Loving You

By Nan Valenzuela

Published on Jun 26, 2010


Loving You Shilly Shally

Nate POV

"Same old Mom, huh?" Greg laughed.

Same old mom... "Yeah, remember when you told her to pick us up from your concert and she came, like, an hour late?"

Greg got quiet for a second. "Yeah, you and me had to wait out in the rain."

"She had to play nurse for, like, a week due to our fevers." We both laughed. I wonder why I just remembered that, but I shook my head. Old things were starting to trickle into my head.

Usually I had a bad memory, but now I was remembering all sorts of things. "She could be running late...."

"Like usual..."

"Oh, Angel! Gregory!" A voice rang out from the side. "My babies!"

"Hi, Mom!" I smiled at her. She really didn't change that much. Same long brown hair, light skin, and amazing blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, but traffic." She gave me a hug, and since she was taller than me, my face went straight into her boobs, eww. "I missed you so much honey." She was rocking me back and forth.

"I missed you too, mom, but..." She was not letting me breath right.

"Greg, you look so handsome!" Mom was still rocking me back and forth. "You look just like your grandfather. Big and strong."

"You look great mom. So, is Aaron here also?"

"Yes, he is waiting for us at the entrance, so we should go soon," She started rubbing the back of my head, still couldn't breathe. "Greg, get the luggage, will you, dear?"

Greg gave his yeah and I continued to fight my mother's breasts for air. "Mom, I..."

"My baby..." She was rocking me back and forth and running her fingers through my hair. "I missed you so much! But you are here now."

"Mom, I can't..." Breath.

"You can't what, honey?"


"Mom, let Nate go! He is turning blue!"

"Huh?" She looked down at me and let me go. "Oh, I'm sorry baby." She put her arm around my shoulder and patted my arm.

"It's okay...." I was worried there for a second.

"So, how is school, Angel?" Greg was in the front seat with Aaron and mom was next to me, trying to force me to merge with her.

"It's good. I got all AP classes." Aaron was hot. This is weird, considering his age. He had dark hair with a little grey, peridot eyes, and a good build. If he wasn't with mom, I would hit on him. Wait, what? I thought for a second. He was hot.

"I heard. You got your brains from your mother, as well as her looks." Greg looks more like dad while I look more like mom. I was pretty sure that I got my brains from mom. She had a Doctorate in both human and animal anatomy.

"Yes. Yes he did, my baby..." Mom was still holding me and kissing the top of my head. She still treats me like a baby.

"Mom, why do you still call him your baby?" Greg asked as he tried to find a radio station.

"Because he is, and so are you."

"Then why don't you do this to him?" I frowned, but she didn't see it.

"It's because you are my last baby. Not to mention you are still so adorable."

"No I'm not..." I groaned out and everyone laughed.

"Sorry baby brother, but you are." Greg rubbed my head.

"Very true, Angel, you are cute. I swear, you could pass off as a child." Aaron chuckled.

They were all against me. No doubt about that.

No doubt.


"There is no doubt now."


"Silence. I am still your father, even if I don't want to be."


"Henry-" Mom reached over for dad, but he pushed her away.

"Gloria, don't try to defend him. How on earth can you try to defend... that?"


"Angel, are you okay, honey?" I felt moms hand slide down my hair.

Huh? "Oh yeah, I'm fine. I just had a little headache there."

Greg turned around and stared at me for a bit. I did not like the way he looked at me. Not even one bit.

"We're home." Aaron stopped the car and I looked out the window. Wow. I knew they lived close to the beach, but they were just a short walk away from it. Damn.

"Wow pretty big..." Big was Dads house, this was two of those houses, and then some.

"Why did you get such a big house?" I asked.

"Just in case relatives or children wanted to stay a while or something." Mom took my hand and started for the door.

On the inside, it looked even bigger. My room had a nice view of the ocean. The ocean always had a calming effect with me. When I was all set with my room, I went to the living room to look at all the things mom had collected: antique vases, pictures and so many books.

There was a nice crystal vase with rose designs all over it. There was a little angel on the top and I started reaching up to touch it.

"Be careful not to touch that, it can be broken easily."



"I don't care if you are my father!" He could ground me. Make me eat by myself. Take anything of his away from me, but not my friends.

"As long as you live under this roof you will abide by my rules. No matter what filth you may be."

"I am not filth!" I was having enough of his name calling.

"You are nothing more than a broken man, you disgusting piece of shit!" He started coming my way. Mom was right behind me with her hand on my shoulder.

"I am not shit! You are!"

I fell back into moms embrace as I felt pain and burning course throughout my face.

"Don't you dare touch him again!"


`He is not the same as before.' The words kept ringing through my mind. I smiled. He wasn't. He was still weird about it, that was for sure, but, none the less, he was still trying. That's all that matters, right?

`It was,' I kept telling myself.

"So, are you ready for dinner?" Mom was right next to me as I was still looking at the tiny little angel.

"Yeah, what are we having?" I fallowed her towards the kitchen. Aaron was setting up the table. Dad should take a lesson from him.

"Just a family recipe," She gave me a smile and opened the oven. It was chicken, and, wow, the aroma was amazing.

"You need to show me how to do that." My stomach growled.

"Want a lesson in cooking it?"



"You are going to learn a lesson..."

"What kind of lesson?" I growled out. I let out a small groan when I was back handed.

"A special kind of lesson to take care of your.... attitude."


"Angel, honey?" Mom put her hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, sure, I can always learn more things about cooking." I gave her a smile. It didn't fool her, but she smiled none the less. I was losing my touch.

We ate dinner together and we were deciding what to do tomorrow. We decided to go out and see a few aquariums and visit Aaron's parents. We went to sleep a little before midnight. I felt like I was forgetting something, but I just shook it off and let sleep consume me.

"Wow, just look at those fish..." Greg was right next to me as a small school of fish passed by at the aquarium next year. Mom and Aaron were getting us our lunch. This was the fourth aquarium we had gone to. This was, by far, the best one.

"Look at that one," I pointed to the large, elegant angelfish. They were my favorite, with their long fins and how cute they looked. "Pretty, huh?"

"Maybe, but look at that stud over there."

"Where?" I looked straight ahead of him but I saw nothing but his reflection.

"The guy, duh!" He chuckled and took my head under his arm. "I swear. They call you the smart one..."

"I am smart..." I thought for a second, lower back, just above the waist. "So does this count as smart?" I moved my hand and tickled his lower back and he jumped.

"Hey, stop that!" He glared at me and I smiled, using my puppy eyes. "Ugh, whatever, lets go. I smell food!" Just like Greg. Food was what he mainly thought about. He was right; Mom and Aaron had food on the table.

When we reached the table we surprised mom. "Oh. I was just going to get you guys."

"So, how do you guys like the fish?" Aaron was digging into his burger as he spoke. Mom hit his arm, telling him not to talk when he is eating.

"They're pretty cool but," Greg put his arm around me and took a sip of his drink. "Angel here is more into them than I am."



"So, Angel is your middle name, huh?" Mr. Davis was sitting across from me, writing things down on his notebook.

"Yeah. Dad chose Nathan and my mom wanted Angel." She was about the only person to call me that. Occasionally, Greg did, but my mom mostly used it.

"So, do you know about angels?" Weird question, but I nodded. "They are pure and God's followers. So are you pure and a follower of God?"

Weirder question. "Well, I try to be as kind and helpful as I can." Follower of God, not so much, not much into the church, but I did believe in something else other than us.

"Trying?" Mr. Davis's eyebrow rose and went back down. "But are you sure you are pure?"


"So, what is your favorite kind of fish, Angel?"

"The angelfish," Greg answered for me. "He's a little obsessed with his name."

Aaron chuckled and mom smiled at me. She loved that name since I was named after my grandfather, Mom's of course. But I was still thinking about the little memory thing that popped up. It was the third one, I think.

Mom was being mom, like usual, and each time I bumped into something or fell, she went into nurse mode, even though she was a doctor. My lack of balance was catching up with me again. I was trying to focus on balancing again, but I was losing my focus.

"Oh, watch out; the damsel in distress is back." Greg said after the fourth time that I tripped over my own feet. Grrr. Why now, out of all the other times, did my lack of coordination decide to kick in?

"Angelo, can I barrow your cell phone for a bit?" Greg's cell phone ran out of battery.

"Sure..." I reached into my pocket and, sure enough, it was not there.

"Let me guess, not only are you a damsel, but you are also Sir forgets-a-lot?"

"Whatever..." At least I didn't forget my camera, so I was able to take pictures of our trip. We went to another aquarium but it was nothing compared to the last, however.

"So when are we going to meet your parents?" I asked as we got into the car. It was about seven at night and I was getting a little tired.

"Yes, my parents want to see their grandchildren." Aaron looked at me and winked. He thought of us as his children and so did his parents. Well, from what I know, though, I only talked to them a few times. The only time I met them was at the wedding.

I smiled; they were the only grandparents I had left anyway. Well, not really, but they were like it!

"Give me a hug there kiddo!" Jim gave me a hug as soon as we entered the house. "Got a little taller and grew your hair out, huh?" He rubbed my head. He looked a little like Aaron, but he had that wisdom thing about him. "Hey, Gregory, you're not going to give your grandpa a hug?"

Greg chuckled and gave Jim an awkward hug. Lucy gave us each a hug and started fussing over us. It was a very fun night. When we got back to the house, they fell asleep and I took a shower, but the nagging feeling was back. Was I forgetting something? I heard a little buzzing noise, so I looked at the desk and my cell vibrated again.

I took it and sighed. Damn. Dead. My charger was somewhere in my backpack, but I was tired.

I felt the wind blow across my face and I smiled. It was sure relaxing. There was a small trail next to Mom's house that lead to a cliff where you could look out over the ocean. Aaron had left for work and was going to be back really late. Mom was doing some cleaning and Greg had gone to check out some stores for a special disk he needed.

Sitting down and staring out on the ocean, I felt like I was missing something.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up. What... was... he doing here? "What are you doing here?"

"Is that any way to greet your boyfriend?" Mike sat right next to me and kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back, but I was a little surprised.

"What are you doing here, though?" I leaned on him and closed my eyes. I missed this.

"We got worried about you," he pinched my ass, the perv. "Someone didn't call us like he promised."


"You mean that...."

"Yup. Chris and Mary are talking to your mom right now." Mike gave me a little smile and kissed the top of my head.

"Crap..." I knew I was forgetting something. "Sorry, there was something happening and I forgot."

He kissed my cheek. "Its fine, plus it's been a while since I have been to a beach."

I smiled. "Wanna have some fun?"

I wish I had captured his perverted smile on camera, because I was meaning something else. "Let's swim!" His face fell a little but he brought it back up.

"Sure," He took my hand and we started down the little trail. "So how is it seeing your mom again?"

"Great! I missed her a lot."

"You look a lot like her, you know?" He smiled, leaned down, and kissed me.

"So what, you have going to have a crush on my mom or something?" I poked his arm.

"No, I only have eyes on one member of your family."

"I don't think Greg likes you that way..." I let go of his hand and ran ahead for a bit and did a spin. "Sorry." I smiled at him.

"Yeah, Greg is not my type, but this one is..." He ran a little towards me and lifted me up. "I like..." He lowered me just enough to his face and we kissed.

First it was just a soft kiss. I felt his tongue start probing and I let it in. We fought for a little bit until we heard something right behind us.

"So, giving the neighbors a show, huh?" Mom was smiling; she even gave a little chuckle as Mike put me back on the ground. "So, this is your boyfriend, huh?"

I blushed and nodded. "Yeah..."

"I thought so. Well, come inside, your friends are waiting," She gave me another smile and walked back into the house.

I looked up at Mike and he smiled back at me. Okay, why where they smiling so much?

"You knuckle head; this is what you get for not keeping in touch!" Mary hit me with a pillow as soon as I got inside the living room.

"Sorry..." I gave her a smile. Smiling again... "Can I get a hug?"

"Tch..." She got off the sofa and gave me a hug. "Do you have any idea of how worried we were...."

"Two days?" Well, one full day and two half days, but, technically, yea.

Mary chuckled and scratched her head. "There was nothing really to do back at home, so we took the opportunity to see your mom again and the beach..."

"So, what, am I invisible now?" I looked behind Mary and waved. Chris was sitting next to my mom. "Did you miss me?"

I smiled. Again. "Like, hardly." He smiled and gave me a wink.


--Past-- Elementary school.

"Please don't miss me, okay?" Chris gave me part of his sandwich. We were lucky that we had the same third grade teacher. Different teachers don't always have the same lunch break.

"How long you going to be gone for?" I took a bit of his sandwich and almost gagged. Eww, egg salad, but I didn't say anything.

"One week, but I'll call you every day, okay?" I nodded. "Mom is picking me up in a few minutes. I wanted to tell you in person, though." He had a little blush on his face.

"Okay." I got up and gave him a hug. "I'll miss you, boyfriend."

"Me too," He pulled away from me for a second. He leaned down and I froze. He kissed my cheek and turned redder than I have ever seen him before. "Let's finish before I go, okay?"


"So, any one up for swimming?"

Unfortunately, mom had a few errands to do and couldn't join us. Aaron was off at work, so he was out of the picture as well. So it was just Mary, Chris, Mike, and me.

"Nate, you seriously have got to get a tan..." Mary was right next to me as we started getting into the water. Mike and Chris were talking about something. I made sure not to look at them for long periods of time as they both decided to wear Speedo's, and, boy, did they stretch... At least we were away from the hordes of people on the other side of the beach.

"Look who is talking!" She was, like, one shade darker than me.

"What, I have a tan!"

"Yeah, and I'm the king of rabbits!" Those cute little fur bags.

"Oh shut up! Ready?" I nodded. "GO!"

We both took a deep breath and dived. I swam until I couldn't hold my breath any longer. "You are such a newbie." Mary was a few feet away from me.

Okay, so I couldn't swim or dive that far. "Whatever!" I stuck out my tongue out at her, and it was a very bad mistake since salt water assaulted my mouth.

Mike and Chris got in the water after a few minutes and we played Chicken. Mary was so going to get it later, I swear... I would have beaten her a few times if she didn't keep saying that Mike wanted to blow me. Well, I beat her once. Okay, honestly it was a tie since I used my whole body to bring her down.

"So, anyone hungry?" Mike asked after another game, I swear Mary cheated in that round! She had no right to pinch my nipple!

"Yeah starving!" Mary dodged my little attack to bring her down in the water. "So, wanna get food from the hot dog vendor?" He nodded.

Mike and Mary left to get food, and they both insisted that I stay with Chris for some reason.

"That was not nice of you to pinch my leg..." I splashed some water on his face.

Chris gave me a smile and swam closer to me. "Sorry, but, hey, I had to win, right?" I stuck my tongue out at him and got a repeat of saltwater. I never learn, do I? "Want me to kiss it and make it feel better?"

"Kiss what?" I gagged a little bit. Salt water was so nasty.

"Well..." He got a little closer to me. He was looking at my face, debating over something.

"What are-" His lips were on mine. They were different from Mikes, but I couldn't tell. I tried to push him back, but he put his arms around me. I made sure that my mouth wouldn't open, even if a small part of me wanted to open. This was wrong! Mike could only kiss me!

I opened my mouth, when he pinched my side, and he went in. His tongue was a little shy at first, but it got braver when it touched mine. First, I was solid and unwavering, but something deep down made me weak.

I kissed him back and felt like I was flying again. Emotions were going through my head and I couldn't pin any down to tell what they were.

Getting my senses back, I bit down on Chris tongue, making him jerk away from me, but he still held me.

"What the hell was that for?" Chris took out his tongue and eyed it to make sure he wasn't bleeding.

He kissed me... "Why did you do that?!" I could hear my heart thudding in my chest. I was full blown angry and ashamed of myself. How could I kiss him back?

"I wanted to try it...."

That made me get even angrier. "So, what, I'm nothing but an experiment to you?"

He kissed my forehead. I tried to back away, but he didn't let me. "You are not, trust me. It is just something that I really needed right now."

"Whatever... I'm going to tell Mike..." He finally let me go and I walked a bit further from him. "That better be the last time you need that..." I touched my lower lip, the one he bit. It was still warm and I could taste him and the sea water.

"Who knows, you may like it..." I heard the water splash around him, getting closer to me. "Just answer me something. Do you still love me? Since I still love you and I do mean it. It's still not a joke, like you thought before."

"I-" Couldn't speak. He never acted this way before.

"Nate! Chris! We're back with the food!!!" Mary shouted. I turned towards the coast and, sure enough, Mary and Mike were there. Mary had this big smile on his face and Mike was looking a little unsure, for some reason.

We ate and chit-chatted about our vacation. Nothing really interesting happened at home, aside from Angie starting something that I had to join. I asked, but they didn't want to tell me. They didn't ask why Chris and I where avoiding contact. I was happy they didn't since I didn't know what I would say. I was confused in more ways than one. After another hour of beach time, we headed back to the house.

Mary and Chris were out on the back making a little barbecue. Greg had finally come back from his hunt and was working on his project.

"Mike, can you do me a favor and tell mom I need to talk to her?" I gave my head a little shake. Sea water was bad for my hair, especially when the salt makes my hair knot.

"Sure," He gave me a smile, "I'll be in my room if you need me." I would have given him a shove if he didn't look so hot as he winked at me.

I went up to the attic and used the stairs to get on the roof. I sat on the ledge, and I heard Mary and Chris talking about sports and other things. I ignored it and looked up into the sky. There were a few clouds and the moon was gone, but it was still nice.

"So, this is where you were..." I jumped a little bit and turned around to find mom coming up the stairs. "I was looking for you all over the place." I smiled; Mike did what he said he would.

"Yeah, sorry, I was just looking up at the sky." I turned around and continued to stare out into the ocean. Knowing mom, she must have gotten the house just for this view.

"Got some troubles?" Mom sat right next to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "If you do, then you are more like me, coming up here when something is bothering you.

"Yeah, it's just something to do with Mike..."

She leaned in close to me, putting her head next to mine. "Did he do something bad?"

"No. Just something else... Maybe about someone else..." Chris...

"About what?"

"Love..." And how confused my head was right now.

"Who do you love honey?"

"Mike..." But I also like Chris. Maybe even... Those feeling were dead, right? I made sure they were buried somewhere deep. Right? I couldn't remember when I stopped loving him. Did I stop?

She stopped rubbing my head. "Did you tell him?"

"Not yet, but I will." I was sure of that. I did love him and I would tell him that. My confusion about Chris will not stop me from loving Mike.

"Good." She started rubbing my head again.

After a few more minutes of talking with my mom, I went to find Mike. I had to tell him about the kiss with Chris. I was still confused about that. He told me he loved me for the third time. I wasn't sure when he told me the first time, but I knew he said it before. The second time was at school and the third was today at the beach.

I found Mike in his room listening to music. I walked over and leaned over the bed, giving him a smile.

"Hey baby, have a good time with your mom?" He leaned up and kissed my nose, he laughed when I wrinkled it.

"Yeah, she was helping me deal with something. I have to tell you something though." And hopefully we do not have a Jake fiasco going on.

"Okay," He pulled me on top of him, my ass just above his crotch. Well, more so his stomach, but still. "What is it?" He put his hands behind his head and gave me his attention.

"Well, you see..." I scratched my chin. Now how should I say this? "When we were out on the beach and you and Mary went to go get the food..."

"Sorry it took so long." He gave me his smile. How bad would it be if I made out with him? I mentally shook my head. Focus.

"It's okay. Anyway..." I took a breath. "Something happened and I don't want you to be mad."

Something flashed in his eyes but I couldn't put a name to it. His smile twitched though. "He kissed you, didn't he?"

"Uh..." I nodded. "I'm sorry."

I put my head down and closed my eyes. I felt his hand on my cheek. "It's okay."

"No, it's not." My eyes started to water. Damn, I hated when that happened. When I feel bad, I start crying.

His other hand started wiping my tears. He leaned up and kissed a few away. "He asked me before we came here. The kiss was something he wanted to do so he could know what it would feel like."

I stopped crying and looked into his eyes. He was still smiling. Bastard. He, he should have told me. I was feeling so wrapped up in guilt.

"You bastard!" I let myself fall on top of him. Okay, so it was more like he pulled me down onto him.

He rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head. "Did you like it?"

"Huh?" I got up a little until both of us were facing each other.

"Did you like kissing him?"

Yes. No. I don't know.

"I-" He put his finger to my lips.

"If you did, it's okay. Just know this." He got up but still kept me close to his chest.




"No matter the distance that separates us."

He lifted my hand and kissed it.

"Even if we fight." He lifted the other and kissed it softly. "Know this one thing." He whispered in my ear before he kissed just below it.

"I'm in here forever." I felt his hand rest just above my heart. "As long as you let me. Just call me and I'll come. Running. Somehow."

"Why?" I just had to ask. My heart was pounding.


He stared into my eyes. I stared back, but I was starting to get more confused again.

"I love you."

Okay, now you guys know he is remembering things! He was just not as much before. If you haven't noticed his slight changes in his personality, then poo-poo on you! His friends are sweet huh? Coming out of nowhere to his moms house. Sorry for the long wait... I was running all over the place and I was ignoring my health and got very sick, sorry! College at night then going out with friends at night is very bad... Anyway this story is more or less half done!

Comments? Questions? Blah blah blah?

FYI this would have been more interesting but I just wanted to give mom a little stage time, lol. Plus this way his past can start popping up out of nowhere! Anyway... I'm taking names in for a girl!! So send in any girl name you want! You will find out later what I will use it for!

Next: Chapter 10

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