Luv Thy Brotha

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Jul 14, 2017


LUV THY BROTHA-15 New Beginnings

Written by Eugene Marvin –aka-



Police rushed to Pennsylvania's University Hospital after the naked body of Roscoe Neumann (a married 36yr old Hispanic man with kids) was found in a park in The Northeast!

Once the missing [kidnapped] victim was awaked, police questioned him about where he'd been...? There were evidence that he had been held captive someplace against his will: i.e. wrist marks from being bound together; malnutrition from missing periodic meals; weight loss from anxiety; traces of narcotics in his system (from being forcefully drugged); and anal swelling/irritation from repeated rapes!

However, like most straight men; Roscoe didn't want the fact that he'd been sexually assaulted getting out publically, so he chose to have convenient amnesia..., telling the police he didn't remember anything!

"He's not saying much..." said one of the northeast detectives handling his case [watching as Neumann was reunited with his wife and kids], "...OR he doesn't KNOW much...! Either way, finding his captor and WHY he kidnapped him won't be easy...!"

"Easy...?" questioned his partner [watching as Roscoe and his family cried together when they finally got to get their arms around their loved-one in his hospital bed]...! "'s gonna be damn near impossible!"



Philadelphia police officers Maleece Cortez and his live-in boyfriend: Jake Valentine were busy tidying up, cooking, cleaning, and getting ready for a very special guest to arrive at their brownstone for dinner!

Jake couldn't remember the last time he saw Mal so happy [in such good spirits]...? Certainly much better spirit than the night they took Mal's former partner [Malik Jones] and Jones's new boyfriend [James Maddox] out to dinner to celebrate their new relationship, where Mal got sloppy drunk and insulted Malik's date (chap-8)!

Jake was happy to help one of Mal's dreams come true by meeting one of his favorite sports icons: Treat Garrett, [a former football player whom got cut early in his career due to personal injuries]..., but hoped Mal would never learn that Treat only agreed to meet him after he `put-out' for the baller in the men's room at one of their drug rehab sessions...!

"Just in case I forget tonight, baby..." said Maleece, pausing in the midst of stacking wine bottles for dinner [from their basement cellar]...! "...thanks again for introducing me to Treat Garrett...!" he added, before pecking Jake quickly on the lips!

Jake didn't say much of anything...worried that something might go wrong tonight, and that Mal might accidentally find out Treat's been fucking him for quite some time at the hospital rehab facility [along with several others from their group]! Jake knew he and Mal weren't always faithful [what man (gay or str8) was...?], but neither flaunted their affairs in each other's faces...nor did they force their lover to meet and hang out with one of their fuck buddies!

[DING-DONG] rang the doorbell, causing Jake's heart to skip a beat as the moment of truth came faster than anticipated!

"I'll get it...!" said Mal, rushing to the door [not wanting to keep his guest waiting]..., as Jake lingered back in the dining room, almost afraid to come forth!

"Treat!" smiled Mal, shaking hands with his idol as Treat handed him a bottle of wine as a gift! "I'm glad you could make it! Did you have trouble finding a parking spot...?" questioned Mal [knowing how difficult it could be in the overcrowded neighborhood]!

"I had to park 2 blocks down...!" complained Treat, as Mal invited him in!

"Yeah..." said Maleece, wishing they had parking garages in the area...! "...Jake and I've thought of moving just for the parking..., but we really LOVE the brownstone...!"

"It IS nice...!" said Treat [giving the home a quick onceover]...!

"I'm SURE you're used to bigger...!" laughed Mal, walking Treat into the living room where Jake reached out to shake hands with the 6'2" tall footballer...!

Treat looked down at Jake's trembling hand..., then slapped it away as he roughly grabbed Jake up in his arms to share a brief HUG instead! Jake looked surprised by the gesture, hoping it wouldn't go any further OR arouse suspicions from his partner...? he gently patted the former athlete's back before parting ways...!

"Drink, Treat...?" asked Mal, showing the way towards the bar unit...!

"uh, yeah..." said Treat [sounding somewhat nervous], as he looked at the various bottles on display in his honor...!

"Mal..." whispered Jake, silently reminding Maleece that they met through REHAB...!

"OHSHIT..." responded Mal [realizing his mistake]! "...I forgot...! Is alcohol one of your addictions...?"

"No..." chuckled Treat [having noticed Jake's elbow to Mal's ribs]...! "...I was addicted to pain killers..., -after my accident...!"

"Oh, right...of course..." said Maleece [having known all about Treat's misfortune]...!

"Are you ABLE to drink...?" he asked [unsure exactly HOW the rehab treatment worked]...?

"Yeah..." smiled Treat, " long as I don't go overboard...!" he added, as Maleece went to open a bottle of red wine...!

"Dinner smells good...! What're we having...?" asked Treat, as his stomach began to growl!

"Cod..." answered Jake [the cook]! " MOM'S recipe!" he informed. "Blame HER if you don't like it...!"

Treat accepted a wine glass from Mal...! "I'm sure I'll love your fish...!" said the athlete, staring directly at Jake as he turned the glass up to his lips...!

"Are you hungry...?" asked Mal [completely unaware of Treat and Jake's sexual affair]...! "Should we eat NOW...?" he asked [having wanted to spend more time getting to know Treat first]...!

"I'll check to make sure everything's ready...!" said Jake, heading for the kitchen [as Treat eyeballed his ass in his tight jeans as he walked away]...!

"I have a treat for you, Treat...!" said Maleece, pulling a dvd of Treat Garrett's Greatest Moments From Sport's Center...! "I was hoping that maybe we could go over the highlights and I could pick your brain about what you were thinking at the time...?" he questioned, sounding like a real fanatic!

Treat realized they were in for a LONG night...!



55yr old Philadelphia Mayor: David L. McConnell walked into the sports' bar as a guest of his City Hall liaison: [Julio Espisedo]! No one really noticed that a `celebrity' had just entered the establishment, as McConnell walked in incognito [without bodyguards, assistants, or fanfare], looking around for Julio and his friends...!

NEARBY: "So, Julio...WHERE's this `special guest' of yours...?" asked one of the Puerto-Rican's friends, as they all sat around a huge table eating from a smorgasbord of food...!

"WHO is it again...?"

"You'll see..." said Julio, looking at his watch [knowing there was a good chance McConnell might not show up]!

"Whoever it is..., I hope he's ready to LOSE some money...?" laughed another of his friends, all engaging happily in talk, drink, and sports betting...!

McConnell walked up a few moments all eyes at the table fell upon him...!

"Oh shit, you MADE IT...!" surprised Julio [getting up from his seat to shake his boss's hand]!

"uh, everybody..., this is The Mayor: David McConnell...! Mr. Mayor, these are my friends: KaliQ Nelson, James Maddox, Greg Allen, Camden Eddley, and one of my closest friends: Ian Thomas...! HE runs the school for juvenile delinquents called `The Honor Roll Academy' For boys...! Camden's a teacher there as well!"

"The `Honor Roll Academy', I've heard of it..." said McConnell! "...heard good things about it!" he added! "I'm pleased to meet you both...! You're doing great work!" said the mayor, shaking Ian's and Camden's hands for the first time...!

"Thank you, Mr. Mayor!" glee Ian, staring McConnell straight in the eye [making distinct contact]!

" me: David...! ALL of you!" said the mayor, turning towards the table to greet everyone else [shaking all of their hands] before turning back towards Julio...!

McConnell couldn't help glancing once more around the table..., getting a second look at all the handsome and different shades of black men...! "Which ONE you said messes around...?" he whispered, leaning into Julio's ear...!

"Take your pick..." smirked Julio, "...they've all confessed to have messed around from one time or another...!"

"Really...?" questioned McConnell [sounding interested], the men looking a cross between former street thugs, blue collar workers, and husbands!

Julio invited everyone to retake their seats, then pushed McConnell to sit next to his longtime friend: Ian!

"We were all wondering just WHO Julio's `special guest' was..." smiled Ian [making small talk], "...we never would've guessed it was The MAYOR!"

"The city's openly GAY Mayor...!" corrected Gee [without malice], sitting across the table! "How does it FEEL to be the city's first gay mayor...?" he asked [as the only other confessed `gay man' at the table]...!

"I assure you, Greg..." started McConnell [pleasantly], "...I'm NOT the city's first GAY mayor..." he stated, much to the surprise of the table! "...but I am the city's first OPENLY gay mayor! There's a difference!"

"Really...?" asked Julio, surprised!

"WHO else was gay...?" asked Maddox, curiously!

"I BET it was Silas!" said KaliQ [sitting at the end of the table]!

"My money's on Mayor Wilma...OR Edwards...!" said Camden [willing to bet]!

"So WHO was it...?" asked Ian [all the guys turning towards McConnell for answers]...?

"He's NOT going to tell us, are you...?" asked KaliQ, making McConnell laugh!

"I don't think it would be fair for me to OUT another mayor...!" reasoned McConnell, summoning a waitress over to order a drink [hoping to catch up and blend in]!

I, for one, -commend you for being open about yur sexuality..." said Gee [sitting across], "...I'm openly gay also, and it ain't no picnic! Even around THESE assholes! I could just image the nasty letters and emails you must get from people calling you immoral...!"

"Yes..." agreed McConnell, "...I got a lot of death threats in the beginning and had to hire bodyguards...!" he admitted! "But I attribute that to people's ignorance...!...a lot of them thought I was going to change policies or make Philadelphia a "GAY" city...! Once most of them realized I still had the city's best interests at heart; jobs, lowering taxes, balancing the budget, creating affordable housing, etcetera..., -they stopped threating me and started listening!"

"I couldn't DO it..." said Maddox [putting some beef ribs on his plate]...! "...people all up in my business like that...! It would drive ME crazy!"

"I have a question for you, Mr. Mayor..." said KaliQ [licking barbeque sauce from his fingertips]...! "...3 of us here are City Sanitation Workers...!...when's the City gonna get off its ass and give US our raises...?"

"No SHOP TALK here at the table, KaliQ..." intervened Julio [holding his arms straight out as if to stop the presses]! "...The Mayor's here to relax, not for a business meeting!"

"It's alright, Julio...!" smiled McConnell [diplomatically]!

"We haven't gone `public' with it yet..., but we've managed to set aside funds that will insure that ALL City Workers get a 6% raise that will occur over the next 2yrs...! AND there will be an added percentage in your retirement funds as well!"

KaliQ gleamed...! "Damn! Now I wish I hadn't voted for the OTHER guy...!" he joked!

"aww...! That's a shitty thing to say, KaliQ!" responded Gee [as the table laughed]!

"I hope you're not offended, David...?" whispered Julio [knowing his friends could be a bit brass], (especially around alcohol)!

"It's okay, Julio..., I WON, remember...?" joked McConnell, as the table raised their glasses to him in lighthearted laughter!




Alcoholism often ran through The Valentine's Family, going back several generations! So it would come to no surprise to any of their ancestor's that John Valentine often stopped off at the bar [traditionally a hangout for off duty cops] before heading into work on the overnight shift as a security guard...!

He sat at the bar, ordering his second drink, when he was suddenly slapped [HARD] on the back by his brother...!

"JOHN!" shouted Jessie [stopping in for his usual after work drink], (to unwind)!

"Fancy meeting YOU here, eh...?" he joked, before ordering 2 beers!

"Where's your partner...?" asked John, looking back over his shoulder to see if he saw Patrick lingering around anywhere...?

"He hit the john, John!" snickered Jessie, grabbing both beers and taking a sip from both [what his partner didn't know won't hurt him]!

"WHERE'S DAD...?!" asked John [suddenly sounding anxious], as he looked towards the men's room...!

"At HOME, with MOM...!" answered Jessie [confidently], wondering what was going on with his brother...? "Why...?"

"Oh, okay..." responded John [settling back down], taking another swig of beer...! "...just...asking!" he muttered [happy that their dad wasn't busy manning the men's room gloryhole this time]...!

"That MY beer...?" asked Patrick, walking up behind the brothers!

"Yeah. Watch mine for me...? I have to use to loo...!" asked Jessie, leaving his beer on the counter!

"Hey, John...!" greeted Pat, squeezing into Jessie's spot at the crowded bar!

John couldn't help but look a little nervous...!

"Did you...TELL Jessie what happened...?" he asked [keeping his voice to a whisper]!

"About YOU sucking my dick when you thought I was sleep in your parent's bed...?" questioned Pat [replaying it all in his head]...! "No, I didn't say anything..." he admitted [with a chuckle], letting John off the hook! "...yet!" he added, watching John's face turn crimson red with worry (as he took a swig of his beer)!

"`Yet'...?" repeated John [wondering what that meant]...?

Pat laughed...

"Yeah..." he responded, " know I'm looking for a repeat...!" he added, leaning in against the bar [next to John] on one elbow...! "It's something I wouldn't mind happening again! You're INTO it, right...? I mean, you wouldn't have DID IT if you weren't into it! Right...?"

"So what...? want me to become your cocksucker...?" asked John, daringly [sounding almost pissed]!

"That would be awesome!" glee Pat, eagerly [like a kid in his first candy store]! "I mean, it felt just as good when girls DO it...!...except, I didn't have to take you out and liquor you up first!" he laughed [anxiously]!

John snickered [taking another deep swig while considering the idea]...!

"And if I don't...?" he questioned, "You gonna threaten to tell my brother...?"

"Jessie...?" asked Pat, looking back over at the restroom [just as Jessie was starting to make his way back to them]! "Hell no! I wouldn't stoop that low! Besides, Jessie might kick my ass! All he does is talk about his brothers! If he found out I let one suck me off he might think I initiated it and seduced you! So NO, I won't be telling HIM anything!" confirmed Pat, just as Jessie walked up...!

"No cocksucker in the men's room, tonight..." said Jessie [sounding disappointed]! "...that BLOWS!" he added, before grabbing his beer and turning it up to his lips to gulp down!

"Wanted your cock sucked, eh...?" chuckled Pat, jokingly!

"Yeah..." groaned Jessie, pulling at his crotch, rearranging his trapped balls! "...wouldn't mind taking the EDGE off before heading home...!" he said [feeling a fresh load hiding in his nut-sac]!

"I know the feeling!" said Pat, looking directly at John, as their eyes locked!

John couldn't help glancing down at Pat's crotch, noticing his HAND now rubbing what looked like a very prominent bulge in his slacks!

When Jessie was preoccupied [talking to 2 gorgeous girls at the bar], John managed to whisper to Pat to meet him down at the docks tonight [where he worked], if he really wanted another BJ...? Pat smiled as John quickly finished his beer..., then got up off his stool to tell his brother `goodnight!'

The rest of the night Jessie spent flirting with the 2 young college girls [keeping their table cluttered with alcohol], trying to score for both he AND his partner..., but Patrick wasn't interested, leaving his house keys with Jessie to fuck both girls while HE decided to take John up on his offer at the docks...!



30yr old Treat Garrett requested to hear how Jake and Maleece met and fell in love over dinner...!...and was totally intrigued when Mal admitted he was shy and a tab bit homophobic when he first met Jake 5yrs ago!

"I'd just gone through a rough divorce with my ex-wife..." he admitted, as the 3 males sat around the dining room table [feasting]! "...when I was forced to team up with Jake, after Jake's FIRST partner: Bruce Gardner was accused of being a `corrupt' cop and thrown in jail! But that's a different story!

"I have to admit I wasn't a big FAN of Jake's back then, having HEARD rumors from some of the other cops Bruce affiliated with that Jake was a troublemaker! I fought against liking him, despite being unexpectedly attracted to him! I didn't KNOW I was gay or bisexual back then! I didn't know where these FEELINGS for him was coming from...? I'd never had feelings like THAT for another guy before! I was pissed, angry, horny, and drinking a lot because of my divorce! Jake was as nice as he could be to me, which only made me madder! I stomped all over him! Treated him like shit! But he stood by me, MADE me see him for WHO he was!

"I fell in love with him before I even knew it!" he concluded, as his and Jake's eyes locked from across the table! Jake blushed deep crimson, reliving all those feelings for Mal all over again in his story...!

"And YOU, Jake...?" questioned Treat, wanting to hear more! "How did YOU first feel when you met Maleece...?"

"I liked him from the start!" admitted Jake! "I didn't know I was gay when I first joined The Force, either...! In fact, I was engaged to my sister in-law: Kelley Bradley! Bruce was the one that made me question my sexuality when he started introducing me to the OTHER SIDE of life! He awakened something I didn't even know was IN me! He took complete advantage of my innocence, then tried to KILL me when I didn't cross over and become corrupt like him and his friends!

"When I met Mal I was hoping for a new beginning on The Force! I was hoping for a fresh partner to train me the correct way to be a good cop! I knew Bruce's guys were spreading lies about me at work! I knew a lot of the other officers believed them, or didn't know WHO to believe! I realized Mal had `anger issues'..., but there was just something about him that made me want to keep trying to break through that WALL he had built up around him!

"Oh, and the sex was GREAT!" added the 26yr old [grinning ear to ear]!

"That's fucking beautiful!" said Treat, watching the 2 men gaze at each other as they told their stories! "2 guys not looking for love, find it when they least expect it! Sounds like things MOVIES are made of!"

"Straight movies, maybe!" laughed Maleece!

"Well...we have to tell our OWN stories, don't we...?" challenged Treat!

"You know what I'd like to see...?" he suddenly asked out of the blue! "I'd like to see the 2 of you kiss! Could You DO that for me...? Can I get a kiss out of the 2 of you?"

Jake and Maleece looked at each other and shrugged..., getting up from their seats as they both leaned in over the table and touched lips [briefly], before pulling back with smiles on their faces!

"No, not like that...!" complained Treat, feeling as if he'd just watched 2 kids kiss for the first time with their parents watching! "I mean a REAL kiss!" insisted the athlete, prompting the lovers to give it another they leaned into each other (again), this time locking lips and swabbing tongue, exchanging saliva between them, twisting and turning their heads as they drilled each other's mouth wild and deep!

"That's what I'm talking about...!" smiled Treat, as the couple broke from kissing, all too happy to have satisfied their guest!

"Should we adjourn to the living room...?" asked Mal [grabbing a second wine bottle off the table]!

"MY thoughts exactly!" said Treat, leading the way towards the sofa...!



The all-male table centered in the middle of the sports bar in Center City was the liveliest table in the establishment! The 7 men talked and laughed loudly, downing drinks, ordering food, and enjoying each other's companies as if they'd all been friends for years!

Mayor McConnell debated a lot of people over the years as a police captain AND as a candidate for the head of office of Philadelphia...!...but he never debated anyone as hard as the men HERE during their sports games! They argued over points, scrimmages, plays, accolades, first round picks, who's the best, who's the best player ever, the worst, and who's worth and not worth the most money per game...?

McConnell couldn't remember the last time he had so much fun just sitting around bullshitting with GUYS...!

"I'm sorry, fellas...but I'm afraid its time for me to go...!" said The Mayor, looking at his watch as he got up from his seat!

"aww...not already..." complained the men [after 90mins of partying]! "...we were just starting to LIKE you...!" they joked!

"As much as I'd LIKE to stay..." assured the mayor [reaching into his back pocket to retrieve his wallet]...! "...I have meetings in the morning..., that takes precedence! Sorry!"

"WE understand, David...!" said Julio, defending his boss!

"No we don't!" said Camden [playfully], also sorry to see the mayor leave so soon!

"Thanks for letting me be a part of your group...!" thanked McConnell, pulling his credit card from its nesting place! "Dinner's on ME!" he offered, before heading for the counter to pay for the drinks and meal!

"Hey..." called KaliQ, as McConnell stopped to turn around...! "'re welcomed here with US anytime!" he shouted, causing McConnell to shine as he walked to the register!

"Thanks guys, for making my boss feel welcomed...!" said Julio, before getting up to walk McConnell out!

He walked up just as David was finishing up with the bill...! "Thanks for showing up tonight...!" he said, as McConnell signed the receipt and stuffed his wallet back into his pants pocket! "Everyone liked you! Did you find anybody you'd like to know better...?"

"Well..." said McConnell, as they headed to the door...! "...they all seem lively and colorful..." he managed [referring to their alpha personalities], "...but they all seem like NICE guys...!"

"They are..." confirmed Julio, walking McConnell outside...! "...but was there at least ONE that caught your eye...?" he hinted [rooting for his friend: Ian]!

"hmm...maybe..." smiled McConnell [refusing to say who], as he prepared to flag down a taxi...!

"David!" called a voice from behind, as both David AND Julio turned around to find Ian Thomas rushing up behind them...! "I just...wanted to say how much of a pleasure it was to meet you finally, face to face...!" he said, shaking McConnell's hand [while Julio moved to the background]...!

"I've been a longtime supporter of you and your work! And I'd LOVE for you to stop by my SCHOOL sometime...? see what we DO for the kids that come thought!"

"I'd like that, Ian! Thank you!" smiled McConnell [politely]!

Ian reached into his pocket to retrieve a business card...

"I've etched my private number on the back if you'd like to TALK about it sometime...!" he offered, passing McConnell the card! "Or...about...anything ELSE...!" he added [suggestively], as McConnell politely placed the card in his breast pocket [along with dozens of others he collect daily from eager associates]!

"I'll have someone contact you when I find time to visit...!" said the mayor, before bidding his hosts goodbye and heading for the corner to flag a cab!

"Real SMOOTH, Ian!" joked Julio, as they went back inside with the others!

"Shut up!" said Ian [admitting he was a little `rusty' with the pickup lines]!

McConnell saw several cabs rush by [with fares already in them]! After the 3rd cab rushed by, he was starting to wish he hadn't sent his `driver' home for the evening...!

"Need a LIFT...?" asked a man, pulling up in front of him in a new SUV...!

McConnell started to say `no'..., but then got a good look at the driver and realized it was one of the men from the bar...!

"I live in East Falls...!" said The Mayor [knowing it was quite a hike]!

"I have a full tank of gas!" smiled the man [hitting the door-locks], as McConnell got in!

"My name's James..." he re-introduced [once McConnell was comfy], "...just in case you forgot...? James Maddox!"

"I remember!" smiled McConnell [buckling in as they started to drive off, recognizing Maddox as `one' of the men he'd had his eye on at the table...!



"THIS was one of my all-time favorite plays...!" thrilled Maleece, watching as Treat ran 30yrds before catching a long thrown pass in the midst of 3 competitors to score the game winning touchdown...!

"AWE YEAH!" he yelled, throwing up his arms excitedly, as if seeing the play for the first time LIVE! "You were the BOMB, man!" he gloated, as all 4 players hit the dirt in a heap...with Treat holding the ball up out of the mass to show he was still in possession! "AWESOME dude! Just awesome!"

"Thanks." smiled Treat, always finding it interesting seeing the old games replayed through the eyes of his fans! He was glad that THEY seemed to get a lot of happiness out of the old plays..., but all Treat saw was constant reminders of his drug abuse..., taking pain killer after pain killer to fend off the hurt after those tackles!

He wasn't about THE GAME anymore..., he was more focused on LIFE now, and enjoying himself as much as possible! He couldn't believe he was in the home of Jake Valentine [the guy he'd been boning at rehab sessions whenever he could], and all he were doing was entertaining Jake's boyfriend with `fan' talk!

Maleece was HOT! Jake was HOT! Treat didn't understand why they all weren't naked yet...?

"Would you like another drink...?" asked Mal, noticing Treat finishing off his last glass of wine!

"You know what I'd REALLY like...?" asked Treat [getting bolder], "I'd like to see YOU and Jake KISS again..., as if I weren't here...! Think you could do THAT for me...?" he asked.

Maleece hesitated... "You want to see US kiss, again...?" he asked [clarifying]! "I don't see a problem with that...!" he laughed, calling Jake in from cleaning up in the kitchen! When Jake came in [to see what Mal wanted...?], Maleece reached up and physically PULLED him down onto the sofa with them, then started deep kissing his boyfriend with all the passion he deserved, wrapping him up in his arms!

Jake resisted at first [believing Treat had something to do with it]..., but quickly gave in once he felt the passion behind the kiss!

The 2 officers kissed as if no one else was in the room with them, with Mal's hand reaching down to cup Jake's succulent ass through his tight fitted jeans! Both men achieved hard-ons, both getting swept up in romance after a few too many drinks and a ride down memory lane!

Jake straddled Mal's waist as he ground himself against him [crotch to crotch], with Mal slipping his hand down into the back of Jake's waistline, groping his bare bottom from the inside [skin to skin]! Treat sat alongside them on the sofa as the 2 made out fiercely! It wasn't until Jake glanced over and noticed Treat rubbing his dick bulge that he suddenly remembered where they were and what they were doing...!

"Ma...Mal..." he called, pulling away as Maleece protested, pulling him back into his arms...!

"Ohshit...!" shocked Mal, looking over to see Treat watching also!

"How embarrassing..." he blushed, as he pushed Jake off top him!

" was beautiful...! Keep going! Please! Don't stop on MY account!" insisted Garrett!

Maleece chuckled, unsure if Treat was being serious or not! With Jake still seated beside him, he looked over into Jake's eyes, wondering if he was GAME to continue...? Jake seemed indecisive, so Mal reached up and grabbed the back of Jake's head, physically pulling him in for another hot smoldering kiss!

Mal grabbed both sides of Jake's face as he bought his lips in for a landing, swabbing his mouth out with his extended tongue! Jake rested his hand on Mal's flat stomach [for support] as he leaned into him! Treat grabbed Jake's wrist and slowly pulled it down into Mal's lap, making him feel his growing mound!

Treat rubbed HIS hand over the back of Jake's, as both men held their hands down between Mal's spread legs! Mal broke the kiss with his lover when he distinctly felt 2 sets of fingers rubbing over his hard-on at the same time! Glancing over at Treat, he noticed the footballer now sitting closer beside him! Treat leaned in and kissed Mal on his shocked lips! The kiss was tender and closed mouth, but that soon changed when Mal parted his lips and allowed Treat to slip his tongue inside!

Jake backed off from kissing Mal when Treat moved in...! Unsure exactly WHAT was going on at the moment, he watched his longtime boyfriend making out with his favorite sports hero, and felt nothing but PRIDE for getting them together! Treat swabbed out Mal's mouth orally with his tongue...leaning into him as Mal laid with his head resting against the back of the sofa! After a minute or 2 of heavy kissing, Treat broke off with Mal and reached out to grasped the back of Jake's head, pulling him IN as he leaned in and kissed Jake full-fledge on the lips as well! Maleece watched the 2 men kissing in front of him, as he reached back around Treat's and Jake's waists and pulled the 2 men in tighter together [encouragingly]!

Treat broke off the kiss and pushed Jake and Mal back together..., while HE started undoing Mal's pants! Mal couldn't believe this was happening, as he whispered another `thank you' into Jake's mouth, as Treat reached into his pants and physically GRASPED his hard-on, pulling it free from its prison!

Treat pulled Jake's hand back into Mal's crotch, as Jake wrapped his fist around his man's rod..., then broke off kissing so he could bend down and suck him off! Mal moaned softly when Jake enveloped him in his mouth and started sucking! Treat moved back in, placing his left arm behind Mal's head [as Mal slouched down in the cushions], and leaned in to start kissing him more seriously! Mal could feel the full-fledge of Treat's unadulterated kiss, as his tongue slid further into his mouth, threatening to take possession of him!

Mal moaned into Treat's mouth as Jake slid all the way down on his dick, swallowing him whole!

Jake held Mal's 7.5" cock in his throat for about 30 seconds before slowly receding back up to the head, then bobbing his mouth up and down the hard flesh! Mal reached down between Treat's legs, feeling the hard-on hiding underneath the thick fabric of his denim jeans [for the first time]! Wanting to SEE the dick, he broke off kissing Treat long enough to undo Treat's pants and pull out his thick 8" prick!

Treat ran his fingers through the back of Mal's hair, as Mal gently pushed Treat back against the other end of the sofa, then went down on HIM, licking the underbelly of his great prick, painting it wet with his tongue before taking it in his mouth! Treat sat back and watched Mal suck him, while Jake sucked Mal! 2 heads bobbed up and down as everyone got comfortable! The night was going better than Treat could have ever planned [having initially hoped to get a moment to sneak off with Jake for some hot ass]!



"You REALLY didn't have to go out of your way like this and drive me home..." repeated McConnell [as they pulled into his neighborhood]...! "...I really could have called a taxi...!"

"At the tax payer's expense...? No, that's okay!" joked 30yr old James Maddox, cruising slowly behind the wheel [prolonging the ride just a bit (to talk)]! "I don't mind, really..." he added, sincerely! "'s the LEAST I could do to the man that's keeping my city intact...!"

"Well..., thank you, AGAIN..." smiled McConnell [grateful for the ride]! "...I really appreciate it!"

"Hey, I appreciate the RAISE you're giving us..." laughed Maddox, causing McConnell to chuckle! "...unless it was political bullshit...?" he questioned, "...just to make us LIKE you more...?"

"Would I LIE to you...?" asked McConnell, giving a `shifty' look on purpose...!

"hmm...?" questioned Maddox, pulling into The Mayor's Mansion's driveway!

"Wow..." he said, looking up at the house for the first time! "...nice house...!"

"You should see if from the inside...!" said McConnell [also impressed by the home]!

Maddox stopped at the front door...!

"Is THAT an invitation...?" he smirked [playfully]!

McConnell smirked back...! "It COULD be..." he flirted, "...IF I didn't have to get up so early in the morning...!" he regretted!

Maddox sighed...! "So...all this way for nothing...?" he joked, hanging his head in playful disappointment!

"Not for nothing..." said McConnell, unstrapping his seatbelt...! "...for the company..." he grinned, as Maddox smiled, "...and..." added the mayor, leaning over in his seat to kiss his driver softly on the lips...! "...for THIS...!" he concluded, before getting out of the car!

Maddox couldn't believe he just flirted with, AND kissed, the city's MAYOR! His jaw dropped in disbelief [for a second, before he regained his composure, looking out of the passenger window as McConnell unlocked the front door and disappeared inside...!

Maddox started to drive off, but then noticed his dick was rock-hard in his pants [bursting at the seams to get out]! Another glance at the door and he realized it was left ajar! Did McConnell neglect to close it all the way...?...or was this simply an invitation for him to come inside...?

Maddox killed the engine, then got out of the vehicle and wandered slowly [unsurely] up to the open door and peered in...!

Inside was dark inside [all the lights out (except for a nightlights illuminating the stairway)], but Maddox could manage to see McConnell standing nearby, innocently sifting through the mail [as if he could read in the dark]! His eye met Maddox's, as James walked in and closed the door (nervously) behind him!

James followed David upstairs to his bedroom..., the 2 men no longer strangers as they began to shed their clothes...!



For nearly 20 minutes Jake and Maleece sucked cock [with Mal sucking Treat Garrett (sports legend) while Jake sucked Mal]! Hot wet mouths slid effortlessly over smooth stiff columns, as Jake pulled up off Mal's dick to watch him blow Treat for a while! Then [feeling inspired] he moved up next to his boyfriend and started helping him blow their guest, licking at all the places Mal's mouth missed!

Mal felt Jake's face beside his as he sucked, and slid up off Treat's dick so Jake could have a taste! Jake and Mal licked their ways up and down either side of Treat's member, their tongue washing over each other as they painted the prick wet with their combined spit! Jake took Treat's dick in his mouth and swallowed it whole, deep throating him to the root as Mal de-pant the football player [stripping him naked]! Mal pulled off his own clothes, then helped strip Jake naked as he bent behind his boyfriend and started to eat his ass out! Jake spread his knees as he got onto all fours, bobbing his head on Treat's cock with his ass hiked high in the air for Mal's benefit! Maleece pressed his face in deep, washing his tongue over the anus he's lived in practically every day for 5yrs!

Treat watched Jake's mouth swallowing him from tip to base...when [unexpectedly] Maleece grabbed his ankles and suddenly yanked him down into lying-position on the sofa..., then motioned Jake to climb on top of Treat, straddling his hips to lower his ass onto his upstanding cock!

Treat couldn't believe his LUCK as his dickhead press up between Jake's spread cheeks..., kissing against his spit slick asshole before feeling Jake press down, causing his rectal ring to pry open as his cockhead suddenly slipped in deep [with Mal's approval]! Jake sat all the way down on Treat's big prick, grounding his luscious ass about in the baller's lap, feeling the familiar feel of his phallus stretching out his insides!

Treat reached out and gripped 2 hefty handfuls of Jake's ass, pulling it up off his cock [about 7 inches] before pushing him back down onto it fully! Jake moaned softly as they started to set a steady fuck motion, sliding up and down on each other!

Mal stood over top Jake [next to him], kissing his lover while Jake fucked himself on Treat's cock, flexing his fuck-hole tightly about the sliding shaft, wanting to give Treat a good fuck!

Mal was so excited being able to help one of his idols get off sexually...that it never occurred to him that Treat and Jake could have had a secret sexual relationship before now! He kissed Jake deeply, pinching his erect nipples and feeling him up like he used to when they first started fooling around!

Jake could FEEL Mal's excitement in his touch and kiss, and started fucking Treat's dick harder, wanting to make both men feel good! Mal broke off kissing Jake and dropped to his knees beside the sofa, fitting his head just over Treat's stomach as he took Jake's 7" erection in his mouth [while Jake continued to fuck Treat's cock]!

Jake leaned back so Mal could have full access to his boner, still fucking himself as he ground his ass in Treat's lap! While Mal blew Jake, Treat couldn't resist running his right hand freely down Mal's back towards his bare Latino ass...! Having always had a `thing' for Puerto-Ricans, he cupped Mal's ass left ass cheek, palming it firmly as Mal moved closer as Treat's fingers so they could venture further into his ass crack [searching for his hairy hole]!

Mal bobbed his head on Jake's prize pupil just as Treat moistened his finger with his mouth...before presenting it back to Mal's hole and pushing in! Treat couldn't believe how tight the manhole felt on his exploring digit..., and couldn't resist going even deeper, penetrating the second hole to finger his inner rectum!

Mal started to suck feverishly on Jake's wood, tightening his lips as he hungrily sucked at the steely shaft, bringing Jake to a boil! Jake continued to ride Treat's cock, but his main focus was now on Mal's mouth! He couldn't remember the last time he felt Mal suck with such passion...? He found himself gently grabbing onto the back of his boyfriend's head, fucking deeper into Mal's mouth while riding Treat's cock!

"Oh yeah..." moaned Jake, feeling himself getting close to coming as his hips started to move faster! By the way Mal was slurping his shaft, he knew his lover was hungry for the load...and he wanted to FEED it to him badly, as Jake pushed himself over the edge by ramming his asshole down on Treat's big prick and causing himself to cum quicker than planned!

"...OHGOD..." he groaned, just as his orgasm hit and he accidentally speared his throbbing cock directly down the back of Mal's throat! "...I'm coming..." he warned, as his cock flexed and jerked...then started spewing great gobs of hot frosting straight down the back of Mal's throat! "...ARRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!" yelled Jake, coming hard as his asshole spasm and flexed wildly around Treat's prick!

"Oh shit...!" gasped Treat, yanking out of Jake [so he couldn't cum so quick], as Mal moaned a throaty groan while being fed his lover's load!

Jake panted breathlessly as his climax subsided! Mal slowly pulled back off Jake's [still stiff] cock, holding what was left of his load when he came up for air! Jake slowly dismounted Treat's cock, as Mal spit the last of Jake's cum into his hand...then reached back and smeared the contents all over his own asshole [as lubricant], before mounting Treat's cock himself!

Treat waited [wide-eyed] as his FAN got into position overtop him...then reached back behind and guided his cock up to his tight cop hole! Treat stared straight up into Mal's face as the detective pushed back against him, letting his bare cock pop into his unprotected anus, spearing through his rectal ring to sink [slowly] inside!

"Oooohh..." moaned Mal, sitting upright on Treat's cock!

Treat couldn't resist reaching around to grasp 2 hefty handfuls of Mel's butt, lifting and lower HIM on his cock [just as he did his boyfriend moments ago]! Jake sat on the floor beside them, watching as Mal fucked himself, riding his favorite player as Treat help guide him on his dick!

"You 2 are awesome!" said Treat [happy he accepted Jake's dinner invite]! Mal beamed, staring back down at his idol as he rode Treat's prick, trying to make him cum!

Mal's own cock was rock-hard in front of him, slapping against Treat's flat muscular abs while Mal fucked himself! Jake couldn't help seeing his lover's hard-on go to waste, so he got up on his knees and leaned in-between the 2 men and started sucking Mal off [just as he did him]! Inspired even more by Jake's sucking, Mal started fucking himself harder, driving his ass down on Treat's stiff standing pole like a paid whore! He couldn't stop stabbing himself in the ass, taking the big dick from tip to base, feeling it all move along inside him like an organic part of him!

After 10 or 15 minutes of cowboy riding, Treat pulled Mal off his cock and repositioned JAKE on his back [on the sofa]...then lifted his legs in missionary position and motioned for Maleece fuck him!

Mal was slightly confused [having just RODE Treat's cock] as he aimed his own prick up to Jake's moist hole and pushed in [fucking him]! Jake lay underneath Mal, staring up into his lover's face while Mal leaned in overtop him and started thrusting in and out of his fuck-hole!

Treat positioned himself behind Mal [his chest pressed against Mal's back], as he reached down and aimed his cock up between the detective's taut cheeks! Mal finally understood what Treat was up to as the former baller pressed back into him, penetrating him deeply as he slipped back up in his ass and held onto his hips as he started fucking!

"UHG...! UHH...! URHH...! UHH...! UHG...! UHG...! ARHH...! UHH..." grunted Mal, feeling Treat take over as the handsome athlete took charge and started fucking him earnestly!

Jake watched Mal's pained facial expression and weird lurches, and KNEW Treat was behind him, fucking him! But despite whatever discomfort Mal might had been feeling, his cock was still rock-hard as it started moving through Jake's gut again, the 3 men setting a steady pattern as Treat rammed into Mal just as Mal was pulled out of Jake, only to change directions and shove back into Jake just as Treat was pulling back from him!

"Ohfuck..." moaned Treat, loving how Maleece's asshole felt on his cock! He couldn't help gripping the detective's waist tighter, fucking harder into his ass while Mal fucked Jake!

THIS was exactly what Treat hoped for when he accepted Jake's invitation! For awhile it looked like it might be just a run-of-the-mill dinner...but now it had turned into something Treat wouldn't mind doing again [and again], (and again)!

Mal leaned in over his lover [in pushup-position], thrusting his hips steadily into Jake's ass, stabbing his cock 7.5 inches deep with every stroke, feeling's Jake's succulent cunt sucking him off as he fucked through it!

But it was Treat's cock knocking at his backdoor that really got Mal's juices flowing as he held his waist [loosely in his hands] and fucked into Mal's upturned ass as he humped back and forth into Jake!

Jake loved being on the bottom, staring up at Mal as the man he loved leaned in over him, fucking him as if he owned him [like a possession]! He liked it even more when he knew someone else was fucking Mal, giving HIS anus pleasure! Mal got MORE excited [MORE lustful], as he fucked with more intensity with another cock in his ass! Jake lay on his back, his legs spread wide, his asshole vulnerable as Mal fucked over top him like a lion! Mal couldn't help reacting to the cock in his ass...!...the constant thrusting and stretching of his fuck-hole making him want to fuck Jake harder as he grasped the backs of his lover's legs and started slamming into him while Treat fucked HIM from behind!

Treat couldn't stop thrusting up into Mal's ass, pulling back every time Mal thrust in..., going in deeper every time Mal pulled back! He could feel Mal shoving back onto his dick as they fucked, thrusting his hips back and forth widely as he fucked AND fucked himself on his dick!

Jake's 7" cock stood stiffly over his abdomen, straining severely as it yearned another orgasm! Mal leaned down on top of Jake, kissing him deeply as he continued thrusting into him, leaving his backside even more vulnerable to Treat!

Treat held onto Mal's waist, pulling him back and forth harder as he fucked, ramming his dick as far as he could, causing Mal to groan in Jake's mouth! Jake wrapped his arms lovingly around the back of Mal's neck, pulling him closer as he spread his own legs wider, surrendering all of himself as Mal's dick sped through him like a bullet! Mal broke the kiss as he lifted up on his arms and screamed...!

"ARRHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK...!!!" just as his cock burst an immense gush of hot cum directly in Jake's gut! Jake's mouth dropped open in disbelief as his eyes widened in shock! He could FEEL Mal's searing hot sperm shooting into him, the hot spurts scolding his innards as his own pulsating cock throbbed sorely above his navel! Giving it a few quick jerks with his fist, his cock suddenly erupted 3 juicy streaks of cum across his own chest as he squirmed underneath Mal, taking all his lover had to offer!

Treat continued fucking Mal, holding onto his waist as he increased the pace of his thrusts! He could FEEL Mal's asshole spasm and squeeze around his digging dick as he rode the cop straight through his climax! Mal grimaced over top Jake as he allowed Treat to continue pounding away at him! Jake could see the discomfort on Mal's mug [now that he came], reaching up to gently stroke his twisted face as Mal fought to hold out, wanting to make Treat cum!

"Ohshit..." moaned Treat, wrapping his arms about Mal's torso, hugging his body from behind just as he suddenly rammed his entire cock up the detective's ass and held himself there! Mal could feel the hard cock spearing him deeply as it pulsed and throbbed [for a moment] in his anal socket...before suddenly erupting...!

"...ARRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGG...!!!" screamed Treat, coming HARD as his cock exploded a series of painful spurts which flooded Maleece's manhole like Elmer's Glue!

Treat fell weakly against Mal's back, causing Mal to fell forward against Jake's chest [sandwiching him in-between them] as Treat's cock continued to pulsate inside him (feeding his hole the last of his load)!

Mal kissed Jake briefly on the lips, before burying his face in his neck and whispering `thank you' again, in his ear! Jake looked up at Garrett, as Treat kissed the side of Mal's neck and shoulder...before leaning in further to his HIM (Jake) on the lips, thanking him for a wonderful evening...and hoping it could happen again sometime...?

____________________________ This story writing by EUGENE MARVIN aka ____________________________ To leave comments, questions, and/or suggests, write me at address above, or hit me up on Facebook for updates on what I'm currently working on.




12 MIDNIGHT: John Valentine was walking around the docks with his flashlight, protecting the warehouses from vandals and vagrants that might be looking to break into the facilities at night! He was just about to wrap up his patrol [radioing IN to the other guards patrolling the other end of the perimeter]..., when he saw headlights coming his way...!

Wondering WHO could be out at this hour of the night...?...John killed his flashlight and held his hand up over his eyes, shielding them from the glare as the car took the path leading straight to him! He had no idea WHO it was..., and placed his hand on his registered gun in case of danger...?

"John...?" called a familiar voice, as the car door opened and out stepped: Patrick Rice [Jessie's partner], " that invitation still on...?" he asked [his hard cock bulging the front of his slacks ever-since John invited him down to the docks]!

"You bet!" smiled John, making his way over to Pat's car, radioing the other guards that he was taking a quick smoke break!



Pat and John were sitting in the back of Pat's car, with Pat's pants wrapped down about his ankles while John leaned over in his lap, bobbing his head rapidly on his cock as he sucked and swallowed the 7" beauty from tip to base!

"geezus man...suck that cock..." groaned Patrick, unable to believe JOHN [Jessie's married brother] could suck cock so well! He sat back in his car, his legs spread wide while John bobbed his head up and down on his dick rapidly...!...holding onto his head as his fingers entangled in John's dark hair!

Pat had always heard that guys could suck cock better than girls..., but never actually believed it was true until now! While he enjoyed John's first initial blowjob in his father's bed [chap-12]..., he WAS still a bit tipsy from the night before (having drank too much with Jessie), and didn't get to really appreciate the blowjob like he was now, now that he was sober!

He could feel John's hot mouth sliding up and down his hard pole, and couldn't resist pulling his head up off his stiff drooling dick, kissing the shocked security guard in the mouth, swabbing his watery cavity with his searching tongue as he force-fed in John and washed his mouth out with his oral muscle!

John kissed the redhead back passionately, all the way stroking Pat's cock with his fist, keeping his cock up and interested before breaking the kiss and lowering his head back in his lap to resume sucking, determined to get the officer off orally!

Pat groaned erotically as his cock was retook and swallowed! He re-latched his finger in John's hair, helping to guide his head up and down on his dick! He couldn't believe how GOOD it felt, getting HEAD from his partner and best-friend's brother!

Pat couldn't resist reaching down and cup John's ass as he leaned over in his seat! His ass felt wonderful as he rubbed his fingers along the seam leading straight up the crack of his ass! He wondered if John took it anally...?...if so, he definitely wanted to try fucking a guy's ass [having heard rumors of how TIGHT they get]!

John moaned softly around Pat's cock as he bobbed his head and overstuffed his face full! He could feel the slightly younger officer rubbing his hand all over his ass..., and wondered if it was something Pat might be into...? John hadn't really been fucked since his deceased partner [Gabe] used to fuck him (back in COBL), and was dying for someone to retrain his asshole how to take cock properly!

In the meantime he sucked and swallowed Officer Rice's cock as if it were the last liquorish stick on the planet! He bobbed and sucked, choked and swallowed until he had Patrick laid back in his seat, moaning like a woman in labor!

Pat could feel his orgasm coming on strong, as John picked up the pace and started to hammer his mouth down over the cock, fucking his own throat as Patrick grabbed onto his shoulders for support...then LIFTED his hips up out of his seat [spearing the very back of John's throat] before unloading the biggest load of his life!

"ARRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!!" he yelled out loud [in his car], thrashing about like a mad-cow as his cock exploded and erupted in John's sucking mouth!

John held his ground, keeping his lips sealed around the surging cock as it filled his mouth with the officer's creamy load! Patrick squirmed and panted as John's head remained in his lap! After his initial climax ended, John pulled back and swallowed the copious load before sitting up...!

"wow..." was all Pat could say, sounding and exhausted and temporarily drained!

John laughed as he leaned back down and sucked the last droplets of cum from the off duty officer's cock, as they sat in the car and talked for an hour...!



A crisp clear moon settled over the house of David McConnell's mayoral residence..., as David and his guest [James Maddox] stood in his private bedroom (naked) kissing like newlyweds!

McConnell [55, 6'1", 185lbs] stood facing Maddox [31, 6'3", 220lbs] as James wrapped his arms loosely about David's waist, holding him in close to him as they kissed! Both men could feel the other's hard-on poking into him, their big dicks smashed together between their bodies as McConnell reached down to stroke Maddox's prick while Maddox reached behind David to feel his bare bottom!

"You SURE you want to do this...?" asked David [holding James' meaty prod in his hand], suddenly insecure about the age difference...! "I'm nearly twice your age...!"

"You kidding me, right...?" laughed Maddox, looking the older man up and down...! "You could pass for 40, easily...! or YOUNGER!"

He then pulled the mayor even closer in his arms...! "I wouldn't BE here if I didn't want to DO this...!" he assured, as McConnell slowly sank to his knees in front of him and started salivating over James' immense prick, painting it over wetly with his tongue before taking the bulbous like head in his mouth!

James watched as the older [more regal] man licked his dick all over [swabbing it delicately with his tongue] before stretching his jaws and taking it into his oral cavity! Gay since college, McConnell bobbed his head back and forth, taking more and more of the big brown prick into his mulatto mouth before being forced to retreat! No novice to cock sucking, David took his time sliding back and forth along the shaft, the alcohol he consumed earlier relaxing his throat muscles naturally, as he started sliding all the way down on the 11" dong as easily as one swallows a thick milkshake! James was pleasantly surprised when the city's Mayor suddenly swallowed his big dick whole, his face pressed firmly against his pubic hairs as all 11 inches of Whopper-meat lay successfully lodged down the back of the mayor's talented throat!

Maddox knew he was with no amateur as he took a seat on the edge of David's bed to watch the mayor feast on his dick! McConnell followed [facing him] on his knees, steadily bobbing his head in his lap and enjoying the length and taste against his palate!

For 15 solid minutes McConnell sucked Maddox's big sausage, getting the dick super-hard in response before James finally pulled McConnell off his prick and back up towards his face to share another kiss! David [still on his knees] suckled feverishly on James's extended tongue, as James's hands snaked down McConnell's back towards his ass [his middle-finger sliding into the ass crack to toy with David's asshole]! Realizing what James really wanted, McConnell got up off his knees and walked over to the nightstand where he retrieved a Magnum condom and a bottle of lubricant! He handed the items to James, before climbing onto the bed and lying on his back, lifting his legs overhead [voluntarily] as James climbed onto the bed after him!

James poured a generous amount of lube over his erection and massaged it in with his fist, as he stared down [hungrily] at McConnell's hair-lined anus...! Working on impulse, he leaned forward and shoved his face into the Mayor's ass and started eating his asshole! McConnell moaned softly as his newfound lover's warm wet tongue started washing over his most secret place, causing his body to tingle all over!

Maddox was no stranger to eating ass, something he adapted to after a love of eating pussy! Essentially he found similar results between eating a woman's cunt and a man's ass, as both were the gateways into the hot tight depths his dick had come to love fucking! He ate McConnell's hole intensely; washing over the anal ring, darting his oral muscle in and out of the wrinkled bud, and pulling the cheeks as far apart as humanly possible! He munched on the anus [while stroking his own mighty rod] until David's manhole was pulsating and begging to be plugged!

Lifting up from `eating' position, Maddox eased his hard-on up to McConnell's spit saturated anus and began to push in [slowly]! McConnell looked down at bare dick poised to bury inside him..., then stared back up into James's deep dark eyes and allowed him entry without complaint or protest!

"URRHHHG...!" grunted McConnell, feeling the dick pry him open and penetrate!

"You alright...?" asked Maddox [concerned], waiting for David to confirm he was okay before continuing (with only his dickhead piercing the rectal ring)!

"Yes...!" gasped McConnell [waiting for the searing pain to dissipate] as he stared up into James's eyes! Maddox waited until he got the go ahead before pushing inward the rest of the way with his hips, causing the full length of his mighty rod to slowly sink in and disappear up the Mayor McConnell's hot ass...!

Once embedded Maddox lay flat against McConnell's chest and kissed again, drilling David's moaning mouth as their bodies essentially got used to one another!

After a few minutes of grinding, James started to pull back with his hips [withdrawing only a few inches] before pushing back in again! McConnell could feel the long hard phallus starting to slide in and out of him, wedging his anus wider and digging exponentially deeper! Maddox continued kissing as he fucked, making the encounter all the more intimate as McConnell snaked his hands about James's back and sides, feeling his well-toned and muscular body as the sanitation worker started to lay a steady stroke motions with his swaying hips!

McConnell couldn't believe he was lying under a total stranger he'd just met in a bar a few hours before...! He admitted [to himself] that he felt well overdo for a tune-up', but never thought he'd connect with any of Julio's friends THAT WAY when he decided to meet them at the bar! He and James met eye contact several times at the table..., but McConnell wasn't sure if James was feeling' him as well, or just `star struck' to be meeting the Mayor in a social setting...? It wasn't until he suddenly pulled up outside the bar that McConnell finally realized he was feeling the same vibe!

Maddox broke off kissing as he rose up on his muscular arms, hovering overtop McConnell [in pushup-position] as he started thrusting his hips faster! McConnell held onto Maddox's waist as the younger man fucked into him! Both men looked down [occasionally] to watch the sex show between their bodies as Maddox's dick rammed in and out of David's anus...!...but mostly they stared into each other's eyes, each daring the other to blink as David's body molded around James's thrusting manhood!

Maddox didn't know a whole hellova-lot about McConnell [despite most of the mayor's entire life being sprawled out on tv news over the past year or so since getting in the political arena]! He knew the mayor was gay [who didn't...?], and that his astringed ex-wife sided against him politically [backing reverend Holmes instead]..., but he knew nothing else about him, other than what he learned tonight!

He noticed McConnell's looks at the table, and met them with open stares of his own [letting him know he found him just as intriguing]! When McConnell decided to leave [after making no attempt to exchange numbers], James knew he had to move quickly, and bid a fond farewell to his friends before bee-lining to his parked car outside! Luckily McConnell was still standing there [waiting for a taxi] when he drove up!

Maddox started fucking McConnell harder, driving his dick through the sucking male orifice with deeper more deliberate strokes! The 2 men kissed periodically as the passion started to build between them! McConnell took his own cock in his hand and started stroking, feeling the inevitable END nearing soon! He couldn't believe how good Maddox's dick felt sliding through his body, as if the 2 had been fucking for years! James could feel The Mayor becoming more receptive as his body reacting [favorably] to his technique, as he continued to pick up the pace, causing the bed springs to start popping [tellingly]!

For over 30 minutes the 2 men fucked in missionary position, with McConnell stroking his stiff standing 9 and 1/2 inch curved rod until eventually he started shooting his copious load all over his heaving chest and stomach...!

"Arrhhh...! Arrrhhhhh...!! ARRHHHHHHHHHHH...!!" cried David as the cum shot out of him rapidly, shooting great gobs of molten white sperm onto his own hairy chest!

Maddox watched the mayor's orgasm with great interest, feeling the city leader's rectal ring tighten and squeeze around his thrusting rod as he began to hammer his way through McConnell's body!

"Ohfuck..." he groaned aloud, realizing his own orgasm was imminent!

"Shoot it!" encouraged McConnell [still in the throes of orgasm]! "Shoot it IN me...!"

"Arrhhh fuck..." shouted Maddox, punching through the sucking hole a dozen more times [or so] before finally ramming all the way in and holding himself balls deep...!

"...ARRHHHHHHH SHIT...! ARRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGG...!!" he screamed as he came [HARD], losing a millions babies to McConnell's milking colon before falling flat against him, sharing one long last sloppy kiss as his dick continued pumping fresh sauce into David's accepting body!


The 2 men lay in each other's arms [recuperating], until Maddox's dick softened and slipped from the sucking hole...! They kissed some more before David started to drift off to sleep! James eased himself out of bed, then started to search for his clothes before quietly [respectfully] slipping out the front door (and locking it on his way out)!

McConnell rolled over onto his stomach [sleeping soundly]..., as the front door was suddenly unlocked, and a shadowy stranger quietly moved into the house...! Knowing his way around, he easily maneuvered through the dark, making his way upstairs [careful not to wake the live-in maid] and into McConnell's bedroom...! Slipping off his clothes, he pulled back the covers and slipped in, cuddling next to the sleeping mayor as he gently ran his felt hand over David's bare back and ass..., sliding a curious finger into his wet and recently fucked anus...!

Jealous that another MAN had just obviously fucked McConnell, the man pushed his 8 and 1/2 inch caucasian cock into the mulatto mayor's ass, sinking inside!

McConnell stirred as his well-seeded bottom was once again penetrated..., pushing his ass back [now in spoon-position] as the dick slid in deeply! Believing it was still Maddox, he allowed the man to fuck him [even though he was half-asleep], not putting up a fight as he even lifted one leg to drape back over Maddox's thigh [for even deeper probing]!

The man' wrapped his left arm about David's torso, holding him captive as he proceeded to fuck through him! David titled his head back onto Maddox's shoulder [in his sleep], moaning softly as he surrendered to him [the spent sperm in his ass acting as excellent lubricant for the sliding dick]! It wasn't until David reached back [overhead] and ran his fingers through Maddox's' HAIR that he realized the difference in texture, causing him to open his eyes just as Columbus Maximillian [his former boyfriend and bodyguard] rolled him over onto his stomach and started pounding him harder, holding him down in the process!

"MAX!" called McConnell, his face suddenly buried in the pillows as he turned his head sideways to see...! "MAX...Get OFF of me!"

But Max ignored the Mayor's order as he crushed his weight into his back and held him down forcibly [still fucking into him harder], (pissed off that McConnell ended their relationship)! He humped and humped into the slick ass underneath him for nearly 4 whole minutes...before quickly busting his inevitable load, mixing his DNA with Maddox's!

"ARRHHHHHGG!" he cried when he came, grinding heavily into David's backside!

McConnell finally flipped him off his back AFTER Max came...!

"MAX!" he yelled [again] as he jumped out of bed, turning on the lamp next to them! "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE...??!" he asked [peeved]!

Max weakly rolled out of bed...

"I used to LIVE here, remember...?" he said [sullenly]!

"You NEVER lived here..." corrected David, " always had your own place...!

"HOW did you get in!"

"I have a KEY..." reminded Max with a smirk [standing]! "...AND I know all the security codes...!...or have you forgotten that too...?"

"I'll have the locks and codes changed by morning!" assured Mc! "Please leave!"

"WHO fucked you...?" asked Max [pulling his shirt on overhead]! "OR do you even know...?" he added, much to McConnell anger! "Letting some GUY pick you up outside a bar...! What kind of WHORE move is that...?"

"You were FOLLOWING me...?" asked McConnell [in disbelief]! "Who DOES that...?"

"Maybe someone who's still in LOVE with you...?" asked Max [sincerely]!

"I still LOVE you, David...! I'll forget about this GUY, -whoever he is..., if you take me back! We can call it EVEN!"

"Its NOT even..." argued McConnell, picking up the rest of Max's clothes and shoes as he headed for the balcony...! "'re getting MARRIED! And even if you weren't..., after tonight, I never want to see you again...!" he said, tossing Max's clothes out over the front terrace! "Understood? If you ever come back here, -breaking into my house again, I'll have you arrested!"

"You won't arrest me..." said Max [confidently], walking towards McConnell...! " wouldn't want THAT KIND of negative publicity getting out in public...!"

McConnell's eyes narrowed...

"The CITY already knows I'm gay..." he reminded [calling Max's bluff]! "...WHO do you think would be MORE embarrassed by a gay scandal..., you, or me...?"

Max thought about his NAME being plastered all over the news and social networks, as family, friends, loved ones and colleagues [in and out of the business] suddenly learned he was bisexual and stalking The Mayor...! It certainly wouldn't look good for him, especially since he's on his way to tying the knot!

McConnell watched a pissed expression wash over Max's face when he realized he wouldn't be able to blackmail him into a physical relationship...! Max cursed a loud as he exited McConnell's bedroom [to search for the rest of his clothing outside in the bushes]! McConnell stood watch until he saw Max get into his car and drive off [pissed], hoping that would be the LAST he'd see of him...?

Next: Chapter 16

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