Loving You

By Nan Valenzuela

Published on May 2, 2010


Disclaimer: Blah, blah, blah look at the other chapters okay? If you don't know the disclaimer I had before than you are in the wrong chapter... Anyway if you saw any Jeremy last chapter then it was because I change it to Jake, sorry. At least it was only about two to three times. Also thanks to all the people with my whole perspective problem. Don't be afraid to point things out for me okay? BTW Mike's point of views will be short. I like Nate's perspectives better, but Mikes POV also gives you some depth into his mind.

Edited by Daniel

Loving You Strange...

Mike POV

"So, did you profess your undying love for him yet?" Chris asked.

Chris and I were out in the parking lot waiting for Mary and Nate. Somewhere deep inside there was a little guy screaming for me to run.

"In a few ways..." I said as I punched him in the arm and grinned.

How could I not have? I gave him a locket with a picture of me. Kerry, my evil little sister, had "persuaded" me into buying the locket for Nate. "Persuaded" meaning that she took me to the jewelry store, stole my card, and bought the thing. Apparently, my idea of giving him a book about world cultures wasn't good enough.

But, after hearing the plan of putting a picture of me in there so he could have me around all the time, I thought it was nice.

"Dude, step up your game. You have been in love with him for how long now, a year?" He asked.

More like three, ever since Chris joined football and I saw Nate.

"You may have kissed him and the school is buzzing around saying your his dude, but do you remember Jake?" Christ stated, emphasizing Jake.

Of course I remembered Jake; the ass was trying to get with what is mine. Or rather, what should be mine.

"He has a thing for him also and when he heard you kissed him..." Chris started.

But I grinned. Jake punched right through a door, which gave him two weeks detention.

"Well, that guy can fuck himself for all I care," I said, knowing that Nate was mine. "I'm taking Nate out today after the game."

"Going to give him your stanky ass shirt?" Chris chuckled

Usually, when a football player dates a girl, they give the shirt to the girl so she can wear it for a day. It's kinda like saying so and so is my boyfriend, and he's on the football team.

"Yeah," I proudly stated. "I packed another shirt just for the occasion."

"Cool," Chris said as he looked up, trying to see if they were here yet. "You know Alex is starting shit again right?"

"Whatever, he's been talking shit since freshman year."

More so when anybody tries to stick up for him, even after I told him to back off. I could still remember when I told him I was gay. Then, he saw when I kissed Nate over and over again. The prick must still be in shock or something.

"If he lays a hand on him, I'll kick his ass. That's for sure," I territorially growled.

Nate POV

"What the hell... Get that thing away from me!" I screamed as I wondered what was wrong with this chick.

"Oh, why don't you get the stick out of your ass and look at it?" Mary said as she held up one of the various magazines she bought me for my birthday. "Or maybe you should get something up there..."

I blushed red. Yesterday I "accidentally" opened the bag and saw a few pictures. She raised her eyebrow.

"Why don't you read the articles they have in here," She stated as she picked up a random magazine from the floor and showed me the picture.

"Like that is an article."

I turned my head and faced the door, again, trying to hide the blush in my face. It was a picture of three guys doing things. Things I had never done before.

She pointed at the lower half of the page, "It's an article on how having three ways is fun."

I raised my eyebrow as asked, "Is this your way of telling me you wanna have a three way with me?"

I chuckled as she turned red. Finally, I made her blush.

She stuttered, "Ah no.... Not that you're not bad looking of anything just that...." She scratched her cheek and chuckled nervously. "You're like my little brother, and that would be just wrong..."

"So...." I said, sensing the awkwardness. "Can we go to the game now?"

She gave me a once over and sighed. "With you dressed like that?"

"Whats wrong with the way I'm dressed?" I asked as I eyed my blue jeans and a polo shirt.

"Do I have to explain?" She gave another sigh. "You look like you just got out of bed. It's your first date, and that is sure not the best way to get another."

"Who says I want another date?"I said, was trying his best to stay calm. I had never gone on a date before.

"Me, that's who, now spread 'em!" She started as she made her way over to me.

"Spread what.... Hey! PERVERT!!!" I screeched as she rushed directly to me.

After some struggling and a curse here and there, Mary deemed me ready. I was wearing a white and black zip up shirt (she claimed it gave him easy access), I was also wearing some tight black pants (if I gained a pound or two they wouldn't fit anymore), and she straightened my hair (a process that burned me a few times).

"Okay, so did he give it to you yet?" Mary asked as she was giving me a once over.

"Give it to me yet?" There was one thing that came into my mind and I haven't even been near it. I buckled my belt and she started checking me.

"Guess not, I wonder when," She paused for a second. "Let's go!"

She took my hand and maneuvered over Rex, who was waiting outside of my door. Mary didn't want him to rip up what she called my research documents. Yeah.... research...

"Mr. Valentine, where going to the game." Mary shouted as we left. "Nate has a DATE so DON'T wait up."

She slammed the door and she pulled me into her car. Just as we were leaving my dad opened the door and was tripping on his feet. She waved at him and drove off.

"What the freak was that?" I screamed.

I was trying my best not to alert my dad that I had a date the whole week. He was what you would call overprotective. Thankfully, he had to work on a case; otherwise, there was a chance he would be at the game.

"He had to find out sooner or later that the captain of the football team is screwing you."

"There is nothing of that going on!"

"I know but he still has to find out sooner or later. At least he has time to digest it before you come home, right?"

"Hey did you pick up the magazines from the floor?" I asked after I gave her a brief nod.

She smiled and giggled, "Nope sorry I forgot."

Like hell she did. It was probably her plan all along.

"Are you trying to give my dad a heart attack?" I screeched, if there is a god, may he please strike me down now.

"No, but it would start putting the idea in his head of you having a sex life," She stopped for a second. "You know most dads would want their son to have a sex life, why not yours?"

"Like you have to ask..."

"Oh yeah, right. I forgot about that..."

"How the hell can you forget about that?"

"It's in the past," She was silent for a few minutes and shook her head. "Anyway your dad has to get the idea of you being an uke."

Damn she was reading manga again, "Who says I'm an uke?" Uke was bottom, at least in yaoi manga.

"The guy who once told me he wants to get-"

"Okay okay..."

The rest of the car ride was spent bickering over little details. She was still obsessed with my sex life. Luckily, we finally got to the school and we saw Angie waiting for us in the parking lot.

"Hey guys, what took you so long?" Angie said as she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "The game is going to start in like thirty minutes."

"Nate over here needed some... flare," Mary got her pompoms and gave herself a once over on her mirror. "Okay let's go."

Chris and Mike where leaning against the wall next to the entrance of the locker rooms. They started walking over to us when they noticed our approach.

"Hey there baby." Chris cooed as he leaned down and kissed Mary.

"Well don't you look sexy today," Mike said as he took my face in his hands and kissed me.

Maybe I should work more on my appearance if it got me more of these.

"We would love to talk to you guys, but we gotta go to the lockers," Mike said as he nuzzled my nose.

"It's okay," I finally managed to say.

When they left, Mary had to leave also. Apparently she had to get her bitches ready. So, Angie and I were sitting on the top row of the bleachers, on the edge, just like the last time. Unfortunately, I forgot my IPod, so I had to listen to the crowd. One thing I was learning about Angie was her ability to scream.

The whole first half of the game I was tuning out the crowd and occasionally dozing off. Angie took special offense to that and called me and "unsupportive boyfriend". I gave up trying to get it past her head that I was not his boyfriend. I was surprised that I didn't go deaf, she had some nice lungs. Mike made a goal and she let out a big scream. When she saw that I didn't do anything she lifted me by the arm and forced me into her celebration. After some complicated play, at least for me, he made another goal. She and the rest of the crowd screamed. She looked at me from the corners of her eyes and saw that I was bored.

"YEAH THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND!!!" She shouted and a few people turned to look at us.

She pointed at me and started chuckling. It must have been a record how many shades of red passed through my face. Damn, she did have a pair of lungs because even a few players were staring. Mary was being not too subtle as she and a few other cheerleaders were laughing.

I pulled her down next to me when a few people starting started whispering to themselves. Nice, she outed me, again.

"What the hell was that?" I growled.

"I told you that you needed to be a more supportive of your BOYFRIEND!" she screamed as she pointed to the field. "Plus, look who is coming over."

Damn it! Mike was running through the field. When he ran past Chris he got a hit on the back. God kill me now. I looked over to the side and saw a girl and her mom looking at me. The girl was smiling at me. Yeah, definitely not creepy...

When I turned back to face the field Mike was in front of my face giving me a killer smile. I was royally screwed.

"Is it true?" he asked with that puppy dog voice.

"I.... I....," I stuttered. What could I say? There were people staring and I was up in the spotlight.

Seeing my dilemma, he leaned forward and kissed me. I could hear a few people go awe, ewe, and fags. Also someone shouted a very loud 'yes'.

"Hey shut your mouths or I'll do it for you." Angie said when a few people said to cut it out.

Angie got up and blocked our kiss, from what I can tell anyway.

"Anybody have a problem with it?" She yelled as she raised her fist, causing a few of them shut up. "Thought so. Hurry up, Mike. Game can't wait forever, and you can molest him later."

Mike let my lips go, "We can finish this up later let me finish the game."

He kissed me one more time and hurried up when the coach said something about running extra laps if he didn't hurry. After Mike got back in the field there was one more fag called out.

"What did I say?" Angie got up and started heading for a guy on the other side of the row. He got up and started making his way down the stairs with a few people telling him to run. "I told you! Yeah, run you little PANSY!!!" He took off for a run and she followed him.

After a few awkward moments, the crowd starting cheering again. He was definitely on her death list. Within a few minutes she was back with a smile on her face.

"Don't worry I took care of it." Was all she said when I asked her what she did. She dusted her hands and sat back down. After that I started cheering, not wanting a repeat.

We won the game, not that I actually cared. We met Mary outside of the locker rooms, she was still laughing at what Angie did. Grr, I hated that my voice wasn't very low. A few people here and there patted my back and called me a brave boy.

"I can't believe you said that out loud cutie," Chris rubbed my head as he got Mary into a hug. "Half of the team heard what you said." Angie was now the first person on my death list.

For a few minutes we were talking about the 'incident'. We talked about how our classes where going, apparently I was the only one who wasn't about to kill my teachers. Zack came up with his own 'incident'. He was found yesterday in the utilities closet with the foreign exchange student. They were having a full blown make out session in there. Maybe more if Richard didn't catch them.

Two arms went over my head and I was pulled into a warm chest, and I immediately tensed.

"Did you miss me?"said a sweet, familiar voice as I felt a kiss land on my head and I calmed down.

Mary and Angie both said cute and Chris was making barfing noises. Both Mary and Angie punched him in the chest. Mike was wearing a tight blue shirt which made him look hotter and buffer. His pants were black and loose fitting, casual.

Why the hell could I not go casual? Damn it, Mary.

I nodded and relaxed into his embrace

"Sorry, I would have been here sooner. I just wanted to make sure I smelled nice." He said, and I had to agree. He smelled really nice.

"Can you make Chris do that?" Mary crossed her arms and glared at Chris.

"I thought you liked me all sweaty." They started fighting. They occasionally did that and always made up. But still I did not need to hear that...

"Well I would like to stick around and play referee but I got a reservation waiting." Mike took my hand and started walking to his car.

Reservation? Angie and Mary both yelled out good luck and Chris waved goodbye. I was so not ready for this. I don't think I'll ever be ready for this. I tried to calm myself down by saying it was just jitters. He opened the door for me and I got in. He did that every time he picked me up from home and when he dropped me off, but now it made me blush.

When he got into the driver's seat, he winked at me. I smiled nervously as I fumbled with the seat belt. Smooth, very smooth. The ride was filled with casual talk with, thankfully, no questions about the whole boyfriend incident.

We stopped at an expensive looking restaurant. I hoped I had enough money for it. Mike took my hand and held it tighter when I tried to let go. His hand was bigger than mine and a little rougher. I wasn't used to PDA, but apparently he was. He ignored the looks we were getting when we walked in.

"Hello there how can I help you?" A young blond girl asked when we reached the podium. She had a big smile on her face when she saw Mike but when she looked down at our hands it disappeared. He still wasn't letting go.

"I got a reservation under Micheal Thompson,"

Thompson? Wow I can't believe I never asked him his last name. She looked down at her board and smiled. It was the fakest smile I had ever seen.

"Please follow me," she said as she led us to a back table next to the window. "Here are your menus."

She didn't even look at me. Mike let go of my hand and I kinda missed the warmth. I was about to sit down and Mike pulled out the chair for me.

"Uh, thank you," He pushed it in when I was fully seated. "You know you don't have to do that right?"

It was kinda making me uncomfortable. Something inside me told me to get used to it.

"I don't have to but I want to," He blushed when he sat down. At least I wasn't the only one who blushed. "If you noticed I like doing things I don't have to do." He leaned forward and moved a strand of my hair out of my face. "Don't want that pretty face covered up." I blushed.

"Why do you do things you don't have to do?" I was interested.

"Because I like the way you react and because I li..." he stopped for a second. "Like you."

I smiled. "I like you too." Maybe a little more now. "Can I ask you a question?" It was something that was eating me up inside.

"Sure anything you wanna know." Mike was looking through his menu. Deciding that was the best course of action I used mine to hide. "Get whatever you want it's on me."

"You don't have to do that I got money," Not much but I was still not going to use the card my dad gave me.

"Remember what I said. I don't have to but I want to. Now what was your question?" Mike's voice was filled with a little authority. It kinda reminded me of dad a little when he wanted the conversation to end, which I reluctantly did.

"Why do you like me?"

Mike's POV

"Why do you like me?" Nate's voice was low. I almost missed it if I wasn't paying attention. When it involved Nate I always paid attention.

Why not to like him, or rather, love him. He was sweet, kind, generous, and always put people ahead of himself. He didn't even tell his friends, or rather, siblings of his troubles in school. He mainly didn't talk about the people who picked on him, just because he didn't want them to worry. But, on the contrary, it made them worry more.

Alex was all but subtle when he bragged about messing with the little fagot. Each time he had to control himself and not beat the shit out of him. Nate tensed with almost each touch, especially the ones that happened out of nowhere. Mary and Chris were constantly trying to find a way to make him feel better.

"Why?" I looked at him and he tried to hide under the menu. It was cute, Nate nodded. "Because you're sweet to everyone, love animals with a passion, like reading books because of stories they tell, and you don't let anyone see how much you hurt. Also, because you need and want someone yet you don't want anyone to know."

Nate POV

"How are you so sure about that?" That was kinda accurate despite the fact that we just met a few days ago. "You haven't known me that long."

Mike put down his menu and leaned in close. "Actually, I have. You just never noticed."

"What do you mean I never no-"

"Hey look what we have here." Sam came over from the entrance and rubbed my head. "How are you doing Nate?"

"Fine Sam, how are you?" Why did Sam have to come?

"Fine. Who is this young man?" Sam offered his hand to Mike who took it. "Sam Wilson and you are?"

"Mike Thompson." Mike turned his attention towards me. "Friend of yours?"

"Actually, I'm his old martial arts teacher." Sam grinned when Mike's face filled with surprise. "Didn't know this little guy can fight, huh?" He rubbed my head again.

"You can fight?" Mike was surprised, not like it was a surprise.

"Dad made me take up the classes. I don't like to use it though..." I haven't raised a hand to anyone and I planned to keep it that way. "Not something I'm proud of learning..."

"He is a pacifist. Not like that is a surprise once you know him. Anyway I have to go, don't be a stranger, kiddo." I frowned when he rubbed my head again. Seriously it messes up my hair. Sam shook Mike's hand one more time and left.

"Wow I didn't know that about you..." Mike thought for a second and smiled. "Makes me like you even more."

I blushed. The waitress decided to make her appearance and took our orders. "How did you know I liked Italian?"

"Like I said before, I have known you for a long time." Mike took my hand and intertwined our fingers. "But, you never really paid attention to the world around you, so you never noticed." His hand felt warm. It was actually nice that no one was paying us any mind.

"Really, how long?" I heard it before from Mary that I didn't pay attention to the world around. It was just the little bubble that I had put myself in that I paid attention to.

"Three years." He pulled my hand and kissed it. "Not very perceptive, are you now?" I blushed and he kissed it again.

"That long?" My blushed stayed. That was a long time for me not to notice him watching. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Guess I was shy..." He looked into my eyes and smiled. "You make me nervous a few times you know?"

"Really? But look at you now..." To me Mike seemed composed and all put together. He didn't seem the shy or nervous type. He kissed my hand again. I closed my eyes and just relaxed.

"I'm still nervous, but, hey, what you going to do? Just decided it was time for me to make my move..." Mike reached with his other hand and touched the locket. "Thanks for wearing it. Did you take a look inside?" I nodded. "At least this way you know I'm close to you."

"You really are a sweet guy, you know that?" He really was. He was kinda like Chris but different somehow, a good kind of different.

"I've been told that. Eventually, I'll get on your nerves though. I can tend to be a little jealous at times." He started playing with my hand. He must like having some contact with me.

"Depends if you don't get tired of me," Which might happen. I wasn't really that special compared to Mary or Chris. They made their lives very interesting I just kept mine simple.

"I really doubt that," he pulled my arm and brought our faces close to each other. "If I haven't got tired in three years of just watching you and listening to you, why should I now that I have you." He kissed me, gently for a second. "Now that I got you, I won't let you go."

I blushed. I tried pulling my hand and he didn't let go. "I can tell." I laughed and he joined. We were in our own little world. I looked around and nobody was paying any attention to us. Maybe it was because we were so far back.

The waitress gave us our food and we started eating. The conversation was light. Not too heavy and not random. He was a fan of video games, mostly army games, which I couldn't stand. He read sometimes, but it is not something he really likes to do. Also, Mike has two pit bulls, Sandy and Spot. He had a younger sister named Kerry and his Mother was a widow since his dad died from a heart attack.

Football was his favorite sport, but he also liked basketball and soccer. Boy, was Mike going to get a surprise when his dad would find that out. Dad loved basketball aside from football. Crap, how was I supposed to tell my dad?

His favorite season was fall because of the chance of snow and it gave a good excuse to cuddle, which he said he wanted to try with me. He had a swimming pool, so I was invited anytime to swim; I loved swimming. Eventually, we had to leave the restaurant, which made me sad. I was having such a good time.

"So...." He walked me to the door after getting something out of his backseat.

"So...." I didn't wanna say goodbye yet, I would have invited him in, but, knowing dad, he would be still awake, waiting, planning, and ready to ask me all about my date. "I would invite you in but Mary told dad about my date. So, he should be waiting for me inside."

"You didn't tell your dad about our date?" He started walking towards me. For no reason, I pressed my back against the door. "I kinda feel hurt." He put his hand over his heart.

"It's the first date... Dad is overprotective sometimes... Me being the youngest amongst other things..." I played with my hand as I looked over to the side. "I'm kinda surprised that he didn't show up at the game asking about the date."

"What are you doing tomorrow?" He pressed his body against mine.

"Cleaning, washing the puppy, and just watching TV," I smelled him, so nice. There was a hint of cologne somewhere and other scents.

"Want some company?" He took my face in his hand and leaned down. "I understand if you don't." I was waiting for the kiss but nothing.

I hid my disappointment before it showed on my face. He smiled. "Sure, if you want." Taking whatever courage I had, I stood on my tiptoes. Damn tall people again. Our lips met and he put his hand on my back and lifted me a little. He nibbled on my lips and I felt his tongue on my lips, but he pulled away when I was about to open.

"Also, I was wondering if you would do the honors of wearing something for me on Monday?" There was a hint of pleading in his voice.

"Depends..." I was not going to dress like a girl again or anything degrading. Mary was trying to coerce me into wearing something for spirit day. Something pink.... She was still buying me ice cream.

"Nothing bad, remember, I'm not Mary. Just this," He moved his hand from my back and stretched out his jersey shirt. Number 4, Thompson. "Just my jersey."

Usually wearing something like that meant something... Mary told me once but I forgot. "What does it mean?" I took the shirt and out of curiosity I sniffed it and pulled it away from me. It smelled like Mike, but it was Mike with sweat.

He chuckled. "Yeah, you may wanna wash it first I did have it on at the game." He took my cheek with his hand, "Just means that you are mine."


"Really?" I nodded he gave me his killer smile again. "Thanks baby." He kissed my forehead and squeezed my hand. "See you tomorrow around noon, okay?" I nodded.

I was in heaven. I watched him leave and waved goodbye. Somehow I managed to get inside the house only to come face to face with my dad. "Hi Daddy." I hid the jersey behind my back.

He looked at me and smiled. "Hi Natie." He rubbed my head and made his way towards the kitchen. He had changed into his robe. I took a quick stop into the laundry room and put the jersey in my hamper.

When I got into the kitchen dad was drinking some juice. "So how was it?"

I sat down right next to dad. "Pretty good. Sorry I didn't tell you." I gave him a smile. "I didn't wanna tell you yet at least. You know making sure..."

Dad nodded and chugged the juice down. "Nice magazines you had in your room kiddo."

I blushed. Angie was replaced by Mary for the number one spot. "Mary got those for me..."

He nodded and stood up. "What's the kid's name?"

"Mike... Thompson." Dad thought for a minute. "Yeah ,the one from the party. The one beside Chris. You're all buddy buddy."

"Good kid. Really good kid you sure know how to pick them." He put his cup in the sink and turned back to me. "Going out another time?"

"He is coming over tomorrow if its fine."

"You know to use-"

"Don't even go there dad," I blushed. He did not wanna talk about sex again. First Mary, now my dad, what did they think I was sexually promiscuous?

"I know but someday you might wanna have... you know...." Dad blushed; obviously, he did not want to talk about the subject.

"I know. I'm still pure and innocent so don't worry..." I got up and gave him a quick hug. "Night dad."

When I got to my room Rex started attacking me with his front paws. I noticed the magazines were sitting on top of my desk. Hopefully he didn't notice the other objects in the bag. I changed into my pajamas and sat down on the bed. Rex snuggled against my legs and I petted him. After a few minutes of thinking about the date, my cell rang.

"Hello?" I never paid attention to the caller ID. I really should start.

"Hey, how are you? Still on the date?" Mary.

"No, I came back a few minutes ago. If I was, do you think I would answer my cell?"

"You better not. How was it?"


How was that? Tell me what you think about the chapter k? It would have been longer but I wanted to finish with the date. Comment, questions, concerns? Just send me a message and I'll sure reply back.

Next: Chapter 4

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