Makarovia? Where the Hell Is That!? Northeastern University

By Richard McQueen

Published on Nov 29, 2021


Story: Makarovia? Where the Hell Is That!?

Chapter 2 Coming Out

Author: Eric McQueen (

Adult Readers, Sexual Situations, Sex

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Peter has to tell everyone who he really is.

Coming Out

This was a different life for me. I got the feeling it was in a lot of ways different for Peter. He didn't act like he was ready to be so...out there. Not about being gay or our relationship, but politically. That focus, more than our relationship, was playing on his mind. I could tell. We went down to dinner, which was delicious. Boris was a fine cook. I understood why Peter didn't cook well. He didn't have to. Then we went upstairs again and got ready for bed. Peter came out of the bathroom and sat on the side of the bed with a sigh.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

Peter was thinking about something and it seemed I interrupted what he was thinking. "What?" Then he nodded. "Oh, yes. Fine."

I sat up and moved across the bed behind him, putting my arms around him from behind. "Okay," I said lightly. "We're going to set some rules," I said kissing his neck.

Peter looked back at me with raised eyebrows. "Rules?"

I nodded and kissed him gently. "The only real rule for us...when you see something about me...when I see something in you; if I ask are you okay, I want to know what's on your mind. I can tell there is something. I don't pry. I won't drag it out of you, but be honest. If you can't talk about it, tell me that. Don't just say you're fine or something. Talk to me."

Peter grinned as he turned to see me more directly. "A very good rule." He nodded. "Okay, I'm just feeling a little...uncertain. You said it yourself. This dinner is a big deal." He sighed. "There are some important things about to happen for Makarovia; things that will change the way Makarovia is seen by the world...many who don't even know who we are."

I nodded. "What are you feeling about that?"

"Nervous." Peter chuckled. "Getting an education in the West for me was more than getting the universities' education. My country is stepping out of the shadows and will be seen...more than it has, but a few times in history. I needed to be educated more about how to interact with people. I was preparing to be able to blend in better." He chuckled again. "You saw me when I first arrived. I wasn't ready." He leaned in kissing me gently. "You really helped me there. I just want to be...someone that doesn't detract from what my mother and brother are trying to do." He shrugged. "That's why I'm nervous."

I pulled him back on the bed. "Now, that wasn't hard to tell me, was it?" I smiled. "Just know...I'll be there. Whatever you need. I'm there for you."

Peter smiled as his grey-green eyes held emotion. "I'm falling in love with you."

I shook my head. "I'm sorry." I frowned. "I'm afraid I can't say that to you anymore," I said straddling his middle and raised his arms above his head, dipping my nose in the black hairs of his armpit. He didn't mind. It still could tickle, so I was careful.

His face got a puzzled look.

"I'm no longer falling love, Peter," I said kissing him. "I'm there already. I love you, Peter. Now, it's just getting stronger."

Now, I saw his eyes get softer and he nodded. "I love you, too." He said kissing me. "We'll get married, you know?"

I had not expected that. Not yet. I sat up quickly. "We haven't..."

"I'm not asking you yet," Peter said carefully. "We've known each other several weeks; I know what I want with you. This is nice here, may not be ready to say yes. I don't want to be your boyfriend or even your life partner, but I would like you in my life. I want you as my husband. I want to be your husband." He gave a shrug as he looked around the room we were in. "I'd like it to be in a more...romantic setting. More appropriate and one more traditional."

Okay. I was just told by a prince...a real prince he loved me and was planning to ask to marry me? Could I do that? It didn't even take a second before I smiled. "When you're ready to ask me; I know the answer will be yes." I leaned in kissing him deeply. Then looking in his grey-green eyes. "I love you."

We did have a relationship. We made love. It was always wonderful. When the morning came, we got up and were taken to a small airport.

A plane was sent up to Boston for Peter to take him to Washington. We had no waiting. We flew to this private airport in Virginia and was taken to a hotel near the White House. I was a little nervous about meeting all these important people. His brother Olek was a king, and his mother, though a dowager queen was still very much a queen. Don't forget I was meeting the President of the United States.

Peter wouldn't necessarily know this, but our President was Republican. I'm not saying that was bad, but...well...Peter and I...others that were gay, weren't always welcome or treated well by people and most often, they were Republicans. There was the Log Cabin Republicans; gay people that were Republican? They wanted to change people's minds. I don't know. I wasn't a Republican. I bring that up because I knew for a fact the man that was Vice-President had taken a strong stance against us. He hadn't wanted to grant us the right to have a real "marriage" when he was in Congress. The people of the United States said we were to be allowed to marry. His opinion didn't matter now.

I had another issue. I didn't really know about Makarovia. I did more searches on the web. The little country was in the mountains; that much I knew. They had a long history going back more than a thousand years. It had been fought over and taken over by several countries. Russia was the last power to have control. Ukraine was one...even Romania had it once or twice. The capital city was Stryia. Again, it was not a big country and very mountainous. What they had were metals. They had a lot of iron, which was their main export. There were valleys in Makarovia and Stryia was in one of those valleys by a river. It had few farms, so importing food and other things to support the population was constant. Being that dependent for basic necessities made it easier for other powers to take control. The population had grown since the end of World War II. Before then, they had maybe a few hundred thousand scattered around Makarovia. Now they had almost two million people! I frowned at that. The pressure for King Olek and Queen Alla had to be enormous. I was feeling less angry at them for not seeing Peter's misery. They had been very busy.

It was on the flight that Peter looked over at my laptop as I read. He smiled at me.

"You're researching Makarovia?"

I looked back at him. "I have to," I said simply. "I will be there with you as you and your brother and mother are talking with some people to help Makarovia with their situation. I need to know about the country you came from. How can I talk with any knowledge about a country I really didn't know about before I met you?"

Peter chuckled. "That's a good idea." He leaned in a kissed me.

God! He was good at that. "I came to Northeastern to learn how to make industry and"

"Green?" Peter asked. "The color green?"

I chuckled as somethings didn't translate easily. "Well, yes; green as in the color of leaves and keeping those leaves green. The environment. Green, understand?" I said as he nodded got it. "What I'm finding interesting is the dependence Makarovia has for food and things like that. It made Makarovia vulnerable."

Peter nodded. "There's not a lot of fertile lands to plant on." He said logically.

"It also held you hostage. It is on purpose. You give use the ore and we give you food," I nodded and raised a finger. "Yes, but there are ways around that."

I watched Peter's eyes widen.

"Take the Aztecs." I began. "Or any mountainous community as in Asia, they would plant on tiers or terraces," I said. "Shelves that were constructed, fertile soil would be brought in and contained. There would be more land to plant crops. It's not a new idea, but it works."

Peter grinned. "There is still the environmental issues such as the cold weather to deal with."

I nodded again. "I looked it up. There is a period that most of the crops are planted and harvested in Makarovia. It can be done." I shrugged. "It would take some construction and work, but very possible. You would be less dependent on imports, making you more independent."

Peter smiled even bigger. "It would." He nodded.

"With the influx of money now, it would be even more possible," I said.

"You're taking this very seriously." Peter smiled, impressed.

"Of course, I am," I said. "I'm involved in your life. You all but asked me to marry you." I waved at the computer. "This is a huge part of that a life I have with you, therefore, I'm involved with Makarovia. When we do marry, I'll become Makarovian." I nodded as I read more. "Improved farming, medical services, business...many of the other things will be done. It has to."

Peter nodded. "You're right."

When we landed, we were taken to a hotel where we were given a suite. Washington and all around it was not cheap. The idea of getting something so important to the United States and the world; staying here made sense. It was secure, that was the most important part. King Olek and Queen Alla would be arriving just before the dinner at the White House. I finished getting dressed while Peter was putting the finishing touches on what he was wearing. He looked too good, I almost didn't want to go and stay here with him and undress him. Later, I told myself. There was a knock on the door. Peter was in the bedroom putting his tie on, so I rose and answered the door. The man on the other side looked surprised at seeing me answer.

"I apologize." He said with a slight look of confusion as he looked at the door and number. "They must have told me the wrong room. This isn't Petro Ivanov's room?"

I recognized him from the photo I'd seen, even if it was ten years old he looked the same. His English was accented. Well-dressed in the tuxedo and the red sash across his chest and the medallion with the royal crest hung around his neck. I bowed and said in Makarovian. "No, this is Peter's room, Your Majesty."

His eyebrows rose. "You speak Makarovian?" He said surprised.

Didn't Peter and his brother talk? "I do," I said waving him in. "Peter's finishing getting ready."

"But you have almost no accent." King Olek marveled. "Where are you from?"

"Charleston, South Carolina actually," I replied. "America."

Peter came into the room and smiled. "Olek." He walked up and hugged his brother. "How are you?" There might have been problems with the family, but what I saw was genuine affection, from Peter and King Olek.

The king was indeed a very handsome man about forty; the dark beard only added that touch of elder statesman to his appearance making him more distinguished. "Peter!" Then he said holding his brother back but didn't let him go. "My God! You're acne! It's gone!"

Peter actually blushed. "Yeah, well...a friend told me there were some good medical schools in Boston. I went and this is what happened. I wanted it to be a surprise." He grinned. "Surprise!"

Olek looked astounded at his brother's face as he ran a hand over his face. Then he turned to me. "King Olek Ivanov." He did the formal sharp little bow most Europeans did. He even did the little heel click bringing his heels together as he did.

I grinned. "I certainly know who you are, Sire. Though I have to say, that picture on the internet is a little dated. You're much better looking now than you were then. You should have that updated."

The king gave a hearty laugh at that. "We do need to update that. We'll have to now." Then he put a brotherly arm on Peter's arm. "We will need to, if for no other brother was always handsome, but now?" He stroked and kissed his brother's unblemished cheek. "He's very handsome." He looked at me. "Do we have you to thank for that?" Olek asked.

"You do," Peter answered for me smiling. "Eric is the man who is..." he smiled at Olek, "my date tonight."

Olek smiled at hearing that and looked delightfully amazed. Then he looked around the suite. "Okay, where's my brother? You look like him, sort of, the blemishes are gone and you don't act like him. A date? That's wonderful!" And he sounded as if he really meant it. "So, tell me, Eric. How is it a boy from America's South speaks Makarovian? With no real accent?"

"I was taught Ukrainian by my mother and grandmother. My grandmother was raised in Kiev. Makarovian is not too different from Ukrainian. I speak it all the time with Peter." I said. "I was assigned Peter as my partner for a project we have due at the end of the semester. That professor saw I spoke Russian and Ukrainian, I was assigned to make it easier for Peter. It was pretty easy to switch to Makarovian after I heard it a while."

Peter nodded. "His grandmother was a dancer with the Bolshoi."

I held up a finger. "No. She was the Premier Ballerina." I corrected. "A star."

Peter nodded chuckling. "Sorry."

Olek's eyebrows rose. "Really?"

"And she was the Premier Ballerina at the New City Ballet a number of years." I nodded.

There was another knock at the door. Only King Olek was closest and he answered the door. I have to say, Peter's mother was beautiful! No, that's not right. She was stunning! Queen Alla was thin and blonde hair coming down in soft waves over her perfect skin and piercing green eyes. The gold gown glittered as did the little gold tiara on her head. She looked regal. She had a figure men drooled for. Well...most men.

"Is Peter ready?" She asked Olek. "The limo..." she stopped seeing her son. "Peter!?" Then she walked over to her son, turning his head to see his face better. "What's gone!"

"Hi, Mom. Surprise." Peter smiled. "Yes, it's gone. Thank to Western Medicine." Then he grinned. "Don't I get a hug?"

She caught herself. "What? Oh, of course! Honey! This is wonderful!!" She hugged her son.

"And this...!" King Olek said directing her eyes to me, "is his date who convinced him to go to the doctor here."

She looked at me with eyes that grew wider and then looked at Olek. "Date?" Then back at her son. "You have a date!?" Her tone told me she was delighted to hear that. No, neither his mother or brother had a problem with us being on a date; delighted and surprised, but there was no problem.

"Not only that, but he found someone, an American that speaks Makarovian as well as a native," Olek said incredibly. "Queen Alla, this is Peter's date. Eric Richards." He waved to me. I was introduced by the king to the queen!

The queen's face showed no objection. There were no signs that my coming with Peter was a problem, but liked the idea. I was beginning to see that they really did love Peter. Maybe they weren't so oblivious to Peter's problem in the past.

"Mr. Richards." She said holding her hand out to me. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I can't wait to hear how you charmed my son." She smiled. "But unfortunately, there is a car waiting to take us to the White House. We can't have the President waiting."

"You're Majesty." I bowed, kissing the back of her hand as I was taught.

Then she looked again at her son. "How handsome you are." She ran her hand over his tux. "We could be looking at a new Petro."

Peter nearly blushed again. "I'm still the same Peter, Mom."

She shook her head. "No. You're better." She kissed him on the cheek. Of course, I noted that neither the king or queen had escorts other than a few guards. I wondered, they didn't seem like anything but family...their familiarity with each other gave no indication other than they were friends. Only Peter had the date, which they were not ready for.

Olek and Peter walked a little ways behind the queen and me as they talked, but Queen Alla put her hand in my arm. This was a very familiar thing to do. There were things like...never turning you back and never touch a royal person, which a former First Lady did with Queen Elizabeth, but Queen Alla did it to me. I was surprised, but not bothered.

"Understand." She said softly to me. "It is truly remarkable how Peter has changed, Eric. Not only in appearance, but just his whole personality has changed. He seems more confident." She looked back at her son.

I nodded. "He has," I answered. "When I first met him, he was so shy, if the professor hadn't assigned the project and me to be his partner, I doubt we would have even met."

She smiled and chuckled a little. "It's hard to imagine, the acne he had would prove to be such a hindrance to his confidence. I tried everything I could to help him, but he refused to be with people. He saw what he had as an obstacle. He had such a hard time at a very crucial time in life."

I nodded. "I think it was. He was a puzzle to me. He had the manners and knowledge to fit in, but didn't really use that."

"When he said he wanted a Western Education, I was thrilled, but also terrified." The queen told me. "How could he mix with others of other cultures if he couldn't mix with people in his own culture? I tried talking to him, even bringing a psychologist to see him. Nothing worked!"

"Perhaps that was the key," I suggested. "We were so different, he felt he had a chance."

She smiled. "I bet you had to work on him."

I nodded chuckling. "It was only because of the assignment he had to talk to me and I couldn't give up. I finally got him to laugh."

The queen smiled. "And to find someone that speaks the language as fluently as you do. It had to be fate."

"But he lacks the confidence in situations like this," I said. "He wants to be a part of improving things for Makarovia. He's afraid he'll embarrass not only Makarovia, but you two."

"I know." She bowed sadly. "But, with you helping him, perhaps he'll see that will be avoided. While Olek and I are here in a more statesmen fashion. He feels he's here as just a member of the family, an unneeded person. You will get him to see he's not."

"I'm working on it." I nodded. "I'll do my best."

She stopped and looked at me. "He loves you; I can tell."

I nodded. "He does. I love him."

"So, this is more than just a date with a boyfriend?" She asked, but held her hand up. "Not that I'm asking, are more than a boyfriend."


She gave a look to the ceiling, more as a thank you to God Himself. "I am so thrilled!" She said and...another breech. She hugged me!

Now, I will admit, being at the White House was exciting. I was meeting the President and her husband! That was something I never dreamed I would be doing. The negotiations had been done. This was more of a meeting to get everyone in the room on the same page. There was going to be a joint base on Makarovian soil for the United States, Great Brittan, and a limited amount of other countries. It was almost a United Nations for Makarovia. The UN was not someone who would interfere if another nation wanted to take over Makarovia. Having these forces in place would cause other countries to think again if they didn't want to piss off the United States, Great Brittan or the other assorted countries having their military there. Russia had wanted to be included, but let's just say, Russia's history had proven itself not as trustworthy as some. The USSR had been in control once. Their presence wouldn't be that positive for the people of Makarovia. Especially in light of what they did with Ukraine. And NATO!? Forget it. I was impressed that the king and queen of Makarovia did not show surprise that Peter's choice of a date had bothered them. I wish I could say the same for the others. Our President at this time was a Republican, but she started off as a Democrat and still had some of those views, so there was almost no reaction when I was presented to her. However, when she realized I was American; that did surprise her. The Vice President's eyes narrowed when we were introduced, but he kept his mouth shut. The British did react with surprise, but I let it go, because what could they do? If they were to get anything from Makarovia they couldn't object to who Peter had brought as King Olek and Queen Alla was proud of Peter...and me! I noticed no TV cameras, but there were cameras, but none really focused on Peter or me. It was a good meal! It sort of had to be. This was the White House! It went well! I watched as King Olek and Queen Alla were charming all those at our table. Occasionally, I would see Peter begin to withdraw, but a simple touch...a squeeze of his hand and he came back with a smile to me. He also could be charming. His fear of making a fool of himself was done. I told him; I was there for him. Both King Olek and Queen Alla smiled when I did support Peter that way. The Vice President frowned, which King Olek clearly saw. It was King Olek that brought it up, not Peter or me. Olek had stated that he wasn't going to give his resource for making weapons. What he wanted was to provide what was needed to provide power for hospitals and industry. The King sat back as he looked at the Vice President.

"...I hope those in power realize our country is open and diverse." King Olek said calmly. "Anyone that wanted to stay in Makarovia was welcome to do that. The Hebrew people after World War II...most went back...we don't turn our backs on people regardless of what religion they practice." He then looked more directly at the Vice President. "That includes those of the human race that are homosexual." He said pointedly. "To get something needed, acceptance is sometimes necessary."

The Vice President was embarrassed but cleared his throat. "It's just...there are people here that see homosexuals as unnatural." He said what he'd said in the past about us when he was in Congress.

Queen Alla smiled. "Really?" She said. "Whether you believe it is or isn't is irrelevant. It is. I challenge those who think that way to look around. The number of people that don't seem to worry about gender being the reason to love is huge. Their numbers are in the millions worldwide."

"I dare say in the hundreds of millions." King Olek said. "If there were just a few homosexuals scattered about, I might agree, but millions!?"

Queen Alla nodded. "Whether you believe God created man or nature itself. I say the sheer number of them would tell those people it is very natural." Queen Alla said pointedly to the Vice President. "And in every country and culture even if the country denies there is." I was smiling even bigger but didn't look at the Vice President. The fact that both King Olek and Queen Alla supported Peter, me, and the millions of gay people in the world; I now loved both of them. We were everywhere. There were countries that said there were none, but they had laws on the books to punish those there that did? If there weren't any, why the laws and punishments?

The President looked at her Vice President. "Well, we all need to be more tolerant of others." She knew there were millions of voters out there who would take a stand against her if she said otherwise. Then she guided the conversations elsewhere.

Peter leaned in and whispered. "I told you." He said bumping his head gently to mine.

I smiled. "Yes, you did."

We had a good dinner.

What I found out, both the king and queen had separate jobs. King Olek did the negotiating with foreign powers about trade and other things for Makarovia. Queen Alla was more about the people of Makarovia. The schools and hospital needs and more social things within Makarovia. They were both dedicated to Makarovia, but different aspects. They were friends, but I sensed nothing more. They had jobs to do.

After we got back to the hotel, King Olek and Queen Alla met with us before turning in.

"I'm glad you were here, Peter." King Olek said to his brother. "You both were great assets for us." He looked at me. "He chose wisely to include you tonight." Then he put an arm over Peter's shoulder. "I hope you see that you are a prince of Makarovia, but you're my brother. I love you. I am so happy you found someone." He looked at me. "We'll meet again, I hope."

Peter took my hand. "I hope so, too." He looked at his brother. "I will tell you, I told him I would marry him. I haven't officially asked...I will in the right setting and tradition, but I think he'll be around a very long time. Tonight, was to be sure he wanted to do this."

"You know I will," I said. "I'll be glad to marry you." I grinned. "You have to ask me, though."

Queen Alla did her look to the ceiling again, let out a girly squeal and then she hugged her son. King Olek grinned and came over and hugged ME! Switching places, they hugged both of us.

"Then I say: welcome to the family." King Olek said happily.

Yes, I loved them!

Then we went back to campus. Peter was blossoming but was still somewhat reserved with others. The idea of gays was not new to Boston or areas of the United States. Like King Olek and Queen Alla said at dinner, we were in the millions upon millions around the world. The South was not as tolerant as the bigger cities of the North, but even I had issues with being as open as Peter was with me. We often walked through campus and I smiled as he put his arm around me or would take my hand without even thinking about it. We were a couple. Why hide that? The rest of the world had a long way to go to be as open and accepting as Makarovia. Peter was raised there and didn't see it as a problem.

I had to talk to Carla, my landlord. Peter did feel better at my apartment. It was convenient location wise to the campus. He pretty much moved in. We lived at the house he was using on the weekends. He hadn't been kidding when he told me he liked the apartment and felt at home there.

I looked at my grandma's friend and my landlord. ", should I pay more? He's pretty well moved in."

Carla smiled. "That apartment really is more for one." She said knowing there was a romance going on. "I've seen him come and go. You're both quiet, so there's no problem."

Peter and my joint Economics project got an A minus. Then Christmas came and I was to fly to Ashville to visit my grandmother. I wanted to take Peter to meet her, but there were issues if we did that. Yuri and Boris being one of those issues, mostly Yuri. Peter only had those two here from Makarovia on staff. Yuri was his security. Yuri was thinking he had to come with us.

"I have to keep him safe!" Yuri said again.

"He'll be with me," I told Yuri. "We're going to fly commercially to Asheville. No one really knows who he is right now. We'll be staying with my grandmother. He'll be safe. Having armed security just calls attention."

Yuri didn't like it, but finally gave in; after he gave in, he warned me if Peter was hurt...I'd lose my head! He wasn't joking. You know me and hugs, I hugged the man! He cared about Peter and not just about his job.

Next, I had to tell grandma I was bringing someone with me. I called her.

"I'll be arriving the 23rd," I said. "I'd like to bring someone with me for you to meet."

Grandma didn't even think about it. "Sure." Then I heard the humor in her voice. "I'm gathering this is someone important."

"Yes, very," I said. "I'll tell you everything when we get there."

Flying to Asheville was done, a car was rented and I drove us to the house where grandma lived.

"This is nice," Peter said looking at the large Victoria home on the large lot, the house was surrounded by flowers. He looked at the surroundings and mountains. "It needs sharper, higher mountains, but it's nice." He grinned.

I didn't even have to ring the doorbell as we approached on the porch. Grandma opened the door with a big smile, glad to see me, but wanted to meet who I brought. I said grandma was seventy-two. She had been a ballerina most of her life. She was thin but showed little sign that was a problem as she still held herself straight and proud. Her hair was white now, but it was thick and done upon her head. She was a very beautiful woman. She came, hugging me tightly.

"ПриŃ"ПнО бачити вас, дитина.." She said telling me it was good to see me in Ukrainian.

I nodded and said. "ĐŚĐľ приŃ"ПнО бачити вас, теж, бабуся." Telling her it was good to see her.

She looked up at Peter and smiled.

Then I switched to Makarovian. "This is Peter." I waited for her to hear not only what I said, but what language I used. "He's from Makarovia."

Her eyes showed surprise, but not recognition. Yet.

"Peter Ivanov." I finished said carefully. Like I did, the last name and where he was from told a lot.

"Oh?" She asked now more surprised. While most of the world, including me at first, didn't know where Makarovia was, the people from East Europe did, especially in Ukraine. She looked at Peter carefully. "You're..."

"Yes. He's Prince Petro Ivanov. King Olek's brother."

Her eyes widened. "He is?"

I nodded. "It will probably come out eventually, about his dating someone male and an American."

Grandma nodded. "I see." She put her hand out to Peter who did...what they do. He bowed, took her hand, and kissed it.

"It is an honor to meet you, Mrs. Sams," Peter said.

Grandma smiled. "It's an honor to meet you, Your Highness." She bowed slightly and waved to the door. "I think we should go in. I need to sit down."

Coming in, the house was like it always was to me; elegant and very tidy. Peter and I sat on the couch of her den and without thought, Peter took my hand. Grandma was not shocked, but...her face said she wasn't expecting that.

She sat down slowly. Her mind going over what I'd said. "And you've considered all those ramifications if it does become serious?" She asked me and Peter. "I assume it's more than just a fling."

"I don't do flings," I growled. "You know that."

"You don't." She said and looked at Peter more directly.

"I don't either," Peter said.

I gave a shrugging nod. "This wasn't what I planned for. I was going to get my degree first. I still intend to, but..."

"My grandson wants more." She said to Peter, ignoring me.

"Something permanent," Peter said with a nod. "So, do I."

She nodded. "I mean permanent like marriage."

"I've met his mother and brother," I said, then smiled a little slyly. "It was so fast, I really didn't have time to tell anyone, but I met his family when there was a the White House."

Grandmother looked more surprised. "You had dinner at the White House?"

I nodded. "I did. I met the President and the British Ambassador. The truth is. I know how he feels. I know he loves me, but..."

"My point is..." Grandmother said sitting forward a little more. "This will be an important step for you and Peter if it happens. He may be in love with you. How do you feel?"

"I love him."

She nodded. "You may see him as just a man. But he isn't. I know he's next in the line for the throne of a small kingdom, but it is a kingdom. You will face media scrutiny when this comes out. There's never been a relationship like this. You tell me it's not a fling and you love each other. Can your love handle it?"

I shrugged. "I hope so."

"Know so before you do anything." She cautioned.

Peter smiled. "We have talked about the future." He said. "No one's proposed yet, but...we both know this will be different for everyone. I don't know what life with me will be." He looked at me. "I do love him." He looked at grandma. "I'm not letting him go."

"I do love him." I looked at Peter who smiled at me.

Grandma just looked a moment and just smiled, nodding. "I see that." She rose and came to Peter who stood up. "Welcome, Peter." She was about to hug him but stopped. "Can I hug you?"

Peter answered that question by hugging her. "Anytime." He said. "Thanks for understanding."

Grandma smiled and did what others did stroking his face gently. "Love is so important. Treat as what it is, something very valuable."

We had a great time spending Christmas with my grandmother, but we had to go back to Boston.

The next few days were interesting. Peter and I didn't hide that we were together and most people didn't care. Not that we did anything much to see, but neither of us was concerned. Until...about midways through the Winter Semester, I saw a familiar figure walk toward me across the quad. We'd see each other around campus and we did talk. We even went to a few parties, but since Peter I got together, I didn't go that often.

"Hi, Eric." Ted Dawe greeted and nodded to Peter. "Peter." His tone was telling me he was concerned about something.

"Hi, Ted." I nodded.

"Can I talk to you?" Ted asked and looked pleading. "In private, please. Really, I need to show you something."

Peter nodded and Ted and I walked away a little. He opened his laptop. "I was doing an assignment in my journalism class. Current events and all that shit."

I almost knew what he'd found. It was just a matter of time.

"I was going through some footage about a dinner at the White House." He cued up some footage. "And who do I see right behind the King of Makarovia, which I had to look up, by the way. And who do I see?" The image showed King Olek and Queen Alla well, but right behind them was an image of me and Peter clearly. "So, I looked up some information about this king and his last name is Ivanov. He has a brother named Petro Ivanov. Peter is Prince Petro Ivanov, isn't he?" He pointed at Peter. "Are you really from South Carolina? What's going on?"

I took Ted's arm and led him farther away. "Yes, I'm from South Carolina. I went to high school at James Island High School. I have a grandmother who is from Ukraine. That's why I can speak his language." I looked pleading at Ted. "Peter just wants to be Peter for now."

Ted shook his head. "I don't understand. He's a fucking prince!" He said louder than he wanted attracting Peter's attention, causing him to look curiously.

"Who right now is just a regular guy!" I said urgently.

"Your boyfriend is the prince of Makarovia!" Ted hissed. Then he shook his head. "I don't know what's going on, but it's going to be found out. There are many others in my class and we've all got access to all these files. Someone is going to make a connection." He closed his laptop. "I'm not here to say anything. Really, Peter made himself invisible on campus. What got my attention was you!" He pointed. "Here's a guy I know, at the White House, having dinner with the President of the United States and other country's political heads...this friend never mentioned he'd had fucking dinner with the President to anyone. Not only that, but Germany, French, and Great Britain's Ambassadors were there so it must be big, whatever it was. Makarovia is a tiny country. Why?" He wasn't mad but wanted to find out what was going on. He was a reporter, though.

I didn't want to answer that. "I can't answer that," I said. "It's not my answer to give."

Ted nodded. "So, there is something big going on and you were with King Olek. He knows you're his brother's boyfriend, so does Peter's mother."

"Again, I don't want to say anything."

"NSUNews will find this out!" Ted practically hissed telling me the university's new paper would dig it out. "I'm not threatening you or Peter. I like you, but this is huge. It's going to come out!"

I nodded. "Let me talk to Peter. Then he will decide whether to tell you or not."

"Do it fast," Ted warned and then he sighed. "I'm not trying to get a story, believe me. I want to be a sports newscaster. I don't give a damn who is fucking who as long as it's legal. As I said, I had to look Makarovia up! I mean, Makarovia? Where the hell is that? But something's going on. Tell me, I'll get it out respectfully. I swear."

I nodded. "We'll get back to you this afternoon."

Back in our apartment, Peter was a little annoyed with what I told him. "He just wants a story."

"Peter...he's not that interested. He knows this will be coming out and he wants to warn us or give us the chance to tell what's happening. He's doing as a friend. He could have just printed what he has." I defended. "But if he figured it out, others that are interested in a huge story will. So, it's either Ted or just let it happen. You choose."

He sighed. "We would have control." He nodded. "Okay. We'll tell them about me, and us." He smiled. "But then they tell the world why we were at the White House and what Makarovia's got. I can't do that."

I nodded. "I trust Ted to do as he said. This is going to be a big story in itself. A prince that's gay isn't new, but he admits it!?" I grinned. "We'll be on the cover of Out and The Advocate the next day!" I chuckled. "I don't think it will be that big a deal today. You're next in line for the throne. Your brother had better get busy to create an heir." I joked. "As hard as we try, neither of us is getting the other pregnant."

Peter laughed. "You'll tell him yourself when we go to Makarovia." Then Peter grabbed me, hugging me.

"Me!? You want to me to go to Makarovia?"

Peter smiled. "You're doing it again, repeating what I say. Would you come with me to Makarovia for the summer? We'll be on break." Peter asked. "You can see how pretty it can be. When we marry, it will be your home, too."

"You need to ask me first," I said making Peter chuckle and roll his eyes. My mind had worked on the possibility as the relationship developed. "Okay. I can visit the mines and see what's planned for storage of the rods. I have some ideas for waste disposal and alternatives using spent rods."

Peter's eyebrows rose. "You do?"

"Sure." I nodded. "You'll have a lot of uranium going out. A lot of spent rods and most rods are only five percent used, leaving ninety-five percent left unused. A lot of that can be recycled."


"Sure, most people find it easier to just change the rod and dispose of it, rather than recycle," I said. "I studied it."

Peter nodded. "I understand." He kissed me tenderly. "So, you're coming?"

"I can't wait!" I grinned and tackled him onto our bed kissing him.

We met Ted in his frat house. We followed Ted to the room he shared with one other, that wasn't there. It was a guy's room. Clothing scattered and little cluttered, except for the desk where his computer monitor was on a page preparing to receive what Ted wrote. Peter and I sat on Ted's bed as Ted did the simple niceties as we met with him, like offered a drink, asked how our day was...he was being patient. Then he leveled a look at Peter.

"Why the secret, Peter? You are a prince, so why keep that a secret?"

"When I first got the West." Peter began and I saw a little of that Peter that I first met. I reached over and took his hand, causing him to smile at me and look up again more confident. "I was raised in Makarovia, but I was..." he looked at me, "how do you say...ізгоŃ"Đź?" He did speak English well, but his accent was...not difficult to understand, if you listen.


Peter nodded with a smile. "Thank you...I was outcast." He smiled a little shy and shrugged. "I made myself an outcast." He looked at Ted more directly. "I was unprepared to meet anyone." He looked at me, bumping his forehead against mine lightly. "I wasn't prepared to find Eric. I did and we fell in love." He shrugged. "You now know I'm a prince. You know the title and I can only imagine what you think that means." He chuckled. "I've seen movies. The Princess Diaries? A princess who didn't know she was a princess? Only this is reversed. I knew I was a prince. You didn't. We aren't big country. We don't have the grand palaces and unlimited wealth."

"But you are in line for a throne." Ted said again more as a question.

Peter nodded. "I am." He sighed. "But I am next to the throne. My brother will marry. He will produce the next king or queen. I accepted that a long time ago."

"But right now..." Ted stressed sitting forward. "You are in line. One assassin, a disease or accident; you will be king!"

I looked at Peter. He was very uncomfortable with the idea. "My mother is queen. She would probably step in."

"How old is she?" Ted asked.

Peter nodded. "She is nearly fifty."

"She might buy Makarovia some time, but she can't have another child, can she?" Ted pointed out. "You're it!"

"I know!" Peter said a little louder, not angry, but he knew. He didn't want to think about that. It probably had been on his mind a long time. His hopes that King Olek would marry and have a child was what he held on to all that time. Then he said softer. "I'm sorry." He waved his hand to Ted and rubbed his face. "I know."

Ted tried to understand. "From what I read..." he chuckled, "and really, there wasn't a lot about Makarovia. The throne has had everybody from Ukrainians, several Russians...your mother is Russian." Ted tried to remember what he'd read. "There was a Romanian in there somewhere..." He looked at Peter. "Well...someone has to come up with an heir." He looked at me. "Your boyfriend..."

"He's not my boyfriend," Peter said quickly. "He's my fiancĂŠ."

Ted's eyes widened. "Okay, your fiancĂŠ...what will he be other than your husband? Will he become a prince?"

Peter looked at me. "Yes." He shrugged. "My mother became queen by her marriage to my father. Eric will be a prince by marriage to me."

Okay, I wasn't stupid. I knew there would be something like that, but me? A prince? Hearing Peter say it just sounded...odd to me.

"As I was saying," Peter said quietly. "We aren't a rich country. There have been powers that took control many times. We are independent now and want to stay that way.

Ted nodded. "Yeah, yeah..." he pressed on. "But is Eric going to be in a position to take the throne?"

I sat up a little more when he asked Peter that.

"Your mother did," Ted said logically. "She was Queen Consort, but now is a real reigning Queen!"

"And does a good job." Peter defended.

Ted let out a grunt. "You're not getting it. Maybe you're not understanding what I mean, but I can't speak..." He waved his hand again, "whatever you're speaking to each other." He looked at me. "You could be in line for the throne! Didn't you realize that?"

I shook my head. "I don't want the throne."

Ted again nodded. "Yeah, yeah..." said again. "I understand that, but one more time. A plane crash or something; all of them are gone. You would be next in line if you are left!"

My grandmother was right. I needed to think about the ramifications. I hadn't even been to Makarovia yet.

Peter was now looking at me...he hadn't thought of that either, but recovered. "I have no doubt if that happened..." He said to Ted. "I know he'd do a good job. He already has ideas for improving Makarovia."

Ted nodded and got up as he thought. He turned back. "The big dinner at the White House...what was that about?"

"I can't answer that," Peter said, now not uncertain, but as a ruling member of the royal family. "I will say...there is a reason. It will become public knowledge, but until it does. I won't say."

Ted nodded again. "It must be big, whatever it is."

"It is." Peter agreed.

"Okay. Tell me about your family. Your brother? He is king now."

"Because my father was King," Peter replied. "Our father died when I was about six, my brother, Olek took his place."

"What do you think about life here?" Ted asked. "How does it compare to life in Makarovia?"

"I wasn't ready for life here. After my father died, I was kept at the palace and taught there. Until I got here because Eric didn't know who I was then...I'd never even seen the inside of a mall. I'd seen them on TV, but was never able to go."

"Really?" Ted asked.

"Yes." Peter nodded. "That's why I liked being just a man here. With the freedom to go where I wanted to go. I would not give that up." Then he looked a little uncomfortable. "And there was..." he was searching for a word again. "How do you say Спотворення жорстоке?"

I frowned and argued in Makarovian. "You were not disfigured!"

"I was!" Peter argued back.

"Guys!" Ted said urgently. "English speaking person here. I have no idea what you just said."

"He thinks he was disfigured." I said to Ted. "His acne."

Ted nodded. "Oh." Then he shrugged. "I've seen worse. There were no real zits or blackheads."

"You can't have." Peter snorted. "I had it all over." He motioned over his chest.

"His acne was a form of acne called Conglobata Acne. He's still undergoing treatment."

"So, it was more than just zits." Ted said to confirm.

"No, much worse." I said.

Ted nodded, but was ever the reporter. "Let's go back. You and Eric going to marry, right?"

Peter nodded.

"There's only one that is a prince and came out as gay." Ted said. "That was in India, I think. There are plenty people in royal families that are gay, but it's kept secret. Or at least try to. You're not even trying to hide it! Just that alone is going to attract serious attention."

Peter and I explained why Makarovian society was more tolerant.

"So, there would be no objection." Ted said. "No one objects to you two getting married?" He grinned. "Not that I proposing you do, but my cousin married his partner when it became legal. You guys will do that. Publicly."

Peter nodded. "Of course." Then he looked a little smug. "It was never illegal Makarovia for anyone to marry."

I rolled my eyes when Peter said that and looked at Ted. "We're not as evolved as they are, apparently." I grinned at Ted. "When we told his brother and mother, they were very happy about it."

Ted rose from his computer chair and did a slow circle, thinking. "Really!?" He was getting excited about the story he was going to break. "Oh, this is going to be huge!" He looked at us again. "I don't know what's happening with the White House and all those other countries there with you...that will be big, you say. This alone is going to be enormous!" Then he sat down again. "Just to be correct when I write this..." Ted scrunched his face. "Your mother is not King Olek's mother, right?"

"No." Peter chuckled. "Olek's mother died. My mother is our father's second wife."

Ted nodded with a grunt and then pressed on. "No one in Makarovia will object to a gay king."

"No," Peter said.

I thought a second. "The problem was always about the line of succession. There are other ways to have a child now."

Peter nodded to me. "There is."

I brightened. "Maybe we could use that with Olek."

Peter smiled. "I was just thinking that."

"I guess we need to contact your brother."

Ted looked at the two of us. "This story will be in school paper tomorrow." He warned. "It's connected to the national feed. This is one big secret that will come out like gangbusters."

"Gangbusters?" Peter repeated. "I don't know that word."

"Later." I kissed him quickly.

We went back to Peter's temporary home to make the call. We sent a request to King Olek asking him for a video call. It wasn't long before we got the reply for us to make it happen. It was a secure channel, that's why we came here to use their computer. This way we could not only hear King Olek, but see King Olek. Say what you will, but King Olek was a very handsome man! He had that black hair, a trait he shared with his brother. Whatever else, the two Ivanov men were obviously athletic. You could tell not only in the way King Olek's clothes and Peter's clothes fit. Now that Peter was wearing clothes to see that.

"To what do I owe this call from my favorite brother?" Olek greeted amicably. They might have different mothers, but the two were close.

Peter grinned as his brother and his friendly greeting. "Well, the news about Eric and me is going to come out tomorrow."

King Olek nodded. "Hello, Eric." He greeted. "I take it things are still good between you two still." He said but had no doubting it wasn't good.

Peter chuckled. "They are. What you and mother said at the White House...thank you. However, that isn't worldwide."

King Olek nodded. "There will be countries that don't like that." King Olek simply shrugged. "But we have a resource now that if they want part of it, they can't say a word about it." He said simply

Peter nodded. "Has the time for the world to know what that resource is going to be soon?"

"Forces are arriving this week." King Olek said softly. "Soon there will be a military presence on Makarovian soil. We have gotten word of potential adversarial presence trying to find out what that is about."

"Potential adversaries? Like who?" I asked.

"Ukraine and Russia. I don't even have to guess about them." Olek said a little terse.

"Spies," I said.

"Precisely, but with a kingdom this small, strangers in our midst are easy to spot." King Olek nodded. "And there has been a gathering of Russia's troops near our eastern border."

"The eastern border; in what country?" I asked trying to remember the map. "Slovakia? Poland?"

King Olek smiled when I knew that. "Poland. From what I've been told, they are just having..." he did the air finger quotes, "exercises." He shook his head. "I don't want to have happened what they did to Ukraine."

"That would be tough to stop, Your Highness." I nodded.

King Olek laughed lightly and looked closer in the camera. "Okay, Mr. Richards." He said mockingly formal. "I think under the circumstances...the titles and all that should go. I'm Peter's brother. I will be your brother." He smiled again relaxed. "I'm Olek to you. Okay?"

"Sure." I nodded happy it was all so...friendly. He was a nice guy.

"Russia wouldn't dare an incursion!" Peter stated in disbelief.

Olek chuckled. "Oh, yes they would, but having the presence of American, British and German forces here will keep them at bay."

Peter nodded his head. "When everyone believed we were nothing but a burden, they threw us away to fend for ourselves."

"Now, they want us back," Olek said. "They just don't know why yet."

"But with other powers there, they won't risk it," I said nodding.

"They still might try. The Ukrainians and Russians will think they are entitled to it." Olek shrugged. "At least with Western forces there, they will think twice rather than cause an International Event. So far, there are America and British forces and promises to ensure our right to govern ourselves. Half of the profits we keep, the other fifty percent they are splitting and negotiations are continuing."

"With the German and French?" Peter asked.

"They say they will help, but I don't sense that's their true stance. If we let up a fraction, I think they could threaten us, too." Olek confessed. "That's why I insisted all meetings be recorded and stored in a few places. No one will be able to deny what has been proposed. The other countries will ensure the other country complies."

I nodded. "Wise."

"Crucial." Olek pointed out that correction. "Now, about this story coming out about you and Peter, don't worry about it." He chuckled. "But it will be momentous! You will become the first couple like you to openly marry...for love."

"So, I've been told often today."

Peter looked at me. "It's not too late." He said softly. "We don't have to go forward with our plans."

"We really don't have any plan except to marry." I couldn't believe it! "We can't break up!?" I stood up. "How can you think that would work? I fell in love with Peter, not Prince Petro. I'm not breaking up with you. Are you saying you want to break up with me?"

"No." Peter shook his head. "But I'm considering you. This may be more than you bargained for."

I sat by him again. "No couple has a clear shot at life. There will be problems. This is ours. I gave my heart to you. I don't want it back." I looked at him. "We joked around, but you did ask me to marry you. I said yes!"

Peter pulled me back down beside him grinned, bumping his forehead to mine gently. "I don't want to give your heart back." Then he looked at Olek. "So, when are you going to get serious with someone?"

Olek looked surprised. "How could I? How can I? I've been busy."

Peter nodded. "I know. But we have to plan for a future in Makarovia. If the monarchy is to survive, we need to do things. Like marry and produce an heir. Do I need to explain that biologically? Perhaps make a diagram of what to do?"

Olek chuckled. "Since the discovery of our Uranium, I've done all I can to do, always thinking; what's best for Makarovia? The women I meet are too fleeting. We go out, we don't see one another often enough to form a relationship, but I've made inquiries..." Then he frowned. "A diagram? I know what to do and have done it a few times..." Then he called Peter a word I didn't know in Ukrainian, Russian or any word I knew in Makarovian.

Peter looked at me and whispered. "That's Makarovian for wiseass."

"Oh." I nodded but was smiling at Peter's and Olek's exchange. They were really and truly brothers! They didn't just love each other. They liked each other. They were good friends.

Peter chuckled when he looked back at Olek. "Well, I wanted to make sure you knew. Women love a stud like you."

Olek, only a few times laughed heartily, but he did now. "A Stud!?" He did sit a little straighter. "Perhaps, but shouldn't there be love? You have to become friends with another person for love to form. I haven't had time."

Peter smiled. "But needs to be done. If the monarchy is to survive."

Olek nodded sadly but looked at his brother. "Should it survive?"

I was surprised to hear Olek say that.

"Why shouldn't it survive?" Peter asked.

"A monarchy was a good idea, when countries were small, like Makarovia. Now you have countries like the United States, a monarchy would be hard to maintain, but in Makarovia which is poor financially, and an education isn't always possible, but most graduates manage to go to colleges outside Makarovia and stay because they are offered jobs. Careers. They don't come back. Now we have a chance to educate and keep what we ourselves grew. Why, right now, we are building more schools, hospitals, and libraries in the bigger towns. Our country is old. The cities and towns are old. We will be making money soon, we can begin improvements, create business and industry...more than smelting iron ore. Is there anyone in our country that you would think would make a good leader right now? A President? Anyone?"

Peter grimaced. "Not really."

"Anyone who would have been a good candidate moves away and never comes back." Olek smiled and looked closer at the screen. "This monarchy has another generation or two, but we need to have governors, mayors and that needs teachers. And to be honest, I was looking for you as a possible contributor for the succession. Eventually, there won't be a monarchy in Makarovia."

Peter nodded. "And I still can, and so can you. We discussed this, Eric and I...there are other ways to create an heir."

Olek nodded. "I've thought of it." He grinned. "I'm just thrilled you are interested in this, Peter." He shook his head. "For years you didn't seem interested in anything to do with the upkeep of Makarovia. It's hard work. It was a brave decision to go to the West to get an education. I'm glad to see it's paying off."

Peter nodded. "I was a bit antisocial, but loyal to Makarovia."

"I know you are loyal. Antisocial? Ya think?" Olek said ya think in perfect English.

I laughed at his joke. "That was pretty good, Your Highness."

Olek grinned. "Olek!" He growled and shook his head.


"Now his mother...." He held the sound of dread. "I still feel like I should call her Your Majesty or something even today! It took me five years before I could call her Alla."

I smiled. "I don't think I could ever do that."

"No." Peter smiled at me. "It may be possible she will let you call her Mom."

"Until someone asks me officially, that's all moot," I said in English. I didn't know the word for moot in Makarovian.

Peter and Olek chuckled. But Peter bumped foreheads with me. "You know I love you."

"I do."

Olek cleared his throat. "Well, don't worry about the media coverage. It'll all be good. We'll handle it on our end." He looked seriously at us. "Be ready on your end."

"We will do our best," Peter assured. "We just wanted to warn you," Peter said. "Well, that done. I'll see you back in Makarovia."

"Did you invite Eric?" Olek asked hopefully.

"He did," I said. "I look forward to seeing Makarovia. What I've gotten from the internet about Stryia shows a charming city."

Olek chuckled. "Charming. I suppose it is. If I don't see you sooner, I'll see you there." He looked at Peter. "I love you, Peter."

Peter nodded. "I love you, too." He smiled.

"I'm really starting to love you, Eric," Olek said. "You'll be a welcomed asset to this family."

"I'm loving you and Queen Alla," I said.

"We'll talk again," Olek said and cut the connection.

Peter grinned at me. "So, what do you want to do now?"

I smiled a little slyly. "I was thinking...about leading you further down the road to debauchery. Have you ever been to a night club?"

"A night club."

I nodded. "As this will be your last night as just plain Peter, we need to end this with a bang. Tomorrow you'll be Prince Petro of Makarovia to everyone on campus and probably Boston. Does that sound okay?"

Peter frowned a little. "I've never been to a night club. I've seen them in movies....but..."

"I chose one that's geared for us," I said.

Peter grinned at me. "Wow, they have a night club for men to come out as a prince and gay?"

I gave him a friendly swat. "If I didn't love you, I'd kick your royal ass." I pulled him close and got serious. "Now...about what you said..." I kissed him gently. "I love you, Peter." I saw him smile at that. "You and I are going to marry. Please, don't ever doubt that. This is new to me. When you mentioned we didn't have to go through with this...relationship...that bothered me."

Peter bowed his head a little, but I pulled his face back up for him to look at me.

"I just know..." Peter began. "This life I asked you to join with me will require more than just walking down the aisle."

"You thought this would scare me away from you?" I asked.

He shrugged a little. "It might have." He saw my face and hurried on. "You're not just going to marry me! You're be married to Makarovia. I would have asked you sooner, but..." he again shrugged, "...there was that dinner." He brightened. "Which you did great!" He kissed me. "You kept me from making a fool of myself..."

"Peter," I said in sort of warning.

He nodded. "I said I wouldn't...but there were a few times, I began to retreat, I know it. You pulled me back!"

I pulled him into a hug and held him there. "I don't know what happened to you. I don't know how you felt growing up." I said softly. "But never..." I said firmly, but softly, "...I mean never doubt my love for you. I will always be at your side. I won't ever leave you."

I heard his hitch in breathing and felt him tighten his hold on me. "Just keep telling me that."

"I do better than that, Peter," I said quietly. "I will prove it, by doing what I said. I'm not leaving you."

There's nothing sexier someone a little vulnerable. He needed me and I needed him. I had begun to get a better, clearer understanding of Peter; his issues with that horrible acne and his lack of trust and no confidence, I understood more. His father dies when Peter was five. His mother was Queen and had obligations. His brother was King and also had obligations. I understood that in his time of emotional need, he was often alone. The acne just forced him to stay away and hidden from the world. Developing social skills and coping skills requires interacting with people. The paradox was...he was taught what to say and do socially. He knew what was required. Add to the fact, a mother that was super beautiful and very confident, but had things she had to do. Then a brother that was very handsome and also very confident, but also very busy with duties and obligations. At a time when a person's personal confidence is at its lowest as a budding teenager and he stayed away from people because of his medical condition. It was a wonder he found the courage to even venture to Boston to go to school. He had abandonment issues. His mother and brother loved him very, very much...that was evident, but Peter's very soul seemed to be damaged. If by telling him over and over that I loved him helped, I'd do it gladly. I knew that the most important thing was if I did what I said. I could never abandon him. I would help him heal.

I kissed him deeply and then held him back a little. "You're going to dress a little...more..." I grinned, "sexy."

Peter grinned. "I am?" He looked down at what he had on. "What should I wear? I've never been to a night club."

I nodded. "I'll put it out." I kissed him quickly and then stopped. "You can dance."

Peter gave a shrug and nod. "I my room to videos and music."

"Good enough."

It was colder now in Boston. He looked sharp in the electric blue shirt and leather jacket. Not a bomber jacket or anything like a biker, but a nice black leather coat. The black pants that showed he had a nice butt! The pants just hugged his butt showing he had a very good shape. I wore a nice red shirt and black pants.

I had done some research and found a nice club near the Northeastern campus. Jocks! There was Hooters where assets of women were in the name and we had Jocks! Perfect name for a gay club, that or they could call it The Banana Hammock. It was not far, but I drove us over to Jocks. I looked at Peter as we approached the club's entrance hand in hand. He was staring at the people going in...all guys in various...couples or hoping to become a couple with a lone guy there...even if for one night. It was near a major university, so most of the guys were at least legally old enough to drink, but young. There were the daddies there, but with younger men. Peter was smiling we heard the fast-paced music and bass thumping rhythm. This was unknown territory for Peter. He said he'd seen clubs on TV, but he was here now.

"Do you want to do this?" I asked him.

He nodded readily. "Absolutely!" He smiled at me. "This is exciting!"

Inside the music was naturally louder, but we could make out the tune better. It was music to dance to, which many guys were doing. Hanging our coats up, I grabbed Peter's hand and led him out on the dance floor. Peter was looking a little more nervous. He wasn't feeling the freedom yet. But he might if I supported him.

"You don't have to dance at all if you don't want to," I said loud so he could hear me. I waved at the other guys. "There are good dancers and really bad dancers." I waved toward a guy...I'm sorry, but he really didn't have a sense of rhythm, but he was smiling and enjoying being with his date! "No one will care," I said pulling his face toward me and kissed him gently to take his mind off the other guys. "If you want, focus on me. Dance for me." I pressed my forehead to his and looked in his grey-green eyes.

He smiled, shrugged, and began to move. It didn't take too long before he and I were dancing up a real sweat! He was good at dancing! All that time back home dancing to videos and music paid off!

I don't know how long it was, but I was getting winded. "Let's get a drink," I said regulating my breath.

Peter nodded but was breathing a little harder as I was. He threw his arm around me. "This is fun!"

"That's what the place is for!" I said as we walked to the bar. "It used to be the only place those of us who are gay had to gather, meet and have fun. This is like that, but freer. They have clubs in Makarovia?"

He shrugged. "I don't know." He said sadly. "I never went. I'm sure there are."

"With as many gay guys welcome in Makarovia; there has to be." I smiled. "And you and I find out and will go there! If they don't, we'll start one." I wondered if The Banana Hammock would translate in Makarovian?

I wasn't a big drinker, but there were a few drinks that I liked. White Russians were my favorite. Naturally, it's Russian! (I know, it's just a name. The only thing Russian was the vodka.) I loved many things, but I loved someone that had Russian in him. Knowing Makarovian history better, I know he had a lot of Russian in him.

Drinks got and I heard the call of nature. I moved closer to Peter's ear. "I'll be right back."

Going into the bathroom, I chuckled at what I found there. I wasn't surprised. There were guys here, but they weren't having to use the bathroom at all, but it was quieter so they could have conversations. The booths were being used, but not for doing what it was there for. Then again, may they were. But four legs in one booth, facing the same way with pants loose or toward their ankles? I just hoped they were being safe. I headed back to Peter. The club was crowded, I winded through bodies until I saw Peter...he was holding his hands up to stop someone. I saw who it was...Brad. The guy at the frat house that Ted and he shared. The guy who asked me if I wanted to have fun with him that night? The ass? Brad was getting dangerously close to Peter who was shaking his head, but Brad reached down and stroked the front of Peter's pants at the crotch! I instantly closed the distance, grabbed Brad to turn him around and punched him as hard as I could in the face making him spin around, almost colliding with others who were watching it happen at the bar. His hand came up holding his mouth and nose.

"Don't you ever touch my fiancĂŠ like that again!" I shouted to Brad with my fists still held to go again. Peter put his hands on my shoulders.

"It's okay," Peter said in Makarovian.

"No, it isn't," I shouted back, not angry at Peter, but Brad. "No means no! Ted told you that when we met, Brad. I told you no and Peter told you no."

Brad turned wiping his nose as red stained his hand. "You think you can take me!?" He shouted coming toward me.

I cocked my head. "You want to find out?" I came closer to Brad, yes, I was up to the challenge. Right now, I could kill him!

We were all jumped, startled at a loud "BANG!" Turning to the bar, one of the bartenders had a...bat? It was long and wooden, shaped like a bat...kind of. It was shorter. Bigger than cop's billy club and it wasn't being used to hit baseballs.

"Knock it off, Brad!" The bartender shouted. "No." He shook his head. "Leave, right now." He pointed with his bat toward the door. "Leave or I will throw your ass out and bar you from coming in here again!"

Brad looked as if he was going to take on the bartender. I stepped in front of Brad. "We can go outside and you can see if I can take you." Looking in his eyes and slight stagger. "You're drunk again! Ted told me you were an ass. Jesus, you are pathetic!"

The bartender was coming over the bar. "No." He was big! I mean very big. "Do what you want outside, but for now..." he grabbed Brad by the shirt and drug him towards the door.

I turned to see Peter smiling at me and even laughing lightly. "My hero!" He grabbed me in a hug. He pulled my right hand up and looked at my knuckles, then brought my hand up and kissed the slightly damaged knuckle. "I was fine." He said grinning. "I could have beaten him."

I nodded. "I'm sure you could, but nobody touches you without your permission. I just saw red."

Again, languages are tricky and translation was not always accurate. Direct translations, like red or green don't mean the same things. "Red? A color again?" But his eyes widened as he got it. "Oh, yes. Red. Anger. Like a red thing the matador uses to make the bull angry. I get it." He grinned hugging me again and kissed me gently. "I love you."

The bartender came back...without Brad. "You two okay?"

Peter didn't let me go but nodded. "We're fine."

"Did I hear you say fiancĂŠ? Does that mean you're getting married?" The bartender asked smiling.

"When he officially asks me." I grinned and saw Peter roll his eyes again.

"Huh?" The bartender asked.

"It's complicated. He asked me and I said yes." I said. "We are getting married."

"Congratulations?" The bartender was a little mystified.

"You'll understand when the NSUNews comes out in the morning," Peter said again accented in English. "You do get that here?"

The bartender grinned. "Of course! Most of my clientele comes from Northeastern. I advertise in it."

I nodded. "Read it in the morning." I grabbed what little was left in my glass then turned to Peter. "Another dance, or do we head home?"

Peter smiled. "Home. With you, I'll always be home." He looked at the dance floor. "Maybe a dance or two more." He said. "And then we'll go home, and you and I can touch all we want. We have our permissions." He kissed me again. "I love you, Eric."

"I love you, Peter."

Next: Chapter 3

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