Magic Lamp

By Talisman

Published on May 29, 2007


This story contains depictions of adult gay sex. If this offends you or it's not legal where you live, don't read it.


I was going through a blue period in my life at the time. I was preoccupied with the nature of regret. I blame mike. It began on a cold, wet Saturday night in late February. I'd arranged to meet the guys in Soho to celebrate Mike's birthday. There was Tony and Sean, Mike and myself. We went for a meal in Chinatown and then to several bars in Old Compton Street. Mike had turned 30 a few days earlier and was totally piss-off, he reckoned 30 in gay years were like 60 in straight. He'd only come out to himself and his family two years previously and kept going on about his wasted life, how he should have come out sooner. He was looking at the younger guys with envy, commenting on their confident attitude and the freedom they seemed to enjoy. I had to remind him we were in a gay ghetto, a safe environment and no doubt they had problems just like everyone else. But I sort of understood what he meant. He was making us roar with laugher with his anecdotes on how he had tried for years to fit into the heterosexual mold by dating women. His face would contort in disgust as he talked about having to feel their tits and let his fingers go walkabout in the bush down under.

It made me think about my own life and experiences with my sexuality. I'd a few regrets of my own. I'd grown up in an emotionally inhibited, ultra-religious family. My father was a vicar and extremely conservative so I'd only come out the previous years at twenty-five. I'd had my own futile attempts at heterosexuality so I could totally empathize with Mike and his experiences with women. I hadn't spoken with my family since coming out but it was no great hardship, I was content for the first time in my life. I didn't have to pretend any more and it was a huge relief to live a life of relative freedom.

The next day, on Sunday morning, I went for the papers as usual but I was preoccupied with this idea of regret. I was thinking about my life and the choices I'd made. How different things might have been if I'd come out a lot sooner. It made me a little depressed to think about the wasted opportunities. When I'm feeling blue I'm usually rash and impulsive and I tend to shop, there's nothing like a little retail therapy to help cheer me up. A little shallow perhaps but that's how I was. Which was probably why I bought the brass lamp.

I was strolling back from the shop with arms laden in newspapers, milk and the making of a fried breakfast. The guys were coming over at noon for a fry-up. As I passed the antique shop on the corner something bright and shiny caught my eye. I went over to the window to investigate. The window was full of dusty objects and the lamp was a gaudy old thing, shaped like a teapot or something from a fairy tale. It was so ugly it was almost beautiful, if that makes any sense. I bought it on impulse, the woman in the shop wanted 120 pounds but I haggled and got it for 85. The guys thought it was the ugliest damn thing they'd ever seen and mocked me for buying it. They said it was a waste of money, I had enough crap in my apartment already. I placed it on the windowsill and forgot all about it.

It was a couple of days later when the noise began. It wasn't a noise per se; more of a strange musical humming but it began to drive me crazy because I couldn't figure where it was coming from. Sometimes it was so bad it would woke me in the early hours of the morning, usually around 2am. At one point I went to see a doctor, no one else could hear the sound and my friend Helen convinced me I'd ringing ear syndrome but everything checked out fine.

A week later, the night of the full moon, the sound woke me again. It was louder than ever and was a lot more melodious, it sounded beautiful to my ears. I eased myself out of bed and headed into the lounge. The melody seemed to emanate from every direction and I must admit I was a little fearful, I genuinely thought I was going nuts. I made a cup of tea and sat on the sofa in the dark room, the only light source from the streetlights outside the window. I'd only taken a sip of tea when I spotted the lamp on the windowsill. It seemed to glow and vibrate, giving off a soft musical hum. I got up and drew closer and as I did so, the sound grew louder and the vibrations seemed to resonate within me. I picked it up, the noise immediately stopped, I turned it over and for some unexplainable reason, I began to rub it vigorously with the hem on my t-shirt. It grew hot, and I mean really fucking hot, it glowed so damn hot I dropped it and blew on my hands like they'd been burnt.

The lamp hit the floor with a loud clang and white smoke began to pour from the spout. I stepped back in wonder and fear as the thing twisted like a firework on the wooden floor. The smoke fanned out close the floorboards and I grabbed the rug from the sofa and threw it over the lamp but the smoke billowed through the fabric. I looked around in panic. Then the weirdest thing happened. The smoke began to thicken and condense and take on small irregular shapes, the shapes banded together to form bigger shapes. I stood rooted in fear and wonder as the wisps of smoke swirled and danced to solidify into the unmistakable shape of a human skeleton. It all happened in a matter of minutes. First there was the ribs and spine, the arms and legs, then the neck and the distinct shape of a human skull. The rounded dome, the empty eye sockets and the grinning jaws that filled with gleaming white teeth. The thighbones were elongating, the knees forming, then the lower legs and feet. The smoke grew brighter as thin tubes began to twist and wrap themselves around the newly formed white bone to become nerves, veins, and arteries.

The inner organs quickly took shape, the intestines; kidneys and liver became distinctive as I looked on in wonder. The lungs and heart seemed to erupt into shape and I stepped back in horror as a pair of hazel eyes suddenly popped into the sockets. The heart gave a little tentative beat; it was slow and sporadic at first but was soon pumping loud and clear, almost deafening in the stillness of the night. I watched testes being formed and small threadlike veins, arteries and nerves taking on the shape of a crude penis to hang down between the legs. At the same time, fibrous muscle began to creep around the bone in a sort of fluid movement that bulged and expanded as the heart began to beat faster and gather strength. The pectorals knitted together on the chest, the abdominal muscles of the stomach, the gluts, the arms and legs swelling and throbbing as the red tissue engorged and locked together. Then the epidermis started, it began simultaneously at the head and feet and quickly gathered speed to creep along the large muscular frame. It soon covered the whole body in smooth cinnamon toned skin. It slid along the arms and legs towards fingers and toes with the nails forming at the tips. A loose scrotum weaved itself together to cover the testes and a large flaccid penis developed to enclosing the thin threadlike nerves in loose fleshy skin that was a littler dark then the rest of the body. Black hairs burst through the skin in a great gushing motion on the scalp, with smaller growth for the eyebrows, then along the arms and legs. The chest came alive with a swirling mass of tiny fine hairs, then a trail formed and moved along the torso, the black hairs curling to form a vast dark thatch above the genitals.

There was a slight pause, then a flash or a pulse of bright light and suddenly the lips parted to inhale a lung full of air as the eyes flew open and looked straight at me. I screamed then, screamed like a schoolgirl and ran for the front door. It was jammed and my heart was pounding as a baritone voice spoke in a language I didn't recognise. Urine trickled down my legs as I screamed and redoubled my effort to open the door but it was impossible, it was stuck fast. The voice spoke again and I half turned to face the apparition, all the time hammering on the door and screaming for help. The naked body stepped away from the swirls of luminous smoke, which was immediately sucked back into the lamp.

He continued forward, raised a hand and spoke in the same strange language but I shook my head and told him in a floundering voice that I didn't understand. He drew closer and smiled as he reached out to stroke my cheek. He took my hand in his and began to turn it over to inspect each finger one-by-one. Then my arm, my shoulder and my neck were closely examined. He ran his hands across the contours of my face before kissing me several times on each cheek. He drew back and smiled before speaking but I shook my head and told him I didn't understand. I spoke in English, then tried French and Spanish. He smiled again, then bowed before laughing and hugging himself as he danced around the room. His muscles moved in a fluid motion and his ample penis and loose scrotum flopped about as he spun round and giggled.

He moved over to the open laptop computer on the desk in the corner. He stared at it for several seconds before grasping it with both hands. It instantly booted at his touch and he closed his eyes as page after page appeared on screen, slowly at first but then flashing with unprecedented speed. I pounded the door with my foot and yelled for the neighbours. I figured I must have been dreaming as I ran to the window but they too were jammed solid.

I paced the room like a trapped animal looking for a way out and all the time he stood with his hands gripping the computer as page after page whizzed by on screen. They were moving too fast for me to discern but it looked like he was absorbing the entire world-wide-web. His eyes flickered and rolled behind the lids and he mumbled softly in his language. As the minutes ticked by, I eventually calmed down and went to change my wet sweat pants for a pair of white boxer shorts. Then I sat on the sofa to watch him. I slowly became aware of his nakedness and the sheer beauty of his physique. The splendor of his tall, 6' 4'' muscular frame, the contours of his buttocks, the beauty of his cinnamon toned skin and his large flaccid penis and ample scrotum hanging between his legs.

In time I dozed on the sofa only to waken abruptly to the sound of wailing. I sat up in fear and watched as tears spilled down his cheeks as he sobbed like a child. I tried to console him, to talk to him but he seemed oblivious to my presents, all the time absorbing knowledge and information from the web. I dozed again but woke when he released a deep moan and I was stunned to see his penis twitch and augment. It swelled to a full, impressive erection and I was in awe as he began to vigorously masturbate, his hand moving across the solid tube of flesh at ever increasing speed. I was a little embarrassed to witness this most private activity. I felt like a voyeur, a peeping tom as he stroked himself to climax, spurting several long arcs to pepper the wooden floor with his semen. I was aghast to discover my own erection and had to fight the urge to reach into my boxer shorts and take care of myself. I felt it would be inappropriate, especially as he soon began to sob again.

I fell into a deep sleep and woke several hours later to find him gone. I figured it was all a dream and I felt a combination of disappointment and euphoria. I got off the sofa, went over to the desk and when I saw the blobs of semen dotted across the floor, I knew it was real. At first I tried to convince myself that I'd had a wank and dreamt the rest. But then I heard a noise in the kitchen and I found him sitting at the table drinking coffee. He immediately stood and bowed when I entered. He was still naked and I was now aware of his exquisite beauty.

"Oh Master," he said, in heavily accented English. "Please forgive my impertinence. I took the liberty of making coffee while you were sleeping."

"Who...who the fuck are you?" I replied, taking the seat opposite.

"Fuck? A yes, a most interesting word Master. The origin is unknown. To fuck, an act of copulation. A person considered in sexual terms or as a sexual partner. Also used as a meaningless intensifier. To fuck about is to mess or fool around. Fuck off is to go away. Fuck up is to ruin, spoil, exhaust, and wear out. Fucker is a noun, a person who copulates, and a general term of abuse. The adverb fucking, to copulate..."

"...Stop! Stop! Enough!"

"I am sorry Master, I did not mean to offend you. Perhaps you wish to copulate with me. I have not been sexual with a man for many aeons. You are my new Master and it will give me great joy to give you pleasure. And you are a gay man, a homosexual. Sexually attracted to people of one's own sex; of, pertaining to, or characterized by sexual attraction between people of the same sex. Gay, queer, poof, faggot, fag, bent..."

"Stop it! Do you have to speak like that?"

"No Master, I can speak in many tongues. English is your language. It is a relatively new from of communication, it is Germanic in origin. I learned it from the Internet but have little practice using it so you must be patient with me. I do not mean to offend thee. I love thee and will worship thee for thou has freed me from the lamp."

"Okay, okay, just give me a minute here...let me think."

"As you wish Master."

"What...what is your name?"

"I do not know, you have not given me a name."


"You are my Master, you have freed me from the lamp, you must give me a name."

"You don't have a name?"

"No, you have not yet named me."

"But you must have a name, what did your last Master call you."

"What came before is of no consequence. You are my Master now, you must give me a name."

"I don't know, what would you like me to call you?"

"You must decide oh wise one, you freed me from the lamp."

"Okay, tell me, where are you from."

"I am of the lamp."

"Yeh, but before that, before the lamp."

"What came before is of no consequence..."

"...Yeh, yeh, so you said already...okay, let me look kinda Indian or maybe Middle Eastern...can I call you Anesh."

"If you wish, you are the liberator, my new master, but why choose that name?"

"I don't know...I went to school with an Indian boy called Anesh. I guess he was the first boy I ever loved...does it matter?"

"No, it does nor matter, I was only curious. I will be Anesh. It is a good name and perhaps you will love me as you loved this boy in your youth."

"Maybe...So tell me Anesh, do I get three wishes or something, you know, for freeing you from the lamp."

"Yes, you are granted three wishes but you must not waste them on frivolity, think carefully before you ask. I will do my best to comply"

"If I ask for world peace, the end of poverty, a cure for diseases, would you comply?"

"No Master, they are all beyond my scope, I cannot comply with such wishes."

"What about money, fifty million pounds, would that be possible?"

"Yes, it is a little frivolous and predictable but I will grant you millions of your pounds it if you so wish. Do you want a lot of money?"

"I don't there a deadline, an expiry date for my three wishes?"

"Yes, you must use them before this day twelve months."

"A year, why a year?"

"Because I must return to the lamp on this day twelve months."

"What if I haven't used all my wishes in a year?"

"Than I cannot return to the lamp...and I...I will die."

"You'll die!"

"Yes, I will become mortal. I will feel pain and taste death like any human...Oh Master, I...I am afraid of death."

"Don't worry, I'll use the three wishes before the allotted time."

"Thank you Master. I await your first wish."

"Okay, give me time, let me think about it."

"As you command Master."

"I wanna ask you some questions, is that okay?"

"Of course, you are the emancipator; you have released me from the lamp."

"Why were you crying earlier?"

"Tonight I have learnt many things about your time and the development of mankind. You have advanced your technology a thousand fold and you have put it to good use. But you are still a destructive race; you make bombs and bullets to kill each other. So many needless deaths. The whole world at war, the atom bombs in Japan. So much cruelty to your fellow man in the name of some foolish ideology, for holding a different opinion, for worshipping a different God, for having a different skin. Slavery, child abuse, political corruption, environmental destruction, starvation and death, all in the name of human greed, with 200 people owning half the world's wealth, the list goes on and on and it makes me sad"

"I'm sorry Anesh, I guess we can be a greedy, destructive people."

"Yes, but there is also many good things, the curing of illness, the mass production of food, machines that can fly, great works of literature in many languages. Yes, there is hate in the world but there is also love..."

"...You're interested in love Anesh."

"Oh yes, I have a great capacity to love. I love you Master because you have freed me from the lamp. I have a great desire to copulate with you..."

"...Don't say copulate, it's clinical or something."

"The verb copulate, to unite sexually, have sexual relations, have sex, make love, to mate..."

"Okay, okay, enough, you don't have to give all the dictionary classifications."

"I am sorry Master. This language is new to my lips, you must be patient with me. Perhaps you prefer to use the word fuck."

"Well it's a lot better then copulate."

"Good, so we will fuck. I would like to experience this man-on-man sex and you are my Master, I can only experience it with you. I am very...h...horny and would like you to top me, they are the correct terms, yes?"

"Yes, there the correct terms. But how can you be horny, I saw yourself and"

"Pleasure myself Master?"

"Yeh, you know, masturbate."

"ah yes, to masturbate, to stimulate one's own genitals for sexual pleasure. To jerk-off, to spank the monkey, to have a wank, to..."

"...Okay, enough with the dictionary descriptions. But you did masturbate..."

"...Yes, there is much sexual stimulus on the Internet. I have never seen anything like it before, millions of pages of men and women, men with men, woman with woman. There were people of all ages and nationalities. There were animals and children too but I skipped those for they made me very sad. I became aroused by the copulation, I have not had sexual pleasure for many centuries. I want to share myself with you Master, to experience sex with a man again like in the ancient times."

"You had sex with men in the past?"

"Yes, it was not a taboo in the ancient times. Your people see it as a taboo because of the book."

"The book?"

"Yes, the people of the book, the bible, the Torah or the Koran have turned an ancient pleasure into a unclean taboo. It is so sad."

"How old are you Anesh?"

"What came before is of no consequence."

"That's not an answer. I am your Master, I want to know your age."

"I am not sure of my exact age Master. I have been around for many millennia, perhaps before the earth was born. But I only regenerate for one year at a time. My last regeneration was in the year 1175 according to how you measure it."

"Why do you regenerate?"

"I don't fully understand your question."

"Why do you regenerate, what is the purpose, there must be a reason."

"To gather knowledge. To seek pleasure and drink deep from the well of life, to taste it, to experience present existence in all its manifestations."

"Why? What do you do with the knowledge you gather?"

"I transmit it to the supreme one."

"Who is the supreme one?"

"I don't know. I only transmit."

"Is the supreme one God."

"No, God is a human invention. All peoples, in all times have worshipped a God. There are thousands of Gods you no longer worship. They are dead. The present Gods will fall from favour and new ones will appear. It is in your nature to believe in something, no matter how destructive; you kill each other for your beliefs. It is your major failing."

"I guess, but what can you do?"

"I can do nothing, it is beyond my scope."

"I was speaking figuratively. It was a rhetorical question Anesh, I don't expect you to rid the world of superstition."

"Yes, I understand, I have much to learn from you. I think you will be a good Teacher. It will be a very interesting year for me. But please Master, I have an erection, I have had it for some time now and it is getting painful. I need to share myself with you."

"You're very direct Anesh."

"I do not understand."

"There's etiquette Anesh, ways of polite behavior, social nuances the we use everyday in our daily interactions but I guess none of that matters right now. Let's go into the bedroom and I'll take care of your erection."

"Thank you Master."

He gave a broad smile as he stood up from the table. My heart began to pound when I saw it swing stiff and heavy as he did so. I stood to meet him, we embraced, and I lowered my hand and gave a broad smile of my own.

To be continued...


I wrote this today on my lunch break. It's my first real fantasy story and it just seemed to pop into my head as I typed. It practically wrote itself. It took me about 45 minutes so I hope it flows okay and there aren't too many spelling or grammar mistakes. If you've any comments or suggestions on how it should progress, email and let me know. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 2

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