Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Oct 30, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 27

Paul was totally stressed. He felt like his life was finally becoming complete but it was doing so at a break neck pace. He and Bob had a nursery to prepare for twins and Bob also wanted to get married. Lee's attorney contacted Paul about going forward with the name change. This would be one of Paul's wedding gifts to Bob. Bob had been working on arrangements for the wedding. At least the date and the place. It was tough coordinating between the two families because both wanted to be there and since it was not legal in Georgia it was becoming an overwhelming task. Both Paul and Bob's mothers were helpful but would move the focus from the wedding to their soon to be grandchildren.

Alex and Cody were playing in the great room when Chris entered through the garage. "Honey I'm home." he called out. "PAPA" Alex screamed as he jumped and ran towards Chris. Chris had become a pro at catching a jumping child in mid air. Poor Cody was trying his best to maintain his balance and make his way to greet Chris. "How are my stinkers doing today ?" Chris said and began to blow raspberries into the crook of Alex's neck. "UP" Cody said as he held onto Chris' leg. Scooping Cody up Chris made his way into the kitchen. "Hey baby. How was your day ?" Lee said. "Mine was good. Even better now that I am home." Chris said as he leaned over and kissed Lee. "Eeewww Papa." Alex said. "You better get use to that one buddy. Why did you say eewww ?" Chris asked. "You kissed Pop." Alex said. "Well I kiss you." Chris said. "I know . eewww." Alex said. "Well buddy I kiss you because I love you. I kiss Cody because I love him. I kiss Pop because I love him." Chris said. "Is it because we are both men ?" Lee asked. "Nope. It's just eewww." Alex said laughing. Chris handed over Cody to Lee and held Alex tight and started kissing him all over his head, neck and cheeks. "Stop it Papa. Its not eewww anymore." Alex could barely say due to laughing so hard. Even though Cody was not being smothered in kisses he laughed as much as his brother.

Dinner was finished and the kitchen cleaned. Chris and Lee had taken turns showering before bath time for the boys. Lee ran the boys bath water while Chris kept the boys occupied. Towels on the floor and towels ready to dry both boys. Lee walked into the great room and scooped up Cody and started down the hall towards the bathroom. Chris followed with Alex. Both boys in the tub. Chris and Lee were both only wearing shorts. Both men on their knees with Chris slightly behind Lee. Lee was washing Cody allowing Alex to wash himself. Chris took the bottle of baby oil and squeezed a little on his fingers. Chris slid his hand down the back of Lee's shorts and began rubbing his middle finger around the ring of Lee's ass. "The boys are right here." Lee whispered. "By the time they are old enough to know what is going on they will be bathing by themselves." Chris said as he leaned over and kissed Lee on the neck while sliding his middle finger inside Lee's twitching hole. Lee closed his eyes and held his breath letting the shock wave move over his body. "Papa, Pop is going to sleep." Alex said laughing. "He is tired buddy. As soon as you two stinkers are in bed Papa is going to have to take Pop and put him in bed too." Chris said with a smile. Chris inserted a second finger and began to slightly twist. Luckily the boys had splashed enough water on Lee that no one could tell what was water or the massage leakage of precum that Chris had caused. "Just getting started early baby." Chris whispered in Lee's ear.

The boys bathed and in bed. Lee went in for one last check on the boys. As he left the room and pulled the door slightly ajar Chris took his arm and turned Lee around to face him. Chris had already went to the master bedroom and turned the bed back and removed his shorts. Standing in the hall completely naked Chris pulled Lee's head in for a deep and very passionate kiss. He used both hands and slid Lee's shorts off in the hallway. Chris reached down and scooped up some of Lee's precum and brought his fingers to his lips. "Mmmmmm. " Chris moaned as his tongue darted back into Lee's mouth. Chris took his fingers and scooped up more of Lee's leakage and inserted two fingers into Lee's hole. Lee came to his tip toes with a low deep moan. Chris began to walk backwards pulling Lee with him with two fingers still lodged inside Lee.

Once in the bedroom Chris pushed the door shut. He pulled Lee's right leg up and placed it on his hip as he reinserted both fingers up Lee's ass and his tongue back down his throat. After a couple of minutes of passionate kissing and some intense finger fucking Chris lead Lee to the bed. "Oh baby I have dreamed all day of those luscious lips and that sweet ass." Chris whispered. "They are all yours baby." Lee whispered. "And daddy is going to give them both a workout too." Chris growled. Chris lay Lee on the bed and began to crawl up Lee's body. Licking and kissing as he went until he reached Lee's nipples. Lightly licking and nibbling on each caused Lee to squirm and moan. "Does my baby like that ?" Chris whispered. "Ummm hmmmm." was all Lee could mumble. Chris began collecting Lee's precum and coating Lee's ass. He then began to collect more and coat his raging cock. "O.k. baby. Daddy is going to enjoy both sets of lips." Chris whispered. Aiming his cock directly at Lee's twitching hole Chris leaned down to kiss Lee. As Chris' tongue entered Lee's mouth his hard cock entered Lee's waiting ass. Lee thrust and gasped for air as Chris continued to slide his dick inside Lee until he was balls deep. "Daddy's home. All the way home baby." Chris whispered. "Mmmm. Welcome home Daddy." Lee whispered.

Chris began to slowly moving his cock in and out. He would pull out until just the mushroom head was inside and then slowly move back in until his balls were against Lee's ass. Lee had wrapped his legs around Chris' waist with one hand massaging one of Chris' ass cheek and the other tweaking one of Chris' hairy nipples. "Oh fuck baby this is so sweet. Your ass seems to be made just for my cock." Chris moaned. "Faster baby. Pound your babies hole." Lee pleaded. Chris picked up the pace just slightly. After a few minutes Chris had picked up to an almost furious rhythm. Chris would completely remove his cock and before Lee's ass lips could close he would reenter all the way to the hilt. "Ooohhhh baby.....uuhhhhh.... ooohhh.." Lee's moans got louder and louder. "Daddy is going to coat his babies ass with his cum." Chris moaned. "Do it Daddy. Give your baby your load." Lee whispered. Though Lee thought that Chris couldn't speed up or pound harder he was pleasantly surprised. "Ooohhhh God... Uuhhhhh.....GGGGGRRRRRR.... Oh bbbaaabbbyyyyy. " was all Chris could say and he held his hands over Lee's head to keep him from sliding. One last deep thrust and Chris' body began to twitch. The veins in his neck looked as though they would pop out of his neck. Chris began to almost vibrate and he dumped his load deep inside Lee. Feeling the warmth of Chris' seed spray inside him pushed Lee over the edge and he began to shoot his load between the two of them. Lee's ass ring clamping on Chris' cock made Chris shiver even more. "Oh baby that almost felt like a second orgasm.:" Chris whispered. "My job is to keep my baby happy." Lee whispered while trying to catch his breath. "VERY happy. Believe me. The happiest of my life." Chris said as he leaned over to kiss Lee again with his now softening cock still buried deep inside his lover.

"Hello." Brian said. "Hey sweetie. I miss you." Keith said. "Hey sexy. I miss you too." Brain said. "You do ?" Keith asked. "Yeah I am feeling a little empty right now." Brian laughed and said. "Oh so you only want my massive dick huh ?" Keith laughed. "Nope. My lips are empty, my arms, and yes my ass." Brian said. "Well i can drive up real quick and take care of all three and then come back." Keith said. "No baby. As much as I would love that I don't want you too tired to work tomorrow. You carry a gun remember." Brian said. "Well its only a couple of days and I will be there to fulfill all your wants and needs." Keith said. "All my wants and needs huh ?" Brian whispered. "Well unless I need to find someone with a bigger dick." Keith laughed. "OH no thank you. Yours will do quite nicely." Brian said. "Oh it will. What do you plan to do with it when I get there." Keith asked. "Well one thing I want to do is fulfill some of your fantasies." Brian said. "Oh baby you have filled that already. You answered the phone when I called." Keith said. "Well I am sure that you have better fantasies than that." Brian laughed. "Yeah I have a few but they are not important anymore." Keith said. "Yes they are. I am here baby and not going anywhere. So I want to fill those other fantasies." Brian said. "Well baby just hearing your voice and thinking about holding you has my dick as hard as a rock." Keith said. "Well I want you to think of one of your fantasies. Decide which one you want first and then dream of me fulfilling that Thursday night." Brian whispered. "Damn you are going to make me jack off while we are on the phone." Keith said. "No you don't mister. That dick is mine to make it cum so it better not before I see you again." Brian said. "Damn you are killing me." Keith said. "That alright I plan to make my man and his huge dick very happy in a couple of days." Brian said.

Paul was exhausted. The room that would become the nursery was emptied and ready for paint. Bob had been online also looking at baby furniture. Paul sat down beside him to look. They decided which design they wanted and also decided on the colors for the room and the baby bed linens. As they looked back over their decisions Paul lay his head on Bob's shoulder and fell asleep. "My baby is tired." Bob said with a chuckle. "Uh huh." Paul whispered. "Come on. Let me put my sweetie to bed." Bob said. Bob started the shower and convinced Paul to join him. Paul just stood there with his eyes closed as Bob washed his body. "My turn." Paul said. "No baby. This was my treat. Now dry off and get that sexy ass in bed. " Bob said. Bob and Paul dried off and crawled into bed. Bob pulled Paul tight to his chest and spooned behind him. I Love you baby." Bob whispered. "I love you too baby." Paul whispered as he slipped off to sleep. Bob lay there for a couple of minutes lightly rubbing his hand over Paul's chest. Bob lay there realizing just how lucky he was as he pulled Paul in tight, nestled his semi hard cock in the crack of Paul's ass and drifted off to sleep himself.

The painters arrived on Wednesday to paint the nursery. Paul spent what time he could between work looking online for other things for the babies room. He found a double stroller and also car seats. He saw a couple of diaper bags that he liked but wanted to look at them in person instead of ordering them. By the time he and Bob were both home there was a long list of possibilities for them to look over. Bob pulled up a website and called Paul over. "What do you think of this baby?" Bob asked. "A new car ?" Paul asked. "Well and SUV. My car will handle two car seats but not everything we will have to pack just to go get groceries. And face it baby. Your car is great but its two door. There is no way that we can get all of us in your car. " Bob said. "Yeah I thought about that but I figured I would make do." Paul said. "Look we are getting married. We are having twins. We are going to be a family so we need to plan to be just that. " Bob said. "I don't mind trading my car. I like this color. " Paul said. "Do you like the style ?" Bob asked. "Baby as long as you are happy with it I don't care what I drive. But yes I like that model." Paul said. "Well lets try to take care of this tomorrow so there is one less thing to worry about." Bob said. "I love you baby." Paul said and kissed Bob.

Thursday morning came bright and early. Keith packed his truck before leaving for his shift. He would shower and change when he got to Brian's. He made sure the truck was full of gas and everything was in it so all he had to do was park his cruiser and jump in his truck. During his daily route he decided he needed to stop by Lee's house to thank him personally. Pulling in the drive his heart began to race. He never thought he would be so excited just to thank someone. Lee answered the door and before Keith could speak he stepped in and gave Lee an almost bone crushing bear hug. "Easy there fella. I do break." Lee said laughing. When Keith released Lee from his hug Lee could see that Keith had tears in his eyes. "Everything alright buddy ?" Lee asked. "Things have never been so right in my whole life. I owe you a lot Lee." Keith said. "Apparently things are going well with Brian." Lee said. "I know this sounds stupid but I actually hurt because I can't hold him." Keith said. "Not stupid at all. Frankly I am relieved to hear you say that. That lets me know that you really care for him." Lee said. "I don't think I could love anyone anymore than I do him." Keith said. "Well just be careful. Plus you know that you have been known as the "big boy" in town so you will have to be patient with Brian." Lee said. "Well I guess I am not that big." Keith said with a blush. "Oh I see." Lee said with a laugh. "Damn Lee he is like a miracle for me." Keith said, "Well just be yourself and be good to Brian because I think he feels you are a miracle for him too." Lee said. "You really think so ?" Keith asked. "Buddy you have to calm down. You still have to finish your shift." Lee laughed.

Brian barely slept knowing that Keith would be arriving in a few short hours. He was up early and had cleaned the apartment. Grabbing his gym bag he headed to the gym. "Today is suppose to be legs and ass day but if I plan on having my legs in the air for the next four days I had better just do chest and arms." Brian said as he laughed to himself. Just the thought of having his legs in the air for four days was causing his dick to twitch. He parked in the parking deck and made his way into the gym. Some of his friends were there for their workout also. They asked about the party at Chris' and then also questioned Brian about Keith. Brian tried very hard not to just blurt out that Keith was amazing and had a cock as big as a tree trunk. He figured if they ever met him they would figure that out because there was no way for Keith to hide his bulge even soft.

Tired from his workout Brian made his way back to his car. He had gotten the door open and tossed his gym bag in the back seat. "CRACK" was the sound he heard as a sharp pain shot across the back of his head. As Brian slumped to the pavement all he could think was "what the fuck?" One kick, then two. "You.. sorry. . mother fucker.. you ruined our lives." Juan and Mikey both shouted with each kick and punch. "You will pay mother fucker." Mikey shouted. "And this one is for your panzy cop on the phone you lying mother fucker." Juan said as he hit Brian across the back of his head again with a board he was carrying. "Come on. I think he learned. Lets get the hell out of here before someone sees us." Juan said. Brian lay half unconscious on the parking deck pavement with a steady drip of blood coming from the back of his head. All he could think as he slipped away was "Help me Keith. " As the blood ran down the parking lot , Brian lay their motionless.

Next: Chapter 28

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