Magicians Assistant


Published on Jun 9, 2003


Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers 3:

By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Copyrighted 2002


Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent has been reprimanded by the ethics review board of the Magician's Guild, and thereby constrained from continuing to use handsome young males as her stage assistants. Due to a little known codicil buried deep within the guild's arcane bylaws, should a performing member elect to avail themselves of a stage assistant or assistants, said stage assistant(s) must be: one, young; two, beautiful; and three, female. Outraged by the ruling of her guild's review board, Magatrix elects to adhere to the letter of the Magician Guild's bylaws, while sidestepping its spirit. Magatrix the Magnificent, via the use of real magic, has elected to sidestep the spirit of the outdated codicil by asking for male volunteers from the audience to come up and join her on stage, whereupon she magically transforms the unsuspecting gentlemen into her lovely female stage assistants.

Normally, Magatrix restores these magically feminized volunteer assistants of hers to their former manly physiques at the completion of her act. However, for reasons known only to herself, upon occasion, Magatrix sometimes elects to maintain her assistants in their feminine personas for the remainder of the evening, and at times, well into the fullness of the night. Generally, when Magatrix selects this expanded stint as a female option of hers, she modifies her sexual transmogrification spell in such a way as to cause the transsexualized young gentleman to automatically regain his manhood at the dawning of the following day.

Generally, when Magatrix chooses to expand one of her volunteer assistant's tenure as a bona fide member of the opposite sex, she further modifies her transsexualization spell to include some very powerful subliminal inducements that tend to function much the way posthypnotic suggestions might. Magatrix does this in order to make it easier for the sexually transmogrified male to continue to function as the woman he has been turned into by drastically downplaying, or completely eliminating the ignominy factor involved in operating for a time as a woman. For instance, Magatrix usually continues to negate the residual and telltale awkwardness that would normally beset most men ensconced in a well-endowed woman's body. She achieves this by incorporating several magical subroutines within her expanded spell in order to compensate for the marked shift in weight distribution. That, in turn, directly impacts on the sexually transmogrified individual's new center of gravity, thereby making it easy for her sexually transmogrified assistants to maneuver about in a pair of stiletto heels.

Since Magatrix the Magnificent's magic act has not substantially altered from that which was described in my previous story, Magician's Assistant 1: The Performance, I have elected to begin Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers shortly after Magatrix has brought her evening's performance to its conclusion. In other words, the foremost male protagonist of this story, one Michael Gerlach, begins this story as the woman Magatrix has turned him into earlier in the evening. However, for those who might be interested in reading (or possibly rereading) a description of Magatrix's magical act, in which the initial transsexualization of birthday boy Jeff Gibson takes place, I encourage them to read Magician's Assistant 1: The Performance, which can be accessed elsewhere on this site.

Synopsis of Preceding Chapters

Chapter 1 began with a conversation that occurred while the ultra feminized Michael Gerlach was dancing with his best friend, John Larsen. Having first discussed Mike's impressions of what it was like to be a woman, Mike continues on to tell John about of some of the more unusual aspects of transsexualization spell that she is operating under. Then, having admitted that she finds herself sexual attracted to John, Mike encourages John to kiss her. One kiss leads to another, whereupon a very turned-on Mike beseeches John to make love to her. At that point Magatrix joins the conversation and offers the two of them the use of one of her hotel suite's bedrooms.

In Chapter 2, we joined the couple just prior to Mike's first multi-orgasmic experience as a woman, via John's selfless act of oral sex. Following that, the two then go on to share their impressions. Then, to John's amazement, Mike informs her friend that what she wants is to experience what it feels like to have his manhood nestled snugly up insider her. John, after a little coaxing on Mike's part, is more than happy to oblige her.

Chapter 3

Within a matter of moments, Mike came to the stark realization that she had made an erroneous assumption. Thinking that there was no way that her buddy could improve on his prior performance, Mike had deluded herself into believing that it could not get any better than it had been. However, Mike quickly came to the realization that she was wrong. To classify John as a great lover did her friend a gross disservice. John was not merely a great lover. He was a phenomenal lover, and Mike deemed herself most fortunate to have someone with not only his talents, but also his tenderness, to be the man to introduce her to the sexual aspects of what being a woman was all about.

There was no doubt in Mike's mind. John clearly knew his way around a woman's body. At least he had both the primary and secondary erogenous zones of Mike's feminine form down pat. Not only did he seem to know exactly where to touch, and when to touch, and how long to touch, but more importantly, when to cease and desist and move on and target some other area of Mike's feminine physique. John knew how to mix things up in order to keep the proceedings interesting. He knew how to combine and coordinate various hand and tongue techniques into a kaleidoscopic pattern of erotic stimulation that further served to keep Mike deliriously teetering on the brink of orgasmic splendor. Intuitive, John seemed to anticipate Mike's needs, allowing him to continually retarget his endeavors, and thereby prolong the massive amounts of sheer, unadulterated pleasure that his buddy was experiencing.

Under John's deft handed and talented tongue ministrations, Mike was soon wriggling and jiggling, whimpering and wailing; repeatedly beseeching the Almighty on High to grant her the blessed succor she so desperately sought.

"John!" Mike somehow frantically managed to implore. "Please! Oh, please! I want you in me! And, I want you in me - now!"

Primed and ready for action as he was, John eagerly and adroitly repositioned himself.

"Oooo..." Mike gleefully gasped, as she felt what she perceived to be the gargantuan sized head of her buddy's blood engorged penis pass within the multiple lip-folds of her vagina.

Though she was embroiled in the unbridled passions of primordial lust, a single lucid thought flitted through the chambers of her girlish mind. 'Oh, my God! He's huge!'

Feeling the hint of resistance to his pecker's inward progress, John, though it took all his self-restraint to muster up the wherewithal do so, hesitated, and was about to ask his buddy if she wished to reconsider, when all of sudden Mike's virginity became a mute point. Aware that her buddy was reluctant to proceed with her deflowering, Mike took control of the situation as she violently thrust her pelvis upwards, in effect, impaling herself on John's manly member.

That impassioned action gained Mike a twinge of searing pain. But, braced as she was for it's inevitability, Mike refused to allow that pain to detract in any way from the massive amounts of pleasure she was deriving out of the knowledge that John's pecker was nestled ever so snugly up inside the sanctum sanctorum of her recently acquired womanhood.

At that point in the proceedings, lust - raw, eager and impassioned - gained the upper hand, as primordial needs imposed tyrannical control. Though they knew it not, nor would they have cared had they have known, they were no longer engaged in the tender and endearing love that was both the purview and hallmark of humankind. Their bodies undulated in the frenzy of a syncopated rhythm that was born out the depravity of their carnal needs, and given cadence by the harmonic resonance of their most ardent desire. They were savagely rutting, going at one another like the sexual Neanderthals they had devolved into.

Somewhere along the line, whether by word of mouth or from some magazine article she as a he had chanced upon, Mike had come upon some clinical information that claimed that women, unlike their male counterparts, experienced two very distinct types of orgasms. Generally speaking, the one that most women commonly experienced was the Clitoral Orgasm, which, as its name implies, is derived through the manipulation of the clitoris. Rarer was the elusive and highly touted Vaginal Orgasm, which was said to result from the very act of copulation itself, and of the two types, was the one most often faked so as to assuage and bolster their sexual counterpart's rather fragile male ego.

Thanks to her buddy's ever so talented tongue, Mike had already experienced a cascading string of Clitoral Orgasms that evening, and, though she knew it not, was well on her way to laying claim to a succession of Vaginal Orgasms as well.

John, who was keenly aware that his own orgasmic release was intimate, had gotten down to the short-strokes, playing a frenzied game of Jack Hammer Johnson, with his Johnson hammering way up inside of the snug little glory hole with which Magatrix the Magnificent had fitted out his best friend.

As it worked out, given the fact that both she and John climaxed concurrently, Mike not only experienced a gushing daisy chain of extremely intense Vaginal Orgasms, but the joyous intimacy of a Simultaneous Orgasm as well.

A few minutes later, once she mustered the necessary wherewithal to do so, Mike sought to ascertain if indeed what she thought had just happened, had indeed happened. "John, did we just..."

"Oh, yeah!" John responded in a very self-satisfied manner. "If you're asking me if we came at the same time, I'd have to say the answer to that one is a big, resounding yes!"

Dreamily, Mike, who was deliriously savoring every nuance of the post-orgasmic euphoria that had completely inundated her spirit, sluggishly murmured, "I kind of thought so... I think I felt you come inside of me twice."

"Actually, I came inside of you three times, but who's counting?"

A few more minutes passed before Mike felt the desire to speak again. "John."


"Did you enjoy it? I mean, was it as good for you as it was for me?"

"Oh, yeah, kiddo! I thoroughly enjoyed myself."

"Good... I'm glad to hear that..." Mike weakly cooed. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. John..."


"I probably shouldn't be asking you this, but, compared to all the other women you've made love to, how was I? I mean, was I average, less then average, or above average? Look! I know I'm putting you on the spot, and you don't have to answer me if you don't want to, but I kind of sort of would like to know."

"Well, let me see..." John began thoughtfully. "On a scale from one to ten, and being totally objective about it, I'd have to say that you, young lady, rate right in there as a solid twelve."

"Yeah, right! Me, a twelve! Get real here, will ya! Come on, John! Please! I want you to be brutally honest me!"

"I was being honest with you!"

"Oh no, you weren't!"

"Oh, yes I was!"

"But, I didn't do a damn thing! I just lay there and let you have at me!"

Concurring, John quickly replied, "Well, that is true... But, then again, if you remember correctly, I wouldn't let you. Every time you tried to jump in, and lend a hand, so to speak, I stopped you. So, I guess you could say that I have only myself to blame. Tell you what! If it'll make you feel better, I'll deduct half a point from the grand total for your lack of participation. Okay. If my calculations are correct, that gives you an overall rating of eleven and a half, and, just so you know, that's a solid three and a half points more than any other woman that I've ever shared a bed with."

Once again employing the double positive to put a negative spin on her reply, Mike quipped, "Yeah! Right! John, would you please stop bird-turdin' me and give me an honest answer! Was I average, less than average, or what?"

Being as serious as he could, John said, "Okay, Mikey! You want an honest answer. I'll give you one. You weren't just great. You were fantastic! I have never - Ever! - enjoyed making love to a woman as much as I have with you tonight!"


"Yes! Really!"

"I was that good?"

"Oh, yeah! You were that good. Problem is, kiddo, you may have been a little too good, in that I can envision myself spending the rest of my life looking for a girl that's as good as you are, and never ever finding her."

"You're serious about that, aren't you?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so..."

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! I'm sorry, John! I'm so, so sorry! I should never have asked you to make love to me!"

"Well," John interjected, "I for one am sure glad you did."

"You are?" Mike was incredulous.

"Yes. I know it sounds crazy, but I wouldn't have missed this for the world. Think about it, kiddo! Not only did I get to get to play a no holds barred game of bed-sheet-blanket-bingo with the best friend I've ever had, but I also got to make love to one of, if not the most beautiful woman in the whole wide world."

"You're serious about that, aren't you?"

Without any hesitation whatsoever, John replied, "Of course I am. Truth is, Mikey, there's a big part of me that kind of wishes that you'd stay just like you are now."

"Yeah..." Mike playfully countered. "And I bet I can guess just which part of you feels that way. Oh! And before forget, I just want to tell you that I take back every derogatory remark I've ever made about that ugly, gnarled-up, pint-sized pecker of yours."

"Oh! So what you're saying is, your change of sex has led to a change of heart?"

Coyly, Mike responded, "Yeah... or something like that... In other words, I don't think it's so little anymore."

"So, I take it that you think I'm well hung?"

"Hold on there, pal. Let's not go getting all cocky about it."

"Cocky!" John quipped. "Now, that is an interesting choice of words. So, tell me, kiddo, now that you're on the receiving end of things, do I detect a little bit of penis envy emanating from somewhere over there on your side of the bed?"

"Yeah! You wish! However," Mike continued thoughtfully, "after this night is all said and done, and I'm back being a guy again, I have the sneaky suspicion that I'm going to be saddled with a heavy handed dose of vagina envy."


"I'm afraid so, pal."

"It's that good?" John asked dubiously.

"Yeah... you bet your ass it is, you know, if that is, you have the right kind of guy making love to you."

Seeking clarification, John inquired, "Are you saying that you think that I'm the right kind of guy?"

"Oh, yeah! You're the right kind of guy, all right. Now, I don't want you to get a swelled head or anything when I tell you this, but the truth is, John, as far as I'm concerned, as a lover you're pretty damn near perfect. At least I think you are. I mean to tell you, pal, even though I'm new at this girl-shit business, I can tell you one thing. Any girl in her right mind would be lucky to have you as her lover."

"You really feel that way?"

"You bet your ass I do. Look, John, though I will probably never admit to this again, you know, once this night is over, and I'm back to being my old self again, I will always cherish being with you like this tonight. Truth is, now that I've had a taste of what being a woman is all about, and sharing what the two of us have shared, I don't think I'll ever feel the same way about making love as I did before all this happened. Now, I'm not saying that I won't still enjoy it, because I will. I'll enjoy it a lot. However, I don't think I'll enjoy it quite as much as I once did. In other words, John, what I'm so lamely trying to say is, I'm going to miss being a girl. I'm going miss all these nifty new erogenous zones of mine. I'm going to miss having a clit. I'm going to miss being multi-orgasmic. I'm going to miss feeling sexy, and being sexy, and dressing sexy, and all the other stuff that's involved with my being a woman. But, the more I think about it, the more I realize that the thing I think I'm going to miss most about not being a woman is being with you, and having you make love to me."

"Yeah..." John, being as sincere as he could be, somewhat reluctantly concurred. "I kind of know what you mean, kiddo, because I know that I'm sure going to miss the beautiful young lady that I happen to be sharing a bed with at this very moment."


"Yes! I'm really going to miss this..."

"So am I, John. So am I... I just wish..." Mike, upon the realization that some things were better left unsaid, never finished what she had been about to say.

John, hoping against hope that Mike's response would dovetail with his own heartfelt desires, aggressively prompted, "Wish! Wish - what?"

In an effort to sidestep the issue, Mike replied, "Oh, it was nothing, just a stupid wish."

"Stupid or not, I'd still like to hear it."

"Oh, no you wouldn't."

"And, why wouldn't I?"


"Because, isn't going to cut it. So, come on, kiddo, out with it!"

"No!" Mike was emphatic.

"Tell, or I tickle you until you do," John said as he reached across Mike's ever so shapely body, so as to place his hand on her side, tactfully positioning it just below the lower extent of her ribcage.

There was a hint of alarm in Mike's pleading intonations. "You wouldn't!"

"You want to make a bet?" John scoffed, as he began to tickle his beautiful bedmate.

"John!" Mike desperately pleaded. "Please! Oh, please! Stop it! Stop tickling me!"

"Are you going to tell me what you were wishing for?"

"No!" a squirming Mike managed to squeal.

"Well, if you're not going to tell me, then I'm not going to stop," John said as he brought his other hand into the fray.

Unable to take any more, Mike gasped, "Okay! Okay! You win! Stop and I'll tell ya!"


"Yes! Yes, I promise! Just let me catch my breath first, okay?"

"Sure thing, kiddo," John replied with a knowing chuckle.

"You know something, John? You are a real shithead sometimes."

"Yeah... I guess I am at that, aren't I?"

"Yeah! You bet your ass you are!"

"But, then again, it's like they say, Mikey. It takes one to know one. Okay! I've given you enough time to recoup. So, come on! I want to hear this wish of yours."

"All right, Mike resignedly grumbled, "but, you need to cut me some slack here. Remember, I already said it was a really stupid, to be almost idiotic wish. So, before I tell you what it was, I want you to promise me that you won't hold it against me. That's to say that I want you to promise me that you won't bring it up again after tonight. Okay? Otherwise, I not saying another damn thing about it."

"Okay, kiddo, if a promise will ease your mind, then I promise that I'll never bring it up again. In other words, Mikey, whatever it is it will remain our little secret. All right? Does that satisfy you?"

"No. But, I guess it'll have to do."

"Okay! Fess up! Let me hear this really stupid wish of yours."

Sheepishly, and sounding very much like a little girl who had been caught in the act of doing something that she wasn't supposed to be doing, Mike began. "Do you remember when we were talking about what the two of us have done tonight, and how we were both going to miss it?"

"Yeah... so?"

"Well, I guess that got me to thinking about what it might be like were I to remain as I am right now."

Seeking clarification, John tenderly interjected, "You mean, as a woman?"

"Yes!" Mike, uncomfortable with the admission she had just made, harshly snapped. "I got to fantasizing about how it would be to live out the rest of my life as a woman, and that's basically what that wish of mine was about."

"Okay!" John, in an effort to get to the crux of the matter, prompted. "That sounds reasonable, but I take it that there's more to it than that, isn't there?"

Reluctantly, Mike found herself forced into a position where she could do nothing but concur, "Yes... You're right. There's more to it than that."

"My guess is that part of your wish has something to do with me."

"Yes... I'm afraid it does."

In an effort to relieve the tension that was becoming almost manic, John lightheartedly replied, "So, what's the big deal here?"

With alarm ringing in her voice, Mike reflexively rounded on her friend, "The big deal here is that I wished that I could stay a woman so the two of us could continue being lovers!"

"So, what's the big deal about that?"

"I'm a guy, for cripesake!"

"Look, kiddo, I don't mean to be argumentative here, but I've got to tell you, you're anything but a guy. I mean, have you taken a really good look at yourself here lately? May I remind you, Mikey? Guys have outties. Girls have innies. And thanks to Magatrix, you, my dear, have one of the nicest innies I've ever had the occasion to dicker around with." John smirked as he emphasized the point he was endeavoring to make by inserting his right hand in between the lovely legs of his bedmate, and ever so slowly, began to draw his middle finger forward, so that it tenderly caressed the outermost lip-folds of his buddy's magically constructed hidey-hole.

"Look, Mikey, if you're worried about that wish of yours, don't. Just so you know, I've been kind of wishing the same sort of thing myself."

Incredulously, Mike managed, "You have?"

"Oh, yeah... But, then again, I guess it's like they say, great minds tend to think alike."

Unsure as to how she really felt about her friend's latest revelation, a very bemused Mike timidly sought clarification. "You mean to tell me that you really want me to remain a woman?"

"Yes. But, only if you want to, too," John replied as he deftly inserted his middle finger into the satin slick innards of his friend's nifty new crevasse crease.

"That depends," Mike replied dreamily.

"On what?"

"On whether or not you think you could ever love me enough to one day make an honest woman out of me."

"Oh, well in that case, I suggest that you and I go have a little heart to heart talk with that good looking magic lady of yours, because I do believe that I'm more than halfway in love with you already." John began to expertly tweak the living shit out of Mike's clit.

Spreading her legs so as to allow John's hand more room to maneuver around in, Mike playfully quipped, "John, you're not really serious about any of this, are you? I mean, you are just teasing me about this business of your falling in love with me, right?"

"Don't think so," John impishly replied, as he began to lower his mouth toward his friend's ample left breast, and the tantalizing tit that surmounted it.

Gasping, Mike faintly managed, "Please, John, tell me that you're not falling in love with me!"

"Okay! I could tell you that. However, if I did, you ought to know that I'd be lying my ass off."

"John!" Mike moaned. "We really need to talk about this!"

"Sure... We could do that. Or, we could make love again. Now, I don't know how you feel about it, Mikey, but given the fact that you've only got till sunrise to make the most of this fantastic new body of yours, were I you, I think I would rather make love than engage in a conversation. However, if you really want to talk, then I guess we'll talk. It's your call, kiddo. Just let me know what you want to do."

Mike, who was becoming more aroused with ever flick of her friend's finger, helplessly whimpered, then she managed to vehemently exclaim, "You really are a shit, aren't you?"

Lifting his lips from off of her tit, John playfully responded, "Now, why in the world would you say something as nasty as that about me?"

"Because!" Mike stammered as a series of sexual shivers coursed and cavorted all throughout that sensually attuned body of hers. "Because, you aren't playing fair! You've got me at a distinct disadvantage here!"

"I do?"

"Yes! Damn it! You do, and you know you do!"

"How so?"

"Well, for starters, you're bigger, you're stronger, and you know fully well that you're driving me wild, doing what you're doing to me!"

"So, you're saying that you want me to stop?"

"No!" Mike emphatically implored. "Please, John, don't stop! Don't ever stop!"

"Oh!" John teased. "So, I take it that you want me to make love to you?"

"Yes! Oh, yes! Please, John! I want you to make love to me again!"

"Are you sure? I mean, if you really think we need to talk, I'd be happy to oblige..."

"John!" Mike irrationally bellowed. "Would you please just shut the fuck up and do me!"

"My, my... such foul language from such a pretty lady..."

"John!" Mike tersely demanded.

"Okay! Okay! I guess the time for humor is at an end. So, my pretty, prepare yourself to be ravaged, up one side and down the other."

Then, before Mike had the chance to utter a single syllable in the way of a rebuttal, John kissed her smack, dab on the lips.

Mike didn't think there was any way that John could improve on his prior performances. But, improve he did.

Within mere moments, Mike was once again raving under his buddy's deft handed ministrations. The varied and massive amounts of pleasure she was deriving were as glorious as they were excruciating. As before, John seemed to anticipate her needs, so to be in the most advantageous position to exploit her wants. Employing variations of the seemingly unlimited amount of foreplay techniques that he had at his disposal, John continually kept Mike off balance as he moved from one of those new and nifty erogenous zones of hers to another, in an ever changing, ever expanding kaleidoscope of erotic wonderment.

"Oh, my God!" Mike esthetically clamored as the tip of his buddy's tongue gently graced the elusive nub of her clitoral protrusion. "You have absolutely no idea - Eeeek! - how - Ooooo - wonderful that feels!"

Over and over and over again, John took Mike to very brink of orgasmic splendor, only to back her off by the slightest of margins just prior to the moment of blessed relief, thereby heightening her level of anticipation by exponentially upping the ante.

Mike held no illusions. Much as Magatrix had turned him from a guy into gal, his buddy's sexual mastery had induced a progressive change that caused her to go from hussy to hooker, from hooker to whore, to harlot.

"John!" Mike wantonly demanded. "Please! I need you in me now!"

Quickly, having heard the urgency clearly conveyed in his buddy's desperate plea, John shifted position, and deftly inserted the swollen shaft of his manhood into the welcoming sanctuary of Mike's most ardent needs.

"Mikey..." John tenderly intoned as their bodies conjointly began the rhythmic dance of the rutting ritual. "I just want you to know that I love you."

Though Mike heard John's words, she was far too preoccupied to even begin to comprehend them. However, though all her conscious thoughts were focused on the immediacy of the action she was so ardently and aggressively engaged in, her subconscious dutifully stored the incoming data for later retrieval and review.

As desirable as simultaneous orgasms may well be, they are elusive at best, and so, rarely achieved. Timing, especially by the male participant, must be impeccable, and therein lies the problem. In order to time an orgasm's event horizon, one must not only pace oneself, but one must also be intuitive enough to be keenly aware of their partner's physical parameters, which is generally acquired over an extended period of time, via the extensive data collected during prior conjugal performances.

Then, there is the libido to consider. Persnickety at best, the libido possesses one of the greatest roadblocks to the achieving the elusive and high touted simultaneous orgasm. Far too often, libidos as the free spirited beasties that they tend to be, seem to manifest minds of their own. To make matters worse, when it comes to achieving a simultaneous orgasm, there is not one libido involved, but two stand-alone asynchronous simplex units, processing not only their own independent data inputs, but processing data garnished from physical receptors that have no collation with one another.

In other words, the achievement of a simultaneous orgasm is akin to a deaf-mute taking a shot in the dark at best, and trying to hit a moving target.

To their own amazement and delight, Mike and John managed to once again come within several milliseconds of one another. All it took for John to come on that second occasion was the slightest pressure applied to his penis via the contracting walls of Mike's vagina. And that had been triggered by the leading edge of the first of many orgasmic spasms that deliriously gushed through that erotically attuned body of Mike's.

Save for one brief verbal exchange that was basically a lighthearted chastisement, by unspoken accord the two of them lay silent, with each one lost in the blissful, multifaceted recollection of the elusive and indefinable Nirvana of post-orgasmic wonderment.

It was John who inadvertently triggered what little dialogue there was.

Shortly after both had climaxed, John, though he was somewhat reluctant to do so, began to withdraw. Mike, wishing to savor every nuance of the experience of having his friend's manhood nestled so snugly up inside the tabernacle of her womanhood, was fervently averse to his buddy's leave-taking. No sooner had John shifted position as a precursor to initiating the withdrawal of his manly member, Mike responded with a frantic, knee-jerk reaction to forestall his friend from completing the maneuver. Using both of those effeminate hands of hers, Mike reached out and up and in so doing, drove those deliciously long and wickedly tapered nails of hers into her buddy's buttocks, causing John to wince with pain.

"John!" she tenderly implored. "Please! I want to feel you in me for as long as I can. All right?"

"Sure, kiddo. Anything you want. Tonight, your wish is my command..."

Next: Chapter 11: Friends and Lovers 4

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