Lukas and the Shah

By Emri S.

Published on Aug 27, 2023


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Story Recap: Lukas, an athletic California 17 yr-old with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tight body, has a boyfriend named Ari, a wealthy, muscled, 25 yr-old Persian who dominates the "innocent" boy. Ari took Lukas to a club where he was injured in a scuffle and now they must work extra hard to earn their fathers' trust in their hopes to stay together.

. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ . {Lukas & The Shah} . [Ch.9- The Apple and His Trees] . ~By Emri~

"This sunblock looks crazy expensive. It's all in French," dad told me with a chuckle after I chose the spot on the beach for us and laid out the towels. Two beach towels were all he'd allow me to carry even though my shoulder was feeling better. Those orders were from Mr. Khorasani. It had been a week since I fell and hurt it in San Francisco. The bruise had faded from dark purple to a light green that Ari assured me looked like a bad-ass tattoo... of a glob.

"It's SPF 100 and waterproof up to two hours!" I laughed. The Khorasani men were strict in their resolve to keep the sun away from my skin. They were working today but dad had come to see me and it was crazy hot in Glendale so Mr. Khorasani suggested we head down to the coast.

"They certainly look out for you. Mr. Khorasani is protective of you. It makes me feel ok having you there," Dad said and shook his head like he was thinking.

"He's not you, dad! You were always the best dad I could ever want," I said. Dad always felt bad that it was just me and him. He wanted to marry again and have brothers and sisters for me. He wanted that big family like he'd had growing up. It never worked out for him like that.

"No! I know that. I meant that it's nice seeing you with a big family that cares so much about you. It was just always you and me... and I worked crazy hours... It's just good to see you get that kind of care." Dad sounded like he had some heavy thoughts running through his brain. He'd been in contact with Mr. Khorasani every day this week and it was changing him.

When dad showed up this morning to spend the day with me, he'd had a different approach to the Persian patriarch. First off, he'd called him "Mr. Khorasani" with respect and he'd listened with attention when Mr. K explained the importance of sunblock and which beach was the safest to visit. Dad had even repeated the instructions on which route to take even though we'd visited Seal Beach tons of times and dad knew the way.

There was a weird shift in things and it made me think back to the comment Mr. K had made on Sunday morning about me being a light boy, a weaker boy who needed protection. He'd said that my dad was the same, that we'd always be smaller men.

Sure dad isn't a muscle man, but he's a rough and tumble car mechanic who can fix anything. Maybe he isn't as tall or built as the Khorasani men, but he'd kept me safe for 17 years. He definitely wasn't as domineering as my Persian protectors, but that was just his way. Dad had always been more laid back and quieter. It didn't mean he wasn't as capable.

"I know they feel so bad about your injury on the street. I told them you're clumsy!" Dad set up a sunbrella in the sand to shade us. Mr. K had insisted on it as well.

"It doesn't even hurt anymore. They make a big deal over me like I'm some prized pet," I sighed... like I didn't love it. I started slathering the sunblock over my arms and chest.

"Yeah I don't get that!," Dad started. "You begged to get a job and even wanted your driver's license last year. You pushed so hard for independence and now you're like a five year old! I'm not complaining. It's good to see you more disciplined and not hanging around the old loser friends you had in Desert Springs. Mr. Khorasani says you can pay your way through college working with them! He says you have potential in the business world. You have options I never imagined."

"Things are so different here with Ari. I don't mind it and they're all so nice and encouraging. Getting to work on Mr. Khorasani's office makes me think about having a real job someday. I feel like I have a future," I said. I didn't tell him the future I hoped for was moving in with Ari... Honestly I hadn't thought about much else. But if dad was happy and thought I was doing well here then I wasn't going to argue against that.

We spent the morning just hanging out under the giant umbrella and talking about goofy stuff we hadn't been able to discuss in the last few weeks apart. Dad told me things with Denise weren't going so well and he wasn't sure they were going to work out. That worried me. He'd be alone out there.

He asked if things were really getting serious with Ari and I wasn't sure how much to tell him. I knew I wasn't going to tell him sexual things. I just said we were really getting along well and I loved him. I started to say that I dreaded summer being over soon and having to go back to the desert to live with him, but I didn't want to even bring that up. I was hoping he'd forget about it and not make me go back. I also didn't want to face that prospect, and I really didn't want to ruin a nice day at the beach with dad.

"I'm really happy for you. I always worried you'd end up with someone...." dad trailed off like he had more to say but was holding back.

"Someone what?" I asked.

"You know... someone that isn't good for you... I mean you're gay and I've always accepted that fact one hundred percent. But your friends always got into trouble and I didn't want you with a guy who would get into trouble or not get along with us. He's not like that. He's responsible and respectful. He treats his parents well and has a nice family. He's good to you and not... super gay. Like he's a regular dude who likes other dudes," dad fumbled like he was trying to not be offensive.

"I'm super gay," I noted with a laugh.

"You know what I mean! Sorry, that was rude of me," dad laughed with unease.

"It's ok, dad," I laughed it off.

"I hope you know you can talk to me about... you know... I mean I'm not experienced with gay things, but I'm your dad and if things get... you know," Dad flailed around for words but I could tell where this was headed and it was super creepy.

"Dad! No! I swear. We are being good and you know Mr. Khorasani wouldn't let us get into things under his watch," I lied.

"Well that's good. I know he looks out for you, but things are going to head in that direction. You know about condoms and being protected, right?" dad pushed.

"Of course I do..." I said, but the answer was that I hadn't thought about that with Ari. I didn't even know how I would bring that up with him.

"I know this stuff makes you uncomfortable, but I'm your dad and that's my job. If a guy really cares about you, he'll take care of your health as well," he said.

"He will dad. He will," I sighed. We went back to lighter conversation.

Ari called just before lunch time. He was worried about me being out in the sun too long. Both dad and I assured him we were using the sunblock. He seemed like me getting a little burned would be a major health scare. He said he was down in the area and wanted to have lunch with us. This was the farthest we'd been apart from each other since I'd been in the desert with dad.

I was just finishing up with him when dad's cell phone rang. It was Mr. Khorasani saying his afternoon had cleared up and he wanted to have lunch with us too. Dad laughed at that. We put both phones on speaker and worked out details to meet up.

We used the outdoor showers to get the sand off and then went back to the car to get clothes to change into. Luckily they had nice restrooms at this beach so we could change back into semi decent clothes for the lunch place.

We met up at a place up the coast and were the first to arrive. Mr. Khorasani's secretary had called ahead so they had a table in the corner of the restaurant overlooking the marina when we gave them Mr. Khorasani's name. Dad was watching some guys rigging up a sailboat when Ari arrived in his business suit. He used dad's distraction to kiss me before he shook dad's hand and sat down.

"What a day! Friday is always so busy," Ari said. He checked some things on his phone and put his arm across the back of my chair then rubbed my shoulder.

I started to tell him about our morning at the beach, but then Mr. Khorasani came and I had to get up to hug him. He pulled me into his chest and kissed my cheeks then said something to his son in Persian. Ari answered back in what sounded like an annoyed tone, but to me their language always sounds hard to read.

He shook dad's hand while keeping his arm around me. I noted again that dad called him "Mr. Khorasani" while Mr. K called dad by his first name, Steven. It set up a power dynamic that made me feel uneasy. Dad pointed out the boats in the harbor and Mr. K said he had one docked up in Marina Del Rey.

Dad and I were sitting across from each other and on the window side so we could see the water. Ari was next to me and Mr. K was across from him and next to dad. I noticed Mr. K seemed amused that dad kept watching the boats and talking about them excitedly. Mr. K engaged him as if he was a cute, younger child at the zoo. The fact that dad probably could have taken apart and rebuilt the engines on any of those boats didn't seem to earn him any respect.

Dad didn't notice that Mr. K was talking down to him, but it really bothered me. Dad didn't make things better by gushing excitedly when Mr. K said he'd take him out in their boat and let him drive it whenever he wanted.

"That would be so awesome! Did you hear that, Lukas? Wouldn't that be great?" Dad was completely unaware of the little smirk on Mr. Khorasani's lips.

"Yeah, dad. That's really great," I said and shot Mr. K a glare I couldn't hide. The patriarch took notice of my displeasure and looked at me with confusion. I looked down immediately. Dad was having fun and Mr. K had been so nice to me. I don't know why it bothered me.

Ari was typing out an email on his phone with one hand and stroking the back of my hair with the other. He missed the whole scene. When the waiter came, Ari ordered for the two of us. He got a steak for himself and a lighter, turkey sandwich for me.

Dad ordered a burger but then Mr. K said he should try the special fish they make. Dad shrugged and changed his order. Mr. K ordered a steak for himself.

We ate and talked about lighter things. Mr. K didn't act as patronizing, but at one point he cut a piece of his steak and held the fork in front of dad urging him to try it. Dad opened his lips and bit it. It was an awkward scene, but again dad was clueless. It was as if Mr. Khorasani was intentionally doing things to make dad look like a child.

After lunch we walked around the marina. Mr. Khorasani made a phone call to a friend of his who gave us the code to get onto his dock and look over his boat. Dad was thoroughly enjoying himself. He poked around everywhere he could while Ari and I sat in the boat and Mr. K walked around with him.

"Sorry, my love. There is much work today," Ari said as he pulled me into his side and held his phone in my lap. He was texting numbers and figures in a threeway chat.

"He's being mean to my dad, talking down to him," I told Ari.

"What? No. He like your father. He is just amuse about how happy your dad is with the boats. He think it is cute, like I do when you get excited about seeing zoo animals," Ari said. He'd taken me to the Los Angeles Zoo two days ago and it was so much fun.

"He's treating him like a kid. My dad isn't a kid. He's a man and can fix things," I countered.

"Your father is only ten years older than me and only two years older than Arash. Also he has very youthful spirit and is easy going. My father like him. Is good our dads get along, no?" Ari noted. He hugged me against his suit coat. His bulge of muscles pressed against me. They always calmed me. I didn't think of my dad as being close in age with Ari's brothers. I also didn't think of Mr. Khorasani being that much older.

"I guess it's good if they get along. But my dad is a tough guy, not a kid," I said and laid my head against Ari's chest. I took his blue, silk tie between my lips and looked up at him.

"I know, my love. You are both very tough guys," he laughed and put his hand into my armpit to tickle me. I squirmed and laughed, trying to get away.

"Lukas you should see the F-10 head on this thing. It's pretty rad," dad interrupted us as he came back with Mr. Khorasani who was following behind him with a pleasant smile.

Dad came and sat down across from me at the back of the boat and Mr. K sat next to him. Ari cut in and told us his client wanted to meet that afternoon so he needed to head out soon.

"It's in Santa Monica. It will take me so long to get home from there in Friday traffic," Ari lamented. He sighed and rubbed my arm.

"I should head back to the desert soon before it gets too bad. This has been so much fun," dad said. "Thank you both! You've been so kind to my son."

"It is nothing. Lukas is a good boy with a bright future," Mr. Khorasani said.

"Speaking of that..." Dad sat back against the side of the boat and Mr. K spread his arms behind himself, letting one rest on the side behind dad. I knew dad was going to say something heavy.

"School is starting soon and it's your senior year. We need to start thinking about colleges! I was thinking we could go tour your top choice school in a few weeks when I get a long weekend off," dad said.

"Santa Cruz? No way! That's just a dream. We can't afford it even if I could get in," I argued. I'd forgotten that was my top choice. Nothing else seemed to matter once I'd met Ari. I used to dream of going there for the top-ranked writing department.

"I'll find a way. The new job pays better and there are grants and loans. We'll make it work, kid. You just worry about getting in," dad said.

"Santa Cruz? No, that is five hours north," Ari said, suddenly interested in the conversation.

Mr. Khorasani quickly said something in Persian that made Ari quiet. He must have told him to stay out of it. Dad looked at them then back at me.

"It is kind of far. Maybe something in LA would be better," I offered.

"LA is close to family and the people you love," Ari said and hugged me.

"No, Lukas. You will go with your father and see if it is right for you. You have worked hard in high school and should go to the best program you can find!" Mr. Khorasani said.

Dad nodded then added, "Ari can come too. You two will probably want to spend every weekend together once you're back in school." Dad was looking out over the water.

I opened my mouth ready to say that I wasn't going back, but Mr. Khorasani read my thoughts and held a hand up to me with a look of warning. I nodded and held my tongue.

"I must go, my love," Ari said when his phone chirped again. "I will race home to you after."

"I should head out too," dad said. "I'll get you next week so we can register you for classes."

"I'll take the boy home," Mr. Khorasani said. I got a round of hugs and a few kisses from Ari as both of our fathers walked away to give us privacy.


"I'm not going back! I can't leave Ari," I said when Mr. Khorasani started his car. He reached over to check my seatbelt as if there was some way I could have mis-buckled it.

"I think your father will change his mind and allow you to stay... Maybe not at first, but if you are separated I know it won't be for long. However, If you corner him on it, he will not let you stay. You must show your respect as his child. It is his place to make these decisions," he said.

"What if he doesn't change his mind? What if I have to go and then Ari finds someone else who is closer? I'm not special and there's like a zillion boys like me to take him!" I was panicking.

"There is no one else for my Arisht. You think there are boys as beautiful as you throwing themselves at a beast like my son? No, little one. Nor would it matter if there were... You have his heart. I know this for certain," he assured.

"Thank you, sir," I said. He reached and took my hand and held it as he drove.

"You seemed upset during lunch, little one. What troubled you?" he asked.

"You were treating my dad... like you treat me... like a little kid," I started.

"This made you jealous?" Mr. Khorasani laughed like the thought was ridiculous.

"No! Not like that, but like he was a dumb kid or something..." I trailed off, not sure where I was going.

"Your father is your father and he deserves your respect. He's done a good job raising you. He is a good man. But he is still so young and he has your youthful spirit. I find it charming. I didn't mean to insult him or you. To a man of my age and position, he is still a boy," he said.

"He wasn't insulted. He didn't even notice. He had a great time with you," I laughed.

"You know something, little one? Your father and I have talked every day since your injury. He knows you worry about this situation of returning to his home. He knows it will not go well and struggles with how to make the transition," he said.

"You talk? About me?" I asked with interest.

"No. We do not just revolve around you, little sunshine," he laughed. "He asks for my advice on things, especially things with the lady he is seeing."

"He said they're not doing well, but I worry about him being alone out there. He always picks ladies like that," I shook my head.

"Women who are more forceful than him. Yes. He likes having a partner who takes control of things. He likes to have someone to please. His baby is growing up and he is thinking of what is next for him. Fathers aren't just fathers. He needs a companion." Mr. K squeezed my hand.

"I didn't think about that. I guess maybe Denise isn't that bad for him..." I sighed.

"She is a horrible woman!" Mr. Khorasani laughed. "But it is your father's choice. He likes to discuss it and needs advice on how to navigate a demanding partner. We have had very good long talks about that and his work. He's a good man, Lukas. He wants the best for you."

"He is... but," I sighed again and thought about dad driving home alone and having to head back to Denise. "We have to rescue him! There must be something we can do!"

"You think I'm running a rescue home for handsome white boys? I can barely afford the one I have now," he joked.

"No, not like that... don't you have a single sister or cousin to set him up with?" I asked.

"Persian women would devour your father!" He laughed. "They are made to control brutes like me and my boys. Arisht was wise to choose a softer partner. He does not like resistance."

"I'm not soft. I stood up to him in San Francisco when he scared me!" I noted.

"You did. He told me he frightened you when he fought off the drunk man. He'd fight anyone to protect you. We protect our hearts most fiercely and his lives in you. Don't worry about the school year. I'm sure it will be ok," he assured.

"And college?" I asked.

"So many worries, little one! We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, but I guarantee you my Arisht is already looking up applications for schools within five miles of his condo. That will have to be a decision you make with your father." He rubbed my shoulder to settle me.

"You're right. Thank you, sir," I said and leaned over the console against his side. He zipped into the carpool lane, happy to have me with him so we could bypass the afternoon rush.


We made it home and Mr. Khorasani had to catch up on some work. I helped him by going through the stacks of papers in his office and organized them into files. We worked for awhile and then he laid back and sighed.

"We should workout! Yes! Go and change. Meet me in the gym," He said.

We changed into shorts and t-shirts then hit their home gym. It wasn't huge, but they had a few cardio machines and some weights with a bench and pull-up bar. He warmed up with a run while I started jogging on the elliptical. He put on the cable news channel to catch up on world events while he ran, but switched to music videos for me when he moved on to the weights.

He's a tall and muscled man in very good shape and I realized I hadn't seen him doing his workout before. I usually just used the cardio machines and yoga mat when I was there alone and I think he usually worked out in the morning.

He worked up a good sweat on his run then peeled off his t-shirt while changing from the news to music videos. He used his shirt to wipe the sweat off his hairy, muscled chest and I nearly tripped on the ellipse from focusing too hard on him. He turned his face from me and pretended not to notice, but I caught the little smile as his lips curled up.

"Be careful, little one," he said.

"Yes, sir. Just got ahead of myself," I covered.

He sighed and watched the music video for a minute. "You like this one?"

"Yes, sir! It's the latest Taylor, Taylor, Taylor! It has a good beat!" I nodded.

"They are all named Taylor? Even the girl?" he asked with one eyebrow raised as the three teens danced across the screen.

"She's the main Taylor. Those other two are her back-up taylors. They started on BopTube and just totally blew up!" I told him.

"You could use some back-up taylors dancing behind you." he chuckled.

"I don't think I'm really main Taylor material, sir. I can dance though! Mostly in my bedroom with headphones on, but I like it," I said, realizing how dumb I sounded.

"You are most certainly main Taylor material. Maybe we can find a dance class for you at the high school here. It's important you get involved in clubs like that and make connections," he said then went to the weight bench.

I moved over to the treadmill and got in a good run while he grunted and lifted. It didn't hurt that the treadmill was angled so I could see both the tv and him on the weight bench. He looked so handsome stretched out on the bench with his hulking frame. His legs were spread on either side of the bench and his shorts pushed up to show his thick muscled thighs. I tried not to stare, but it couldn't be helped... you would stare too.

He finished up his routine then sat up on the bench with his hands planted behind his back on the seat. He watched a music video and I tried to return my attention to the tv. When I looked back at him, I noticed he was watching me run and his eyes weren't on my face. I bounced a little for him. I shouldn't have. I knew it was wrong. I couldn't stop myself.

"Do you want to try weight lifting a little? I know my Arisht doesn't want you getting bulky, but it might be fun," he offered. I changed the speed on the treadmill to walk from run.

"Yes, sir! That would be cool!" I said excitedly. I hopped off the treadmill and went over to him.

"Here you go. Lie down," he told me and patted the bench.

"You know I trained Ari once. He signed up for sessions with me!" I bragged.

"I know. He would have gone broke booking you for your entire shift. It was cheaper to move you in here," he laughed. He brought over two ten pounds dumbbells, the smallest ones they had.

"No! I can handle twenty!" I protested. I didn't want to be the weakling. Mr. K looked doubtful, but he brought them over. He stood over me, my face looking up at his package.

"Ok start easy. Remember you are still recovering from the bruise so don't go too hard. I don't want my Arisht upset with me for injuring you further," he cautioned as he eased the weights down to my hands then stood ready to grab them back.

"Injuring my boy?" A voice called. I sat up and nearly dropped the weights; then nearly put my face in Mr. Khorasani's crotch.

"You're home!" we both said in unison as Mr. K took the weights from me. Ari was in the doorway in his suit watching us.

"I rush! I need get home to start our weekend together. I will change and then help with weights," Ari said. He came over and kissed me then ran to his room.

"I will let him take things from here," Mr. Khorasani said. He put the weights over on the rack and then smiled at me as he got his shirt. He left me there on the weight bench, sweaty and breathless. I did some stretching until Ari reappeared wearing a cut up tank top that showed off his proud chest and running shorts that made his ass look thick and perfect. I noticed he'd forgone underwear and his package swung freely as he came back in.

"Ok we do this! Time to get my princess into shape!" Ari smiled as he came over to me.

"I'm out of shape?" I asked. I felt a stab of insecurity run through me.

"No. You are small as a boy should be, but too thin. If you do not live in my parents' home they will think I am one who keep food from you! I love you as you are, my hungry princess. You decide to lift the weight so I will be here and help you," Ari said. He realized I took his joke to heart. He went to the free weights and picked up the little ones.

"I was going to lift the twenty pound ones! I think i can do it," I told him.

"No. Is better to start with the one you can handle then try harder. We focus first on form. Is more important than try to do higher." Ari decided. He came to me with the small ones. I took them and then he gently pushed the center of my chest to lie back. He took me through some easy reps as he squatted down behind the bench to coach me.

"There you go. Nice and straight. If you do not keep tense here it is waste of time. You want to look like the tone one at the gym, not like the boy who stock grocery items at the Ralph's," he said. He rewarded me with a kiss each time I did something good.

He had me stand and do squats and lunges with the weights in different positions. It was harder than it looked and I struggled a bit, but he kept encouraging me and showing me how to do it correctly. It went on way too long though and finally I set them down and stopped before he was finished with me. I crossed my arms over my chest and gave him a pouty look. It should have worked, but he was in coach mode.

"No, no! You are near to finish. I do not say stop!" Ari looked at me with surprise like this was unexpected disobedience.

"I can't. It's too hard. It hurts," I whined and tried to give a pouty look to solicit sympathy.

"Three more, princess. You can do. Try for me, baby. You can grow stronger for daddy," Ari said. He changed his tone from rough coach to caring father.

"No, c'mon. This is good for one day. I haven't trained like this before." I shook my head and was ready to quit. He squatted down in front of me on the edge of the mat and pursed his lips.

"Come for kiss, little one. Come to daddy. You can do it. Be daddy's good boy." He looked so hot, like he was ready to propose. He held out his arms, ready to catch me but encouraging me to press on and try.

"Ok," I sighed. "Three..." I lunged towards his hard chest. His huge pecs glistened with sweat and brought me in like a beacon. I brought the weights up over my head until my lips rested on his. His hands went to my sides to steady my form but then slid down to my ass to grope me, an added bonus. I held for a minute then went back up and lowered the weights.

"Two..." I grunted and went towards him again. He kissed me and adjusted my form but then put his hand under my balls and rubbed that spot behind them that made my cock spring to life.

"One more, baby girl. You can do this," he praised and pushed me back to standing position.

"One," I nearly fell into him. He caught me, steadied me, then helped push my arms up with the weights I'd thought were too light. Anything hurts when you hold it up long enough.

"There you go. That's my baby. You always do as told, my good princess," Ari encouraged as he held me. He took the weights and set them down then lifted me up into his chest and carried me out of the gym room. We were finished.

"You push him too hard," Mr. Khorasani said as we walked out. Ari held me against his chest with my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"He know he belong to me and I will take care of him. He trust me and obey. I will never hurt my little one or push too far," Ari said it through gritted teeth and in English so I guessed it was for my benefit. He was right.

"He will do more when he knows you understand his limits," Mr. Khorasani was speaking softly as if he thought I was sleeping, but his tone sounded harsher like warning to his son.

"Good night, father," Ari said in a neutral tone without pushing it further.

"Sleep well, my boys," Mr. Khorasani said and put his hand on my head. He leaned in to kiss my cheek then did the same to Ari's.

"Good night, sir," I told him and earned a little side smile from him. Ari carried me to my bedroom and then through to the bathroom that connected our rooms. He set me down on the counter and went to turn on the bathtub.

"You shall be aching in the morning. A soak in tub will help," Ari said as he filled the bathtub. He found a bag under the sink and poured some salts into the steaming water.

I peeled off my shirt then hopped off the counter and slid down my shorts and underwear.

"Do I tell you to strip? A boy wait where his master put him! On counter!" Ari barked a little louder than necessary. I jumped then scrambled to get my sweaty ass back on the cold tile counter.

"I thought you would want me to get ready for the bath, sir." I looked down at my legs and folded my hands in my lap.

Ari came over to stand in front of me. He put his hand under my chin and lifted my face to meet his gaze.

"I tell you what I want. No need for thought." He smiled but I didn't know if he was joking or serious. I nodded in response and called him sir. He kissed me. He stretched his arms above his head and yawned. He had a long day.

Ari took a small speaker from the counter and bluetoothed it to his phone. The bathroom filled with soft Persian pop music, at least I think it was Persian. It was a man's voice singing softly as a guitar strummed along.

"This sounds nice. I wonder what he's singing about," I asked as my legs dangled over the counter. Ari smiled weakly, clearly ready to get us to bed.

"Love, baby. Is always love song when I'm with you, my heart. Come, we bathe." He peeled off his clothes then lifted me off the counter and carried me to the bath. It wasn't a big one like in his apartment, but it was just wider than a regular one. He set me down on my feet then got in and spread his legs. His cock floated around between his muscled thighs. I licked my lips as I watched him. He reached up and pulled at my hand to bring me into the tub.

"Where do I sit? I'll hurt your cock," I laughed noting it was taking up most of the room between his thighs. Ari rolled his eyes.

"One workout and you're a bulky muscle boy?" Ari laughed. "Come, my love. You fit so well in my lap." He had me face him, step in, and sit down on his lap. I leaned forward against his chest and he put his hands on my face to guide me in for a kiss. I straddled his lap, my knees on either side of it. It made my chest hurt to look at him after hearing my dad talk about me going back to the desert.

He could tell I was worried and pressed me to tell him about it. It's hard to open up to him about my fears when looking him in the eyes.

Maybe it's that he's a hulking man with bulging muscles that could crush me with little thought. Maybe it's because he's a handsome, Persian man with those big brown eyes that see right through to my soul, the sun-kissed skin that's flawless except for a few scars with impressive back-stories, and that powerful nose that makes me melt when he rubs it against mine. Maybe it's that he just feels like a grown up, a real adult with suits and a career and success. Ari is a mover, a shaker, and a man who seems too important to care about my little feelings.

"You always look so small and innocent in my lap, a little scared like you know you are in the lion's paws. But this lion serves to protect his cub. You are safe with me." He brought me down against his chest so my face was pushed into the side of his neck. He stroked my back and we talked it out.

"Whatever happens, we will make things work. You will be a good son to your father and not disrespect him. It is hope that he allow you stay here, but if he say not... we will spend as much time together as we can and the year will fly by. Once you finish, you will come to my home in the apartment and we'll never have to think of being apart again." Ari told me.

"And college? Dad wants me to go to check out Santa Cruz," I reminded him.

"Yes! I find there is small private college ten minute from here. They have writing program!" He glowed. He pushed up under me and I felt his cock stir.

"Is it expensive?" I asked. I didn't know there were programs around here.

"That is best part! They have scholarship for you with everything is paid! Will be no cost to your father!" Ari assured. He rubbed his cock against my ass.

"A scholarship for what? What if I don't qualify for it?" I asked and rubbed his chest.

"Oh you will! 100% approved for boys named Lukas who live in my home." Ari laughed. He was trying to say he would pay for it. He kissed my cheek and rubbed his thick Persian nose behind my ear.

"Yes, sir," I said distractedly. His cock was growing under me and beginning to poke up between my cheeks. I rubbed my bottom up and down against it.

"You feel what your body make mine to do?" Ari asked as he slid his meat between my buns. He yawned with a satisfied smile. He reached behind me and poked his finger inside my hole.

"Are you too tired?" I asked disappointed but kept riding against his pole as his finger poked inside me and pulled my ring to warm it up for what I needed.

"Tired or not, it is my honor and pleasure to service my princess. A loyal warrior never forget his body belong to the one he protects most dear," Ari affirmed. He thought of himself as a knight, or whatever the Persian equivalent is. I kind of liked it. I didn't just have a boyfriend, I had a protector, a man who knew it was his sworn duty to give his boy what he needed.

"Are you sure you can service me, Sir Ari of Glendale? Do I need backup Persians or are you up to this?" I teased. He looked at me with eyes that burned when feigned anger. I chewed on my lower lip and bounced on his finger while flashing back a doubtful stare.

"You question my ability? My princess need proof I can please her? Conquer her hole that has only known one cock?" Ari sat up and pulled his finger out of me. He put his hands on my sides. He slid them up to my armpits and lifted me off of him.

He turned us over in the water and set me down against the porcelain tub. He reached for the bottle of body wash and drizzled a line down my chest. He rubbed it over me then down to my stomach. He worked up a slick lather then gripped my throbbing cock. He pumped it with a soapy hand then rubbed down under it in search of my hole.

I rubbed the soap on my chest then reached up to clean his. I squeezed his pecs and rubbed into his armpits as he went for my hole. He squeezed out more soap then put two slicked up fingers inside me. I started to twist and gasp as his fingers worked their way inside me.

"This is good or you need more men?" Ari growled. He has been easing me open gently every day when he took me. He had been cautious and careful, judging my face for reactions, but this felt different.

"Good... sir... daddy... ahh," I groaned through gritted teeth as the fingers pushed into me and found the spots he knew made my cock drool.

"This feel right? You sure I am man enough for this pussy?" Ari threatened. His eyes focused in on mine with a look of steel sincerity.

"Yes, please daddy! Please fuck what's yours!" I panted. He lifted my ass up with one hand while the other dug into my hole. My cock flopped around, hard and leaky. Spindles of precum leaked out then stuck on my stomach as my cock lurched around in search of release.

"You are sure, yes? You need daddy inside you? Need your medicine to sleep with sweet dreams?" Ari rammed his fingers inside me, rubbing the spots that made my stomach tense and my body shiver.

"Yes, sir. Please, daddy... Feels so good," I begged. I pushed against his fingers, wanting him deeper, fuller inside me. He leaned over me and put his lips to mine. They wrestled as his tongue slid into my mouth. I whimpered under his touch. I felt that pulling in my chest that burned for him to be inside me, to seed what was his.

"You are mine, no?" he asked as he broke the kiss and started to chew on my lower lip.

"I am yours," I promised and nodded, rubbing my nose against his. He drove his fingers all the way inside me, making me gasp and shiver under him.

"Someday, I promise we do this in our home we share together. I will have you, Lukas, forever. Not matter what happen. I promise you this. You never worry for this." Ari's lips flattened into a serious line as his eyes fixed on mine.

I nodded and he kissed my forehead. His fingers pushed in and out of me. I pushed back against them, fighting to keep my eyes open as he explored the places that made me twist and beg for more.

"Fuck me. Seed me," I begged. I gave him my best wide-eyed boy beg and added a puppy whimper that made his lips crease up into a smile. He rammed me hard with his fingers, banging his fist against my ass. I bared my teeth and let out a little howl of pain.

He pulled back then leaned in to kiss me. He pulled his fingers out and gave my hard, dripping cock a few tight wanks as he pushed in between my thighs. He gripped his cock and lined it up with my waiting hole. The thick head stretched my ring, but that was the easy part. His tip was hard but squishy, the real load came behind it.

"My love," he gasped as he slowly pushed into me. "So good to be inside my boy." He wrapped his arms around my back, lifting me off the porcelain as he slid into me.

"The sea blue eyes of my princess glow so beauty when I fill her. I dream of them," Ari whispered. He slid a hand up my back to hold my head as he sank deeper into me. His sweet words made me feel so safe in his hold, even as was shoving his thick cock into my hole. I never know what to say in return. I fumble for words and just say something vulgar instead.

"I feel so good when you're inside me," I admitted.

"Like what? Tell me how feels, sweet one," he encouraged, pushing in deeper.

"Like... I'm safe, but more than that..." I searched for words. "Like I mean something." It sounded dumb to say that. I realized it as soon as it left my lips, but it's how I felt. Having Ari inside me made me feel like more than a dumb boy from the desert.

"What means this? You are always safe with me and here in my father's home." Ari looked surprised with a face full of confusion. He stopped sliding into me and brought his hand around to grip my face as I tried to turn my head to look away.

"I feel like... You're this amazingly hot, muscle guy who could have any boy he wants and you chose me. When you're inside me... when I get a piece of you... I feel like I'm special. I feel like I really matter." I let the words gush out of me. His stare was so intimidating and I felt my body tremble in his hold. His face melted from confusion to sympathy.

"You have no idea, little princess. Do you? You have no idea how beautiful you are; how the men I must growl at when we pass on the street because their eyes burn for you like mine. You are too young and naive to know your power. You are not any boy, you are mine and is so great fortune to have you for my own. Is twist to my heart to see you not know this. How can boy be so beautiful and not figure out his power? Your father was right to hide his beautiful boy away in desert town." Ari sighed. He kissed my cheek.

"I love you," I said, feeling more than a little choked up but not wanting to cry.

"I love you too, my treasure," Ari said and kissed me as his cock started to slide in again. He tongue-wrestled me as he pushed in with urgency. He stretched and filled my hole as I gasped around his tongue. My body started to light up as his shaft hit those firework spots inside me.

"Huhhhh fuck, yes daddy," I whimpered. He bared his teeth at me and started to nibble on my cheek as he sank into me.

"Fuck, baby. Feel so good." Ari pulled me against his hot, muscled chest and started to drive in and out of me slowly. "Take what is yours, my heart." He bit my ear as he sped up on my hole.

My cock rubbed against his chiseled abs as the bubbles and water splashed around us. He held me tightly and drove into me as I muffled my screams against his shoulder. I tasted his salty skin and inhaled his sweaty musk. I could never get enough of it. He bit against my left ear and whispered sweet things as his sweaty, muscles pulsed heat against my chest in the quickly cooling tub.

"Fuck, daddy! Fuck my pussy," I whispered through ragged breaths. He filled my hole, stretched it just right, and made my body twist and shiver in his arms.

"I am so close to fill you. I breed my princess like she begs for," he groaned. He pushed in deeper until I cried out and sank my teeth into his left pec. I wanted more than my body could handle. Ari is a man and it's hard for a boy to keep up.

"I slow, princess. I slow," he assured. I wrapped my arms around his muscles and held on tightly.

"No! Fuck!" I said and realized my cock was on the edge.

"Yes! fuck," Ari said as he started to fuck me again.

"I'm gonna," I said suddenly and then felt my cock shoot out between us. We were pressed so tightly together that he felt it too.

"Oh baby, yes cum for me," Ari hissed. He started to drive into me again with force.

"Your pussy grip me so tightly when you finish it feel so fucking good. Oh fuck, princess," he praised. He drove in and out of me as my body twisted and jerked. My cock fired off and flooded our stomachs with my cum.

"Fuck!" I screamed then muffled my cries in his chest so we wouldn't raise suspicion in the house.

"Yes, baby. Cum for daddy. I am close to seed my pussy princess," Ari encouraged.

"Fuhhhh," I whined as he drove in deeper.

"I am cum too." Ari's voice went up an octave then dropped down in a deep growl as he pushed in farther and fired off in my hole. I felt his thick cock twitch and thump like it was rearranging my insides. I felt hot spurts of cum shoot up inside me.

"Yes, daddy. Fill me, daddy," I whined as he let out a threatening growl and buried his lips on my neck. He hugged me so tight and crushed me as his body jerked and twisted. He kissed and sucked at my flesh as he pounded me and sent his cum deep inside me.

We thrashed around together as he held me. I shot out the last I had all over my stomach while he emptied his balls into my pussy. I felt a jolt to my brain at the thought that I had his seed inside me. I was his.

"Yes, my baby," he said as he finished, took a deep breath, then collapsed against me. I was crushed under his muscles, but supported by his hands around my back. We laid there in the water recovering together.

We cleaned each other then dressed for bed. He picked out the same skin-tight stretchy pajamas his father had chosen for me. I fell asleep on his chest as he rubbed my bottom. Everytime I moved I could feel his squishy seed inside me.


"Good morning, sir," I said to Mr. Khorasani as I walked into the kitchen the next morning. Ari was awake but he'd stayed in bed to check his phone messages and sent me ahead knowing his father would expect me up at a decent hour.

"Good morning, little one. Come and sit. There is breakfast," he said without his normal morning cheer, then kissed me on the cheek before adding, "I must talk to my Arisht. Is he up?"

"I think so, sir. Maybe in his bedroom." I acted like I had no idea. That earned me a frown.

"There is no need to pretend when your father is not around. After what I heard last night, there needs to be some rules put in place," he said with a serious look.

"Oh!" I could think of no response to that and my lips stayed frozen in an O of shock.

"Luckily I heard before his mother did! It was shameful. I ushered her out to the garage and to her for ice cream. This is not why we have brought you here to stay with us; loud sexual activity wherever you please. You could both get in serious trouble!" he barked.

I felt my legs go weak and my lip start to shake. I'd never seen him upset with me. He pulled me to sit beside him. He could tell he'd scared me.

"This is not on you, little one. You are not to blame," he said and put his arm around me. "My son is the adult. He is the one who should be guiding you to become a respectable young man. I can understand you both have needs, but there are some things that should be saved until the appropriate age. From what I heard, the line was clearly crossed and in my home where I swore to your father you would be protected."

"I'm... I'm so sorry, sir. I pushed him to do it. He wanted us to wait. He tried... It was my fault. Please don't blame him." My words came out between choked sobs.

"Again, you are the child here. You do not protect him. Children can act like children, but adults must be adults." He rubbed my hair and then kissed it like I wasn't a bad dog.

Ari came in whistling with a big grin. He was wearing a pair of running shorts and a tank top. His smile faded when he saw my face and he quickly looked to his father for answers.

"Oh!" was all he said when he registered the disdain on Mr. Khorasani's face.

"Yes, the boy offered similar words of explanation," Mr. Khorasani growled. He stood up, kissed my hair, then ushered Ari out of the room.

I felt like I was always getting Ari into trouble. I was always doing or saying something that made his father blame him. Mr. Khorasani knew we'd messed around during the trip to San Francisco... I thought... but I guess he didn't understand how far things had gone... or maybe it was the fact we'd done it in his home. I was still learning their culture, but apparently there are certain things you don't do in your parents' home.

I hoped he didn't get too upset with Ari. I hoped Ari didn't get upset with me in turn. I should have been quieter. I was always messing things up.

Mrs. Khorasani came in with a puzzled look. I just shrugged at her helplessly. I knew dragging her into this would only make things worse. She brought me a plate of eggs and toast with a side of fruit. I thanked her but my stomach was full just thinking about how upset Mr. K was.

"Eat! Arisht will be back soon and he'll eat anything in sight," she laughed as she came to sit beside me with her cup of coffee.

"I'm not very hungry this morning," I told her.

"You're never hungry, dearie. You're wasting away. You've lost weight since coming here and you can't afford to lose a pound. My boys were never so thin. No one starves in my home! Still worried your father will take you away, are you?" She asked.

"Yes, ma'am. I don't know what I'll do if that happens. I've never been so happy as I have here. I don't want to go back. What would I do?" I looked at her with fear.

"You'll put your chin up and get through it. I was away from my husband for almost a year before we got married. We met at a Uni in London. He was as handsome as our sons back then. I felt butterflies in my stomach anytime he got near. Have I told you this?" She paused to ask.

"No, ma'am," I said. She pushed my hand so if lift the fork and eat.

"I was only there for a six month study, but he was finishing a degree. My parents wouldn't let me stay longer so I was back in Tehran with him in Europe! That was before we had these cell phones and Facebook and things. Phone calls were very expensive back then too!" She laughed like her hardship wasn't painful.

"That's terrible! I'd just die being that disconnected from him!" I shoveled eggs into my mouth and she laughed again.

"Thought I would too, but it wasn't so bad. It let us know we were really meant to be. He came home at the break and then for good when he finished. Both times we picked up right where we left off. I knew he was what I wanted and he knew the same. Luckily our families were compatible so we married quickly. All these years later, the pain of distance is gone but we'll never forget that we waited for each other, and that this was meant to be," she finished.

"I can't imagine not talking everyday or not having his hand grip my shoulder and let me know everything is going to be ok," I sniffled.

"You'll be alright. Hopefully it doesn't come to that, but if it does you'll be alright, you will," she assured. She patted my shoulder while I ate a piece of toast. She got up and went for more coffee.

Ari and his father came back in silently. Ari sat beside me at the table and his mother made him a plate of breakfast.

Mr. Khorasani went back to his coffee, Ari ate his breakfast silently, and I looked between them realizing I wasn't going to be let in on what they'd discussed. I was the family pet, but just being here with them was good enough. Ari finished his breakfast then put his arm across the back of my chair.

"We should discuss Wednesday," Mr. Khorasani broke the silence.

"I'll take Lukas to his father. I just have a meeting in the morning and he can come with me. It's out east so it'll be on the way to the desert." Ari sounded tense but firm.

"Very well. Lukas, you will pack on Tuesday night. Do you need any new clothes for your trip? You might see old friends out there," Mr. Khorasani offered.

"No, sir. You have bought me more than I've gotten in years, sir. Thank you," I said. He smiled at me and took another sip of coffee. There was an eerie quiet in the room.

"It is nothing. What do you two have planned for today?" he asked.

"The zoo! Ari is going to take me. I haven't been to this one. It's much bigger than the Living Desert one in Palm Springs," I said excitedly, hoping to liven the mood.

"And then dinner out," Ari added without excitement.

"Not eating with us tonight?" Ari's mother asked with sudden panic.

"Lukas has a 9 pm curfew and I will be sleeping in my own home so I thought we could at least enjoy a meal together somewhere." Ari glared at his father.

"It is for the best." Mr.. Khorasani said and looked away from me.

I looked between Ari and his father with panic, but neither would meet my eyes. I started to open my mouth to protest, but remembered I was not included on this discussion. I was the family pet. I was there for tricks and cuddles and scratches behind the ear. I was not there for decisions or debate.

I sighed and looked down at the tablecloth. Ari put his arm around me and pulled me over against his side. His hand rubbed up to pet my hair. I was the family pet.

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