Makarovia? Where the Hell Is That!? Northeastern University

By Richard McQueen

Published on Jan 13, 2022


Story: Makarovia! Sure, I Know Where That Is

Chapter 9 The Fourth Semester

Author: Eric McQueen (

Adult Readers, Sexual Situations, Sex

Freedom of expression is precious. To do that Nifty needs help. Your donation is greatly desired. Give to or this story ends and all the others! That would be a crime!

Peter and Eric return for another semester at Northeastern. Friends visit and television appearances are scheduled as their fame takes off. Good and bad reactions are weathered and endured.

The Fourth Semester

The flight to London wasn't long. We didn't have time really to visit but had to return to Boston and catch up with what we missed being in Makarovia.

"We'll see you soon," Peter said to our friends. "We're coming back in March to be on that Graham Norton show."

I pointed my finger at the two of them. "You owe us a visit to Boston. Are you going to deliver?"

Drew chuckled, laughing. "I meant to before..."

Wayne bumped Drew's shoulder gently. "We will, I promise." He glared at Drew. "Or I come alone."

Drew grinned. "There you have it." He hugged us. "We'll be there."

We flew back to Boston and walked into our home wearily, I was no longer awestruck by the grandness this house, but there was the comfortable familiarity of a place I had become used to. The feeling of being safe here. It was home. We were greeted by Boris at the front door.

"Welcome home!" Boris greeted happily, having gotten used to me and he hugged me without prompting. I was delighted he felt that with me now.

Peter hugged Boris, too. "Thanks, Boris."

I looked at Peter. "Understand when I say this," I said cautioning him first. "I love Makarovia, but it's good to be back and knowing I'm staying a while."

Peter nodded. "For a couple of more years at least."

I looked back inside the house as Yuri hurried across the foyer.

"Sorry, I would have been here..." he thumbed back to the house's interior.

Not wanting or caring what he was going to say, I saw his happy smile and said. "Yuri!" I greeted happily hugging him, too.

"Welcome back!" Yuri chuckled hugging me tightly.

I smiled as I felt the strength of the hug. He had missed us. Gone was that protective Russian born Makarovian that was just doing his job. He was a friend and family. Both he and Boris. "Thank you."

"If you want anything, I'll make it for you," Boris said to us to be Boris. The man was a masculine way.

"Thanks, Boris," Peter said. "I just want to relax. Maybe later. We're still on Makarovian time and it's late."

"You know how to reach us." Boris smiled. "It's good to have you back."

Resetting our biological clock just had to happen. We arrived back on the weekend, so we would have a few days to adjust. Getting back into the swing of school was...tricky. We got our assignments by email and the internet, and we had done assignments as we could. We had only missed the first couple of days, so not bad. However, like most classes at Northeastern, no prepping was done. They just began teaching immediately after maybe five minutes. Northeastern had also adjusted to us. Now, seeing us arrive with our security was not new for anyone now. Since Christmas in Makarovia was on the seventh, we really didn't celebrate it much in the United States but instead went to class as always.

As our days resumed their regular courses, Don Wilson came to us as we came in one afternoon from classes with more requests for appearances for interviews and guest appearances. "And don't forget, you have the Ellen DeGeneres Show the beginning of this next month."

Peter sighed a bit weary but nodded. "Yeah, that's right. To talk about the upcoming wedding." He looked at me. "We should elope." He said grimly.

I chuckled. "Hey, I'm with you, Peter, but there are a lot of people wanting to see this happen." I shrugged. "We can do that, but we'd still have to have the ceremony." I pointed out.

"Sometimes, I just want it all done." Peter moaned.

Don smiled. "I want to see it." He shrugged. "It's the first of its kind. You almost have to do it now." He said and walked back to his office.

I turned Peter to face me. "This is our wedding, Peter. However, it's become more of a statement. For the world and for Makarovia."

Peter nodded a little sad. "I just want to marry you, that's all." He smiled at me. "I love you. I wanted to join our lives." He shrugged lightly. "I'm not really caring about any statement."

I smiled at him. "Thank you." I put my arms around him. "All I wanted was to get a good grade." I groused. "My very first class at Northeastern I was assigned the first assignment to this great guy in the back of the class. How did I know all this would happen?" I pulled him in for a kiss. "I'm happy you want to marry me."

Peter returned the kiss gently. "I love you, Prince Eric Ivanov of Makarovia."

I let out a grunt.

Peter chuckled pressing his forehead against mine. "Sorry, Babe, but that's sort of attached to you now." He kissed me quickly. "You'll have to use it." Then he took my hand and led me toward the kitchen, not the stairs. "Coffee. I want coffee."

Classes were tough. The subjects weren't supposed to be easy, otherwise, there'd be no need for classes. We had our patterns for study down and knew what we had to do to stay up on our studies. Everything in Boston resumed, including Boris' continued doting. Coffee offered even when we didn't think about it. Even meals brought to us when we got tunneled in what we were studying. It wasn't fair, I know. Most all of the students out there that didn't have this...privilege. I made sure I made it a point to thank Boris and Yuri whenever they did something for Peter or me...which was often and sometimes several times a day. It wasn't long before the trip to California was to happen. We were fly to Los Angeles and would be put in a hotel in Burbank where the show was taped. It would be aired later that month. This was a special taping to be aired just before the wedding along with some other guests. We again were to arrive with a few security guards with us, Yuri insisted he came with us, two from Makarovia and four from the American Security. I suggested Yuri bring Boris with us.

"He won't go," Yuri said a little dejectedly.

"It's just a few days," I said to Yuri. "He can be gone for those few days, can't he?"

Yuri nodded and scratched his ear absently to think how to explain. "Well...Boris is afraid something will come up and he needs to be there in case something needs to be done."

I hadn't thought of it. Didn't they do things together? I put my hand on Yuri's chest. "Wait." I said. "Does he ever leave the house to do more than shop?" I looked at Yuri who wasn't looking at me and that answered my question. "Oh, Yuri! You don't take trips with your husband!?"

Yuri nodded. "We do...sometimes." He looked sheepishly. "We take a weekend or something...we did when you were in Makarovia during the summer."

"Yes, when you weren't off training for something or he was," I shook my head. "Are you two coming to the wedding?"

Yuri threw his hands out helplessly. "I'd love to, but..."

"No, no, no!" I shook my head. "I can almost guarantee there will be nothing going on in the United States that has anything to do with Makarovia when Peter and I marry. You and Boris are coming!" I said firmly. "After that's over, you and Boris are going on a honeymoon."

"But..." Yuri was about to object, but it wasn't very forceful.

"No!" I said simply. "By then I'll be Prince Eric. Do I have to make it a royal command?"

Yuri grinned, laughing. "You can do that now!"

I nodded. "Yes, but at that point, I would have more power." I thought a moment thinking where they could go. "I'll ask Mom." Then I shrugged. "Hell, I can ask Mario himself now. I'd insist you go somewhere. Mario Basso has a beautiful exclusive island you can spend a week or two." I grinned at Yuri. "You and Boris don't even need a swimsuit. Mario's going to be at the wedding and so will nearly everyone else. I'll check and see if it's free."

"Boris will object!" Yuri smiled.

"Yuri, I love you and Boris to death," I growled tapping him gently on the chest. "Don't make me hurt you." I watched Yuri's eyes widened, but he smiled. He wasn't threatened at all by me. We all know Yuri could kick my ass without breaking a sweat. "If you want to, tell Boris it's because I said so." I waggled my eyebrows. "Or you can just use your charms on him. I know that will work."

Boris did grudgingly agree to go with us. He complained, but I said to him, I wanted people there I loved and trusted. He was coming...end of discussion. Yuri didn't think we should go commercial, but the Makarovian plane was being used. That and we had so many going and their luggage, a plane was chartered.

It was a nice flight and we landed at a smaller airport in Burbank. Not Los Angeles or LAX as everyone knows! We were again picked up by several vehicles as there were a number of us going to the hotel. The Amarano. It wasn't a tall hotel, only four stories but we were occupying a whole section on the fourth floor for security reasons. I will say, many hotels went with a theme. Family-friendly hotels, having children there a lot had carpets that didn't show dirt or wear. Not the Amarano, the lobby was light colored with a stone floor and most everything was white or off white. Even the suite Peter and I got was in that same hue but had a dark leather coffee table around which was the couch and chair in the light colors. The bedroom was the same.

We were to be at the studio the next day, but we did enjoy being there that night. Though, Yuri being who he was, didn't like the idea of us going to the restaurant. The Privato was more for the more...intimate dining. Subdued lighting and tables that could seat several or just two. There were ten of us if you counted those that were security and I did. Yuri called down to make sure we could be accommodated. They knew we were coming ahead of time. He was told to give them half an hour. They would be ready.

We dressed for dinner. I mean, as in a shirt, tie and jacket. Not formal exactly, but Peter grumbled as he tied his tie.

"What's wrong?" I asked Peter but could see it on his face.

"All this pretense, just to get something to eat."

I nodded coming over to him slipping arms around him. "You look amazing," I assured kissing him.

He chuckled. "You'd think so if I were in jeans."

"You do then, too." I shrugged. "I think you look amazing when you have nothing on at all, can't really dine that way." I grinned. "Not here."

He put his arms around me. "I think you look amazing too."

"We represent Makarovia." I pointed out. "Not just our marrying. If it was just you and me...that would be fine, but we want to make a good impression for Makarovia, for your mother, and for your brother."

"All yours, too." Peter nodded. "So, let's do this." He rubbed his stomach. "If I weren't so hungry..."

"Come on, Prince Petro," I said taking his hand and led him to the door.

I don't think the other diners were prepared for the group of men to come in at that time. For us, this was late dining. They were three hours earlier in the evening. It was seven in the evening for California, but it was ten in Boston. Way past dinner time. They might have been used to seeing celebrities, especially in Burbank, but there were a few whispers and comments as we sat at a large table. I insisted again that Boris, Yuri, and others sit with us. There were two that would remain on alert as we dined. This was again, a whole new world for me...and for Peter. He's not been out of the palace! Not until he'd come to Northeastern. I will say, none of those that commented or whispered came over to bother us. They wouldn't dare. We would just have to endure the many stares.

The next day, we were visited by a dark-haired man in his late forties, maybe early fifties (?) and woman, late fifties or early sixties (?) a few years older who identified themselves with the show itself. The man was Andy Lassner and the woman was Mary Connelly, both were some of the Executive Producers of the show. They were let in the suite by Yuri.

"We would like you both to come and meet with Ellen before the show." Andy Lassner said.

Mary nodded. "Just to get acquainted with her and to let her know what should and should not be discussed."

"That would be fine." Peter nodded, speaking again in English, which he was fluent in but with an accent. "I think most any question would be alright, as long as it's not too personal."

Andy Lassner chuckled at the thought. "Well, Ellen is a comedian, so there will be perhaps the innuendo or comment."

Peter looked at me and asked for clarification. "Innuendo?"

I chuckled. "інсинуації."

Peter nodded and smiled at them. "I am very comfortable with English, there are some things I just need explaining to be sure I understand."

"And you're American?" Mary Connelly asked me.

"Born and bred," I answered readily and went to a Southern accent on purpose. "And Southern!"

Mary shook her head. "I read some things on the Website, but it's just amazing."

"What you're doing is amazing." Andy put to us.

"We are not alone." Peter pointed to Yuri who was behind the two of them.

Andy looked at Yuri, who had let them in, but Yuri, now in his dark suit, earpiece and his best don't mess with me face with his arms folded across his chest, Andy Lassner involuntarily took a step back a little. "Whoa." He said and then chuckled back at me and Peter. "I don't suppose you have much of security problem with him around." He thumbed toward Yuri.

"No," I answered.

"Sure, no problem," Mary stated quickly.

"This is Yuri." Peter introduced them. "He's the Head of Security for us here in the United States." He saw Boris come into the room. "And here is Yuri's husband Boris." I watched as both were not surprised. They didn't care.

Boris was not like Yuri; he didn't have the sharp edge Yuri did. He was dressed in a suit looking his proper best. I swear he was more English than Russian, but... "Boris is someone that takes good care of both Peter and I," I explained. "They are both very dear, good friends that became a part of the family. That's why Boris is coming with us. There are others in security that will be coming, too."

"We will ride with Peter and Eric," Yuri stated simply, still in his tough guy mode. "The others will follow."

Boris and I shared a quick glance, but Yuri was doing his job.

We rode with them in the limousine they brought with them, with Yuri and Boris riding with us. The others were following in the ever-present SUV we'd rented. It was a quick ride to the studio and we were escorted to a comfortable room where we would meet Ellen before taping would begin. I could see that Yuri was not too comfortable. We sat in various places, on the couch or chairs. Even Boris sat on the couch waiting for Yuri.

"Yuri," Boris said calmly to Yuri, but Yuri couldn't or wouldn't stop.

Yuri looked at Boris. "What?"

Boris patted the empty space beside him. "You can sit."

Yuri looked puzzled and over to Peter and then me. "I'm worried." He confessed.

Peter nodded. "We can see that." He got up and stood up next to Yuri. "Do you think we're in danger here?"

Yuri threw his hands out. "I always think you're in danger, Peter. That's my job. To protect you."

Peter nodded. "I know you." He smiled knowingly at Yuri. "You probably spoke with people here to lay out what needs to happen."

"I did. They told me it would be fine. I just don't like not being the one to set things up." He waved to the outside of the room. "This is done before a live audience."

"Should we say no?" I asked him. "They scheduled this taping for us."

Yuri looked almost hopeful for a second but shook his head. "No, of course not. My paranoia is a little too much sometimes."

I smiled as I put my arm around his shoulders. "It's paranoia if there is no possible threat. There is a threat. That's being cautious."

"But I won't be out there with you," Yuri said. "All those people..."

"Who will be checked before coming in," I said. "There won't be any threats because we're gay and marrying. Ellen's gay and married."

Yuri nodded. "Still." He shrugged.

Peter hugged him lightly. "Relax, Yuri."

That's when the door opened and I saw the blonde woman come in I recognized. "Gentlemen." She nodded to us but didn't yet approach. "I'm Ellen DeGeneres. Do I use addresses? Your Highness and Your Lordship?"

Peter looked at me and chuckled. "Does she, Eric?"

I sighed. "I would prefer not, but..." I shrugged. "As you said, I'll just have to get used to it."

Peter smiled at her. "Thank you for inviting us, Ms. DeGeneres. After the initial introductions, just Peter and Eric will be fine." He said taking her hand and shook it. "My future husband is having to get used to the titles." He said with his accent heard clearly as he spoke English. "He is having some adjustment issues."

"Then I insist on the same thing. I'm Ellen." Then she went into this...not droll, because it wasn't mocking, but this tone...a sort of ramble kind of distracted talk which made her famous. "Adjusting must be living in a palace and having things done for you..."

I chuckled. "You have no idea."

She smiled and then went to a more serious face. "That's why you're here." She said in her way. "We don't have any idea." Again, that was just Ellen.

I laughed with a nod. "Right."

"So..." she said moving her hands slightly, "is there something I shouldn't ask about?" She asked us.

Peter looked at me and shrugged. "I don't believe so." He said more confirming to me and looked back at her. "Most of anything with Makarovia is pretty well known now..."

Ellen nodded. "Okay. Well, someone will be coming to take you to the set." She turned to leave and stopped turning back. "What you two are doing..." she said, "is pretty awesome." She smiled again and walked out.

"You see, Yuri?" Peter looked at Yuri with a grin as he waved at the door Ellen had walked out of. "It will be fine."

Yuri just grunted his reply. He was still going to be suspicious.

The show was being readied to begin. The studio audience was getting into place. Once they were in position, mostly, there was a man that went through an explanation of some precautions, nothing major, but explained the need for the added security and they all knew why. Then another man came out to warm them up, get them to laugh and he was pretty funny. He had to be; this was Ellen! Of course, they were all seated and there were monitors facing them above their heads that had a large digital countdown. Those numbers went red when it was down to five minutes. The numbers went to zero and then the music started and no one needed prompting to applaud...they all did it anyway.

Ellen began her opening monolog or speech from the circular sitting area, instead of amongst the audience as she did sometimes. She waved at the crowd, using her hands to get them to stop. "And I feel the same way about you." She said to them as she often did. "Welcome to a very special show today. My two guests today you may have heard about recently..." she slipped into that ramble again, "unless you've been living under a rock or know of the upcoming marriage for His Royal Highness, Prince Petro Ivanov who is next in line for the crown in Makarovia." She got this expression...a little bewildered...but clearly Ellen. "I admit it...I had to look it up! When I first heard about it...I was saying...Makarovia? Where the Hell is that!?" There were light laughs from the audience as Ellen was nodding. "Yes, yes...see? You know." She pointed at some of them. "I wasn't by myself with that. We were all startled by the announcement of the discovery of this large uranium deposit beneath their soil, but even before that...we were all stunned, just stunned when it was announced that Prince Petro was not just getting, he was marrying a commoner," she was nodding again with the audience, "yes," there was a little applause, "it's been done, but he was also marrying an American he met in school," she nodded again as there was more applause, "I know, it could happen and did before with Queen Kate, but he was marrying...a man!" She said putting her stunned face on. "What!? That has NEVER been done." She was nodding as the audience was reacting to either her face or the news they all knew and they were now applauding harder. "And! It's not being done in secret or anything but broadcasted around the world! Yes, and the Proposal was broadcasted around the world, too! Not only that! King Olek himself and Prince Petro's mother, Queen Alla, not only didn't object but endorse this marriage! They were proud of it!? The whole country approves!" The screens now showed Olek on the raised portion of the ballroom in the Makarovian palace. It was a good camera angle and you could hear us pretty clearly.

"About a year ago, my brother went to school in the West...where he met someone very special. Having gotten to know Eric, I was so happy my brother found someone to love who is smart, but clearly loves my brother." His eyes narrowed angrily. "For what happened last night, I will say one attacks me, my family or my country. I don't care if you don't approve. Mind your own affairs!" Then he smiled again. "Since we got to know Eric, he has proven he will be an asset to Makarovia. His plans will go forward. This marriage will happen." He looked at me. "Do you have words for Makarovia?"

I smiled. "I do. A year ago, I didn't even know where Makarovia was!" I said raising my hands helplessly. "Makarovia? Where the hell is that!?" I shook my head. "Which is a damned shame." I smiled at the faces that weren't so certain. "I get here. I love this country!! You as a people know about give and take. For a long time, you certainly know about takers. Powers that come in a take what you have...because they want it. The takers will take everything...your things, your home, your freedom and even your very lives! Why? Because they don't agree with you? You might have been Jewish or a Gypsy..." I looked back at Peter, taking his hand, "or like many here in Makarovia; like Peter and me. What I see here in Makarovia...are givers. Givers of lives, of freedom, a place to get away from the takers...who hid people during a great war keeping them safe. You've done this for generations!" I waved back at Olek. "I saw a man, he is a giver. He gives his time and even gave up his personal life for a people he truly loves! No one can deny that." I waved at Queen Alla. "I see this beautiful woman that gives her time to help the people of Makarovia with education and health services and many other things needed and just as pretty inside as out. She is a giver." I smiled. "I meet this man...who is kind and gentle that loves me and has the most beautiful soul. I love Peter. He is asking me to marry him and become a part of Makarovia. I will do that gladly, but know this..." I stepped back beside Peter. "I will work hard to bring Makarovia into a brighter future and into the twenty-first century. He and I will work side by side to do whatever we can for this amazing country, but first priority..." I said, "is always going to be him." I looked at Peter. "I will be at your side, we will make this country a shining example to follow, but I'm marrying you, Peter. You are Prince Petro Ivanov of Makarovia, but I marry you, Peter...when you ask me." I grinned. "I love you, Peter. I want to spend my life with you. Together we'll make this country the jewel to be seen the world over."

Peter's eyes sort of glistened as he reached in his pocket and then dropped to his knee and at first, his voice cracked a little. "Eric Richards, will you do the honor of joining my life and becoming my husband? I love you. I need you in my life." He opened the box to show the ring that had the wide ring with the Makarovian Royal Crest on it. Then he said quieter. "I love you."

Reaching down I took his face in my hand. "I will definitely marry you, Peter. I love you, too." I said pulling him up as he took the ring out and slipped it on my left ring finger. He gave a quick sniff and leaned in kissing me gently. "Now, I've asked you."

"You know my answer." I grinned. "But..." I said loudly, "yes!!"

The room was filled with applause.

Ellen looked at the audience who were also applauding. "The event King Olek was speaking about was the car bomb set off as an objection to this upcoming marriage." She nodded as the people were letting us know they didn't like it. "And see? Even Eric Richards admitted he didn't know where Makarovia was! But he does now! We all do." She waved her hand off stage toward us. "Welcome my specials guests, His Royal Highness, Prince Petro Ivanov of Makarovia and his future husband, His Lordship, Eric Richards, Earl of Styria...soon to be His Royal Highness, Prince Eric Ivanov of Makarovia!"

Peter leaned in kissing me quickly taking my hand. "Let's do this."

The audience here was applauding now and standing up as Peter and I came out! Some were even bowing! Even Ellen bowed as we got to her and we bowed to her. She extended her hand shaking Peter's hand and then mine, which was taken back by Peter afterward. She waved us to the sitting area which we went sitting, but never let each other go.

"That was some Proposal," Ellen said. "To do that in front of all those people...who like King Olek, supports this marriage."

"Yes," Peter nodded. "My brother and my mother love Eric. I don't think anyone in Makarovia isn't supporting this marriage." He said as the people in the audience applauded again.

"So, why not just do it?" Ellen asked. "Why the year and really...why do it at all?"

Peter frowned and looked confused. "I do not fully understand." He looked at me. "I found someone I wanted to join my life. I love Eric. Isn't that what a person does when they find that one special person? Marry them?"

Ellen smiled nodding. "Yes, it is. That's a very good answer."

"The year is a tradition in Makarovia," I said. "Essentially, it was a wedding. I married the citizens of Makarovia. During this year, I am to prove what I will do for Makarovia. I King Olek, Queen Alla and Peter will work to improve lives in Makarovia by supporting Peter."

Peter nodded. "He works very hard. He discovered all those files, letters and pictures that told the stories of many that fled the Holocaust during World War II. Getting them together so they could be on our Website, which again, he worked to get the Website done. He is also going to oversee the safety of the mines and the processors and power stations. He is doing an excellent job."

Ellen nodded. "I saw some of those files. That was pretty horrible."

I nodded. "It was, but that's why there are so many in Makarovia who are Jewish, Gypsies and Homosexual. In fact, the homosexual population is almost half of Makarovians. They were welcomed and never asked to leave."

"It is that acceptance that is the reason my mother and brother did not object to our marriage," Peter added.

"I found out later," I continued, "Makarovia was used to hiding people during those years and was a refuge after the war for Germans who still suffered after World War II ended. Other countries, like Russia, as well as the surrounding East European became a sort of haven for many. Some of our most trusted work for us here. Yuri and Boris are Russian and came to Makarovia for the freedom to love and marry there."

Peter smiled with a chuckle. "One couple Milo Weir and Bren Schultz, we sort of fell in love with. They escaped a concentration camp, came and married in Makarovia...they legally married in 1948."

Ellen looked shocked. "Really?" She shook her head. "I read it briefly, but I had no idea..." then waved, "that's wonderful, but back to you two!" She waved at us. "You are getting married!!" She looked at me. "You are marrying a real prince!!"

I nodded. "I know." I grinned with a light chuckle. "I had a tough time with that myself."

She looked at Peter. "And're marrying an American!" She looked at me. "A Southerner, too, I believe."

"And what's wrong with Southerners?" I groused with a smile.

Ellen went with it. "Oh, come on." She said in her way making the audience laugh again. "There's nothing wrong with Southerners, but this is a fairy tale! You're like...Cinderella or that movie The Prince and Me. Only, you're the me, and...a man! Cinderfella?" She went into her ramble making everyone laugh again. "I can only imagine what Queen Elizabeth would have said if King William...who was Prince William at the time...had brought home a man to marry...and Harry!? If Diana had lived, she wouldn't have cared and Charles had Camila, but..." she looked at us again. "You are the next in line! For the throne!!" She said to Peter and held her hand out, "and forgive me, but...try as you might, you two won't have a child..." she looked at us, "will you?"

Peter chuckled. "We've talked about it."

"Well, talking is fine, but..." she waved at us again, "you both have..." she did a sort of point in our directions and not directly at our crotches.

I was nodded as she hesitated. "Yes." I grinned.

"And you don't have..." she said pointed to her own lap and hesitated again.

"No." Peter chuckled shaking his head.

"Which makes my point...that means you...can' know..." to which the audience was laughing at her.

"There are other ways of having children," Peter said smiling at her. "We have time. My brother is serious about someone. The burden is not just ours alone."

"You don't have..." I did like she did pointing down at my lap, "but you have..." I pointed to her, "but a child is possible."

"Well, sure..." she said, "but we can stop off at the bank to get what we need. You can't just stop off at a store and grab a dozen eggs! Even if you could you'd have to insert them after you put your...stuff in them and..."

Peter and I were laughing as was the audience. I squeezed Peter's hand. "Yes, it would be more complicated, but we could do it," I said.

"And even when Olek does marry..." Peter added. "Which he will, but there's no guarantee they will conceive and we will face the same problem."

"There are many children that don't have parents for one reason or another," I said simply with a shrug as Peter nodded. "There are ways of doing this," I assured her. "We have options."

We continued to talk about Makarovia and what was planned for the future, touching on the upcoming wedding and how it was going to occur. How Makarovia evolved politically and socially.

Ellen let her act kind of go. "Gentlemen, we are looking forward to this wedding. It truly a remarkable thing you are doing. It is clear that there is love here." She rose as the audience was clapping again. We rose with her. "I know I will be watching this happen, as will everyone else." She extended her hand to us. "Congratulations and we wish you the best. This never before done marriage is important to a lot of people. Thank you for coming."

Peter gave a short bow to her, very European. "The pleasure was ours."

Ellen shook her head. "Ooh, that accent." She said almost dreamily. "It's very sexy."

Once the taping was done, Ellen again thanked us for coming on her show. The audience was applauding again heartily as we left the stage.

Once back in the room we had waited in before the taping we were getting ready to part from Ellen, she stopped and held her hand up to stop us. In a very non-Ellen way, she said seriously. "What you are doing is nothing short of remarkable."

Peter shook his head. "All we are doing is getting married."

I squeezed his hand. "Peter was raised not knowing there is a problem with that," I said to her.

Peter grinned at me. "I saw the show and knew about it because of the people that sought refuge in Makarovia, but I never experienced this sort of repression and hatred firsthand. It was odd to have it happen to me. I mean to us."

Ellen smiled. "That in itself is remarkable. To see what you're doing as something you just do. Proudly marrying that one person you clearly love. You show the world that love is love. Makarovia may not be the biggest country, but it is the biggest country with a heart." She bowed to both of us. "I wish you both a good life and I, along with many in this world will be eagerly watching." She shook our hands. "Thank you again."

Yuri came up behind us smiling. He waved at a large screen he and Boris had watched the show on. "That was an amazing show."

I nodded. "We tried to show the best of Makarovia."

Yuri nodded. "I say, you did."

We rode back to the hotel and once back in our suite Peter was quickly getting out of his tie with a sigh and flopped back on the bed.

I sort of knew what he was feeling. He wasn't physically tired, but he was feeling fatigued about this whole wedding that almost everyone was saying positive things about. All the attention that frankly, Peter had not experienced until recently. "How are you?" I asked slipping my tie off and walked toward him. I stretched out beside him on the bed.

Peter smiled at me as his arm came around me as usual. "We've only got a few more months." He turned to me, kissing me lightly. "I know we are together now, but...we'll be married, and all this attention will lessen."

"Maybe, but you understand why it has become so noteworthy now?"

Peter nodded. "I do. There are those groups like the ones that protested outside our home in Boston when we arrived. However, most people don't seem to care. In fact, most are supporting our marriage."

I nodded. "People are finding out we are more common than they realize." I brought him even closer pressing our foreheads together. "You are a prominent figure in the world now. We're showing what we are is just simply a marriage." I smiled running my fingers over his chest. "I love Makarovia. I love Olek and Mom." I moved to straddle him. "I am so madly in love with you, Peter. If jumping through these hoops is what I have to do to marry you, I will do it all again gladly."

"I am so in love with you," Peter smiled as he said it softly. "We have a whole night here. What will we do until then?"

I chuckled and looked out the window as the afternoon light shown through. "We always do one thing pretty well and I'm more than willing now. A little afternoon loving?"

"Yes, we do that very well." Peter pulled me down kissing me gently.

We did enjoy our favorite activity that we no longer had to think or plan, it was just natural. When we had satisfied that longing for a few hours, we got up and showered and decided that the restaurant was a bit much. So, we went to the pool where we had a private cabana. Of course, Yuri insisted he come. I agreed he should come with a friend and family member, not as security. Therefore, Boris came, too. We were shadowed by others in our security. This was California, it was the end of winter and the beginning of spring, so it was warm. I was pleased that at least Yuri and Boris wore shorts and casual shirts. With shirt tails out! This was something I never thought I'd see. Boris dressed...casually! His hair was combed. He put something in his hair that kept it in place when working, but was loose and fell a little over his forehead, not like it was when he was on duty giving him a more youthful appearance. Boris was a nice-looking man, but now...he could almost tempt me. There were security watching us, however, dressed in the dark suits and looked like security. They were a deterrent to anyone of the others at the pool that even thought of approaching Peter and me. It was sunny, so I sort of let the dark sunglasses worn by them go. I realized, this was not so much as a privilege we had, but a necessity. Not that we deserved anything, but to protect us so we could do...this royal stuff! I was getting comfortable with them now and my role in it. Yes, I was even getting used to the titles and formality.

Peter and I swam enjoying the water. Conversations with each other and with Yuri and Boris were equally comfortable.

I grinned at Boris as he munched on his hamburger. I had the gourmet chicken pieces. They wouldn't just serve Chicken Fingers here. No, even the sauce was gourmet. "Boris," I smiled at him, "I like this relaxed, fun side of you."

Yuri chuckled as he ate one of his French Fries. "He can be fun." He shrugged. "It just took some encouragement."

Boris smiled and chuckled. "It didn't have to take a royal order."

"So, I don't have to make it a royal order for you and Yuri to take a romantic getaway when Peter and I do?" I asked.

Boris put his hamburger down giving a grudging shake of his head. "We're talking a whole month!" He complained.

"Yes, we are." I nodded.

Peter smiled at Boris. "There will be nothing Makarovian happening in Boston, I assure you. Olek will be in Makarovia. We will be in the Greek Islands. Nothing happening. You and Yuri are coming to the wedding. After that, you and Yuri can be together again as husbands." He leaned in to Yuri. "I am making that a royal order." He poked Yuri lightly on the shoulder. "If needed, I can tell Olek and he will make it the order of a king."

Yuri held his hands up. "No," he looked at Boris, "you see? We have no choice."

Boris grimaced. "It's not that I don't want to, but...I always fear I'll be needed."

I nodded smiling. "You are most definitely needed, Boris." I waved at Yuri. "You and Yuri are very needed, but not much that month, if at all!" I slapped him lightly on the shoulder. "You can go, enjoy your time with you husband. I know you love him. He certainly loves you."

"You're going." Peter said grinning. "Interesting you have to be made to go on a honeymoon? You love Yuri, I've seen it. It's real!"

Yuri chuckled, too. "Tell them the truth, Boris."

Boris lowered his eyes and gave a nob. " it."

"You love what?" Peter asked. "The work?"

Boris waved helplessly. "Yes! The feeling I get when I do a good job."

"You do a great job, no question." I told him. "It's more than just a job."

Boris nodded quickly. "Much more. It's a part of my personal pride." He shrugged. "You see where I work. That kitchen is the ultimate kitchen. I use good ingredients if I make meals for two or banquets for dozens...and the house! I take pride in keeping that house ready for anyone or for anything."

Peter looked at Yuri. "You're just as dedicated, but you need time for just you and Boris."

"Yes," Yuri said,

We flew to Boston the next morning. We were greeted by Don Wilson when we came in. More requests for interviews and appearances. He also reminded us of our agreeing to appear on the Graham Norton Show.

The time was getting close for the wedding. I learned it wasn't going to be just a wedding. No. I was having a coronation, of sorts. The title of prince would be added at the end automatically, but just as I was proposed to in front of those attending the formal proposal: I would be crowned as a prince before them, as well. My name would also be changed to Ivanov. The wedding marrying Peter was what I was looking forward to and becoming an Ivanov. Not the crowning.

"You never had a coronation." I said.

"I did! I was ten days old. Mom, Dad, Olek and a few government officials were there. You know how the government in Makarovia is with official announcements. The birth announcement went out to the world after I was crowned officially. Mom still has the coronet I'm sure." Peter chuckled. "I was born a prince. Mom was when she married Dad and became queen. She was crowned, too. Olek had one when he became king. You will because of the change in your status." He shrugged. "You'll be a Richards when we marry, then after we are pronounced married, you will be a prince by the coronation."

"Yay." I said weakly.

Things did not settle down. Not for me. School went on a usual, but the thought about what I was doing, who I was going to be was always on my mind.

We told Drew and Wayne what was going to happen, and they agreed to come the week before we were doing the show with Graham Norton. They would fly back to England with us.

There were others...who were not so supportive. As favorable as many had been, there were now people speaking out about us. Don had recorded a show where we were the topic of conversation. It was one of those shows that was ultra-conservative Christian. We watched on the TV from the comfort of our couch in our room.

"...this is just so wrong." The host who was famous for standing out against...pretty much everything. Family values was his pulpit against most everything. Especially those who were gay. "This...marriage is an abomination! We should be ashamed of what's happening in Makarovia.

Peter frowned and asked me. "What are we doing?"

"Proudly getting married," I answered in quiet anger.

The host continued. "The world is celebrating something that caused God to destroy two cities. The world is on the very edge of destruction embracing the wrath of God!"

"What's he talking about?" Peter asked.

"Sodom and Gomorrah." I sighed sadly. "Only he's not mentioning the other three cities that were destroyed because of that event." I shrugged. "The thing is what he said isn't true. He's saying what we're doing is why those cities were destroyed. The only mention was their wickedness. It was only when they asked to bring the angels out to know them was our sin brought into the scriptures. That's what they always concentrate on."

"Why is love a sin?"

"It's not." I shook my head. "They leave things out. Like adultery which was more acceptable? In order to spare the angels, Lot offered his two virgin daughters to these men to...basically rape. Nor do they mention that these two daughters after the destruction of Sodom and their mother turned into a pillar of salt for looking back in disobedience to what they were told not to look back. They also don't mention that later, those two daughters got Lot drunk and each slept with him to conceive a son each."

"By their own father!?" Peter's eyes widen as he sputtered. "How could they...I mean...genetically..."

I nodded. "I know, but that's what the Bible says." I waved at the screen, "These people only talk about our sin, which wasn't really mentioned causing Lot's offer of his daughters to save the angels and leave off those other sins. Abraham, Lot's brother was equally foolish and sinful." I watched Peter's eyes grow wider as I spoke. "Because Abraham's wife Sarah didn't believe she could have the son promised by God, she sent her handmaid Hagar to Abraham to conceive that son who they named Ishmael. Abraham wasn't stupid, his wife sent this young thing to have sex with him. With Sarah's permission he slept with her. Hagar and Ishmael were the one that started the whole other race that worship Allah and the wars between the Jews and Arabs even today go on. They take one section of one of those books and throw it in our faces, but don't tell the whole story."

Peter looked at me with a growing smile. "You know this? Why do you know this?"

I chuckled. "In order to fight these..." I waved at the screen, "religious nuts, we need to know what they're fighting with and fight back. It's in the book of Genesis."

"You don't believe in God?" Peter asked.

I shook my head. "Not the God they profess to know. I don't think we're just evolved puddles of goo that came from globs in puddles in the very beginning of the Earth. We have minds and intelligence. We have awareness."

"You don't believe in the Bible?"

I shook my head. "What Bible? Which Bible? There were several. All written from those written witnesses of historical events. Only this Bible was assembled by what became the Catholic Church. They have many testaments in their vault in Rome. Witnesses that they assembled, and they said it was going to be in the Bible, others they ignored. That was why they had to put out another book they said was the Apocrypha and there have been others since. I say release the others, translate them and maybe we'll get a better picture. Personally, I think whatever or whoever is responsible for us is laughing at us and we'll all be embarrassed by what conclusions we came up with."

"Why would they do this?"

"Control." I said simply. "Keep women in their place. Keep us under control. To give power to the Church and to those in office of the Church which we know they exploited. Remember the Inquisition?"

"And our Church in Makarovia?"

"Which one? If you're talking about Orthodox they are a branch of the Catholic Church, but don't take the Pope as the authority. They also don't except the Gregorian calendar by Pope Gregory." I smiled as Peter's head was leaning back as I spoke. "That's why we have Christmas and Easter on different days than the West. They also don't except Latin. While the Catholic Church has Mary they made a saint, the Mother of Christ a near god-like status...saying she was sinless. We think Mary was chosen to be the mother, but a saint or idol? That and the Catholic church Priests can't marry. That was a bad move."

"Why did you learn this?"

"Well, I was raised by my mother and grandmother." I said smiling. "Grandmother was raised Eastern Orthodox." I shook my head. "Why do you think I knew so many of the holidays like SviatyVechir...Svyatyy Mykolay and Did Moroz? I had to be able to explain to the others in Charleston and Asheville how we were different. Then explain how I could be gay and see it is okay."

"Wow." Peter said shaking his head and then he leaned closer. "You should debate these guys."

I shook my head and waved at the screen. "No, he's been this way for most all of his life. He had this knowledge that spans decades telling him he's right. I won't be able to change his mind, so it would be pointless."

"Still, you could help change the minds of others." He inched closer. "I am so smart to marry you."

"No one man or one church is going to tell me what to believe when I can read it myself. My eternity is at sake!" I gave a slight shrug. "You expect me to disagree you about your decision?" I grinned as he got closer and I felt his breath on my face.

He shook his head. "No. I just need you to know, I know that."

"I don't disagree at all."

Peter's lips touched mine, not kissing yet, but touching. "I love you, Eric."

"I know." I said as our lips rubbed gently. "I love you, Peter."

His arms pulled me closer. "I know." He said and pressed his lips more into a kiss. He did indeed know how to kiss...and make love.

My grandmother told us she was coming also and would be here the same time as Drew and Wayne. She would go with us to England and then return home with us at the end of the taping with Graham for our last two months at Northeastern.

There were also some smaller appearances on different shows, but all were local. Study was also paramount to other things. That really was why Peter was here.

Again, my grandmother arrived without us going to the airport to pick her up. When Drew and Wayne arrived, they dropped their jaws as they entered the foyer.

"Wow." Drew said softly. "This is a palace, too."

"It's our home for now." Peter smiled as our friends did that little spin.

My grandmother came down the stairs to greet the two of them. "Hello, Drew, Wayne."

Drew smiled at her. "Hello, Mrs. Sams." He held his hand out to her. "It's nice to see you again."

"Katrina," Grandma said to them. "Or do I refer to you as Mr. Humphries and Mr. Jenkins?"

Wayne nodded shaking her hand. "Certainly, Katrina."

Grandma waved to the house. "It is a grand house, but my grandsons have made it a home."

"So, are you nervous yet?" Drew asked me.

"Nervous? About marrying Peter? No." I asked.

"Well, it's never happened with a real royal family member." Drew said. "There was the Queen's cousin, but you, Peter, are in line for the throne."

"You marry Peter and are crowned Prince the same day." Wayne said.

"I marry as an Earl and become a Prince." I nodded. "Eric Richards from Charleston, South Carolina will become Prince Eric Ivanov of Makarovia."

We were greeted by Boris who came in smiling as he was wiping his hands with a small kitchen towel. He looked at each of our guests.

"Boris," I said happily. "You know Grandma."

Boris smiled even bigger as my grandmother hugged him. "Katrina, it's wonderful to see you again."

I motioned to Drew and Wayne, "This is our good, good friends Andrew Humphries and his husband Wayne Jenkins." I looked at the two. "This is our dear friend Boris Petrov."

Peter patted Boris on the arm. "This is a man of many talents. He keeps this house spic and span and is a fabulous chef."

Boris nodded and shook their hands. "It's a pleasure to meet you. If there is anything you need, just ask."

The front door opened and Yuri strode in.

"And this is Boris' husband, Yuri Orlov." I said. "He's in charge of security here and just doesn't stop!" I introduced Drew and Wayne again.

"Welcome." Yuri greeted. "I've heard good things about you two." He smiled as three security agents came in. "These gentlemen are part of the security enforcers. The men outside are usually Americans. Inside are Makarovians, but there shouldn't be a language problem." He turned to them. "Thank you for volunteering to help with their luggage."

"No problem, Sir." One said and smiled. Usually, they had no emotions on their faces at all. It almost looked odd.

"We're helping, too." Peter informed them.

Grandmother had more than Drew or Wayne, but she was going with us to England. She needed more. Drew and Wayne were going home.

"Let's get you settled." Boris suggested. "You, Katrina, I was putting in the room you had last time, if that's alright."

Grandmother nodded. "Of course."

"I was putting you two just down from Peter's and Eric's room." Boris said going and picking grandmother's garment bag. "If you need anything cleaned or pressed, I'll take care of it." He said to all of them.

I bumped Boris in the shoulder. "Boris is an angel here. He keeps us fed, clothed and sane."

Peter nodded. "We consider Boris and Yuri family."

We took grandmother to her room first. She looked a bit tired, but I hoped that was just travel fatigue. Getting to the airport with her luggage and flying from the gulf in Texas was a bit longer than flying from North Carolina. She was now in her mid-seventies. She didn't really show many signs of aging. Still slender and stood straight and proud. However, she sold the house to move to Texas where it was warmer. It was getting too hard for her to keep up and she was very tidy. She sold her dance studio. I hoped she lived another decade or two. She still had that precise walk she had always had. Her claim was she needed to change clothes and unwind. I didn't object.

We got Drew and Wayne a room near ours. After their things were brought to their room, they were impressed. We showed them our room.

Drew shook his head giving us a sad look. "Oh, how you two must suffer here."

Peter looked at him puzzled and asked me quietly in Makarovian. "That was a joke, right?"

"Yes." I chuckled. "Sarcasm." I said quietly back.

"Don't be obnoxious, Drew." Wayne chastised and turned to me. "Sorry, this beautiful."

I chuckled and waved Wayne off. "We love him. He is who he is." I shrugged. "He's a very secure and very happy man."

Peter smiled more then. "We want to show you around," he held a hand up, "and we will. Be aware there will be security with us when we do." He looked at me. "We could show them Jocks."

I nodded. "We could..."

Drew turned quickly. "Jocks? I know you're not talking about athletic support."

Peter laughed. "No, it's a night club near here." He waved in the general direction. "Eric defended my honor there. I had never been to one and got..." he looked at me, "what is мацав in English?"

I knew it meant groped, but I said. "He was felt up! I had gone to the bathroom and came back as some guy was groping his crotch!"

Peter grinned. "Eric gave him a bloody nose."

"Did he know who you were, Peter!?" Wayne balked questioning. No one would dare to do that. Especially a member of royalty! They'd either be killed or serving time in prison.

I shook my head. "He knew us as Eric and Peter from Northeastern where he also went. It was the day before it hit the news about him being a prince."

Drew nodded, agreeing wholehearted with what I said. "Good for you!"

I looked at Peter. "We'd better run it by Yuri before we do. He needs to organize our security escort."

Drew looked at me with a scrunched smile, one eye narrowed. "That guys is gay." He stated to confirm, not asking. "And married to your butler?"

Peter nodded. "Yep."

"They immigrated from Russia to Makarovia after the government collapsed." I said. "They have been married ever since."

"You're getting married in just a few weeks!" Wayne said excited. "And then crowned right after that."

"Yeah," I said quietly feeling...I wasn't sure what I felt. I wanted this marriage. It wasn't cold feet or anything like that. I had taken on duties with no real doubts. I enjoyed what I did. Was it the responsibility I was feeling? I thought I had taken them on along with the drive to do a good job.

Peter saw this. "Excuse us a second." He took my hand and led me into the study. "What's going on?" He asked softly in Makarovian. "I don't know this expression."

I gave him a shrugging nod. "I don't know. I guess the reality that it's really happening just hitting me." I shrugged and saw worry in his eyes, so I hurriedly said. "No, no. We are getting married. I say again, I'm not scared off. I'm not leaving you. Ever." I assured kissing him gently. Sighing I went on. "I guess, for some reason, I just felt the weight of all this. That's all."

Peter nodded and smiled softly. "You've been terrific from the beginning. Now, it's my turn to be there for you. I love you."

I smiled kissing him again. "I know. I love you, too."

Peter nodded rubbing his forehead against mine. "I know."

It dawned on me that grandmother had been traveling a lot. She was fine, but the travel wore on me. It had to be hard on her. We had dinner, which was fantastic again. Tonight was Beef Stroganoff.

The time difference between England and our East Coast wasn't that off schedule, but I had no idea what Drew's and Wayne's bedtimes were or what they'd done right before they came. They said they were heading off to bed. I assumed they would sleep, but they were married and might want to do what married people do. Or should be doing, especially on vacation. Or as our British friends referred to it as going on holiday.

Grandma was her usual delightful self, making jokes with all of us. It was after Drew and Wayne left, I touched Peter's arm. She was talking to Boris at the moment.

"You'll say I'm overreacting maybe," I said softly. "Grandma has been traveling a lot recently."

Peter nodded. "Okay." He didn't get it yet.

"She flew here from Texas, she'll be flying with us to London, then flying back to Boston and then to Texas." I said. "Then almost a month later doing it again to come here, fly to Makarovia." I pointed at her. "She's seventy-four!"

Peter nodded as he understood now. "Does she have to go back to Texas? I mean, can't she stay here until we go to Makarovia? I know she has a life there, but can't she be gone a few months?"

I smiled at him. "I just wanted to ask you before I spoke to her."

"She's your family, therefore mine." He waved toward her. "So, go ahead. Ask."

I grinned kissing him quickly. "I'm going." I now heard what the two of them were talking about.

" no Stroganoff I've ever tasted." Grandma was praising. "What did you do differently?"

"I really didn't change the ingredients, except added one." Boris chuckled. "Saffron."

Grandma's eyes widened. "Saffron? Isn't that a Middle Eastern spice? And expensive?"

Boris chuckled again. "Well, yes, but this is a special season. It's used in foods in Spain, Italy, Greece, and India. It can be expensive if it's pure." He looked up at me grinning. "Eric's marrying and becoming a prince. That calls for some special celebratory meals." He patted my shoulder and then walked away to go to the kitchen.

Grandmother looked at me and smiled. "You have something to say to me." She said matter-of-factually. "So, go ahead."

I laughed. "You can read me as well as Peter can."

"Sure." Grandmother nodded. "I've had almost thirty years of experience."

"You're my only blood relative and I'm concerned." I said shrugging. "Can't you stay until we go to Stryia?"

She nodded smiling more. "I will eventually go back to Surf Side Beach, but yes, this has been a lot of travel for me." She placed her hand on mine. "I will need to get somethings. I was planning to do it here or in London," She laughed and shrugged. "Perhaps both."

I was pleased she was agreeing. "Sure. You can most certainly do that." Of course, my curiosity was wanting to know. "What do you need? We'll help you get it."

She got a very proud look on her face and said a superior, self-entitled tone in her voice. Pressing her fingers to her chest she said, "I am going to see my grandson marry a prince and then will be crowned as a prince." It was out of fun and put on. Her eyes twinkled. "I think I should get a dress that's more appropriately formal."

"There are certainly appropriate stores for that in Boston."

She was funny and we both laughed together.

Peter had heard it, too. "My mother would be proud to send you to her Couture. It wouldn't cost you a thing."

Grandmother shook her head. "I appreciate that, but I got a tidy sum with the sale of the house in Asheville." She smiled at me directly. "I'm leaving what's left to you, Eric. You won't need it. Donate it to something in Makarovia."

"I can think of several causes that would benefit." I said smiling.

We still had classes, but we were recording them to see later. Midterms and soon exams were coming up. Don was going to send the recordings to our emails on our computers. We could access them on any computer including the ones while in London. Yeah, right.

We did take Drew and Wayne around Boston. Grandmother went, too. Walking around casually wasn't really going to happen. We showed them where we dumped England's tea into the harbor. They weren't impressed by that. To be honest, Boston had a lot of information about Redcoats and revolution. It wasn't that the United States didn't like England now. We were allies during most subsequent conflicts. Hell, many people in United States descended from the British! Me included!

We could see Yuri's reaction about going to Jocks. He was apprehensive. He did not say no.

Taking twelve of our security, both from Makarovia and the USA, we went.

I got behind Yuri and whispered. "These gentlemen with us know what the place is."

Yuri grinned. "Yes, the Makarovian Security will have no problem. I don't know about the American Security."

Grandmother was going, too. It was the beginning of Spring and still would get chilly at night. We all dressed nicely, but casual. Grandmother looked elegant in her...not quite white sweater. The color of cream? She wore pants and had a shawl thing to wrap up in. They were different shades of cream. She looked great.

Yuri had called the owner and the mayor. The owner was thrilled having been told our history with Jocks. The mayor was like Yuri. He was apprehensive. It wasn't a weekend night, so the crowd would be less of a concern. With the midterms and exams coming, the students should be mostly studying. Yuri was on a radio or walkies-talkie...whatever... speaking quietly to someone. As we came down the road to Jocks, a police car got in front of us and one behind us. The mayor wasn't taking any chances. They didn't turn their lights on the top on until there was a car tried to cut in or was in the way. Three SUVs pulled in front of the club. A few guys were going in and turned to see when we arrived. We were in the "no parking" zone, but the police presence would keep us from getting a ticket or a fine.

I turned to Drew and Wayne, "You'll love it here."

The Bartender that had thrown Brad out that night before the news about Peter was known came out and approached our convoy. He was smiling very grandly, almost bouncing in excitement. Our security got out first making the Bartender/Owner back up a little.

Getting out Peter and I smiled at the man. He was still a huge man.

"Hi," I greeted. "Remember us?"

The man laughed. "I never forgot you! The next morning like you said I should look at the University Newspaper," he pointed at Peter. "I find out who you were."

"We came back," I grinned as I glanced around us at the security and our British friends. "We brought friends!"

"I'm thrilled you did!" The man was going to approach us, but our security stood to block that.

I chuckled and touched Yuri. "This man's okay. He saved us from a fight that was about to happen."

The man shook his head, "No, you pretty well dealt with Brad." He stuck his hand out. "Keith Davis."

Shaking it, I nodded and introduced the others, that weren't security.

Keith grinned. "Of course, people will know you were and are here." His eyes averted us a second. "I confess, there are some posters and pictures of you two in there." He thumbed behind himself at the club. "I hope you don't mind."

"Why would we mind?" Peter asked in English. "You can even say we recommended Jocks." He moved slightly forward like he would tell a secret and stage whispered. "You can even tell them you were my first." Keith's eyes widened hearing that.

"He means this was his first night club." I clarified. Peter knew what he said and just smiled knowing how it could be taken as I rolled my eyes.

"You'll endorse me!?"

"We're here. We're doing that." I pointed out. "As you said. People will know we were here."

We entered the club as music was pounding as it did last time. Many of the guys dancing stopped to see this large group of men and one woman come in. No one dared approach. Dim lighting, the pulsing strobes and colored lights that probed the dance floor...the dancers couldn't really see who we were.

Drew spoke up as our eyes adjusted. "I hope we don't plan to just stand around and watch."

Peter smiled back. "No." He glanced at Yuri who nodded slightly. Peter took my hand swinging me around. "Let's dance!"

Security watched us carefully as Peter and I began. Drew and Wayne joined us on the dance floor. I smiled as my grandmother asked Yuri to dance. What was he going to say? No? He was over the security here, but not alone doing that. Conceding her invitation, they started dancing. She was a dancer all her life. Grandmother was older, but still danced well.

We danced several dances under the watchful eyes of our guards who had withdrawn, but stayed alert. No dark glasses now, but they had an emotionless expression. No one dared to try to pick up one of them. Poor guys. They had a job to do.

We had a drink at the bar where I showed them where I had defended Peter's honor. The music was good and so were the drinks. This time it was Peter that had to excuse himself. He was followed by two of our security.

Drew came to stand beside me with his drink. Wayne was right by him. "This is great!" He had to speak loud to be heard over the music.

Wayne sipped his drink, but pointed at the wall behind the bar. "There you are."

I looked at a blown up picture of us was center. It was the one from the White House in our tuxedos. It was a good picture. There were others of us taken at various parts of the University. Holding hands or walking with our arms around each other's waists. One of us kissing. Keith had a banner printed saying "Jock's Royal Customers."

Drew grinned. "You two look great in that center picture."

Wayne shook his head. "They look good in all the pictures. You can just see more in the center one."

"I guess," Peter said behind me as he approached. "I don't need to punch anyone?" He hugged me from behind putting his head next to mine.

Grandmother came over taking Peter's arm. "Come on, Your Highness. It's not every girl who gets to dance with a real prince." Peter chuckled. She looked at me. "You're next." And practically dragged Peter behind her.

The fact that she was still dancing pleased me. She had slept in and we didn't walk that much earlier, she had energy.

Drew grinned looking at my grandmother as she began to dance with Peter. Very vigorously. "Wow," he marveled. "My grandmother was not nearly as active before she died. My grandmother was younger than Katrina!"

Wayne laughed. "I danced with her..."

Drew nodded. "Me, too. Katrina's quite a woman."

I saw her spun by Peter and she was laughing. "Yes, she is."

We didn't stay that long and parted with Keith promising we were in town a few more years. We'd be back.

There was one more trip into downtown in east Boston. A very good restaurant on Hanover Street. Carmelina's Italian Bistro. It wasn't fancy, but highly praised as the best in Boston. Don Wilson, our Press and Personal Assistant called to get us reservations. They were open every day, but had a private area for dining. Peter and I insisted Boris come with us.

"But..." Boris started to protest.

"Consider it a night off." Peter insisted. "You and Yuri are going as family and friends."

I nodded. "You two will be sitting at the table being served, not serving."

"We insist." Peter added. "Get used to it."

Yuri protested, too, but of course, we won. We also knew that even though he won't be "on duty," he would still be there to handle any emergency that arose.

The more casual atmosphere was welcome. There was laughter and many conversations with the other patrons in Carmelina's. That sort of stopped when we all came in the front door. Replaced with whispers to each other and stares as we tread our way through the tables and passed the bar. We dined in a room that just fit us. Meaning it was not a big room but it wasn't crowded, but full. There was laughter and conversation. It did get a little loud as grandmother was talking with Wayne who was also talking with me and I spoke with was delightful chaos!

As was life, all things come to a conclusion. Our time together would continue, but we had the Graham Norton Show. We flew to London.

Next: Chapter 20: Makarovia II 10

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