Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Sep 1, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter One

I hate eating at restaurants alone. I have avoided it for many years. The wait staff seem to shun single diners, thinking their tips will be low. Also, in your larger chain establishments, the managers are worried about seating counts. I have watched many people go ahead of me that arrived after I did because they have a party of two or more. I was asked twice if I had rather eat at the bar. I decided this one time that I was going to hold out. I wanted a table or a booth. The only reason that I am even here is that I was given a gift certificate and it was already about four years old.

Finally, seated and my order placed, I had the same fear that I usually got. Everyone was looking at me saying "poor guy can't even get someone to eat with him". Sure I could get plenty to go and eat with me but it would come in groups and I always had to foot the entire bill. So look on folks I held out for a table and I am not going to let you ruin my evening. I and my family are well known in my hometown and luckily I didn't see anyone that I knew. I wont have to hear. "We saw Lee at the restaurant eating alone."

I was in marketing and also hospitality business for years. After my drink was delivered and my meal ordered I scanned the menu. Most patrons do not know that items are placed on a menu at certain focal points. The most profitable dishes are strategically placed so that you see them first. Most people don't realize also that the first item they read the description of is generally the item they order. The noises of the customers was soothing in ways. I eat most all of my meals alone and spend a lot of time alone. Even though they were not at my table in a conversation with me I felt as though I was not alone. Little did I know that my whole world would change in the matter of about two minutes.

Sitting at the table scanning the menu and the little drink and dessert menu, I was lost in the conversations around me. I didn't hear what they were saying nor did I want to but it was voices. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a child that was I would guess about three or four running down the row of tables. To my surprise the child ran up to my table and grabbed my leg and lay his head down on my lap. Naturally I raised my hands slightly as if the cops had guns on me. There was no way being a gay man that I was going to touch a child that I did not know, and with a full restaurant watching.

This is still the South and I didn't want to be stoned by the mob of bible slinging women that had a few too many daiquiri's. I know the trick. The order a virgin daiquiri loud enough for others to hear but whisper, "with a double shot of rum." I looked around to see if an irate Mom or Dad would be headed my way with their fist balled. "Hey buddy. Where is you mommy and daddy ?" As I looked up from him waiting for an answer I spotted a toddler probably under two headed in the same direction. As the toddler made it to me the little boy hugging my leg said "Mommy and daddy dead" was all he said. Deer in the headlights look would be calm compared to the expression I probably had. My heart had stopped beating and I couldn't breath. I was brought back to my senses with a toddler pulling on my shirt and then raising his hands and saying "up". O.k. Lee why didn't you stay home and eat something out of the fridge.

I raised four children by myself that were just left at my home. I also baby sit for my niece who at this point has a two and half year old boy and a three month old girl. So dealing with children comes naturally to me. Without thinking I reach down and pick the toddler up and place him on my side. Not easy in a setting position. The toddler lays his head on my shoulder with his face pressed into my neck. I can feel every breath he takes on the side of my neck. About that time I look up and my heart stops again.

Coming towards me is the most handsome man that I have ever seen but with a diaper bag over his shoulder. They usually hire the hottest men for models and porn stars but they missed this one. The look on his face was concerning. Not sure if it was fear, anger, rage or what. But it was the most handsome face. I watched as he walked my way and thought "holy crap". I am not sure if this hunk is commando or if he is just packed so tight that his package has to move with his body. A small hand on the side of my face brought me back to earth. "Lee you are toast" is all I could think. This 6' 3" Greek God was walking your way and you are a gay man with his two children. I would have welcomed the town chat of Lee eating alone at this point.

"Come on boys lets leave the nice man alone...and PLEASE don't run away from Papa anymore." First question answered. He is their grandfather. He walked up and sort of leaned on the table and I could tell that he almost fell asleep just standing there. "The kids are fine. Set down for a minute and take a load off and just breath for a minute." I said. A slight smile came across that beautiful face and he sat down with a long moan. "Thank You" he said. A scent of something came by my nose and I knew exactly what it was. "I think someone has a present that needs attention here." I said. "Ah crap not again. Give him here." he said.

"No you just set there. If you aren't afraid of letting me handle this you just give me the diaper bag." I said. " Oh by the way my name is Lee." I said. "Nice to meet you Lee. My name is Chris. The clingy one on your leg is Alex and the smelly one you're holding is Cody. " Chris said. "Nice to meet you Chris. Alright Cody time to make you smell a little better. I said. I took my other hand and rubbed the side of Alex's cheek. "You need to potty little man" I asked. without lifting his head he nodded yes sideways on my leg. " I need to go tell the bartender where I am so he can let me know when our order is ready. I got ours to go. There was no way I could eat and feed them alone." Chris said. " You just set here I will tell the bartender on my way by." I said.

Back at the table with Alex's bladder freshly drained and Cody smelling much better Chris sat there with an expression on his face that his world was at an end. "I wish they would hurry. I need to try to get home. Only about and hour and half to go. We have been in that car for four days and I don't know that I can make this last leg but I have to." Chris said. I could see tears starting to form in the corner of his eyes.

As I sat there for a moment and looked at this man-god sitting in front of me all I wanted to do is hug him and say. " It will be alright Lee is here." but I just couldn't. The waiter brought me out of my trance when he walked up. "More members of your party ?" he asked. "Oh no sorry buddy we ordered ours to go at the bar. I just had to set down for a minute and gather my thoughts. We will move so you can do your job. " Chris said. My mind was racing. Something is wrong here but there is no way that this man can feed these kids, eat himself and then drive another 100 miles. I looked the waiter and said. "This is your lucky night. If you do me a favor your tip will increase and your table will turn quicker. Go to the kitchen before they finish mine and "MAKE MINE TO GO"." I said.

Next: Chapter 2

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