Lukas and the Shah

By Emri S.

Published on Sep 19, 2023


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--------------------- Story Recap: Lukas, an athletic California 17 yr-old with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tight body, loves Ari, a wealthy, muscled, 25 yr-old Persian who dominates his boy. Lukas is off to a good start at his new high school. He has a friend in Dylan, a tutor in Nasim, and an enemy in Riley.

----------------- Lukas & The Shah Ch.13- The Boy & The Pup By Emri -----------------

"I am his father. It says this on his registration card. There is his birth father's name, and my name. What is the problem?" Mr. Khorasani said as he sat next to me in the counselor's office. I was wearing my track uniform, the thin material of the tank top and small running shorts. The uniform wasn't designed to be worn in a cold office like the school counselor's. I shivered and felt the bandaged scrape on my arm.

"I understand that, but this is an unusual situation and I need to hear back from his birth father before I can discuss this and release him," the counselor said.

"This office is too cold for him and he is inured. I'd like to take him home so he can clean himself and put on proper clothes. He is not in trouble is he?" Mr. K asked. He had his arm across the back of my chair. He rubbed my shoulder to try and warm me.

"Not exactly. We can not condone fighting of any kind. Even if he was defending himself, he should have gone to the coach instead of taking a swing like that," the counselor explained.

"Lukas took a swing at someone? Who? Why? My boy does not fight! Who attacked him?" Mr. K looked at me with concern.

"I'll discuss it when we can get ahold of his father," the counselor insisted. Dad wasn't answering his phone. He'd been missing all week and no one seemed the least bit concerned except for the school counselor.

Mr. Khorasani sighed and took out his phone. He stared with a look I hadn't seen before. He was always so in control of his emotions, but his eyes fumed with heavy annoyance. He'd assumed the role of my father for the past few months and this was an unwelcome challenge to his authority.

He hit a few buttons then spoke in Farsi to someone. He stopped talking and set his phone down on the counselor's desk then put it on speaker phone.

"Hey, uh hi! Hello?" my dad's voice said and then he cleared his throat. He sounded out of breath and a little hoarse like he was sick.

"This is Steven Smith? Father of Lukas Smith? This is one of his school counselors, Mr. Jordan." The counselor's tone changed when he spoke with my father. It wasn't as harsh. This wasn't the same counselor who had met with me in Mr. Khorasani's office. That one was out for the afternoon so Mr. Jordan was handling me.

"Yes. Mr. Khorasani is there with you, right? He usually handles school things," dad said like he wasn't sure why anyone had called him.

"Well yes, I just wanted to get an accurate picture of his home life before we decide where to go with this," the counselor said.

"Ok... well he lives with the Khorasanis and they are helping out. We just moved here and I'm getting work and things settled. We thought it would be easier for him this way. Is he in trouble? Lukas is never in trouble. Just raise your voice a little and he'll settle down. Did he do something?" dad asked. He was confused.

"He's having trouble with another boy on his track team and things are getting out of hand," the counselor began to explain.

It started at the tryouts when Riley was trying to compete with me. He'd even thrown the baton into the grass at the relay when I'd handed it to him by mistake. Things hadn't gotten better the rest of the week. My times were improving and Riley had been messing up. He seemed to think I was his only competition on the team even though neither of us was in first place. Still, my times had outpaced his by a growing margin and instead of trying harder, he tried to derail me.

"And that brings us to today when Riley tried to shove Lukas into the locker and your son took a swing at him. He caught Lukas on the jaw and then Riley shoved him in and got the door closed on him." The counselor continued.

"He put my son in a locker?" Dad said with surprise and anger.

"This is unacceptable! What is being done?" Mr. Khorasani demanded.

"Well another boy found him when he came in to change for football practice. He heard Lukas banging and called the custodian who cut the lock off and let him out," the counselor said.

"He locked him in there? This is supposed to be a place where children are kept safe. Who was watching them?" Mr. K. was turning red with anger.

"No one watches them in the locker room. That wouldn't be proper." The counselor cleared his throat and looked at us with discomfort. "When we got Lukas out, we saw he had a cut on his arm and a few other places. The nurse cleaned it and patched him up."

"My poor boy! An innocent boy is attacked at your school and what is being done?" Mr. Khorasani was fuming. I could tell he was ready to carry me out of there like a five year old.

"The other boy is being dealt with. I can only discuss his discipline with his family and the authorities. We were concerned when we couldn't get ahold of his father on the phone. He really should be down here. This is a very serious situation," The counselor said.

"Oh yeah I've had my phone put away while I'm working. I'll add more phone numbers to his card where I can be reached," dad was fumbling for an explanation. He sounded completely out of sorts.

"His father is here. I will be here whenever the school calls," Mr. Khorasani assured.

"Right! Mr. Khorasani has my full support and I made sure to list him on things. I can come up there if you need me. How is he doing now?" Dad asked.

"I'll update the student file so he is the primary contact," The counselor was starting to realize that Mr. Khorasani was the one in charge here.

"Well, the other serious matter is that he hasn't spoken at all since they found him in the locker. He had been banging and yelling and that might explain some of his injuries. We only found out who was responsible from the coach grilling the team. Lukas has just been silent even when the nurse was attending to his injuries," Mr. Jordan looked down at his desk as if realizing what a mess this was.

"You haven't, have you?" Mr. Khorasani asked me. He put a finger under my chin and lifted my eyes to meet his. I quickly lowered them.

"I'll take him home. He needs to see a doctor and rest. He'll feel better with his family around him," Mr. Khorasani said and stood.

"Yes... Thank you, Mr. Khorasani. I'll be there as soon as I can," dad said though I knew he probably wouldn't. Whatever he had going on, he was completely wrapped up in it. I wanted to tell him not to bother, but my mouth wouldn't work right now.

It felt like I was out of my body, hovering over it and watching. I watched Mr. Khorasani pick up my backpack and then gently ease me to my feet. I watched him lead me out to his car. He was dressed for work and I remembered that Ari was across town at a late Friday meeting.

"It's ok, my heart," Mr. Khorasani said when we got outside the school. "You talk when you're ready. I'll take you to our doctor and then home to rest." He kissed my forehead when we got to his car. He put me inside then reached across me to buckle my seatbelt like my arms weren't working. I was injured but I couldn't feel any pain. I couldn't feel anything at all.

Riley and I had argued. He was being a real asshole in the locker room. He didn't start in on me until Dylan had left. Dylan was in a rush to get to practice and I was stupidly taking my time and texting with Ari. I should have been paying attention to my surroundings.

"Is that your boyfriend? That old dude? Is he coming again today to leer at us? Is that how you get him off?" Riley had asked as he peered over my shoulder and read.

"Watching your clumsy ass fall over hurdles gets people off? Is that what your husky girlfriend comes to see?" I'd joked back.

It had gone downhill from there. We'd argued some more and then he took my phone and put it on the top shelf of an empty locker. When I went to get it, he started trying to shove me in. I turned and tried to wiggle out of his hold. He was a little bigger than me and had better upper body strength. He was pushing me in and I was pushing back. When his hands slipped, I turned and caught him in the jaw with my elbow.

He backed off and put his hand to his jaw. I felt bad for him and thought I'd hurt him seriously but then when I let my guard down he kicked me back against the open locker. He came at me and rammed me with his shoulder. I fell back into the locker. It wasn't huge, but just barely big enough to hold a small me. He slammed the door shut and I couldn't figure out how to unlatch it from the inside. He'd had enough time to get his lock and secure the door then ran off.

I was only in there for a few minutes, but the cramped, musky box felt like a coffin and turned my anxiety up to full blast. I don't even remember banging or screaming, but soon enough a custodian was freeing me and taking me off to the nurse.


"Here we go, little heart," Mr. Khorasani said. I looked up and realized we were at the doctor's office. He came over to my side of the car and took me out of the passenger's seat. He lifted me up against his chest and held me like a kid.

I could walk just fine and I normally would be embarrassed to be carried in public even though we were in a small parking lot shrouded by trees. For some reason, my body clung to him. He seemed to know what I needed.

He took me through a set of glass doors and down a long corridor to an office. He said something in his language and a lady's voice responded. I buried my face in his suit and didn't look up. He waited for a minute then we followed her voice down another hallway and into an exam room. He laid me down on one of those leather-cushioned beds with a paper strip covering the top. I looked up at him like he was Superman.

The doctor came in, an older man with a white beard and big hands. He started talking to Mr. Khorasani in their language. They moved over to me and started poking around at my injuries. Mr. Khorasani pushed me to sit up and he slid off my tank top. He laid me back down and they looked over my chest and discussed me in Farsi.

I felt like a pet at the vet, but then again I wasn't able to speak. I tried, but my lips wouldn't open and no voice came out. I couldn't make it work. I did whine a little when he rubbed over a bruise with a small cut on my upper arm.

"There, there, little one. Daddy's here," Mr. Khorasani assured. He rubbed my hair and looked at me with sad eyes.

"He isn't too bad. The other boy must have been about his size. When kittens fight they don't do serious damage," he said and offered me a smile. He thought I was a kitten.

They must have decided to check my lower half next, because Mr. Khorasani pulled at my small running shorts and eased them down my legs then off of my running shoes.

I laid there in my briefs and shoes as the two men looked me over. Mr. Khorasani put his hand on my stomach and rubbed it back and forth in his attempts to soothe me. What he didn't realize is that's where Ari usually rubs me when things first start to heat up between us.

"Well that still works," the doctor laughed and pointed at my briefs where there was a growing tent pole. Mr. Khorasani looked me in the eyes and read my horror.

"It is fine, no need to worry. We are all men here," he said. He took my shorts and covered my crotch with them. The doctor finished his inspection then took my temperature and felt my pulse. He moved my head around and saw no damage then he shined a little flashlight in my eyes and looked in my ears and throat for some reason.

"He should be fine. Three cuts, four small bruises plus the bigger one on his arm. I'll write up a report. Watch him and call me if anything changes," he said. He hugged Mr. Khorasani and then left us. Mr. Khorasani dressed me again. He didn't take note that my erection hadn't gone down.

When we got home, he made a hot bath for me and helped me out of my clothes. He waited until I got into the water and then went to change out of his suit. He rushed back in two minutes later wearing only a pair of shorts and carrying a t-shirt. Seeing I was ok and hadn't drowned, he put his shirt on then leaned back against the counter and watched me wash myself.

"My Arisht is rushing home. Friday traffic is not kind to him, but he will be here soon," he told me. I nodded and rubbed myself with the soap. I dropped it between my legs and leaned forward trying to find it. It evaded me and went behind me.

Mr. K came and knelt by the tub. He reached behind me and grabbed it with a laugh. I smiled at him and he rubbed the soap up my back. It should have felt awkward being here naked in the tub while he washed me, but it didn't. My dad was right. Mr. Khorasani had taken his position. He soaped me up tenderly, taking extra care with my injured places.

"It doesn't look as bad now that you're cleaned up. The doctor said you are more traumatized than physically injured. We will help you when you're ready to speak. The cuts are small and will heal quickly with your youthful skin," he noted and kissed my shoulder.

I turned to look at him with grateful eyes. He leaned his head forward and I did the same until our foreheads touched. I rubbed mine against his, like a puppy wanting petting. He laughed and kissed my cheek.

"You are so beautiful, little one. It is no wonder you attract trouble. I saw how that boy looked at you during the tryouts and practice. It was more than competition. He struggles with what he sees in you, struggles to understand it. It is wrong that he expresses it with anger and hurts you. It reflects his own desire to hurt himself," Mr. Khorasani explained.

I didn't understand what he meant. Riley was into girls and he hadn't even been friendly with me, much less flirty. I turned my head to the side and gave a look of confusion.

"I know you don't see it, but Arisht and I do. It is why we are so protective of you. Those big blue eyes, perfect face, and natural blonde hair are exotic around here. Even men who don't have the attraction to other males are confused by their feelings for you. A sweet, submissive boy with a delicate but athletic body brings out feelings that may be new and confusing to them, especially for a boy his age," he continued.

I smiled and raised my right arm to flex it for him. He squeezed my bicep and laughed.

"I know. You are developing nicely with our workouts. But you will never have the mass of our men. You're not built for it. You're more compact like your father is," he noted.

I pressed my lips into a hard line and my smile disappeared. I gave a worried look at that. He hadn't wanted to discuss my father, but today's events showed just how detached he'd become.

He sighed as he read my thoughts.

"I know, little one. I am not pleased either with your father. He has discovered a new world and it is too exciting for him. It doesn't mean he has lost his love or care for you, but my brother can be a very demanding... employer." That last word took a long minute for him to find.

"I spoke with Teza. He will remind your father of his duties. They are coming soon. I expect things will improve." Mr. Khorasani rubbed shampoo into my hair and then eased me back to rinse it. He helped me finish and then wrapped me in a fresh towel as I got out of the bathtub. He helped me into a pair of sleep shorts and a tank top then put me into bed. He left the lights on but tucked me in for a nap.

Ari came in just as I was nodding off. I propped one eye open and watched him look down at me with concern. He had on black dress pants and a light blue pin-striped button up shirt without a tie. They hugged his muscled physique and had me reaching up for him.

"My princess," Ari said and began to strip out of his clothes. He tossed his work clothes into my closet then pulled on a pair of shorts and got under the covers with me. He pulled them back and began to look me over.

"You are hurt. Father says you are not speaking. My angel princess. It was that boy who gives you trouble at the practice! We will speak with his father! If he was real man I will fight him on my own, but he is boy like you and is best his father to deal with him!" Ari said as he turned me over and inspected my minor injuries.

I wanted him to hold me, but honestly I wasn't in the mood to be inspected again. The school nurse, counselor, Mr. Khorasani, and the doctor had all poked and prodded me everywhere I was hurt. I really just wanted to sleep. As much as I loved when he went full daddy on me, I was over it for now. I nuzzled into his chest. He could see how tired I was.

"Ok, my heart. You will rest." Ari hugged me against his chest with a protective arm and used his other hand to grab his phone and work on some business emails. I nodded off against his heartbeat. I thought sleep would be good, but instead I was pulled back to the night before.

Mr. Khorasani had taken me last night to Nasim's house to study for our calculus quiz. Nasim was set up in his bedroom to work with me, but Mr. Khorasani derailed his plans. He insisted we work at the table. Nasim's house had a massive open area with the kitchen, dining, and living rooms all flowing into each other.

Mr. K set up with Nasim's dad to play cards at the oversized kitchen bar while we worked a few feet away through calculus problems. Nasim had been annoyed and Mr. K took note of it. He realized his son's fears weren't unfounded.

When we'd come home, he spoke with Ari about it in their language. Ari had a satisfied smile on his face and told me to get ready for bed. I'd woken up ready for the quiz and I think I did well. It had been a great day until my run-in with Riley.

Ari woke me up for dinner. He hadn't moved the whole time I'd slept. He'd been there holding me, rubbing my back, and playing with his phone. When he saw I was awake, he dashed off to the bathroom and I heard him peeing for a solid three minutes. He must have held it.

Dad came on time for dinner. He was wearing jeans and a blue t-shirt with a deep v-neck that showed his hairless pecs. Both the shirt and jeans were tight on him and didn't look like something he'd normally wear. Mr. Teza was behind him with his hand on dad's shoulder. He was dressed in a tight white polo shirt, small blue shorts, and loafers. He looked like a Persian frat boy with his black hair gelled up perfectly.

"Hey, buddy," dad said in that voice he used when I was sick. He came to me and pulled me in for a hug. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there," he whispered.

I nodded and shrugged then put my head on his shoulder. He felt like he was getting more muscley. I hadn't seen him in a week. Mr. Teza came over next and put his arms around both of us. He hugged us as dad hugged me. It was tight and awkward. I looked at Ari with alarm.

"Be gentle with him. He is injured," Ari said. He reached for me. Mr. Teza kissed the top of my head then let me go.

"Where are his injuries? I can't believe a boy at his school would do that. Can't you afford private school for him where he will be looked after? Those public schools are useless and full of hoods," Mr. Teza said.

"It was a jealous boy from his track team. I will make sure they are better at supervising him," Ari said defensively. He made me turn and show them the places where I was hurt.

"He's still not talking?" Mrs. Khorasani said as she came in with Mr. K behind her.

"He used to do that when he was a kid. One time I got up in the middle of the night to find him in my bed. I thought at 12 he was old enough to watch a horror movie. He didn't talk until the next evening when I tried to put him to sleep in his own bed. Sometimes a little square of dark chocolate perks him up. It helps when he's sad," dad noted.

The five adults stared at me and debated my condition along with the best remedies for it. I tried to disappear into Ari's chest. He hugged me protectively.

"Well a good meal might help. Let's eat," Mrs. K finally said. She patted me on the head and nudged me and Ari towards the dining room.

Mr. Teza had brought bottles of wine. He set them on a sideboard and dad opened them and poured glasses for all the adults. I got a glass of something that tasted like watermelon juice.

We ate lamb and roasted vegetables. I was happy that the conversation drifted away from my injuries. Mr. Teza talked about how things were going at the warehouse.

"Steven has a great mind for engines. Not much else, but with engines he's good," he said. Dad laughed and blushed. He didn't look at me. Watching the two of them gave me some insight on what was going on.

In some ways Mr. Teza was treating him like Ari treated me, but it wasn't as gentle or sweet. The way he touched dad, a hand on his shoulder, an arm across the back of his chair; there was definitely an affection there. But then at other times he treated him like the help. He sent dad to refill his wine when it was empty, but I noticed dad hadn't even touched his own glass. I knew very well that dad couldn't pass up a glass of wine or a beer. It was still full from the first pouring.

Mr. Teza urged him to eat, but made him stick to meat and salad. He'd given dad a silent head-shake of disapproval when he picked up the roasted potatoes. Dad had set them back down and went for the salad instead. Dad loves potatoes. Then with dessert, dad said he was full and didn't have room for the Persian cake Mrs. K had made. It was very unlike him.

Then there was dad's slip of the tongue. At one point he'd said Master Teza instead of mister. He quickly corrected it, but didn't look over at me. And then there was the way he looked at Mr. Teza. He nodded and smiled at everything the muscle-bound Persian daddy said. He leaned towards him throughout the dinner and always lit up when he was touched by the man.

"Eat, my love," Ari whispered when he noticed I was completely caught up in observing my father. "Eat and then we go and rest." I nodded.

I looked at the plate Ari had picked out for me. It was a piece of lamb with some rice and vegetables. He picked up my fork when I didn't move quickly enough. He scooped up a piece of meat and some rice then told me, "Open." I did and he pushed it past my lips then said, "Chew."

Only Mr. Khorasani was watching us. No one seemed to think it was strange that Ari fed me, but I took the fork from him anyways and blushed. I chewed what he'd given me and swallowed it then went for more.

"Good girl. Keep going," Ari whispered and winked at me before going back to his own meal.

I wanted to ask about the apartment search, but I couldn't make the words come out. I knew dad hadn't been looking and suddenly that thought made me upset. After all we'd gone through with him wanting me to live out in the desert and be miserable... Something inside me wanted to make him say it out loud.

I wanted him to say that he planned to move in with Mr. Teza and leave me here with the Khorasanis. Ari wasn't going to bring it up and neither was Mr. Khorasani. Neither of them wanted to talk about me leaving here. That's when it occurred to me that I didn't want that either.

We finished our meal and then settled into the living room. The adults had more wine and I noticed Mr. Teza leave his empty glass and take the one meant for dad. Mrs. Khorasani noticed too and she silently brought dad a glass of the watermelon juice I was drinking when she came to refill my cup.

Ari went to sit on the end of one couch. He brought me down next to him and secured his arm around me with his hand holding the center of my chest. I snuggled into his warmth, ready to go back to bed with him. Mr. Khorasani sat beside me and put his arm around his wife. Dad and Mr. Teza sat on the other couch.

"So Lukas... We've been thinking," Mr. Teza began. I looked up at him. He had one arm across the back of the couch behind dad who sat and held his juice cup with both hands like an awkward boy. Dad looked down at his lap as if unsure whether or not to speak.

"My home is almost as large as this one. It has a guest room, an office, and a home gym. We could turn one of those into a boy's room for you so you could spend some nights with your dad," Mr. Teza said.

"Your home is not close to his school like this one. It would be inconvenient," Mr. Khorasani cut in. He looked at his brother with eyes of steel.

"For weekends it would be nice if Lukas could spend time with his father. Is this not what you wanted?" Mr. Teza asked Mr. Khorasani. I remembered earlier Mr. K had said he'd talked with his brother about my father's absence. I guessed that this was the result.

Mr. Khorasani didn't respond.

"We can fix up the room with things you like. You could decorate it and we can get a boy's bed for you. You can pick out whatever you like at the furniture place," Mr. Teza said.

So that was the plan then. Dad wasn't going to get an apartment and I noted that he didn't say there was a room there that belonged to my dad. Were they sleeping together? Was my dad gay? I had so many questions and my voice wasn't working.

"He sleeps in a regular bed and he already has one here," Ari stepped in. I wanted to speak up. I felt like I should say something here. I should ask dad what was going on with them.

"Sure... I'm making an attempt here. What do you think, Lukas?" Mr. Teza looked at me. Dad looked at me like he wanted to speak too. He had that look like he wanted me to be ok with what was going on, like he was hopeful I'd be happy with things.

"Lukas isn't talking right now," Ari said then added, "I'll discuss it with him."

Ari pulled me in tighter and stroked my chest, making me yawn.

"Fine. Just know that my home is always open to you, Lukas. It is important for a boy and his father to have time together. You should get to bed. I hope you feel better," Mr. Teza said.

I nodded at him and smiled.

"I'll tuck him in," Ari said. He nudged me to stand up. My dad got up too and then Mr. Teza. I got hugs from both of them and Ari did too.

"I hope you feel better. I know they'll take care of you. Call me when your voice comes back. Ok, kiddo?" Dad hugged me and rubbed my shoulder. He held me for a long time then backed off.

"Goodnight, Lukas. I know they will keep that boy away from you. And you always have a place in my home when you want to visit or if you want to stay," Mr. Teza said when he hugged me. He kissed my forehead. I couldn't read him. He sounded genuine and I didn't doubt he would welcome me there, but he didn't have that natural fatherly protectiveness or affection for me like Mr. Khorasani did. He seemed more like he cared for my father and me by extension. I wasn't offended by that.

"You know what?" Mr. Teza said suddenly as I was turning to leave.

"Yes?" Ari said for me.

"You two boys are coming over tomorrow for lunch! Yes! We will grill by the pool and swim. Lukas can spend time with his father," Mr. Teza said as though this was decided.

I eagerly nodded and smiled. Dad hugged me again as Ari held my hand protectively. He probably didn't want to go and do that. I probably should have waited for him to signal one way or the other, but I didn't. I wanted to see what was up with dad.

Ari led me off to bed. We brushed our teeth together at the sink and then I washed my face and flossed. He stripped down to his underwear and crawled into bed beside me. He held me from behind and put his phone in front of me. We watched funny youtube clips until I fell asleep.


"I'm liking my silent Lukas," Ari joked as we drove to his uncle's home. I'd spent the whole morning glued to his side. We ate breakfast together, worked out, and showered. Being by his side was protection. Even though we were in his father's home where no one would harm me, I still didn't feel sure.

Whenever he got up to check his phone, I'd followed. When he went to pee, I leaned against the counter and watched. He went to wash his hands and I peed and then reached out to grab his arm when he turned to leave. I needed him near. I don't know why I felt this way. It had to be more than just the attack from Riley or being trapped in the locker. Something about that dark, musky, metal box flipped a switch in me. I didn't feel safe on my own.

"I hope you'll talk again soon... I miss the little jokes and questions, the way you demand I hold you the way you beg that I talk for you in my language." Ari sighed. I looked at him with sad eyes. I wanted to make him happy. I wanted this to be fixed.

He held my hand as we drove. His uncle had a house up on an old, narrow road that clung to a hillside. Ari turned off onto a crumbling driveway that made a turn between two steep hillsides and stopped at a carport where there was an expensive sports car parked next to a large SUV. I didn't see dad's truck.

Ari pulled off to the side and then helped me out. He got our day bag from the trunk. It had swimsuits, sunblock, and flip flops. He'd also packed Kherse the stuffed panda in case I needed a nap (He really thought of me as a small child).

Ari led me up to the house where dad was already waiting with the door open. He had on a tight pair of jean cutoffs that hugged his thighs and a red tank top with a picture of snoopy on it. He looked like he was gaining muscle in his arms and legs. His torso looked leaner than I'd ever seen it. Dad hugged me excitedly and pulled me in.

"Wait till you see this place! It's got everything!" Dad was practically bouncing. He led me into a large open living room where the roof was two floors above us with huge glass windows at the top. The walls were a crisp white and lined with brightly splashed abstract paintings or red and blue. There was a huge, long leather couch of dark gray and cement floors covered in a shiny coating with swirls of black and blue underfoot.

"This is the biggest TV you can buy! He has every game system hooked up to it and he gets every sports channel on earth! We fell asleep last night watching Japanese Nascar! Japanese!" Dad was in full bro mode. He pulled me along. On the side of the living room was a steel stepped staircase that zig-zagged up to an open loft.

"The bedroom is up there with his office. The guest room and gym are downstairs,," dad said. He was so happy that he inadvertently dropped a bomb without thinking. The bedroom? He hadn't said "my bedroom" or "his bedroom." I wanted to call him on it, but my voice evaded me.

"This kitchen! I'm still learning how to cook, but I can grill in it really great!" Dad pulled me under the second floor loft to a kitchen that jutted out over the hillside with a view of the city.

"And look at that view! You can see downtown and everything!" Dad pushed me towards the window and leaned over my shoulder to point things out.

"Back here is the guest room and the gym. There's an empty room down below so we could move the gym there if you'd prefer that one! Mister Teza said you can pick!" Dad pulled me down a small hallway that had two bedrooms and a bathroom.

"The cleaning lady comes often so it should be pretty spotless and you wouldn't have any chores to do here," dad said as he opened the bedroom doors. The two rooms were identical except one was shaded by thick trees and the hillside out its windows while the other was bright and had a view of the city. Ari came into the guest room behind us and set out bag down.

"You just pick and we'll fix it up for you. It would be great having you here." dad looked at me with hopeful eyes. I had so many questions. It was like he'd joined a cult or something that had completely changed his identity. Except for his love of sports and engines, I didn't even recognize him.

"Hello! Welcome," Mr. Teza's voice boomed from behind us. He came in wearing just a pair of small swim trunks that barely covered his powerful thighs and a pair of white deck shoes. He greeted Ari with a hug then came to me. He hugged me then kissed my cheek and kept his arm around me.

Dad continued his tour of the house, but he didn't take us upstairs to their bedroom. He showed us the large, private yard carved out of the hillside. It had a long pool for doing laps, a big deck with a grill, and a wall along one side that kept the backyard from sliding off the cliff.

"Ari helped me build that wall a few years ago when I bought the place. I moved here for college years ago and the rest of them followed a few years back," Mr. Teza said. "Beautiful, isn't it?"

I nodded as he pointed towards the view. It was an amazing house. Dad went to get the pool skimmer and took a few leaves out of the water while Mr. Teza pointed out the tall buildings and told me their names. Ari looked around like he was bored.

"Why don't you boys get changed for the pool?" Mr. Teza suggested when he'd finished.

Ari and I went to the guest bedroom where he'd put our bag. He closed the door behind us and we got our trunks on. Mine was a dark blue with light blue fish swimming across it. Ari's was a shorter square cut red suit that accentuated his bulge and bubble butt. Mine was longer and meant to be modest. He didn't like showing me off. We finished just as Ari's phone rang.

"Is business. I talk quickly. Don't go to the outside before I sunblock you," he said. I nodded.

I went out of the guest room and closed the door to give him privacy. I looked out of the kitchen window, but they weren't in the backyard. I went to the living room and heard them talking upstairs.

"You worry too much. I won't have my boy hiding, especially not from his own child. It's ridiculous. He will adjust and accept you," Mr. Teza said.

Dad didn't respond, but I heard what sounded like a kiss then footsteps coming towards the landing. I raced back into the kitchen as they bounded down the steps.

"I don't hear them. They must have gone out already," dad said.

The footsteps stopped on the ground floor and I heard another kiss. I peeked around the corner to see my father's back. He had on a small white speedo. My eyes widened at that, but even stranger was Mr. Teza standing in front of him. He slid his arms around my dad and their heads turned to kiss.

I froze, staring at them. My father never showed that much skin and the rest of his body was completely hairless and pale. It accentuated his muscles and showed he'd been working hard. Outlining his frame was Mr. Teza's furry, muscled, almond skin. He wrapped his muscles around my father and gave his ass a playful squeeze.

"Your boy is injured and your only concern right now should be for his care," Mr. Teza told dad as he pulled back from the kiss. I moved back a little, but he didn't notice me. His eyes were locked in a dreamy stare at my father's.

"I felt like such an asshole when his school called. I know I haven't been there for him, but it's not like he doesn't have plenty of support," dad said.

"A man takes care of his baby first. You made a beautiful baby. We will make many more, my little puppy," Mr. Teza added a little growl and rubbed his middle finger between dad's cheeks. Dad started to shake his ass like a puppy wagging his tail with excitement. It was weird, but he laughed and made Mr. Teza smile.

I felt a twist in my stomach but it wasn't disgust. I'd never seen my dad like this and, strangely, the first thought in my head was if Ari would want to have children with me. I hadn't thought much about that. Ari would tell me we don't need to think about that right now. He was all about calming me down when I went manic with things like that.

"He's always been a cute kid. He has his mother's looks. She was so beautiful," dad said. I knew how much he still loved her and begged for her to come back. It suddenly occurred to me that I hadn't seen him look at someone else like that until he met Mr. Teza.

"He is very well cared for by my brother. I know he would be sad to have him leave, but I'd be happy to have him here." Mr. Teza stroked dad's hair and kissed his cheek while still rubbing his middle finger between dad's cheeks. It was gross but sweet. I could tell he really cared about my dad and wanted him to have a good relationship with me.

"He's so happy there and it's near his school and his boyfriend. Once he met Ari, I knew he'd never want to leave. Thank you for opening your home to him... and to me. I just want him to know he always has a place with me." Dad leaned forward and rubbed his nose against Mr. Teza's like I did with Ari.

"You're my boy. You never have to worry for him. We'll take care of him in whatever home he chooses. Either way, he'll be Ari's in ten months. Just focus on having a nice day with him and take it one breath at a time. I don't want my little puppy pissing his pants worrying about what other people think. I do the thinking for us. Right, pup?" Mr. Teza said. I was kind of taken aback by that but then...

Dad nodded and let out a few soft barking sounds. What the eff was that?

"That's my good boy. You will be on your best behavior and there will be a nice reward in your puppy bowl tonight." Mr. Teza scratched behind his ears then laughed. He looked at dad like he was the most adorable thing he'd ever seen. It was weird, but I guess it worked. Who was I to judge?

Mr. Teza looked up as he kissed my father and our eyes locked. He didn't look at me with surprise or shock. He just stared at me as if asking what I thought. I didn't know what I thought. I'd never thought of a scene like this. I stared and hugged the side of the wall separating the living room and kitchen.

"All is good, my heart," Ari said as he came out from the guest bedroom behind me.

His voice shocked my father out of his tender moment. He turned his upper torso, but Mr. Teza's hand on his ass kept him from turning completely.

"Oh. Hey kid," dad said with a tone of guilt. He tried to push off of Mr. Teza's chest, but the Persian man held his boy like Ari held me. I knew his struggle.

"Lukas, you forget sunblock," Ari said as he made his way to my side.

He froze when he saw what I was looking at.

We all kind of stared speechless at each other.

"How do you feel about this, Lukas? It's good to see your father happy again, no?" Mr. Teza broke the silence. The truth was out so there was no need to explain things.

I looked at Ari for help.

"I am sure Lukas only want for your happiness," Ari offered as he put his hand on my back. I nodded vigorously and forced a smile. Dad sighed and the tension drained out of his body.

"I was going to talk to you," dad said. I just shrugged and shook my head. There wasn't much to discuss. My dad was just like Mr. Khorasani had always said. He was a boy like me.

"He needs a hug. Go to your child," Mr. Teza said and let him go. Dad came over to me and hugged me, his strangely smooth chest matched my own.

"I love you so much and I know I put you through craziness this last year and I'm so glad you're ok," dad gushed. I thought he was going to cry, but he didn't. He held me and laid his face against my shoulder. Ari kept his hand on my back.

"I love you too," I said to dad in a weak voice that made my throat feel strange.

"His voice returns!" Ari exclaimed. He hugged me from behind while dad still held me from the front.I felt the air being pushed out of me from the two men holding me tightly. I got another hug from Mr. Teza after dad let me go.

"You are a very good boy," he whispered to me then kissed my neck.

Ari slathered me in waterproof sunblock and we headed out to the pool. Dad did the same then followed us out with Mr. Teza. The pool wasn't super deep so i could stand on my feet in most of it. We splashed around and I got to hold onto Ari's back while he swam and carried me.

I kept stealing looks at dad and Mr. Teza. They splashed around in the pool a little, but then he sent dad to get the grill ready. Dad fired up the grill then wrapped a towel around his waist and went inside to get the meat ready.

"I'm glad you two came over. You can see why your father has been distant. I'm going to change that. You two are welcome to stay here whenever you like. You might find it a little easier to spend time together away from my brother's eyes." Mr. Teza was trying to tell us we had a place to fuck. I blushed and buried my face into Ari's back.

"It would be good for him to spend more time with his father, but on school nights he should be in our home and focused on his studies. But it would be nice for him to have a room of his own here where he can be near his father on weekends," Ari said. I knew how desperately he wanted to get me alone, but he was also committed to his father and knew that his home was the best for me.

"Of course. Weekends are better for us as well. I will give you a key for when you want to bring him here. We can go tomorrow and pick out furniture for his room. It will make Steven happy to know his boy has a place in our home." Mr. Teza swam over to us and I looked up at him again.

"Perhaps the gym room would be best for Lukas. The guest room sit below your bedroom, Uncle. The other is under your office," Ari said.

"Oh... Yes!" Mr. Teza nodded at that. I got what they were saying.

"The meat is ready for the grill," dad called as he came back out. It was still weird seeing my father in a speedo. I knew Mr. Teza had chosen it for him. Dad wouldn't have picked out something like that on his own. Mr. Teza got out of the pool while dad stood by the grill holding a plate with some kind of meat on it. Dad handed him the plate then got back in the pool.

He swam over to us and asked me how my first week of school had gone. He listened happily as I told him about my classes, friends, tutoring, and the track team, but he kept looking back at the man on the grill. I was happy to see him so into someone. He'd never looked at Denise like that.

We ate lunch on the deck under a large sunshade. Ari and Teza had steaks while dad and I had a really good lemony grilled chicken. There was a really good salad too. Ari fed me a piece of his steak. It was thick and red in the middle, but it tasted like perfection. I only got one bite.

Dad showed me pictures and videos on his brand new phone that nearly matched the latest one Ari had gotten me. He showed me pictures from a Lakers game they'd gone to and a custom Ferrari he got to sit in.

"It was so badass, Luke! I only wish I'd gotten to take it around the block," dad said.

"It's a two-hundred-thousand dollar vehicle. I don't think my friend likes me that much," Mr. Teza laughed and rubbed the back of dad's hair.

"Oh! And check out this video! He got me a drone! Look at that! It's our neighborhood from up high." dad pulled up a video of a camera shot lifting up from the driveway and hovering over the house. He glowed on and on as the shot whooshed over the neighborhood and up into the hills.

It was good to see him so happy. He seemed like he'd really found a home here surrounded by Mr. Teza's endless adventures and toys. We had a nice time and I ate about half my lunch before yawning and snuggling up under Ari's arm.

"Someone needs a nap! Lukas always gets worn out by the sun. He used to sleep the whole way home from the waterpark I always took him to." Dad laughed.

"That was years ago!" I protested. Dad used to take me twice a week every summer because his old job had free passes.

"Why don't you boys go shower and take a nap? Don't worry about the mess out here. He likes to clean," Mr. Teza said and gave dad's hair a pet.

Ari lit up at that comment. He shoveled the last few bites of steak into his mouth and grabbed my hand, pulling me away as he chewed.

"How you feel, my love?" Ari asked as we stripped out of our swimsuits and got under the hot burst of water. His thick cock swung between his legs. It was half hard and ready to play.

"I don't know. This is so weird! I mean he's... gay... right? He's gay?" I wasn't sure.

"He is who he is. Obviously he make you with your mother... so..." Ari spread his hands out with a shrug as the water poured over his perfect stack of muscles.

"I'm so confused. I'm glad he's happy, but what does this mean? Will they get married? Do I call your uncle, dad? Do I call them both dad? He was playing with his butt and he called him puppy! He said he would put something in his puppy bowl. Do you think he makes dad eat out of a bowl on the floor like a dog? Do you think they're into weird stuff? Do you think..." I was going a mile a minute. Ari put his hand over my mouth and kissed my cheek.

"You are work yourself up, my love. I know how calm you," he said. He used his other hand to push me down to my knees so I was eye to cock with him. He took his hand off my mouth then gripped his cock and put the tip against my lips. I looked up at him with needy eyes.

"Thank you, sir," I said with a smile then dove on his thick monster. It finished hardening almost as soon as it pushed through my lips. I felt my right cheek bulge as his cock pushed it out and aimed for my throat.

"This always calm my boy. Take your pacifier, little one," Ari said. He put a hand under my jaw and held it steady while he slid in and out until I gagged and sputtered on his thick slab.

"Ank u, ir," I tried to thank him while my mouth was stuffed with his delicious offering. He smiled at me as I stared up at him. Our eyes locked. He always wanted me looking up at him when I went down on him. He liked to watch with amusement as my inadequate mouth tried desperately to please his angry snake.

"I know how works my princess," he assured. He sped up, pushing into my throat as I struggled to keep up. My throat still felt weird from my voice not cooperating, but his cock soothed it and seemed to stretch the muscles that had evaded me. Sucking him pushed all the worries and thoughts out of my brain. It focused me on what was really important, pleasing him.

He held my head with one hand under my jaw and the other on the back of my head. He kept me still while he slid in and out of my mouth and let out a satisfied sigh of pleasure.

"Feels so good, but... is nap time for you and we waste water here," Ari said. He pulled me off his cock and I gave him a look of deep sadness.

"But I..." I started to protest, but he brought me back to my feet and kissed me. He poured bodywash over us and our hands worked it into each other's chests. He rubbed my back, worked it into my ass, and even spread it over my cock as it pointed up happily. I cleaned him too, except he didn't let me between his cheeks. His ass was always off limits.

Ari rinsed us and then turned off the water. We dried quickly then he checked that the hallway was clear and silent before leading us naked to the guest room.

Ari turned on the television mounted on the wall and it glowed to life with a music channel playing weird country songs. Ari tossed the remote on an empty chair and then came at me.

"I don't like country music," I said.

"It matter not! Is only cover for the music of your moaning baby noises and beautiful pussy pounding noises my cock make." Ari looked at me like my mind was on the wrong thing.

"Ok, but maybe just..." I grabbed the remote and clicked until I found a pop station.

"This waste time! You come now!" Ari demanded. He grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the bed. I let the remote drop to the floor. He stretched out on the bed and pulled me over him so my chest was against his and my hard cock rubbed against his stomach.

"My beauty. I am so sad to see you hurt," Ari said and kissed the bruise on my shoulder.

"It doesn't hurt, just a little sore," I assured him. He kissed up my shoulder and then nibbled on my neck.

"My perfect one. I will make sure he is off track team or else you will not return to it," Ari said and licked my cheek then rubbed his nose on mine. He put his hands on my ass and squeezed my cheeks then rubbed a finger down between them. He touched my hole, the magic button that made me gasp and forget about anything else going on. It was my reset button.

"Uhhhh, yes, daddy. Please, fuck!" I whined and buried my lips against his neck.

"Open for me, princess. Let daddy fill your pussy like you need." He pushed the finger against my hole and I breathed in to relax it for him. His other hand rubbed up to the center of my back. I whined again as his finger pushed in and rubbed me.

"There we go. That's my good girl, so ready for daddy. I give you what you need, no?" He kissed my cheek and pushed the finger in deeper. I put my teeth on his shoulder and bit his skin softly.

"Yes, sir. Yes, daddy, Fuck my pussy," I begged. I licked at his shoulder and sucked his dark skin with my lips.

"I bring your potion. Is in the bag," Ari said and slid the finger out of me. "Go and get." He smacked my ass playfully. I was a puddle of happy in his arms, but I quickly scrambled off of him and found our bag. He had brought little sample packets of the lube we liked. I took two and tossed them to his waiting hands. He caught them with one hand and motioned for me to come back to him.

"Show me that pussy. Bring it here, little princess," he ordered. I came to his side and he grabbed my hips. He turned me and lifted me up and over his chest so my ass lined up with his waiting tongue. I squatted over him as he held me by my ass and lowered me down to his lips. His warm tongue shoved into me and I squirmed happily. He lowered me and I put my feet on either side of his pecs so I could ride his tongue.

"Oh fuck that feels so good, daddy," I whined and bounced on his tongue. His lips caressed my cheeks as I impaled myself on his thick, wiggling tongue. He put his hands on my thighs just under my cheeks and did bench presses with me on his tongue. I leaned forward and steadied myself by putting my hands on either side of his waist. I licked at his cock while his tongue explored me. He lifted and lowered me on his fat, pulsing pussy-licker until I was howling and begging for his cock.

"Fuck, daddy. Fuck me. Please! Please! I'll do whatever you want but I need your cock!" I was begging, bargaining, and bowing for him in desperate attempts to earn his seed.

He bounced me a few more times and wiggled his tongue inside me as my nuts banged against his chin and my cock thumped against his chest. He pushed me up with a powerful thrust that had me sprawling out over his chest and stomach.

"Ok," he said nonchalantly. "I fuck you now."

"Pretty pussy," He noted as he gave my ass a hard smack with both of his hands, one on each cheek. He rubbed his thumb over my hole and used it to push me forward. I looked back at him and whimpered. His lion was taking over and he was ready to get rough.

"On your back, my angel," Ari growled. He pulled his legs out from under me and jumped up to kneel on the bed behind me.

I flipped over and stared up at the ceiling, that's when we heard noises that made us stop. There was a few smacking noises and then some muffled moans before a loud, repetitive creaking noise.

"Oh gross!" I said and Ari looked up then looked back down at me with a goofy grin. He laughed. Ths was exactly why he'd told Mr. Teza I should move into the other room where the gym equipment was. He knew it would be better if we couldn't hear each other.

"This no good, come!" Ari leaned down and I put my arms around his neck. He put one hand on my ass and lifted me up against his side. He grabbed the lube packets and a towel then carried me next door to the gym.

"Here is better," he said as he kicked the door closed behind us. He set me down on my feet then laid the towel over the weight bench.

"Is it strong enough for that?" I asked. Ari could work up a good pounding.

"We find out. If no then I buy new," he laughed. He tore open one of the little lube packets with his teeth and squeezed it out over his cock. He stroked the hard, throbbing meat as it leered angrily at my hole.

"Fuck," I hissed just looking at it. I reached for my own cock and gave it one stroke, but then remembered he didn't like me doing that. He knew he could make me cum from a good fucking. I let it go and it waved angrily over my tummy.

"Here we go, spread that pussy for daddy," Ari said. I put my legs in the air and spread my cheeks with my hands so he could get at my hole.

"Fuck me, please, sir," I said in my most polite voice. Ari shoved two slick fingers inside me and lubed my hole up for his cock. He rubbed around until my sensitive pussy made my stomach tense and jerk with waves of ecstasy.

He gave my hole three rough shoves with the fingers and then pulled them out and wiped them on the towel under me. He lined his cock up with my hole and started to push in.

"Fuhhhhhk," I whined as it slid in. The fat tip pushed through my ring and lit up my runway. It shoved an inch inside me before he stopped to let me adjust. I gritted my teeth and hissed. He put a hand on my stomach and rubbed to settle me.

"There you go. That's my good girl. Open that pussy. Let daddy do his job," Ari praised as he slid into me.

"Yes sir! Please! Fuck!" I whimpered. I looked up at him with wide blue eyes as he stretched me.

"My innocent baby... so pretty when daddy fuck that pussy," he growled. He shoved in another inch then leaned down and kissed me as I gasped for air.

"Yes, Daddy! Please!" I cried as he started to push in deeper. I was learning how to take him, how to breathe and keep my eyes on his so he could gauge my reactions and how much more I could take. He was so careful with me when everything inside me was dying to be fucked hard and pounded into the weight bench.

"Oh shit that pussy's so fucking tight.... Shit that feel so good, fuck!" Ari was getting into it.

I bit my lip as he pushed in deeper. His cock seemed endless and so thick that it touched every part of my hole and made my cock dance back and forth.

He got to a good point and then leaned down to kiss me. He held his cock there while his arms rubbed my back and lifted me up off the towel and into his chest. His tongue slid past my lips and wrestled mine. I closed my eyes and soaked him in. His hot, sweaty muscles cradled me as his fat cock forced me open.

"My angel," he said with a smile that quickly turned to a lust-filled groan as he started to fuck me.

"Fuhhh," I gasped as that thick head started to drag out of my hole then plunge back in. It scraped against the sensitive parts that electrified my skin and made my eyelids flutter. He grabbed my ankles and put them on his shoulders then kissed up my right leg.

"So fucking good it feel," Ari mumbled as his lips kissed up the ticklish parts of the bottom of my foot. His lips found my toes and he sucked in the first two.

"Uhhh!" I was whining nonsense while his fat cock plowed me and he licked and sucked my toes.

He started to piston my hole with his Persian snake. He pounded my pussy as sweat rolled down his perfectly chiseled pecs and landed on me.

He reached down and put two fingers to my lips to pacify my increasingly louder cries of gratitude and ecstasy. I sucked them in while he fucked me in a rough and steady motion. He slammed into my hole and looked down at me with huge brown eyes filled with tender passion.

"I love you... so much, baby princess," he swore when he let my toes slip from his lips and leaned down over me. He took his fingers from my lips and slid his arms around me while pounding me into the weight bench. It rocked back and forth but held us valiantly.

He hugged me against his chest and let his lips kiss down my cheek. I lowered my lips to his shoulder, biting and sucking on his skin as he drilled me. He pushed in deeper and faster, letting his cock slide out only halfway before shoving back into me.

My body shook under his hold. His cock touched off rapid fire sparks in me that made my eyes roll back. I gritted my teeth and breathed him in as he bred my pussy.

"I so close, baby," he hissed as he bit on my ear and hammered me. My cock was leaking precum from rubbing against his chiseled abs and his cock pounding my happy spot.

"Fuck so good... I... huhhh," He growled and shoved in deep. I felt his cock go rigid and shoot hot cum into my hole. It pushed me over the edge and I felt a gush of cum building from the base of my shaft and shooting straight up and out. I hit his chest with hard lobs of boyjuice. He filled my hole, burying his cock deeper than he'd ever been. I was painfully stuffed, but the feeling of his seed shooting in me had me overwhelmed with ecstasy.

"Fuck!" I muffled my screams into his shoulder and he pulled me in tightly as our bodies twisted and jerked together on the sturdy weight bench.

He pulled out a little and then shoved back in. My hole clenched down on him and milked that fat cock for the seed my pussy desperately craved.

"Daddy!" I whimpered against him. My cock shot off rounds of white seed that would have gone far if he hadn't crushed me in his steel cage of muscles. It pushed the air out of me. He held me so tightly against him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his shoulder. I breathed in his skin. He pumped his cock in and out of me a few more times, milking the last of that precious seed and giving me all he had.

"My love... my world... my boy," Ari gasped. He kissed my neck and held onto me like I'd disappear if he eased off. We laid there breathing each other in. His lips made feeble scrapes against my neck as he huffed in air.

I slid my hand up the back of his neck and cradled his head. His lips pushed in against my neck, and his long, dark eyelashes fluttered butterfly kissed against my cheek.

"I'm your puppy?" I asked, suddenly remembering the scene of my dad in Mr. Teza's hold.

"You're my life," he whispered.

We laid there together recovering our breath and then he wrapped the towel around me and carried me off to the bathroom. We cleaned each other and then dressed to settle in for a real nap. The house was totally silent. If my dad or Mr. Teza knew what we were up to, they weren't intervening.

I didn't know what all this meant or what would happen with my dad. It was a lot to think about and kind of overwhelming. Ari cradled me against his chest and rubbed my back until I fell asleep against his heartbeat. His warmth helped me forget about the day or at least push it back in my mind so I could get some rest.

He kissed my hair and whispered that he loved me. I echoed it with a yawn and let my hand slide over his pecs as the afternoon sun filtered in between the curtains. The overthinking could wait for another day.

+++---+++ My Blog: My Stories:

Next: Chapter 14

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