Lukes Summer Indenture

By Hank M

Published on Apr 16, 2023



By Master Redbeard R ; e ; d ; b ; e ; a ; r ; d ; e ; d ; s ; f At y a h o o dot com




At the end of the last chapter, the webcast series "Slavery Today" reviewed the story they called "Summer Indenture Gone Wrong" up to the point where Luke and his brother Tommy were packed into crates to be shipped to Mr. Cruz's home in Kentucky. We return to the sensationalistic broadcast.

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Chip Lane is seen at his anchor desk as he's been throughout the show. "We know that most of you watching tonight have already seen the notorious footage of the party thrown by Mr. Cruz when the two New York slaveboys arrived in Kentucky. The sex and punishment video has more than 100-million views online.

"But we have a special treat tonight. We have slaveboy Luke himself narrating the footage of him losing his virginity to his hairy older Master. This interview and narration was filmed less than a month after Luke was freed from his indenture."

Cut to Luke at age 23, his hair is still short not yet grown out from his slaveboy haircut. He seems diffident, uncomfortable sitting in a cushioned chair next to Chip Lane. Chip is in a casual button-down shirt while Luke is wearing a white t-shirt. The two sit in front of a large monitor.

"I'd just like to clarify one thing, sir," Luke says, looking down at the floor instead of at Chip. "I'm only doing this because I need money to live. I was expecting... I mean, my mother had promised that she would keep half the money safe for Tommy and me to get a fresh start when we were freed. But I just found out last week that the money was all spent on her new husband's businesses." He looks up at Chip and says, "Sorry if I sound bitter, sir."

Chip chuckles and says, "Luke, I keep reminding you that you're a free boy now. You don't need to call me Sir."

"Sorry, sir," Luke says softly.

We cut to footage of a big party in Kentucky. There are only men present, mostly big, hairy older men over 40, who puff cigars and drink bourbon -- all of whom would define themselves as Southern Gentlemen. The only younger males seen are slaveboys, some nude, some in tiny underpants or slavejocks, all scurrying to serve and please their Masters.

A stage has been set up with a slave rack in the center of the room. The rack is black metal mesh. Luke and Tommy are marched up to the stage, each fully dressed in jeans and t-shirts, the clothes they might have worn to school. Their hands are not cuffed, but each boy holds his hands behind his head and looks straight ahead.

A spotlight beams on Mr. Cruz in his flamboyant yellow suit. "Slaveboys, I order you to face each other." At that command, the two teenagers stand face to face, just inches apart. The big man grins at the crowd and says, "Let's see what a coupla well brought up teenage brothers from New York are really like. Go on, slaveboy Luke, make out with your little brother."

Luke is shivering. He tries to bring his lips closer to Tommy's lips but freezes. "What's that? The boy is not obedient?" Mr. Cruz announces in a mocking tone. Then Tommy grabs his neck and falls to the floor in agony, his body writhing. "Everytime slaveboy Luke doesn't follow an order fast enough, Tommy will feel the electric shock collar."

"No..." Luke gasps out, then quickly follows it with, "Master." He reaches down and helps Tommy to his feet and then grabs his younger brother around and kisses the younger boy on the lips. The two teen boys' tongues wrestle back and forth between their mouths. Luke's hands go up under Tommy's shirt feeling his back. Tommy reaches up the front of Luke's shirt feeling his older brother's chest.

The 23-year-old Luke, watching the video, appears in an inset box in the corner of the screen. "This isn't comfortable for me to watch. When I was a slaveboy, I had seen and heard snippets of it. I watched it one time fully through since I was freed. There were some parts where I just had to look away."

On the large screen we see Luke and Tommy stripping each other. Each boy pulls his brother's shirt off. Luke leans down to lick Tommy's nipples then sucks on them.

"How does it feel seeing yourself with Tommy here?" Chip asks. "Neither of you had even been officially broken in as slaves."

"But that man found a way to humiliate us. I was straight. I am straight. I'm not sure if Tommy really had a chance to know his sexuality. It's heartbreaking when I see how young and vital and adorable Tommy was. And now I just hope we can locate him."

Onstage, Luke and Tommy have stripped each other to their white briefs. Luke's hands are down the back of Tommy's underpants, massaging his round cheeks. They are tongue kissing hungrily, drooling together and licking each other's faces. Mr. Cruz announces to the crowd, "If you raise boys in New York, this is what they teach them in school there." The crowd of Southern Gentlemen laughs appreciatively.

Luke narrates the scene, explaining, "I don't remember hearing any of that ragging on us for being from New York. I guess I just blocked out the actual words he was saying. I knew he was only trying to goad me, make me angrier. I knew the day was already going to be difficult."

Luke and Tommy are pulled apart, each boy maneuvered by tall muscular black slaves with glistening ebony skin. Tommy has his hands tied behind him and attached to a hook hanging from the ceiling. He is left on display in his white briefs. Luke is stretched out on his belly on the punishment rack. His briefs are ripped off. His arms are chained to the far corners of the rack, and his feet spread wide but unshackled.

Mr. Cruz comes up on stage stripped to the waist. For a man of his age, he has an impressive hairy chest and broad shoulders. He is unself-conscious about his beer gut. He holds a whip and toys with it. He slides the whip all around Luke's face and his torso. We hear Luke's narration, "I never understood that man's joy in teasing me."

There are mirrors in front of the bound Luke so he can see everything that goes on behind him. Each time the man raises the whip, we can see Luke's back muscles bunch up with tension. But then Mr. Cruz tosses the whip aside and smiles at the crowd. "The first fuck must be a flawless ass."

Cameron gets up on stage, naked with his head bowed. He climbs behind Luke, burying his face in the teen's buttcheeks. He spreads Luke's cheeks apart with his hands and shoves his tongue into the virgin ass. Luke's narration explains, "Yes, I started bucking my hips up when Cameron was tongue fucking my ass. I'd had fingers in my butt since my indenture. But this was the first time anyone had a tongue up there. I'd never felt anything so incredible before. It sent tingles going through my body. For a moment it made me forget about all the other things I'd have to endure."

Mr. Cruz is naked now, his huge cock standing up fully erect. Cameron turns from Luke's ass to lick his father's cock lovingly. Mr. Cruz pats the boy on the head and pushes him aside. He climbs on top of the bound Luke. His tongue is in the slaveboy's ear and he appears to be muttering something. His cock is pressing into the boy's virgin anus.

"What was the man whispering to you as he positioned his cock at your ass?" Chip Lane asks as if it's a serious journalistic inquiry.

Luke squirms as he answers, "He said something about the first day he saw me mowing the lawn and how the green shorts kept sliding down my hips showing the crack of my ass. And that he swore right then he was going to get his penis up between those smooth cheeks. And then he pushed his cock in."

We see the man shove forward hard and fast. The boy screams out a shrill cry. The crowd of men applauds and cheers, drowning out Luke's sobs. The youth's voice over says, "I don't like to see me crying like that. It makes it look like I'm weak, like they got the best of me."

"Luke," Chip Lane commiserates. "Any straight guy out there has to sympathize with how you felt taking a huge cock like that, the way the man thrust it all the way in one stroke. I certainly don't blame you for crying, boy."

"Thank you, sir," Luke mumbles under his breath.

With the mirrors in front of him, slaveboy Luke can watch his big hairy master riding up and down, the man's dick pistons fast and hard in the youth's recently deflowered butthole. The camera picks up on Mr. Cruz sweating profusely, and dripping it all over the bound teen slaveboy.

An elderly man is helped into position in front of Luke's face on the punishment rack. The crowd acknowledges this man as Mr. Cruz senior, who unzips his pants and pulls out a floppy fat soft penis. He rubs the filthy uncut meat on Luke's lips. "I purposely didn't wash it for three days, slaveboy, so you'd get a good cheesy meal," the old man squeals with an evil laugh.

Luke, the 23-year-old narrator, cringes as he watches the scene. "I had tasted cocks before. Believe me, I'm a straight guy and taking cock in my mouth was always gross to me. But nothing was as gross as Grandpa Cruz's fat leaking cock. It never got fully stiff and he just wanted me to clean all round the balls and behind his balls, and under his stinking foreskin. God, it makes me shiver just to watch it."

We can hear Luke in the footage slurping and choking, as Chip comments, "Our researchers have figured out that on the day this took place, Grandpa Cruz was exactly five times your age."

The footage continues as Mr. Cruz stands upright behind the bound slaveboy and slams his cock in a steady tempo. Luke's voice over says, "It felt like his fat cock head was a fist and my guts were being used as a punching bag."

We see Luke swallowing and Grandpa Cruz with a big evil grin on his face. The freed Luke appears defeated as he explains, "The old man never got fully hard in my mouth. He didn't actually cum. He just wanted me to pleasure him and then... well, and then he peed down my throat. His piss tasted like acid."

Mr. Cruz howls behind the slaveboy and his body stiffens. It is clear he is shooting his load deep up inside Luke's ass, and equally clear that he enjoys showing off for the large crowd of men. His sweaty naked body is glistening as he groans one last time and all the men in the room cheer and applaud for him.

Luke's face in the inset looks ashen as he says, "How do you think it feels to have a crowd of supposedly respectable citizens laughing and applauding at your most humiliating and painful experience?" He shakes his head, too choked up to continue.

Chip Lane sounds sympathetic as he says, "But of course that was only the beginning of your ordeal."

Mr. Cruz is seen still shirtless, but dressed in black leather shorts and wielding a whip as he calls to the crowd, "I could've paid a whipmaster a big sum of money to give the boy his 25 lashes, but then I'd miss out on all the fun."

Once again the big man toys with the whip on Luke's back, snaking it across the boy's skin. And then with a surprising suddenness, Mr. Cruz slashes the whip across Luke's back from upper left to lower right. The sound that comes from the slaveboy is high-pitched and does not sound human. Before that screech dies down, there is another slash across Luke's slim back, this one from upper right to lower left. There is now a big red X cut into the youth's white flesh.

Luke's ankles have been shackled to the punishment rack so his legs are forced wide apart. The cruel Master then aims the whip at the insides of Luke's thighs. The crowd of men count along: "Four... five... six...." Just when Luke's legs are completely tense, Mr. Cruz aims the whip at Luke's shoulders. The next lash hits the boy's lower back.

Luke's voice over narration is hoarse as he says, "It seems like he wanted to take me by surprise. Just when I tensed up my thighs, he aimed for my shoulders. He was always slashing at my skin where I least expected it. Damn, this isn't easy for me to watch. I knew the whip was cutting into my skin, but I didn't realize how much blood was splashing everywhere."

The men in the crowd count down the final slashes: "twenty-three... twenty-four..." Then Mr. Cruz takes a few steps back and makes a running dash at the bound slaveboy as he lands the final blow cutting across Luke's perfectly round ass cheeks. "Twenty-five!" There is loud cheering and celebration from the crowd. Cameron steps up and tosses a big bucket of cold water across Luke's bruised back.

"At least," Chip Lane says, "They didn't toss salted water on your bruises." Luke sits hunched over, squirming. It's clear that he is having difficulty watching the footage. "Luke," Chip continues. "This happened more than five years ago. Surely, you've had time to heal since then?" The recently freed boy just looks at the host as if the man is speaking a foreign language.

We see a cauldron with white-hot coals beside the bound slaveboy. There is a long metal handle sticking up out of the coals. Mr. Cruz lifts the handle and we can see it is a brand with the letter S. He puts the brand back into the heat and turns it slowly as he caresses Luke's now scarred butt. He looks out at the crowd and says, "It's always a quandary. Do we do the whipping or the branding first? We want to make sure the slaveboy fully experiences everything. It lets him know he's a slave."

Although Luke is chained to the punishment rack, two big black slaves step onstage and hold his body firmly in place. Mr. Cruz smiles to the crowd and explains, "We want to get a nice clean mark, don't want any squirming around."

There is a hissing sound as the big man presses the burning hot brand to the slaveboy's firm right buttcheek. Luke howls like a coyote, but his voice dies out as he passes out from the intense pain.

We see Luke in the inset and he's turned his face away from the screen. "It's like I can feel it all over again. I thought the whipping was awful, but the branding was... it was indescribable how the agony just coursed through all my muscles and all my nerve endings."

When the brand is taken away, there is a glowing red S on Luke's right ass cheek. Cameron steps up with another bucket of water to throw on Luke, but Mr. Cruz pushes him back. "No, no, water is too good for this rotten New York pussyboy." The man whips out his cock again and starts pissing on Luke's face. We see the bound slaveboy start to come to, but when he blinks he gets piss in his eyes. The crowd of men is laughing. Some men are seen masturbating. Some slaveboys are on their knees servicing their masters as this macabre performance continues.

The tall black slaves reposition Luke on the punishment rack so he's facing up. He is groaning as his battered back and ass make contact with the metal grid of the rack. Once again his wrists are cuffed high above his head and his legs are spread wide.

Mr. Cruz gets over Luke and peels down the back of his black leather shorts as he sits on the cute teen's face. He reaches back and spreads his cheeks. We see a look of deep concentration on the man's face. He grunts with effort.

In the inset, Luke stands up and turns away. "No, I can't watch this part. You can't make me watch this part. I can't believe any person could do this to another person. I never did this man any harm. God, it turns my stomach and makes me want to retch just thinking of this."

Cut to footage of Mr. Cruz at a fancy event. It's clear that a reporter has caught him off guard and shoves a microphone in the man's face. He says, "It is called humbling a slaveboy. You don't hear about it much these days. But in my grandfather's time it was well known. It's done when a slaveboy thinks he's a free boy and needs to be humbled."

"But, sir," an off-screen voice calls out, "You actually did that in a slaveboy's mouth?"

"I am not here to answer your questions," the gruff man says as he pushes the camera aside.

We cut back to Chip Lane with his arms around a sobbing Luke. "It's OK, Luke, just let it out. You're not a slaveboy anymore. You're free and nobody can do anything like that to you now."

"Yes," Luke says between sobs. "But it was done to me. The fact of the matter is I was made to eat that man's... ughhh, I can't even say it. And because of that video, anyone who sees me, anyone who meets me -- even now as a free boy -- knows that I once had that...." Luke breaks down and is crying hard on Chip's shoulder.

The host looks into the camera and says, "Naturally, the Slave Rescue Society filed a complaint on slaveboy Luke's behalf. They accused Mr. Cruz of being barbaric. But, as you know, the Southern states have declared the SRS to be a radical extremist organization and their courts will not hear complaints brought by that group."

Turning his attention back to the youth crying on his shoulder, Chip says, "Now, now, Luke. You did promise one other thing."

The youth wipes his eyes and blinks at Chip. "Do I have to?"

"You signed the contract, boy. You said you needed the money."

Luke stands up and undoes his belt. He turns his back to the camera as his khaki pants slip down revealing a pair of plaid boxer shorts. Luke pushes down the back of the boxers to show his butt cheeks, still beautifully round but now marked up with scars. Chip caresses the free boy's ass and then runs his fingers over the slave brand on the right cheek.

Chip looks at the camera and says, "You saw it here, folks -- a slave brand on a free boy's ass. There are treatments these days that can help clear up the bruises on Luke's butt and back. But this S brand will stay with him forever." Luke's body shudders as Chip's fingers caress the crack of his ass.

We then cut to Chip at his anchor desk as he looks into the camera and says, "Mr. Cruz purchased Luke's five year indenture contract. But because of the defamation suit, Mario Slater took possession of the slaveboy for two months every summer. This meant that Luke spent the summers back in the town where he grew up."

Cut to footage of a charity fair in Westchester. Mario is dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and shorts. He is being interviewed by a reporter and is in a cherry mood. "We don't do things the way they do them in Kentucky. I will tell you that my first use of the slaveboy for sex was quite satisfactory. But it was an intimate ceremony, just myself, the slave, and four or five of the guys who used to be on the team with us."

Mario pulls open his shirt, showing off his impressive pecs and washboard abs. "Trust me when I say there are a lot more people who would've wanted to watch me in action fucking the slaveboy than that overweight, aging Southern Gentleman. But I don't need to give queers a chance to jerk off watching my ass online."

Mario stops to recollect. "On that first day I was the only one who fucked Luke. I know he had been well fucked in Kentucky for the preceding ten months, but this was my opportunity to break him in. I let the other guys fuck his mouth. By the time he came to me in the summer, Luke was a very well trained cocksucker -- never even has to come up for a breath. After the first week I let some of the other guys start to use his ass."

An off-screen reporter asks, "What was it like to fuck the ass of a guy you had previously played sports with?"

"Very satisfactory," Mario smiles. "I'm totally straight, of course, but back in the locker room it was hard to miss how nicely shaped his buttocks were. Of course when he came to me from Kentucky his ass was no longer white and smooth. But he was still plenty tight, really gripped onto my cock."

The reporter probes, "And today at this charity event...?"

Mario points to the booth behind him. Luke stands with his hands behind his head dressed in just a see-through slavejock. Then he is led into a curtained area by a college jock. "This is all in good fun. It's for charity, after all. You know how they used to have kissing booths -- one kiss for a dollar? Well, I'm offering slaveboy Luke, but not for kisses and not for a dollar.

"For ten dollars the slaveboy will give a handjob, with a maximum of three minutes. For twenty-five dollars the slaveboy will give a blowjob, with a maximum of five minutes. We're bringing in quite a lot of money and there's a long line of guys waiting."

The reporter interviews a man who has just emerged from the curtained area where Luke is providing his services. He smiles to the camera and says, "I was his teacher back when he was a freshman in high school. I remember what a smart mouth he had then. It was a real pleasure getting a chance to use that mouth. Hey, I didn't even need the full five minutes."

As the camera scans the waiting line, Mario pulls out two younger boys and sends them away. "You have to be 18, boys, sorry. Come back in a couple of summers. I promise to bring Luke back to the charity fair each summer."

One of the young teens calls back, "C'mon, we just wanna cream on the slaveboy's smug face. Luke thought he was such hot shit back when he was at school." His even younger friend is giggling, "Yeah, and now Luke is real familiar with hot shit, ain't he?" The two boys laugh as they saunter away.

Cut to a present-day interview with Mario Slater, sitting back in a comfortable chair, his legs up. He shrugs to the camera, "I don't regret anything. Maybe I regret once denying that Luke had been my friend. That was immature of me."

The camera pulls back and we see that Mario is resting his feet on a human footstool. It is a hard-bodied blond slaveboy. Mario reaches down and lifts the slaveboy's head so he is facing the camera. We see that it is Mario's former friend, Zack, the slim swimmer now enslaved.

"I mean, fresh out of high school I found it embarrassing that I had once been a friend to someone who was a slaveboy. I've matured now, experienced more of life. I know that unfortunate things happen. Zack here was riding high until his father was charged with fraud. When all the family assets were seized and Zack placed on the auction bloc, I was there to buy him."

Zack lowers his eyes and says, "Thank you, Master. This slaveboy is grateful, sir."

Mario pulls Zack's head up to his crotch, and the naked blond immediately starts opening the Latino boy's pants. "At first I thought Zack was never going to learn to be a good cocksucker. But with enough punishment and training, he's become very skilled. Would you like to use his mouth when I'm done, Chip?"

We hear Chip's off-screen voice stammer, "Well, ummm... gee, I'm bound by... ummm, journalistic ethics." Mario pushes Zack's face down onto his dick as he laughs raucously.

Chip is once again seen at his anchor desk. He looks up at the camera and says, "When we return after these messages we will see Luke's younger brother Tommy lose his cherry."


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Next: Chapter 11

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