Luke Lewis

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Oct 12, 2013


Luke Lewis 1

copywriter do not copy or use without writers permission Author Maxieplus Email Maxieplus@

This is my second attempt at writing a gay related story; I hope you enjoy my little story

And I need to get your opinions on it, so please email me your thoughts.

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I was feeling a bit low so I went outside to get some fresh air and to try and get my head into a good space. The party was rocking, schoolies everywhere, dancing, drinking, kissing, fondling, I had arrived with my two best buds Alex and Brad.

Brads girlfriend Jenny was here already so he went off with her and her friends. Alex and I just hung together for awhile, we have known each other since seventh grade when my mum and I moved to this small town.

His 6'2 frame, long thick black hair to his shoulders, looks that would melt any heart, his tanned olive skin was flawless and he had the deepest sapphire coloured eyes that would always hypnotise me. His body is that of a footballer, in fact he is the school team captain, his broad chest just oozed sex together with his tight slim waist, slim bottom and tree trunk legs his whole shape is magnificent.

We work out together every second day at the gym where I get to see more of him in the showers but never linger too long in case he sees me. He has dark, slightly hairy legs, a treasure trail from his belly button to a thick black patch of pubes ending with his ample cut cock and balls which I'm sure he shaves. Tonight he was in torn jeans with a blue polo shirt on, I could see the white underwear he had worn underneath, I had to try and hide my horn all night, god he was gorgeous.

My name is Luke Lewis and being the opposite to Alex however I have a well toned body. I'm not built like a footballer, if I had to describe myself maybe I would be a surfer type. I stand 5'7 and have skin that always tans easily, with long blonde flicked out styled hair and pale blue eyes that sometimes seem to change to green. I am small and don't look my age, which is seventeen.

My body hair is minimum but I do have a poor excuse for a treasure trail leading to a trimmed bush.

As you can tell I have been in love with Alex since the day I met him. I've known I was gay since I was twelve years old but have kept the secret fearing rejection and homophobic taunts. Alex is the subject of many nights of masturbation and also features in my dreams we were born

two weeks apart and in two months we will both celebrate our 18th birthdays.

Don't ask me why I have never acted on my gay instincts, it just never came up. Guys did hit on me but usually they were too queeny or to old so I figured if I was ever going to meet anyone special I would wait till I got to the city which is where all the work was. Our small town wasn't the place to start being open even though there were gays who were open at school and around town, none of them interested me.

Alex was my life, my love but he was straight, I absolutely adored him in so many ways but I couldn't tell him the one secret I had, although we never discussed gays much over the years. I wasn't comfortable coming out to him so basically I suffered in silence.

Some guys from school arrived after 10pm one of which was John, a well known gay guy at school and also on the football team but no one messed with him, he was a big boy full of attitude and muscle. He leered at me like he's been doing for some time now but I wasn't the remotest bit interested in him. Actually I was a bit scared of him, just something about his attitude, I didn't like the way he looks me up and down like I was prime beef. Yuk.

Anyway he came over and said, "Hi Alex, Hi Luke, was up?

"All's good mate, just hanging", Alex replied. At this time I was still feeling a bit light headed although I had stopped drinking an hour ago, Alex was still pacing himself. I could see tension between him and John, what the hell's going on there? Who knows, I made a mental note to ask Alex later.

Alex went to get another drink but didn't return and John disappeared which is why I came out to the back porch for some air.There were a few students sitting out there smoking god knows whatever and drinking, the smoke was pissing me off so I decided to just go further into the gardens where the thump thump of the music and smoke was less annoying.

I found a bench and just sat there and sipped water from a plastic bottle. I heard some noises coming from the bushes at the back fence and decided to investigate, it sounded like a guy repeating "stop it, stop it, fuck off, no, no, get away from me." I pushed the bush aside and to my horror there was Alex with his jeans down around his knees and John was fondling his cock and almost kissing him on the lips.

"Luke" I heard Alex shout, I was so stunned it felt like I was looking down a long tunnel, my ears went deaf like I had earphones on with no music, I made some guttural sound and turned and ran, I could hear Alex's voice shouting my name and saying, "Stop Luke, please stop."

My stomach was in my throat and my heart felt so twisted and torn I ran down the driveway across the street into the park where I heaved my guts out behind a big oak tree, I was shaking not knowing what to do, my head wasn't in a good place and I tried hard to block the image from my mind but couldn't. John and Alex?

My Alex, my love, my soul mate, how was this possible?

Being heavily strung out and on the verge of virtual madness my numb body just ran and ran till I was too exhausted to run anymore, I collapsed in my front yard hyperventilating, trying to get rid of the ringing sound in my head. Something was buzzing and vibrating in my chest, I realised after awhile some of what I was feeling was my phone in my top pocket, I looked at it and saw 8 missed calls from Alex.

I was so pissed off and distraught but I pushed his number and I could hear Alex on the other end, he was speaking but I couldn't understand him or what he was saying. I screamed into the phone "Shut the fuck up, don't worry Alex I am not going to tell anyone what I saw, in fact I'm never going to repeat the story."

Then I could hear him crying, pleading with me for him to come over and talk. I just shut down mentally and hung up the phone. I thought if it is John you want then you can have him Alex, in fact you can have fucking all of them.

I glided in a stupor into the house, everything was so surreal as the moon cast shadows throughout the rooms giving it a sort of dark forest look, I was completely numb all over. Heartbroken, my shattered nerves laying limp through my body as complete exhaustion hugged me tightly, it was my best friend at that time, it guided me to my bedroom but on the way I stopped at my mum's bathroom and must have grabbed her bottle of sleeping pills in an attempt to blot out the absolute pain in my head and heart.

I vaguely remember turning on my computer and writing an email to Alex the contents of which I wrote in automatic mode not remembering and not wanting to remember what I said but it had a sense of finality in it. After sending it I switched off the computer and laid down, a complete feeling of peace overtook me soon after.

The banging on the door must have woken the whole neighborhood as Mrs. Lewis put her dressing gown on and quickly went downstairs, doorbell ringing, shouting, banging, she asked, "Who the hell is making all the racket so late in the night, Alex! What the devil are you doing here?"

"Mrs. Lewis where is Luke?" He ran past her and took the staircase two steps at a time, he burst into the bedroom where Luke was splayed out on his bed followed by a dumbstruck Mrs. Lewis.

"Luke, Luke wake up please, wake up." Luke's eyes were open and his beautiful blue orbs looked out to nowhere and were vacant.

"Call 000 please", Alex was crying out with a bottle in his hands he had picked up from the bed, he shouted,

"Luke's taken sleeping pills, I can't wake him."

He got Luke up and started to walk him around the room.

"Don't go to sleep Lukey, please stay with me I need you."

Next: Chapter 2

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