Luke Olsson

By moc.loa@tuolcyhs

Published on Jan 31, 2004


Thursday early evening after supper Luke heard the phone ring and jumped from the sofa where he was watching the television to answer it. But his mother grabbed the phone first. He listened to the pleasantries as he knew it would be his favorite uncle, known as Big Jake to everyone in the family, calling to make arrangements for the weekend. Big Jake ever since his brother Alex died, made it his mission to mentor and take care of his nephew Luke and help his sister-in-law with the budding teen.

Several years younger that his brother Alex, Big Jake who had turned 30 this past year was in a lot of ways an over grown "manchild" with his humor and tastes in pop culture. But his sense of family and responsibility was heightened when Alex died unexpectedly three years ago and left a wife and young teen. The young teen was now 15 years old and becoming a man physically, mentally and if Big Jake's instincts were correct, sexually too. Big Jake enjoyed a very open relationship if not close friendship with Luke. He made himself available as a surrogate father figure at first after his brother's death but Big Jake the last 18 months evolved into a sounding board and best bud/big brother to Luke. Luke's many questions that he posed as hypothetical on life, adolescence, girls and dating and of course juvenile sex were proving more challenging to Big Jake with each passing month. If anything Luke's queries were too sexually charged Big Jake thought.

"It's Uncle Jake for you Luke....wants to talk to you about this weekend and your plans..."

"Got it Mom....hey Big Jake what's the deal for this weekend," Luke said with a smile across his face. Weekends were never boring and usually revolved around some outdoor or athletic activity which he enjoyed to no end whether it be hiking or skiing in the mountains or if the weather was bad, just lifting with Big Jake and then sacking out watching ESPN. The genes in this side of the family made all the males highly competitive, athletic and to put it mildy: Large Framed with Beef once puberty kicked in and it had kicked in on Luke this past year. One of his favorite weekend jaunts with Big Jake was doing 35 miles on their bicycles on a paved trail that had hills as well as flat straightaways where they could sprint in a race against each other. Big Jake had designed a training program and built up their endurance to that mileage last year over a period of two months alternating with cardio and lifting and lots of road work during the week when they were not together. This regimen paid off handsomely for Luke as his legs became unusually strong and the light lifting shifted to medium to heavy lifting during the summer months as he prepared for Freshman Football this past year. It was on these biking jaunts at age 14 when Luke began to see the wonders of the male body. Looking at how his and Big Jake's bodies stretched and pumped in the sheer lightweight lycra outfits during a ride and after a cool down intrigued him. But it was during their gym workouts that Luke watched mesmerized as their bodies and the other male bodies there responded to heavy sets while adding muscles that got him thinking and wondering.

Muscles became cool to Luke. He began to hit his stride and disciplined in his workouts, lifting and general nutrition. And all under Big Jake's firm but watchful oversight. His initial innocent thoughts about and looks at the muscleheads in the gym had started to shoot jolts to his groin. Some of these guys were huge and laden with massive muscles. He realized that he liked looking, liked the thoughts he was having. And he really enjoyed everyone looking at each other while pumping and while showering, the way his own body responded to the looks. Luke especially liked looking at himself in the gym mirrors after a pump from a heavy bench set or a curling set. Big Jake caught him looking at himself a few times the past few months and just shook his head with a smirk as if he was saying "Gotcha." Luke knew he was busted but the few times their eyes met he just shrugged because if Big Jake had asked if he really liked what he saw in the mirror he was going to push it with a smartass line like: "Almost, but you got the goods I want." But Big Jake never uttered a word, but he knew there was something changing in Luke. They both got a kick out of the way they and the other gymrats joked while leaving the gym, nudging each other and playing grab ass.

There was no doubt Luke was developing and he liked the mass he was putting on for a young teen at 15 years old as he fondled his bicep while listening to Big Jake on the phone, "..sure, could be different, i understand, no i don't mind = we'll rent a dvd or have to workout harder on prob, i'll be ready Friday night right after dinner like always. Honest Big Jake, if you have to work you have to work. If i pitch in maybe we'll get done earlier...alright see you tomorrow..."

"Problems Luke?" asked his mother, " and Uncle Jake are still on for the weekend as always aren't you..."

"No problem Mom, he has to be on call at his school all day Saturday, said their auditorium is being rented for a competition and he and some coaches have to help set it up. But I can help them and won't be in the way. We'll just do our usual stuff on Sunday and hit it extra hard that's all with the workouts and stuff. Seriously, no prob..." as he wandered back to the sofa and the TV. His mind was a bit charged, he did hear Big Jake say regional bodybuilding competition at his high school didn't he? And that it was going to be an all day event with a weigh-in of the competitors, prejudging sessions by classes and the evening posing show. This might not be so bad after all he thought with a smile.

Luke tossed and turned all night dreaming of the coming weekend. In the middle of the night, he woke up hard as a rock with his hand around his pulsing thick dick. Luke was very embarrassed that he was in the middle of a wet dream and worse, it was about Big Jake. Now like where did that come from he thought. He could not believe it as Big Jake was urging him to plug his bubble butt deeper. His dick was leaking pretty heavy and his sheets had a large wet spot but he had not cum as he checked around the bedding. Just a lot of precum. Luke rubbed the stuff around his large dickhead so it glistened and laid back down. Taking two fingers he lapped up a good large drip and stuck out his tongue. Not too bad, could get used to the taste he thought. God he enjoyed jerking off and it seemed to be nonstop anymore.

He giggled to himself as he recalled almost being caught at school doing it in the showers after football practice and another time he got so hard in class he asked to be excused to visit the bathroom with the intention of wanking himself. He got to the point of no return when who walks into the school bathroom but Bobby Carpenter, all conference football QB. Sauntering to the urinal, Bobby heard the muffled grunt but decided to let it go. Luke was pinching himself to a stop and all but buckled over in orgasmic pain when he peered through the stall divider crack and saw who was standing at the urinal. Omigod was all he thought. Bobby was not a regular lifter at the gym where Big Jake took him every weekend but the few times he was there he nodded an acknowledgement to young Luke; recognizing him as a developing stud on the Freshmen football team. And that was enough for Luke then.

Zipping up quickly without a release, fearing discovery and now suffering blueballs Luke came out of the stall to wash his hands. Bobby had his leather varsity jacket tied around his waist and a light blue sweater on that accented his sculpted upper torso...he could only look better if he had on his yellow tank top, those tight nylon shorts and had just finished a few warmup dips that puffed up his pecs. Why he wore those black high tops when working out was beyond Luke, he'd have to ask him one of these days if Bobby ever showed up again at the gym as they just did not fit workout gear. Luke glanced sideways more than two times at Bobby who seemed impervious to the quick gawks.

Drying his hands, Luke jumped out of his skin when Bobby asked him a question. "Still lifting every weekend? Looks like you are putting on some real mass pal, " said Bobby as he zipped up his jeans and turned to a very surprised Luke who blushed.

"Yep, i am trying hard with my uncle and I am staring, er ummm i mean starting to really enjoy it. Would like to get as big as you are when i am a junior..."

"You just might," said Bobby as he flexxed his right bicep for Luke to get a better gawk, " tell me again sport, what it is you really enjoy doing? Did I hear you say staring or did you mean you really have begun to enjoy working out at the gym...." Luke was now totally flustered as he stared at the peaked muscle of Bobby's. It was so round and hard, it was perfection - the best bicep Luke could have imagined and so close. "I could give you a few pointers here at the school weight room if you are interested that is. Took me about 4 years of heavy lifting and it's been worth it as you can see. You don't want to feel my muscle? It's a beaut if I do say so myself. It looks damn good, damn good.....yeah it's nice and round and it's got really great shape. This baby is going to be taking me places. You sure you don't want to feel it - hey what is your name anyway? Mine is Bobby Carpenter," as he lowered his huge bicep and extended his hand for a shake.

"My name is Luke Olsson and I know who you are, you ride on my school bus sometimes. And you are the quarterback," stammered Luke who was caught completely offguard that this was transpiring in a high school bathroom with an example of damn near physical perfection. Luke's brain was spinning. Oh please God don't let my dick get hard....

Bobby just chuckled and decided to slow it down a bit. The freshman was hot and fresh, but he was confused that much Bobby could see. "So as I was saying, Coach wants us to mentor a few of you Freshmen and I could put in a good word for you when that program starts up in two months....basically we'd get you guys started with some training with weights, some cardio and running so in the summer when practice starts we all don't start from zero and waste time getting in shape. We'd be ready on Day One for Henderson Football. It is like an athletic big brother program for lack of a better description. And you have to have decent grades too...what do you say Luke?"

Luke stood there a bit dumbfounded with a large bulge in his khakis that could not be overlooked. Bobby glanced down for a second and confirmed it to himself. Yeah, this could be interesting.

Bobby thought, what the hell = and shifted his torso in a slight turn and did a double bicep pose now popping BOTH of his gigantic guns and sucked in his gut for good measure for the young teen with the large bulge. Luke stared and his mouth gaped. "Oh"

"Go ahead Luke, you can touch them - just touch one of them, see if you like it....I know I would," said Bobby through clenched teeth as he held the pose.

Luke raised his right hand and enveloped Bobby's right bicep. It was harder than anything he ever felt. It was great. Bobby relaxed his gut, dropped his arms and exhaled a bit as Luke looked down, Bobby's jeans while tight to begin with had a large trout extending down his right leg. He looked up to Bobby's eyes and before he could say or would even want to say a word, Bobby whispered "hey it happens to the best of us Luke, happens to me all the time when I show my muscles. Relax, its not a big thing well it is a big thing, I mean I am big there too....Showing my muscles is not a big thing and our reaction to them or well Luke liked it, you may not understand totally but you will. I know I liked showing you my guns and I think you should feel both of them at the same time okay....I want you to feel both of them for understand that don't you..."

Luke wanted to say something but could only nod. This was all too much but he was hoping Bobby would pose again and before he knew it Bobby flexxed another double bi shot for him. "Feel them Luke, go ahead...we both need it." So Luke did, both biceps got worshipped by his hands as they worked them over, feeling all around them. Luke finished his feel by taking his finger tips and nails and running them from the biceps insides down to Bobby's tapered lats to his waist and back up again before Bobby dropped the pose. While Bobby had his tight sweater on that unintentionally innocent erotic manuveur by Luke sent a shiver down Bobby's neck who smiled and could not help letting a low moan escape from his lips. Bobby knew this was going to be choice, his nips were perking up even tighter after that fingernail trail. Luke had no idea what he did but knew he must have done "good." There was also a growing wetness in Luke's khakis which drew his attention back to reality. Bobby's tented jeans were now borderline obscene with his own growth at full mast. "whoa baby, that was something..."

That was the last time Bobby spoke to Luke or even saw him and that was just about two months ago.

Luke shook his head remembering that brief encounter in the high school bathroom. But again thought, TOO HOT. First Big Jake and now Henderson High's all star jock Bobby Carpenter. He looked down at his dick in bed and was mesmerized by its thickness, he knew his cock was large for a teen his age, but its thickness got him going on himself. It was like another whole muscle that seemed to grow the more he lifted or at least he thought so. Its veins were pronounced like ones on his arms after an exhaustive set of curls.

Luke looked over to the large wooden framed mirror he had strategically placed near his closet but facing his bed. The full moon that night lit up his entire bedroom and he watched himself in the mirror as he slowly began an enjoyable stroke job. It was cool to watch himself he thought, the abs crunched as he twisted his body to a full frontal and damn if he was not getting a cut washboard. A bit more work and those last bottom two, always the hardest to get said Big Jake, would be bulging along with their six sisters.

Pounding Big Jake's huge bubble butt was what he thought about. "I wish I had not woken up and was still dreaming," he said to himself silently. Big Jake's butt he had seen many times at the gym - spotting him when he did squats, on their bikes in those stretchy shorts and best of all in the showers. Luke was always amazed that Big Jake had practically no hair on his torso, but did have a thin dark wisp of hair from his belly button to his crotch. He called it his "treasure trail" but Luke was not putting two and two together just then. That first time when Big Jake turned around in the shower after lifting and Luke saw that huge white moon ass with the dark curly hair that began at the top of his asscrack and spread down to his huge thighs had Luke entranced. All Luke knew was he wanted a body like Big Jake or he wanted Big Jake, something inside him said go and get it. And that frightened and confused Luke at first and for a long time.

Adjusting his bed pillows, Luke moved his body so that he was jacked up and was now able to look downward slightly towards the mirror's reflection as he continued stroking himself. He spread his legs wide and saw his own muscled ass with its light fuzzy hair that covered his inner thighs and crack. The peach fuzz was spreading nicely on his legs. This past summer when he was cutting several lawns and doing other yard work his leg hair had bleached itself which contrasted nicely with the deep tan he earned from his outside work. But like Big Jake = no hair was on his torso, just on his legs and his arms.

His balls inched up in his sack as he stroked harder and quicker. Luke saw them rise up and separate on either side of his dick's base. That unique feeling that only a man can appreciate began to move in his dick. He knew he was getting close, but kind of wanted to drift back to sleep and see if he could pick up his dream of him and Big Jake...but jerking off was feeling really good right then. He clamped down at the base of of his thick dick and paused and looked down at the head. Bubbles came out of his piss slit and dripped over his knuckles. God it was close he thought. Taking his fingers from his left hand he gathered some of the clear nectar and brought it up to his lips. A long string of it fell onto his nipple and pec. So Luke smeared it around a bit till his hypersensitive nipple became the size of a pencil eraser....Luke muffled a groan so lost was he into his body and its muscles and his throbbing dick that swayed on its own volition. God this is too much he thought, its as if my entire body is sex and I am nothing but a tool tonight.

Does anyone else have thoughts like this he wondered as he began playing with himself again....steadily, moving faster and faster up and down his thick tube....God this is gonna be a good blast Luke thought. Fucking Big Jake who is urging me on to fuck him deeper and harder....his orgasm building and climbing....Luke heard in his head "come on Luke you want it, you've wanted it for a long time, i am teaching you man...teaching and loving you like no other man could....gotta give me all of you right now, i want it soooo bad you stud....come on oh yeah oh yeah fucking yeah're hitting me right where it oh my god it feels so fucking good Luke..." Feverishly Luke stroked himself grunting like a pig as he stared into the mirror.

In the mirror his eyes caught the 8x10 silver framed photo of him and Big Jake. Next to his bed on the bureau was this cherished possession, a memento from when Big Jake took him to the Keys for a vacation last summer. There they took a snorkeling trip. On the boat the captain offered to take their picture once they had done the brief training, had gotten wet and were ready to call it a day. They were like bronzed gods from Greek mythology as they stood there in the bright afternoon sunshine on the deck of the boat. Luke in a square cut wild print suit and Big Jake in all his splendor in a deep orange speedo. Both of them were dripping wet but smiling hugely and clearly had enjoyed themselves. Luke had never consciously focused on the details. While it was a cherised memory and showed love and health and clearly a good time, it also now read to him something a bit more confusing. He saw lust and sex. In this picture Big Jake radiated HOT as Luke focused on his uncle's body. His body truly was something else. It was magnificent and radiated pure primal sex. Big Jake reeked of fuck. Luke stopped jerking off and reached for the framed photo. And he looked closer at it as he turned on the light for even more light. You could see Big Jake's mammoth cock clearly outlined laying up to his right hip bone. There was no shrinkage from the water. Big Jake was bulging big time in his orange speedo and he was thick. Luke then looked at himself. While not as gifted yet and still a growing teen his own mound was not to be overlooked. Luke smiled, I am pretty hot myself and I am getting there. He yanked the light off but laid the picture next to himself in bed. Toying with his dick till it was back to full hardness and ached, Luke teased it between snatching glances of the snorkeling picture.

The moonlight danced as clouds blew over the moon creating unusual atmospherics in his bedroom. Luke eyed the picture laying beside him and thought, "..this was incredible... I truly am on overload" as he again looked into the mirror....his body jacking itself as his nuts climbed higher in his sack....God this is so fucking hot, my sweat pooling in my navel, my dick of steel lengthening, faster and faster where am I to look? At my dick, at my pecs, at the picture...i want to fuck you so bad Big Jake sooooo baaadddd right now you fucker right now and give you so much pleasure, tell me you want it too....i can't take too much more...its coming too fast, too fast oh my God this is something, this is incredible Big Jake I want it i want it too....."

Splashing his upper pecs with loads of white cream Luke buckled his body as if he were an Olympic diver doing a jack knife. His grunts slowing down...spurt after thick spurt deluged his torso in ecstasy, Luke all but knocked himself out from the intensity. His wet dreams and daily jerking off had never been this mindblowing and realistic nor memorable...

Luke dozed off in deep content as he slowly rubbed some of the jism into his pecs with the moonlight glistening off the rest of his cum covered torso.

"Come on Luke, its Friday and you still have school. The bus will be out there before you know it...shake a!" said his mother.

Luke made it down to the corner in plenty of time for the bus. He was surprised to see in the middle of the bus as he stepped into it that Bobby Carpenter in his leather varsity jacket was sitting there looking straight at him. He looked even more huge than ever. Bobby nodded at Luke but there were no seats near him as much as Luke was dying to sit next to him.

Feeling a big paw on his shoulder, Luke turned around at the top of the school's steps. He found himself turning to Bobby's face, the owner of the paw. "Looking good big guy. I have not forgotten about speaking to the Coach about the mentoring program. Final decisions are made this afternoon." Bobby still had not relinquished his grip on Luke's shoulder. He squeezed Luke's shoulder a bit. "Seems you have made more progress on your own with your delts" said Bobby giving it one last long squeeze, "....impressive for a Frosh."

"Thanks," was mumbled back. Luke was fearing he would tent his pants but wishing at the same time that he could feel up Bobby again and ride a high like he had last night. He wanted so bad to touch a real person, a real muscle guy now after his dreams, his mirror interaction. "I am very much interested Bobby, just let me know...."

"I will Luke honest, but I have a big weekend with a sporting event I am in, its like a competition I am in and you probably won't hear back from me till next week, but I am supposed to talk to the Coach around lunch today. Hey, I will try to save you a seat on the bus Monday if i take or Tuesday okay?"


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What lies ahead for Luke, Big Jake and Bobby?

Next: Chapter 2

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