Luke Lewis

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Oct 17, 2013


Luke Lewis 7 Author Maxieplus Email Maxieplus@

This is my second attempt at writing a gay related story; I hope you enjoy my little story And I need to get your opinions on it, so please email me your thoughts. While your waiting please read my other story Never Give Up

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I left the hospital around two, walked home and began preparing the walls to paint the next day. After a while the door bell rang, it was Brad, "Hey man".

"Hey Brad."

"What's been happening?" he said.

"Oh not much mate, my dad gave Luke a scare yesterday and put him back in hospital, I moved out of home and now I'm about to paint Luke's room for when he gets home, nothing much really."

"Fuck me," Brad said with honest surprise. "What did your dad do?"

So I filled him in on all the drama and he was amazed. "But Alex I didn't peg your dad to be like that, he's one of the cool guys."

"Well, he did," I said, "I guess his cool is not so cool after all."

"So you're moving in with Luke and his mum now?"

"Yes, this is where I want to be. Monday I will go back home and get some more of my stuff while dads at work, then hopefully Luke will come home and we can really begin our lives together."

"That's awesome dude." He helped me prep the walls for painting, we ordered pizza and chilled in front of the TV for a few hours then I had to say, I got to go see Luke. Brad said to say hi to him and said he would see me tomorrow and help paint.

Brad dropped me at the hospital, he would have come up with me but we figured Luke was still raw and would probably be embarrassed so I went up to his room alone.

"Hey man of my dreams how goes it now?" I said.

"Hi my knightly stud, much better I kinda feel foolish and happy at the same time."

"Cool Luke, foolish that you doubted my commitment to you and happy to have the schools number one stud as your boyfriend, you make me so happy Luke."

We chuckled at my reply. "Come here horn dog and plant one on me," he said.

We kissed lightly and I said, "Hurry up and come home babe the beds very lonely without you."

He looked at me and said, "You really are moving in with me?"

I said, "Yep, by wednesday I should have all my stuff transferred to your, I mean our room and yes I bloody well am moving in with you. I don't want any other stud taking my side of the bed. So your job is to get well and get home to me, we have some serious making out to. I miss you so much and I'm lonely at night, well last night anyway," I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

He smiled so much I thought his jaw would break.

The next few days saw a great improvement in Luke's attitude and by the next saturday he was standing at his bedroom door saying,

"Wow, you did all this?"

"Yes," I said. "Welcome home Luke, now there's plenty of time for you to catch up on your schoolwork before the finals, that's that stack of papers on your desk, I'll help you as much as possible and we can study together each night."

Luke was a bit brainier than me so it won't take him long to catch up, well, he's a lot brainier, I really have to study to get good results. We laid on the bed looking about the room and he was amazed at the transformation. "Thank you once again my one and only, it's great."

"That's okay my everlasting buddy, Brad helped, he was really getting into this decorating stuff so I let him pick the new sheets and covers but maybe that was a mistake,1000 thread Egyptian cotton sheets and 500 dollars later, but he was happy with his shopping."

We laughed at Brad's apparent need to satisfy his feminine side.

I turned on my side and Luke pulled me into his neck, thank you for finding me Alex I didn't know what to do after your father left, I was so embarrassed, so I thought I would just go to where I was the happiest but now I've made our tree the saddest place."

"Don't worry babe we can always find another tree but there's only one Luke, so no more talk about running away you hear?"

If there's a problem you come to me and we will sort it out together, we are a team."

"Okay got it captain, I promise I will come to you."

After a while Luke asked me a strange question, "Alex what happened with Jimmy Thomas and his gang?"

I didn't know what he was talking about for a minute then I started to chuckle to myself which made him laugh and we were holding our stomachs, tears in our eyes when we finally came down to earth, I looked at him and said,

"What brought that up?" He said he had been thinking about it and just was curious what happened. "Okay, I guess you're old enough now to know the truth so here it is."

"When I found you in the change rooms crying and looking rather beaten up I was so mad I could have spat daggers, remember I made you give me names?"

"How could I not forget it was the worst day of my life?" he whispered. "Well," I continued, "you also didn't know at the time I had kinda huge crush on you, I would watch you almost to the point of stalking you so I decided I was getting very good at this stalking business and I made it my business to follow Jimmy. It wasn't too long before I got what I wanted, I followed him out to the bike shed maybe two days after you're beating, he went behind it and when I peeped around the corner he was standing there with his pants down and Dan Watson was chock up his butt groaning like no tomorrow. They didn't see me so I flipped my phone onto movie and shot Jimmy and Dan butt fucking."

We both started to laugh uncontrollably again. "What happened after that?"

"Well," I said, "after they had finished I leant up against the shed wall and waited for them to come around the corner, I turned the volume up and they stopped in their tracks when they heard their sounds, I looked at them and said, great movie guys, think I will just send it to tube. They went white as sheets then I looked at them and said, "Well, maybe not today but guys if I hear of you picking on smaller guys like Luke Lewis again, this will go onto tube and I will message everyone in my phonebook which is half the school, to go watch Jimmy getting butt fucked by Dan."

"With that I left them hanging onto a bike rack with their jaws on the ground, was so funny Luke I wish you had of been there."

We rolled around on the bed laughing again and Luke said. "Do you still have it?"

"What the movie? It's still on my old phone, the quality wasn't that good but the sounds were definitely both of them, oh Dan fuck me, fuck me, oh Jimmy you're so tight." The laughter started again.

When we had settled down I got back to some serious lip service, I had my hand around Luke's waist then I played with his little bubble butt and my hand just about covered all of it, I was so horny I could have eaten him there and then. I licked his face down to his neck and he moaned so I gave it extra attention, by the time I unbuttoned his shirt and started on his nipples he was bucking off the bed kinda agitated he didn't know where to put his legs, I licked, sucked and lightly bit them till he said, "Stop Alex, I'm gonna cum."

I said, "Not yet mate."

I moved to his stomach all the while unzipping his jeans and pulling them down around his knees. I licked his belly button and abs then treasure trail, he was tight this man of mine. I licked his wiry blonde pubes for ages, I wasn't surprised he trimmed, occasionally swiping my tongue across his generous knob, I moved down and licked his cock from head to base then I took it in my mouth, I gagged but managed to get half of it in, he moaned.

"Alex I am gonna cum." I didn't pull off and he started to blow his load in my mouth, I managed to get some of it down but most of it washed out the corner of my mouth, some went up my nose, he glazed over and I could feel his body completely relax, he was just staring at me and eventually managed a thank you. I said, "Welcome home bud."

I was as horny as hell so he said, "Alex do you want me to get you off?" I said, "No, just lie there I have fantasies too." Then I took my boner in my right hand and pulled Luke to me and deeply kissed him while he used his left hand to play with my balls and managed to get a finger in my ass, just enough to make me cum bucket loads all over the two of us.

We laid there in each other's arms taking in our bodies. Then all of a sudden Luke jumped up and shouted, "Alex the sheets." I looked at him and burst out laughing. I said, "Don't tell Brad he will be so pissed." Another round of laughter. I said to Luke, "Let's get dressed, go downtown and get some lunch and on the way we can call into Jenny's and see if she and Brad want to come with us."

We told Mrs. Lewis our plans and she just handed the keys to Luke and said,

"If you don't feel like driving let Alex, be good, be safe." Then she squeezed both of us and we went out into the daylight. Luke handed the keys to me, he didn't trust his driving abilities.

Jenny's dad said they had gone into town, so we figured we might run into them somewhere there. After I parked the car we went to a small cafe near the beach, it was crowded with holiday makers and locals but we spotted Brad and Jen and joined them. We ordered our hamburgers and cokes while Jen and Luke caught up with the school gossip, it was so good to see him smiling but he caught me looking and said,

"You still stalking me Mr. Somers?" I said. "Always."

Just then Brad jumped in and asked Luke how he liked his surprise, Luke said he was gobsmacked and he especially loved the sheets, Brad looked pleased with himself and said, "It took me ages to decide what thread count to get and colour." Luke said, "You did good Brad, I love them."

Brad replied, "They will last forever, treat them well."

Luke said, "I've already treated them Brad."

I looked at Luke and finally got his meaning so another round of laughter. Jenny looked at Brad and whispered, "What the fuck?" Of course we had a great day.

The Lewis house was a happy one once again, I could hear Luke talking about the sheets to his mum and she was chuckling, I guess there are no secrets between them, I wished I had that kind of relationship with my dad, I sighed and went back to studying.

"But I'm okay to go to school Alex, I've had too much time away lately and we got final exams in a couple of months."

"I'm sorry Luke, I had a lot to do with your breakdown and I won't risk you getting hurt again," I replied.

He just looked at me and shook his head, grabbed my neck and gave me the sweetest kiss on the mouth, what a man. He whispered, "Alex please don't think that you may have started it when I saw you with John but you have to know it's always been there with me, gnawing away at my confidence. I'm really happy I'm talking to my therapist, we have worked through some issues I have but I'm afraid the worst is yet to come. I have secrets Alex, secrets that would make your hair stand on end not even mum knows. Mrs. Lawson my therapist has already been asking about different things she thinks are bothering me and to be honest she's right, but I just can't find the words yet, but I will, I am determined to get better for us, I love you Alex don't ever forget it, no matter what happens."

"In your own time Luke in your own time," I said. "Okay, we go to school tomorrow together, you stick by me and I'll see nothing happens, let's just enjoy the next 3 months there then we will be free."

School was still the same, kids rushing everywhere, announcements were made and Luke and I headed for our lockers to get our books. John and Carl walked by but didn't say anything. The only incident happened on wednesday at lunchtime, I spotted Luke walking across the oval towards the tree I was sitting under, we had found a new one far away from the last tree. John ran up to him and they looked like they were shouting at each other, and all of a sudden, Luke hooked his leg behind Johns and pushed him over, flat on his giant sized butt.

Luke turned and casually walked over to where I was sitting. I said, "Okay what was that all about?"

"Nothing Alex just John being John." I pressed on for more information.

He looked at me and smiled, "He passed me a note in class that informed me he wanted to fuck you and if I wanted I could watch then if I was interested he would break me in too."

I started to get up but he held me where I was, he said, "Alex I have handled it, he knows not to fuck with either of us. I told him your ass is now mine which was a surprise to him, I'm sorry I outed our relationship to him but he really just doesn't get the fact you don't like him so I told him neither of us would suck his dick even if it contained the last breath of fresh air on earth."

"I don't think he liked that Alex."

He started laughing, "Come here mate, give me a kiss," he said.

I turned to him and eventually said raising my eyebrows, "My ass is yours? Well, I hope you're enjoying it." Another round of laughter.

I dropped Luke at the hospital every second day after school when I didn't have footy training. We had the use of his mum's car as she had been handed the keys to a BMW from work so she drove that and gave us her old Honda. It was a new freedom and another plus in our lives. After therapy Luke was very quiet mostly but soon pulled through and got happy by the time we arrived home. He would come to the car red eyed and looking completely beaten.

Four weeks after the incident with my dad he settled in the passenger seat and said, "Let's go out to the lake I need to talk to you."

So we drove the five miles out to a small but deserted lake. We sat for ages without speaking just looking out at the sun shining on the water, he eventually said, "Well, let's get this over and done with, Mrs. Lawson suggested I tell you what happened today so I don't want you to judge me or hate me for telling you but you have to know, whatever happens, I love you."

I was starting to get quite nervous as if he doubted our love for each other.

"Tell me and let me decide whether I love or hate you Luke but you already know what my answer will be, I love you."

He took a deep breath and began his story, "You know about my dad and the way he treated me when I was younger."

It wasn't a question just a statement, he went on,

"Well, what he did is only just part of my problem, I don't remember most of it but I do remember horrible birthdays. I'm so glad my mum took me away but I am afraid she took me to a worse place."

I looked at him with blank eyes, he had started weeping silently.

I said, "Lukey we don't have to do this now, let's just leave it there, I don't think I'm ready to see you suffer again."

He looked me in the eyes and said quietly, "No, Alex this has to be told, I want to get better." Silence except the occasional sniff coming from Luke.

"Take your time babe."

"Alex when I started school here I was the happiest I've ever been, everything in my life was so perfect, do you remember Matt Stephenson he was in the older boys class?"

"Yes, I do Luke he is only a year older than us, why?"

Well, one day at school he befriended me at the lockers, he was so nice to me I sort of idolised him, he said nice things about me and made me feel good. I followed him around like a love sick puppy. One day we were in the toilet block alone and he showed me his cock, he wanted me to play with it so I did my best Alex to make him feel good but it wasn't enough, he got very angry and he hit me hard then he spun me around and then proceeded to rape me. My god Alex, the pain was so bad I passed out, I don't know if he got it all in but I was bleeding and really hurting when I came to."

I had a look of rage and utter shock on my face and I pulled him to me and whispered,

"It's over now Luke, I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you, I would have literally killed him for even touching you. "I'm sorry Alex, I'm sorry I wasn't stronger and I'm sorry you now think I'm dirty and ugly for letting him do that filthy thing to me."

"Whoa, hang on there buddy you got nothing to be sorry about it's Stephenson who should have known better, you were just a thirteen year old kid, it's not your fault and you're NOT ugly Luke you're the most beautiful looking man I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, inside and out why do you think I love you so much?"

I calmed myself down and hugged him more.

"What happened after that, did you tell anyone?" I said as I kissed him on the head.

"No, that was the day you found me in the locker room. Jimmy had seen us and heard my screams so he followed me to the lockers where I wanted to clean my bleeding butt, he called me some filthy names and started to punch me."

"You found me Alex, you saved me from him. I was so lost and hurt more than ever but you saved me."

"Matt left school shortly after so that he never spoke to me again while he was still there, he just sneered when he walked by."

"That fucking asshole, I know where his parents live, I wonder if he's still there, I might just make him a visit."

"It's over Alex, I heard last month he was in jail for some sort of child sex thing he won't be coming out for years but every day I pray he's getting fucked by a smelly, big cocked man."

"Good," I said, "I will find out which jail and pay him a visit there, maybe we can even get his sentence extended."

"No Alex I couldn't go through with it, I'm sorry."

I thought about it and got so worked up I smashed my fist into the dashboard, Luke moved closer and hugged me tight, it felt so good I started to calm my brain, I moved to open my door and he said,

"Where are you going?"

I said, "Not far, come with me." He exited the car and I walked around to his side and opened the back door and said, "Slide in."

We held each other, kissed forever and cried, the tears were endless. I cried for my Lukey, I cried because I hadn't been there to protect him and I cried because we were in the backseat of our car and one of my Luke's fantasies was ruined.

Next: Chapter 8

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