Loving You

By Nan Valenzuela

Published on Sep 16, 2010


Disclaimer: If you cannot read this sort of material in your state please do not read and get away. Far away. Any reference to anything in this story is just for this story and not real. Especially at the ending and she from the Disney corporation. So it is all them and I just used the name for this part and maybe next chapter not sure. Anyway this is all fiction okay?

Loving You ... is sweet...

"I see..."


I turned up the heat a little bit as Mary continued to speed down the road. I should have changed into better clothes than sticking into my pj's.

"But isn't he taking the joke a little to far?"

"Nate, Chris is not that funny you think he would joke about something like this?" She sped up a little when we passed another car.

I looked at my hands for a second and shook my head. It wasn't a joke and I knew it but I just wanted to not think about it. Getting hurt once then again really didn't want me to believe him.

"Why now?"

Mary took a deep breath and slowed down. "Not sure. He was okay with you dating Mike, hell kinda pushed it, but guess he thought it wouldn't work out...." She sighed. "Right now I don't even know whats going on in his mind."

Neither did I. Seeing something but not watching it. Learning something but not grasping it. Feeling something but not embracing it. Fuck.

Mary POV (A while ago.)

"Can you believe he did that he actually did that?" I stared at my fingernails as I waited for his response.

Their was a little chuckle on the other end of the line. "Seriously? Wow I would have thought people close to his age would be good for him not you."

"Is there something wrong with me?" I feigned hurt but I was actually happy. This conversation was not being a downer.

"Well you are one of a kind girl..."

"Well yeah of course." I gave my tossed my hair over my shoulder and continued to paint my nails.

"Though I don't know why he would have that low standards...." He started laughing.

"Oh you..." I have a little huff, I knew he was joking but still. "I don't wanna go to school next week..." I really didn't.

"Tell me about it..." Chris went silent for a minute. "I kissed him you know?"

"Who?" I sat up and focused completely on Chris. I waved my hands in order for them to get dry faster.


I choked on the air. "What?" My voice was filled with disbelief.

"Yeah at the beach."


"And?" I was dieing of curiosity.

"I'm in deep shit. I love him so much. That kiss was... damn. If I could I would kiss him every second of every day..." There was a sound in Chris end that made me jump.

"Chris what was that?"

"Wait up I'll call you back..." I was about to ask why then I heard someone talk.


For the past two hours we where driving around town looking for Chris. Mary didn't know if Chris was driving or walking. She didn't even wanna pass the house.

"Is there anywhere else he could have gone to?" I glared at the guys at the gas station that where laughing at me. Like they never saw a guy in pajamas...

"Not that I can think of...." She put her hand on her head and smiled. "I'm stupid.."

I bit my tongue. "So you say this why?" I got in the car and turned up the heater.

"The 'place'," She buckled her seat belt and gave me a smile. "Can't believe I didn't go there first."

The 'place'. I thought back for a bit. It was ringing a bell I just couldn't place it.

"Are you crazy?" Mary shouted as soon as we came to a stop at a small lake pond thing. "Are you freaking stupid?" She slammed the door and kicked Chris in the back.

Chris was sitting on top of the rock smoking a cigarette. So I'm not sure if he was ignoring Mary's yells since when she kicked him he fell, hard.

I ignored the names Mary was yelling at Chris and also the way she was kicking him. Not much damage you can do with a slippers. I hugged myself to keep myself warm in some way.

"Stupid..... Monkey... Ass...." Mary kicked each time she spoke. "Why.... did.... you... leave... like... that..." The last kick sounded really hard.

"Leave me alone Mary..." Chris sat up and started cleaning himself. "Not in the mood."

"Not... in the.... fucking mood?" Slap. "You... Ugh!" She kicked him one more time making fall on the floor again.

Chris sat up again and flicked her off. "Seriously I want to be alone right now..."

Mary clenched her fists. "I swear if that you try that I'll do it myself...."

"Do what? Fuck me?" Chris stood up and still didn't notice I was there. "Or the other thing?"

"Ass!" Mary punched Chris in the face and I took a step back as he staggered. "Don't even think of trying to kill yourself again you.... monkey!"

Wait. What? Did she failed to mention something to me?

"How the hell did you...." Chris put his hand on his face and stared at Mary. "Did 'he' make you come here?"

"Of course not... you know that 'he' really didn't like me to begin with..." Mary crossed her arms and shook her head. "Someone forgot to actually turn off their phone before putting it in their pocket..."

"Shit... so you heard?" Chris was still unaware of my presence.

"How could I not... you... you.... guerrilla."

Chris walked close to the water and sat down close to the edge. Mary followed and sat right next to him. I stayed where I was, not wanting to ruin what ever was happening.

"'He' is just... you know how he is..." Chris took a deep breath, "Right now he is probably screaming at my mom at how I mess up I am."

"Well he probably told her that already you know?" She put a hand on his shoulder. I felt a little sting go pass by. What the hell was that? "Seeing how you are you..."



One of my eyebrows raised up. I had no idea what was going on.

"And on that note why did you say that to him? I would have found out sooner or later about that little threat...." Mary's head turned slightly.

"It's... I wouldn't do that..."

"You better not... I-We almost lost.... I won't let that happen again understand? Even if I have to make you go into a coma."

"It was just to make him angry."

"That's a low blow and you know it Chris." Mary wrapped her arms around her legs.

He was silent. "It's how I feel and one way or another I have to do something about it. I almost messed up something cause of it."

"You are not to blame for that, I was smitten so it was easy. You do. Not only you though," Her voice rose at the last part. "But saying you would kill yourself even for.... Just because of it... Don't ever say that again... Monkey."

"I'm sorry..." Chris's head went down slightly. "It just hurts so much..."

"I know."

I slowly walked over towards them. My heart was beating fast. I knelt down behind Chris and wrapped my arms around his neck. I noticed Mary turn her head slowly and smiled a little.

It was very quiet afterward. For the first few seconds all you could hear was our breathing and the soft rustling of leaves. I laid my head on Chris's back and closed my eyes. He was warm. So warm.

I felt him move and soon I felt his lips on my hand. "Why did you wanna...." I couldn't say the last word.

"Just stupidity reared its ugly head."

"Well with you, its always there ugly monkey man." Mary laid right next to us and stretched a little bit.


"Mr. faster than a speeding bullet."

I gave a little laugh at that one. There was two ways that could be taken, I'm not saying which one popped in my head.

"So your not going to do it right?" I laid my head on his hair and waited. It felt weird holding someone, good weird.

"Don't worry it was just a empty threat," I felt him lean back a little bit. "Sorry for making you guys worry."

"You sonofabitch owe me like thirty dollars in gas money." Mary kicked Chris lightly.

We stayed there in silence for what could have been hour or minutes for all I knew.

"Nate you know I love you right?" I gave a little nod, I wondered where this was going to lead to. "Its just that its getting harder to be around you. Ignoring it didn't work, trying to make you be with another guy made it worse now..."

I had two options come before me. One was to tell him how I felt sorta, or to lie.

"Its gotten to the point where I can't even look at you and want to touch you." I felt his hand on top of mine. "So I have to ask you to do something for me okay?"

"What is it?" I wondered if the sinking feeling I was feeling was justified.

"Don't get near me anymore."


"What?" I felt weird. Horrible weird.

"You heard me. I don't want you near me until its stops hurting."

Mary was picking a grand time to be silent. I was debating what to do. I had two options.

Tell him.

Or not.

Tell him.



"I... love you...." I felt three things when I said it. First was relief, not sure where that had that came from. Second was guilt, those where the words that were only meant for Mike. Third was happiness? I wasn't so sure about the last one. Since the second one was strongest.

For a second I heard Mary squeak but it was soon washed away when I felt pushed back and was face to face with Chris. I was surprised by the sudden shift. Chris was right above me looking down at me. I just stared back up not knowing what to do.

"What did you say?" I turned to the side and Mary was whistling. Nice. Exactly when I need her she doesn't want to intervene.

"I said I love you..."

"Don't lie to me Nate." Chris looked at me closely, waiting to find something in my eyes I guessed.

"I don't lie but I love Mike to you know?"

"Nate... do you really care that much?" What sort of question was that of course I cared. I cared for all my friends. Who didn't? "When?"

I thought for a second. "Awhile..." I wasn't that sure for how long.

His gaze continued even when I started to feel very uncomfortable. I turned to the side. "Don't." He moved my head so it was facing him again.

"Chris I'm with Mike remember? So can you get off me?" I saw him debate a little bit before he got off and sat in front of me, still staring. After awhile I just stared back at him.

"Can you two idiots stop it with the freaking staring contest? You two just realized that each of you loves the other and what do you do? Just fucking stare at each other?" Mary sat to the side of us and sighed.

"He is the one who was staring at me first..." I broke the staring and looked at her. "And I am not a idiot."

"Says the guy who is in love with two guys?" She tsked me, "You are a love stuck idiot! That's what kind of idiot you are!"

"So you can't be with me huh?" Chris looked at his clenched hands.

"I'm sorry... I'm with Mike and I had to realize somethings," I wanted to reach over but I kept my hands to myself. "Before I could see other things." Now I had to know other things to know other things. One step forward twenty steps back. Damn you Mr...

I shivered. Not because of the cold.

"You can't see yourself with me?" He looked up and smiled slightly he still had hope.

"I..." I could but Mike. I loved Mike so much. "I see myself with Mike so I can't with you."

Mary stared at me for a minute and slowly made her way towards me. She wrapped her hands around me and brought my head to her chest.

"I see." His smile faded and I felt crushed.

"So is anyone else hungry?" Mary popped in probably trying to break the heavy atmosphere.

"Remember when you told me you where gay and I bought you ice cream?"

I smiled. It was one of the things that made us come closer together. After the whole school knew of me being gay I told Chris, he gave me a smile and bought me ice cream. Sure he might have heard it from others but it was better to hear it from my mouth than others. However I remembered he knew before that though.

"Even though all the shit in school. The crap stuff was happening between us was washed away in cookies and cream ice cream."

"Well you where the one who wanted to eat at the park and then you wanted to pass the freaking football." It was a fun day. Aside from the times I got smacked by his ball.

He smiled. "Well sorry that you have suckish reflexes. I did buy you another one though."


"Was that around the time when I found out you where a bad kisser?" Mary added.

Bad kisser?


"So why did you wanna come here Chris?" I took a little sip on my juice box. Lunchtime just started and I was getting hungry.

Chris let go of my hand and gave me a little smile. "I want to try something."

"What?" I started to suck harder on my juice box. Why were they so small?

He leaned over and put his lips on mine.

I was confused. His lips were still pressed against mine and his eyes where closed.

When he pulled away I gave him a questioning look.

"That was kinda nice."

I touched my lips with my fingertips and looked at him. "What was that?"

"A kiss."

End Flashback.

How in the world did I forget that?

"You where the one who wanted me to kiss you remember?" Chris flicked Mary on the forehead.


"You where the one who took my first kiss...." I thought Mike did but it was. Chris.

"Excuse me?" Mary looked at me with a raised up eyebrow.

"In elementary school Chris gave me my first kiss." I was still slightly stunned. How can could I forgot something like that?

Chris chuckled, "Yeah, in lunch behind the water fountain. You tasted like apple juice."


"Guys can't we go down memory lane another day..." Mary was snuggled up against me desperately trying to keep warm. "Since I don't want to be a Popsicle."

(Days pass by.)

"Stop that!" I smacked the top of Greg's head with a wooden spoon. Each time I turned my head he took a strawberry piece.

"Well excuse me I'm starving over here..." He rubbed his head and stole another piece.

I sighed and continued to make the cake. Greg was leaving today, so it was going to be his treat for the plane. I would make him something else but since he ate like a pig in Thanksgiving, we were out of food.

"Well go bring your things down since I should be done in a bit and Mike should be here soon." I checked the clock. Yup a few more minutes and he should be here.

"Fine mother...." Greg got off the bar stool and left the kitchen.

Things were going rather smoothly these past days. Mike and I where having a good time aside from the times where Chris was there and certain thoughts appeared. Chris and I on the other hand have been going down memory lane with Mary. Telling her stories of our time in elementary, sometimes when Mike was there.

Thanksgiving was the most best and horrible holiday. Greg and dad were ignoring each other and where eating their body weight in food. Mary and Chris had each asked me to make them desserts for their parents. I wasn't sure if Chris's dad would eat it though.

Mike brought me a few cookies that his mom made for me. Not to mention a few chocolate muffins made by Mike and Kerry. The cookies where awesome however the muffins where questionable. A few where delicious others where... you didn't want to know.

"Okay done!" I smiled as I put the last strawberry on top of the cheesecake. Damn I was becoming mom.

Good thing I finished since I heard things start falling down the stairs. When I reached the living room I gave a little sigh. Greg's luggage was all over the stairs. I think all the brains waited for me.

The doorbell rang and I smiled. "Hurry up you don't wanna miss your flight." I walked over to the door and opened the door to see Mike leaning against the door. I swallowed. Damn he had no right to look that sexy.

"Hi baby..." Mike leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips. "You ready to go?"

"More or less..." I moved to the side so Greg could go past us to Mikes truck. "I guess more."

Saying goodbye is never easy. With Greg almost everything is never easy. We hugged and he put some money in my sweater. Kinda like Aaron giving me money, except that Aaron gave me a handshake hug and left me the money in my hand.

I would say that like in the next ten minutes the cheesecake would be partly gone.

"So talked to Chris today?" Mike asked out of nowhere as he drove me back home.

I shook my head. "Not yet."

"You going to be alone today?"

"No Mary and Angie are going to come over. Why?" For some reason I thought of something nasty and I chastised myself.

"Oh good." For some reason I felt the atmosphere go down. Like real down. Almost uncomfortable.

Maybe it was a bad sign that he mentioned Chris name. I told everything to Mike what happened on that night. And I did mean everything. Mike took it in stride and just nodded.

That was the part that kept me worried.

When we reached my house he got out of the car and opened the door for me even before I could unbuckle myself. He lead the way to my house and I saw him tense for a second before he relaxed.

He turned to me and touched my cheek. He kissed my forehead and pulled back to look at my eyes.

"Why don't we take a little break?"

"What did you say?" My chest clenched tightly.

"We should take a little break from our relationship. You have a lot of things in your head right now and being with me is probably not helping. One of them is your feelings for Chris and me," He lifted my head with his fingertips. Somewhere when he spoke I put my head down. "If you continue the way you are going you will get hurt the most."

"But I'm with you and I wanna be with you." I was one hundred percent positive about that.

"You don't wanna hurt me so you push things inside. They are there making you uncomfortable at times. Since your heart is confused."


"If you ask Chris, I bet you that he will say the same thing if he was in my position. Figure out what you want. I mean really want with no nagging feelings or regrets. Like what if."

No regrets. I leaned up and brought our lips together.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow for school okay?" Mike said as he slowly pulled away from our kiss. I wondered when I would be able to get another.

Somehow I was holding myself together and not crying. "But didn't you just..." I couldn't say it.

"You're my love and my friend. So I'll look after you whatever you are to me. Just know I'm just a phone call away okay?" He gave me a little wink and waved at me when he started his truck.

I gave a little nod and waved. Even though inside I wanted to run to him and beg him to stay.

It may not seem it like now but he is looking after you.. I told myself. But even if my mind was telling me something. All I could think was how much I wanted him to hold me right now.

"Like I said before for now this is a good thing may not seem like it but it is..." Mary rubbed my head as Angie absently played with my hand.

No matter how many times she said that the tears still kept coming. Right now I could not see the good in anything.

"She is right Nate," Mary had filled Angie in on some details, not certain on what but still. "The way you are now, not knowing how you feel will hurt Mike in the end you know?"


"He is a great guy yes but he is jealous. He knows you love someone else but you love him to. You are conflicted right now... You love one then another. If you don't find out who you truly and I mean truly love, you will hurt them and yourself. He did what he did so you won't be pressured." Mary started tugging on my hair.

She was making sense but still. Instead of Mary holding me I Mike to... Grrr.

"Nate one way or another it was going to bite you. You love Mike, but at the same time you love Chris right?"

I just sniffed.

"Right?" She pinched my hand.

"Ow. Yes I do but..."

"No buts you still like him or love him and that's all that matters."

"I know."

"Good now tomorrow when he picks you up just smile and do your best okay?"

I nodded. I still felt like crying but somethings where starting to make sense.

After they left I made a quick dinner, ate, left dad a note, and went back upstairs in my room. No use in telling him why my eyes were red.

Rex jumped up on the bed and slowly made his way towards me. Usually I would push him down to sleep on his own bed but I needed something to hold.

I snuggled against Rex and hopped I would go to sleep soon. All I could think about was Mike and Chris. Wanting to be with Mike yet slightly being pulled by Chris.

I closed my eyes and focused on the wind.

I put my hands on 'his' head and pushed my tongue into 'his' mouth. The warm body pressed against mine. 'His' legs pushed mine apart and started unbuttoning my shirt. I didn't care just wanted to be against 'his' warmth.

'His' mouth left mine and start kissing down my chin, nibbling here and there. I squeezed my eyes and took a deep breath. One of 'his' hands was playing with my nipple. "Stop it..." I bit back a moan as 'he' bit my neck and licked it. I hissed when he pinched my nipple.

'He' pushed my shirt away and started exploring with his hands. I felt 'his' hot muscular back, I thought when he took his shirt off but I didn't care. 'His' lips were going down my body. I felt a little tug on my pants, I lifted up a little so 'he' could slid them off. I wanted more. More kisses. More contact. More warmth. 'More him'.

'He' pressed up against me and I felt something hard against my leg. I started feeling something getting below my waist as he continued to kiss down my chest. I gave a little hiss when his warm hand started playing with my member. It was soft then 'he gripped the bast and slowly slide up to play with the head.

'He' kissed my belly button and probed it with his tongue which made me shiver. 'He' slide his tongue all the down to my base. 'He' lifted 'his' head up and kissed my tip. 'He swirled his tongue around the slit and squeezed my base.

I gave a little shiver as 'he' continued to lick the slit. With 'his' free hand 'he' moved my legs apart and started circling my entrance. I wanted to say no but it was so good. So hot. I gave a little squeak when just the tip of the finger poked me. 'He' gave a little chuckle.

"Shit..." I whispered when 'his' warm mouth engulfed the head. 'His' tongue was swirling around the head. I felt 'his' finger go into 'his' mouth as 'he' swirled around me. Just as it went quickly inside it left. It started poking me again.

It went all the way to the knuckle before 'he' started moving it in a circular motion. 'He' started taking me more into 'his' mouth as 'his' finger probed me. 'He' sucked as 'he' slowly wade with way back to my tip.

I cried out when 'he' swirled his tongue again. 'He' went down again moved 'his' tongue around the base. The way 'he' was sucking was excruciating. Like 'he' was trying to suck my whole being. 'He' inserted another finger as 'he' sucked up.

The warm sensation was starting to build up in my stomach. "I'm...." I couldn't really say anything it was just too good. 'He' started going slower going down soft and coming up hard. 'His' tongue swirled over my type and I almost lost it. 'He' sucked on the tip harder and moved 'his' fingers inside me. "Shit!" I cried out as I saw stars as he pressed something in me making me shoot.

'He' sucked even harder making it even more excruciatingly pleasurable. I gripped 'his' hair hard before I released it. 'He' continued to suck me slowly. "Damn.... Mike..."

'He' have me one hard suck and let me go with a pop. "That's so messed up baby..."

I opened my eyes and looked down. "Hi..." Chris gave me a smile. What was I suppose to say? His red hair was wet and his eyes had a glint of mischief.

"Hi." He purred and gave my stomach a little lick. I shivered as I felt where he licked become cold.

I stared into his hazel eyes and blushed.

"You look so sexy right now..." He crawled up my body and kissed my nose.

I blushed even more.

"Think you can have him all to yourself?" A voice from the side spoke. I looked over and blushed instantly. Mike was naked and very... um hard.

Chris looked at me and smiled. His thing was poking my thigh now, leaving a little wet trail on my leg. "I was hoping but we could share..." Chris's smile got a little wicked. "Better hurry... I already had something sweet..." He leaned down and kissed me.

I closed my eyes trying to remember how I got into this situation. I felt the bed dip for a second and felt a hand start playing with me. I reached over to touch someone, I was losing the warmth. I felt Chris muscles as I touched his stomach. They where defined and hard.

"Go lower baby feel me..." Chris whispered in my ear as he kissed my neck and shoulder. Mike started kissing up my body still playing with me.

"Touch me to babe..." Mike whispered also and kissed me gently. I lowered my hand and grasped his and Chris members in my hand. Both where hard and hot. Weirdly enough they where both the same in length and girth.

One thought kept running in my head... What the hell? I gave out a deep moan when Chris bite my shoulder and Mike started playing with my nipple with his tongue.

Mike pushed my legs a little farther apart and his fingers started probing me. They were slick with what I thought was lube. I was to wrapped up in pleasure to even care what it was. "Wanna... be in you..."

"Please..." Chris nibbled on my neck. Ugh this was getting excruciating.

I felt something poking my whole gently as Chris started kissing me. Weirdly enough there was no pain at all. Mike slowly pushed all the way inside and I gave out a loud moan inside Chris mouth. Shit that was just too good.

Chris started his way down my chest and kissed and licked a few places. Mike was starting to make this ugh sound each time he pounded.

"Shit!" I yelled as Chris's mouth was on my cock again. His tongue was playing with my head again.

"Nate..." I heard Mike say my name over and over again as he continued to enter me. Just when I was about to cum again into a very talented mouth. I felt something slimy on my ear. I tried to get away from it but it kept increasing.

I opened my eyes and gave out a little groan. What the hell? "Rex stop..." When he didn't stop licking my ear I pushed him away. I reached over and clicked my cells alarm off. "Eww..." I felt something wet against my groin and sighed.

That was the first time that has ever happened. When Greg warned me about those kinds of dreams. "Shit..." I had to hurry.

As soon I got into the kitchen I grab a glass, filled it with cold orange juice and chugged it. Throughout my really and I do mean really cold shower, I still remembered all the touches and... Stop. Stop. STOP. I repeated to myself.

I was glad that the kitchen was empty. Dad probably was still sleeping. I pressed my forehead on the cold kitchen counter and tried my best to reign in my hormones.

The ride to school with Mike was very uncomfortable. Thankfully he really didn't talk to me, his voice kept bringing back images. I realized that even though we were broken up, which I still wanted to fix, he was still sweet to me.

Class went faster than usual, probably due to the fact I was not paying any attention. My thoughts were mostly on Mike then switched to the dream then on Chris.

For lunch I stayed with Mrs. Hei. She wanted me to take a test for some sort of foreign program. I didn't really pay attention about it but it gave me an excuse to miss lunch. The awkwardness of the dream would be intensified if both guys where there.

The rest of my classes went by. Angie asked my why I wasn't in lunch and I explained to her my reasons. She just nodded and told me she understood. Not about the sex dream just about the comfort and the test.

After my last class I thought it would be wise if I just walked home and could get some fresh air. Just me and silence. However that was not the case.

Alex was leaning against a tree and when he saw me he walked over to me. "Hey fag how are yeah? Didn't see you at lunch today? We missed you. Oh whats this?" He reached over and took my Japanese textbook. "Oh Jap crap." He tossed it on the floor.

"I don't wanna deal with you right now Alex," I reached down and picked up my text book, once I got it I started walking right past him.

"Deal with me? Trying to act tough on me you little shit?"

Knowing what was going to happen next I reached out and caught Alex fist. It stung a little but it was worth it to see the look on his face twist in pain when I dug my fingers in his hand. "Seriously leave me alone...." With each word I dug deeper.

I pushed his hand away and continued to walk. "You little bitch."

Pain went rushing to my head for a second. The prick hit me from behind. I turned just enough for me to connect my fist to his stomach. It was good thing bad thing. The good news was the fact that it hurt him and go my point across, bad news was the fact his chest was freaking stone.

Alex slumped down on the floor coughing. I stared at him for a seconds before I turned and started running down the street.

Shit. Why did I do that? I never. My eyes started watering as a slow pain starting making its way through my head. I stopped and looked at my hands, they where getting out of focus. Did he hit me hard to give me a mild concussion?

I let out a little cry as the pain in my head increased. I held my head as it continued to intensify. What was wrong with me?

I heard a car slow down to a stop somewhere. "Nate?" Said a voice that was slightly familiar yet different.

Slowly, I tried to turn to the side but I didn't see much. Tears and fuzziness, then absolute darkness.

Okay Chris turn finally. Even though a friend might try and kill me and junk but still. Some of you want Chris to have his shot and he will! Mike is a good sport so he is letting Nate try something out. That may win more points for him from other people so that should be good right?

The reason I want the names will be brought up soon like a chapter or two. School is half way over for them and Mystery Man will do his thingy soon.

Something from the next chapter.

"Are you serious?" Mary looked straight into my eyes. Searching.


"Then we should tell someone-"

I covered her mouth with my hands to stop her. "No. For now I just want to focus on the future and forget some things in the past. So promise me you wont say anything. Got it?"

She nodded and I removed my hands.

"So who are you right now? Old or new?"

I gave her a smile. "Both of course. Best of both worlds I think..."

"I swear.... Sing Hannah Montana and you die!"

I let out a little laugh and pushed her gently into the car. "I wont if you don't. Now lets go do something a little. Wild?"

Mary started giggling. "I can see you are different right now. Smart. Kind. Sweet. Oh and did I mention. You?"

You will understand what she meant by 'you' later. So if I take long give me messages to make me focus okay? Also join the group so if I do take long you can get some of the new chapter ^^. Poll is also up so you can choose for your guy.

And also I will tell you what names I liked from the girls okay?

()() (^^)


Next: Chapter 13

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