Luke Olsson

By moc.loa@tuolcyhs

Published on Mar 3, 2004



The ride to Big Jake's condo was unusually quiet for them this Friday night.

Big Jake's one shoulder was sore, but his mind was sending very mixed signals to him. Luke knew he heard right and got a signal from Big Jake in the kitchen and God only knows his BigMeat was interested. Turning on the CD player, Luke selected his uncle's favorite 80s/dance mix selection to get a reaction. But Big Jake just smiled when he looked over and then he gazed down to the obvious boner his nephew was sporting. Big Jake quickly looked away. "...Jesus God the kid is blessed..." he thought before turning back to Luke so he could outline what they would be doing at his school tomorrow, but Luke had already moved his hand down to adjust his growth - BigMeat was in surge mode and becoming a bit uncomfortable.

"Happens a lot anymore Big Jake, sorry..." mumbled Luke quietly. His dick was too obvious to be ignored by him or his uncle. "Seems like it has a mind of its own and well....the workout this afternoon and a few things have been on my mind I think I need to talk to you about...and last night I had this incredible dream...and I have been..."

"Whoa there sport...relax, it happens to the best of us Luke, when I was your age - I can remember my dick was constantly hard. And your Dad gave me some insights and I learned fast and well let's just say...I became the master of my own domain there for a few years till I graduated and went into the Marines...I enjoyed myself and my special pal...a lot!" as Big Jake drove on to his condo. "...let him be your best friend and sometimes your only release seems you have the special Olsson gifted genes in your jeans..."

Luke burst out in a relaxed laugh, "Yeah I think I do Big Jake, I really think I do." With a smile that had no embarrassment, Luke saw they were approaching the entrance to the condo complex. As they pulled into his uncle's parking slot, he gave his crotch another adjustment that Big Jake caught, Luke smiled wider and got out of the car.


Bobby Carpenter checked off each of the supplies listed on the sheet: towels, two sets of poseurs, a large bottle of oil, sandals, the tube of ProTan, his toilet/shaving kit and his music that he took over to his CD player to get ready to pose when Rusty got there. Just as he popped in the selection, he heard Rusty pull up outside in the driveway. Looking out the window, Bobby C lifted it and shouted for him to come on up. Rusty nodded apprehensively. Still naked from the private posing he gifted himself with earlier, Bobby C slipped on a pair of skimpy black shorts that barely covered his perfect bubblebutt, fact is his lower glutes hung out a good two inches. He noticed that as he walked by the mirror and then stopped to admire himself again. Releasing a chuckle, he whispered "I am the Shit" as he heard Rusty come up the stairs.

"Hey Rusty...thanks a lot, I mean that - thanks for picking up the tanning stuff and coming over to see me pose. I know you are not totally comfortable, but you I trust and know will be honest with me...No, I understand you cannot make it tomorrow, I should be fine...they have people there to help in the Pump Room and I know you don't want to be there anyway." Rusty sat down and began looking all around the room, anywhere but at his best buddy and his beautifully muscled body. He knew if he looked too long, he'd get hard just like he did this afternoon at the Mentoring Program meeting. Bobby C kept talking as if Rusty was a mutant, "...this is all new to me too, but I think I can be a champion....just an odd feeling and something I want to what do you think?" And with that Bobby C stepped back from him and flexed into a "crab most muscular." Rusty who had seen his best buddy many times in the locker room naked and sweaty from lifting, hell he was usually the only student athlete who could come close to lifting with him, became wide eyed.

"Pretty good huh? Now you know I am a damn good dancer...wait till you see me come alive with music...saw some contest videos advertised on the internet and muscle magazines and I ordered two to teach myself...not that hard since I based a lot on those champions' moves..." Rusty was beginning to rock seated on the bed, Bobby C noticed it and looked at his bud's crotch. Rusty's khakis could not hide his slender long stalk's tenting. "Will you relax a bit Rusty? I invited you here for some feedback, my parents are gone and won't be home for at least another 90 minutes." Rusty felt trapped, he was in awe of Bobby C's development and now that he was shaved from last week and his musculature stood out even more, Rusty could not help himself. His mind was telling him all this bodybuilding stuff was getting annoying and a bit too gay for Rusty, but to see Bobby C up close and all but naked in his bedroom was something else. It was going to be another one of their rituals he just knew it, no one ever resisted Bobby C, and no one was as good at supplying what he needed as Rusty was. Bobby C just smiled lustfully at his buddy, getting in the mood like he did before every athletic endeavor ...the seduction began.

"Sit still there can turn on the music when I tell you...." Bobby C said as he walked over to turn on all the lights and got himself centered in his bedroom. "Turn on the music when you see my head rise okay..." Rusty croaked out, "okay..." and felt himself up. The pleats in his khakis did nothing to hide the tenting of his slender rod. Grasping it, Rusty gave his rod a good long squeeze that sent a shiver down his neck. Watching the flared lats of Bobby C's back and his glutes hanging out of the skimpy black shorts sent precum seeping out of his rod. I want him to fuck me again before I leave tonight he thought.

Though his back was to Rusty, Bobby C could see his friend feel himself up in the mirror set off to the side. He smiled evilly and knew it was in the bag. Still facing away, Bobby took a deep breath and looked down in meditation with himself. He cupped himself and had his love missile sit over to his right hip bone inside his skimpy black shorts. Still with his head down, he turned around and took in a gulp of breath. Slowly after five seconds of peace, he lifted his head and the music played. Bobby C did become alive segueing from one pose to another - highlighting his incredible body as if he was liquid muscle. First, his favorite muscles - HIS RIGHT BICEP, then a DOUBLE BICEP from the front, slowing turning to pop his back, up came his arms and a massive crunch of corded muscle exploded over his back with his BICEPS peaking like the Rockie Mountains. Rusty let out a "whosh" that he heard. "I got him..." he thought arrogantly, "..if he is buying me and he knows me, I am on easy street..." Expanding his chest as he gave a side PEC shot, Bobby C smiled confidently and began speaking to his best bud, Rusty. "Look at me you motherfucker, I am the Shit, this is MUSCLE, this is ME, this is my FUCKING BODY and it is all PURE MUSCLE....check out these legs Rusty....they are bigger than any fucking man...I am the SHIT....check out this plate of abs Rusty, look at these ridges...goddamn this is want more Rusty?"

Rusty could not help himself from nodding as he did want more, he wanted everything right then. Bobby C's beautifully cut body was developing a sheen as the perspiration from his posing coated the muscles. "....You want all my MUSCLES dontcha...?" Rusty began pawing his own crotch, the unbelievable private display was turning him on more and more with each pose. None of this went unnoticed by Bobby C, his plan was proceeding fine for tonight. "...Take a load of these babies again...." Pop went his DOUBLE BICEP shot again with the sweat now glistening from his pits over the sinew and veins, his whole body now moist. Even Chuckie was getting into the act, the more Rusty sat there dumbfounded and aroused at his best buddy's beauty - the more Bobby C gave Chuckie a tiny thrust as if it could escape from the skimpy restrictive black shorts. Bobby C needed to get off, he was not going to let his freak cock go unrewarded tonight. Rusty's long slender rod had left a large wet spot on his khakis. Bobby C chuckled and Chuckie surged more. And then the muscle exhibition and the music stopped.

"Whew! Takes a lot out of you...gets me kinda horny too, Chuckie is all excited - just look at him peeking out of these shorts..." as Bobby C cupped himself and flicked his thumb across the front of his crotch, "...look at me sweating like a pig and I don't even have stage lighting oil on, no ProTan....You alright Rusty, you look a little wasted there buddy..."

Rusty was trying to cross his legs to hide his erection and the wet spot but was having no luck.

He felt like he was busted again by his best bud. Rusty did not want to come over here this early evening at all anyway, he had a date with his girlfriend to catch a flick. This bodybuilding stuff was not right he thought, all this posing, this looking in the mirror over and over again....the shaving, it was all too gay for him. Bobby C was really pushing their friendship with this he thought.

Bobby C walked over to his bed where the stack of supplies for tomorrow were laid out. Rusty jumped up as he approached and adjusted his cockstalk but could not hide the wet spot. "You too huh?" said Bobby C. "...Yeah, I am gonna wear one of these posing straps here on my bed...I'm thinking the red one for the prejudging and the black one for the evening show, something traditional and classic looking..." Bobby C picked up the red one and held it on front of his burgeoning cock, Chuckie was now partially out of the confines of the skimpy black shorts. The last thing Bobby C needed was to stain the red silky poseur he had paid good money for so it was just for a second or two, but Rusty got the pictured burned into his head. Huge fucking muscles tanned to a golden honey dipped color and large manmeat bulging. And all on a handsome teen who knew no bounds in virility. Bobby C dangled them in front of Rusty's face. Their sporting ritual was soon to take a turn for the best buds. "...I'm a bit nervous and more than a little horny...whatcha think I called you over here for, just so I can fuck you again, come on Rusty...give me some credit...I told you I wanted some constructive criticism on my posing and music. Hoped you would help me out with a touch up on the shaving where I can't reach..." Bobby C gave him a nudge at the shoulder and nodded to his bathroom. Grabbing his ass and squeezing gently but firmly, Bobby C continued on, "...I was in a chat room asking for pointers and suggestions this week and some of these guys tell me they fuck the night before a competition so they don't get boned up during a contest....crazy isn't it...I was planning on watching a video tonight alone and playing with myself and again tomorrow morning..." all the while giving long playful loving pulls to his huge dick. It was now engorged and easily half hanging out of his skimpy black shorts down his right thigh as he spoke a constant chatter to Rusty.

Rusty felt in a daze from the wondrous posing by Bobby C to his own reaction and leaking precum to feeling he was being used by his best buddy to do things friends don't do, shouldn't do and seemed too overtly gay. He felt he had had enough and wanted to blurt it out just once. He wanted control for a change. Bobby C had his hand on his shoulder still trying to get him off the dime to head to the bathroom. But he was not budging.

"This is the last thing I need Rusty, it would be funny if it wasn't me...FIRST TIME COMPETITOR POPS A BONER WHILE POSING"...I could see it in all the muscle mags and local papers...It is bad enough I had to have the posing straps custom made...set me back a few bills because I needed let's say " some extra material" in the pouch...The lady was pretty cool with it. Said there are a few competitors that she has done before with that special need...she says they are her favorites, these EXTRA LARGE BOYS....she had me model it in front of her and I got to show her how Chuckie looked in his new home....she all but fainted, she sure did....offered to suck me off right there when she saw the strap was like a second skin on me." Rusty let a weak smile come across his face, her reaction was his reaction. Bobby C and Chuckie were from another world, no one was ever going to deny them he thought. Rusty's dick began another erection. Bobby C had gotten him to take a step towards the bathroom and shower, "...she wished me luck for a virgin competitor and said to come back when I needed a new color or wanted a skimpier, I am not a whore, I went with the traditional and classic looking kind. But it is tough to keep myself covered in the pouch or brief or whatever the hell you call it...I am going to be showing enough muscle dontcha think? You don't think I know that muscle is huge too? Look at him Rusty..." Rusty saw his buddy pulling on Chuckie quicker now and reacted by unknowingly licking his lips. When Bobby C got to his fucking huge dickhead of his own meat a huge dollop of precum belched out and was rubbed around the glans by Bobby C who shivered and stood on his toes. Too fast pal, too fast.

"Look Rusty, he needs some love right do you dontcha?" whispered Bobby C into his bud's ear. Reaching over to his pal's khakis Bobby C cupped Rusty's stalk and manipulated it with gentle squeezes while Bobby C blew lightly into his ear. "You like this dontcha Rusty, you like this a lot...." Rusty's legs buckled, Bobby C had never touched him before this intimately let alone blow in his ear and now he was lightly tongue lapping his inner ear. "Oh fuck......" Rusty thought. "...he is not playing fair."

"Come on Rusty, Chuckie and I have a big day tomorrow and well, you know how it is...just like a football game or track meet, he is thinking Rusty might be here for our ritual...Rusty still loves him doesn't he...."


Dropping the the overnight bag on the leather sofa and heading to the kitchen for a bottle of water, Big Jake considered what to say to his nephew. Luke followed him with the camera bag still hanging on his shoulder, bright eyed and bushy tailed. "Mom said to make sure you got some of this BenGay or ointment on before it gets too late Big want me to do it now or do you need a bite to eat?" asked Luke as he caught the bottle of water his uncle tossed him.

"..tell you what sport, I am going to get out of the shirt and tie and slip into something casual after I take a real hot shower and try to loosen up the shoulder, then maybe I will put some of that on...why don't you whip me up some pasta and chicken, I am starved and haven't eaten since lunch...make yourself a plate if you back in 15 minutes..." said Big Jake exiting quickly down the hall to his bedroom. Luke was miffed, he knew what he saw in his own kitchen and he caught the clipped hoarseness in his uncle's voice there. Someone was scared or he really was one confused teen.

Alone in his bedroom, Big Jake took a deep breathe and composed himself, got his bearings and confidence. "...the kid is something and does not even know it!" he thought to himself. "If only he wasn't blood...if only he wasn't Alex's son...." Dropping his trousers and kicking them into the corner, he continued disrobing in front of the mirror, pulling his untied tie through the collar, unbuttoning slowly...and trying to get his undershirt up and over his extremely broad shoulders and head...

"I can help with that Big Jake, that is if you need help..." Luke said quietly at the bedroom door. Big Jake spun around, his undershirt caught and covering his head as he could not lift his arms all the way up.

"What are you doing there Luke? I thought you were cooking...can't find the pasta? ...try the cupboard near the window and if it not there, try that tiny pantry closet where I store all the cleaning stuff..." said Big Jake. Luke approached his uncle and caught him as Big Jake tripped over his shoes still trying to yank off his undershirt. Static electricity ignited when Luke steadied his uncle by holding onto his lats till he was standing up straight again.

"Saved you Boss, " giggled Luke not letting his hands move from the thick muscle. "Stop laughing Luke....don't you try tickling me, I swear to God...stop laughing sport or I will whip your ass....this is not that funny...if I ever get this off, you are going to be one sorry nephew....what are you doing.....?" asked Big Jake as he felt his nephew take his fingernails lightly up and down his huge lats to his tight washboard of abs. Big Jake's huge pecs heaved as Luke's fingernails began their trip back up his exposed torso. The striated inner coastal muscles twitched as Luke passed them over. "You have to stop that Luke..." said Big Jake hoarsely....."please stop that right now...and help me get out of this tee shirt....just pull it gently....." Luke was entranced with what he had at his disposal for those brief seconds. Swelling flared lats that could be on any airplane, ridges of abdominals with cuts so deep you could sink a penny between them and have it disappear....and huge hairless round mantits just hanging that he would have to play with another day as his uncle's voice penetrated his dream. Luke stepped into his uncle and felt a new muscle, his uncle was getting hard - his gigantic dick was covered in a pair of boxers but something rodent size was moving under them. Luke flexed his own thigh so it would bounce a reaction back to him. It did. Luke flexed his thighs gain, Luke was very proud of his legs - his uncle and he biked religiously every weekend. Both his uncle and his football coach said his leg development reminded them of Eric Heiden the speedskater. So huge. His uncle's spongy dick bounced back again, there was no denying it was growing with the body teasing Luke had done to his uncle's torso and this brief dueling of his massive thigh and Big Jake's thick dick.

"That's it Luke, pull gently...this is one sore shoulder, what do you mean you never saw me in boxers before, I have several pairs..." said Big Jake who thought he could talk his way out of his dick's growth and ignore the nail massage his nephew just gave him. "..a little bit more Luke and I can drop my arms...yes, I know the boxers have a large thermometer printed on the front...." Luke turned his body into Big Jake's and let BigMeat pulse into his uncle's dick. " get the joke I see...they were a Christmas gift, nope I am not going to tell you from can guess all you want...if you got it, flaunt it is what I always say..." And with that Luke finally got the teeshirt up and over his uncle's head. Both were now embarrassed by the sexual tension and did not know who should speak first. Luke stepped back a few steps.

"Thanks for the assist Luke," muttered Big Jake looking down at the rug as he pulled at his crotch hoping it would deflate quickly and disappear. The silence and the situation not improving things, Big Jake lifted his head and saw Luke staring at him, "So what are you waiting for, now what are you looking at Luke?"

"Just you and your big chest...your pecs are like two shields of muscle...solid muscle Big Jake...your chest is awesome..." Luke said in a whisper, "...that's all...I better go check the boiling water for the pasta..." Turning quickly, Luke lunged down the hall so BigMeat's growth would not be seen by his uncle. He leaned against the kitchen wall and wiped his forearm across his brow. His uncle was too hot, his body, his face - all too HOT for him to be thinking this way. He grabbed his BigMeat and felt a wet spot in his pants and slumped his shoulders.

Big Jake noticed the cold feet and the teenage angst Luke exhibited as he hightailed it out of the bathroom. Ratcheting up the hot water in the shower, Big Jake's body relaxed and his sperm rocket softened after its brief charge as the showerhead gave him a light massage. "...better than nothing...not as good as human hands...don't need this inconvenience this weekend with the contest at the school and me coordinating the behind the scenes..."

Toweling down, Big Jake paid extra attention to his crotch. Actually, he paid too much attention as his dick cannon thickened up again to a semi. Going commando, Big Jake pulled some cutoff sweats over his large thighs. There was no mistaking he had the special Olsson genetic gift. He chuckled quietly to himself as the plan formed in his head as he left the bedroom.

Luke had their plates ready, a good size portion for Big Jake and a small bowl of pasta and three slices of chicken breast for himself. Everything was on the table when his uncle entered the kitchen in his sweats and shirtless. Luke was already seated and looked down, now a bit more intimidated and bashful. He never should have blurted out how he liked looking at his uncle's massive chest nor taken his fingernails on a trip over his defenseless uncle's body - even in a joking manner. Believing he pushed the envelope too far even, Luke mumbled a "I'm sorry Big Jake..."

Big Jake merely nodded and ignored it, "In the shower I was thinking Luke, why don't we...if you want that is, after we eat and clean up the kitchen...why don't we hit the jacuzzi and then you can rub some of the ointment or did she only give you the BenGay...whatever, you can rub it in and let's hope that does the trick as I have a feeling we are going to be getting quite a workout tomorrow morning at the school finishing up the Pump Room for the competitors...okay?" Luke looked up relieved and smiling. "You fine with that sport?" asked Big Jake who intentionally dropped his arm under the table and gave himself a pull leaving Luke no doubt what he was doing. "Happens to me too still at age 30!" Luke burst out laughing. Big Jake carried the rest of the conversation through the meal, telling Luke about the past two days of school and outlining what the bodybuilding promoters had said and planned for the contest tomorrow. Luke nodded and ate it all up as if it were a meal. Uttering one or two word responses, his mind was already on to the next hour massaging his uncle's neck and massive delts after their time in the jacuzzi. This night was becoming a tidal wave of intensity for him and he did not know which way it was going to turn. Luke felt he really needed to stop and think, his head was spinning - should he just go along for the ride or offer some ideas and tell Big Jake about his dream, his confusing needs, etc...

While Luke loaded the dishwasher and straightened up the kitchen, Big Jake scooted up to the condo tower's roof where there was a sun deck, a medium size lap pool and a nice circular jacuzzi. He turned it on getting it nice and hot. While all the residents had a key to the roof deck, few used this privilege in the late winter months so privacy was not an issue. Luke followed several minutes later in his tight nylon shorts that clearly let anyone who looked know that he was cut, gifted and thick. The large bath towels Big Jake told him to bring were in his arms. His face had a determined look on it as he had decided he wanted to talk to his uncle about "things." Luke wanted to clear the air and decided to be right up front and tell his uncle about the dream last night, his growing fascination with muscular bodies and even tell him about the encounter with Bobby Carpenter in the high school bathroom. He knew he was different and if he could not ask questions and talk to Big Jake - who could he talk to about things like this? Walking across the roof deck, Luke saw in the moonlight his uncle's broad tightly muscled expanse of back as it tapered down to his small waist. "Omigod" was all Luke could say.

Big Jake truly was powerful maleness in all its glory - standing alone looking out over the town. He seemed not to hear Luke approach across the roof. Luke sucked in his breath, "Boy what I wish for my camera right now! That is damn near perfection...."

Luke called out, "...hey Big it ready?" And then his uncle turned slowly around as if he was a moving statue. The moonlight catching his huge square shoulders while his rounded protruding pecs cast shadows over his lower torso, Big Jake had them dance a moment of two as if caught in his own trance. Big Jake smiled seductively as he looked up at Luke now no more than 15 feet from him clenching the towels and wide eyed at the muscular display. "You liked that little dance Luke... nothing to be ashamed of sport, I liked doing it for you...I liked doing it for myself if you want to know the truth...come on, let's get in and talk..." And with that Big Jake pulled the tie of his cutoff sweats and they dropped to his ankles after he pushed them over his huge thighs. The lumpy projections of cock were no more hidden by material. The head of his meaty schlong was as big as a plum and had some clear goo hanging from it. Luke smiled tentatively and nodded slightly several times. This is what he wanted after all.

"We're going to get at your condo tower Big Jake? public?" stammered Luke who's heart was telling him YES DO IT and his head was thinking HERE? NOW? at Big Jake's rooftop? Luke stood up a little straighter and tensed his own impressive torso. His abs crunched themselves and became clearly defined. "Omigod" was silently murmured by Luke to himself. Inhaling a bit of air, Luke's own budding pecs bobbled involuntarily on their own. Big Jake just smiled at the appealingly nervous display of his nephew, "...this is going to be fun," Jake thought to himself.

"Sure, no one is going to come up here this time of year...I come up here a lot with friends or by myself all the time...come on Luke, it's not as if you've never seen me naked..." said Big Jake dipping his foot into the bubbling hot water. "..ah, this is what I needed...come on in Luke..." Luke had a wanton stare of lust as the tight round globes of Big Jake's butt shined in the moonlight when he climbed into the jacuzzi. Big Jake's huge ass was pure thick juicy white meat....and hairless to boot! Luke's mind was in overdrive now, telling him " You want that ass, you need that huge fucking ass." His BigMeat was like the calvary, it was charging full steam ahead as it began to twitch in his tight nylon shorts. Big Jake smirked, he had been there once...just like that a few short years ago. But he wanted to take it slow and on his own time while at the same time not scaring Luke and providing encouragement for Luke to show him what he thought he was and needed.

"Looks like your best friend is back and wants to play Luke, " said Big Jake nodding towards the activity in the nylon shorts. He had settled down quickly, the water lapping at his pecs. Big Jake did not take his stare away from his nephew who was frozen. Big Jake discreetly played with himself a bit and his cock responded immediately. It swayed like an anaconda under the water and repeatedly tapped Big Jake's torso above his navel as the airjets shot bubbles through the water. Jake squeezed himself a bit, liking the feel of his own girth. Luke's mind snapped out its fog and he blushed deep red. The night air was crisp, his nipples were like little puppies on his developing chest. He rubbed his right pec and jiggled it as if to warm it up. "Yeah, I told you it happens a lot any more, like sometimes nonstop..." Luke said trying to make light of the situation as if he could handle the repartee with his uncle. "My teammates are kind of jealous of me and it's size Big Jake....they were calling me BigMeat behind my back but I caught it is BigMeat all the time at school in the lockerroom and among teammates...I guess it is something for a guy my age huh?" He grabbed his throbbing dick and squeezed it hard as if it was a common every day reaction when someone noticed it. But the truth was BigMeat was getting more huge by the second because of Luke's artistic genes, his sexual interest and uncle's physique were all on the same page of tonight's hymnal.

Luke's breathing slowed down and he dropped the towels on the ground from his other arm. He jumped in the jacuzzi still in his nylon shorts and splashing water onto Big Jake's face. "Whoa sport, calm" as he firmly grabbed his nephew by the arm.

"Take a breathe and relax...I think you better get over whatever is bothering you Luke, I have never seen you this shoulder is damn sore and I thought this might be a good spot for us to talk and take care of my shoulder..." And with that Luke looked at him and started talking real fast gushing out one hundred and one thoughts and questions and stories that he thought he needed answers to right then and there. Overwhelming Big Jake who should have been used to this kind of behavior as a high school counselor and vice principal, Luke finally ended his diatribe. Luke had tossed alot at him and truth be told, Big Jake did not catch all of it. But he knew it dealt with sex and he heard fucking and he heard muscles and muscular bodies and jerking off to a picture last night and the need to touch and learn so "I don't screw up when the time comes..." and that "...I love you Big Jake and need help now and I want to feel and is it queer to want to touch..."

Nodding a bit, Big Jake finally sniffed a good laugh, his plan or what he thought was his plan was going to be with Luke had just done a quick 180 in the jacuzzi. It was not going to be a circle jerk between two buddies who happened to be uncle and nephew, a comparison of dicks and strokes and maybe a nudge or cuddle. Nope, Jake would get his massage but his plan to have that rubdown segue into a handjob was now dead. Big Jake was now wondering who was mentoring whom now. The kid had good points and questions. And he deserved quality answers that were honest and on the level.

Luke wanted it all and he thought he wanted it NOW. Big Jake shook his head, " could I be so stupid , so blind about him..." he thought. "The kid is so gifted and mature and he's ready, a lot sooner than I was in high school..." They looked at each other in silence for a long time.


Rusty spoke up as they got to Bobby C's private bathroom doorframe. "Let's get this done Bobby C...I told her I would pick her up by 7:30pm and take her to the movies tonight...Yes, I am going to help you out with some of the shaving, but I am not going to be here all night...I have a life too you know..." Bobby C sensed a clear change in his best bud's attitude, it was perhaps inevitable but the facade had to be maintained. And no one ever denied him and Chuckie, resistance was never an option.

Where that came out of from Rusty, he did not know. But enough was enough no matter what his cockstalk was showing. Rusty was never in favor of Bobby C's bodybuilding interest and considered it gay and narcissistic. He enjoyed lifting and hanging with the stud quarterback, Bobby C, who wouldn't? And Rusty did not mind their "ritual" as he did not consider himself gay, what with him having a girlfriend of almost three years. But all this dedication to this contest was getting really annoying, Rusty did not think the music selection was right, sure Bobby C had the body and he did come alive posing, but it was not the Bobby C he knew....Bobby C would have made it a bit more masculine, more manly, more beastlike. Shit, his body was incredible with all that corded muscle, but he looked like a pansy figure skater with some of those poses Rusty thought. And sure, I got rock hard and leaked mesmerized by the private posing session - who wouldn't? But he is not going to listen to me about the poses and music. "Come on Bobby C, where do you need me to help you shave?....I thought we did pretty good last Sunday when we took off most of your hair...I thought you were going to wear one of those bikinis so we could see where we needed to trim you up more..."

Bobby C shimmied out of the skimpy black shorts, his huge cock bouncing up large and free. Hitting his abs, it left a wetness on his mid-plate before swaying down and about. "Get that big thing away from me whore....I see Chuckie, I know he wants to play but I have a date bring it near me again Bobby C and I sweat I'll lop it off with a, I won't....I am not going to hold it when I shave you!" Bobby C thought he was teasing his best bud waving Chuckie at him but he was misreading the situation. It had worked every other time but tonight was obviously different. "Yes, I still see it throbbing from all that posing...yes you looked great, you were phenomenal but are you sure you chose the right music Bobby C...I hope to God you don't get hard tomorrow, you better whack yourself off tonight and tomorrow morning too....Do any of the contestants get hard behind the curtain you think?...with each other? Get out of here! fucking way Bobby C, no way..."

Bobby C was grab assing and lightly smacking Rusty as if they were in the locker room and just won another game. He finally put Rusty in a headlock and gave him a wrestling noogie while bending him over in half so that his face and mouth could be near the turgid Chuckie who was swaying all about looking for a receptacle. Bobby C sure could use a trim around his pubes and his huge butt still had a light dusting of hair too, but he thought he desparately needed a fuck right now or at least a hum job. And Rusty was the one who did that job best of all. It was almost like a natural calling: Rusty was always able to get most of his thick love cylinder down his throat - well almost all of it and that is all that counted in Bobby C's mind right now. But he really wanted to fuck Rusty now and so did Chuckie who had not gone down a bit, if anything it was surging more with blood from all the horseplay. A steady stream of man nectar was painted across his smooth huge thigh. "Come on Rusty, show me some love...this has me really tense, you gotta, we gotta keep our winning percentage skyhigh...I know you aren't crazy about this muscle contest, but you got yourself real hard back there when I posed...I saw it and the wet spot too..." Rusty's eyes were on the huge cockhead of Bobby C, just inches from his own face. It was magnificent - so large, so inflamed with fuck. "...Come on Rusty, the ritual man - it makes our friendship special, I would do you if you needed it right know I would...come on Rusty..." as Bobby C released his bud and closed the bathroom door.

Turning on the water, Bobby C stuck his hand under the shower jet. "Feels good sure you don't want to come in with me like we did last Sunday, it makes shaving easier you know...come on, it takes just a minute....okay, there is the razor and cream..." Bobby C stepped in and turned his back to the oncoming water. Caressing his ripped abs, Bobby C paid extra attention here and had his fingers lap up some of the heavy precum that had settled there. Turning his back, he stuck out his tongue and fed himself. His eyes rolled back into his head. Lathering off the sweat from his posing, he began with his monstrous legs. Soaping his crotch, Bobby C tormented himself to the verge of a blast, but stopped himself several times. Rusty had never failed to deliver on the ritual before when asked. Tonight was not going to be an exception in Bobby C's mind as he watched his bud on the toilet with the razor in his hand through the clear shower curtain. Tonight was not going to be an exception, no way. His anxiety level was starting to peak and the his notorious butterflies were back big time. Thinking he was putting on a show for his bud, Bobby C thrust his pelvis several times as if to say "look at me and Chuckie!" the huge dong was almost a third leg and smacked his thighs with loud splats, but Rusty just shook his head like a tolerant parent.

"Are we through yet little boy?" Rusty asked as he looked at his watch which read 6:30pm. Bobby C's butterflies were in full flutter now - maybe the ritual was dead, maybe he wasn't going to get to fuck Rusty or have a hum job tonight. He turned off the shower and grabbed a towel. Stepping out of the shower, he saw that Chuckie was slowly deflating but still had a magnetic effect on himself. He loved his tool, perhaps too much but his tool only received love from him. Rusty was becoming more mechanical in his attention to the ritual anyway, he thought. What used to be fun and risque was no longer. Rusty still seated there, treated it well but Bobby C knew deep down he needed something more, he wanted a connection to someone. He knew he was gay and he wanted to share things with a buddy sexually. He could give he thought to himself. The ritual could continue with Rusty but....Bobby C tugged again at his huge cock which responded. He looked over to Rusty who shook his head. "Bobby C you are something else, like a little spoiled rotten kid sometimes...and so is Chuckie. Doesn't it fucking ever go totally down Bobby C...sports are like a light switch for it aren't they?" lectured Rusty. Bobby C just shook his head as if lost and the teacher was verbally spanking him. Pulling his thick cock, Bobby C was on autopilot and doing what all little boys do, they pull their pud. His was just overly amazing in size and girth. He had nowhere to turn. He sincerely wanted to do the ritual but Rusty clearly was not compromising here. His ego was taking a hit from his best bud and he could not comprehend that smackdown.

"Why don't you get it hard, real hard Bobby C for a change. I said get it hard Bobby C....I'll do the ritual for you AND our winning percentage, but you are going to do all the work this time....that's it Bobby C, I am telling you to fucking get it rock hard and then I will suck your load out....that's what you want isn't it Bobby C, to just unload so you can focus and relax before the big contest tomorrow?...." Bobby C began stroking himself fast, he liked this turn of events. Rusty was not letting him down. Bobby C was smiling hugely, he was going to get to do the ritual and Rusty would take his huge creamy load after all. Rusty continued his browbeating, "...I honestly don't know what you are going to do tomorrow before you go out on stage pal....." And then Rusty stood up and dropped his khakis.

Bobby C's eyebrows arched up, "wasssupp Rusty? What's with the dropped trou?" He never once stopped stroking his huge cock, the addiction to it was too much. Bobby C could not believe Rusty was talking like this to him number one. He never ever gave orders, let alone use that tone on him even when he became mad at him when they got caught doing some stunt at school that Bobby C thought up. But Bobby C waited for the reply and was in the middle of a good whack session with his pussy stretcher for all he was worth. He was going to get off and that is all that counted. He still thought he might be able to convince Rusty to let him fuck him before he left for his date, he wanted so bad to fuck Rusty again. Their afternoon delight was so fucking good as he recalled the simmer in his nuts before he unloaded so much cum in Rusty's ass. That was one fucking huge load...Bobby C turned and looked at himself, he was so fucking hot...all supple and freshly washed, the bathroom had two walls of mirrors and he saw all of himself at all angles now. This was something.

Rusty was saying but Bobby C was not listening, "...and I think it is about time you sucked me off for a change, it is an equal exchange Bobby C..."

Bobby C became lost in his own muscles in the mirror and merely nodded to Rusty's babble. Bobby C flexed his huge bubblebutt and it marbleized to hardness. The pleasant rush of blood surged in his fat tube. He had now tuned Rusty out completely but saw him in the mirror stepping out of his tented white jockey briefs. Rusty's stalk was coming alive all over again as Bobby C began a second posing session. Bobby C eyed his own pecs and thumbed his one nipple to hardness....he pulled it right at the nub and pulled it like he was piercing it with his fingertips. It was wired to his dick which caused it to pulse. He then began posing for himself again, he stroked himself as he popped his abs, precum cascaded out of his enlarged pisshole, he never felt so aroused as he did right then. Totally doped on lust for himself, Bobby C danced his pecs for himself....Bobby thought of Luke and the fingertip and nail trip Luke had done on him from his biceps down his flared lats and back up again in the bathroom two months ago...that sent shivers down his spine. His cock belched more precum as he turned to look at his best buddy from high school.

Rusty was unnerved, he had lost control and confidence. He could feel himself being sucked into Bobby C's eyes. He too began stroking his slender rod, he wanted to get off. "Please Bobby C....."

"See me pal...I am the Shit! get your fucking mouth open and starting sucking Chuckie....I said now you fucking cocksucker, who the hell do you think you are telling me to do all the work...and then you are going to suck my load?.....oh no no no pal....I am going to fuck your face for as long as I want.." Rusty bowed to the inevitable and dropped to his knees slowly to worship. His knees hit the tiled floor and Rusty's eyes gazed upon his best bud's groin in all its glory. His mouth opened voluntarily for deliverance.

Bobby C looked back in the mirror stroking his huge thick cylinder, it was awesome in its girth, "...fuck your date with that whore...she is not as hot as I am Rusty and you fucking know it....look at yourself jerking off over me and my body...." He wiped his cock all over Rusty's cheeks, tapping his lips to open wide for Chuckie, "...that's it, slobber all over Chuckie, see he likes really thought you were in control, fuck don't know what control is, you better hope I don't pummel your ass again tonight. What? I can't hear you, a dick in your mouth, is that the problem...?" Bobby C was now ramming his gigantic cock down Rusty's throat. He hoped Rusty could take it all the way to his pubes tonight, it would inspire him even more if he could.

"...Lift your head and throat up Rusty, I want to see my cock going down your throat.....I can see, feel my fingers on your Adam's apple, I'm trying to massage your muscles so you can take it all pal..." Bobby C was really enjoying this evening's ritual. This has got to be one of the better ones he thought. Cripes, Rusty was flailing away at his own stalk like there was no tomorrow, maybe he should show a little tenderness to his buddy. Reaching down to the slender stalk, Bobby C's fingers circled around the head and collected some male honey and he slurped it in before Rusty could see him do it. He swatted away Rusty's hand and began jerking him off gently. "Feels good doesn't it Rusty....we love the ritual don't we.....God your dick is hot, feel how hot it is.....boeing, can you see me flick it and it bounces right back to my big old hand Rusty...go ahead take a look....boeing!"

Bobby C felt the feeling in his base, it was going to gush soon. Fucking his best bud's face, Bobby C could not resist looking at himself in the walled mirrors. Shit he was the Shit...his whole incredible muscular body was beaded in sweat from the thrusting and the heat from the sunlamps. The room was getting hot. Bobby C did not let up stroking Rusty, seeing him squirm gave him more power. His arms were bulging as he squeezed harder, a tiny pearl of cum seeped out as Rusty's length pulsing for release. "Not yet Rusty, I will let you cum and when you do, I want you to shoot all over my pecs pal....all over my pecs and neck. I want you to make it extra creamy for me okay? Got it? ....try slowing down a bit, I am going to take my hand off you do it..." Bobby C flexed his right bicep and kissed it while watching himself thrust his crotch into his buddy's face. Bobby C thought, "No mercy Chuckie, do it faster....fuck Chuckie, I need to get off...God this is so fucking good, this warmth, this wetness..."

"Can you take all of me Rusty, do you think you can swallow all of me this time?" asked a panting Bobby C. "..please give it a try pal....I wish you could...all the way to the base...." Bobby C kissed his peaked bicep again and rolled his eyes. "I love you babe," he said to his muscle and to himself. "You are so fucking huge." Bobby C was on overdrive as he began licking his rounded hardness. He slowed down his thrusts to watch himself love his bicep. He snorted as he felt the surge building. "God this is ready Rusty? Oh God let this last longer....oh you better get ready better get.....ready.....I am fixing to fucking flood cocksucker, its cumming, oh God its fucking cumming....gonna be a gusher pal, get ready you slut....faster suck me faster....oh God oh God, I need your mouth Rusty, I need your fucking mouth....suck me faster Rusty....that's it, suck me....don't stop doing that, that's it - oh God pal you're working it right....keep doing that....omigod oh fuck oh ohfuckohfuckooooohhhhh fffuccckkkkk you is it...imtheSHIT...imtheSHIT...ah ah oh God...."

Buckets of cum shot out of his tool, Rusty gurgled and gagged as the creamy white stuff oozed out of his mouth while Bobby C kept thrusting....Bobby C was bent in half. His dimpled ass clenched and thrust more and more as his load would not stop cumming. Draped over his back, Rusty pushed Bobby C off onto the tiled floor onto his back. Heaving and damn near out of breathe, Bobby C's eyes glazed over as his cock twitched tiny pearls of cum out of the piss hole. Rusty on his knees tilted back and stroked faster and faster, following his best buddy's instructions - he aimed his long slender stalk at the heaving rounded pecmeat. He tugged at the deflating Chuckie and smiled - fucking incredible what his buddy could do with his cock and body, he thought. Tensing now, his own abs rippled as the first of several long strings of cum slimed Bobby C's torso. Bobby C smiled as he felt the warm coat of cum drench his sweaty chest. "Nice Rusty.....thanks..." Rusty bent down and smeared it over the huge slabs of muscle, getting all sticky. They smelled like fuck. He was stunned when Bobby C grabbed the back of his neck and brought his face down to his, Bobby C thrust his thick tongue down his throat. "Thanks Rusty..."


The silence between them was finally broken by a fire truck zooming by the condo on the street below. "So are you going to say something Big Jake or what?...I figured you would be the guy who could give me some answers or point me to the right person without totally freaking out..." said Luke as he looked across the jacuzzi, "...things get a little crazy with me, I can feel myself changing and well, you saw I go in overdrive sometimes and last was incredible, like everything was crystallized for me...sometimes I just cannot control the urges Big Jake...." Keeping his hands under water, Luke began playing with himself, BigMeat was in surge mode and needed little prodding. His nylon shorts were smothering his meat's growth; there was no place for it to go but outside the nylon covering. Luke kept talking since Big Jake could only weakly smile as he had felt the same way in high school. "Look Big Jake, I know I am different in a few ways, but I am not some sissy....I I I'm what you would call...I don't know what you would call me...I like muscles, I want to feel them and I want to get big like you and develop my body huge...and there is this guy in school, Bobby Carpenter, our star quarterback, Big Jake if you saw him - he is like massive, every time I see him he is more huge...and my meat gets all tingly and starts to throb and I want to beat off right there wherever I am and I bet I could right there in class....are you going to say something Big Jake..." Luke was getting himself more aroused as he recalled his encounter in the bathroom with Bobby Carpenter. He had never seen such such rock hard biceps up close like that before and these were at his disposal to touch and worship - alone, all to himself. He knew he hit Bobby Carpenter's sex nerve that afternoon, he knew it.

Big Jake sat there still watching his nephew manhandle his meat under water, he wanted to grab it and stroke Luke so bad but his mind said "blood." The airjets stopped and the water calmed itself after a minute. Big Jake could not move, his anaconda was rock hard and swaying, he did not know where to begin. He was actually scared to get up and reach over to turn on the airjets again but he desperately wanted another 15minutes in the jacuzzi for his shoulder and to answer Luke's many questions. Most people who had come across his manhood when it was erect got nervous. And even though Luke was jabbering away about being gay and sex, Big Jake knew that in his current state Luke was quite possibly going to be like everyone else when he finally saw it soaring like a missile from his groin. It truly was unusually intimidating unless gradually revealed in all its glory. He knew it had to be shown slowly and shared with a partner when in full aroused mode. Looking across to his nephew, Big Jake opened his mouth to speak, but Luke was beginning to slowly stand up across from him. "Please stay seated Luke...." said Big Jake quietly. The light from the full moon solved the dilemma as the placid water allowed Luke to see the state of his uncle's condition. Luke's large green eyes became like saucers as he looked down and saw what seemed to be an anaconda bobbing in the water.

"You're real hard too aren't you Big like muscles too, you feel the same way I do about big muscles - that's why you lift and workout so like to see them flex and bulge as much as I do don't you Big Jake?" asked Luke almost pleading for approval and acceptance from his favorite uncle. Luke stood ignoring his uncle's request.

"Do you ever feel your own muscles Big Jake when you are home alone...have you ever felt some really developed bodybuilder's muscles....." Big Jake realized he had lost control of the situation as Luke approached him - his nylon shorts yanked aside as BigMeat like a bow of a destroyer lead the way across the still water. "...your muscles look like they could win a contest Big Jake..." whispered Luke who reached out to grab his uncle's left delt and squeezed.

Big Jake was borderline scared. This is not right, this should not be happening, for Chrissakes, Luke was family, from his own blood. Neither musclegod's thick dick relented. Both dicks were sucking all the body's blood down to their extremities. "Luke stop...this is not right..." Big Jake finally said. He stupidly stood up and looked at Luke. Their thick dicks swatted at each other, swaying and lurching in the crisp air. Big Jake took his nephew's hand from his shoulder and dropped it to his side. "We can't Luke...I'm sorry, I'm very sorry..." Their eyes focused on each other's eyes like lasers waiting to see who would blink first. Luke raised his hand to touch his uncle's megapecs. But what it grasped was the jawbreaker, Big Jake's throbbing dick. Luke at first did not know what he had in his hand but the hot pulsing blood quickly diverted his eyes from the faceoff. He could not get his hand all the way around the gigantic dick. It was fucking huge and it was part of Big Jake! Luke looked back up only to see Big Jake sinking back down quickly into the water after he leaned over to his left and turned on the jets. Luke was still standing, his thighs and body towering over his uncle. He was dumbfounded. He was astounded by such a muscle.

Big Jake was a bit more than embarrassed. It happened too quick, his nephew coming on to him, the sexual patter, the squeeze of his delt, the grasp of his jawbreaker....he's scared, I'm scared ran through his mind.

"I do love you Big Jake...don't turn me away. I just want to love you..." Luke said as he slowly slid back down into the water, " ....are you embarrassed? I'm not Big Jake" Luke extended his legs and his feet tapped his uncle's jawbreaker. He meant to get both his feet on either side of Big Jake's waist, but this would do. His uncle quickly looked up with pleading eyes, "please stop the games Luke...." Luke kept flexing his feet and hitting the swaying anaconda like it was a punching bag and it kept lurching right back to his feet for more attention. Big Jake grabbed both of Luke's feet and squeezed. "I said stop it sport. I think we've had enough fun in the jacuzzi, it's time to go back to the condo..."

Luke stopped and bit his lip. Big Jake stood up and thought, "the hell with it" - he was naked, Luke had seen him erect and he had grasped his jawbreaker by accident. There was no more shame nor embarrassment left in him. The water riveted down Big Jake's back towards his asscrack, the moonlight caught it trickling down like a small stream through the crack. Luke sat looking at his favorite prize, his uncle's huge white hairless glutes. "They are going to be mine....sooner or later, they are going to be mine..." Luke thought as he stared as his uncle toweled off a bit.

"I said it's time to go back to the condo...come on," said Big Jake as he wrapped the bath towel around his waist that did little to hide his huge growth.

Full of spunk, Luke got out and swiped the water off his torso and legs like a squeegee. Bending back up, he thumbed his nylon short waistband and yanked down his shorts, allowing BigMeat to escape and bounce around; his lower ab area got a nice smack from it. Big Jake saw the audacious move and gazed longingly at his nephew's thick teen meat. It was a beauty no doubt about it. Would make any man proud!

Luke was almost defiant but saw the look his uncle gave BigMeat. He knew he still had a small chance with him tonight. "I am sorry Big Jake, I do understand honestly....but it's not fair" Luke said. He dried himself off and wrapped the towel around his waist like his uncle. Stepping towards Big Jake as if to follow, the cool night air sent a chill up Luke's chest and he twitched. He grabbed his pecs and rubbed them to get the blood circulating. He tugged his pert nipples and they became erect. Big Jake raised an eyebrow at this display, "Catching cold sport?"

"Nope just need to warm up a bit that's all..." replied Luke. Big Jake raised his good arm and shoulder and naively pulled him in close to his body. Rubbing his nephew's back, Big Jake was unaware what he was doing or the signal he was sending. Luke turned in so they were chest to chest and slowly reached around and hugged the mighty torso. Slipping his hands down the wide back to Big Jake's corded waistline, Luke soon had his hands on his prize - the thick meaty huge hairless ass. He pulled it in close and slowly grinded BigMeat into his uncle's towel covered jawbreaker.

Big Jake winced in lust as Luke began doing light butterfly kisses on his thick neck. "Goddamn you Luke" Big Jake choked out. Luke did not care and gently kissed and bit his uncle's neck. "I love you Big Jake...don't turn me away...." said Luke as he nuzzled his uncle's neck, rubbing it with his nose and letting his lips work their magic. Big Jake tried his best not to lower his face to kiss his nephew but it was a hopeless cause. Tears seeped out of his eyes as he did love Luke with all his heart but he knew this encounter was all wrong. Tilting his mouth towards Luke, Big Jake opened and let Luke plunge his thick tongue in to rape his mouth. This first time was going to be brutal and primal for both of them. The night games they had played all evening were over. It was now time to get off and shoot their loads. Sometimes there was nothing better than primal sex.

The towels dropped and their matching dicks did battle with lunges towards each other. Long drips of precum hung from their engorged dickheads as they pulled their bodies into tight embraces. Their initial kissing looked like an assault as they ate each other's mouths. Luke was grunting at this open display of pure sexuality, he reached down and placed BigMeat between their abs and began to slam his body into Big Jake's ridged plate of muscle. The nerves on the underside almost sent him over the edge. He needed to fuck his uncle's huge ass. He thrust repeatedly into his uncle's stomach area.

Big Jake was amazed at the forcefulness of Luke. He was giving as good as he got but knew this was a first time wham bam fuck for Luke. What did surprise him was the talented tongue and kissing of Luke, his gentleness and nibbling was beautiful and sexy. Luke could shift gears with his mouth like few could, Big Jake could only recall one other partner who hit his spots so well. Big Jake expertly lowered his hand and grabbed BigMeat...grasping it tightly, he let Luke plunge into his hand as if it was a male rosebud. Making his grip tighter, Luke could barely get more than 3 inches past the viselike circle. He really did not care, he was with Big Jake and they were having sex. He was in heaven. Tilting his head up so his mouth was near Big Jake's ear, Luke was hoarse in his whisper, "you are the best Big Jake, I love you so much, you have no idea.....this is great..." His uncle smiled as it was pretty incredible, but only going to get better. Luke blew in his ear that sent his uncle hugging him so tight that he all but lost his breath. The ears were one of Big Jake's best spots.....and having his neck massaged. Luke flicked his tongue into his uncle's right ear. Trying to be delicate, the shivers and squirms were nonstop for Big Jake who knew the end was coming fast for both of them.

Pulling BigMeat down, Big Jake placed it under his own gigantic jawbreaker and scrotum. Their body sweat and precum was enough lube for this initial "fuck." Big Jake stood still at attention as if in the Marines again and then he flexed his thighs as tight as he could together. This was going to be Luke's first male fuck. BigMeat began pulsing as Luke pushed in and pulled out. His rhythm was incredible. Every push in, Big Jake flexed his thighs - their tightness making the sensation as good as a fuckhole. Luke had no idea where he was at this point, all he knew was he was with Big Jake and they were having sex. His head was rolling and sweating despite the crisp air. He was on another whole plane of lust. The sensations were out of this world, he had no idea that sex was going to be this intense. Luke kept fucking as he used Big Jake's body for his release. He let go of his prize, the huge white ass, and brought his hands to his uncle's huge chest. After his uncles' ass, he loved his rounded pecs. He began working them, squeezing them together and pushing them into each other as much as he could. Sliding his tongue around the rounded muscle, Luke felt Big Jake tippy toe and shiver. Luke concentrated on just the nipples, sucking on one and then the other. He was a natural; Luke gently sucked and adapted his kissing technique to the nipples. Then flicked his tongue across the top of the nipple. He gave them warmth.

Big Jake was now wired, "I gotta get off, this is too much for even me..." He lifted Luke's face up to his and began kissing him - long and wet, sucking on his nephew's thick tongue. Luke was now putty in his hand not knowing where he was coming or where he was going. Luke wanted what Big Jake wanted. His hips continued to thrust but they were not in control. Big Jake wanted so much to be gentle and teach his nephew but that plan was 200 miles back at the starting gate somewhere in the jacuzzi which now lay still a few feet away. He gave his nephew one big bear hug and held him tight as he ran his tongue over Luke's lips, then thrust his tongue into his mouth as if fucking him. Luke sucked with what little energy he had left, it was good but Luke could feel his manjuice building. It was time to get off.

Sensing that time was near, Big Jake stuck his fingers into Luke's mouth who sucked them greedily. They came out all wet with gobs of spit hanging from them. Big Jake reached around and began to rub his Luke's asscrack up and down, gently touching his fuckhole only on occasion. Luke puckered and clenched when Big Jake parked one finger at the rosebud. "What are you doing Big Jake?" asked Luke as he tried to move his ass away from the probing finger.

His uncle murmured "trying to make you feel the best ever Luke, trust me sport....suck my fingers like you did you go." His fingers were sucked again and came out wetter than before. Big Jake returned to his nephew's fuckhole and wormed one knuckle in and felt around to loosen Luke up for finger number two. He was only going to do two fingers as he was sure of his talents. Luke stopped his thrusts and was not so sure he wanted this examination. "Come on Big Jake, what are you doing...." Luke tried to pull away from his uncle whose grip was solid. But suddenly things changed for Luke. "Oh my, what was that....oh oh, you are doing that?.....fuck it keep doing that..." Luke slowly resume his thrusts into the tight thighs of Big Jake.

"Come on Luke ride it hard now sport.....feeling good aren't you, I can see it in your eyes.... come on sport, shoot that fucking load for Big Jake....shoot it, it's gonna be huge isn't it...come on sport, look me in the eyes, tell me you want want me to fuck you don't you, say it Luke......come on, say outloud you want Big Jake to fuck your ass...." Big Jake's fingers were like pistons matching the thrusts of Luke who was bucking like a rodeo bull. Luke's prostate never had a chance.....the magic spot triggered the eruption.

"Omigod Big Jake....oh yes, this is so good, so are something else, this is too much, i can't hold it off any more.....i am cummmmiiinnnng Big Jake, i am cummminnnnggggg loook at all this cum....omigod oh oh.......hold me Big Jake....hold me tight...." whimpered Luke.


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