Mad Dog

By Zippy Queer

Published on May 15, 2002


*** Mad Dog On A Mission *** Chapter 2 ***

This story is a totally imaginary fantasy about professional basketball players. Nothing in this story should be taken as any indication of the actual sexual orientation or behaviors of any of the players.

Hope you enjoy! Comments welcome at

-Zippy Queer

Coach Phil Jackson of the Los Angeles Lakers called his favorite player, Mark Madsen, into his office after Mark's workout. "Mark," he said, "I'm very pleased with your work on the first personal inventory. The information you have provided will give me great insight into how to best motivate Kobe, as a basketball player and as a person. Great job!"

Mark smiled and said, "No problem, coach. It was kind of fun!"

"Good," Coach said. "Now, who's your next victim going to be?"

"Hmmm. Well, I'm sharing a hotel room with Rick Fox tomorrow night. He invited me to go to Vegas with him for the weekend. He had to get away since he and his wife have been fighting. I guess he figured he could beat me at blackjack."

Coach chuckled and said, "Well, good luck. Here's a fresh set of inventory forms." Mark took the forms and headed back to the locker room. He was looking forward to the weekend with Rick, a fun guy and a great ball player. Rick was married to Vanessa Williams, the actress and singer who used to be Miss America. Mark thought it was odd that both Rick Fox and Kobe Bryant were married to women named Vanessa. Maybe Rick would be as cool about doing the survey as Kobe had been.

The next afternoon, Rick picked up Mark and headed for a private airport north of L.A. Finding the small plane he had chartered, Rick tossed his and Mark's travel bags into the cargo hold, then tracked down their pilot. In less than an hour, they were in Las Vegas and ready for an evening of gambling and drinking (though Mark didn't really drink alcohol).

At the hotel, Rick realized that he had forgotten to book a separate room for Mark. The clerk said that they were totally booked, but that Rick's room was a luxury suite with two king-size beds. They decided that would be plenty of room. Heading up to the suite, the two friends got settled in. "Ready to lose some dough, little boy?" Rick teased. Although Mark had two inches on Rick and weighed about the same, Rick always called him "little boy." It had more to do with age, maybe, since 25-year-old Mark called 31-year-old Rick "old man."

Mark answered, "You're the one who's gonna lose your shirt, old man."

"We'll see, little boy," Rick said, as he picked out a snazzy shirt, tie, and pants to wear to the casino. "I'm gonna wash up before we head downstairs. Just in case we run into some young ladies..." He smiled slyly as he took off his travel outfit of a t-shirt, long gym shorts, and Nikes, and headed to the bathroom in his just his jockstrap. Mark admired Rick's strong, hairy body. The curtains on the room's big window were open, but they were 15 stories up, so nobody was going to be looking in on them.

Mark unpacked and picked out clothes while Rick showered. Mark set up the ironing board and ironed his shirt, and because he was such a nice guy, he ironed Rick's shirt too. He then got undressed and headed to the bathroom in his white briefs.

"Come on, old man, you've been in there forever," Mark told Rick.

"Hold on, little boy. I have to get Vanessa's stinky perfume out of my hair. She's always spraying it everywhere," Rick said.

Mark replied, "Yeah, I noticed that on the plane. Thought you were just trying a new cologne. Kind of fruity smelling."

"Yeah," Rick replied, still in the shower. "You know, she's doing a lot of stuff lately that ticks me off. She's always spraying her perfume everywhere, and then she tells me what I'm supposed to wear, and that I have to shave my beard closer, all this shit. She won't give me room to breathe, man."

"Well," Mark said, "if you don't get out of that shower soon, I'm not going to give you any room to breathe either." Mark peeked his head around the shower curtain to find Rick facing the nozzle. Seeing a great opportunity, Mark dropped his underwear and quietly stepped into the tub behind his oblivious friend.

"You just hold onto your panties, little boy," Rick said, just before Mark gave him a huge surprise by grabbing his sides and tickling him like crazy. "You motherfucker, get off of me!" Rick yelled through his laughter. Mark kept up the tickling until Rick said, "OK, OK, little boy, you can have the fuckin' shower." He stepped out and grabbed a towel, leaving a satisfied Mark alone under the hot spray.

Later, Rick and Mark sat at a blackjack table, Rick with his fourth Tequila Sunrise in hand, Mark holding a big glass of spring water. Mark just watched the card game, but Rick was betting a ton of money, and losing most of it. As the next hand was dealt, Rick asked Mark, "So you want to do Coach's survey thing this weekend, huh?"

Mark said, "Yeah, if you don't mind. It's pretty easy—only takes an hour or so. I did it with Kobe already, and it went fine." Mark smiled as he remembered his very enjoyable time with Kobe. He had no idea whether things would go that way with Rick too. He kind of doubted it, since Rick seemed like a really tough guy who would want to just get it over with, rather than doing the "extended version" that he and Kobe had done.

"Alright, little boy, I'm about to break the bank here, so maybe we should head upstairs in a bit and take care of it," Rick said. Mark agreed, and they finished the hand before heading back up to the room, about $500 each poorer than at the start of the night. Back in the room, the guys changed into t-shirts (both of them Laker-gold in color) and purple boxers, then watched Sports Center for half an hour. Then, Rick told Mark that he was ready to start.

"OK," Mark said as he gathered up his inventory form, pen, and tape measure, and headed over to an easy chair. Rick had climbed down onto the carpet between the two beds and was doing some sit-ups, facing toward Mark. "Question number 1: How would you rate your personal happiness, 1 to 10, 10 being happiest?"

Rick continued doing sit-ups while saying, "Well, let's see. Normally I'd be a 10. I mean, I'm playing on a world-championship basketball team, I'm married to a former Miss America, I have a ton of money, though a little less than I did three hours ago," Rick said, smiling. Then his expression turned more serious as he said, "But lately, I'm having all of these problems with Vanessa. So, I guess I would have to say, uh, 7."

Mark noted his answer and then continued. "OK. Question number 2: How close are you to reaching your full potential as a basketball player? 1 to 10, 1 meaning you have a very long way to go, 10 meaning you can't possibly get any better than you are now."

Rick stopped the sit-ups and got up to sit on the bed. "I'd say 7 again. I still have another six or eight or ten years to play, and I bet I can improve over where I am now."

"I don't know," Mark said, shaking his head, "you're pretty good already. Not sure how much better you could get."

Rick pretended to be irritated and said, "Pretty good? I'm fuckin' awesome and you know it, little boy."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, old man," Mark said. "Moving on to question #3: How would you rate your physical development, the overall condition of your body, as compared to the other players in the NBA? 1 to 10, 10 being the best in the league."

Rick gazed proudly down at his well-build chest and strong legs and answered, "10. I'm a major stud."

"Whatever you say," Mark said, rolling his eyes. "OK, the next section is about each individual part of your body. I'll ask you how you feel about a part of your body, then while you think of an answer, I'll measure that part of your body." He held up the tape measure for Rick to see.

Rick was surprised about this set of questions, but he decided to go along. He liked this kid and knew he was harmless, plus he wanted to help the coach out. "OK, what do I do first?"

Mark said, "Come over in front of me and get down on your knees." Rick did so and looked up at the younger player. "The first thing is your face. I'm going to take measurements while you decide how to rate your face, 1 to 10."

"Compared to what?" Rick asked.

"I don't know, man, just answer the question," Mark said. He started measuring, writing down the horizontal and vertical measurements of Rick's face as well as the dimensions of his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.

Rick thought this was getting strange, but he went along, saying, "Well, I am one hot-lookin' motherfucker, at least according to Vanessa when she's not in one of her moods. I'll say 10." Mark had to agree; those big busy eyebrows and light beard were pretty cute.

Mark wrote down the rating, then said, "OK, hold your arms out to the sides, and give me a rating on your arms, 1 to 10." Mark carefully measured Rick's powerful arms, getting the length as well as the circumference at Rick's big biceps, then took measurements of the hands and fingers.

"Arms, huh? Well, I like my arms, I guess." What a weird question, Rick thought. "8, I guess."

"Moving on to the torso," Mark said, enjoying this quite a bit. "For this, you'll need to stand up and take off your shirt." Rick complied, and Mark strung the tape around his friend's chest, then measured his waist. Rick had great pecs and a very tight middle, especially for a guy over 30, Mark thought. "Chest, old man, give me a rating."

As Mark carefully measured the distance from Rick's Adam's apple to his navel, Rick looked over at the mirror, which only showed him and Mark from the neck down since they were so tall. "Chest gets a 10, definitely. My biggest asset. Or, make that my second biggest," he said with a salacious grin.

"We'll see about that," said Mark. "Let's do the glutes next. Get out of those shorts, old man."

"You anxious to smell my hairy ass, little boy?" Rick teased as he turned around and took off his boxers. Sure enough, Mark noticed, Rick had a good amount of hair back there, though not so much as to make it repulsive. Mark measured around Rick's body at the level where his ass stuck out the farthest. "That ass of mine definitely gets a ten. Write it down. I'm sure the coach will be impressed."

Mark laughed as he wrote down the rating and measurements, then said, "OK, you gotta bend over for the next one." He pushed Rick's shoulders forward and said, "I have to measure from your crack up to the top of your butt, so hold your cheeks apart." Rick grunted and pulled his cheeks part for Mark to do his business.

After Mark wrote everything down, Rick turned around, his big, soft, uncut dick swinging lightly. "Is that it, or does coach want to know about my cock too? Because that's definitely a ten as you can see!" He held up his dick and balls right in Mark's face.

Mark laughed and said, "Ten centimeters, maybe." He gently took Rick's dick in his hand and measured the length ("Five-and-a-half incher," he announced) and the circumference at various points. He reached underneath to measure Rick's balls, then gave them a little playful squeeze. He motioned for Rick to put one foot up on the bed so he could take measurements of his thighs, calves, and feet. "Now what about ratings for these?" he asked.

"Thighs 10, calves 8—could use a little work—and feet definitely 10. Don't you think so?" Rick asked jokingly.

"Definitely." Mark smiled as he wrote down all the numbers. Rick took a seat on the bed, facing Mark. "Now we're up to the last section of this thing," Mark said.

"Oh man, there's more?" Rick cried. "The things we'll do for that coach of ours... OK, that's fine, but either you gotta let me get dressed, or else you gotta get naked, because I don't like being the only one with my dick hanging out."

"That seems fair," Mark said, and he stood to get undressed. Continuing to read the form as he climbed out of his shorts, Mark said, "Now this last part has a disclaimer from the coach. He says that this section has some directions that you might consider to be strange or uncomfortable, but you need to go along with them, since they are absolutely necessary for the success of the survey. It also says that whatever we do here is strictly between you, me, and Phil. Sound all right to you?" He turned to face Rick, who had been watching his younger friend get undressed and noticing his well-built body.

"Fine with me, man. I trust you," Rick said. "What do I do?"

Mark said, "Lie face down, arms spread out to the sides." While Rick did so, Mark dimmed the lights in the room and pulled the drapes shut, making the room just barely light enough for him to read the directions. Then he climbed onto the bed and sat to the side of Rick's ass, which was glistening with a little bit of sweat. Probably a little nervous, Mark guessed. He decided to take things slow to make sure Rick was comfortable. Giving Rick a playful pat on the ass, Mark said, "OK, old man, the topic of the final section is sexuality. The coach needs for you to answer openly and honestly. This part of the quiz is really important for the coach to be able to help you to be your best." He paused, and Rick grunted to indicate that he understood. "Now, the directions say that while I'm asking these questions, I have to do certain things to your body. So you need to just relax and answer the questions. Ready to go?"

Rick was a little freaked by the part about Mark doing mysterious things to him. He turned his head back and said, "Well, what exactly are you going to be doing to me?"

"Don't worry, you old chicken," Mark joked reassuringly. "It's just massage. Kobe didn't have any problem with it. In fact, he said it was kind of fun. If it makes it easier for you, pretend I'm Vanessa."

"Yeah, right, if Vanessa had gigantic hands and weighed 500 pounds," Rick said, laughing. "OK, if this is so important for the coach, you go ahead and do what you need to do. I trust you, little boy."

Mark said, "Good. Now the first question is: At what age did you begin masturbating, and what was the experience like for you?" Mark let the question sit for a few seconds, then began rubbing Rick's shoulders, as the directions said.

Rick enjoyed the massage for a little while, then said, "I guess I was probably seven or eight when I started."

"Seven or eight??" Mark was incredulous. "At that age, I didn't even know the difference between boys and girls!" He started rubbing Rick's shoulders more deeply while Rick laughed.

"Well," Rick continued, "my brothers were always talking about beating their meat, and I asked what they meant, and they told me. At first nothing really happened, of course, but I thought it was cool, so I kept doing it. And I jacked off just about every single day of my childhood after that."

"Wow," Mark said, then started to move farther down Rick's back.

Rick, feeling a little uncomfortable about revealing all of that, said, "Um, do you really have to write all of that on the form? I don't want coach to think I'm a perv or anything."

Mark laughed and said, "Don't worry, I'm sure the coach is just as perverted as you are. I'm not going to write it down now since my hands are busy, but I'll fill in the blanks when we're done."

"Sounds good, little boy," Rick said.

Mark looked at the survey and then said, "Next question: Have you ever made love with a woman, and if so, when was the first time and what was it like?"

As Mark moved down to rub Rick's low back and sides, Rick said, "What a stupid question. I've been with hundreds of women!" After a moment of thinking, Rick asked, "You're not going to tell Vanessa my answers, are you? She thinks I've only been with two women before her.""

"I won't tell. This is totally confidential," Mark reminded him. "So, tell me about the first time."

Enjoying the rubdown, Rick let out a pleasant sigh and said, "I was 11."

"Eleven??" Mark gasped.

"Well, I developed earlier that most of the boys," Rick explained. "By that age I already had hair on my chest and a ten-inch cock."

"Yeah right, old man," Mark scoffed. "So who was she?"

"My cousin, Regina," Rick admitted.

"Your cousin?" Mark asked, taken aback.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, she was 12, she had big tits, and my brothers were giving me shit about being a virgin, so I took Regina into the basement and fucked her brains out. Took about two minutes," Rick confessed, smiling. "And I don't think she liked it very much. But my brothers watched the whole thing from the window, and after that, they treated me like a man."

Mark got up and gently pulled Rick's legs apart, then sat down between them and started rubbing his upper thighs. "Wow, man. That's so different from my growing up. We didn't know anything about sex at that age. OK, let's go on. The next question is: Have you ever been sexually attracted to another man, and have you ever had a sexual experience with another man?" Mark felt Rick tense up a little bit at this question. He thought about looking for some lotion, but Rick's legs and ass were so sweaty already that he figured they didn't need it.

"Whoa, little boy, that's getting pretty intense." He was talking about the question, but he also felt that way about Mark's fingers, which had worked their way up on to his ass and were starting to poke at his crack. "Well, I like bitches, don't get me wrong, and a pussy is way prettier than some guy's hairy dick. But...I have been in a few, uh, group-type situations that had other guys involved."

"Oh really?" Mark asked, gently poking his middle finger at Rick's asshole.

"Hey, you sure you have to be poking me like that?" Rick asked suspiciously, turning his head to face Mark.

"Calm down, old man, it's in the instructions. Tell me about these group scenes," Mark said.

Rick relaxed and moaned slightly as Mark's finger entered him ever so slightly. "Um, well, in high school our team went to the state tournament in my junionr year, and we had to stay in a hotel since it was a long ways away. And the players had to share three hotel rooms. There were fifteen of us, so, five to a room, with the 1st string in one room, 2nd string in another, 3rd in the last. Of course I was on the 1st string," he boasted.

"Of course you were," Mark said, grinning, as he plunged two fingers into Rick's asshole.

Rick groaned, then continued his story. "So the 1st string guys had this room with two double beds and a cot for the fifth guy. And we won the championship, and we really wanted to party afterward, but the coach made us go right to the hotel room since we had to get up early to go home the next morning." Rick paused to moan as Mark worked his fingers deeper into his ass. "And, uh, uhhhh, and then we were in the room, and our point guard, Jesse, said, 'Guys, we can have a party right here.' And just then, these two cheerleaders from the losing team knocked on our door. So we all sat on the beds while the girls did a really hot striptease. Then they made each of us get up and do a striptease too! Of course, mine was the best because I had the biggest dick."

"Yeah, whatever, old man," said Mark, pulling his fingers out for a second. "OK, keep telling the story, but first get on your knees with your hairy ass pointed up."

Rick did so, enjoying all the attention from Mark, even thought it was kind of strange. Mark stuck two fingers back inside Rick, and this time he had a better angle and could go deeper. Rick sighed, then continued his story. "So everybody was naked, and these two cunts ordered us to stand against the wall, shoulder to shoulder. Then they picked us, one by one, like picking teams for sports. I got picked first, of course, which meant that my girl got three guys altogether; the other one got two guys. So this bitch is really hot, and she laid us down on the bed on our backs, side by side, and I was in the middle. So she started with Dwayne on my right, blew him while Steve and I watched, and we both got hard watching it. Then she moved over to Steve for a while, and then she sucked me off. What a trip—my high school buddies and I getting sucked off by a cheerleader in a fucking hotel room! Uuuuunnnnnnngh!" Rick moaned into his pillow as Mark's fingers massaged his prostate. "Man, I never know it could feel so good to stick fingers up my ass! What a trip! You better be careful or I'll blow."

Mark smiled and, pulling out his fingers, said, "OK, tell you what, flip over, and we'll try from another angle. Lift your legs up and hold the back of your knees with your hands." Rick did so. "Now, tell me what happened next," Mark said as he stuck his fingers back in with gusto, while gently rubbing Rick's exposed balls with his free hand.

Rick couldn't believe how great this felt. He continued his story: "So then this girl wanted to try sucking two of us at once. So she scooted Dwayne right over next to me and onto his side, so his dickhead was right next to me, then—I couldn't believe it—she sucked us both at the same time! I didn't think it was possible. I mean, we both had really big dicks. She didn't get very far down, but it was awesome. I remember looking up at Dwayne and grinning at him. We could feel our dicks rubbing together. Wild. Then she switched and sucked me and Steve together. Then she wanted to do all three of us. Now to do this, the other guys basically had to squish up against me really tight, and she did it! She got all three of us in her mouth. That was too much, I couldn't hold it—I came right there in her mouth, and so did Steve and Dwayne! When she lifted up, there was a big mess of my buddies' and my cum all over my dick. She licked it all up of course. Then later she let each of us fuck her." Rick paused to enjoy the anal attention. "So, that's my only experience with another guy involved. Up til today anyway... But this doesn't count, I mean, this is just for the coach, right?" Rick sounded a little worried.

"Yeah, of course," Mark assured him. Sensing that Rick was getting very close to cumming, Mark decided to skip ahead on the form. Pulling his fingers out of Rick's ass, Mark looked him in the eye and said, "OK, old man, the next thing is to measure your hard-on." He got up to grab the tape, then carefully measured from the base to the tip, then took the girth at various points along the dick. "Pretty big peepee for an old guy," Mark joked. "Eight and three quarters inches long, and wider around than Kobe's."

"Cool," Rick said. "Now you better get your hand off my dick, or I'm gonna cum everywhere."

"OK then, get up, 'cause the last thing is to measure how far you can shoot." Rick got up and followed Mark to the bathroom. "Stay behind the line where the carpet meets the floor, and I'll measure how far it goes." As Rick grabbed his dick to jack out his cum, Mark stood close against Rick's back. Rick felt Mark's hard dick poking near his hole, and that did it, pushing him right over the edge. Torrents of cum sprayed across the bathroom. Mark let go and grabbed the tape measure to see the results. "Three feet, eleven inches," he announced. He went back into the bedroom and scratched the results onto the coach's form while Rick wiped up the cum from the floor and off of his dick.

Coming back into the bedroom, Rick sat on the bed next to Mark, who finished with the form and looked over at his friend. Rick noticed that Mark was still very hard. "Tell you what, little boy," Rick said slowly. "You know I'm no fag, and we just did this for the coach, but I can see you're in need of some relief down there." Mark blushed, his cock harder than ever. "I don't wanna do any fag stuff, but is there something I can do to help you, you know, get off?"

Mark answered right away, "Yeah, man, that would be great. Lie down on your stomach." Rick did so. Mark got on top of him as if we were going to fuck him. "Now, don't worry, I'm not going to, you know, go in there." Rick breathed an audible sigh of relief. "I just wanna try rubbing it in the crack."

"Go for it," Rick said softly. Mark then started humping Rick's butt, not going in his asshole but getting close. Rick responded, humping his ass back at Mark. Mark leaned down tight against Rick's back and gently kissed the back of his neck, whispering, "I'm gonna shoot..." And he came, giant gushes of cum all over Rick's ass and lower back.

They stayed in that position quietly for several minutes, enjoying the moment. Then Mark gave Rick a long, hard smooch on the back of his neck and climbed off the bed. "Thanks man, that was great. Let's go get cleaned up." Rick and Mark headed off to share a hot, muscle-filled shower.

Next: Chapter 3

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