Luke Olsson

By moc.loa@tuolcyhs

Published on Feb 5, 2004


The rest of Friday morning zoomed by real fast for Luke. It was after lunch that his mind began to pose questions to itself. Algebra in the early afternoon was never easy for him. But he persevered as the numbers and equations droned on and on, but right after Algebra he bounced back as Art came next. Yeah, he heard the whispers and took the verbal jabs from his fellow Freshmen jocks in his good-natured way about doing so well in this class. Truth be told, it was a cake course as far as he was concerned, you show a bit of interest and it is half the game to getting an A. Luke knew deep down that he had talent and probably got it from his father, Alex, who was an amateur photographer in his spare time until his death three years ago. He recalled how his father took him along to shoots on weekends and while young; he became a sponge as his father talked about composition, light and color when lensing a shot. His father left many binders filled with his work that were shelved in the family room of their home. All of it good - from the architectural facades of industrial cities to the natural wildlife in their habitat in national parks they visited on family vacations in the summers. His best work if you looked closely and studied the photos was of people. His portraits caught the essence of the subject. All kinds of people were captured by his camera, all kinds of shapes and sizes, but Alex truly felt a kindred spirit for the athletes he was fortunate to get on film and it showed in his work.

Luke remembered as his father and mother, an athlete in her own right, packed up the camera bag and their car to head to a game or a meet or a contest with him in tow just about every weekend. Despite his intimidating size, Alex's genteel demeanor and pleasant patter eased their access to choice seats and behind the scenes action where he shot his Canon to his heart's content. Luke listened and learned and when his dad passed away, he started to dabble with his dad's cameras, lens and equipment. But no matter how good the equipment was you still needed an eye and that special talent to get the right shot. Luke remembered how often his dad told him " really got to want it Luke, you have to live life no matter work, in romance and in sports....go for broke..." as he mussed Luke's hair while they walked to the car after many a morning shooting at some athletic event.

The question was a no brainer to Luke or so he thought. He believed he knew he wanted it and what he wanted. The troubling part was who was going to give it to him or whom he would get it from and when and just how much. He looked down at his crotch as the teacher was discussing the highlights of charcoal and portraits. His meat began to surge as he recalled last night's masturbation explosion. God that was somethingfuckingelse, the best yet. Luke looked around the classroom, the best part of sitting in the back was no one was seated behind him nor could anyone see his hand go low under the desk to play with himself. He was so tempted to pull his meat out and give himself a handjob just for the guilty pleasure of doing it in public and risking it all, but he thought better of it. "....later BigMeat, you're gonna be taken care of later..." as he flipped his thumb around the outline of his glans. His corduroys bounced as blood gushed to his crotch.

Over in another wing of the high school, the Athletic Director's office to be precise, sat Bobby Carpenter bored out of his mind. He was beginning to feel the butterflies start in his gut and thought to himself that they were probably because of tomorrow's bodybuilding competition, but they flared up and passed. Despite being The Stud, Bobby was just like every other teen athlete before "the big game"....he got a set of nerves that flipped his stomach all over the map. It never failed to happen to him despite all outward appearances of total control and calm whether it was a football game or a track meet. But his mind was not on the competition, but Luke. The butterflies today only started after he saw Luke on the bus and spoke briefly on the school steps with him. The Coach was asking for their recommendations for the Football Mentoring Program and the requested three names each of the future seniors were to pass forward. Bobby had just one name on his sheet: Luke Olsson. That was who he wanted in this program and all he was interested in recommending.

This one was going to be special he thought, their chemistry was too HOT as he recalled their bathroom encounter a few months back. "...shit if someone pulled a stunt like that on me in a high school bathroom when I was his age I would have crapped myself while running out the door, but he didn't...he stayed calm and he touched me...he felt me up really well and then worshipped me with those fingertips lightly going down my lats to my waist and then reversing gears and heading back up with using his fingernails this time till he came back to my fucking huge guns....God was he a natural..." thought Bobby. He squeezed his thighs together as his dick began to pulse with lust.

Bobby did not understand his nervousness as he stretched his legs. Looking down he saw his big lump of dick in his tight blue jeans extend down his right thigh. Bobby was fascinated by its girth and copped himself a feel. Goddamn! That Luke kid really got him going. He caught his best buddy, Rusty, blatantly staring at him and his actions when he looked up. Bobby smiled and removed his hand as Rusty turned forward to listen to the Coach, but Bobby kept his legs extended and flexed his groin muscles which in turn made his mammoth dick swell as if it had its own heartbeat. Trying to be nonchalant, Rusty turned sideways after a long 90 seconds and forced his eyes to look up and over Bobby as if he was genuinely interested in the winter sports teams group pictures that adorned the wall. But then his gaze drifted down to Bobby's colossal thighs and the throbbing mound. Bobby smiling like a cat who ate the canary, made a slight "ahem" and waited for Rusty to look up. Opening his lips to flash his bright white teeth and bobbling his eyebrows Bobby mouthed the words: "Busted Rusty!" Taking his middle fuck finger to the dickhead, Bobby made circular motions around it while his thumb pressed into his dick's base. As if measuring it's length, Bobby's righthand pressed into his thigh and his finger kept the rotation around his dickhead going till a small wetness emerged through his jeans almost halfway down to his knee. Rusty was entranced by his buddy's sexuality. Scooting his chair over a few inches so their thighs touched, Bobby let Rusty reach down. Rusty's hand almost burned itself as he felt the heat from the heavy mound.

"I'll see you later this afternoon at my house right Rusty?" Bobby whispered as the meeting ended and both stood up adjusting themselves as they turned to the wall as if picking up their backpacks. Rusty nodded yes and then jerked his head as if to say "let's talk outside this room." Bobby was a bit surprised, but followed Rusty who looked around as the football players went their separate ways. "I want to help you out, I want it..." said Rusty.

"What are you talking about?" asked Bobby. Rusty's face was flush and looked down at the mound that was still noticeable. "...awwww, you want Chuckie want to help me and Chuckie right now - is that what these nods and shrugs are all about?....I was hoping we'd do our ritual later tonight Rusty when you come over to watch me pose one last time with my amaze me Rusty, you know me sometimes better than I know myself. Gotta admit, I've been getting the 'flies all day but you knew that didn't saw my condition in there. Chuckie is rising to the occasion no doubt about it, he's like a are you Rusty, just like a barometer for me...knowing what's best for me.....big game? Rusty relaxes me...big meet? Rusty calms me competition? Rusty knows I need a release...." Bobby murmured low in a soothing tone to relax Rusty. He rubbed Rusty's back up and down gently. Their ritual began their Freshmen year and evolved. At first, it was just each other jerking themselves off before a football game or a track meet since they both played each sport. The pretence was "it calmed and relaxed themselves..." They did not buy the coach's admonitions to wear boxing gloves to bed to save their "male juices" for the big game. Bobby and Rusty were the two most physically mature boys in the Freshmen class and their hormones were raging. Jerking off felt good and when they compared notes on load size, how far they shot and size of their dicks they finally double dared each other at the end class one day before an afternoon game. Sneaking off to the trainer's room which they knew was empty as all the players' ankles were already taped, Rusty and Bobby Carpenter jerked off and put huge loads on each other's football uniforms before hustling out for warmups.

The evolution happened quickly after their Freshmen year. Jerking off facing each other became exchanging reciprocal handjobs before a big game or track meet which then became Rusty sucking the ever growing Bobby Carpenter's huge dick and then at the last away track meet their Sophomore year, Bobby fucking Rusty in the back of the school bus before the track team did their exercises. Now it was just plain old fucking before a football game or a track meet, Bobby riding Rusty till their pleasure juice erupts - both have to cum is the rule. Didn't matter - home or away, the two wandered off and fucked. There was nothing romantic about it, they viewed it as a release plain and simple. Everyone knew they had a special ritual, but their coaches, their teammates and even Rusty's girlfriend never knew what it was. They just disappeared for 20 minutes or so and came back smiling and focused. They appeared calmer and more relaxed. That their teams rarely lost a game or a meet allowed some leeway for their behavior.

"Let's go....I know where the key is hidden to get in the Trainer's room....and he's got a padded table....look Rusty, Chuckie wants to play too!" said Bobby as he grabbed his trouser trout. Chuckie was getting ready, he was bigger - as big as he was during the Mentoring Program meeting....action was not far away.

Closing the door, Bobby turned on the lights and slapped the leather padded table. "It's all for you Rusty, let's giddyup....." Dropping his jeans, Rusty tore off his shirt and laid on his back. Bobby took his time, he was in control and knew it. While Rusty had convinced himself he was straight and had dated a cheerleader since Freshmen year, in his mind this was all a service he provided to his best friend Bobby, all conference QB and The Stud at Henderson. They were not queer in his mind. He actually loved his cheerleader and fooled around with her, often getting to third base. He and Bobby double dated tons of time. But Bobby was gay though - red blooded, masculine and hot. He knew it and had known it since the fourth grade, but he played by society's rules. Was not totally happy about it but hey, he was young and still in high school. He unzipped his blue jeans. Fighting them over his thighs, Bobby looked up. Fuck it, I am just going to drop them to my knees. He unbuttoned his flannel shirt as he was getting warm. His grey briefs could not contain his manhood, the head of his cock and about two inches had escaped over towards his right hip and wanted out. "Slide down a bit Rusty, you want the full treatment or should I save a bit for later tonight?" as Bobby blew some air into Rusty's hole which puckered. Two of his fingers wormed themselves around Rusty's sphincter opening to ease the impending fuck. "Kind of musky it clean? Want some lube or can Chuckie just plow on home pal? I think Chuckie wants to head home don't you?" said Bobby who was now getting into the dominance as his voice turned husky. Looking down his torso Bobby saw Chuckie jutted out proudly - - rockfuckinghard. Bethlehem Steel could not have made anything harder he thought. "I really appreciate this Rusty...." as Bobby wiggled his fingers around inside till he found his pal's prostate and saw Rusty's dick jump. He gently but firmly massaged it a bit. "I know you like that dontcha pal..."

He grabbed and pulled on his mammoth dick, it was raring to go as Bobby smeared his dickhead covered in precum around the hole. "You can't see it Rusty, but Chuckie is kissing your asshole right now, can you feel it? Come on, tilt yourself up a bit and look down here... There is another one, tell me you feel it Rusty...come on...tell me, these little love taps are like kisses and you want Chuckie to french your asshole Rusty?" murmured Bobby.

Rusty was trying to relax, but his body was braced for the assault. He loved it, he hated it, it was like nothing else he ever felt. Bobby and Chuckie filled him so full at times he thought he would pass out, but nothing gave him more pleasure then when Chuckie rubbed his prostate during their ritual. It was just too much. Pressing his dickhead, Bobby slipped about a half inch in and Rusty wailed. Bobby grabbed Rusty's sweater and stuffed it in his mouth. "You gotta be quiet man, we're in school..." Built like a rocket and thicker than he had seen it in a long time, Bobby got anxious and plunged more of his dick into Rusty who was not enjoying this rutting. Still a hefty 7inches at least were outside Rusty's ass. "ah, that is feeling better....don't move Rusty, let's enjoy this a bit...patience.....God I'm so glad you suggested this...." Bobby began to gently rock forward. A bit more dick length entered, Rusty was squirming now. He sensed a difference in Bobby - maybe this bodybuilding contest had gotten his nerves off kilter.

"Hold on Rusty, I am going to go a slightly bit know what, oh do that again....yeah squeeze, Goddamn you Rusty you sonovabitch....that is too me again...oh fuck you know what I like, hey ....hey you....two can play that game Rusty.....oh yeah you fucking cum rag....omigod....aaarrggggghhhh you fuck, you fuck......yessss oh God is that're getting it good pal.....yeah, i see your dick....yeah fucker... i needed want to shoot, you want to shoot first Rusty....just nod....okay, how about that....did i hit it for you?" Tears were seeping out of Rusty's eyes, Bobby thought they were of joy and they were, but Rusty had kept the sweater stuffed in his mouth and breathed through his nose. His arms were holding tight to the padded table as the brutal pummelling continued. His dick was shooting a huge mess onto Bobby's teeshirt as Bobby rammed his prostate....God this is too much thought Rusty and it kept coming. He is an animal.

"...oh you fuck I love to fuck you so feeling it, its great you fucker....want me to get you off again.....aaarrrrggghhhhh you, damn you with that squeezing....ah, aah oh fuck...."

Bobby thrust all his dick in and unloaded. Rusty screams were muffled by the sweater.....The final plunge had Bobby flexing as if in a most muscular crab pose, all his upper torso's veins bulging the intensity of his cumblast that heightened.....Bobby lifted his head, his brow covered in sweat. "Thanks Rusty...thanks a lot..." and then gently laid his head down on his best buddy's stomach.

Two counties over in another school, Big Jake was having a tough day. The day before he had a bomb scare to handle and today were meetings with parents, psychologists and county EMTS and managers. Few things got to Big Jake, but he was beginning to wonder if he had bitten off too much when he assumed the Acting Vice Principal responsibilities to go along with his Senior Guidance Counselor duties at his young age of 30. "I'm ready Iris, send in the next group..." he yelled to his secretary who was just twenty-five feet outside his door. Three physically fit men entered and shook his hand. While none were as large as Big Jake, all had spent some time in a gym pumping iron - that much you could see. The last man held onto his hand a bit longer than necessary and gave off a weird vibe to Big Jake. He was the shortest of the three and said the least at first. "...I think we are in pretty good shape for the contest tomorrow guys, do you want to do a walk through or perhaps just review the punchlist of items you forwarded two weeks ago..." Big Jake glanced at the list and remarked on each item and its status. "The lighting and sound systems were all checked out this morning as you wanted, the theatre department has the flats and small set pieces you requested from the blueprints, tonight the coaches and some of the students will set up the Pump Room off-stage with the weights, barbells and mirrors that some of the gym chains are allowing us to borrow....the room for the Weigh-In will be finished before dinner tonight and the Nurse's station is just down the hallway from the auditorium...what am I missing to put you at ease?"

"Have you taken care of the Judges dais and sound system hookup from there?" asked the Little One as Big Jake had determined that was the appropriate nickname here.

"...that should be finished tonight and I will stop by there myself before heading home to test it for all three of you are going to be judges?" asked Big Jake. He got a negative and patronizing dissertation from the Little One that he was the Head Judge for this and all bodybuilding competitions in this tri-state region and that "his friends" here were merely the promoter and the production designer for regional competitions from the National Fitness Association.

Why? Big Jake thought to himself as he shook his head. But he was not competing and this was not his gig so he let it slide. Though the vibe and the chip on his shoulder were easy to discern, Big Jake did not have the time to probe nor the interest to pursue right then, but he sensed this guy, Little One, might be one helluva pain in the ass this weekend.

"...I do think you guys should check out the lobby and cafeteria where we have all the vendors, gyms and displays set up. They have done a terrific job, kinda got my own competitive juices flowing again looking at the products, clothing and posters....I did not realize just how big an event these contests have become," said Big Jake. The three men looked at him with greater interest when he uttered the words "competitive juices" and he knew he had their undivided attention the rest of the short meeting. "Yeah, I entered two contests about twelve years ago and also did one when I was in the Marines stationed in Camp LeJeune....Did not place as well as I thought I would but then again, I did not take it as serious as I should have...kind of regret it....Not placing higher that is...There is a lot to consider and plan for when you enter; such as, can you really plan your peaking physically the weekend of the contest, the right nutrition those last two weeks, the grooming and the guys know all this better than me....But I did okay for a naive novice I guess...." Big Jake lifted his arms and stretched them high above his head till he clasped his wrists. Slowly he set them down on his thick brown mop of hair on the top of his head. Knowing he had a captive audience and feeling a bit devilish, Big Jake tightened his biceps a bit which all but ripped open the shirt's seams. Two of the men looked down immediately at the punchlist as if reading the final items. The Little One stared. Big Jake seeing he had an audience of one made his massive pecs dance a few bounces. Though confined as they were inside his tight white dress shirt, Big Jake dazzled him as the Little One's mouth gaped open. Giving him one last dance for good measure, Big Jake had the left one bounce, then the right one and then both at the same time. Big Jake spoke as his pecs settled down "....I am going to be curious to see your Master's division since I am getting up there myself. The contest in Camp LeJeune if I remember right, those guys had the best hardened mature muscles I had ever seen, but that was several years ago. I was nowhere near the size you guys see now. All of this has been added the past five years from a lot of long hours in the gym. Back then, I was in Recon and that took an awful lot of my time, Recon training is great but it is not the same....Do you guys have any questions or need anything else, I think the school's end of the deal is in pretty good think?...really, get out of here....maybe, you know what?...maybe a bit later in the spring i might enter if there are any local contests.... "

"I had no idea you would draw so many competitors - what are you expecting about 95 or 105 tomorrow morning?" asked Big Jake as he stood up signaling the meeting was over. The men agreed, it was the largest regional they had promoted and organized in the past five years in this tri-state area.

"Thanks men, see you tomorrow bright and early. Iris, I am outta here for the rest of the day...I am going for a run and head to the weight room. Leave me any memos and a phone list before you leave tonight please..." said Big Jake as he walked swiftly to the lockeroom.

Luke was enjoying the hot water pummelling his neck and shoulders as he stood under the shower. The light workout with the weights he got in was what he needed since Saturday's heavy workout with Big Jake was being delayed till Sunday. He still could not shake from his mind last night's dream and the resulting enjoyment he experienced. Alone and horny, Luke pulled on his thick meat. He giggled, he really did have an above average thickness down there. With his body still growing he reasoned, my meat is going to grow some more too. Even he could see the logic there. Better yet, he loved to feel the growth of it and the weight of it when it was ballooning up to full hardness. As he lengthened under the shower, he talked to himself " ....yeah BigMeat is on the hunt now, gonna get some action soon.....aren't you doubt about it, BigMeat wants to find a home..." His piss hole was huge and oozing a heavy flow of precum that made his stroke job even more slick with the water. Guess that's why they sell that stuff called WET he thought. Luke began stroking himself really fast intending to get off a quick spooge blast before heading home. He picked up the tempo and soon was in a frenzy. God he loved jerking off. "I could do this all day long," he thought to himself. He let his inner demons take over and became a machine using both hands to jerk himself off. It was too intense for him as he got closer and closer, he felt it cumming, it was moving quick up his dick, he went on the tips of his toes as he hit fever pitch. Godthisissofuckinggood! Bent over at the waist in an orgasmic spasm, Luke flailed away at himself....his body convulsed as gobs and gobs of cum battered the tiled wall...dripping ropes of cum in a freaky design worked their way down the tiled wall to the drain trough. Squeezing himself till he was discharging tiny bullets of jism, Luke smirked as his breathing returned to normalcy...."very artistic" as he looked at his work....Luke caressed his bulbous dickhead and shuddered at just how sensitive it was.

Then he heard some voices as a heavy metal door slammed shut and guys open thier lockers. Quickly facing the tiled walls, Luke turned on the cold water full blast. "....hey guys, look who's here Mr. BigMeat himself Luke Olsson....Christ Luke, you sure are putting on the beef with all this lifting you are doing...we could have used you on the team this winter....we don't have anyone your size...his dick looks like it is getting more beef too...what do you do, do curls with it BigMeat to make it grow?" Luke turned completely around from the wall and absorbed the teasing in his good-natured way. Most of the Freshmen Wrestling Team also played on the Football Team and were his pals. He liked them calling him BigMeat, it meant he had size, he had the power and they did not have what he had. His bloated meat bounced on his thighs as he left the showers grabbing his towel. Luke wished them well on their next wrestling meet as he dried himself. Dressing quickly, Luke rushed home so he'd be ready for Big Jake.

He eyed himself in the mirror after checking the stack of supplies he pulled together on his bed. Bobby just stared at himself in the mirror for a few moments. He was incredibly built and realized he had done a fantastic job developing his body the past two years. He tightened and flexed each body part just to admire his own beauty and see if the muscles would pop for him alone....they did. Totally naked and alone in his bedroom, Bobby was amazed at what he had built. Nothing was going to stop him tomorrow at the contest. He had the perfect package. Tight rock hard abs, no 'roid gut, well balanced legs that were cut and a set of flared lats that would put a pro to shame. His guns were his favorite muscle and they were fully peaked as he hit a right bicep and then slowly turned and configured himself into an amazing double bicep shot.

"Shhhiiiiitttt this is so hot," he murmured to himself. He lowered his arms and sucked in his gut to expand his chest. The cavern was there. "Goddamn!"

He hit another double guns and thought of Luke in the bathroom, "..we are going to enjoy these babies Luke real soon...These babies are taking me places..." He leaned down and kissed his right bicep and then groaned. "Luke I know you want it, you want me as bad as I need you.....I can tell, I saw the was pure hunger pal. All you gotta do is tell me Luke....tell me what you want...I think it is going to be sooner than you might have thought sport," as his mind raced with lust. Bobby's eyes read primal fuck as he looked into the mirror. Tiny beads of perspiration dotted his pecs and forehead. He smeared the beaded sweat across his huge pecs and rolled his right nipple in his finger tips. His neck hairs went on end and he shuddered. Bobby pulled at his elongated dick a few times. "I really need you Luke," he thought. "I need you bad."

His cell phone vibrated on the bureau. He recognized the caller id. "Where the hell are you fuckwad....I have been like waiting for the last twelve minutes for you to get here...did you get the tanning tube like I asked... No one is here Rusty, relax. My parents won't be home till at least 7:30pm, we have plenty of time.... Will you shut up just one second and listen....No one will be here period....It is just you and me. I do appreciate you Rusty, I do....This afternoon was more than I could have wanted. You were terrific......yes, it calmed me down...You've been a big always are relaxing me and keeping me focused. Nah....just need a touch up on some shaving as you saw this afternoon and have you critique the music and routine....okay see you soon. Just walk in, the kitchen door is open and I am upstairs in my bedroom....thanks, see ya..." Turning in the mirror Bobby continued his own critique of his physique. Not too many flaws or undeveloped muscles as far as he could tell. His butt was looking mighty fine too, nice and round and riding high. Calves check. Tris check. Even his nipples seemed to be flexing. He gave himself a few more strokes like an owner who rewards his dog with a biscuit after the dog performed a well rehearsed trick. "Goddamn! I am the shit" he shouted as he turned to the bed and compared the supplies he had assembled for tomorrow to the list the organizers had sent to all competitors.

Big Jake pulled up to the Olsson home and tried to jump out of the car. He winced as fell back into his seat. Slowly he lifted his huge torso up from the seat, just a slight grimace but it took his breathe away for a second. Stupid! stupid! stupid! he said to himself as he reached the door and gave it a quick knock before entering. Gently kissing his sister-in-law's forehead, she tried to give him her traditional bear hug but he pulled back. "Something a matter, what did you do Jake....push yourself and tear something lifting?... don't deny it I can see it in your much discomfort are you in...Luke grab some ointment and BenGay in the bathroom... and grab your stuff..."

Luke came bounding down the hall flipping the tube of BenGay end over end as he entered the kitchen. The other ointment tube was stashed in his pants pocket. "What's up Mom, why do you need this stuff? Hey Big Jake...." said Luke with one of his patented huge smiles as he saw his uncle seated on a kitchen chair. Their looks said more than they realized as Big Jake nodded and saw Luke was wearing a gift he had given him this past Christmas, an undershirt that whisked the sweat away from your body when perspiring. Luke liked wearing it as a regular casual shirt on weekends, that it clung to his torso as if it was painted on made it even more effective in Big Jake's eyes. It left him startled as Luke never looked as fresh or appealing as he did right then. Luke radiated with a glow this evening or so it seemed to Big Jake and with that huge smile and his torso's contours outlined so clearly Big Jake was a bit dumbfounded. Those thoughts aren't right he thought to himself. Big Jake slowly shook his head no to nothing in particular.

"It's not for me, your uncle stretched or tore something when lifting this afternoon.....couldn't even give one of my bear hugs to the big lug.... so play gentle with him this weekend Luke okay!" as she mussed her son's hair. "...and make sure he gets some of this ointment or cream on the sore area Luke..."

"I'm ready...." said Big Jake in a voice that sounded unusually hoarse. He continued his stare at Luke who surprised himself by picking up on the tone his uncle used. Big Jake got up from the chair and feigned a left hook to his chin before grabbing Luke's butt in a quick squeeze.

"I'm not going to die Luke so relax and get that look off your face...Maybe this weekend you will finally lift more than me...NOT..." as he padded down the hallway to the front door and grabbed Luke's weekend bag. He flung it over his good shoulder and noticed it seemed overpacked and a bit heavy for just a two night stay.

" guys get on the road and I will see you back later than 9pm okay....have fun!" said Luke's mother as her son kissed her cheek and ran to grab the gray worn camera bag that he had set on the sofa in the living room. Off he went trailing Big Jake to the car, smiling to himself. And with BigMeat awake - yawning and stretching as if it was morning.


All recommendations and suggestions for Luke, Bobby and Big Jake are welcome. Please email me your thoughts at: Thanks.

Next: Chapter 3

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