Luke Lewis

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Oct 19, 2013


Luke Lewis 9 Author Maxieplus Email Maxieplus@

While your waiting please read my other story Never Give Up Please donate to .nifty archives.

I then explained about the trust fund and they were both thunderstruck. I added I would be picking up Luke's uni bills for Mrs. L not to worry about it. I said to Luke there was another present for him in the bedroom and when we got there I gave him a small parcel, he gingerly unwrapped it and it was a tiny red Speedo. I said, "Lukey you owe me a dance." He just looked at me shook his head and ran to the bathroom, he emerged in the tiny red bikini and started to grind his stuff, an expensive dance but worth so much more when it was Luke doing it.

We made love and it was perfect, Luke had the biggest grin on his face, his eyes were mega blue filled with shiny unshed tears. I lasted 20 pumps but just couldn't hold on, his vice like butt just sucked the life out of me. Later when we cuddled and I rubbed his sweet hole to sooth it he turned and said, "Are you serious about the money Alex, it's a lot of cash?"

I said, "Luke it's insurance money for me mainly, if anything happens in the future and you're not quite yourself I want to at least have the confidence that you will use this money to make sure you are safe, god forbid nothing happens but if it did you could get to the bank and at least put a roof over your head."

"But Alex nothing is going to happen, I'm okay now, a lot stronger."

"I know babe, I guess I just want to make sure that you have backup just in case but that doesn't mean you can't buy yourself stuff, it's a combined safety deposit box so I can access it also every now and then. I'll go check the contents and replenish the amount back to the original fifty-thousand so it will be a constant amount hopefully for the rest of our lives."

"Alex I don't really need anything, all I need is you."

"Thank you Lukey that makes me feel awesome inside, I love you so much."

Mrs. L had a good time shopping, we followed her around and watched as she carefully chose furniture, some electrics and she just went crazy in the ladies department. Luke and I just nodded yes or no when she modelled her outfits, being gay I guess we had good taste but I think it's more of what looked good on her and suited her, she still had over half of the voucher to spend but she just couldn't think of anything else. I spoke to the manager who was more than happy to cash the rest out, she could come back later if she thought of anything. She tried to insist I take the money but I grabbed Luke's hand and said, "No, it's your money, we will meet you in the food hall, come on Luke." So we scampered away before she could protest again. We had fun putting all her old stuff on the nature strip and by the next morning it was mostly gone and in two days all gone. The new furniture arrived the day after shopping and we helped place it in the house, it looked fresh and bright and so did my favourite peoples faces.

"That was a very generous thing to do Alex," my dad said. I said, "Dad, Mrs. L has done it tough and by god we know Luke has so I just wanted to spread some sunshine over at their house, that's all. I used the money I already had in the bank, none of mums went into it and I still have more than enough left. And dad you know I love Luke more than life itself, I want to make sure he has got backup in case anything happens to me."

"I know that Alex but you needn't worry, you know I would look after him if anything happened to you."

"Thank you dad, that means a lot to me."

"That's okay Alex, you did a wonderful thing. I have the ATM and credit cards here in your name and they are linked to the trust so if you need to use the money available just go into any of the bank branches and get it. I'll get them now, you have to sign them on the back then go online and activate them both. When all settles down again we can get one for Luke that is also linked to the trust if you like then you can replenish it online and he can just use the card."

"Awesome dad, we can do that but I still want the insurance sitting in the safety deposit box."

"Okay cool we will set that all up when you get back."

"Thanks dad, I will be careful with the money."

"I know you will son. Whose taking you to the airport?"

"Well, I was hoping you would dad."

"Okay I'll pick you up at say six pm and we can have some dinner at the airport, will Anna be coming?"

"I don't think we could try and stop her dad."

We laughed.

We had dinner at Nando's, hugged and kissed our folks goodbye and as we boarded the plane we both were so excited, schoolie's week in Bali, what a blast.


The flight took six hours and we were hanging out for some sun and fun. Arriving in Denpasar, the capital of Bali, the smell and heat hit us hard but we soon disposed of our t shirts for tank tops and Alex looked awesome when he exited the airport bathroom. We grabbed a cab to our hotel and checked in but it was late when we got there so we checked out the pool and then went down to the beach. It was a bit dark so we couldn't see too much down there so we went to our room and fell asleep, but not too close as it was hot. We discovered the next day that the air con was turned off so on it went and we never turned it off for the rest of our holiday.

Day one, we woke to the noise of motorbikes and the sweeping of brooms. We had a great breakfast, changed some money and got a really great rate, we were millionaires over there but a million rupia is only worth about one hundred dollars, but it sounded good. There were schoolies everywhere and Alex had a great time checking out the bikes. I thought no way could I ride one of those even though the traffic was very slow, it was very congested. He got several prices for hiring one, the shopping was amazing, we got boardies and tank tops heaps cheaper than in Australia and we bought stacks of DVDs, they worked out at seventy-five cents each, all copies but the ones we watched were good quality.

It started to get hot and muggy so we decided to hit the pool, Alex said he had something to do and left me chatting to a couple of foreign backpackers whose english was excellent, they had travelled the world together and Bali was their second last stop. Really cute guys, Sven and Helmut, I suspected they were a couple. They suggested we should all hit the clubs later that night as they are rocking.

A tall, good looking man drove into the car park with his helmet and sunnies on wearing boardies and tank, he strolled over and said babe do you like the colour, I can change it if you don't, he had hired a red motorbike. I said red is fine just don't go too fast with me on it.

We then plunged into the pool and swam to the pool bar, we sat there drinking our beers which were nice and cold but were getting hot fast so the pool boy said he would get us some condoms, we looked at each other but then realised he was talking about stubby holders, apparently the locals call them condoms.

I noticed that Sven and Helmut had moved to the other side of the bar, I introduced Alex to them and Sven seemed to blush when he shook his hand. Sven was Swedish and every bit blonde, blue eyed with a fantastic body, a bit like me actually but taller. Helmut had dark broody eyes and curly hair, his chest was a mass of black curls and I wondered if he was as big as Alex in the cock department, I couldn't tell in those boardies. We drank much of the afternoon then decided to have a sleep to get ready for our night out. The room had cooled down enough for Alex and I to have our first fuck in an overseas country, it rocked my world.

"What do you think of Sven and Helmut Luke?" he asked, I replied they are both gorgeous studs and I think they are together, a lot of fun but don't get any ideas about playing up while overseas, I don't do deals like that. He looked hurt so I said I was sorry, he just dropped his bottom lip and said couldn't I just test drive Sven just to compare bikes? I punched him hard and said NO! you can't, he's not for hire but I am though. So he said, "I love you more than ever Luke Lewis, you know I was only joking." I knew that but still it nagged at me. Sometimes I look at Alex and think, what's he doing with me? I'm no one special, I don't even think I'm that good looking but he adores me and I feel it every day, how did I get so lucky? It was just bliss when he screwed me, I hadn't told him that because of the shape of his cock, when he fucked me it rubbed my prostate and that made for a wonderful feeling inside, the pain was secondary. I loved him so much for all sorts of reasons and every day a new reason would appear. We fell asleep in our bed, on our island paradise.

That night we showered together in the very large open shower room and played with each other for a while then at ten we started to get dressed. Alex came out in a pair of black cargo shorts with matching black Billabong tank, he had his hair down and his sunnies were on top of his head pulling his hair back so it folded near his ears. He mostly puts it in a ponytail but tonight it flowed free, god he was beautiful, I nearly fucked him there on the spot and I certainly just wanted to hold him all night. I guess I looked good to Alex as he kept saying let's stay home and play Lukey. I said time for play later let's hit the Bounty club.

Just a short walk from our hotel we could hear the thump thump from the front gate so we just followed the crowd. We met Sven and Helmut there, got our beers and sat at the bar to watch all the young ragers dance their asses off. Some of the guys there could rock my world anytime, it was like male and female models, wall to wall. I especially liked the varied tattoos they were sporting, very popular to have one done in Bali, I saw some very fresh flesh recently reddened by the needles.

"Forget it Alex you're not getting one." "Oh okay you don't want your name tattooed on my butt?" "Oh on your butt, well I'll think about it, might get yours done on mine." He joked the letters wouldn't fit, your butts too small, another laughing minute. I said, "Thank you sir."

We danced as a group but after we got a little pissed (I don't drink that much) and after my breakdown, I thought it wise not to add alcohol to the mix. All of us were sweating like pigs, we had an awesome night and Alex and I dragged ourselves into bed at four am, exhausted. The other two stayed on and I noticed in the morning a very cute, tattooed asian guy leaving their room. I wondered if they both had fucked him, I threw a boner just thinking about it but didn't tell Alex.

Breakfast, more shopping, a ride on the bike along the beach, it was paradise. Thousands of locals trying to sell us stuff on the way and we haggled over everything but it got to me after half a day so I said let's hit the pool.

We changed our clothes to boardies, Alex had this funny grin on his face that I couldn't quite read. I settled in on a sofa by the pool and the guys were there already, it wasn't busy today which was great, more room to swim. We said hi to the guys and asked how their night ended up, they said they got in about four thirty. We talked about the night at the club and they said they were going to hit the gay ones tonight and did we want to come? We nodded yes, we had never been to a gay club before and were looking forward to it.

Just then Alex jumped up and said he was going for a swim, he walked to the far end of the pool, put his finger in his mouth and dropped his boardies, fuck! I muttered, and yes he had a pair of black Speedos on. I've never seen anything so beautiful, what a god of a man. Sven and Helmut just said,

"Shit!" Alex dived in and headed for the bar, that was our cue to get in also, I swam up to Alex, he leaned over and said, "Did you like your surprise?" "Awesome babe, when do I get a lap dance?" I said. He put his finger in his mouth and sucked on it as our legs intertwined, I had an overwhelming urge to fuck him there and then but thought better of it, I just whispered sexy things in his ear, I could see he was getting excited. We had a couple of beers and I said I needed some more sun. He said, "You're looking awesome already Luke, don't burn yourself."

I relaxed in the deck chair and watched my man down a few more beers, he wasn't used to it and was getting very animated with Sven. I also noticed Sven touching Alex's leg and Alex removing his hand when he did, I heard a yelp and Alex looked at me, I smiled back thinking Sven had gone too far. Alex moved to a seat by himself, Sven looking a little miffed swam around before he got out of the pool. Alex handed me another beer and went back to his seat but before he went he said, "Sorry babe, he got me off guard." I just said, "Don't worry about it, but settle down with the drinking we have a long night ahead."

An hour later I was watching Sven, he hadn't taken his eyes off Alex all afternoon but I decided I couldn't blame him, Alex was one walking wet dream, he should be proud of his body and looks, I know I am.

Alex finally got out of the pool and said, "I'm going to lie down for a while babe, I'll be in the room." He wobbled up to our room, I could see he had left the door open, sleep well my man I'll be up soon. About twenty minutes later I noticed the door was shut, I looked around and Sven had disappeared and curious as I was I needed a bit of a nap myself. I opened our door and was confronted with a heart sinking sight, there was Alex spread eagled on his stomach, his bathers were off and Sven was having a good munch of Alex's hole, he was moaning and wanking, a tube of KY sat next to him. I was gobsmacked, Sven noticed me and smiled, "Come Luke join in, he tastes just good yeah?" I saw red, this was just so wrong, I grabbed Sven by the hair and pulled him off Alex then shoved him out the door, he fell to the tiled verandah with a smack, Alex stirred and said, "Hi babe, I was having a great dream about you, you were." I cut him off, "Let me tell you, I was munching on your ass." He looked at me confused, "How did you know?"

"Oh Alex, I know these things."

I didn't tell Alex about the incident until we got back home as he would have been so embarrassed and pissed off at the time but he couldn't understand why I went cool on Sven. After I told him he was so mad he had let it happen that he couldn't apologise enough, but I did get a Speedo lap dance from him. I put fifty-thousand rupia down his front and had a good feel at the same time. After the rimming incident I didn't let Sven or Helmut anywhere near us and after the gay club (which was awesome), we didn't see each other much except by the pool. I made Alex promise he wouldn't drink too much and he agreed that a couple a day was enough for him.

Three days later the two backpackers moved up to Ubud to finish their holiday and Alex and I got into a routine, shopping in the morning, pool in the afternoon and dinner at the most beautiful beachside restaurants at night. We hit the gay club once more but left early because there were too many money boys pawing over us, trying to get us to buy them drinks. "Why would I pay for some ass when I've got the best ass in the world for free," Alex said on the way home. I said in his ear as I spooned him on the bike, "I've got fifty-thousand dollars in the bank that tells me you are paying for the best ass in the country." He roared laughing and sped up and I kept screaming, "Slow down Alex." He yelled that he was getting us back to the hotel quickly so he could get his moneys worth, and we did and he did. The next day we said goodbye to our island paradise.

We had to pay excess luggage on the way home as we had bought so much stuff our suitcases were overweight. After an overnight flight we were tired and hungry, these budget flights don't feed you. Alex's dad was there along with my mum, we hugged, kissed and loaded up the car and when we got back to our place we ate and had drinks.

Alex's dad looked at me and said, "Luke you look amazing with that tan, the holiday did you both good I see."

"Want your pressies now?" we said, we were laughing as we opened the first suitcase on the kitchen table, Alex's dad got ten watches, sixteen baseball caps, polo shirts, some heavy duty shorts and a stack of DVDs.

Mum got sarongs, more watches, summer dresses and a stack of cheap but tasteful jewellery. "We had so much fun Mr. S, thank you for the present."

"You're welcome my boy, I'm glad you had fun."

Exhausted, Alex and I went up to bed early, we just touched and kissed, nothing too heavy tonight but it was wonderful to be home in our own bed. Next morning we put away all the clothes we bought and stored the gifts we had bought mum and Mr. S for Christmas, they were not the cheapest things on the island but we loved them so bartered for a better price and bought them.

As Christmas approached we got our exam results, mine were very good and Luke's were excellent, but we still wanted to take a year off before uni. We talked about maybe travelling around Australia in a combo van, Luke wasn't impressed but he was warming to the idea, especially when I told him I would go do it on my own. I wouldn't have but he didn't know that, well maybe he did. Christmas came and we gave dad and Mrs. L their Bali presents, a beautiful quartz pendant for her and a silver ornate inkwell for dad. We just got the normal stuff, clothes, CDs, stuff like that, it was a great day we had Christmas dinner at dads and Luke and I slept in my old bedroom. We were very quiet but didn't need to be, dad's bedroom was up the front and mine was way down the back of the house.

I had decided that I would do something special apart from the small gold star sign pendants we had bought each other. I put on a cd and started a strip tease, Luke loved it, I stripped to his favourite bikini underwear, I shook my booty in his face, my crotch was rubbed all over his body as I slowly stripped him, I had already greased myself up and while he was showering I used a zucchini I had taken from the kitchen to try and open my butt. I gyrated with my arms in the air and he was hard so I got the KY and greased his cock up, I figured it was a bit smaller than mine so it won't hurt so much. He said, "Alex what are you doing?" I said, "All in good time lover, happy Christmas." I straddled him, grabbed his cock and sat down very gently on it. "Alex! My god, oh my god, I'm in, fuck why are you torturing me?" I said, "Shut up and enjoy the ride."

It hurt like fucking hell, I don't know why Luke likes it so much, I was in agony but I wanted to give him something special. I relaxed and slid down his pole, when he bottomed out I squeezed my muscles, put my arms above my head and gyrated to the music, now that's a lap dance, after a couple of very painful minutes, Luke came loud and long.

I rubbed off but didn't like the sensation when I cum, I didn't seem to cum a lot and was only half hard. I didn't enjoy the experience but Luke did, he was enthralled, "What the fuck Alex, how did you manage that?"

"Fuck Luke, sorry boyo, first and last time, Mr. zucchini lied to me, thank god it turned you on and you came fast, I was nearly going to faint."

"Then why did you do it, why didn't you let me warm you up to it, you just can't sit on someone's dick and expect everything to be okay, especially the first time?"

He was starting to get pissed, I guess I did go about it the wrong way but I was just thinking a proper lap dance for Christmas is what I wanted to give Luke. "Luke shut up man, I did it and you loved it, now I'm sore so go to sleep while I put some ointment on my hole." He cracked up, "Want me to check for bleeding babe?"

"No, it's okay, just hurts."

"Poor baby, let me rub it for you."

"Fuck off, never again," I moaned.

It was ages till we got to go sleep, Luke was switching from hysterical laughter to genuine concern. My dad said in the morning he heard cats crying in the night, I wonder, umm.

After my first attempt of getting screwed, every time Luke looked at me he burst out laughing but the novelty wore off after two weeks. I just kept saying, "Never again."

Life was more than settled after Christmas, Luke and I decided to go to one of the gay clubs in the city for New Years Eve so we booked into a hotel nearby and arrived that afternoon. The hotel was nice and we were looking forward to seeing the new year in together so we got to the club at about ten. Luke just blew me away, he wore a pair of ripped jeans and a ripped tank top, the jeans were cut across one cheek of his ass and just below his crotch, the tank was ripped across one nipple exposing it to the world, at least he had put a pair of white hipster briefs on. He looked stunning, real catalogue material. I just wore my basic black, with my hair down but he couldn't take his hands off me all night, we danced and drank a little.

The club was crowded and rocking, we found a corner table and after working up a sweat on the dance floor we just sat there crowd watching. "Hey guys ,how's things?" The voice yells at us over the music, it was John and Carl, fuck, no getting away from him. We just ignored them and decided to have one more drink then go back to the hotel and have a small celebration on our own. As Luke was coming back to the table John knocked him and Carl took the drinks out of his hand and carried them to the table, then they disappeared. After several minutes Luke said he had to go to the bathroom he wasn't feeling well, I said, "Want me to come with you babe?" He said, "Stay here and look after the drinks, I'll just be a minute, just need to splash my face."

I waited ages and he didn't return, I saw a couple of security guys running toward the toilets so I took off in their direction. When I got there they were holding John and Carl, "Oh my god Luke?" I screamed, "Where's Luke?"

"If you mean the guy with his head in the toilet and his pants down he's in that cubical."

"Luke, fuck John what did you do?" I grabbed him by the neck and would have killed him there and then when another security guy came and stopped me. "It's okay sir your friend is just being sick, a patron called us when he suspected these two were up to something, he saw the incident in the club with the drinks and saw this guy put something in your friends glass, he said your friend went into the cubical and started to be sick and these two goons arrived opened the door and dragged his jeans down. He was very lucky we got here fast we have suspected these two were using the date rape drug in the club for a few weeks now."

"We are now going to take their pictures, circulate them and have them banned from every nightclub in Sydney. We could call the police if you like but this time there's no damage done and we don't know if your friend will want to go through it." Luke walked out and splashed his face in the sink he looked at me unaware of what was going on and said, "Let's go home Alex, I don't feel so good and I'm so sleepy."

"Okay let's go home baby, I'll see you soon Johnny boy," I leered at him. Luke was unaware of what had happened but I told him about it and said, "That's it for us, no booze in the clubs anymore, I don't care if we are the only two in there, no drinking." Luke shook his head and said, "For fuckin' sure Alex, let's go home, I really feel uneasy."

Two days later I was at the front door of my favourite person John Wilson. His father answered the door. I said, "Hi Mr. Wilson my name is Alex, I'm a friend of Johns from school, can I see him?"

"Sure young man," he said.

"John, company," he sang out. I could hear him moving down the stairs and when he hit the last one he froze, I took one step up to him and gave him one almighty punch to the mouth, I felt his teeth break and his nose crack, it was sickening.

Mrs. Wilson ran out screaming. She said, "How dare you come here and hit my lad like that, Fred do something." He looked at me cool as a cucumber and said, "What's this about Alex?" I said, "Your delightful son and his boyfriend Carl drugged my friend at a club in the city last night with the intention of raping him, it's not the first time the clubs have had trouble with him but hopefully it will be the last, just be thankful Luke didn't have him charged with date rape."

"Fred," Mrs. Wilson yelled, "call the police." "Shut up Dorothy, I'm still listening son, go ahead." I said, "Be very careful what you do from now on Mr. Wilson, Johns got big problems, he needs some sort of treatment before he ends up with a jail sentence. I'm not sorry I punched him, it's been a long time coming, if you want to have me charged I'll leave my address but keep in mind there's solid evidence of his night escapades."

He shook my hand and said, "Thank you, you have just done what I have wanted to do for years now. There won't be any police involved but I promise you there will be treatment." "Fred what are you doing, call the cops."

"For fuck sake, shut up Dorothy." That's the last word I heard from that family. As I walked out the door I glanced at John, he was out cold and my fist was throbbing, as it turned out I had a broken finger and pulled tendons but I felt a lot better inside.

Of course, nurse Luke took real good care of me.

"Where we going first babe?" Luke asked as we drove away in our kombi van. "Oh I don't know lover, what about Canberra first, it is nice and chilly there at the moment and we could cuddle up all night?" "Okay, sounds good to me."

"This will be number one Luke."

"What do you mean number one Alex?"

"Number one fuck in our new home."

"What makes you so sure we will fuck tonight Alex?"

"Luke we had a deal."

"What deal?" he said.

"We had a deal that I was going to fuck you in every corner of the country."

"Oh," he said, "I guess I could cope with that."

We did fuck a lot and suck more, all over the place. The best part was it was in the back of a Kombi van not the car and it was so sweet, I got my fantasy back and more. God I love this man.

The End (for now)

Thank you for reading my second story.

Thank you Duncan.

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