Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Oct 13, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go " Chapter 20

There is still silence in the house. A few mumbles amongst the guests as they discuss can we help ? Should we leave ? What in the hell is going on ? Chris is on his knees in the foyer just looking down at his hands. Bob is in the kitchen trying to look up numbers for any type help in Lee's phone. Chris had calmed down from his rage and all he could think of was the words. "I need you, Lee and the boys here immediately." All that could go through Paul's mind was "What the hell just happened ?" Paul heard Bob's voice which centered him again and he headed towards the sound of it.

"Hey Lee, you guys on the road yet ?" Breanna asked before Bob could speak. "Ah , Is this Lee's niece Breanna ? " Bob asked. "Um, yes it is and whom and I speaking too ?" Breanna asked. "My name is Bob. I am Chris' attorney." Bob said, "Oh yeah, you and Paul are getting the twins. I know who you are. " Breanna said. "What are you doing with Lee's phone ?" Breanna added. "There has been an issue here. I need to know if you have heard from Lee ?" Bob asked. "An issue ? What happened ? Is Lee alright ?" Breanna asked. " As far as we know he is fine. We just hoped you may know where he is at. " Bob asked. "You lost him ?" Breanna said. Bob quickly explained part of what happened to Breanna and asked if she had any suggestions. "Give the phone to Chris." Breanna said.

Bob took the phone to Chris and leaned down and handed him the phone. "Lee, baby ?" Chris said with his voice trembling. "Uncle Chris its Breanna." she said. Before she could finish. "Do you know where Lee is ? I have got to find him. And Ms. Ruth called. I don't know what the hell is going on." Chris said. "Calm down Chris. If Lee is upset he always goes home." Breanna said. "But Breanna from what I understand he could barely stand up." Chris said. "Hmm.. Oh shit I almost forgot. " Breanna said She called out to Dean to bring her the laptop and hurry. "O.k. Chris just calm down. Lee is the strongest man I know. He will be fine. We will find him. While I wait on the laptop let me talk to Bob again." Breanna

"Hey Breanna. I guess since your grandmother has paid me a retainer that I need to call her and tell her what is going on. " Bob said. "Oh hell no you don't. You just think she scared you a little about the boys. She would freak your ass out if she knew that at this moment Lee was missing. So you just leave her to me." Breanna said. " It is time to earn some of that money though. Do you know where Alex and Cody are ?" Breana asked. "Yes. Chris and I carried them to the babysitters house." Bob said. "What type car do you have ?" Breanna asked. "A Mercedes." Bob said. "Color, model, tag ?" Breanna asked. Bob gave her the information. "Now listen close. You may have to break the law but I need you to go get the boys. Don't worry about car seats. " Breanna said. "Well they happen to still be in my car anyway." Bob said. " O.k. take Lee's phone with you and call me when you have the boys in the car and I will tell you where to meet your escort." Breanna said. "Escort ?" Bob asked. "Yes and for Christ's sake keep up with them. " Breanna said. " Now give the phone to Chris for a minute." Breanna said.

"I need help Breanna." Chris said. "Don't worry I have found Lee's vehicle." Breanna said. "Is he there, please let me speak to him." Chris cried. "No Chris we all have GPS trackers. That's how I found his vehicle. Dean is looking on Google earth to see what the address is right now." She said. "Is there anyone there that can go with you to look for him ?" Breanna asked. "Bob and Paul are going to get the boys. I can find him by myself. I don't have anyone to go with me." Chris said. Brian had been standing beside where Chris was at. "I will gladly go with you Chris." Brian said. "Who was that ?" Breanna asked. "Its a friend of mine, Brian." Chris said. "Give him the phone." Breanna said. "This is Brian." he said. "Brian this is Lee's niece Breanna. Bob told me a little of what happened. Do you mind going with Chris to find Lee ? Before you answer, this will be an overnight trip and you don't have time to go home and pack. I wish I could explain the urgency of another situation that has just happened but we don't have time. " Breanna said. " I don't mind at all. I can get a ride back to Atlanta." Brian said. Breanna instructed him to get a pen and paper and gave Brian the information to where Lee's SUV was at. She also gave him her cell phone number since Bob was taking Lee's with him. " DO NOT let Chris drive. He may argue but if he does just call me and give him the phone." Breanna said. Brain gave the phone back to Chris. Paul was standing holding Bob's hand. "Wow she is scary." Brain said. "You think she is scary just wait until you meet Lee's Mom." Paul said with a laugh.

Brian and Paul thanked all the guests for coming and made apologies for the events of the evening. Within five minutes of the phone call Bob and Paul were in the car headed for the boys. "What the hell is going on ?" Paul asked. " I have no clue. All Breanna told me was that for Christ's sake keep up with the escort." Bob said. "Escort ?" Paul said. They arrived at Pamela's house. Pamela had been informed that something was going on and had the boys ready to go as soon as Bob and Paul arrived. Bob called Breanna and was told where to meet his escort. As the pulled into the parking lot and young man stepped out of his vehicle and walked to the car. " Are you Mr. Bob ?" he asked. "Yes and I have the boys in the back." Bob said. The officer looked in the back seat and saw both boys in car seats. "Hey Mr. Police man." Alex said. " Hello young man." the officer replied. "Sir this is a Mercedes so please keep up." The officer said. Normally an hour trip was only going to take about thirty minutes with blue lights in front and in the rear with the Mercedes and the boys in the middle. Paul refused to look at the speedometer as they sped south on the interstate. "O.k. Bob. I am really scared now." was all Paul could say. "Talk to Alex and Cody baby. I think all the lights freak them out more than you." Bob said. "Do you remember how to get to Lee's house ?" Paul asked. "Not in the dark but I am going where this car in front of me with the blue lights is going." Bob said.

At the house Brian quickly got everyone out of the house. He held a tight grip on Lee's phone. Chris walked into the kitchen and all Brian could hear was "OH FUCK." from Chris. "What ?" Brian called out as he walked into the kitchen. "Here are his keys. How did he leave." Chris growled. About that time Lee's phone rang and the surprise of it caused Brian to drop it. Chris dove for the phone. "LEE ?" Chris shouted. "No Chris its Dean. Have you guys left yet ?" Dean asked. "I have his keys. How did he leave ?" Chris asked and had started to cry. "Calm down Chris. Lee keeps and extra set of keys in the truck. Just take those with you. I was just calling to let you know that his vehicle has not moved." Dean said. "Dean, I can't loose him." Chris cried. "Chris you don't know Lee well enough yet. He is smart and he is a survivor. He will be fine just go and find him. Call us when you find him. " Dean added.

There was a short argument in the garage about who was driving. "Lee's niece told me that in no way was I to let you drive. I love you as a friend Chris but that girl scares me more than you do." Brian said. They arrived in the parking lot that Lee's vehicle was suppose to be in. As they rode down a couple of isles Chris got even more anxious. "Damnit everyone in Atlanta must have a black SUV. How am I going to find him ?" Chris said. About that time Chris spotted what he thought was Lee's vehicle. "STOP, STOP the damn car." Chris shouted. Before Brian could stop the car Chris was out and running towards the SUV. He grabbed the door handle and the light came on inside the vehicle. Empty, wrong color interior. Chris sank to the ground. Brian jumped out and ran to Chris. "Is he alright ?" Brian called out. "Its not his. How the hell am I going to find him ?" Chris said. "Come on buddy we will keep looking. At least now I know what his vehicle looks like. Back in the car Chris sat there dazed as they rode another isle of vehicles.

Chris tried to concentrate on each vehicle. "Dear Lord. I know I don't come to you often and I hope this prayer does not fall on deaf ears. But I need your help more than I ever have in my life. PLEASE help me find Lee and he be alright. I will never ask you for anything again in my life. I know it was you that brought him into mine and the boys lives and I need you r help to keep him there. " Chris prayed. Brian hit the send button on the phone. "You found Lee ?" Dean said not even saying hello. "This is Brian. We are in the parking lot but there are so many black SUV's we are still looking." Brian said. "If you have his keys stick the remote out the window and hit the panic button. His vehicle hasn't moved. " Dean said. "Oh shit I never thought of that." Brian replied. He rolled the window down and took the keys from Chris. He mashed the panic button and a vehicle in the next isle over began flashing its lights and the horn began to blow. "There he is. " Brian shouted. Before he could put the car in gear again Chris jumped out of the car and began to run toward the flashing lights. Chris got to the SUV and could see Lee in the drivers seat with his head laying against the passenger seat. Pulling at the door handle Chris was freaking out even more. He could not get the door open nor get Lee to wake up enough open the door. Brian pulled in right behind the Suv and used the remote to turn off the alarm and unlock the door.

Chris finally got the door open and grabbed Lee and pulled him into his chest and sank to the pavement crying and holding Lee as tight as he could. Lee was moving some and trying to speak but not accomplishing much. "Everything is alright baby. Daddy has you and I will never let you go." Chris cried. Lee's phone began to ring. Brian answered the phone. "Don't ever say there he is and then hang up on us again." Breanna said. "Oh I am sorry. Chris jumped and ran and I was driving. I'm sorry but we found him and I think he will be alright." Brian said. "The boys are already at Lee's so we will see you guys there shortly. Let me talk to Chris." Breanna said. Brian held the phone to Chris' ear after seeing that he would not let go of Lee to hold the phone. "Chris calm down. You have found Lee and he will be fine. The boys are already at Lee's with your friends. You guys need to come on back to Lee's. Dean is already over there with the Deputy and Bob and Paul." Breanna said. "Deputy ?" Chris asked. "Just get your asses home and then we can explain everything." Breanna said. "Let me compose myself and I will drive us home." Chris said. "Oh hell no you don't. I just got a new uncle. I am not going to take a chance on loosing both uncles. Brian is going to drive you." Breanna said.

After hanging up it took a couple of minutes for Brian to convince Chris to let go of Lee and get in the back seat of the SUV. "Chris, this is Brian. I am not going to run off with Lee. Let me hold Lee up and you get in the back seat and I will help you get him in. But you need to be inside to help get him in.. Please. " Brian said. Chris' sanity came back for a moment and realized that Brian was right and as soon as he complied they would be on their way quicker. "What about your car ?" Brain asked. "Fuck that car. Anyone that wants it can have it. I have all I need right here." Chris said. "Let me find a parking space and lock it up and I will be right back." Brian said. Chris sat in the back seat holding Lee tight and began to cry again. Lee lifted his shaking hand and placed it on Chris' face which made Chris cry even harder.

Brian returned and had started up the SUV. By this time Lee had began to come around a little. Still not sure of what had happened or what was going on he recognized Chris' smell and knew that he was at least safe. "You are going to have to give me directions Chris." Brian said. "Tell him to touch the screen over the radio." Lee whispered. Chris relayed the message and the screen came alive. "Touch the GPS setting then hit home one. " Lee whispered. Moments later a voice came over the speakers. "In 200 yards turn right, In 300 yards turn right and merge onto the highway." a voice said. " Me and my man up front have this one." Brian said. 'Your man ?" Chris said. "Yeah this sexy voice on the GPS. I have a my man up front here." Brian laughed. "Well when we get Lee home you and your new man can make out all you want." Chris said. For the first time in over three hours Chris had a little laughter in his voice. They had to stop a couple of times beside the interstate due to Lee getting sick. Normally Chris would have joined him. Just the sound of someone sick normally made Chris sick but all he could see was the love of his life and he needed his help.

Arriving at Lee's a deputy stopped them at the end of the driveway. Brain rolled his window down. "Evening sir. I know this is Lee's vehicle but I need to see your license." the deputy said. Brian raised up in the seat to pull out his billfold. As he leaned out to hand the deputy his license his shirt opened some The deputy pretended to look at the license but could not take his eyes off the edge of the hairy nipple showing out the side of the shirt. About that time Dean walked up. "He is fine Keith. We asked him to drive Lee and Chris home." Dean said. "Go ahead sir, Uh I mean Brian." Keith said. "Brian huh. He's hot." Keith thought. "Brian had looked into Keith's eyes and almost melted. Realizing he needed to move he put the SUV in drive. "Thank you deputy, uh I mean Keith." Brian said. Brian felt steam coming out of his shirt and forgot to retrieve his license.

Bob and Paul met them at the vehicle at the house. Chris still would not let go of Lee so the men helped him out of the vehicle still holding onto Lee. Bob helped Chris get Lee to the master bathroom and get them both undressed and into the shower. The warm water began to revive Lee even more. HIs chest still felt like it was going to burst because it hurt so bad and his head felt like it was mush inside. Back in the kitchen Paul and Dean talked while Paul made a fresh pot of coffee. "Bob baby will you take this to Lee." Paul asked. Bob started down the hall and met a sleepy Alex coming out of his room. "I got to pee pee Unca Bob." Alex said. Dean was right behind Bob and heard the little boys dilemma. "I got this Bob you take the coffee. Come on little buddy." Dean said. " I wonder if the deputy would like a cup." Paul said. "I will go ask." said Brian.

Brian's heart was racing as he walked down the drive. He couldn't see as much of Keith as he had wanted to. It was dark and he was inside the vehicle but he knew that Keith was HOT. Keith had to be around six foot one and looked like he may have been ex military. But wearing the vest and the uniform it was hard to tell. Keith was at the end of the drive way admiring the face staring back at him from the license. "His names Brian. He is 38, five foot eleven inches." Keith thought.

About that time he saw a figure coming towards him. Keith put the license back on his clip board as to not get caught. Hi deputy, Uh I mean Keith, if that's alright. Paul made a fresh pot of coffee and wanted to know if you would like a cup ?" Brian said with a small crackle in his voice from nerves. "I would prefer you call me Keith and if its not too much trouble I would love for "you " to bring me a cup. Black is fine." Keith said. Brian wanted to run to the house. "He said that he would love for "me" to bring him one. The wink, the grin , is my gaydar working or am I still freaking ?" Brian thought.

Next: Chapter 21

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