson beat me and that their says something about my game.

After awhile I started feeling more comfortable with the family but my mind started wandering towards what mom told me.

"Mike before you take me home think we can go to the park?" I was going to tell him even if it killed me.

"Sure anything that lets me spend more time with you babe." Mike started the car and we started our way to the park.

After a few minutes of silence Mike spoke. "Are you okay? You look a little pale..."

"Huh? Oh im fine don't worry about it... Just doing some thinking..." Or rather rehearsing in my head and each time it ended with my puking on him. My mind was very active right now.

"Okay... if you are not okay I can just take you home..." Just hearing his voice and the way he was worried about me gave me the courage to push back my unwillingness.

"Don't worry I just need a little air and ill be fine. I promise." I turned around and gave him a smile. My stomach started turning a little bit and I tried my best to settle it.

When we reached the park I led Mike to a little area right next to the small pond and took a deep breath. The park was relaxing, being outdoors just had a effect on me.

"Any particular reason you wanted to come here?" Mike sat down next to a tree and motioned for me to sit down next to him.

"Yeah, I just wanted relax..." I sat down next to him but not to close. I guess he didn't mind since he didn't try to pull me close to him.

"Mom likes you though..." Mike gave me a smile and took my hand.

"I was scared this morning but it turns out like it was for nothing." I smiled back as I squeezed his hand. There was something I had to get off my chest.

Just needed a little more time.

"Everyone likes you."

Like hardly. "Guess so."

"No guessing..." I took my hand away from him when a couple passed by. "Why did you do that?"

I was scared again. "I don't wanna cause trouble for you."

Mike took my hand again and kissed it. "You always cause me trouble but this is good trouble."

"Hey!" I frowned but when he kissed my hand again I smiled.

"Just being near you gives me trouble... Seeing as I can barely keep my hands off you not to mention I can't seem to pay attention."


He nodded. "When im with you alone. You are the only thing in my mind everyone else is just a shadow hidden by your light."

I blushed. "Don't say that.."

"Its true, your the fire and im the moth, except you don't burn me when I get in to close. Just makes it harder to resist."

This time when a few people passed by I didn't take my hand away. I squeezed though, when he squeezed back I felt safe. He was there.

The heat in my stomach started coming back up. I saw them turn back for a split second but Mike's hand kept me from being scared. Just like Greg. But what I felt wasn't brotherly love.

It was starting to get late. I got up from the ground and slowly let Mike's hand slip through my fingers. My hands where warm but felt cold. It was like my body wanted his. I turned around and silently asked Mike for one minute of silence.

I took a deep breath and just listened to the world around me. He deserved to know right? Hell of course he did. He told me time after time and didn't even ask for me to say it back

"There's something I have to tell you..." I turned around and gave him a tiny smile. I never did this before aside from my family.

"Really? What is it?" Got on his knees and took my hands in his.

I look at his eyes. Deep blue. I guess in different times of the day they can change shades. I could get lost in them.

"Well you see..." I stopped for a second how was I suppose to say this?

"Is it bad?" I noticed for a second that worry passed before it was gone.

"No... its good..." I smiled and pulled on his hands a little. He got the message and stood up.

"Aww I had a good view of something..." He gave me a playful smile.

"Perv..." I knew he was kidding, trying to ease my unease.

"You know I love you..." He kissed my forehead.

"I love you..." I whispered when his lips left my forehead.

He paused for a second. "What?"

I was silent.

"Nate, baby, what did you say?" I could hear the smile on his voice.

"I love you...." But... No I wasn't going to think about that yet.

"You do?" Mike's face light up, it was like I never had seen his face before.

I closed my eyes and lowered my head. I moved my hand to my locket and nodded. "I love you Micheal Thompson."

I let myself melt when Mike embraced me. It just felt right, molding to his body. Not caring if any one saw us. It was our moment.

He was so warm.


"You don't know how happy it makes me to hear it..." Mike took my face in his hands and kissed me.

For some reason my eyes started crying. It felt so... wonderful however it was different. Something I never felt before.

I was surprised to find Greg awake in the kitchen when I came inside the house. "You know you didn't leave us anything to eat right?"

"You are capable of making your own food." I wasn't his chef.

"Nate." Greg gave me a look, I looked at for a second before it clicked.

"Right," Leaving Greg to cook was asking for some sort of disease, fire department or hospital. "Want me to make you something?"

"Nope ate pizza," Greg gave a little burp and took a drink from soda. "Theres a letter for you on the table..." Greg got up and tossed his can in the trash. As he walked away he scratched his butt and gave another burp.

There was a lot of things I was grateful that I didn't take after my brother. As I made my way to my room I took the white envelope with my name on it. Weird there was no return address. I shrugged. It could have been left my Angie or something.

As soon as I entered my room I was attacked by my fur ball. At least it wasn't like when I left for moms house and he had an accident with me. I changed quickly into my PJ's and let Rex snuggle right next to the wall as I opened the envelope.

There was a paper inside and also a small key. The key was rusted but still looked like it could be used, for what I wondered. I opened the paper and read the small writing. I read it over again trying to figure out what was going on.


You bastard, you stole something from me and I want it back...

I stared the note. I stole something from someone? What was it? I put the note back in the envelope and stared at before I put it inside my drawer. I stared at the key and placed it over the envelope.

"Hello?" I picked up my cell phone as it started to ring.

"Nate! Thank goodness you didn't forget your cell phone something is horribly wrong."

"What is it?" I couldn't figure out who called me. Bad time not to look who called.


Okay I hope you guys liked this chapter. Still need more girl names before I set up the poll in my group thingy. Also for all you Chris's fans heres something for you.... Im anxiously waiting for what you guys will say.

"Chris I have something that I have to tell you." I had to tell him. He had a right to know even if I was with Mike.

Chris looked at me for awhile before he nodded. "What is it?"

"Remember back at the beach you asked me something..."

He nodded again.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "I..."

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()() (^^) Rabbit

Next: Chapter 12

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