Lucas and His Downfall

By Lucas .

Published on Jan 7, 2020


Disclaimer: If you are under the age of 18 and it is illegal to read this story between consenting male adults, then please stop reading now. This is my first story so would love any feedback you have. Please send all feedback to


Me- Lucas (20 year old)

Boyfriend- Taylor (20 years old)

Chapter One

My life was going well, 20 years old, had a nice steady office job which I liked if not loved, and boyfriend who was so sweet and caring and who one day I honestly wanted to marry. And yet despite being in love with him I couldn't help my urges. See we had been living together for about a year, having been dating since we were 13 and a few weeks ago in our wardrobe I stumbled on an engagement ring which he was clearly planning on giving to me and I was over the moon. But then it hit me, he was going to propose, which meant I was going to say yes which was what I wanted because I did love him, and therefore we were going to get married. And even though this was all I ever wanted ever since I first lay my eyes on him in school, I was terrified, and I didn't know why....

I was happy right? I wanted to spend my life with him, right? Then why did I feel like this? Suddenly, as I was holding the ring in my hand staring into the wardrobe asking myself these questions, I heard keys in the front door, quickly I placed the ring back in the box and placed it back where I found it, before racing downstairs to see Taylor swinging open the door. As he dropped his work bag to the floor, I came over to him, planting a big sloppy kiss on his lips.

'Hey, you're eager, you okay?'' he chuckled, before returning the kiss. Stumbling over my words I replied ' haha umm yeah I'm good uhh just happy to see you''.

Trying to ease his suspicion I asked `'So, work been okay today?''

`'Yeah not been too bad I guess, how about you?'' He replied.

`'yeah yeah yeah, was good thanks definitely'' I said, coming off as blubbering idiot. Clearly, he sensed something was wrong, so to stop him from asking I leaped forward into his arms, straddling him, planting kiss after kiss onto him. As he started kissing me back, he started to struggle to unbutton my shirt, before growing in frustration and ripping it off me. Before carrying me up to bed and fucking me till he came. And yet still, as his cock was pushing in and out of my ass my mind just couldn't concentrate on what was happening, instead wandering and thinking about the ring in th wardrobe next to us.

As I lay in bed that night I couldn't sleep as much as tried. Looking over to my boyfriend I saw him lie there fast asleep. To try to get my mind to relax I decided to watch some porn and jerk off, as this had helped me many times before when I couldn't sleep. As I searching through different videos and some erotica I started to get horny but yet I still couldn't find the right video to truly get me off. And that was when I did something which changed my life forever....

.... As I opened up the play store on my phone, I searched, found and then downloaded Grindr. My horniness had taken over me, as I decided I needed someone to play off of in order to satisfy myself. As I started to make myself an account, I paused as I noticed Taylor begin to stir net to me, however, he quickly rolled over onto his side facing away from me. As I lay there next to him, my eyes scanned back over to my phone, before I finished making my account with my profile just saying:


Got a boyfriend so not looking for anything real, just need someone to get me horny.

And then a picture of me in this skimpy bathing suit Taylor had brought me, with my face cut out of it.

After confirming my profile, I started to feel awful, shocked that I would even think of cheating on my boyfriend and future husband, even if in my mind I thought I was never going to actually meet any of the guys on Grindr. Suddenly, I felt an urge to run towards the toilet where I promptly threw up. That night all I did was sit there by the toilet feeling dreadful.

The next morning as I woke up still by the toilet, I decided to call up work on our home phone to tell them I wouldn't be in today as I was ill. As my boyfriend woke up, he saw how pale I was and asked me if I was alright, and I just told him the in the night I was ill. Giving me a kiss on my forehead, he told me to rest well, before he left for work.

As soon as he left, I realized I had left grindr open on my phone all night, and rushed over towards in order to delete it, when I saw this message from this guy with a blank profile. Against my better judgement I decided to open the message where all it said was:

Hi Lucas

The message freaked me out, I had purposefully left my name out of my profile, and my face from the image, so how on earth did he know my name?! At this moment I should have just deleted my profile and left it there but instead I decided to reply saying:

Me: Whos this?

Mystery Guy: Just somebody boy

Me: How do you know my name?!!!

Mystery Guy: You'll find out soon enough

Me: Dude just leave me alone, I don't want any of this

Mystery Guy: That's not your choice, now meet me on the Retail Park in 30mins, otherwise I'll tell your cute sweet boyfriend Taylor all about your online escapades

Oh god he even knew Taylors name I thought to myself. I loved Taylor and never wanted to hurt him, but who knows what would happen if I didn't show up. Resigned to my fate I decided the only thing I could do to save my relationship was go meet this guy and beg him to not say anything to Taylor. Quickly I walk over to our meeting area- as I arrive I realise I have no idea what he looks like, and open up Grindr, when a message pops up:

Mystery Guy: Good to see you're not a complete idiot

My eyes dart up searching for a man on his phone, but to no avail.

Mystery Guy: Don't bother looking for me- you'll see who am I in due course. Now head into the shop behind and wait for further instructions.

Reading the message, I start to question what I'm doing, before deciding my bet chance of getting out of this is just following what he says. So I turn round and head into the shop, which turns out to be a large home-furnishing store. As I start walking around the store, I get another message which reads:

Mystery Guy: Good boy, now go down one of the isles, and pull down your shorts before sending me a pic of your ass.

Me: What?!!! Please no! I cant do that

Mystery Guy: You can and you will. Or do you want me to message your boyfriend?!! And if you disobey once more you will pay for it

Knowing this my only chance of keeping my boyfriend, I looked round to make sure no one was near, and pulled down my trousers and underwear, before taking the picture of my ass and yanking my clothes back up. Hesitating, I pulled up the grindr chat and sent the pic to him.

Mystery Guy: Good boy but did I tell you could pull your clothes back up?

Me: umm no

Mystery Guy: then why did you?

Me: I don't know sorry

Mystery Guy: good now as punishment take of your underwear

Checking my surroundings again, I rushed to pull off my underwear, holding them in my hand.

Mystery Guy: Well done, now walk into the bathroom, and enter the last stall

Me: Okay

Still grasping my underwear, I began to walk over to the store bathroom, as I walked, I could feel my cock moving about loosely in my trousers. And somehow despite how terrified I was and how much my mind was telling I didn't want to do this, my cock had begun to get hard. As I entered the bathroom, I searched round checking no one else was with me, and then entered the last stall. For about five minutes I waited, still questioning my decision to follow this man's instructions. As I debated what I should do next, I heard the bathroom door open as another man walked in entering the stall next to me. At that moment I received another message from my mystery guy telling me he was in the stall next to me and to slip my underwear underneath the gap in the stall.

After passing my underwear to him, I started to panic that I may not get them back, meaning I may have to walk back to my house without underwear. Just then, I got another message from him.

Mystery Guy: I've got one final task for you, and if you do this I will never tell your boyfriend about you're Grindr. Agreed?

Me: Yes! Thankyou!! What's the task??

Mystery Guy: All you have to do is strip off completely, exit the stall, and take a piss in the urinal. If you do that you need to not worry about your Grindr account.

Me: Okay, I'll do it

Despite being frightened someone might walk in on me completely naked, I knew my relationship was more important than my dignity. So, stripped off my top and trousers, and slowly walked over to the urinal before taking a piss. Thankfully, nobody entered the bathroom before I could scurry on back into my stall and be finally over with this nightmare of a day. However, just as I entered the stall again and closed the door my heart sunk; my clothes were no longer there.

To be Continued

Hope you all enjoyed. Chapter two hopefully coming soon. Any and all feedback welcome at

Next: Chapter 2

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