Luc & Nikos

By hypotenusej

Published on Jul 14, 2024


Before we dive into the third instalment of this mess, I just wanted to remind everyone how amazing and free Nifty is. It's a great escape from real life and it's supported by generous donors. So if you're able, please consider offering your support so this space can exist for years to come:

Okay, let's get onto it. Let me know if you like or hate what I'm up to. I appreciate the feedback!


Luc & Nikos 03

As Luc and Nikos embarked on their day, their minds buzzed with anticipation and determination. They each faced a myriad of challenges that would test their resolve and expertise. Luc headed to his office to meet with Antoine and his team while Nikos prepared for a series of client meetings in the outskirts of the city.

Luc stepped into his office, greeted by the sight of Antoine already engrossed in a stack of drawings and contracts spread out on the table. "Good morning, Luc," Antoine greeted warmly, his eyes flicking up from the documents to meet Luc's gaze. "Ready to dive into our latest?"

Luc nodded, taking a seat opposite Antoine as he glanced over the papers before him. "Absolutely! I still can't believe that our team was selected. I'm so grateful and nervous about it. Every design decision will be judged by faculty and students. We've got to get this right," Luc said, his voice filled with determination.

"We can do this, Luc. Anyway, we do great work. This one should be no different."

"Depends on the project, I guess. Some are better than others, Antoine," he winked, "but we need to be strategic about how we approach this. We've got a tight timeline and we'll need to make sure that we have the resources to meet their expectations."

Antoine nodded in agreement, his expression serious as he considered the implications of Luc's words. "I've already started putting an action plan together," he explained, gesturing to the stack of papers in front of him. "We'll need to prioritize certain aspects of the project and delegate tasks accordingly in order to stay on track."

Luc studied the documents before him, his mind whirling with ideas and possibilities. "We'll also need to consider staffing," he added, tapping his pen thoughtfully against the table. "We have capacity in house, but it's likely that we'll need to bring on additional team members to handle the workload," he sighed.

"Honestly, it depends on how fast the client wants to move. It's usually guns blazing at the start, but once the initial excitement dies down, the pace becomes much more manageable. We need to be thoughtful about who we hire and when. We can't have any dead weight dragging us down."

Antoine nodded in agreement, his brow furrowed in concentration as he reviewed the details of their plan. "It won't be easy," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I have every confidence that we will deliver a killer project. At least they seem to know what they want."

Luc smiled at Antoine's words, a sense of camaraderie filling the room as they worked together to tackle the challenges ahead. "Do they really? You know how institutional clients are: one hand rarely talks to the other. Different groups are always fighting to get their way. We'll need to manage their expectations throughout the process so we don't end up with a `design by committee' dumpster fire and that no one feels that they're being blindsided."

"Agreed. I'll handle the politics and communications. You're design lead," Antoine remarked. "Let's go over the project brief and determine if there are any information gaps. We can set up a meeting with the stakeholders later this week to kick things off, confirm their space needs, and establish a series of visioning and design workshops."

"Great. We can do a lot of this work virtually, but we should start thinking about when it would be appropriate to meet them in person. Let's get to it, Antoine." The two men continued hashing things out well into the afternoon.

Meanwhile, Nikos found himself immersed in a series of client meetings, each one presenting its own set of challenges and opportunities. The first run of meetings went without incident and agreements were made in principle. The financials for his family's company were already looking bright for this year, and the success of the initial discussion significantly improved on that and would help insulate them in future lean years.

Nikos planned to update his father and brother at the end of the day before reaching out to his legal team as needed to draft and review contacts. He hoped the hard-to-be-pleased men would be happy with his efforts.

The penultimate meeting of the day proved particularly tense. Nikos faced a difficult client whose unprofessionalism threatened to derail their partnership. His family had maintained a solid working relationship with this company for years, but now he was dealing with a recently hired representative known for his bullying tactics. `I'm good at reading people and finding agreeable solutions. This will be fine,' he thought. Despite his confidence, the discussion was divisive and unpleasant. Nikos deployed all his negotiation skills.

His business, focusing on high-quality olive oil, wine, liquor, and artisanal cheeses, was well-regarded in the industry with a global reach. His family had built this enterprise over generations, maintaining strict control over their processes, which had been perfected over centuries. This was a source of immense familial pride. Their products commanded premium prices due to the quality of inputs and the time and skill involved in production. The quality spoke for itself.

The point of contention, unsurprisingly, was pricing, deliverables, and schedule. The conversation went in circles, with neither party willing to concede. Nikos was exasperated by the constant roadblocks. Every argument he made was rebuffed. The client demanded a 30 percent price reduction and an unreasonable delivery schedule.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Johnson, but I won't agree to those terms," Nikos stated firmly, his voice tinged with frustration as he pushed back against the man's unreasonable demands. "We need to find a solution that works for both parties or I'm afraid we won't be able to move forward." He continued, "what you're suggesting is unrealistic. None of our competitors would be able to accommodate what you're asking for. What we've put on the table is fair," he offered dispassionately.

Nikos continued, specifically explaining the rationale behind his terms. How his company operated was the reason for the superiority of their products compared to competitors.

"Furthermore, Mr. Johnson, it's clear from your company's sales breakdown that our products generate higher profits for you than others, two to one." Nikos met the client's attempts at intimidation with a cool and collected demeanour that belied the fire within him.

Mr. Johnson's expression darkened at Nikos's words, a stubborn glint in his eye as he refused to back down. "I'm not budging on this, Mr.... Nikos," he declared, his tone dripping with disdain. "Take it or leave it."

Nikos wasn't going to be intimidated by bullies, and he met Mr. Johnson's arrogance with a steely resolve of his own. "I'm sorry, but that's not acceptable," he replied firmly, his voice unwavering. "If you want to move forward, we'll need to come to an agreement that is acceptable to both of our firms. Otherwise, I'm afraid this discussion is over."

"Who do you think you're speaking with, Nikos?" Mr. Johnson asked rhetorically.

He used Nikos's first name instead of addressing him formally. It was a passive aggressive display. He shook it off and made certain that expression did not betray his feelings. "You're a foolish child pretending to explain to me, with decades more experience and a better understanding of this industry, that what your company does cannot be replicated or done better, faster, and cheaper. With a stroke of a pen, I could bankrupt you. You're dangerously close, Nikos. Don't push me," he paused and glared at Nikos.

"Your family has shown me a great deal of disrespect by sending a know-nothing kid to do their bidding." Nikos remained silent and clenched his fists beneath the table, otherwise remaining stoic.

`We're disrespecting him? He's shown nothing but utter contempt toward me since this meeting started. Threatening our livelihood. He's bluffing. Don't take the bait,' giving himself a mid-rant pep talk.

Mr. Johnson continued, "a know-nothing gay kid for that matter. Do your parents know about you, Nikos?" Nikos clenched his jaw as his mind raced. `That's a low blow. Is this asshole expecting me to crumble in front of him and accept those laughable contract terms? Fuck that. I'm done playing.'

And with that, Nikos reiterated his terms, his voice firm and resolute as he stood his ground against the man's unreasonable demands.

"Mr. Johnson," Nikos started, "I assume that your conduct here is not unique to today's negation. Indeed, your reputation is well known, and while I wasn't under the impression that we'd have an easy exchange, I didn't think that you'd undermine my intelligence, knowledge, and preparation as you have."

Nikos sharply inhaled and continued. "I have shown you respect, sir. You have demonstrated that you don't deserve it. You're not acting in good faith." Nikos paused and took a breath. Mr. Johnson was about to start speaking, but Nikos cut him off.

"And threatening to out me to my family? You know nothing about me and my personal life is of no consequence here. And it doesn't even matter whether or not I'm gay. What matters, as far as you're concerned, Mr. Johnson, is that I will not accept a threat like that. This `kid' has worked too hard, has too much experience, and knows this industry too well to acquiesce like you're expecting me to. Since you're unwilling to speak to me in a manner that suits your company..." Nikos trailed off as he picked up his phone and dialled the CEO of Mr. Johnson's company. He put it on speaker.

"What are you doing?"

"Going over your head."

"You can't do that. You're punching above your weight, kid."

"Just watch me," Nikos smirked.

Mr. Johnson was shocked to hear the voice of his CEO. Nikos warmly spoke to the man and had a brief catch up. He quickly pivoted to the matter at hand and briefly explained the status of the negotiation and played the recording of his conversation with Mr. Johnson. The look on the older man's face was smug. He thought his boss would be on his side. After all, he was fighting for their interests.

The CEO exhaled loudly, "this is not who we are and how we do business, Mr. Chronis," all colour drained from Mr. Johnson's as he heard his boss's response to the recording.

"Please accept my apologies. Give me a quick run through of your proposal." Nikos offered a brief summary of the major elements of his presentation and added 10% to the base plus a 5% annual increase for the duration of the agreement, a `fuck around and find out fee,' if you will. "Very well, Mr. Chronis. Have your team draw up the paperwork and courier it to me."

"You'll have it in hand tomorrow morning, Mr. Edson. Thank you for you taking the time out of your day to speak with me," Nikos said.

"Mr. Chronis, it was a pleasure as always. I thank you for bringing this situation to my attention. George, get on the first flight back. We need to talk immediately."

Nikos ended the call. Mr. Johnson shrivelled in his seat, realizing that Nikos was not to be trifled with.

"That took guts, kid. I underestimated you."

"Unfortunately for you, you did. I'm not here to be threatened, insulted or talked down to. You may see yourself out. Thank you for your time today. It was an honour," he said facetiously.

While he was victorious securing that deal, the tension still hummed in his veins like a coiled spring. As Mr. Johnson left the conference room, he could feel the adrenaline coursing through his body, refusing to dissipate.

Taking a deep breath, he reclined in a nearby chair and stretched out, trying to calm his racing mind. Closing his eyes, he pushed the stress of work aside and allowed his thoughts to drift to Luc. The memory of Luc's touch, his scent, and his voice flooded his senses, grounding him in a different kind of intensity.

Nikos smiled to himself as he remembered the playful moment that morning when he grabbed Luc's freshly worn briefs, insisting that wearing them would bring him luck. The intimate gesture felt like a secret shared between lovers, a talisman of sorts. He was also wearing one of Luc's suits, and the fabric, still carrying the faintest hint of Luc's cologne, enveloped him in his man's presence. He felt cocooned, wrapped in Luc's essence, and it was both comforting and intoxicating.

As his thoughts ran wild, imagining Luc's hands on him, the soft whisper of his breath against his ear, Nikos felt a familiar warmth spreading through him. His heartbeat quickened, and he could feel the blood rushing to his groin. He shifted slightly in the chair, trying to find a more comfortable position, but the friction only heightened his arousal.

He could almost see Luc's mischievous smile, hear the teasing lilt in his voice. "Thinking about me, are you?" Luc would say, his eyes dark with desire. Nikos let out a low groan, his mind's eye conjuring the vivid memory of their last night together: the heat of their bodies, the passion that consumed them, the way Luc's fingers traced patterns on his skin... it was driving him wild.

The suit felt suddenly too tight, the room too warm. He imagined Luc's hands unbuttoning the jacket, sliding down his chest, and lower, lower still. Nikos's breath hitched as his hand moved almost involuntarily to his own body, pressing against the growing bulge in his pants. He bit his lip, stifling a moan, but the need was overwhelming.

In the quiet of the conference room, with only the distant hum of city life as a backdrop, Nikos let himself get lost in the fantasy. His fingers worked the fabric of his pants, a poor substitute for Luc's touch, but enough to send shivers down his spine. His hips lifted slightly, seeking more friction, more connection to the man who occupied his every thought.

"Nikos..." Luc's voice echoed in his mind, a siren call pulling him deeper into his desire. Nikos's breath came in short, ragged gasps as he imagined Luc's hands guiding his own, their bodies entwined in an unbreakable embrace. The thought of Luc seeing him like this, desperate and yearning, only spurred him on.

He knew he couldn't finish here, not in this room where anyone could walk in. But the fantasy, the memory of Luc's touch, was enough to take the edge off. He let out a shaky breath, forcing himself to stop before he went too far. With great effort, he sat up and adjusted himself, trying to regain his composure.

The arousal lingered, a potent reminder of what he had waiting for him, and it gave him the strength to face the rest of the day. He had just enough time to collect himself and look through the presentation package for his final meeting of the day.

The group was ushered into the office just as Nikos finished reading the document. He stood to greet the team and began the meeting.

This session went much smoother and everyone left feeling good about the decisions made. Nikos looked at the time. 5:00. It was getting late. He conference called his father and brother and provided a succinct summary of the day's results. The men were typically reserved, so they didn't offer too much positive feedback, save for the results of his meeting with Mr. Johnson.

He got a `good work' for that. If they only knew. The tone of the conversation wasn't negative. That was as good as he was going to get from them. He ended the call and messaged Luc.

`You good?'

`Still at it for at least a few hours. You finished?'

`Just. I'll get a car and come to you. More work for me too.'

`See you soon. Xx'


The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the city as Nikos made his way to Luc's office. The successes of the day should have left him buoyant, but his nerves were still frayed, the tension of the meetings lingering like a stubborn shadow. He longed for the comfort of Luc's presence, knowing it was the only thing that could soothe his restless mind.

As he entered the familiar space, he found Luc engrossed in his work, the soft glow of his desk lamp casting a warm light over his features. Luc looked up and smiled, the sight of Nikos bringing a twinkle to his eyes. "Long day?" he asked gently, sensing the weariness in Nikos's posture.

Nikos nodded, dropping his bag on a nearby chair. "You have no idea. Tell me about your day." It was clear he had a rough one; he looked exhausted. "You first, love. It seems like something is bothering you. Do you want to talk about it?

Nikos shook his head, his jaw set in determination. "Not right now," he replied, his voice tinged with frustration. "I just need to focus on getting through the rest of my work. We can talk about it later," he paused and kissed Luc.

Without another word, Luc gestured for Nikos to sit at the adjacent desk. They had developed a rhythm working side by side, their quiet companionship bringing a sense of calm and focus to their tasks. As the evening wore on, the office grew quieter, the only sounds being the soft rustle of papers and the clicking of keyboards.

Despite the tranquility of the space, Luc could see that Nikos was still on edge. His shoulders were tense, and he rubbed his temples occasionally, trying to ward off a growing headache. Luc's heart ached for him, wanting to ease his discomfort without prying into the details of his day.

Luc stood up, walked behind Nikos, and placed his hands gently on his shoulders. "Let me help you relax," he murmured. Before Nikos could protest, Luc's fingers began to knead the tight knots in his muscles, applying just the right amount of pressure.

Nikos sighed, his eyes fluttering closed as Luc's hands worked their magic. The stress of the day started to melt away under Luc's loving touch. Luc's fingers moved with practiced ease, finding every tense spot and coaxing it into submission. His thumbs pressed into the base of Nikos's neck, drawing a low groan from him.

"You're carrying the weight of the world on these shoulders," Luc whispered, his breath warm against Nikos's ear.

Nikos chuckled softly, the tension easing just a bit more. "Feels like it sometimes."

Luc continued his ministrations, his touch becoming more sensuous, more intimate. His hands slid down Nikos's back, fingers tracing the curve of his spine, before returning to his shoulders and neck. The office around them faded into the background, leaving only the connection between them, the rhythm of Luc's hands and the quiet hum of their breaths.

Nikos felt himself relaxing completely, his body responding to Luc's touch in ways that went beyond mere physical relief. It was as if Luc were pouring his love and care into each stroke, each press of his fingers. The warmth of his hands, the tenderness in his movements, wrapped Nikos in a cocoon of comfort and desire.

Luc leaned in closer, his lips brushing against Nikos's ear. "You don't have to carry everything alone, you know. I'm here for you."

Nikos's heart swelled with gratitude and affection. He reached up and covered one of Luc's hands with his own, squeezing gently. "I know. And I'm grateful for it. For you."

Luc pressed a kiss to the top of Nikos's head, his hands never ceasing their soothing motion. "Just let go," he whispered. "Let me take care of you."

The words, combined with the loving massage, finally broke through the last of Nikos's defenses. He felt the remaining tension slip away, replaced by a deep, abiding sense of peace. He let out a long, contented sigh, sinking further into the chair.

For a while, they stayed like that, Luc's hands working their magic, Nikos basking in the warmth of his touch. The outside world, with all its demands and stresses, seemed distant and unimportant. Here, in this moment, there was only the two of them, connected in a way that transcended words.

As Luc's hands slowed, their touch becoming more gentle, more caressing, Nikos turned his head slightly and pressed a kiss to Luc's wrist. "Thank you," he said softly, his voice filled with emotion.

Luc smiled, his heart full. "Anything for you, my love." They shared a tender kiss, sealing the promise of support and understanding between them. When they finally pulled apart, the weight of the day had lifted, replaced by lightness.

As they got back to work, Nikos asked Luc about his day. "You got sidetracked. How did things go?" He smiled and nodded, encouraging Luc.

"Very well, thanks. I've got lots on my plate, but it's nothing I can't handle," he began, his voice calm but tinged with excitement. "I had a startup meeting for the Architecture School. The client has some ambitious desires, but I think we can make it work."

Nikos turned his head slightly, his gaze meeting Luc's with interest. "That sounds promising," he remarked, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "What were their ideas?"

Luc leaned back, his expression thoughtful as he recounted the details of the meeting. "They want the design to reflect the history and culture of Athens," he explained, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "They're envisioning a modern, yet timeless building that pays homage to the city's architectural heritage."

Nikos listened intently, his interest piqued by Luc's description of the project. "What does that mean? Modern yet timeless. Style goes in and out of fashion as with most things. Some never come back. Rightfully so," he replied, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I have no doubt that you'll come up with something brilliant."

Luc returned Nikos's smile, a sense of pride swelling in his chest at his partner's words and encouragement. "Thanks, Nik," he replied, his voice filled with gratitude.

"I agree with you. I think `timeless' is a hollow phrase. I just want to design a good building that can adapt to changing needs. It's got to be good enough to last at least a century." Nikos nodded. "Our first thought is to reuse as much of the existing building as we can, then add into it. Maybe something in the vein of what they did at the British Museum in London. Of course, not as grand. They don't have that kind of money." Luc chucked and kissed Nikos.

As Luc spoke, his hands moved animatedly, sketching invisible lines in the air, his words painting vivid pictures of the possibilities he saw. Nikos watched him, utterly mesmerized. He had always been in awe of Luc's ability to visualize and articulate his ideas so clearly. The way Luc's mind worked was spellbinding, and Nikos found himself hanging on every word, captivated by the sheer brilliance and creativity that Luc exuded.

"We're also going to incorporate sustainable elements," Luc continued, his voice tinged with pride. "Solar panels, rainwater harvesting, green roofs. It's not just about preserving history but making sure it's ready for the future. I want the students to feel inspired the moment they step onto the campus."

Nikos could see the project unfolding in his mind's eye, brought to life by Luc's passionate narration. The thought of Luc's ideas taking shape in Athens, his home city, filled him with admiration and a deep sense of pride. Luc wasn't just talented; he was a visionary, capable of transforming his ideas into something tangible and beautiful.

As they continued to work, Luc's words flowed effortlessly, describing every detail with a fervour that only deepened Nikos's attraction to him. Nikos found himself drawn closer, his admiration mingling with a growing desire. He was turned on by Luc's brilliance, by the sheer force of his creativity and the confidence with which he spoke.

Luc glanced over at Nikos, catching the intensity in his gaze. "You okay?" he asked, a teasing smile playing on his lips.

Nikos nodded, a slow smile spreading across his face. "More than okay. I'm just in awe of you. Your mind, the way you see things, the way you can bring ideas to life. It's incredible."

Luc's smile softened, touched by Nikos's words. "I'm glad you think so. It means a lot coming from you."

Nikos leaned in, his voice low and filled with affection. "You don't just see buildings, Luc. You see possibilities. You make people see them too. It's... spellbinding."

Luc blushed slightly, his heart swelling with love for Nikos. "Thank you," he said softly. "It's a passion. I guess we both have that in common."

Nikos reached out, taking Luc's hand in his. "Yes, we do. And right now, my passion is you."

The moment was electric, charged with the unspoken connection that bound them. As Luc continued to describe his project, Nikos couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and desire for the man before him. Luc's talent, his creativity, and his unwavering passion for his work were just a few of the things that made him so irresistible.

Nikos reached over to Luc and pushed him backward and straddled him and ground his ass on Luc's rapidly expanding bulge. Nikos looked down and kissed Luc. "I've been waiting all day for this," his thick voice registering above a whisper.

Luc grabbed at Nikos and pulled him down so his ass was grinding his cock. The friction of Nikos's motions through the clothes they still had on was driving them crazy. Their mouths watered as their tongues wrestled, alternating dominance and submission.

"Mmm," Nikos moaned. "I almost dropped a load in your underwear between meetings." Luc groaned loudly at the thought.

"It felt good knowing my cock was surrounded by your cum. I was hard for almost the entire day. I'm surprised I got anything done," Nikos said as he continued to grind Luc.

"What stopped you from finishing?"

"I wanted to save it for you," Nikos winked.

"I've had your briefs near me all day. It took a lot of restraint not to whip my dick out and blast one all over them," Luc whispered.

Luc's left hand was like a vice on Nikos's head, pulling him close to his own, not allowing him to lose access to his thick, delicious lips. The other was wedged in his crack - practically fingering him through the layers of fabric.

"Ugh, Luc, that feels so good," Nikos moaned. He decided he was wearing too many clothes - he quickly moved to lose his pants and managed to help remove Luc's while their lips were still locked. "That's better." The grinding continued, except now Luc's cock, through the fabric of his briefs, was pressing against Nikos's asshole.

Nikos did them both a favour and moved the fabric out of the way. Skin to skin contact. Luc's cock was leaking heavily at Nikos's entrance. With each motion, Nikos's ass started accepting Luc's cock until the head finally popped in.

"Ugh, yes Luc," Nikos moaned. He raised up a bit to get into a better position, and he slowly sank down Luc's shaft. Inch by inch, Nikos was being filled by his man for the first time. It'd been years since he'd tried bottoming. He never particularly cared for it. But since he met Luc, he was determined to give himself to him fully.

The initial discomfort gave way to a shock of pleasure once Nikos had Luc all the way in. "Oh fuck. I took it all," he gasped.

"Yeah you did. You okay?"

"This feels so good," Nikos sighed contentedly as he began riding his man, savoring the sensation of every thick, throbbing inch deep inside him. He quickened his pace while Luc grabbed his leaking cock, stroking it in sync with his movements. "I need you to own me. Fuck me like you're ruining my ass for anyone else."

Luc pushed deeper into Nikos. Hard. "Like that?"

"Ugh. Just. Like. That." Two hard thrusts punctuated the rhythmic pulse of their movement. "Yeah, just like that. Make that ass yours. Fuck. Me," Nikos hissed. Luc was not about to ignore his pleas, so he got to work, mercilessly ravaging Nikos's hole. Both men moaned loudly.

"Is this how you want it, Nik?" Nikos was delirious, head thrown back, and nodded frantically. "Fuck me," he chanted. "Keep going Nik," Luc growled. "It's only you and me. Just us." Luc continued his assault as he spoke, almost hypnotically. Nikos's made eye contact with Luc as he rode him. "The stress is gone... I'm in you... I'm with you, Nik... You. feel. me?" Each word punctuated with a deep thrust.

"Ugh!" Nikos grunted. "Yesss. I feel you." Luc's savage stabs went on until he felt Nikos's ring throb and contract. "That's it, Nik." His ass was pulsating and was in sensory overload. The tension between the men was steadily building as Luc mercilessly fucked Nikos.

Luc locked his gaze with Nikos. The intensity in Luc's eyes, combined with the physical sensations, set Nikos on fire. That look alone was enough to trigger his orgasm. "Let go," Luc commanded in a low, commanding voice. Nikos released a huge load, at least ten shots, saturating his briefs. Luc reached out to Nikos's mound, gathered a finger full of cum, and brought it to his mouth for a taste. That was enough to send Luc over the edge. With a final powerful thrust, he came inside Nikos, each thick shot coating his insides.

With Luc still inside him, Nikos slumped down and burrowed his head in Luc's chest. His legs were jelly, so his entire weight was on Luc, who gently stroked his back and kissed his forehead. Nikos looked up "I love you, Luc. I really needed that."

Luc nuzzled against Nikos's neck, his lips brushing lightly against his skin. "That was... incredible," he murmured, his voice filled with contentment.

Nikos smiled, his fingers tracing lazy patterns on Luc's back. "You are incredible," he replied, his voice equally soft. "I can't believe how lucky I am to have you."

Luc lifted his head, his eyes meeting Nikos's with a tender gaze. "I feel the same way," he whispered. "Now, let's get back to work before we get distracted again."

With a shared laugh, they slowly disentangled themselves, their bodies still buzzing from their intimate encounter. They returned to their respective tasks, the afterglow of their passion lending a new warmth to their work.

Nikos felt a renewed sense of energy as he tackled his tasks, the memory of their shared moments fuelling his focus. Luc, too, seemed more inspired, his hands moving with a confident precision as he sketched out designs and reviewed plans.

"You want a drink?"

"Maybe when we get home?" Nikos suggested. Home?' Luc swooned. He referred to my apartment as home.' Luc smiled "great idea, love. Let's finish up so we're not stuck here for much longer."

They worked side by side, the comfortable silence between them punctuated by the occasional exchange of ideas and affectionate glances. The bond they shared, strengthened by their intimacy, infused their work with a sense of purpose and joy.

In the quiet moments between tasks, Nikos would steal glances at Luc, his heart swelling with love and admiration for the man who had become such an integral part of his life. Luc, sensing Nikos's gaze, would look up and smile, a silent acknowledgment of the bond they shared.

As he was finishing up his last bit of work, Nikos finally felt ready to open up about his day. He glanced at Luc, who was engrossed in his sketches, and took a deep breath. "So, about earlier," he began, his voice subdued.

Luc looked up from his drawings, immediately sensing the gravity in Nikos's tone. He set down his pencil and gave Nikos his full attention. "What happened?" he asked, his voice soft but filled with concern.

Nikos leaned back in his chair, running a hand through his hair.

"One of my meetings today. It was... tough," he began, his voice tight with emotion. "No matter what I said or did, I couldn't get through to this guy. It was like he was determined to get his way, no matter the cost."

Luc listened intently, his brow furrowing with concern as he absorbed Nikos's words. "I'm sorry to hear that, Nik," he replied, his voice filled with sympathy. "It sounds like he was trying to shake you."

Nikos nodded, a heavy sigh escaping his lips as he leaned back in his chair, his eyes flicking to meet Luc's gaze. "He absolutely was! He was sabre-rattling, trying to bully me into bowing to his outrageous demands," he admitted, his voice tinged with frustration. "It's not like I haven't worked with difficult and stubborn people before. Jesus, that'd be a fitting description for my family. I can deal with that. It's just that he was so rude and so disrespectful. It threw me."

Luc reached out to squeeze Nikos's hand in a gesture of support, his heart aching for his partner's distress. "How did you respond?" he asked. "Calmly. I tried my best to speak to him without my emotions getting the best of me. I laid out my case as best as I could. Many times. But he paid me no mind. Called me a stupid kid that wasn't prepared or well-versed in industry practices or negotiation protocols," Nikos paused and looked at Luc.

"Like that wasn't bad enough, he referred to me as a `stupid gay kid.' As if being gay makes me automatically unfit for my role and less than human. And he threatened to out me to my family," Nikos said as he clenched his fists.

"All to get me to accept what he was putting on the table. He doesn't know me. He doesn't know that I'm gay. It was a dirty move."

"Are you kidding me?" Luc paused between each word as he said it. Incredulous at what he just heard, his blood was boiling. His fists clenched.

"I wish. I'm good with being gay. That's not a problem for me. It would be for my dad and brother, though," Nikos shrugged. "It's like somehow he knew that'd get under my skin."

"They'd definitely throw me out of the business and the family if they knew. But that's something I need to deal with on my own and on my own terms. Well... with you by my side," Nikos smiled hopefully at Luc. "But using something like that as a bargaining chip? Fucking disgusting," he sighed.

"I can see why you were riled up when you got here. Can I ask how it went after he threatened you?"

"You know, it's good practice to record meetings so you don't misremember things," Nikos started and Luc's scowl turned into a grin. "The whole meeting had been recorded. So I did what I had to do. I have his boss's number - we've a lot of spent time together outside of professional settings and we get on well - so I called, put him on speaker, explained the situation, and played him the recording."

Luc was riveted and felt a swell of pride. Nikos didn't allow himself to be emasculated. He was emboldened to stand his ground. "How did he respond to the tape?" Luc asked.

"He apologized on the company's behalf then asked to hear what I had to offer. So, I gave him a high level explanation and he was amenable to the terms. I did revise the fees upward in the moment. So, despite the preceding nonsense with that jerk, we came out even further ahead," Nikos proudly said.

Luc's eyes softened with understanding. "I'm proud of you for handling it so well. It takes a lot of strength to navigate a situation like that and come out victorious."

Nikos gave a small smile, appreciating Luc's support. "Thank you. I needed to hear that."

Luc's grip on Nikos's arm tightened slightly, a gesture of reassurance. "You're an incredible man, Nikos. I've seen how dedicated you are to your work and how much you care about doing things above board. It's no wonder you were able to turn things around."

Nikos felt a warmth spread through him at Luc's words. "You sure know how to make me feel better," he said, his voice tinged with affection.

Luc smiled, his eyes twinkling. "That's what I'm here for. You don't have to go through things alone, Nik. Whenever you need to talk or just need someone to be there, I'm here for you."

Nikos leaned forward, capturing Luc's lips in a gentle kiss. "I don't know what I'd do without you," he murmured against Luc's mouth.

Luc pulled back slightly, resting his forehead against Nikos's. "You won't ever have to find out," he promised.

"Come on," Luc said extending a hand to Nikos. "I think both of us are done. Let's go home and relax." Nikos nodded, feeling the last remnants of his stress melting away in the warmth of Luc's presence.

Next: Chapter 4

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