Makarovia? Where the Hell Is That!? Northeastern University

By Richard McQueen

Published on Feb 18, 2022


Story: Makarovia! Sure, I Know Where That Is

Chapter 23 Big Friends

Author: Eric McQueen (

Adult Readers, Sexual Situations, Sex

Freedom of expression is precious. To do that Nifty needs help. Your donation is greatly desired. Give to or this story ends and all the others! That would be a crime!

Our honeymooners return to Big's and bring Boris and Yuri to meet Pano, Barry, Edger, and the other friends at Big's. They tried to be careful, but tragedy happens.

Big Friends

Makarovia truly was doing some things no other country would do. Peter's and my wedding was just one example as the marriage was accepted. Now, we had another situation where a woman was to give birth to a king's child. That was not usual. Kings often had children outside of their marriage. In the past a king sometimes came by after the child was born and what he did spoke volumes. If he even picked up the baby, he was acknowledging that he was the father. I knew of one where a king wanted a son, but his queen kept failing to do so. His mistress did give him a son. That king not only picked the baby up, but said to everyone there, the baby was his son. The child Helga and Olek created would be welcome, too.

With modern medicine the birth was not as dangerous such as in the past. Helga's previous abortion would cause no problem if it was properly done. There was only a little concern about her being sick, but morning sickness was just common with ladies. Very few didn't get sick in the first trimester.

Dinner was going to happen in the Mess area again. The mystery of what Henri was serving went away gradually. It was Asian. You could tell that from the wonderful odors.

It was also clear if you didn't like seafood or were allergic you would starve to death here. The thing about allergies, you really weren't born with them. Mom or Dad pass on the sensitivities, but the first time you experience anything, you're not allergic. That's a fact. Your body identifies something as abnormal flora or fauna (animal or plant) and causes the adverse reaction. You can love something for years and suddenly react. What your Mom and Dad gives you, your body says, "Oh, I heard about that. We need to get rid of it." That was a very simple explanation of a complex thing. It's still true.

People that say they don't like it, in my opinion, are just mentally ill. My opinion! You can agree or disagree, that's your opinion. You have a prefect right to be wrong.

Henri served Spring Rolls! Those smaller, tender eggrolls that had a little, light crunch when you ate one. They were time consuming things to make. He had help with Gretchen and Nita. I didn't have to ask if Boris helped. If it's noon, you don't have to go outside to know the sun is up.

No. I don't want any long explanations or scenarios on how it could be noon and sun was not up. It will be.

The Spring Rolls were...perfect. Steam rose up when you bit into one and while you fanned your mouth to take in more, the delicious taste just surrounded you. I suspected Boris and Henri were Southerners at heart. They knew the real, tasty experience was in the sauce or gravy. Shrimp were in the rolls and they were delicious. They were even better with the individual ramekins of sweet brown sauce or sweet red sauce. The yellow sauce will bring tears to your eyes. It did with me. It was phenomenal, but the tears were due to the sweet, hot, and spicy mustard. Henri had made an Asian meal before and once again that little man came out, bowed and rang a gong. That made them Southern Asians?

The main course was a lemon and ginger shrimp and scallops. With our agents and their appetites, I just hoped there some left in the Mediterranean Sea. The noise level increased and everyone was having a nice time. Then I noticed Rolph looking...a little unhappy.

"What's wrong?" I asked him. "You don't seem to be very happy."

He looked startled and shook his head. "No, I'm happy..."

I waited and I frowned. "There must be something in Makarovian upbringing that causes all of these pregnant pauses. Say it!"

Rolph pointed at Yuri. "I'm sorry, but I heard you talk with King Olek. You said you were moving us as a team to the West." Remember, the U.S., Canada, England, many countries were "West."

Yuri nodded. "That's right. I did." He looked at me. "The chemistry of this group is exceptional. Don't you agree?"

I nodded. "I do."

Rolph shook his head. "I'm gone from my family for weeks at a time," He said sadly. "It's what I do but you're talking about being gone from the end of August until the end of November. I don't want to be gone that long."

Yuri nodded, "You don't think you can."

"No," Rolph almost wailed. "Would you leave Boris for three or four months?"

Yuri's face had a little humor, but you needed to know him to see it. I did. "That is a problem."

I looked at Yuri. "Yuri." I said in a quiet mutter. He was like a cat toying with a mouse before killing it. That meant Yuri was secure enough to tease Rolph. He was trying.

"The problem is, Eric," Yuri said to me. "Hearing a conversation like that, Rolph; you don't get the whole story."

I didn't raise my head, but I looked up at Yuri. "Yuri." I said gruffly again.

"And he didn't hear the whole the entire conversation," Yuri said to me. "I thought this was a great team." He looked at Rolph. "I was going to talk to you first, but..." He shrugged.

I chuckled. Yuri was enjoying this. "Just tell him, Yuri. You're enjoying the torture too much."

Yuri looked at Rolph. "How would Andreea feel about staying in Boston a while?"

Rolph's eyes widened. "Boston!?"

Yuri waved at Peter and me. "They have another couple of years at Northeastern." He shrugged. "The comradery is a benefit. The way all of you get along so well; I suggested we keep you all together. King Olek agreed we should."

"Andreea can come, too?" Rolph asked.

Yuri nodded. "And Alina and Darla."

Rolph's mouth dropped open.

"I understand Darla will be in school," Yuri said.

"She finished her Doshkilʹne," Rolph said. "Alina starts in the Fall."

Yuri nodded again. "How's their English?" He went on quickly. "Our agents are provided housing paid by Makarovia. The same will be done for you." He shrugged. "Darla can go to an English speaking school or we can provide a connection to Makarovia and attend school that way. You decide." He looked at his plate and then looked up quickly. "Oh, you need to hold off on the divorce and remarriage a while."

Rolph's mouth was still open.

"How does the saying go?" Peter asked me. "Something about things flying in an open mouth."

"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies," I replied.

"Uhm,'' Peter looked at Rolph and jutted his head in my direction. "What he said."

Yuri smiled. "You've got four weeks to decide. Talk with Andreea. Four more weeks we leave for Boston."

You might think we spend too much. We, as in Makarovia. I was Makarovian now so I was part of the "we." We sort of have to. If Makarovia had remained a nearly forgotten country we would have less security. There was just Yuri that escorted Peter to class and only four guards.

Now that Makarovia had a valuable resource we just had to have more security. More guards meant the housing need increased. Carla Bowers, Ms. Nonoise, who rented me an apartment two years ago, was now renting some apartments to our guards in Boston. Makarovia was paying the bill for that. I knew Ms. Bowers didn't rent to people with children. In case you didn't know; children make noise! Even having gotten to know Rolph only a little while I couldn't imagine any child of his wouldn't make noise. The picture of them he showed us showed two very happy children. Expressions were a body language and they spoke of no trauma at all. That still photograph spoke of an effervescence brought on by the love of their parents. As wacky as Rolph's and Andreea's love was; they loved each other and their children. So what if Rolph and Andreea made marriage a game. It worked for them. If I guessed, Olek and our life manager Don Wilson were negotiating a deal. The United States Government wanted something we had. They were helping us get the uranium and defending our borders. They would help getting an apartment or condo.

Okay, you just saw my say guards. There are agents and guards. Some guards became agents. I had to learn the difference and there is a big difference. A guard does what he's called. He stands guard. He protects property and fends off attacks from criminals. They were in Boston doing that now. Agents did the same thing, but did it for Peter, me, Olek, Helga, and Mom. The guards did include some female guards. The female agents were assigned to Mom and Helga. Someone had to be able to escort Mom into the Lady's Room. I never doubted Helga could kick ass. Mom probably could, too. Just as I insisted our agent dressed more casually to blend in except when the situation called for the agents needed to be seen. The agents assigned to Mom looked more like Ladies in Waiting but could kick ass. Again, I will tell you; gay. Remember? I have no problem with female guards or agents. Yes, I prefer the company of men even platonically. I loved Mom, Helga, Grandma, and some women in Makarovia and Boston, but given a choice; I'll pick males.

You never see a boat or ship speed. I take that back. There are boats that can move quickly over water. The fast, long, and sleek ones were cigarette boats. First called that during Prohibition and used to get away from pursuit. Australia has one that could travel almost seventy miles an hour. That's miles per hour, not kilometers.

The problems with that were they guzzled fuel to do that. The other problem is the water on the ocean, seas, or even lakes didn't always cooperate. Rough water happened. I've seen the boats race and flip over because of it. The water wasn't a smooth road. These boats were made with sleek bottoms. When the boats jumped because of the water, the air going by picked up the boat and it flipped.

We parted ways with the Italian Navy Cruiser and entered the waters of Greece. Yuri had his laptop computer was ready. The wires needed were ready and Yuri clipped clamps from the computer to the exposed cables.

"And the Pensiero Positivo is born," Yuri said proudly.

Peter smiled. "I got a part of that."

"Positive thinking," Yuri translated smiling at his cleverness.

"This will work?" Earl asked.

Yuri gave a shrug. "It should. We'll see when we get to Athens without being stopped or followed."

We had another game night. This time the female crew members joined us. With all people playing we got one of the decks I had hidden to coax the guys out. They had the same backing so none know what anybody had in their hand. Like Spades; you had a partner and made bids. Peter and I weren't allowed to be partners. Boris and Yuri weren't either. They claimed we could read our husbands' minds and gave us an unfair advantage. I was partnered with Yuri and Peter with Boris.

The female crew members insisted they be partners. In a bad decision, we let them. They beat all of us badly. Maybe women made better pirates.

The Corinth Canal never closed. Modern ships were now bigger than the Canal was wide. I said that before, didn't I? The canal was becoming a tourist attraction now. However, the four mile distance was a lot shorter. I had been amazed, and yes a little nervous at what I considered a tight squeeze in the daytime. I would have been even worse at night. The canal had lights and so did the Duchess; or rather, the Positive Thinking. Maybe we should we say The Positive Thinker? Oh, who cares? The name is just temporary.

I also have to say, what Yuri did was nothing short of brilliant. The Automatic Identification System sent the satellites the signal; about a different ship. It still had a registry number, the length and tonnage was just a little different so if we were seen, which we would be, no one suspected enough to investigate more intensely.

Pano and Barry were going to be at Big. It wasn't a Monday. Open daily except Monday.

Yes, I know you remember that. I'm just reminding everyone.

Yuri removed his filament from the AIS. We didn't want to deceive anyone in Greece. We wanted them to keep liking and even loving us. We certainly did love them. I said it many times. "I love Greece!"

We got to Pireas as the sun began to rise. I have to guess about that because we were asleep. We got a berth almost where we had been in the last time. It offered us an easier access to land and allowed us to load and unload if necessary. The only things unloaded were us and garbage. Yes, there was garbage. Any sewage got processed and discarded safely and properly. Byproducts had to be discarded too, but not that often. Every tube of toothpaste had to be thrown away from the container the tube came in to the tube itself when empty. Many things that took a few minutes more were recycled. This was a very green yacht. (You know I'm not talking about the color.) Appreciation for the Count and Countess von Bar just grew each day. The future step-uncle in-law Alexi and future step-aunt in-law Maria were environmentally conscience. That made big points with me and brought my respect of them higher. I had to meet them. I knew they'd come to the wedding for Mom and Mario, but who knew when that would be? It was inevitable as Peter and my wedding had been. Was there going to be a Proposal? I didn't think so. He was marrying a citizen of Makarovia but wasn't working for Makarovia, but I know he did. Not really for Makarovia, but for Queen Alla. Offering help in a situation with Peter and I had helped her son. That was to make points with Mom. Not Peter or me and not for Makarovia. He does get a title if he wants. Dad! You know I do this. I made his sister an aunt because she was Mario's sister. He was the connection in all this.

We had promised our agents we weren't leaving the Duchess until we went to Big. They had time to do what they wanted to in Athens. Of course, Henri went to see what was left at the open fish market. Boris had gone with him. Henri was talking about going to be late arriving. He hoped enough vendors had enough left when they got there.

"When does Henri sleep!?" Peter balked after hearing about the early hour he was going.

I shrugged, "He seems well rested when we see him. He must get what he needs."

Again, we got up late morning, cleaned up and went to retrieve our coffees. It wasn't surprising to see Boris instead of Henri. It wasn't surprising to see Yuri with Boris. It wasn't surprising to see Boris and Yuri kissing. Comparing how Yuri kissed in front of Peter and me, mostly in front of me. After I found out he and Boris were married; there had been a real turn around for the duty and protocol bound man. Yuri was relaxed and not worried now. They had witnessed Peter and I kiss often.

Boris smiled still holding on to Yuri. "Henri's checking on things we got at the market in storage." He pointed at the galley around him. "He told me what he planned and premade if you got up. It'll be ready in forty-five minutes."

Peter grinned. "Why so long? Henri does it very quickly."

Boris nodded, "This isn't my kitchen." He said on the border of being testy. "I have to look for things. I don't just know where they are."

I rolled my eyes and turned to Peter. "Remember what grandpa said. That isn't keeping a key group close. Boris will be cooking again for us."

Boris chuckled. "After all this time I know what he's doing." He let Yuri go. "I know what you want first." He turned to begin making the coffees.

"Henri never showed us how, or I would do it." I said.

Boris shook his head. "Well, you would be tinkering in his about domain. It's what he's paid to do."

Peter nodded. "He said that."

Yuri grinned. "Job security," He looked us. "So, what's so special about this Big Bar?"

"Pano and Barry," Peter said simply.

"Don't forget Edger," I reminded.

"No one could forget Edger," Peter assured with a laugh.

I added. "Pano is Greek born man that lived quite a few years in Canada and speaks English like a native. Barry is his partner who is Canadian born Greek..." Explaining would time consuming. "You'll see."

We were concerned about the security again and asked Mikell a few days before if arrangements for what we had last time could done again. He made arrangements. The paparazzi had seen the ship we left on. Now that is was back, did that mean we were back? We didn't show ourselves during the day, but people did get on and off, but not us. That didn't mean anything really. Yuri and Boris had gone out on the deck and could be seen. If the paparazzi were smart, which I've never heard them being accused of being smart, they knew we did things to fool them. Such as our vanishing at the restaurant or our coming to Big's. This was Mikell's job and he was trusted.

Lunch or whatever was again following the theme. This time it was barbeque shrimp on French bread. It was an open face sandwich with quite a few shrimp and the juices soaking into the bread. Next to Henri and Boris I just heated things up to eat. I did know about styles of cooking.

When Henri came to check on us; and he should know we were always in love with what he cooked, I asked him. "Out with it." I pointed at the plate. "This is not French."

Henri didn't look offended, but a little surprised. "I am French. I made it. What makes you say it isn't French?"

"It a bit spicy, which I love," I pointed at him. "The barbeque had heat and not from the stove or oven. French food isn't spicy at all. There is lots of flavor, but mostly wine, cheese and breads."

Henri nodded. "You're right, but it is French...sort of." He smiled as I fixed a glare on him. "It was created by a French chef in New Orleans. It's not Cajun...exactly..."

"Henri," Peter growled lowly at him. "Just tell us."

I looked at Peter. "He doesn't need to." I chuckled. "There is no rule about keeping recipes the same all the time."

Henri nodded. "And they shouldn't be. I hate chefs that insist on the same thing every time." He waved to outside. "Cultures are blending like people."

I nodded. "There are fusion recipes being created all the time."

Peter nodded. "So, this is...?"

"A fusion of Americana and Cajun by way of France." Henri said simply and shrugged.

The threat of the Consortium still overshadowed everything. Again, the Consortium wasn't stupid or foolish. Hopefully the pirate trying to prove valuable to the Consortium wasn't either. Even if she had managed to track us to Athens. Her people could strike, but that would be chaotic. Our agents would fight and she could lose. If we just hid; they win. The military of Greece would hopefully respond. Our allied forces hopefully help us if they weren't already. They were actively trying to find them. As a result, they could be laying low and not drawing attention to themselves in any way.

"We can just skip this tonight." Peter suggested.

I looked at Peter. "Do you think we should?"

"They'd see they can force us to do...whatever."

"They already did that causing us to change our plans for the honeymoon." I said.

Peter nodded, "We are on one."

"We did promise to come back." I gave a shrug and nod. "I don't want to endanger Pano, Barry, or Edger."

"No," Peter agreed. "We'll make every effort to keep everyone safe. I just think we can't back down."

"Show no weakness," I smiled and looked at Peter. "Be careful. Someone will put you in a position of leadership."

Peter chuckled. "If we do it together, I'm not as unsure with you with me."

"We'll be together," I said.

"I love you, husband," Peter said.

"I know," I grinned. "I love you, husband."

Peter kissed me. "I know you do."

I was excited to once again see our friends. We knew how to get there and what was possible if we did. Communication wasn't hard, but it was in the air. I mean, the signals were out there and the more we did, the more they had to possibly crack and find out where we were planning to be and with whom.

The cloak and dagger life lost its pizazz damned quick. It was better in movies and television. There was nothing we could do but keep ourselves and others safe. We had a right to have a life, just like everyone else.

Our agents came back just before dinner time. I know I shared a lot about some essentials. A very important one is about what we are and what we do. We were social creatures and never functioned well alone. Necessities like shelter and food are must haves to stay alive. We evolved to have more than caves and something to satisfy our hunger. Now we were living comfortably, warm and secure. Food no longer just kept us alive. We learned that adding plant items made what we consumed even better. My describing where we had that shelter and delicious meals spoke of how far we've come as a species. There are other animals that appreciate being warm when it's cold. Do these same animals create what they eat or just consume rapidly to stop hunger? There are minds out in the world that say it is cooking that made us human. Theories about homo-erectus rose to what we became by not just eating things raw, but eating meats helped our brains expand and freed us from foraging. The discovery of fire and its usage helped us to learn to prepare what we consume.

Yes, this "lecture" about the science of what we are may be interesting, but not what you want to know about. This wasn't really a sidebar, but an explanation of the meals' elaborate description. I want to share it with you. You're at the table.

Our agents, who were now friends, fit easily into a close group of men. Laughing and teasing each other just happened with friends.

Again, we got to the large table in the dining area on time. We had been well trained. I was a bit surprised by the number of utensils and glasses set out. I noticed Marcea's unease as he looked at the table.

Henri rolled the cart out and looked at us. "I've taken you through a gastronomic tour of the world; Italy, Greece and even Korean. Tonight, we have service à la russe."

I understood that even without my high school French class: Service in Russian style.

"We have so many Russians on the Duchess, I felt I had to," Henri simply said. Henri removed the cover and showed Deviled Eggs...sort of.

Yuri smiled at them. "Russian Eggs!"

I frowned. "Russian Eggs? They look like Deviled Eggs."

Henri gave a slow, wobbling nod. "Emmm, well, yes..." He said grudgingly as he placed a small dish with four artistically arranged on them before each of us. "They can be. In Hungary they are stuffed eggs and so does Romania, Sweden, the Netherlands...many countries." He shrugged. "It's more than hard-boiled egg yokes mixed with mayonnaise and mustard. There is saffron, horseradish and capers." He grinned at me. "I'm sure you know what the little dark things on top are."

"Caviar," Peter answered for me.

I put my hand on Peter's arm. "He certainly knows what they are."

Mercea looked up. "I thought we had our fancy meal already."

"Every meal shouldn't just be to satisfy hunger," Henri stated.

Mercea was frustrated. "Which..." he waved at his place setting, "whatever we use, what do I start with?" He slumped as he whined. "I know I messed up last time."

Peter shook his head. "I don't remember that."

I nodded with a light chuckle. "Eating like this, just start on the outside and work your way in." I laughed a little more. "Here's a little more wisdom from the Sams."

"Katrina?" Yuri smiled and asked.

"Nope," I dismissed with a smile. "Grandpa this time. He said that at the end of a meal if you make a mess; that isn't proper."

Peter jutted his head at Mikell who sat by Mercea. "Just follow him."

Mikell shook his head at Mercea, "Then I suggest you follow Peter. He's the one I follow."

"I always wondered who made all the rules on how to eat?" Alec asked.

Henri pointed to the wall and outside. "They did," He smiled. "Greece documented proper dining etiquette first."

"No more gnawing on that animal bone by the fire you cooked it with." I stated.

Cosmo shrugged. "That makes sense that the birthplace of civilization would set rules to eat to be civilized."

"I've seen some that seem to revert easily." Peter folded his napkin and put it in his lap. He never considered what he did. Apparently, Mom drilled in his head so much as a child; he just did it.

The eggs were excellent, and I didn't care who created this dish. Chickens were nearly worldwide so everyone had eggs. It could be from anyone. No, they weren't what I had on Holidays in the United States. Grandpa wasn't bothered at someone who thought anything he did was or wasn't improper. If what you used got the job done. Who cared?

The next pleasing dish was Ukha. It is a thick, sour and spicy soup. It was undeniably Russian. When the other countries became part of the Soviet Union the soup spread to all of them.

Next was a Solyanka. A puff pastry made with blue whiting. Whiting is a kind of codfish. Blue whiting was not blue. It did have a little blue when light reflected off the scales. I don't know. It's just what they're called.

Salads next followed by desert. We had Ptichye Moloko. In English that's Bird's Milk. That's a light sponge cake layer between two layers of milk soufflé. The whole thing was covered by a glaze of thin chocolate.

Oladye with smetana. That is these small pancakes-like things about the size of the palm of the hand, and sour cream. The Oladye is not sweet. Grandma made them for me for a quick breakfast. When they cooled, you could eat them by hand. They were light and tender with a creamy taste and feel. The smertana made it richer tasting. It was very popular in Russia. The reason for having this as the final course is simple, Russians love their sweet foods. Cakes, pies and cookies were loved, but they didn't like the taste in your mouth shortly after that sweet taste. There were thousands made every day. Perhaps, millions.

This wasn't our last meal on the Duchess. When we returned to the Duchess we would cast off for the last of this journey. Back through the Corinth Canal, up past Corfu and past Montenegro and entering the port near Venice. That was hundreds of miles. It was so close to a thousand miles that's what say a thousand miles on the water. If things went well, we should be in Venice the next morning. Not the next meal but breakfast the day after.

Peter pushed back from his plate with a contented sigh and rubbed his now full belly. "Wonderful as always."

"We have to start working out regularly again," I agreed. "But not tonight," I said with finality. "We're still on our honeymoon."

I wasn't a masochist. I don't enjoy giving or receiving pain. Once again, I'll share some of the Sams abundance of wisdom.

The pain I felt now I did like that pain, but Grandpa said to welcome that feeling for its meaning for me. Something very important was changing or going away. I was going to feel it.

From the main deck where we depart together Yuri looked at what Boris had insisted on him wearing. Flapping his arms as if he was imitating a bird. It happened again with me. I was surprised when I saw Yuri. He was dressed like he was on vacation. Because he was! He wore this yellow shirt that fit loosely. I don't think pastels are appealing. It didn't appeal to either of them either. No hair gel, but his hair was looking strategically disarrayed. That made the years he had lived through just melted away. He had suffered from the same problem as Peter had; a lack of sunshine even in the United States. He went out, to escort us to class or talk to our guards. That's it.

"Yuri!" I said looking him over. "I love the color!"

Yuri grimaced and pulled the shirt out to see it again. "Yeah, Boris said that, too. There's just so much of it. I feel like a caution sign. It's so yellow!"

I chuckled knowing what would think I was talking about. "Boris told the truth, but I wasn't talking about the shirt. You are a very handsome man. The tan and non-regulation hair make that more noticeable." I said walking around Yuri. "If I didn't love Peter and you didn't have Boris, I'd love to date you."

Yuri began to blush, "No, I'm.."

I hurried on quickly interrupted, "In the past," I said coming up next to him. "What would happen to someone called a royal family member a liar?"

Yuri chuckled and shook his head, "Anything from being thrown in the dungeon, given the rack or even executed; depending on the royal family member that was offended and the subject of the lie."

I nodded, "Consider how I will react to what you're about to say."

Yuri rolled his eyes, "Thank you for compliment and saying you think I am."

I hugged Yuri. "No one can deny the evidence." I placed my forehead to Yuri's. "But don't forget; if Peter and Boris weren't around because we love them, we wouldn't even be acquaintances." I waved at the heavens. "I believe it was destiny." I stated grandly. "God ordained and just meant to happen!" I pulled back a little. "Any tan lines?"

"None," Yuri replied. "Do you?"

I raised a finger as I pointed at nothing really, but a roaming thought. "I don't have a problem with going to the beach nude, but..." I thought how to explain it, "If we all did it: no problem. If they were perfect strangers; no problem. It's that in between that caused difficulty."

Yuri nodded with a grin. "So, that means there are."

"Please tell me we're interrupting something." Peter grumbled lightly as he and Mikell came up the stairs from below. He wasn't really jealous of Yuri.

"Sure," I said back. "You're interrupting something." I wasn't letting Yuri go. "I was telling him I love the color. He thought I meant his shirt." I gave a wobbling shrug and said. "I sort of led to that." I held Yuri's arms out. "I think he looks great! Do you have a Casual Friday?" What I said was "U vas vypadkova pʺyatnytsya?" It was a direct English to Makarovian translation. That didn't always translate well; nouns, verbs and adjectives switch and words change from one to another, it sometimes doesn't fit right at first. Just like Peter didn't get the word green's environmental meaning when I said it.

Peter suddenly caught up. "Oh, right," he looked at Mikell. "In the West they have a day where they don't dress for business." He nodded. "That's a Casual Friday."

Mikell listened and understood more and shook his head, "Why?"

"To be more comfortable," I said simply with a shrug. I waved at his clothes. "Just like you." Jeans, t-shirt and athletic shoes he had was fine. "Do you feel better in this or that suit?"

Mikell smiled, "You instructed us to blend in."

My left eye narrowed, "Answer the question." I growled softly.

Mikell wasn't scared of me at all. "This way, but I don't feel like I'm on duty."

I nodded, "Everyone doesn't have to do it." Then threw my arms out. "Why are we discussing what we don't even do now?" I brought Yuri pulling by one shoulder in chummy, one-armed man hug. "I just said he had nice color! His shirt, too. I would like to see this version of Yuri more often; that's all. Geez."

Boris came in when I was saying three portions of the sentences. "I agree with Eric." He said simply. "That is a good color for Yuri."

Boris was in a bright green shirt. Not greenish or hunter green. I mean kiss a leprechaun or at least someone Irish green. They didn't care for pastels either.

I smiled at him. "Boris!" I said happily and left Yuri and gave Boris a hug.

Mikell chuckled, "You love to hug."

Peter nodded, "He does it least once a day for each; often more."

I turned from Boris, but held on to him. "I was used to seeing them every single day. We've been a part for two weeks!! I missed them. A hug is so much more that even one hundred of the friendliest handshakes." I wasn't offended or bothered. "I do it only for family or the closest friends. I love them." I went over and hugged Mikell. "That now includes you!"

The distance from the marina was about a mile or a kilometer and a half. I watched Yuri as he scanned the area with his eyes. Then he looked at Mikell to try to see if Mikell could see what he did. Was this a test? I never saw them talking with Mikell that much and usually there was some smiles and laughter, but what do I know? Was he doing to Mikell was doing with Mercea? Looking to see how well Mikell ran things without Yuri's input?

That was a huge step for Yuri. The only person Yuri felt thought could do the task in security was Yuri. He was extending trust. Again, in a loose group of male couples approached the Big's Bar.

The streetlight showed who was in front of Big's. I had sent Pano when to expect us and we were just a tad early. One of the men I recognized from his size. He was good looking, yes, but he was just big. He didn't smoke but spoke with guys that did or just wanted to go somewhere quieter to talk than in the bar. He was fussing at another man who had finished his cigarette and had tossed it to the ground and stepped on it. I loved how I could see what he was saying by his actions. He wasn't angry, but annoyed as he pointed to the smashed butt and then pointed to two butt cans. That's what they called them in the military. However, his butt cans were both bright red instead of that dull military green.

Someone said something to Pano who turned to see us. Even if there wasn't a streetlight his face could probably be seen as it brightened. This time, he walked over to us and this large man hugged Peter. I saw that Mikell was completely relaxed. Yuri had a cautious face on, but was fine. I knew Yuri had training and size didn't always count for much, but Pano would make Yuri work to bring Pano down.

"Hi, guys!" Pano greeted us. "I'm thrilled you came back!"

"We'll be back whenever we can," Peter grinned and turned to our agents. "I think you know all of them," he pulled Yuri up. "This is Yuri and his husband Boris." Peter motioned to Pano. "This is Pano. His husband Barry is inside?" Pano nodded.

"Long story much shorter," I added. "These two worked so long and closely to Peter and me they became friends and are now considered family."

Pano stuck his hand out to a Yuri whose eyes were just a little wider than normal. Yuri was looking at Pano from top to bottom and he the hand a few seconds later. He took Pano's large hand and shook it.

"Vau." Boris said quietly.

Pano's eyebrows rose slightly hearing Boris, but turned to shake Boris' hand and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

I smiled at Pano and quietly told him, "In Russian he said; wow."

Pano chuckled with a nod. "I suspected as much." He waved at the door of Big's. "Welcome back."

Inside was low-keyed activity. It was just ten o'clock and no matter the country or culture; even in more liberal countries...clubs opened early, but the action happened after eleven.

Barry handed a drink to a customer and brightened. He came out of the bar's serving area and hugged us.

I looked around and saw a few regulars I knew were here. "Is Edger here?"

On cue a door to the bathroom opened. Pano just had one. It was big enough for eight people. All stalls for sitting to pee. The regulations for separate bathrooms didn't really hit Europe until women began to travel alone more. But here? It was open to the public and women were included in that public but had to use the same bathroom as the men. I had only been twice before, but I never even saw a cross-dresser here.

Here's a little trivia. Yes, a sidebar again. There are over a billion people who refuse and consider it rude to eat with your left hand. Do you know why? I'll give you three guesses and the first two won't count. Using a public bathroom in Europe can be eye-opening. You thought a toilet was a toilet, right? Wrong. Many West European countries still use tanks high above the toilet and a pull string to flush. There are ones with two handles; one for rinsing away urine and another for when you leave more. That is to conserve water. England still had toilets you pumped. Toilet paper? Sometimes. Don't bother to look for the men's room or women's room. They don't really label those. At all. You check outside the restaurant or club to see a map of where they are. That had to be posted. You may not have cared much for this sidebar, but when you go there the first time and have to find one; remember what I told you.

Edger looked up and just like his sons, he brightened. "There they are!" He looked at his watch. "And almost late."

Peter hugged the man. "Oh, no, a royal is never late and never hurries. We are delayed and hasten."

"Good grief," I said to Peter. "You're practically quoting Julie Andrews?"

Peter didn't look at me, because he did, "Maybe."

Yuri shook his head. "Julie Andrews? Do you mean The Sound of Music's Julie Andrews?"

I nodded. "She portrayed a queen in the Princess Diaries and said almost that." I pointed at Peter. "You are gay."

Peter grinned, "You are, too. Otherwise, you wouldn't know exactly which movie it was from."

Introductions were done again for Boris and Yuri. We went back to the table by the back door. Our agents knew this place and were more comfortable. They all looked like bar guests. There was the occasional touch by Mikell to his right ear and a quiet comment by Mikell. Our agents did a check of the surrounding area around Big. The perimeter was checked every thirty minutes by a different pair of agents. Yuri's approval was given as he relaxed. Edger was his usual, not a bit worried about anything self. I don't think he'd be uncomfortable in the company of anyone.

"...and my son tells me I needed to meet someone," he waved at us. "And there they are." He had all of us laughing.

Pano came over and put a familiar little glass in front of his father.

Edger raised his glass. "Anyone want to try again?" He looked at Peter and me, "or the first time?" He wiggled his eyebrows at Boris and Yuri. "It's easier the second time."

I don't know if it was the old Russian superiority or not, but Yuri nodded. "Sure."

"It's Ouzo, Yuri." I told him.

"I've had it twice," Yuri nodded.

"None for me," Boris stated. "Just smelling it I know burnt some nose hairs."

Peter was suddenly nodding. "Yes! I know what you're saying."

"Peter claimed he could taste it with his nose." I said.

Boris was nodding now, "You could!"

No one was drunk. Hell, I don't think anyone was even tipsy. That feeling right before being tipsy? Loose? Inhibitions were reduced and conversation flowed.

"Why not?" Peter asked everyone at an around our table. His eyes almost sparkled. "Let's see if I got this one right. We done fell in the creek," he shook his head, "no, we done fell in the crick; might as well swim around." Boris, Yuri, and our agents looked totally lost. Barry, Pano, and Edger were even laughing. I guess a decade or more in Canada was enough to have heard it enough to understand.

"That was great!" I shook Peter lightly.

"What language? It kind of sounded like English." Yuri said.

I nodded, "It was, kind of."

"I'm learning Southern English." Peter smiled. He looked at Pano but glanced at Boris. "Are you sure, Boris?"

"Positive," Boris said.

"Three more, please." Peter asked.

Barry and Pano came over with the Ouzo. There were others that had been here before, and they were moving so they could see again.

Edger held up his little glass. "I know you Westerners from North America think slapping one back is the way to go." He looked at us. "If you did that, it hurt a lot." He pointed at us. "Don't." He held his glass up and drank a little bit and made a grimace when he swallowed. "A little bit coats the throat." He took another sip. No grimace.

"That doesn't make the pain last longer?" Peter asked.

I chuckled. "He's a primin' the pump!"

Even Peter who was working as his mind sought the possible match.

"I'll tell you later," I promised, "but first. Ouzo Edger's way."

The difference was felt immediately. The first little sip did hurt. A little. It was a little sip. I grimaced too as it went down my throat. I drank a little more. That one hurt less. I took a larger third which didn't hurt at all.

"You're right!" Peter nodded putting his half empty glass down.

"The idea of a quick swallow was flawed." I reasoned. "Too much, too quick."

The entire bar raised what they had to drink and shouted, "Opa!"

I was already loving Greece. I looked at Peter who was very relaxed. So were Yuri and Boris. This was now my favorite bar and then the Grotto. Jocks didn't count due to the number of security needed and we never went now.

Mikell turned suddenly and held his hand over his ear to hear better. "Skil'ky?" He asked how many in Makarovian. "Zadovho do to ho, yak vony potraplat' syudy?" How long would it take to get here?

Mikell stood and snapped his fingers at the agents and us to get our attention.

"Three men are coming this way. They'll be here in five minutes." He said to Pano and Barry.

Pano looked at his friends and customers, "Méri! Aftó den eínai trypáni."

The bar was a beehive of guys moving quickly around. They had rehearsed this? "These men coming are suspicious." Pano grabbed Peter's and my arms and was moving us quickly. Though a door he shoved us in a dark office and held his finger to his lips shushing us. He shut the door and I heard a bolt slide securing us in. "Just move the picture at the left side of the door. There's a glass window that will let you see but will not be seen."

He hurried back to our table where two of the men I knew the last time here were now seated.

I need this sidebar for you to understand what I'm going to say. Those who understand racism knows what it's like. It's everywhere. Greece and Italy were more the same than they might want to admit. When the three men entered the bar some of the men had begun making out, some were even dancing. If they were gay or didn't care there would be no reaction. If they were straight, it might make them uncomfortable and they would leave.

I was expecting young men with cameras or something. These three didn't have cameras. They were African. That doesn't help much. Africa is a huge continent. Their skin was black. There are so many various types of "race" with Humans. I will be blunt. Greeks and Italians weren't white. They weren't. Not really. Greece was on the edge of the Middle East and Europe. Negros have been in Greece for many millenniums. Before they were used as slave labor for West Europe and the United States, Northern Europeans we considered savage, because we were. At one time, the Celts spread across much of Europe and up into the British Islands from the Northern tip of Ireland across France, Germany all the way to the Ukraine. My ancestors from Scotland and Ireland were thought of red-headed savages. We were often the slave labor for Italians and Greeks. The Moors came up from North Africa and blended mostly with the Southern Italians. Sicily and the lower portion of the Italian Boot. That didn't explain the olive complexion to me. What did I know? Mixing races wasn't like mixing colors of paint.

My original point was a dark-skinned man was not unheard of in Greece. They walked into the bar and skimmed the crowd of men. To pigeonhole people because skin color was foolish. My judgement of them was based on behavior and their faces. They hadn't had a carefree life; any of the three. I could tell they had known no joy.

Pano finished washing a large beer stein and was wiping it dry. "Kalos IRTHATE! Ti boro na sou fero?" His voice didn't have usual happy tone.

One of the men smiled, but...he made it somehow threatening. How did you threaten with a smile? I could see him and still couldn't figure that out. "Three whiskies?" He slid what I had to guess was currency enough to cover that. "Please." That word seemed to be foreign to the man and rarely used. The three were looking around again.

"Should we worry Mikell and the others?" Peter whispered.

I looked over as Mikell was again by Mercea and they spoke with Boris and Yuri. "No, they were never on camera."

"Clearly," Peter said. "They're pirates."

I nodded, "More than likely. Advance scouts?" I theorized. "The Duchess' Automatic Identification System was jammed by Yuri. The Duchess should appear like all the other ships in the harbor. The fact we came to this bar last week."

"She stopped us off the West Coast of Sicily," Peter hissed a little. "How did she know we were coming here?"

"I don't think she did," I said. I threw my hands out. "I don't know," I said in a quiet wail and waved out the window at the three men. "We don't even know if they are here for her."

Peter's eyebrows rose and he did the head back a little. "You're kidding." He said in disbelief.

I snarled, "They're not exactly wearing a skull and crossbones."

"Have you seen anyone like that in Greece?" Peter asked. "And I'm not talking about their color! Could imagine any of them kissing anyone?"

He was right. I said their faces showed no signs of joy. No scars on their bodies could be seen and they were not happy men.

"No," I answered. "You can take a happy civilized man and get him to behave like a brutal savage. It's almost impossible for a brutal savage to behave like a civilized man. My point is, they could be any pirates. A band of competitor pirates to rival the beauty and beast pirate."

"More pirates!?" Peter hissed again.

I held my finger up, "More criminals. When you say pirate, I think of the," I switched to English because I didn't know the word, "swashbuckling pirates from the movies. These criminals don't have that kind of charm."

It wasn't from how they dressed either. It was them. They radiated threat. The eyes were sharp and looked at everything and everyone. There was a very tall one. Tall like Peter or Mikell, Pano still towered over them. He was the one that ordered the whiskey. He had hair that was very short. To his left was a man that was bald. To his right was a man also bald but had a beard and mustache. The tall one also seemed to be in charge of the three.

Pano placed three shot glasses in front of them and poured the whiskey. "Ti sas férnei edó apópse? Den écho dei poté kanénan apó sas prin.".

The man in the center looked at Pano. "I am afraid I don't speak Greek at all." His accent was different than the European accented English. "I can speak Somali, Arabic as well as English."

"We speak English here, too." Pano said perfectly. "I asked what brings you Greece and I haven't seen you here before."

"Business," the tall man replied.

Pano waved at some men who we kissing and toward the few dancing men. "I just wanted to be sure you knew what sort of bar this is."

"If we aren't," Baldy to the left began gruffly. "Does that mean we can't drink?"

"That wasn't my meaning," Pano shook his head. "I was being certain you were aware and wouldn't be surprised."

If they were from where I suspected they were; if they had any religious background in would be Muslim. Most of the Muslims approved of us as much Christians did. Then again, these men probably broke every commandment in their lives.

All was calm a few minutes. Then the two on either side of tall man split up. It was supposed to be two men looking casually looking around the bar. One even came over to Boris, Yuri, and Edger. Nothing was said, but they were looking carefully for something.

"What would they do if they found us?" Peter asked.

I wagged a nod a little, "I don't know. Call for reinforcements? I don't remember a memo on their plan of attack."

In the dim light I saw Peter narrow an eye and shook a finger in my face, "It's a good thing we love each other," Peter griped. "It was a rhetorical question."

I nodded, "You know me," I shrugged. "Anything left open, I can't resist." I grinned and waved at the bar beyond the window. "I just can hardly believe all of Big's is helping us."

"Yes," Peter smiled. "And not all of them were here either night we were here before."

"I don't want to endanger anyone," I said.

Bearded and bald came to the door to the office and tried the doorknob. It was bolted and secure.

"Can I help you find something?" Pano asked with a tone that said Mr. Nice was gone.

"This isn't the bathroom?" Bearded and bald asked.

"No," Pano pointed in the opposite direction. "That's over there and labeled in Greek and English that it is the bathroom." Pano folded his big arms over his chest. "Please finish your drinks and leave."

"You are making us leave?" The tall one asked.

Pano smiled and leaned over the bar toward tall man. "I am asking you to leave," Pano clarified. "I will make you if I need to. This bar isn't for you." Pano seemed to almost grow larger as he got closer to the tall man. "Do you have any doubt I can make you?"

Barry came up behind Pano. The other patrons at the bar who were friends as well as customers rose from their bar-stools ready to assist Pano.

Naturally Yuri, Mikell, Alec, and Mercea rose to do the same. Cosmo and Rolph were outside.

Were these criminals armed? I didn't want to find out.

"This," Pano waved around him, "is a friendly bar. My customers are friends. I don't think you could be."

"This is also a members only club," Barry said firmly. "You're not members."

Mr. Tall smiled but it was a predatory smile as in a bear before attacking. He dumped what whiskey was left in his shot glass down his throat and said, "I choose to leave." He said something to the others in whatever language.

"Waa halkaan. Waxxan dereemayaa," Bald and bearded said right near us.

"Aniguba sidaas ayaan sameeyaa," the bald one said.

Tall man nodded. "Let's go."

The other two walked toward tall man and they left.

Things hardly returned to normal, but a general sigh of relief was heard from practically everyone at the bar. Mikell was speaking to someone quickly now. Yuri wanted to be the one doing what Mikell was doing now, but Mikell working on something.

Pano came to the door to the office and unlocked it. "Be ready." He didn't say what we were to be ready for.

Then we heard two "pops" from outside. I wasn't even sure what they were a first.

I then saw Mikell sprint to the door, but he turned and shouted. "Secure them! A transport will be at that door in seconds." He pointed at the back door we had sat near. "Get on it and go to the Duchess."

Peter looked at Alec and Mercer, "Were those gunshots??"

Every agent had one of those earbuds, so knew what had happened.

Alec nodded, "They were. Rolph shot one those men leaving, but Cosmo was stabbed. Rolph says it's pretty bad."

I had a sinking feeling as what I feared now happened.

It's like I've said before, knowing it could or would happen and having it happen were separate things. Alec and Mercer were standing next to us. Alec was so close I could the voice coming through his earbud, but not enough to make what was said. I wanted to go help Cosmo. He had been stabbed and it looked bad. That was all we had been told. I tried to take comfort in that Mikell didn't say Cosmo was killed.

I looked at Yuri who was looking...well...blank. He had no expression good or bad. I couldn't deal with that now. My every move now was being directed. The need to see Cosmo was almost overwhelming. Not being where I knew what happened and see what was going on was very uncomfortable. I didn't have any control.

I saw Pano and Barry looking worried. They were uninjured and so were his many customers. Guilt came to me as I realized Peter and I had brought these men to them. No, we didn't bring them, but we were the reason they came.

I caught Barry's eye and he and Pano walked over.

"We're so sorry," Peter said.

I nodded and added, "We tried to cover our tracks..."

Pano looked confused and held his large hand up, "Whoa, whoa, guys..."

Barry shook his head, "You didn't do this," he jutted his head toward the door and outside, "those three did."

I nodded, "Because of us."

"We think they are part of a band of pirates that are trying to kidnap one of us or kill us," Peter explained.

"So?" Pano asked. "We don't care who or why, but you are unharmed."

"You or your customers could have gotten hurt," I explained our concern.

"But that didn't happen," Barry pointed out. "They were going to attack you for money?"

Edger came over and had heard what was said. "Whether it was about money or cause against you two being homosexuals doesn't matter. Steps were taken to ensure your safety."

I wondered how everyone knew what to do, "Steps? Who arranged that?"

"Mikell," Pano said smiling. "He called a few times to set that up." He turned and looked at his customers. "They helped."

Peter shook his head, "Why?"

A man I had seen the other two times rose from his stool, "You represent us."

Another man near him nodded, "You represent all of us."

Pano chuckled, "You need to check your webpage again." He put his arm around Barry. "There are over two million that have signed to say you're their representatives." He waved at his bar. "These are just a few of your willing subjects." He smiled. "Who else has stood up proudly in front of the whole world?"

"Things aren't always good even in Greece," Edger said quietly sad. "We have always been more liberal, but there are groups that don't approve." He gave a grudging nod. "They are starting up again, but most of Greece doesn't approve of them, so they're losing for now. Most people don't care one way or the other."

We were in a bar with some loud music, but the sound of sirens could be heard. This had taken place in a matter of a very few minutes. My thoughts went to Cosmo.

I turned to Mercea. "Is Cosmo alive or dead?" Mercea didn't know what to say. I saw Rolph come in followed by two police officers and I rushed to him and hugged him hard. I pushed him back a little. "Thank God you're alright!" I said.

Peter had followed me and he hugged Rolph, "How's Cosmo?"

Rolph nodded, "He was alive when they took him in the ambulance." He looked at Alec and Mercea. "Mikell went with him. He got into an altercation with the bald one. The bald one pulled out a knife." He held his hands a good eight to ten inches apart. "It was bigger than one you see hunters use."

One of the officers was female. She was a pretty woman even in uniform. She was schooling her emotions, but there was a little excitement. The other was a man that...well...I'm sure somebody loved him. I don't think anybody is truly ugly, they just didn't know how to take care of themselves. She was in her twenties and he was in his mid forties.

"What happened?" Peter asked. "Those three men left Big."

"What was said we don't know, Your Highness," the male officer said in a heavier accented English more than Edger. It was clear this man knew English but didn't use it very much. "The witnesses tell that the man who attacked your agent. No one knows why yet. Your agent was stabbed in the..." he lowered his hand, "the stomach? But lower than the stomach."

"Gut?" I provided.

"Den xéro ti légetai sta angliká. Eínai?" He asked the three Greeks with us.

Pano smiled with a nod, "It is." Pano looked at us. "He asked if that was the word."

I shrugged, "There are many. You've seen assaults before." I said to the officer. "Will he recover?"

The man nodded, but not convincingly, "He was stabbed deeply. I don't believe it pierced any vital organs, but I'm not a doctor."

Rolph nodded, "There was a lot of blood."

I frowned, "A stab there kills if not treated." I was speaking English to be proper, "Exsanguination is the reason." I saw blank faces. "They bleed to death."

Then, if this weren't so serious, the reaction I got a half a dozen nods of understanding all saying "Ooh."

"The man that attacked your agent was killed by this man, Your Highness." The female cop said jutting her head at Rolph.

"He was going to kill Cosmo!" Rolph explained but getting a little upset. "I didn't have a choice."

Yuri stepped up and he put his arm around Rolph's shoulder. "Of course, you didn't have a choice. I wasn't there, but you aren't a killer, Rolph." He put his forehead against Rolph's. "You're a savior. You were trying to save a friend. You didn't have a choice." He looked at the two police officers. "Do you need him for a statement?"

The male officer gave a nod of sorts, "The papers you have from our government gives you..." he searched his mind for the word. "We can't charge you."

I hadn't known this. "Diplomatic Immunity?"

The male officer brightened nodding, "Yes! That's it." He became a more appealing human male.

"But we aren't diplomats," Peter said.

"And neither are they," I added

"And the man killed wasn't a citizen of Greece," the female officer said.

"As of now," the male officer added, "He is an unknown. I seriously doubt he was a citizen of Greece. He carried no identification and he had no wallet. Our government is not pursuing charges for wrongful death. The weapon was...discharged," he said that word like a question but went on. "By a man that is legally authorized to. That is his job."

"If the death had been more questionable," the female officer said, "we would keep your agent for questioning."

"We had intended to leave this morning," Yuri said.

"Because of who you are with," the male said. "That's understood."

"Damn," I said. "I was sort of hoping we would have to." I looked at Boris. "We could stay with Cosmo."

"He's going to get the best care," The female officer assured me.

"We'll be short by two agents," Yuri said more to himself. "But we are going to Venice to go back to Makarovia."

"We can't just leave Cosmo alone!" Peter blurted.

Yuri nodded and raised a hand to stop Peter and to calm down. "He won't be left alone, Peter," He said quietly. "Mikell will stay until," he hesitated, "one or the other thing happens. I hope Mikell has to stay here while Cosmo recovers. When he recovers enough he and Mikell will be flown back to Makarovia."

"We can't see him?" Peter asked softly.

Alec looked at us, "Mikell says they're getting him ready for surgery to stop his bleeding inside and out." He patted his abdomen. "Then he will go to recovery and then a private room. Cosmo won't be coherent for a while."

"You two need to taken back to the Duchess," Yuri stated he turned to Alec. "Is the transport here?" To which Alec nodded and waved at the back door.

I turned to Pano and Barry, "We would like come back."

"Any time," Pano said smiling as he hugged me.

Barry nodded in agreement, "You two are members." He hugged us.

I grinned at Edger, "I enjoyed meeting you and hope to see you again."

Peter chuckled, "We'll just have to work something else out about how we come and go from Big's." He pointed a finger at them. "We leave Makarovia at the end of August. A visit from you three will be welcome there."

"Just let us know when and we'll make the arrangements," I said and shrugged. "The new airport is now working," I said to Peter who merely nodded.

"Or a train. Come see us in the United States," Peter said. "We have another two years at Northeastern."

"We will be school," I said. "So try to come to the first of the semester. We have mid-terms and then finals at the end. You three will always be welcome."

"This situation didn't spoil your feeling about Greece?" Edger asked.

"Absolutely not!" Peter said quickly.

"Because of how Greece has responded to this and the other situations," I said. "And how everyone here reacted, I'm loving Greece even more!"

Yuri leaned closer to Peter and me, "I hate to break this up," Yuri quietly. "They shouldn't try again tonight. If they were part of the team of pirates by that woman or another group, the police here will discourage them."

We were very confident they were from her. Those pirates from Somalia was certain as they said they spoke Somali. Arabic, too.

Peter and I gave the others in Big's our thanks and good-byes.

There were only seven going now. The vehicle would have carried all of us. We rode back quickly. We boarded the Duchess and Gretchen frowned.

"What happened?" She asked all of us. "We heard sirens telling us something was wrong. That was you."

"Yes," Peter replied. "Cosmo was stabbed and Mikell is with him at the hospital."

Gretchen's reaction one of where she listened, nodding as she understood. "He went to the hospital. That means he's still alive."

"Yes," I said. "And we hope he stays that way. He was pretty badly hurt."

Gretchen nodded her understanding. "Just let the Captain know of any change of plans."

Rolph was dealing with what he had to do. Nearly every person would have a reaction killing someone; even a bad guy. The hardest criminals may not have much of a reaction; even the pleasure of killing is a reaction. The scary feeling the first time releases endorphins in the brain is like a drug. That's why it was so important that a child that is cruel to animals and killing them needs psychiatric therapy before it escalates further. I was happy to see Yuri dealing with Rolph like he was doing. I would listen if he needed to talk about it, but Yuri had the knowledge experience to share with Rolph. I had known death and critical illnesses. I also knew needless death done by stupidity. I never killed anyone; be it the right reason or wrong reason.

It was very quiet on the Duchess. Yet no one went to bed. We just sat in the living area of the Duchess: waiting. It was lighter on the horizon. Even Mercea, the endless bundle of energy sat very quietly. No one read anything or instigated a game of cards.

Henri came over to bring us Peter's coffee, my coffee, one for Yuri, Boris, Alec, Rolph, and Mercea.

"Nothing yet?" Henri asked. Our demeanor and general gloom told him what hadn't happened.

It was after nine in the morning when Yuri's phone rang. Everyone looked at Yuri anxiously. It was agonizingly slow as Yuri listened to the call.

"Hold on, Mikell," he said into the phone and he looked up. "Cosmo is in recovery. Mikell said the doctors managed to stop the bleeding." He nodded as Mikell heard the report he gave. "He said Cosmo is being watched for an hour or so, if he doesn't start bleeding again, he's going to a step-down unit?" Yuri looked puzzled and then was nodding and said to Mikell annoyed, "Yes, I gathered what that was."

Everyone let out a sigh of relief. There was always a chance that relief could be too soon. He could still have potential problems and he could still die, but less likely due to since he had surgery. There were still dangers of bleeding again and Sepsis. Sepsis was a kind of blood poisoning. It came the body's attempt to combat an infection that came after surgery. It happened often and especially to someone with where Cosmo was stabbed in the abdomen.

"Which Hospital is it?" Yuri asked nodding as he was handed a pen and note pad by Boris. "I'm sending you some clothes and grooming supplies by courier. Hospitals never have good shampoo; I'll send you some. You have the card, use that for a hotel near the hospital." He looked up from writing on the pad, "I expect a phone text or call every day, understood? The Duchess will be leaving in the next few hours to go back to Venice."

I didn't like those one-sided conversations you overheard when someone was on the phone. The call ended and Yuri looked up as many eyes looked at him. "He is at the Evaggelismos General Hospital. He'll stay there until he recovers enough to be transferred to a medical facility in Makarovia where he can recover further."

"We can't see him?" I asked.

Yuri frowned, "It would be ill-advised. The only one that can visit for now is Mikell. He has the paperwork. You aren't family..."

Peter was about to object. I could see it.

Again, Yuri held a hand up to stop Peter. Yuri knew Peter enough to see it, too. "I know you may think otherwise, and you could probably get them to let you see him."

"He does need to rest to recover," I said. "Sending flowers and cards will show him how we feel. It will have to be enough," I pulled my phone out. "I have an idea." Sending a text to who I texting was better than a call. Who knew if they were up yet.

Peter looked at me smiling, "What's the idea?"

I shrugged, "I was going to ask Pano or Barry if they knew where they could get a Kindle; get it activated so Cosmo will have something to read. He will have that massive library of things to read."

Mercea looked puzzled, "If he gets one from here...what language will it be? Greek?"

I shook my head, "He can change the language he wants." I sighed stopping my two-thumb typing. "It's just a shame he can't choose Makarovian." Then I realized something. "You had textbooks in school, right?"

Alec nodded with a smile, "Of course."

Mercea nodded, too. "They were sometimes old and discarded by other schools." He bounced a little. "When you begin school in Makarovia, you're taught English. I had a few textbooks from the United States, Canada, and England. You are taught that even if they are all in English, but spelling is different. Such as the word favorite. F. A. V, O, R. I. T. E. In England they put a U between the O and the R. They spell the word color differently, too."

Alec agreed with Mercea, "That's why most everyone in Makarovia can speak English so well."

"Our classes are taught in both languages," Alec explained. "It's really so we can read the textbooks."

It made sense. Every adult in Makarovia spoke English well. When we showed Drew and Wayne the underground at Christmas, the children only spoke Makarovian. Their parents spoke both.

"So," I thought aloud, "aren't you taught Russian? The Soviets' Communist Government fell apart in the early nineties."

Alec nodded, "My grandmother and grandfather were taught Russian, but after nineteen ninety-one the schools stopped doing that."

Boris chuckled, "They weren't that well-liked."

I nodded, "I have another goal now," I said resuming my two-thumb typing, "I know computers have programs to do this. I want modern, up-to-date textbooks translated into Makarovian. Published books and novels should be, too." I looked at Peter, "And why the hell did you have any trouble with English?"

Peter threw his arms up helplessly, "Because if you don't use a language, you begin to lose it!"

I gave a shrug and a nod, "I suppose. I hardly used my Makarovian much in the past two weeks. I speak only Makarovian conversations with you, Peter."

"When you can remember which language you're using," Peter chuckled.

At the table one night I switched from English to Makarovian without knowing I had. "Did you understand me?"

"I did," Peter said.

"Then we're good," I lowered my phone after hitting "send."

Yuri came over to me, "You were right." He admitted softly.

Who doesn't like being told they were right? I looked at Yuri. "About what exactly?"

"The whole thing from me keeping my distance to keep the pain away," Yuri said. "I was doing that."

I shook my head, "You were traumatized and hurt," I said quietly. "You were protecting yourself. I can imagine myself in Cosmo's place." I smiled. "It would be depressing to think no one gave a damn. Cosmo will be told we do give a damn about him." I leaned closer to Yuri. "You've been good to Rolph." I did a quick point at Rolph.

Yuri nodded looking at Rolph, "He's fired at people before and hit one," Yuri explained. "He's never killed before."

"But you have," I said without the knowledge as that was true.

"I have on a few occasions," Yuri said grimly. "All in Russia. Never in the service of Makarovia." He folded his arms over his chest. "He's in for a rough few days. Our guards did in Boston, but those were random unknowns."

I hugged him again, "I knew that in that chest beat a heart of gold."

Next: Chapter 34: Makarovia II 24

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